Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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We have an electronic verification system, but we didn’t use it.
We have records of voter signatures, but we didn’t use them.
We could check our records for you, but it would take forever.
Aside from that, judge, is there anything else you’d like?
Rand Paul: Supreme Court should take on ALL cases against Donald Trump and dismiss them.
‘Creepy’ Joe Biden makes bee-line for little girl on his way to Camp David.
Bank records reveal Joe Biden’s brother Jimmy got a total of $1.04 million from two companies based in PANAMA for which he did no work & in which he invested no money. One entity paid him $840k after Joe became POTUS & the other started paying him $200k while Joe was VP
On Twitter [Translated] – “Pfizer has just admitted in the expert file for the death of my mother #mauricette that #vaccin #COVID19 caused mad cow disease type CJ as #EffetsSecondaires known. So everyone who is vaccinated can have a CJ.” I never understood the role of the “Prion-like domain” and why it was explicitly included in the Vax’s antigen sequence. Especially when all of this is so poorly understood. Then again why the vax used among the most toxic constituents of the virus the Spike protein, as its antigen was strange as well.
There is more disturbing to contemplate at this tweet and the replies. Including this old answer to a Quora question from five years ago, asking if prions would make a good bioweapon:
Also interesting was this interview with a former VP at Pfizer, where he knows something is wrong because he knows the experts commenting publicly are all saying things they know are untrue, and he knows there is some organization above the mere national level calling the shots, but he does not know about Cabal, and misses the final piece of the puzzle, which is what makes all of this really ominous. I have said, if I know better at my level, then as specialists in the field, they should have known better. You have not heard the last of the Covid Vax soap opera. There will be more in the future.
They are now going to use mRNA for the flu vaccine tech. The video at the link is filled with doctors making assertions I know they know are bullshit. mRNA has no manufacturing advantages over old recombinant peptide vaccines, nor is it faster to issue an updated vaccine. If they can make an mRNA vaccine it is far better to use the recombinant bacteria it is grown in to produce the actual protein and refine that into a vaccine than to extract the mRNA and then form an mRNA vax. You should not be presenting antigen on your cell’s surfaces, or you risk immunizing against your own cells and triggering autoimmunity.
Gates-funded factory breeds 30 million mosquitoes a week for release in 11 countries. The push for the switch to mRNA never made sense. If you have vats full of E. coli amping up mRNA, it takes nothing to let them burn off the protein, extract it, and create a standard protein vaccine, which we all know works. It is even easier to ship and more shelf-stable, and you do not have to worry about frameshifts causing the mRNA to burn off junk protein. But one advantage of mRNA – you could never get a mosquito to deliver an efficacious dose (as defined by whatever you are trying to do), of protein. The mosquito would need to inject like a milliliter or two, which is just not going to happen. However a mosquito could drop in some mRNA, which would produce many times itself (in terms of molecules) of protein, using the human genetic machinery to make the protein. They might have been pushing mRNA because they have a plan somewhere in this direction, to vaccinate/genetically alter everyone at some point, through some mechanism like the mosquito, or GMO vegetables, or GI bacteria, or something.
Airline passengers getting bumped as asylum-seekers vie for standby seats. It sounds crazy, but compared to these Cabal assets, you are a second class citizen.
Illegal aliens will get interest-free home loans under new Democrat California bill.
Biden CDC suppressing data showing alarming surge in measles, polio, TB cases slamming ERs across country is linked to Biden’s migrant crisis. Leprosy cases also are on the rise
Top military expert: Obama’s shadow government controls the U.S. Obama is not enough of a shark, IMO.
Grieving family and friends heckle New York killer who shot dead 20-year-old woman when she turned up his driveway by accident as he’s led away to prison to serve 25-year sentence. This had all the indices of the domestic surveillance harassing some guy and winding him up. Oddly enough, even the Police weapons examiner said his shotgun went off without the trigger being pulled, which supported his assertion he did not pull the trigger, but he was still convicted regardless.
Video – Former Diddy bodyguard says Diddy groomed Usher. Diddy and Usher’s situation led to Usher going to the hospital. I am not sure there was a bigger nightmare life than being a “star” in America.
Video which appears to be Justin Bieber giving one of Diddy’s friends oral sex in a club. Note, the video-er did not decide to film that spur of the moment, nor was it coincidence the guy getting the oral sex lifted up Bieber and turned him to the camera suddenly so it would get his face. Diddy would roll out with those guys all knowing the mission, get Bieber giving oral sex, and get it on film, so he can be properly owned. That is basically what the American Stasi is doing 24/7 to everyone, as it rolls through our society. Everyone scamming the decent people, is a very toxic influence on society, which makes it very difficult to have a cohesive team. It is great for the scumbags at the top to hang on to control though.
X users didn’t like a paper’s tone and findings, so they got it rejected by the publishing journal after it made it through peer review. It showed that as more people went for undergraduate degrees, the average IQ of college students fell from 120 to average.
Deer Creek School District responds after video shows students licking people’s toes for a fundraiser. Schools are no longer about making your child as successful and capable as possible, if they ever were about that. You really have to homeschool.
American Psychological Association policy promotes K-12 transgenderism.
US Green Berets reportedly permanently based in Taiwan for 1st time.
Woke Church of England posts job for anti-racist officer to ‘deconstruct whiteness.’
Germany confirms leaked audio of its top generals discussing blowing up the Crimean bridge.
Cernovich on Twitter may glow, but he is not wrong:
World War 3 has already begun.
British troops are directing air strikes in Ukraine.
Germany intends to bomb Crimea.
CNN appears on the verge of an epic collapse.
Matt Gaetz gloats that ‘we’ve now 86’d McCarthy, [Ronna] McDaniel, McConnell.’
New poll – Gaetz leads pack of Florida Republicans in 2026 Governor’s race to succeed DeSantis.
President Donald Trump won the Missouri Republican presidential primary.
Trump wins Michigan caucus with 97.8% of votes.
Voters doubt Biden’s leadership and favor Trump, Times/Siena poll finds.
New York Times/Siena poll of registered voters nationwide , Trump +5, highest ever.
Spread r/K Theory, because there is a supra-national conspiracy
From whom? Is he making phone calls?
I have no trouble with the Michigan cadets identifying as women to pass the test. I have trouble with there being separate qualifications for women police officers. It’s not like the criminals run slower or punch lighter when the cops are women. The two that are working the system will probably be better at running or fighting that any woman cops.
Most of the women cops, just none of the men.
Women will simply shoot to kill criminals rather than arrest them. On account of their weakness. They will go maximum lethal force with all their weaponry.
Good point.
But I still don’t support skirt cops for anything but dealing with women prisoners.
Men who can’t pass the test but pass the women’s qualifications will still be better qualified than women just because they are not women.
One of the original “conspiracy theories” that was backed up by documentation and white papers from the Wuhan lab was that this was a bat “vaccine” designed to be transmitted from bat to bat that crossed the species barrier and got loose.
The mRNA “vaccines” were always intended to be self-spreading animal vaccines, IMO.
Fake poll to see if they can move the real numbers by making the Dem “credible.”
Paul Sperry:
Bank records reveal Joe Biden’s brother Jimmy got a total of $1.04 million from two companies based in PANAMA for which he did no work & in which he invested no money. One entity paid him $840k after Joe became POTUS & the other started paying him $200k while Joe was VP
Just try to give money, any amount of money to one of your family members for no reason and watch the IRS swoop in and scrutinize it. The dark dealings in shadowy corners are seeing the light of day. I just wonder if we’re a small minority with our eyes open.
Tony Soprano had some no show contracts like that too.
So this article has something interesting. It notes that we are rumored to have airlifted Ukraine’s gold to the Fed. That would make the Ukraine war make PERFECT sense. We can’t let Putin take Kiev and show that the gold is gone.
Remember when Germany was trying to repatriate its gold? Not even all it’s gold, just 300 of their 1500 tons. The Fed SHIT ITSELF and started making all kinds of excuses and imposing delays. As far as I can find it took 4 years to finally get the fed to cough it up. I assume that is because the Fed sold off their original gold, and had to buy it up on the open market to give back to Germany. I think the NY Fed is virtually empty, and had to get gold from somewhere in case someone else demanded repatriation.
I wonder what Ukrainian gold that was. I remember early in the revolution the account of the trucks driving up to a cargo plane and guys in all black with Machine Guns offloading it to the plane and is disappearing. When asked later the finance minister said the gold was gone and he did not know where it was, but that it was all gone. It sounded then like a heist. I do not know if they ever built up a later stash.
I wonder if the rumor is just an assumption we took it, which might be entirely wrong. When Libya was going on, Hillary was running Cofer Black and a bunch of other spec ops and intel on the ground, looking for Khadafy’s gold, and it did not look like she was doing it in an official capacity from the emails. Around that time, her brother bought a worn out gold mine in Haiti, IIRC, and the belief was any gold she found was shipped there, and freshly recast and repapered with all new serials, to re-enter the market as if just mined.
It seems like there is a whole black market for that stuff. Like the FBI seemingly cleaning out the Civil War Stash which some historian treasure hunters felt they had found in Virginia, I think. It was a big lawsuit, still ongoing, I think. Then there was the White Sands missile test range lore, where a guy seemingly found a massive haul of Gold Bars, and the Army swooped in, and none of it was ever seen again.
This also brings to mind the incident that happened in 2009 at the Swiss border, when two Japanese “businessmen” were arrested by Italian police because they were found to be carrying well over 100 billion dollars worth of U.S. bonds.
The story was widely reported in the European press at the time, and you can still find articles about it online, but the whole incident was buried quickly thereafter.
Several researchers I have followed for years believe this incident proves that there is an entire underground economy based on bearer bonds and precious metals that us mere mortals have no knowledge of, let alone access to.
The world is far stranger than we can imagine.
That Rofschild who posted the Q&A alluded to them scoffing at Fiat.
Looks like the special coins from the John Wick movies are real!
Yes, an extremely private economy.
If you ever find any gold coins, don’t tell anyone outside of a trusted dealer. Sell them on the private market.
In the entire history of the world, not once has there ever been a time when the guy who told you, “I’ll hold your valuables for you and keep them safe while you’re away; for the low low cost of reasonable and customary storage & processing fees” and has NOT ultimately stolen every nickel of it. This is an absolute universal law, like gravity and taxes and scumbag politicians.
“SURPRISE, Cockbags!”
“The large print giveth and the small print taketh away”
“I couldn’t help it. It’s my nature.”
I leave you with a fun fact: according to back-of-the-envelope **very** rough calculations, the true price of gold & silver should be somewhere along the lines of $50,000/oz. and $1000/oz. {total number of dollars out there divided by the total ounces of gold/silver out there} THIS DOES NOT MEAN RUN OUT AND BUY A SHITLOAD OF GOLD OR SILVER, OK? those numbers have been more-or-less true since 1945, and the extremely effective worldwide conspiracy to suppress the price of precious metals has gone absolutely undefeated since then. (yeah yeah: “the Hunts cornered silver for about 10 seconds” how’d that work out for them in the end?)
I don’t disagree with you on gold, and double down with Bitcoin, being one that they literally cannot hide or play fractional games with, is right around that price.
Once the fiat system collapses into hyperinflation, there will be a massive rush to gold and silver. Guaranteed.
Main takeaway from the article. In 2022 China was claiming to be in 6th place globally in gold reserves. This is a blatant lie. Since 2000 China has mined over 6000 tons of gold, they’re claiming to hold under 2000. It is illegal to export gold mined in China. They also buy all the gold they can get their hands on. The US is officially in 1st place with 8000 tons. This is a clown world number. In reality I doubt the US has 1/10th that much gold, and China has much more.
If you can believe China about how much they produce (you can’t).
And you have to ask how much has been stolen and smuggled out of the country by big wigs.
The Fed warehouses not just American gold, but gold from various other countries. The same Fed has managed to avoid having that gold audited since the late 1940s.
“Trust us, your gold is perfectly safe. Would we lie to you?”
Republican Ted Cruz is neck and neck …
Maybe Ted should’ve used more elbow grease in stemming the invasion of his state instead of sendting out mean tweets slamming the Ugandan government for their new anti-gay laws. Seriously, who gives a f*ck about teh gayz in Uganda?
If your house is on fire, do you try and put it out or do you care about something totally unrelated on the other side of the world?
There’s some guy running for office out here in California that has promos showing him patting himself on the back for all the stuff he’s trying to do for other countries. I mean WTF? His claim to fame, stupid as it is, “I won’t do anything for Americans, but I’m a swell guy. Vote of me to waste your tax dollars”.
“Rand Paul: Supreme Court should take on ALL cases against Donald Trump and dismiss them.”
FYI -wrong link.
“Video proves a scandalous painting of nude Jesus ministering to Judas Iscariot hangs on wall in Pope Francis’ study.”
… the Pope’s paperweight an owl?
Where is that painting in the video?
I had that exact sculpture when I was twelve!! I’m pretty sure I bought in a Spencer Gifts or somewhere like that. I am not kidding. There was a fad for colored alabaster knick-knacks in the 1970s.
“Especially when all of this is so poorly understood. Then again why the vax used among the most toxic constituents of the virus the Spike protein, as its antigen was strange as well.”
Everyone vaxxed is likely producing prion precursor signatures and disease progression is highly likely within 5 to 10 years. This also explains the rapidly deteriorating global situation, since governments are aware of this. They were not joking when they wanted to reduce the human population below 500 million.
This. We discounted it, because who would be so crazy?
These motherfuckers would, apparently.
No matter how deep down the rabbit hole one goes, it can be difficult for decent people to believe other humans, or human appearing beings, can be so completely evil, and willingly acting in service of obvious evil.
Drone footage of camp in Panama
Homos, homos everywhere! From the pope to Bieber to on and on and on … this news brief is one of the thickest steaming piles of d!ck. What had become of our fair country and world?
We stopped caring enough to kill evil when it presented itself, and we allowed the weaklings to say violence is always wrong.
1) Public schools have been around for 150+ years now, and their 2 main jobs are and always have been “Passivity – Let The Holy Sacred Authority Figure Handle It” and “Dumb them down – just ask the holy sacred authority figure for the answers instead of having to figure it out for yourself”
2) We gave women The Vote, and the gals thought they would be happier if men were all Friendly and Nice and Less Scary. No more Loud Frightening Testosterone Macho Bass Command Voice, much less {shudder} CONFLICT, because that gave them bad flashbacks to angry Daddy.
You left out women subconsciously identifying with the person punished and resenting daddy for disciplining them so they decided to reduce or eliminate discipline even in the most deserving cases.
(And on the flip side of their brains they are begging to be disciplined and lashing out with ever worse behavior to try to get it)
AC, what happened to the Amazon/eBay links at the top?
Amazon shut down the account with no reason given. Credit card donations are also discontinued, no appeals. Ebay still works, but that is about it, and doesn’t really bring anything in anyway.
There is no connection between this site and DFT, which ran all of them, but intel saw the advertising revenue coming here, and ordered the killed. All of those companies are just extensions of the conspiracy. Which means you could not form a company like that to do sales or credit card processing, and run it to advance conservatism, or even just advance a lack of corruption. They would either kill your company somehow, or they would take it over. All of that is controlled, and covered with a thin facade of “you can do anything or be anything you want to be.”
I pretty much expected it would happen at some point, but it is OK, the main thing I got from them was, strangely enough, I think a pointer from God which I really needed at the time to be able to continue doing this. I may hunt down another merchant account at some point, but for now, all energies will be devoted to American Stasi.
I’m sorry, AC. I really hoped the experiment would turn out better.
It did turn out the way God wanted it and I got what I needed. Someday I will explain it.
He proved his hypothesis. While the experiment was unprofitable, I think it was successful according to part of the criteria.
May want to compare notes with VD and see how he’s handling it.
Taryn Manning played a jail mate of Fiona Glenanne in Burn Notice. Then she went on to play an inmate in Orange is the New Black.
Taryn Manning is the actress who gave the interview about the Golden Drink that confers everything one wants- life, fame, money, health. She has one way of speaking, a kind of hesitant, shy slurring tone. She isn’t acting with any versatility, which is what most classes for actors teach. There’s exercises where actors in training say one word repeatedly, with different intonations every time they say the word to practice conveying different emotions and sensations.
So, possibly, is she acting during the radio interview? Or is that her natural state?
And, I suppose, why didn’t she take it? She grew up poor, same as Mr. Donovan, the lead actor.
Donovan played K well in Sicario.
Every time I hear basically any news about Covid or the mRNA “vax” all I can think about is that think tank that predicted that the population of the USA would be cut by 90% by like 2030 or something like that. Then I think about the Georgia Guidestones and wonder why they were blown up. Hiding evidence?
Interesting article on Andrew Torba and GAB…especially now with the recent turmoil caused by his 48 hour ultimatum to pay for a pro account in order to be able to post media. Also, his use of words like freeloaders to describe non paying posters. In my experience, sometimes it is not the message itself, but the way in which it is delivered that is the most telling. I admit, Torba’s current behavior is rubbing me the wrong way. It’s not about the money for me, it’s how he’s handling the situation…and the ease with which so many people rushed to comply. Have we learned nothing in the last few years about not being in a rush to comply? Anyway. this article does have citations. Worth looking at, especially if you’re a GAB user.
Torba has posted he was not referring to regular nonpaying Gab members ad free loaders but was specifically calling out a subset – who use free Gab accounts to undermine & damage the platform.
Gossipy reputation destroying articles are inherently wicked.
If true, seems like Torba uses some shady business tactics but I don’t see anything so damning I’d avoid Gab altogether. As for the issue at hand I agree with Vox Day completely. The idea that advertising would pay for multimedia social networks like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc was always sketchy at best and has proven over time to just be intelligence honeypots and psyops. If you want something not directly controlled by intelligence and also has staying power you have to pay.
I joined Minds a few months before Gab came on the scene. I got on the Gab beta when it launched. I paid for Pro for several years. Gab has always been kind of a rough neighborhood, and I prefer Minds. My Gab Pro lapsed last year and I haven’t been able to catch a paycheck where some other crap didn’t come up. I figure I’ll renew it eventually when my finances cooperate, but I prefer to use Minds, which is a much better platform and has better people.
Absolutely. He could have given a longer grace period, allowed people 1 free image/day, one free video/month or something along those lines. I remember when it was almost all text, anyway, and that was more conducive to rational discussion. The images and videos come with high overhead and maybe more noise than signal. Cheesecake/pet photos, etc. are a waste of pixels.
That doesn’t solve the problem. 10,000 or even 10x or 100x that all spaming not just data draining pictures, but mostly soul polluting porn was the problem. I’ve blocked a ton of accounts spamjng porn. They’re all the same. Following 100 or so bot accounts and no followers, or followed by the same 100 accounts. No substantive debate, Just spam and garbage. Good riddance. As for the cult of free, they can kick rocks also. Go wallow in the cesspit that is Twitter.
BTW I understand they’re banning for misgendering again just in time for the election.
“to the QAnon and MAGA cults”
Cabal nonsense detected.
Yep, here’s the quote: “Over the course of Gab’s history, Torba has pandered to nearly every fringe online community on the right-wing spectrum; ranging from 4chan lolicon connoisseurs and edgelords to the QAnon and MAGA cults and beyond.” Toss the article and flag the author & publisher as cabal.
Tone police detected.
It’s business. Server math is unquestionable. Most don’t understand just how difficult and stressful bootstrapping an operation actually is. Business models must be tested by fire. He tried the free business model for sake of his convictions and it didn’t work. He must be commended for how long he held out being in the red. How he’s “handling the situation”? Please. This type of decision is extremely difficult. Dude is a champ. He handled it as well as anyone could have, given the circumstances.
It’s beyond me why people think they should get him to pay for their stuff. I personally will not sign up for any pay service, but it has to do with not linking my name to any accounts, not that I think people owe me free stuff. I don’t sign up for anything but forums on technical stuff.
I once again watched “Lord of War” (Nick Cage, 2005). Interesting snippets (cont)
Now if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would suggest the movie is saying that Ukrainian Arms dealers behind the worlds troubles pretend to be jewish and believe that (true) humans are lizard people.
PToD watching the funeral for its last victim?
Oddly enough, even the Police weapons examiner said his shotgun went off without the trigger being pulled
Can the beam remotely detonate a round?
Still requires the guy to be pointing a loaded weapon at someone. Moot point tbh
It makes a difference.
Not that you should go around pointing the gun like that, but it makes a difference.
The dude in front of Beiber is NFL player Odell Beckham Jr and he was being sodomized in that clip. You can see two hands behind him at the beginning. So degenerate.
They might have been pushing mRNA because they have a plan somewhere in this direction, to vaccinate/genetically alter everyone at some point, through some mechanism like the mosquito, or GMO vegetables, or GI bacteria, or something.
Unless God stops them. They will succeed.