News Briefs – 03/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Inflation Soars In Germany

DFT – Chinese Factory Activity Grows Fastest In Over A Decade

DFT – Mortgage Rates Continue To Cool Housing Market

DFT – Fitch Predicts Recession In Major Western Economies

DFT – Tesla’s Mexican Factory To Be Double The Size Of Their Texas Facility

Vox Day delivers the most mind-blowing amygdala hijack for the anti-white movement you could possibly deliver – here. This is absolutely a must-read. You are going to see this meme everywhere at some point. If you share it, stick Vox’s name on it and a link to his site, as it could double his audience. It will likely go viral because it will trigger every white-hater there is, and it will do that because they will see it everywhere in their own movement, and themselves. All the white-haters, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, the Chinese bimbo at the New York Times, they all date and marry white guys. Everyone knows, if they can, just by asking, give their kids white genes – blond hair, blue eyes, even a white appearance, they will. They hate whites because they are entirely race-focused – and they apparently prefer whites judging by their dating preferences. Which means, whites will not go extinct, or be bred out, they will eventually be the predominant phenotype, specifically because all those racists will chose to put white genes in their kids. If you tell them eventually the entire world will be white, and that black and brown individuals will no longer exist, because of the same reason their husbands and boyfriends are white, because they specifically will chose to do that, all of their heads will explode.

The most interesting thing with them is, it doesn’t have to be true. There will always be diversity. Black guys like Saint Clarence of DC will never give a fuck about any of this or pay it any mind. But its veracity is unimportant. The argument with them is not a search for truth, but rather some sort of social-status-test, for whose argument is the most amygdala triggering. And Vox has clearly just produced the most amygdala-trigger argument they will ever see. And for that reason, you can expect to see it spread, once people see the effect it has on the left.

Okay, so it looks as if the U.S. Justice Department probably has spies in Catholic churches. LOL! I literally had like 20-30 of them all around me, making regular contact, filling my file with reports, and launching psyops and provocations – at age 13 in high school – and they were all fellow students in the school around me. People just have no idea.

Kari Lake’s SC lawsuit claims that MCTEC sent 263,379 ballots to Runbeck. Runbeck returned 298,942 ballots to MCTEC. 35,563 extra ballots were inserted, and a Runbeck whistleblower testified that Runbeck allowed this to happen.

“Donald Trump is driving a wedge through the GOP over one of American politics’ thorniest issues: the future of Medicare and Social Security. The former president’s attacks on potential GOP primary opponents, and his warning to party leaders to stay away from the popular entitlement programs in their push to cut spending, are cleaving Republicans at every level.” I think this is good evidence Trump is not Cabal, and is fucking up the Cabal script. Clearly Cabal was going to order the GOPe to sabotage our side for 2024, by supporting this, and alienating the seniors who are the base of the party’s support. Trump has now boxed them in brilliantly, by creating a fissure in our side, so if the GOPe does this, they will also lose power to Trump’s faction within the Republican Party, and purify our side of its traitors. The only thing they can sabotage is their own power. But it is too subtle to be a manipulation of us, to fool us into thinking Trump is on our side. It is so subtle, nobody on our side would see it. I think the only explanation is there really is some sort of insurgency, and Trump just fucked over Cabal’s efforts to seize control, and drive another 50-50 election, through having their traitors in our party sabotage us, using this issue. You can see how this sued to work before Trump though. 2024 would come around, and we would be a 50-50 election which the fraud would fully control, and it was all by design.

Pillow tycoon turned conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell raged against Florida governor Ron DeSantis at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, calling the popular conservative a “Trojan Horse.”

Discover card to begin tracking gun purchases in April.

Biden vows to ban assault weapons ‘come hell or high water.’ A good test of Q, who said our guns are safe.

The treachery of VP Mike Pence, explained by Emerald Robinson.

Legal foundation says IRS algorithms are being altered to target whites and Asians with audits.

At least three prominent Fox News stars are set to be axed from the embattled news network to help Rupert Murdoch save face amid the ongoing $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against him and his company – Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, and Jeanine Pirro, as well as Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott.

From here: Hunter Biden plotted in 2019 to betray the family’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin amid their crumbling relationship… messages obtained by Breitbart News from Hunter’s laptop reveal. Hunter’s damaged relationship with Schwerin is notable because Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide revealing documents about the Biden family business to Republican House investigators, according to the House Oversight Committee.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein is receiving treatment for shingles in a California hospital, Fox News Digital has confirmed. Vaxxed?

Fetterman and Feinstein absences leave Senate Democrats without outright majority.

Journalist and author Matt Taibbi noted the U.S. government’s role in creating a “new cottage industry” of “disinformation labs” ostensibly combatting fraudulent online propaganda in the interest of national security in his latest Twitter Files report published Thursday.

The latest batch of Twitter Files released by Twitter owner Elon Musk blew the lid off a coordinated effort to create “state-sponsored blacklists.”

Pentagon Inspector General: Joe Biden is hiding classified documents detailing side deals he made with Taliban and against US troops.

Ron DeSantis book signing event in Florida turns ugly when security guard is ordered to boot pro-Donald supporters – as tension between Republican rivals escalates.

Florida Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-Lake Mary) wants bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and other members of the Florida executive cabinet or legislature to register with the state or face fines.

Biden says he will visit East Palestine ‘at some point.’ He is just waiting for the toxic chemicals that are killing everyone to dissipate.

Revolver pulls together the different pieces on the CIA and three-letter agencies’ involvement in the drug trade.

Biden’s DHS funnels $350 million to illegal aliens released into U.S. communities. From the piece – “The taxpayer funds were authorized by Congress and the figure is set to rise to $800 million in social support services for newly released border crossers and illegal aliens.” There is no reason to funnel money to these people, who supposedly cannot even vote, unless they are agents of this thing, here to perform a service for it.

Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world’s most mRNA vaccinated countries, as live births plunged, beinning in March 2022, EXACTLY nine months after Singapore mass vaccinated people of childbearing age.

White House pitches $1.6 billion plan to combat Covid relief fraud. Sounds like a Babylon Bee headline – “Government proposes spending more billions to find out who stole last billions it proposed spending.”

Medicare & insurance data agree: more people are dying suddenly.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when little was known about the novel virus, the U.K. government briefly considered asking the public to exterminate every cat amid fears that the pets could spread the disease.

U.S. Senate votes unanimously to declassify COVID-19 Wuhan lab leak intelligence: “Let the people see the truth!”

Biden regime confirms commitment to “legally-binding” agreement which will surrender U.S. pandemic authority to Chinese-backed World Health Organization “for generations to come.”

A Philippines court has issued an international arrest warrant for Bill Gates, as part of an investigation into the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out in the territory. was breached by hackers, who appear to have downloaded the data on users and auctions won, and stored it quietly on another server which was discovered by a researcher. Sounds more like intel than hackers.

The heads of a dozen US railroad unions said Wednesday that workers are getting sick at the site of the toxic Ohio train derailment with “migraines and nausea.” And the chemical is normally known as a threat as a carcinogen when exposed to levels below those which produce acute symptoms. What happens when you are exposed to levels which produce acute illness?

LGBTQ-activist Dem mayor, who was ‘mentored’ by Buttigieg, arrested on dozens of counts of possessing and distributing child pornography, totaling 56 child sex offenses.

Maryland mayor who recently visited White House busted on child porn charges.

Sen. John Fetterman, who hospitalized and under medical observation, is apparently joining legislative efforts and co-signing legislation.

Fetterman health cover-up: Chief of Staff insta-blocks reporter who asked how Senator can sponsor bills while being held incommunicado for two weeks in a psyche ward.

Two civil lawsuits have been filed against Kyle Rittenhouse and others, stemming from Rittenhouse’ self-defense shootings of three men who assaulted him during the Kenosha riots – one by Gaige Grosskruetz, who was wounded after pursuing Kyle Rittenhouse and while pointing his pistol at Kyle, and the other lawsuit by the estate of Anthony Huber, who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard.

Seattle school district forced to do layoffs amid plummeting student enrollments. Every so often, when I am holed up in the middle of nowhere, I noticed every time I pass this school on my way out of town, a Sheriff’s vehicle turns out of a side street and drives opposite me, or leads me. I assume it is a flex, to convince me they are throughout law enforcement in the area or something. I caught a better look at the side a few days back, and lo and behold the side of the cruiser says “School Resource Officer.” So whoever is in that car is taking orders from the secret intel op compromising everything. Of all the cops to recruit or place, they took the school cop, because he is all throughout the school – that is a primary intel-objective for them. And this is not an area with gangs, or drugs, or rampant crime. It is about as American apple-pie as you can get. So all these schools parents hand their kids to, are like dedicated CIA psyop centers, filled with domestic intel, including kid spies acting like students alongside all the other kids. All of which is devoted to finding who will be a threat of accomplishing something, and maybe becoming a real-world Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, so they can hamper them, and make sure the real Jeff Bezoses and Elon Musks are their fake actors, fully intimidatable and under their control, and reading their script. I never knew that when I was eight, and hooked up to all their machines testing what tones I could hear in each ear, what my angle of my peripheral vision was, what my hand-eye reaction time was, or how I would do on the Zenner psychic card test. I didn’t even really think to myself that was as weird as it looks now, looking back – especially given how the non-GATE kids were entirely ignored, like nobody cared what tones they could hear, or how far out of the corner of their eye they could see stuff. I’d be fucked if I would ever let any kid of mine in a public school now, knowing how it works. They are literally taking them all to auditoriums in some schools and having some shrink/hypnotist do group hypnosis to find the best wind-up toys in some schools. You might as well take a baseball bat to your kid’s knees to cripple them for the conspiracy and be done with it. At least parents seem to be wising up.

‘How dare you!’ Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she’s ‘shocked’ at ‘despicable’ Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology. Narcissists laugh when they feel guilty inside, as a way of trying to appear outside as if they are not guilty, and bluff their way out of an amygdala hijack. You will often see it in the early stages of the amygdala hijack. If you press on, the laughing swiftly transitions to angry denial with aggressive hand-waving and thrusting, and the amygdala can be amped up even more from there until you get a full shutdown. But those who are unlike the narcissist, and who do not have an intimate understanding of them from long periods spent around them observing them, will think the laughter marks, as it would in any normal person, casual disregard. It does not.

Fans threaten to boycott chocolate maker after it puts a trans woman’s face on its candy wrappers for International Women’s Day.

JayCee Cooper, a transgender powerlifter born a male, has won a big victory in liberal Minnesota after a court ruled that USA Powerlifting violated Cooper’s rights under state law by barring him from competing as a woman.

Ad-space buyers say Fox News’ homepage redesign to highlight more non-hard news coverage is a ‘smart’ move. Ad-space buyers are the money-launderers and bag men of the intel psyop which controls what people see –  and what they think.

Rick Scott demands audit of Orlando prosecutor who failed to lock up career criminal gangster, 19, who killed journalist and a nine-year-old girl.. as she DEFENDS her office, saying ‘hindsight is 20/20.’

Delaware lowers passing score on bar exam in push for racial diversity: ‘Not supposed to be a barrier.’ Again, it is not about the meritocracy.

Portland’s mayor turns down Nike’s request for help with theft at its stores, as Walmart is closing remaining stores in the city.

In San Francisco, just 3 cops serve 130,000 residents in Sunset precinct at night. They are not kidding about defunding the Police. Once you go that far, you are better off getting rid of all government entirely, and letting citizens shoot, shovel, and shut up.

Disney in new woke row after fans blast Peter Pan movie for including GIRLS in Lost Boys – with critics already labelling it a ‘flop.’ You live in a Capitalist system, anon, where only those entirely focused on winning, 100%, survive.

Researchers identify three intestinal bacteria found in dementia with Lewy bodies (Bifidobacterium, Ruminococcus torques, & Collinsella help). I do not believe there is that much difference in us genetically. The main differences will be in immunity, but most of the machinery, from Myosin to ion channels, will be relatively standardized. So when I see so many of these diseases, where the body worked fine, and then just broke down and gave out as people got older, I see the major point in variability – the microbes of the GI tract, and the myriad of variable bioactive compounds they release, which get absorbed into the bloodstream like nutrients or drugs. If Robin Williams had begun taking a daily tea of Chinese laxative herbs DaHuang, Zhi Shi, Zhi Ke, and Qing Pi, or just took five or six magnesium supplement pills, to clear out his GI tract, this study means he might have been able to control his disease.

Researchers have demonstrated that cooking pasta in chloramine-treated drinking water with iodized table salt could produce potentially harmful byproducts.

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, have been asked to move out of Frogmore Cottage, their five-bedroom Georgian house on the grounds of Windsor Castle, the couple’s press secretary said, in a further sign of the bitter rupture between them and the British royal family.

Kayla Lemieux, a biological male, trans Canadian shop teacher who teaches class wearing oversized prosthetic breasts, has reportedly been placed on leave from Oakville Trafalgar High School. Finally, he may be able to sue for $100 million and get his sailboat to cruise the Cinque Terre. At least that would be what I would be doing.

South Africa’s Pistorius up for parole in girlfriend’s murder.

German defense minister says his country cannot protect itself in war because the army of his country is understaffed and does not have adequate equipment as it has been neglected from the federal government for decades.

Two Russian billionaires who have managed to dodge US sanctions over Moscow’s year-old invasion of Ukraine went property shopping with Hunter Biden, dined with then-Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed “favors” they might swap, sources tell The Post.

Documents recently obtained by Human Events show that Alexander Vindman has been pitching the government of Ukraine to obtain millions in lucrative defense contracts. It is a free for all.

Zelensky in one of his degenerate “comedy” bits, before he went on to become the lunatic who is on the cusp of touching off WWIII and getting a few hundred million people killed. I remember way back somebody telling me something in passing about CIA recruiting some local actor in some small theater company in a small town who wasn’t even interested in joining. I filed it away as somebody telling him a bullshit story, because I thought to myself CIA had free pickings from the SpecOps community, where among those tens of thousands, some of the guys would look as geeky as fuck, be as smart as whips, as adaptable as anyone, and have amazing lethality in their back pocket at all times, while looking completely harmless. But I look at Zelensky, and realize the ones doing the pickings are not looking for those best at the mission, the most capable. They are looking to recruit people who can just barely do the role, are probably degenerate and blackmailable as fuck, and who will never be able to threaten to do so well they would get promoted and take the position of the pickers away from them. It is a real strength for our side, if we can ever wake everyone up to what is going on.

NBC News / MSNBC concedes that Zelensky’s goal of retaking Crimea is unrealistic and dangerous.

Moscow on Thursday (Mar 2) claimed that Ukrainians had crossed into southern Russia and murdered two civilians. Putin calling it a terrorist attack. More: Russia says that Ukrainian infiltrators in the Bryansk region opened fire on a civilian car killing two and wounding a child. More details related to the attack from Russian media including the story of the wounded boy rescuing other children during the attack.

Bakhmut burning: fires everywhere as Russians close in on city’s capture.

Bakhmut on the brink as Ukraine signals retreat from the city.

Biden challenged by softening public support for arming Ukraine.


Me Three.

California city nearly eliminates homeless population with zero-tolerance policy on encampments [Coronado].

Newsom attacks California judge who is soon to overturn the state’s assault weapons ban.

Republicans are keeping up the pressure on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) as a new Senate bill aims to force more transparency from the agency.

Trump crushing Nikki Haley, the choice of 18% of Democrats.

Donald Trump holds a 30-point lead against Ron DeSantis.

President Donald Trump promised to deliver a recipe that would “fix” the myriad of problems plaguing the United States at the hands of the inept Biden administration, previewing his anticipated remarks on Saturday at the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in a statement posted to Truth Social.

Spread r/K Theory, because valuing competence is a huge advantage when your enemy seeks degenerate halfwits

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“Everyone knows, if they can, just by asking, give their kids white genes – blond hair, blue eyes, even a white appearance, they will.”
I agree with this but the key to being a healthy human is to just accept and be happy with whichever of the lesser races you happen to belong to.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You mean Republic of Korea, right?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

True. but it would be interesting to see the various races have more variety of color in eyes and hair.
Will make for interesting results.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Green eyes are the master race.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lets have a war. We will kick your butt.

Or, lets not have a war and embrace European diversity.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

It doesn’t hurt to introduce a variety of hair colors and eye colors to the various races.
That why there are less channels of envy.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Okay, so it looks as if the U.S. Justice Department probably has spies in Catholic churches.

I met a guy in my neighborhood who is DHS. He called himself a “Fed” lol. Asked me a bunch of weird questions, where I worked, where my kids go the school, etc.

I didn’t tell him shit. “How about the weather?”

My rule: don’t associate with ANY federal employees, ever. And yes I extend this to “ex”-military from 1999 to present. Sorry vets (not sorry).

Reply to  Fart Simpson
1 year ago

I grew up outside the beltway in the 80s

Federal Gov employees are f’d up.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Zero Hedge: “Comply Promptly”: House Judiciary, Intel Committees Send Demand Letters To Officials Who Discredited Hunter Biden Story”
A RINO comedy routine: if the “Republicans” were really serious, they would send the Capitol Police; but, apparently, only the Democrats can do such things such as actually rule.

2 years ago

> Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Declassify COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Leak Intelligence

Well there’s an effective way to debunk a story. If they’re unanimously for it then it’s obviously a fabrication.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or, they see the handwriting on the wall, and I’m trying to get ahead of it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Chyna is in the Ukraine, so are all those Bio-labs.
The Truths wrapped up in a lie as usual!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Chyna is in the Ukraine,
The truth’s wrapped up in a lie, as usual!

2 years ago

> Trans Weightlifter Wins Discrimination Lawsuit Against USA Powerlifting

College-educated young adult women overwhelmingly vote liberal. Let the leftists reap what they’ve sown. I hope the trannies destroy women’s sports.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I can’t understand why most so-called conservatives shoot themselves in the foot on this issue. Their continual, vocal opposition to trannies in women’s sports shows how truly cucked these idiots are. Let women’s sports fail…they’ve been destroying everything men enjoy for decades.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Why would they ever repent and switch to our side if we do not oppose these things?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Feminists demanded androgyny, now they have it.

2 years ago

Researchers identify three intestinal bacteria found in dementia with Lewy bodies
From reading the story, the headline gets the ack-basswards. Bifidobacterium protects against dementia, so those who lack bifidobacterium decline cognitively. Ruminococcus torques and Collinsella are protective against decline in motor skills but not cognition.

2 years ago

I guess Rittenhouse violated their civil rights. /eyeroll
Hannity getting sacrificed gets rid of a liability in that Sean likes the young reporters. Good riddance to Neocon trash.
On another legal note, the idiot box was all ablather about the verdict in the Murdaugh case. I know this has been beaten to death but some details didn’t sit right with me. The son was shotgunned so bad his head was nearly gone; the wife was shot with a rifle. Was this guy all kitted out for war? If his pill addiction was as bad as claimed, rolling hot with a shotgun and an AR? Personally I think he stole from the wrong people his law firm was representing. Given the spectacle, perhaps even Cabal. His narcissistic insistence on testifying, it was almost like he wanted to get convicted (he does have one son left). “Oh yeah I lied to the police” is going to ensure a conviction. Maybe it really is what it is presented as but the firearms aspect is just weird.

Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

the trial thing always struck me as this loser knowing if he spilled the beans on what really got his family blasted, it would be even worse for him and the remaining family.

whether it’s drug/cartel related (my bet), cabal executing some no longer useful assets (cartel is cabal, so technically could be both), or this guy just getting the order to kill or else.

Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

Perhaps it was a case of “You will get yourself convicted of the crime to cover for our hit men or we will off your last kid too”.

2 years ago

Today I learned about Mugshawtys. I guess it’s intended to be humorous, but if you want a portrait of a society that has lost its way this is a pretty good one. Mugshot after mugshot of attractive women behaving like violent men while thirsty males make jokes about having sex with them. Sad, really. Bringing back a strong patriarchy is sorely needed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Some of them look crazy, like they’d like being thrown around a little bit. Those are the ones you stay away from.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Do you mean face reading as in TCM?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In college we had a joke about a certain group that was not Greek-affiliated, but really really tried to be everything frat without the frat letters. We always said they would be perfect frat/sorority people if not for one major personality or physical flaw that selected themselves out of the running.

This is like the Twitter for women who belong in that group. Every single one has a glaring physical “wrongness” that I generally can’t quite put my finger on, but you know it when you see it.

A lot of them it’s snake eyes, weird eyebrows, or lip fillers/injections. Any other key notes, people?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Many of them have the look I would characterize as the “thousand cock stare”

2 years ago

> lo and behold the side of the cruiser says “School Resource Officer.” So whoever is in that car is taking orders from the secret intel op compromising everything. Of all the cops to recruit or place, they took the school cop, because he is all throughout the school – that is a primary intel-objective for them.

Controlling school security is probably the #1 target in a school after the recruiting position. Someone has to prop the door open for the shooters they wind up, and someone has to wait 20 minutes while the shooters run loose inside. All this assuming, of course, any of these shootings are real and happened at all.

2 years ago

>“Donald Trump is driving a wedge through the GOP over one of American politics’ thorniest issues: the future of Medicare and Social Security.

To be fair Social Security is literally a government-sponsored Ponzi Scheme that is bleeding young Americans dry to pay for grift and propping up decrepit boomer retirement funds.

I get Trump may be using this as an effective tool to get re-elected if elections are real again somehow, but endorsing an evil system to own the libs or something is retarded and should not be encouraged. Just refund people what they’ve paid in and end the whole scam.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Try to fix SS and Medicare while #Cabal controls Hollywood, Fakenews, corporations and state/federal governments?


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The original system would have worked, had FDR not started printing funny money and making inflation a permanent part of Federal financial policy. And then there was all that beautiful money coming in; they couldn’t bear to put it into the mutual funds it was supposed to go into when they could use it for something now and maybe pay it back later… yeah, it’s a Ponzi scheme, but it didn’t *start* as one.

And you could make a fair case that it always was intended to be a Ponzi scheme, and they just held off a few years until nobody was paying attention before turning it into one.

Letting the Fed hold your money is like letting a stoner hold your stash. Except the Fed would send men with guns to take you to jail if you didn’t pay into your “retirement fund.”

Taxes are the main reason the Colonies George III and his minions out. And then the New Bosses were rapacious with taxes of their own, sparking the Whisky Rebellion and Shay’s Rebellion. They reconstituted the government under the Constitution of 1789 to get taxation powers they didn’t have under the Articles of Confederation, and then they got the 16th Amendment passed by very shady procedures, giving the Fed the power to tax citizens directly.

“Follow the money.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It needs to end.
But not before we get rid of all the ways cabal sends money to itself and our enemies.
It needs to end the right way.
1 means test it, sorry but if you are in the rich you don’t get to keep extracting money from the working poor just because someone did it to you.
2 no new enrollments after 5 years, keep working or make other plans for retirement.
3 stop the tax and pay for the remaining recipients out of the general revenues.

People who were induced to become dependent on it should not be thrown out on the street to starve.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The income limitations removed (maximum contribution at all levels) and the elimination of capital gains tax (all income subject to income tax thus SS/Med) then the retirement age could be reduced by ten years and the average monthly stipend more than doubled. (The top .01% siphons the majority of their thefts this way)
SS as is isn’t in trouble. Medicaid/Medicare is the huge problem

Reply to  Anon42
1 year ago

Bad ideas.
If we don’t get rid of the income tax entirely we need to make it so everyone pays the capital gains rate.
We need to end SS/Med slowly in the manner I posted above.
Get rid of O’Bummercare and med along with all other federal involvement in medicine and most state involvement.

2 years ago

So how would the IRS know who is white or Asian? You can’t necessarily tell by name. This means they must be gleaning the info from other government forms or applications we have completed over a lifetime where we voluntarily reported race—like the US Census. This means that depending on where the IRS is getting the information the United States government is very probably breaking its own laws on confidentiality by raiding other databases for confidential information we were either told would never be used for other purposes, or was for statistical purposes only.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or they will just do it based on the name.
They don’t need to be 100% accurate.

But the whole plan is illegal and unconstitutional, especially since they admit to doing it publicly.

2 years ago

> Tesla’s Mexican Factory To Be Double The Size Of Their Texas Facility

Remember, by official Federal Trade Commission definition, Mexico and Canada count as “Made In USA.” Plus the Internal Revenue Service figures taxes differently for the maquiladoras, so they save even more money exporting to Mexico-USA and Canada-USA.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>>. I remember way back somebody telling me something in passing about CIA recruiting some local actor in some small theater company in a small town who wasn’t even interested in joining. 
Theater kids
Intelligence agents

2 years ago

> Jeanine Pirro

Pirro mostly says the right things, but her history is troubling. She claims that when she was a state prosecutor, she never lost a case. If that’s true, that means her staff carefully cherry-picked only slam-dunk cases that they were sure she could win, to build up her political credit. Or, at best, they didn’t want to put in the work necessary to prosecute the harder cases.

That means a lot of bad people had their charges dropped because Pirro didn’t want to go up against their lawyers.

No doubt Pirro would try to defend her actions as “optimizing use of public funds” or something similar, but that wasn’t her job.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Alternate theory: her juries and judges were always part of the conspiracy and propped up her perfect record, convicting innocent people as needed, to boost her career artificially.

or she’s a liar. Not sure which is more likely anymore given the nature of this machine.

2 years ago

AC, I think you are dead on about Medicare/SS. Very hard to watch such betrayal. Just like Lindsey and abortion. I don’t think the DEM pols hate us as much as the GOPe does. DJT has short circuited it in his race. But the down ballot races for House and Senate will probably be effected negatively. If successful that may provide a large enough fig-leaf for Cabal to hang the rigging on. Praying DJT can stop that.

2 years ago

Blackmail seems pervasive in the world.
What stops victims from exposing methods and procedures, along with identities of the perps? Let them deny it on the record.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think blackmail is mostly voluntary. These ppl (see Red Shoes AC mentioned ystsy) willingly give up compromising info as a “buy in”. I think they also believe this is a good system. One that works well. It appeals to them on a fundamwntal level. As in, “this is how things should work, it makes perfect sense. It has always been frustrating working in the square dumb world”.

The stereotypical unwilling blackmail is not preferred for the reason you mention. And, of course they want you to choose of your own free will. Which is of course a more effective means of control.

Take Bill Maher from ystdy. Almost certainly that perv did things willingly to get in. And enjoyed it. And probably felt the world made sense for the first time and was finally among people just like him.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

His former production company was called Kid Love Production Company… nuff said

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They’ll destroy your image before you can ever release the info, signal delete it so no one hears it, and if anyone does hear they’ll rightly not trust you for doing evil blackmail-worthy shit in the first place. As AC says, they wargame as many posible outcomes before ever starting their plans, so unless you have an unusually crazy idea they’ll have a route to (at least attempt) to shut you down before you’re a threat.

Behave in the manner Jesus Christ set for you as an example and you’ll never have to worry about blackmail as long as you live.

2 years ago

> the future of Medicare and Social Security

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

Not even the Democrats are crazy enough to seriously propose a bill to hose either. says there are 71 million people on Social Security, and another site says 81 million people on Medicare. Probably mostly the same people. Even deleting the illegals who are drawing it, that’s more than a quarter of all Americans, whose money was extracted by Congressional order to fund those programs.

Last time they were blathering about that was 2009-ish, when some of the Obama Administration’s malfeasances started showing up. “Lookie over here, they’re going to steal your Social Security and Medicare!” And people looked that way.

2 years ago

> Hunter’s damaged relationship with Schwerin is notable because Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide revealing documents about the Biden family business to Republican House investigators, according to the House Oversight Committee.

Ballocks. If they thought Schwerin actually had anything useful, they’d just subpoena it. Or the Bidens would Arkancide him.

Nothing but media grandstanding.

English Tom
English Tom
2 years ago

As Gandalf the White said, “there are things in motion which cannot be undone.”
The collapse of the USA/West is inevitable. Under Trump it may take longer to play out, but the trajectory is unstoppable.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

They may not be able to be undone, but they can be redirected.
This USA may collapse but one without the cabal and the left can be rebuilt on its ashes.
Europe may collapse but new European countries without the migrants and the left can be rebuilt on the ashes.

We must emulate the Phoenix as our enemies do.

2 years ago

Re: The Vox Day amygdala.

I agree this is potentially a great meme. Do you think it’s possible that the covert “White love” in the non-White world is a result of 100 years of modern Hollywood etc brainwashing of the White ideal throughout the developing world? Just Cabal’s 20th Century version (for its political purposes then) of its current 21st Century anti-White propaganda? Meaning, is the covert White love organic or just trained? And therefore will it reverse with enough years of anti-White propaganda? I understand how powerful the example of 19th and 20th Century Western technology and dominance must have been on the developing world but I often wonder about how insidious the Cabal-led propaganda must also have been…

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Get off my side.
European Christians built a civilization that is the envy of the whole world and it was real.
It wasn’t just technological and warfare superiority.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

See geisha photos. Japanese men preferred very white looking women – before the arrival of the Europeans.

2 years ago

“Saint Clarence of DC” – I love it!

2 years ago

>re medicare and medicaid

I don’t really like entitlements in the abstract because it creates a lot of bad incentives, and ultimately is unaffordable. But when they are blowing 100s of billions or trillions on graft (right now ukraine, but other things before and after), pointless wars, money laundering, creating housing bust cycles with bad policies then bailing out banks etc etc, these programs should probably be the last thing cut on the long, long list of things to cut.

2 years ago

RE: Vox

Ya, they definitely would do that at the mass action level. Less chinky eyes here, a slightly paler tone there, nappy-hair-b-gone everywhere, over time it would add up. Especially that last one. However, if the vax was a test on gene editing tech it seems they still have a ways to go. No one cares if an engineered elephant has a short life, but would for themselves and their kids.

2 years ago

> In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when little was known about the novel virus, the U.K. government briefly considered asking the public to exterminate every cat amid fears that the pets could spread the disease.

You will remember Fauci suggested the same thing, except he wanted to kill all the dogs, too. Even in the earliest days when people still believe in the Coof, the backlash was enough for him and Birx to drop the matter.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

That’s probably why they suggested it. It was a compliance test to see how far they could push things.

2 years ago

> Maryland mayor who recently visited White House busted on child porn charges.

Has anyone else noticed that the Left is pushing to normalize pedopilia, while still demonstrating pop-eyed outrage at kiddie porn?

Of course, kiddie porn is so easy to plant on someone, and the way the courts work, it’s and almost-certain jail term. So kiddie porn is a big hammer to use on their enemies.

Meanwhile, the kiddie diddlers are okay, as long as they don’t take pictures of it.

For now.

2 years ago

In re: microbiome

Gabor Erdosi on twitter is very good. Very good.

A data point. I can’t find mag citrate liquid laxative anymore. I took it when I had covid and the stomach issues were bad. Worked well. Knew about it from having to make weight.

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

You piqued my curiosity, so I searched mag citrate on eBay. There are listings, but at $30-35 per bottle?? That’s worse than the horse paste scarcity a year ago.
Why? Any ideas?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I tried to buy some a few months ago. The phamacy said there was a “shortage.” I looked it up when I got home. Apparently there was only one domestic source of medical-grade magnesium citrate, and they’re offline indefinitely.

Well, there’s always Taco Bell if you need some bowel cleansing…

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago
Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Late reply. But thanks. I’d checked off and on in my CVS for a while and then gave up. I will see if mine has it now. Should have checked before poasring. Sorry and thanks again.

2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Comes across as begging #Cabal to “leave Britney alone!”
“It’s ok to be white” doesn’t need to be reinvented

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

AC, I hope you can tell who votes thumbs up or thumbs down.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“white” separates European from their ethnic homeland, which is given to Africans, AKA “Blacks”

2 years ago
Pablo Villizzianto
2 years ago

Image about industrial capacity’s relevance to current wars.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago


1 year ago

Narcissists laugh when they feel guilty inside

1 year ago
1 year ago

Lee Kwan Yew provided the inspiration on the crackdown on MS-13 Gangs:

“Singapore in the 50’s and 60’s was actually rampant with gang activity. Lee Kuan Yew said that the one good thing about WWII was that crime was non-existent under the brutal Japanese army, and when he came into power he wielded the same iron fist to ensure the state had full monopoly on violence. The government basically destroyed the gangs in the 60’s and 70’s by arresting suspected gang members and detaining them without trial, en masse. My dad lived in a kampong that was gang turf. He told me that vans appeared at the kampong one day, plain clothe policemen arrested everyone on the street with tattoos, and that was it. The gangs were gone. The next day, the local police superintendent, who was known to be in cahoots with the gangs, was also arrested and essentially disappeared off the face of the earth. My generation born in the 80’s and 90’s, never had to deal with organized crime of any kind, except for small groups of teenage hooligans who really pose no harm to anyone.

The government is still quite prepared today to employ the Internal Security Act and detain people without trial if there is even a tiny whiff of threat to national security. Singaporeans are also affluent, educated, and kiasee (scared to die). Not exactly fertile ground for criminal organizations to take root, let alone flourish.”

The legislation is called “Internal Security Act 1960”

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The west inherited the results of similar behavior towards criminals and took it for granted.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Chris Yoon – I have a message about the storm that’s coming in your life

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

I suggest you familiarize yourself with HAARP and geo-engineering: the US has been drastically manipulating the weather now for a few decades.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

You missed the whole point…..

1 year ago

COVID Vaccine Creator Found Strangled to Death in His Apartment

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by teo toon
1 year ago

Air Mobility Command Removes Tail Numbers and Unit Info from Planes, Alarming Watchdogs

1 year ago

I wanted to tell you and the others here about MCT oil.
It helps to repair your mitochondria and your cardiovascular system.
A friend tried it and says it was miraculous.