Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Remember the new study a few days ago, on the Vax being turned into DNA in the liver? People are noticing this 4Chan post from way back claiming the vaccines were designed to depopulate through mildly oncogenic effects that would be transmissible to the next generation, and sterilize females of the next generation, and it specifically claimed there would be an upregulation of LINE-1 activity. I am looking at this thinking, “There is no fucking way…” But I do not see this being chance, or just a good LARP being a valid statistical probability. LINE-1 is fairly specialist information I think it unlikely some educated person would pick up, even in autistic-level background reading while prepping for a LARP, let alone intelligently incorporate into the LARP in a way that would end up turning out to be true in real life, and shown in a peer-reviewed study. You don’t even come out of a biochem undergrad with LINE-1 at the front in your brain. It might, at most, have been mentioned in passing and gotten buried under everything else. I’m thinking that anon was 100% real deal, and I am wondering if he is still alive, because you do not post shit like that, or even have access to shit like that, without being under 24/7 surveillance, with COMPLETE monitoring from next door in real time. I still don’t see how eliminating the submissives’ genes from the population is good policy, but it is hard to imagine this resulting in any other outcome. This is pretty big, IMO.
Arizona House and Senate approve a measure boosting voter ID requirements on November ballots.
Wisconsin special counsel bombshell: 91 nursing homes had 95-100% voter turnout in 2020.
Pompeo is in Taiwan:
A warm welcome to former US Secretary of State @MikePompeo and Mrs. Susan Pompeo. I look forward to exchanging views on how #Taiwan & the #US can further strengthen our partnership going forward.
— ??? Tsai Ing-wen (@iingwen) March 2, 2022
Look at his foot. I have never known anyone who wore one of those boots, nor have I ever seen one in real life. I would not think it could be a tracker, given he is supposedly overseas. Unless he was not and everything is fake. But if he was overseas, what else might those boots be? Injury sustained in a Spirit Cooking ritual, like “Cutting your finger and eating the pain? The Illuminati Black Eye? Is it hiding some piece of technology? A slow-release adrenochome/anti-aging infusion pump? What could it be doing that would be worth the reduction in mobility in people who security would want mobile in the event of some sort of attack?
Illinois’ former House speaker, Michael Madigan (D), has been charged with racketeering and bribery.
Texas Rep. withdraws from election after he admits to affair with ‘ISIS Bride.’
Biden’s SOTU lands with a thud in CNN poll.
Massachusetts Judge to face prosecution for allegedly blocking an ICE arrest.
ACLU files lawsuit to stop Ohio law requiring medical care for babies who survive abortion.
Chaos erupts in energy markets as European gas jumps 60%.
Oil jumps, Brent above $116/bbl as supply issues persist. My guess would be once it peaks, it will be purposefully crashed, so they can make more money on the way down.
Melinda Gates is set to lift the lid on her divorce from billionaire Microsoft founder Bill for the first time in tell-all interview with Gayle King – as she hints in teaser that ‘trust was broken’ in their 27-year marriage. She agreed in their prenup to let him shack up with an old girlfriend for a set time every year.
To re-enter the Iran deal, Biden is preparing to pay up to $11 billion in ransom for four hostages.
As Russia wages war, the US Army trains Officers on gender identity.
Supposedly Google is wiping the pictures of Klaus Schwab in his ceremonial robes for some reason, so we’ll archive one here. Dude is straight out of a Bond film:
China asked Russia to delay the Ukraine war until after the Olympics, U.S. officials say.
Three House Republicans voted against a resolution on Wednesday that conservatives argued was so broad it could call to commit American troops to the conflict and for the United States to be in conflict with Russia “forever.” Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) voted against it.
Biden cancels test of Minuteman III ballistic missiles to ‘demonstrate restraint’ and avoid angering Putin. He gives this to the government, but he took away the Russian citizen’s Netflix.
Russia is reportedly forcing teachers to teach the government’s justification for the Ukrainian invasion to schoolchildren. I can’t believe Cabal would actually try to accuse someone else of forcing teachers to teach children propaganda, and act as if they are horrified by such a transgression after what we have seen in the US these last few years.
Germans seize Russian Billionaire Alisher Usmanov’s $600 million 550ft mega-yacht. It is not theft, because it is a government doing it though.
Ukraine asks Xbox and PlayStation to suspend Russian and Belarussian accounts.
From here: “In 2015, 90 percent of China and Russia’s bilateral trade settlements were conducted in dollars. By 2020, only 46 percent of their bilateral transactions were conducted in dollars. While removing Russia from SWIFT will hurt Russia’s economy in the short term, it will also serve the purpose of greatly accelerating this process of global de-dollarization… In 2014, Russia launched the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS), a Russian alternative to SWIFT. In 2015, China launched the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), a Chinese alternative to SWIFT. CIPS processed around $12.68 trillion in 2021, a 75% increase from 2020. CIPS has about 1,280 financial institutions in 103 countries and regions connected to their system. Combine the Russian System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) with the Chinese Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and you see the foundation of a new Russian-Chinese cross-border payment system bypassing SWIFT and speeding up global de-dollarization.” Part of the problem is Cabal has so heavily infested the United States, the only way to destroy it may be to destroy the things which make the United States strong. It is tough to tell if this is Cabal organizing the fall of the Untied States as part of pulling up stakes and moving elsewhere, or if it is whitehats destroying a major pillar of Cabal’s strength.
Video of massacred civilians who attacked Russians with Molotov cocktails (graphic, but not by today’s standards). It turns out unarmed civilians attacking Russian Armor with Molotov cocktails is not that effective. Who would think the government would sacrifice loyal citizens like that just for the stupid propaganda?
Spike in U.S. gun sales brings $1.1 billion in taxes for conservation.
Democrats are getting worried a new Supreme Court case appears like it might find Congress cannot simply give a federal agency the power to make law by creating regulations, like ATF deciding what is, or is not, a fully automatic weapon, or if bumpstocks should be illegal. If Congress wants a law, it must pass it itself.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
The State of Wisconsin just announced massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
See the findings from the Office of the Special Counsel Second Interim Investigative Report On the Apparatus & Procedures of the Wisconsin Elections System here.
Read carefully because, despite the findings, the Fake News will never allow you to see what is happening. The Media is corrupt, and so was our Presidential Election!
The RINOs, Warmongers, and Fake News continue to blatantly lie and misrepresent my remarks on Putin because they know this terrible war being waged against Ukraine would have never happened under my watch. They did absolutely nothing as Putin declared much of Ukraine an “independent territory.” There should be no war waging now in Ukraine, and it is terrible for humanity that Biden, NATO, and the West have failed so terribly in allowing it to start. Instead of showing strength and toughness, they declared the Global Warming Hoax as the #1 threat to global security, killed American Energy Independence, and then made Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the World dependent on Russian oil. They laid down the welcome mat and gave Russia the opening, now Putin may be getting everything he wanted, with Ukraine and the rest of the World suffering the consequences. It’s terrible, but this is what you get with Biden, the Democrats, and RINO warmongers!
Big night in Texas! All 33 candidates that were Trump endorsed have either won their primary election or are substantially leading in the case of a runoff. Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick have won in a landslide. Thank you, and congratulations to all!
All 33 Trump-Endorsed candidates won last night in Texas, or are substantially leading. Big night! How will the Fake News make it look bad?
Spread r/K Theory, because every day is another unbelievable revelation.
“Look at his foot. I have never known anyone who wore one of those boots, nor have I ever seen one in real life. I would not think it could be a tracker, given he is supposedly overseas.”
Why not?
I’m sure Q has access to world wide tracking capabilities, certainly in the territory of allies.
I wore one of those boots when I had a torn Achilles tendon.
So many big names in American politics and entertainment have been seen with these big foot braces over the last 4 years.
It stretches credulity that all of them, doing their low impact daily duties, much of which consists of sitting on their asses, have torn their achilles tendons, or similar injuries.
I’ve had 4-5 people in the last year in my plant wearing a boot exactly like that for foot and ankle injuries. It’s perfectly normal. Not saying anything about Pompeos boot, just that these boots are very common.
Well they are not common in Europe and they have never been common anywhere else, so stop thinking you are not special and start asking, why do you see them?
FWIW I’ve known several people, including one of my kids, who had ankle or foot injuries that didn’t require crutches or a hard cast but did require the boot. For my kid, the ankle bone had a hairline crack, and just needed the foot to not flex while walking. It’s not something you necessarily see every day – certainly not as much as certain political figures seem to need them – but it is a legitimate therapy and in some cases better than a solid cast.
I remember when McCain’s boot switched from one leg to the other.
I keep hearing that I live in the “Land of the Free” and that we are fighting for Freeeeedom.
I don’t have freedom. I put on the uniform of this country during the Cold War, during Desert Storm–and I’m deplatformed, I am censored. I am followed. I am disenfranchised. I am impoverished. When protesting attacks upon my heritage art–I’m arrested. Me and my people are being genocided. There is NO rule of law. The same goes for Alex Jones and Mike Lindell and even President Trump!!!!
Why are we continuing the lies for? We are living under Jewish tyranny. The Jews are engaged in economic warfare against Russia in the same war they are conducting against the Anglo-Saxon who built this country! We live in the “land of Freedom”–we have “Freeeeedom”?
Yea, we have the freedom to be destroyed! We are being destroyed. “Freedom” really means allowing the Jews to run amok spreading their porno, homo garbage, riling up minorities and genociding us!
And then “Free Speech” gives us this: a talk by Berkeley Professor Zeus Leonardo in which he discussed the need “to abolish whiteness.”
To Farcesensitive and the other clingers—-IT’S OVER. Face reality. Dump the garbage that brought us here. Acknowledge that the American system not only failed us—but is actually designed TO KILL US!
I want my Medieval Roman Catholic Church back. Under that we were alive–the Muslims were OUT of Europe, the Jews suppressed, and European culture was there.
Just stop with the lying, please. “Freeeeedom” ONLY means that the Jew runs wild. Free Speech of evil killed us. We are under Jewish Tyranny. The other day, the pic of our own Speaker of the House sitting at a Soros Foundation dinner in Berlin with Alex Soros, tells you everything you need to know–and the US Military is complicit in not only treason to globalist power but also in our genocide.
Fuck it all. Blow it up. Restart, Rethink, Now, the time has come up WITH DIFFERENT IDEAS for what is going to give us Survival of the Anglo-Saxon here in America against Jewish Tyranny!
The Good comes with Authority. One must have Authority to engage in The Good. Freeedom is actually Entropy! The Good only exists in the Law of thermodynamics of conservationism, of work to establish—to HAVE DISCIPLINE and Control. Democracy is entropy.
The Russo-Ukraine War is bringing all the propaganda up of Land of the Free, and Freeeedom. We are fighting for Freeeeeedom. I too fought for this “freeeedom”—my reward—censored, pilloried, deplatformed, disenfranchised and impoverished and my kinsmen, my fatherland is being destroyed, genocided.
It’s all BULLSHIT. The Social Compact is G.O.N.E. Don’t you see that?
Freedom? Goy, what do you not understand about the fact that democracy means the people who own the news media own the government?
FDR: newspaper editor
Stalin: newspaper editor
Hitler: newspaper publisher
Mussolini: journalist
Lenin: journalist
Marx: journalist
One might suspect a pattern…
How to wake people up, though? On conservative sites, if I so much as ask what we get from our strong alliance with Israel, I’m treated like Ilsa, She-Wolf Of The SS. I mean, I could definitely rock the uniform, but still. It’s an utterly Pavlovian response. Same with Putin = Hitler now. I had people get angry with me for debunking the “Ghost of Kiev” with links to real info.
They’re utterly baffled as to why Putin would invade. Baffled, they say! So I link them to a wiki page about the Donbas conflict all the way back to 2014 and the CIA color revolution, and I just get downvoted. It’s like, OK, fine, be skeptical about the CIA part, but there’s been major fighting on and off for 8 years. That’s recorded history. They don’t even recall the airliner that got shot down.
I’ve red pilled most people I know. Probably delivered a couple dozen votes for Trump in both elections, for whatever that was worth here in enemy occupied California. My family has been involved in politics, as were most of my Posse’s families- it’s actually how we met as kids.
But you eventually get to the people who aren’t involved or pay attention to what’s going on. Talking about a single current event is like an alien first contact situation. You wind up having to explain basic things about the world until you give up because it’s exhausting. And you can’t get past the inner shield of “people can’t possibly be that evil” as if humanity was magically transformed into mostly good folk after the 1940s or something.
Someone, somewhere needs to leak something obvious and devastating, something that gets a cascade of whistleblowers happening.
Don’t think what you see is real or matters. 99.99% of people lurk on websites and never comment, and they are who you are arguing to and affecting. They are where the power of arguing lies, and they are who the battle you do not see is being fought over. Winning arguments is meaningless. Giving that silent 99.99% the reassurance they are not alone is what it is all about.
And of the commenters you see, I think on some sites as much as 60-70% of the commenters are a handful of people with hundreds of sock puppet accounts who are paid to sit at the computer all day and mimic hundreds of people who are commenting in a few spare moments.
You will never convince me as many Republicans want to send billions to Israel as you see arguing for it. You will never convince me more than 5 or 6% care what happens to Israel any more than they care what happens to Britain. All of that is sockpuppeting and propaganda. Keep fighting, and enjoy the battle. The masses are on your side, whether you see them or not.
You can see a bunch of sock puppet and PsyOp red pills collected here:
Probably the majority of what most people see online is bot and psyop activity at this point. There are trained, organized, and well-funded entities dedicated solely to opposing the kinds of comments you described. They aim to bury opinions they don’t want the majority to hold in the hope that everyone truly believes they are in the minority. The primary skill of the corrupt regime is making the majority of people feel isolated and alienated; making everyone feel outnumbered. That’s really the only grip they have, the ability to project what is popular or unpopular.
“…if I so much as ask what we get from our strong alliance with Israel, I’m treated like Ilsa, She-Wolf Of The SS…”
I bet this is mostly AI bots. There’s no doubt, at all, that the capability is there for a bot to argue a particular point pf view. And once you have one programmed, it can multiply to an extreme degree. Looking at the complete control methods they are using, I find it hard to believe that if there’s a capability there that they are not using it.
Maybe. Some are folks I’ve interacted with for years on all sorts of topics.
Changes are needed, I have suggested some myself.
But throwing the baby out with the bathwater will do you no good.
The basic concept of freedom is nonnegotiable.
If you centralize power and do not limit it the cabal will capture it and use it against you.
There never was any “Social Compact” other than the Constitution. When the Fed decided it could simply ignore the Constitution and rule as an oligarchy, the entire structure became illegitimate.
You could say that there’s only one Jew who ever told the Truth, and they crucified him for it.
My heart says Amen, but the reality is that the OT is full of prophets, and they killed all of them too.
“Unarmed civilians” don’t wield Molotov Cocktails, and are unlawful enemy combatants who are fiar game for deadly force.
Executing lawful combatant artillery troops, which suggests they are captives, is a war crime. If Ukraine takes the position that they are dealing with War Criminals, which was the previous Soviet doctrine for how they might have trusted US forces in event of a war, doesn’t make it any less a crime to execute them.
First casualty of war is the truth.
Each side always accuses the other of war crimes.
Th winners hold the trials.
The losers are tried and executed.
Justice is whatever the winners say it is.
“War Crimes” is an inherent oxymoron; you only fight when you feel like the other person needs to die for your goals to be achieved. War isn’t fair or fun, and you should expect to fight to the hilt and die if you fail no matter the army you fight for.
While I agree that, by the common standard of “War Cimes,” executing surrendered enemies is against the law, “””They””” only made the laws in the first place to work against people that oppose their new world order. If you ever expected a fair and even application of “War Law” then I don’t know what you tell ya.
It is basically a way to minimize undue casualties and suffering. It had precedent in the debacle of the 30 years war. That made people far more reticent to repeat said experience.
But then again. There is a final Tribunal of the Great White Throne Judgment.
And God will judge people for their conduct in War as well.
God did set down regulations for his own people. That ensued that extreme measures like Herem(Devoted to Destruction) are exceptions to the normative rules of war of offering peace first and then of eradicating military threat and plundering the enemy if they are stubborn.
Even captive women that were taken as plunder as a result of a city taken in siege were treated with respect if a Israelite desired her to be his wife(Deuteronomy 21:10-14) to ensure minimization of possibility of abuse.
The Assyrian cruelty or the other cruelties of other peoples will be judged by God on the other hand.
And the New World Order does even worse: it uses “war crimes” charges against its own soldiers during ongoing hostilities, instead of applying such a farce to the enemy losers at the end.
True. But as God’s rebuke to Assyria goes to show. War crimes do actually exist. Only that it has been weaponized by our enemies in a false accusation.
“Supposedly Google is wiping the pictures of Klaus Schwab in his ceremonial robes for some reason, so we’ll archive one here. Dude is straight out of a Bond film:”
You know what stuff they need to wipe? This stuff. Friggin gross.

Why do we want the United States to be strong? We should want it to be free. That was what the civil war was about. If we were free to pursue our own ends and from a wasteful, greedy govt the. We would be rich enough soon enough that we wouldn’t need those international levers of power.
“Pompeo is wearing the boot in Taiwan”
He clearly stands with Israel. Also why he is hobbled.
Also, what is up with the boomer right wing bloggers and Putin? I mean I know they’re boomers and easily susceptible to mainstream media propaganda but their gullibility with the demonize Putin agenda is mind boggling.
“Vladimir just put his balls in a bear trap. He’s insane and you’re a moron if you think otherwise!”
Are they reliving their childhoods getting wet thinking about hiding under their school desks again.
They really are just Karens when you get down to it. The only big balls they have are the Man’s and they’re planted firmly in their mouths.
““Pompeo is wearing the boot in Taiwan”
He clearly stands with Israel. Also why he is hobbled.”
Maybe that’s the answer. Hobbled. Submission.
Is this the boot Orwell spoke of? Sorta, kinda, trying to stamp on humanity. This interpretation feels closer to truth than the propaganda poster graphic+quote. Damn, I might have just almost figured something out.
> The Russian ambassador to the UN just said that Trump was the legitimate president and that he was overthrown by election fraud.
Great. So now every attempt to fix 2020 will be marked as colluding with Hitler. Exactly what we’ve needed. 🙁
Boot seems to be a message sent in a way that can’t be blocked or misunderstood. I’m thinking this is a message that Taiwan can’t be given to CCP. Senator McCain was used to send some of these type of messages. Comically (or part of the message?) the boot could change foot on different days.
“I still don’t see how eliminating the submissives’ genes from the population is good policy, but it is hard to imagine this resulting in any other outcome. This is pretty big, IMO.”
Did they just eliminate a huge portion of NPCs?
I see no other outcome, given there is no way that anon hit that description as precisely on the head by chance. Assuming it wasn’t a spook rattling the cages of the perpetrators by LARPing as a whistleblower.
Look at it from their perspective. If they truly believe that the world faces overpopulation and that is wrecking the climate, they don’t care who gets eliminated, as long as the number goes down. Frankly, conservatives make better craftsmen, so they may be looking at that angle — the population that is left can make quality goods for them, and will be largely self-sufficient and not require propping up.
They care a great deal who gets eliminated; they’ve openly stated they don’t want useless eaters to exist. Genociding every Marvel-worshipping Funko-Popper who makes a living filing reports about reports leaves no one left but the highly productive, intelligent, and useful members of society that would make extremely efficient slaves to prop up the infrastructure they need to rule over their kingdom of bones.
They can’t have 500 million dumb cattle who can’t differentiate a screwdriver from a hammer, they need all the same skills that keep society running now but just less of them. Think of the proportion of truckers, tradesmen, builders, engineers, etc. who took the clotshot vs. useless office drones and you’ll see the divide more clearly.
They’re betting that they can use a massive ratio of government goons to the maintenence class to keep the smaller number of more dangerous (to them) individuals compliant after the mass killoffs.
Everyone labeled a “non-essential” worker in 2020 should be real fuckin’ concerned about a career change if they think they’re not next on the list.
This is a good argument, but there is one problem. If these tradesmen don’t want to be used as slaves after the cabal has killed their relatives, they could just not work or do a really crappy job. Dictatorships can crush outright revolts and opposition, but not everyone just slacking off and doing a crappy job, which is why historical dictatorships are not known for super-engaged workers.
Right now, I think the AC theory of this being some sort of transhumanist experiment is looking closest to the mark. The mandates are slowly being dropped. They may have gotten enough subjects for their experiment, and as a bonus identified all the independent thinkers and potential dissidents, and don’t need to continue to do this.
It’s the result of conflicting agendas within cabal and unintended consequences.
They failed, they re about to experience a world of sheepdogs and angry rams instead of the world overflowing with gullible sheep they had.
If cabal manages to kill 19 of every 20 people on the planet (which is needed to get to their 500million goal) I imagine the remaining people will be mostly spiritually broken. It’s not hard to rule over scared people when you’ve already demonstrated you’re willing to kill 95% of people to get to that point.
Disclaimer, I don’t believe this is the most likely scenario because Cabal is run by Satan, and Satan is helpless before God. Their plans will fail every time because God hates them and opposes them.
But I believe that THEY think this is the most likely outcome, so even though the power of Jesus Christ has destined them to fail they will still try as hard as they can to make it a reality.
Cabal has a different OODA loop. They probably Act, Orient, Decide and then Observe. This leads to, as Facesensitive wrote, unintended consequences and conflicting agendas.
It’s really a form of maintaining constant offense.
Why do you all keep thinking that being smart, productive, creative, literate, numerate, is going to protect you from murderous utopianists?
The Sun King killed off his tech-friendly Protestants. The various southeastern Asian communist regimes felt pretty comfortable killing off people wearing glasses, the sort that might be able to read and write. The Chinese threw their Cultural Revolution less than 100 years ago. The people running the various genocides had terrific educations, usually in America or France. They felt very comfortable starving and torturing other educated, productive, creative, literate, numerate people.
The American Civil War pretty much pitted classically educated land owners in the South against modern standards educated Northerners. The homicidal maniac in charge of that particular war had, what, a year of formal education? It didn’t stop him from climbing to the top of that particular heap of politics, to enforce manufacturing and railroad elite will.
They don’t have to vaccinate Africa. It’s hard enough keeping them fed in the first place. Nobody calls any part of Africa a breadbasket. Literally all it would take to starve them is kill off their white farmers- which they’ve done, for the most part, in a long march through small countries, then quit shipping them mercy grain. I mean, am I the only one who finds it odd that rock stars fronting telethons are the largest mover for feeding small countries with charity? They aren’t hosting telethons in Saudi Arabia, for instance. But they host benefits in England to feed Africans.
Strangle the churches in their homelands, and then you’ve killed off the people programmed to be altruistic. If you haven’t noticed, most of the mainline churches are struggling in Europe. They are being corrupted in America, too. Also, you can do things like corrupt the Bible translations. That’s been being done for decades, under Murdoch’s aegis.
India and China, again, where are they to get food, if the grainbaskets are depopulated? There’s also the whole population control agenda. One just has to wait out China’s shrinking. Japan shows how easy it is. That’s an aging, greying, mostly peaceful country, not an invasive, triumphant anything.
Remember all the books about the Bronze Age societal collapse? That wasn’t to be entertaining. Bronze Age rulers fell from power. The regular people continued on. What if you are a power? Wouldn’t you do case studies to figure out how to continue on in power?
I think Ghengis Khan is comforting to the people in power. He killed off rivals, other powers, assisted the climate by killing off so many cities that there was less greenhouse warming, and, with his sons, raped his way across Asia so thoroughly that, what, 10% of all Asians and some huge percent of Eastern Europeans bear his genes.
I know everyone keeps mentioning plumbing. Have you seen the highly decorated ceramic chamber pots in France? They have two seater ones. The people at the top are not going to be the ones disposing of their own waste. These are also people who sink massive amounts of time volunteering in the Third World. Don’t you find it a bit curious that only middle class people on their first package tour are the ones horrified by street- fouling? The athletes who post photographs of shoddy toilets and visibly soiled papers in wastebaskets tend to be first time Olympians. That suggests that they grow accustomed to fouled surroundings.
Also, the most expensive people, for state finances, are liberal white women. They just don’t die. They take Social Security, they take all sorts of government benefits, and they don’t really contribute to the public fisc. Black men have the decency ( in the eyes of the state) to die at about age 63, after paying into Social Security their entire employed life.
Re: Pompeo and his boot in Tawain
He claims he has a chronic foot injury, which is why he had to lose weight. Who knows. These things happen.
But Pompeo is also a comms sending machine, so I suspect these boots have been just that all along. I can recall boots switching foots (was it McCain?) being noted in the past.
Not sure what it would mean, but might be related to soccer comms (soccer is a passing game using the foot) and so could be along the lines of passing information ( ie Putins famous soccer ball gift to Trump).
Speculation, but just including this as a possibility to consider when pondering the boot mystery.
In addition, the context of the photo has other comm indicators. Note the two guys on the left of the frame. One is carrying a sack (special delivery?) while the other is dressed in a hoodie and sporting military greenery. Both have their hands raised. Text of tweet is 33 words, and they are all standing on a checkerboard floor…nice touch.
We had three Russian channels in our home for my Russian speaking wife who fled the USSR. The channels are very benign, consisting of mundane Russian programming. Not that it makes any difference, but they had very minimal coverage of current events, let alone government propaganda.
Verizon has now unilaterally cancelled those channels without explanation, other than a short notice that they are cancelled.
The only possible point of the cancellation is to punish Russian speakers for speaking Russian, which in turn is part of the psy-war to impress us how Earth shattering and monumental is the invasion of U-crane.
The hysterical reaction in general is something I have never seen in my life. It is off the charts in weirdness and bizarreness. And an essential element of the weirdness is the blatant insulting of our intelligence. The whackiness of the anti-Russian propaganda is astonishing and unprecedented. In that, it is exactly like the covid propaganda, the racism propaganda and assorted others. Almost as if the actual point was the insults to our intelligence.
The boot thing is another weirdness. What it could possibly mean who knows, but it means something. Again, like so much of the other weird stupidity broadcast to us daily.
Wow. Totally insane.
Tonawanda—It’s called The Jewish Press. Have you not heard of WWI where Germans ate Belgium babies and raped nurses?
Same shit—-SAME SOURCE. Jewish Press then—Jewish Press now.
That is how they operate. Because they are a bunch of women–so they are shrieking. The anti-Russian psy-war propaganda is Shrieking–it is also Virtue signaling, like how Joe Pags, Laura Inghram and others go out of their way to adopt foreign babies to prove they are not racists. Now, every entity out there has got to show their “cards” their “religious beliefs” in order to continue to do business.
Jews conduct TOTAL War. This is TOTAL War because Russia messed with their utopian World Republic agenda–and How dare they. It is Total War–and YOU must submit, show your papers. If you say the wrong thing–then you are the devil incarnate!
Remember this is all about “Democracy and Freeeeeeeedom”!
I remember when Joe Pags was Joe Parker doing the newscast on WLAJ 53, the ABC affiliate in Lansing.
Could never get any ratings traction behind WLNS and WILX (Channels 6 and 10). WLNS does their news these days.
Shrieking is very unappealing and implies intellectual vacuity. Same with constant repetition of the one size fits all broadcasting.
Wasn’t there a guy, somewhere on the Mediterranean, who had this whole, “the corporations should uphold the values of the state” thing going on?
Mussolini, that’s the guy. What was his system called again?
Isn’t that the same Mussolini who was a journalist AND working for MI6 before the war?
Why yes, the very same.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
They just banned Russian cats from cat competitions.
Sorry, buddy. 🙁
First they came for the cats…..
Now that’s going too far!
The cat banning actually opens a small window into how the Deep State (or cabal) operates.
So news organizations today ran a story about an organization called the “international Cat Federation” banning Russian cats from cat competitions. That in itself is ridiculous, but consider this: there is supposed to be an organization called the “international Cat Federation”.
Have you ever heard of the “international Cat Federation”? Why would anyone devote their time to organizing something like that? I guess since there are dog shows and horse shows, you can have cat shows, but presumably some hobbyists or pet magazine could pull those off without something as grandiose as the “International Cat Federation”. They could piggyback off of the dog show people.
So I just googled the “International Cat Federation”. What came up in the first hits was the story about banning Russian cats. But one hit took me to a Wikipedia article about “The International Cat Association” (or “TICA”). Somehow “The International Cat Association” became the “International Cat Association” in these news stories, but according to the Wikipedia article, they do run cat shows and determine who can compete in them. It operates in enough countries to be plausibly “international”, but it appears that 90% of its activity is in the United States.
The Wikipedia article reads like it was written by eomeone from the association. It gives next to no information about its history, just the date it was founded (1979), where it was founded (Branson, MO), and the names of the founders. It is now headquartered in Harlingen, TX, which is a Rio Grande Valley border town.
I think an enterprising person with a public platform should contact TICA and ask them about the story. The news stories all got the name of the organization wrong, which may mean that both the stories and the “International Cat Federation” are completely made up and no one involved went and checked to see if an organization that ran cat shows actually existed.
There is also enough weirdness about the actual organization that TICA itself could be some sort of cabal front. But either way, the story is BS and likely some sort of comms.
Anything that has an excuse for international travel will be compromised by cabal to create cover stories for their agents traveling the world on missions.
Re: “Astronomers have discovered two supermassive black holes that are 99% of the way to a violent collision that willrock the very fabric of space-time.”
Lots of astronomy comms lately. Incoming asteroid discovered on “Jan 6” posted yesterday, while now we have this one…black holes which have been studied for “45” years (with a 17 word headline at the link) threatening not only the Earth, but the “fabric of space-time” itself…
Sounds. Interesting.
Yes, the black holes are going to get us. May be be a better sell than aliens or climate change.
Even more interesting once you realize we live in a closed Earth-centric system, atmosphere cannot have pressure without a container, no one has ever traveled out of this container to space, and as an extension pretty much every single thing you read about alleged space is complete fiction written by paid enemy operatives.
It’s the one field of public discourse that could theoretically be 100% comms from the ground up, and it was likely designed that way from the get go.
The atmosphere can have pressure if gravity keeps it there. Similar to how water is kept on earth by gravity.
Show me an experiment where you can isolate the confounding variables to prove this assertion that gravity is the force containing the atmosphere.
The only instance of “gravity” containing atmosphere to a surface is the observed Earth, which is not a valid proof of the theory as it’s self-referential. Every experiment conducted so far has only proven gas cannot be pressurized without a container, and that is also equally distributes throughout the container volume when given the chance.
I have a family member who has been hospitalized for over a week due to prolonged seizures and a number of close encounters with death. Doctors specializing in seizures have no clue what’s going on. She’s just entered her 20’s, was a bright, intelligent, and pretty young girl. Also played soccer. Just got back in touch with this side of the family a few months ago, met the girl for the first time. I’m pretty sure it was the vax that caused this whole issue–that entire part of the family got vaxxed. She already had a number of health issues but since the vax they got worse and worse, culminating in this. The mom is a typical ignorant churchian sheep who is now having a crisis of faith. Typical.
So issues with vax in young female soccer players is definitely a thing.
How can we reach these sheep when they’ve gone so far as to inject themselves and their children to assuage their fear? Not being despairing or anything and it’s a hypothetical question, one that’s been constantly on my mind recently as I prepare myself to start regularly attending a local church.
I’m sorry to hear about your family member. I’ll keep her in my prayers.
All these deaths. We are about to go through what the American Indian did when smallpox and measles arrived in the Americas. It depresses me, so much.
My condolences to you and the girl.
Mom needs someone to tell her that putting her faith in the arm of man (wicked men to be specific) leaves her no leg to stand on to then blame GOD.
She is not having a crisis of faith because her faith was mere borrowed light with no substance to begin with or she would have put her trust in GOD in the first place and would have humbly accepted whatever trials she was given like Job in the second place.
Until people repent towards God. Believe in Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and is God.
And get baptised in the Holy Spirit from persistent prayer asking the Heavenly Father after preferably water baptism.
Then they are lost.
Completely agree with both of you, Farcesensitive and info.
Its interesting that according to David Pawson that I posted links about.
That in the Gospel of John when Jesus was baptised with Water. He was praying. And after that the Holy Spirit come upon him like a Dove.
It doesn’t happen simply because one believes. One has to actually ask God for the Holy Spirit. And if nothing happens. To be persistent like the Persistent Widow(Luke 18:1-8). But only after one first repents(that is setting things right) Like paying restitution for defrauding people or like Zaccheus(Luke 19:8)
“8But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, half of my possessions I give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will repay it fourfold.”
And believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as God and everything else to do with this messiahship like his resurrection.
According to the testimony of this Pastor. He knew people who when overflowing with the Holy Spirit end up speaking and praising God in a foreign language(Also known as speaking in a tongue).
On the other hand people convulsing on the floor or just making nonsensical sounds with their tongue. Isn’t biblical and is likely either delusional, mentally ill or demonic.
And a good barometer if a prophecy is from God or not is if the person speaking it doesn’t pause when talking about it. He finishes but doesn’t pause when speaking about what he thought God said.
And also it comes absolutely true. If it doesn’t come to pass in a specific way the way the Prophets of the Old Testament prophesied then its from imagination and delusion.
For example:
1 Kings 13:1-5
“1Suddenly, as Jeroboam was standing beside the altar to burn incense, there came a man of God from Judah to Bethel by the word of the LORD. 2And he cried out against the altar by the word of the LORD, “O altar, O altar, this is what the LORD says: ‘A son named Josiah will be born to the house of David, and upon you he will sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense upon you, and human bones will be burned upon you.’ ”
3That day the man of God gave a sign, saying, “The LORD has spoken this sign: ‘Surely the altar will be split apart, and the ashes upon it will be poured out.’ ”
4Now when King Jeroboam, who was at the altar in Bethel, heard the word that the man of God had cried out against it, he stretched out his hand and said, “Seize him!” But the hand he stretched out toward him withered, so that he could not pull it back. 5And the altar was split apart, and the ashes poured out, according to the sign that the man of God had given by the word of the LORD.”
“That in the Gospel of John when Jesus was baptised with Water. He was praying. And after that the Holy Spirit come upon him like a Dove.”
That was the Gospel of Luke 3:21-22:
“21When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as He was praying, heaven was opened, 22and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”
The goalie of the Stanford women’s team just died, as did a female swimmer from Azusa-Pacific. No cause of death mentioned in either report, of course.
Re: Nancy Neck and Biden Ear
I think that we are seeing artifacts in real-time deepfakes. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Maybe the makeup/mask is good enough to fool observers at 20-30 feet and they can keep all the non-read-in people that far away, but it has to be supplemented with deepfakes for TV closeups.
If you look at Joe from left and right he has one attached earlobe and one unattached. Unlike other pictures of him.
I suspect we’re seeing a body double at least some of the time; Uncle Joe’s dementia may be serious enough he can’t meet even the few commitments his staff sets up for him.
If anyone ever suggests I go fight, I’m paraphrase Mohammed Ali: “No Russian ever called me a racist.”
Hear ,hear!
AC, a glimpse into your mind, please: why was Katie Meyer’s death important enough to include in today’s brief? Was it because she was a Stanford student?
Stanford requires all students to be vaccinated. And now a 22 year old girl who played NCAA soccer, who should have been the picture of health, was just found dead in her bed. Like Vox says, we don’t know it was the vax, but it was the vax.
Agree! Another dead White woman who will not breed.
Don’t worry, honky, we just let in 25, 000 Honduran, Nigerian, and Somali women just last week to replace her. Don’t worry. The US Government in hand with Bill Gates has this covered!
The mo’ dead whites, The Better!
Not civilians, irregulars. They had on blue armbands with yellow script for IFF, that marks them as enemy combatants. (It also grants them the rights to captured soldiers under the laws of land warfare rather than being executed as spies/terrorists, so I commend them on that.)
It was the Russians who popularized the “Molotov cocktail” in WWII. They were effective against WWII tanks. They’ve had a long time to consider how that affects their own tanks.
Tanks are covered in armor. Some of them even have sealed internal ventilation systems for operating in areas covered with chemical or biological agents, and most are reasonably waterproof as well, for fording streams.
Unless the tank is really old, a Molotov cocktail would be about as effective as waving a sheet of paper at it.
From the article:
Maybe 50 words later:
Then that means it happened 8.9 billion years ago, and we will DETECT it in 10k years.
This is why I don’t read science “journalists”.
The implication of the vaccine having generational effects is terrifying. No serious research will be allowed into this subject unless people are willing to be fearless. The Luciferian side of Cabal definitely thinks generationally. Their obsession with mastering the physical world “to become as gods” would definitely lead to something like this. The question is whether it’s dominant and would allow vaxxed to “taint” unvaxxed genetic lines. This is definitely a genocide of sorts towards whites as white countries are the only ones that went crazy with the mRNA injections. Perhaps now we know why.
Jan. 22 we’re told Maxwell is learning Russian.
Feb. 19 her co-conspirator, Brunel, is suicided.
Feb. 24 Russia invades Ukraine.
RE: The Boot
My dad had to wear one just this last week. They shaved some of the skin off his foot at the VA for these deep blood blisters that he has developed – either vaxx or diabetes, not sure. He has the J&J and is now quickly becoming as anti-vaxx as I am now that he’s gotten sick with the original strain of CV19 which that shot was supposed to protect him against. Now that he knows that it was useless, he is willing to entertain the idea that it’s also harmful because it was rushed. He in unwilling to consider that even though we have Bill Gates at a TED talk openly saying that a “good job” with the vaccines with cause a DROP in the expected rise in the world’s population, he is unwilling to believe that people would carry that out.
It’s frustrating because I was almost getting through to him, and then Ukraine happened and he had cold war flashbacks and won’t stop saying SOVIET UNION.
“Astronomers have discovered two supermassive black holes that are 99% of the way to a violent collision that willrock the very fabric of space-time.”
As well as Fake News making this page from time to time, complete and utter nonsense without a verifiable fact makes it here too.
Why the big lie?
Well, a $60m per day budget for NASA, can easily go some way to funding hidden surveillance, if all they have to do is produce some CGI and perpetuate the “Space” myth.
Big lies that can’t be verified, produce lots of funds for other purposes.
Ntm, inversion is their primary focus because they’re satanic.
I wonder why Pompeo and his boot are in Taiwan “further strengthening partnership” at any rate. Among academics and businessmen and other lessers, he’s also meeting with Taiwan’s President, Vice-President, the legislative speaker, and a foreign minister. Sounds pretty official for someone who is not currently an…official.
Good point. The fact that he’s not being threatened with violating the Logan Act is interesting. Kind of reminds me of when John Kerry was shadowing Trump’s international visits to undermine his work.
What’s really sad, really sad, is these psychopaths that are genociding everyone have not thought even a few years into the future. You can tell that they’re psychopaths because psychopaths have this fearless ingrained idea that they can overcome anything.
Well how about this to overcome. Once you kill off all the people who keep the other psychopaths from aggressively killing everyone off…they are coming for you. None of them will be able to trust each other so they will HAVE to go after each other so as to not be sitting ducks themselves. So in fact this is the end of the human race.
This applies to the Jews also. The Jews when regulated in the past to keep them from preying on the European populations readily took up preying on their own.
Ski holidays? Cheerleading accidents? Jogging?
There’s tons of people in boots in the small town near here. They have three day ski weekends, ferocious athletes and avid joggers.
None of these are poor people hobbies, at the level these people practice at.
Lol, they be-clowned themselves.
Debra it’s much cleaner if you just made one singular comment
We’re overdue for the asteroid of death.
This the wrong blog to say this, buuuut…they all have to go back. (Sorry AC, I’m just sick of it).
Who even knows who’s “data” is legit anymore.
Once upon a time, even demon-crats knew better.
What kind of flag is this?
Looks like they tried to combine USA and Uke. Poorly.
Huh, it’s obvious when I zoomed in. From a distance it looked like green stripes
…maybe what the first *hint* of waking up could look like?
I can’t even. Yah, solar power’s been falling on us like that *fo-eva*, and it’s still mostly a losing sum proposition to “catch” it + use it without a stupidly wasteful elite cabal run system seemingly *designed for* virtue signaling, even in literate, white, techno places (which are a *decreasing* percentage of the planet). Wind *power* murders birds. I watched the Piliated Woodpeckers start their breeding season over MY property last week; *F*U*C*K* your windpower. Fuck YOU for having *no idea* who you even are anymore, you bloody retard npc.
Even the “non-political” notice.
Georgia and Moldova Request EU Membership, All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
Apparently Rob Braxman is selling a “de-Googled” privacy-focused phone for $379. In my mind, this might be a drop in the desert as far as countersurveillance, but every bit helps and you never know which speck of sand will misalign a gear in the surveillance cog in a critical moment. Does anyone with cybersecurity experience know about this guy and his products?
I just wanted to add that apparently batch 1 of Rob Braxman’s phones are stuck in customs. Wonder if that’s Cabal installing some sort of backdoor into the devices.
The CPUs and chipsets are already backdoored. It doesn’t matter what OS is running on them.
A few years ago we found out that applied to all modern Intel, AMD, and ARM CPUs. System administrators were shitting bricks over the situation; Intel and AMD had most of the desktop market sewn up, and ARM rules phones and “infrastructure” like routers, smart TVs, microcontrollers, etc.
China and Russia shit bricks as well, and announced crash projects to develop their own clean (or backdoored only for their own use) CPUs. So did Apple, which is the only company that has actually shipped a new CPU. But being Apple, it’s certain they’ve backdoored it for their own use.
TL;DR: if there’s a microprocessor in it and it’s hooked to the internet, you’re already pwned.
Thanks TRX. That actually makes me feel much better because it frees up my mind to look into other things. My we live in a twisted world.
“We’re Now Living Out Minority Report” – ATF Unofficially Declares Solvent Traps To Be Suppressors
Father killed by his son, with interesting detail:
“Buschmann did research on making mRNA vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccines less costly and more widely available with fewer side effects, Allvin said.”
Great link, Thank you!
So many Christian children being groomed away from their parent’s values:
Police Say Preteens Lured Girl, 12, into Sleepover Then Confined and Beat Her: ‘Mentally, Physically Tortured’
Nothing to see here, move along.
More here:
U.S. Secret Service takes two men into custody in Washington’s Georgetown neighborhood
It says they were trying to go fight for Ukraine and that the SS said there was no threat to any SS protectees.
I’m sure this is cabal and surveillance related but it makes no sense, cabal is pro-Ukraine and why was this done by the SS instead of the FIB?
NHTSA Approves Manufacture of Low-Volume Turn-Key Replica Cars
Sen. Tim Kaine Has Long COVID
Did he get a hot frankenshot?
Space junk hurtling toward the moon at speed of 5,800 mph
ATF Unofficially Declares Solvent Traps To Be Suppressors
If that picture is what they are selling, it is a suppressor. That the final hole is not drilled is just a dodge. I’m not saying whether there should be laws against suppressors or not just that that is a fairly complete suppressor.
Congress requires a tax for suppressors, not “almost” suppressors.
Can you actually have an experiment that is as large as the earth?
What about how the Moon is tethered to the earth but by an invisible force?
And why do objects fall to the earth if not for gravity?