News Briefs – 03/03/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies m0ake it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s Twitter Feed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


13 of 25 illegals crammed into a vehicle are killed when the vehicle they were traveling in gets in a crash in California. 4Chan headline was “Mexican Clown Car Crashes Crossing The Border.”

A mass-migration surge has so overwhelmed cartel smugglers that they are issuing customers numbered, colored, and labeled wristbands to denote payment and help them manage their swelling human inventory.

Patrick Byrne suspended on Twitter.

Lin Wood says:

I know many feel that it is taking too long to expose and reverse the illegal November 2020 election. I understand that feeling but I believe the problems facing our country are much bigger than fixing one election. That alone would be relatively easy and quick.

Our country is suffering from massive wounds that have been inflicted over decades but have been masked by lies.

If we only fix the November 2020 Presidential election (which we must and will fix), we would be putting a band-aid on gaping wounds that must all be repaired to prevent our country and the world from bleeding to death.

The injuries have been inflicted worldwide. The wounds are that massive, wide and deep.

Our country needs major surgery. A band-aid will not work. True for our country. True for the world.

Successful surgery on America’s wounds is linked to a not insignificant extent to the success other countries have in treating their wounds.

Once treated, our country and the world can begin the healing process.

It is the final outcome of the repair and healing process that is of paramount importance. In order to get it right and maximize the success of the repair, we must have patience. But I do believe we must stop the bleeding soon and get our country in the operating room to start the surgical repairs.

We live in extraordinary times. But we are an extraordinary country. We have extraordinary leaders.

The surgical fix will be lawful. It must be. We are a country founded on the rule of law.

In the end, the rule of law will prevail. The lies will be uncovered. Truth will prevail.

Walk by faith, not by sight.

It actually makes sense to some degree. If we purged all aspects of Cabal today from the US, it would immediately begin reinfiltrating, and it would probably have 15-30 million agents just waiting to be reactivated, just because what the fuck do we do with all of them? I get the impression Cabal globally is an intelligence agency many times the size of any US agency. So this may take a while, and require something very creative.

They are now putting out an app so anyone can create deep fakes easily. Cabal would have suppressed that technology so they could frame people – unless they need to cast doubt on videos still to come out.

Over a dozen National Guard have been sent to the hospital by their food.

I had linked to this before, where anons had found it, but now Forbes has noted that the Trump hotel in DC jacked up room rates 180% for March 3rd and 4th, for no discernable reason. Some are saying Q-people are flooding into DC, but this was like this back in January, before I had even heard of these dates, and it is not happening at other hotels, so a surge of Q folk booking at the last minute seems unlikely.

Democrats are trying to ram their vote-rigging bill HR-1 through without hearings and few GOP amendments.

Politico says both it and the gun control bills look DOA in the Senate.

Democrats are trying to make it so cops can be sued for anything they do in the commission of their duties. Politico above says that too should die in the Senate.

U.S. Supreme Court appears favorable to new Arizona Election integrity lawsuits that are trying to knock back Republican restrictions as racist. This one doesn’t look like it is going to reverse the election, but these cases are all still going on, so it is possible if there is a plan, one of these later ones will eventually yield some interesting event. Clearly somebody is keeping the troops in DC for a reason.

From twitter : An extra 259 billionaires were created in China in 2020, more than the rest of the world combined, as the Communist country’s economy outpaced all among the pandemic. Billionaires are not real, at least not “new billionaires.” They would be taken down and destroyed long before they got there and their money stolen, if they did not have permission, just the way Microsoft stole whatever it wanted and relentlessly screwed the little upstarts who could have become billionaires. They are money handlers of the ultra-elite of Cabal. So I take this as a sign Cabal is at least fortifying its beachhead in China, if not shifting operations over there.

Majority of academics support discriminating against Conservatives, study shows.

On Twitter, a group claiming to represent the hacker group anonymous threatens the pregnant wife of Gab’s founder, and twitter does nothing.

De Blasio blasts ‘creepy’ Cuomo over sexual harassment scandal, predicts more ‘abusive’ claims will come out. On OAN some were speculating these sex scandals are being used to drown out the Nursing home Chinavirus scandal, because that is a criminal investigation which would produce real problems, and spread to other governors, while the sex stuff is a civil matter, and may die of itself, or just take out Cuomo and stop any further examination of nursing home deaths across the country.

New York’s leading Democrats reach deal to strip Cuomo’s emergency coronavirus powers. This too, makes the nursing home thing less of an issue, because now Cuomo has had his power stripped, and cannot do anything, so why bother looking into old news?

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently paid off a bounty of $155,506 to a former health director who was involved in crafting a COVID-19 policy housing patients with elderly folks in nursing homes in return for him signing a non-disclosure agreement. If Cabal were in control, this would not be a problem. If true, it means they are war gaming as if an enemy with power were going to attack them, and they identified this as a weak spot. Otherwise, the media would just never talk about it and judges would kill all the cases.

31 Missouri Judges recuse themselves from a lawsuit alleging a family court guardian ad litem, a psychologist, and a clinical social worker conspired to use custody disputes as an opportunity to get rich by draining parents’ bank accounts, while sentencing children to life with an abuser. 

Teens in Moscow, Idaho, face 13 criminal charges for posting protest stickers opposing mask mandates. These things, like the Chinavirus panic, are not spontaneous. They are carefully laid plans, which local agents of Cabal have orders to enforce, and prevent anyone from thwarting. The network in this country is more organized than you would think.

3 dozen cases of spontaneous miscarriages and stillbirths occurring after COVID-19 vaccination.

The so-called Brazil variant may evade up to 61% of the immunity brought about after people overcome older versions of the coronavirus, research suggests. A glowie anon on 4Chan said it is well known in glowie circles they have several plans to extend the Chinavirus panic, because they like the unilateral control they can exert over the populace with it. So nobody should think the panic will die down anytime soon.

Israel launches Covid-19 tracking bracelet for travelers. It will alert people if the person moves away from their home monitoring station or tries to leave the house. They call it a “freedom bracelet.”

New lawsuit alleges L.A., Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills used curfews to crush legitimate protest.

Emails show Fauci, NIH, and WHO accommodated China on covid confidentiality ‘terms.’

A COVID-19 vaccine side effect causing false positive cancer screenings on mammograms. 

Here is a weird Twitter thread about a paywalled Epoch Times article, by a Capitol protester who dressed as Antifa to get behind their lines, and was surprised the Capitol cops manning the border at the Capitol opened gates, let him in, and showed support for him. When he later changed to a red hat, cops fought with, and pepper-balled him. My guess is Cabal cops in the Capitol Police were assigned to those gates with covert orders to let rioters in, and Cabal recognizes Antifa as part of the same command structure. It is weird, but Secret Society is the only way to describe it. Cabal would target any Capitol Cops for infiltration if they had the power to support covert entries of the Capitol, or other intel-related activities.

Soon-to-disappear Dr. Seuss books are now selling for as high as $20K on eBay.

FBI Director Wray says there is no evidence Antifa or left-wing groups played a role in the January 6 Capitol riot. “There is no evidence of “fake Trump supporters” at the US Capitol.”

Director Wray says the FBI cannot ‘disclose the cause of death’ of Officer Brian Sicknick.  WTF?

Bill Kristol says we need to help Biden succeed to help heal the country. 

A new study finds, a Biden amnesty would import a California-size foreign population.

White House says to illegal immigrants, “We’re not saying don’t come. We’re saying don’t come now.”

To silence a 19-year-old critic overseas, the CCP tortures his parents in China.

A judge has ordered the federal government to hand over emails from Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki after she allegedly admitted to “lying” to the media in one thread.

Because of DeBlasio’s mismanagement, Manhattan properties are being sold at massive losses.

Proposed California law would end most workplace marijuana tests. Notice when CIA moved into Redstate Colorado, it first legalized pot, and things went downhill from there.

Pope Francis refers to the flood of Noah as a ‘mythical tale’ and says God will send Judgement on Earth not for sin but because of climate change.

Pope Francis will be the first pontiff in history to pray with members of a syncretistic sect who worship a “fallen angel” depicted as a peacock and identified with the Devil.

Rapper T.I. and his wife Tiny denied allegations of rape, kidnapping and drugging brought against them by roughly 30 women.

Will Smith says he might step into politics one day. The Rock is saying the same thing. Might be a sign Cabal feels its grip slipping, and is looking to try and introduce clean characters from another compromised pool. Weird to think all those guys who seem so normal, and nice and amiable, have probably done such awful things they can never let them see the light of day.

George Floyd trial next week, so we will find out to what degree Cabal has penetrated the court system and whether the trial is rigged like the elections or not. Interesting there are no more Police shootings of innocent black angels who were aspiring to be brain surgeons, now that Biden is in office, no?

Vernon Jordan, civil rights activist and D.C. power broker, dies at 85. Bill Clinton’s golfing confidant.

Amazon has adopted a rule against books that contain anything the company labels as “hate speech.”

Amazon changes its app logo because whoever designed it made it look like a perfect Hitler-mustache smile. Fitting.

$140 million ‘Pelosi subway’ axed from Senate COVID bill.

Rand Paul Tweets, of John Brennan saying he is embarrassed to be a white person, “I’m old enough to remember when ?@JohnBrennan was just embarrassed to be an American, period. Don’t worry, John. Considering your record of shredding the constitution, I’m embarrassed you are too!”

Two-thirds of Austrians say Chinavirus restrictions are worse than the virus.

Harvard/Harris Poll finds Americans are more concerned over summer violence than the January 6 Capitol protest.

Record number of Minnesota gun permits issued in 2020.

Friedman in the Times writes“In the middle of a global pandemic, at least 130,000 Israeli tourists and investors have flown to Dubai and Abu Dhabi since commercial air travel was established in mid-October!” That is a long-lasting legacy of peace from Trump, which I think will be undone fast by Cabal, if they have power. They want conflict in the Mideast to justify massive military “aid” to Israel which gets pilfered and sent to Cabal bank accounts. If it doesn’t get undone in a year, then the forces aligned with Trump will still be in charge.

The Guardian writes, “Goya Foods CEO repeats Trump’s election lies, prompting calls for boycott.” So back to eating Mexican for a while? As I have said, even if you do not eat Mexican foods, they make great desserts.

Texas governor lifts coronavirus mask mandate and allows businesses to open at 100% capacity, despite health officials’ warnings.

GOP poised for huge gains in Florida redistricting – “If you thought it couldn’t get worse for Dems…it can.”

Video on twitter of President Trump’s motorcade on the highway, and all of Orlando’s motorcycle cops making it a point to drive by in the HOV lane as a show for him.

Spread r/K Theory, because deserts are important too.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently paid off a bounty of $155,506 to a former health director who was involved in crafting a COVID-19 policy housing patients with elderly folks in nursing homes in return for him signing a non-disclosure agreement.”

The war criminal’s name is Robert Gordon. I imagine many folks that had their loved one’s needlessly killed for propaganda purposes would hate for anything to happen to him.

4 years ago

Lin Wood makes no sense because he could have written this months ago instead of continually proclaiming that arrests are coming within days. Now he pivots to keep his dupes on the hook. Trust the plan and keep doing nothing until the day of our extermination.

4 years ago

another successful site business model for you to mimic, proving woo is no obstacle to profit:

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Shekels on earth, go Leo.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I like that site. All kinds of interesting stuff.

Carl Freaking Monday
Carl Freaking Monday
4 years ago

How can it be that that troika of corrupt family court racketeers in St. Louis County are not all serving lengthy prison sentences right now?

How has Elaine Pudlowski not been disbarred yet?

Where the hell are the investigative journalists? Certainly there is somebody in the St. Louis media market with enough balls to take this on, right????????

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“They want conflict in the Mideast to justify massive military “aid” to Israel which gets pilfered and sent to Cabal bank accounts.”

AC, serious question here, what is the connection between Mossad and Cabal? Because if that is happening at all, then Mossad and Cabal are one in the same. It might even mean that Mossad is knowingly moving towards the destruction of Israel as a viable nation state. My guess would be that the Talmud/Kabbalah and globalism just wasn’t enough for some secret group, they have to completely corrupt and then exterminate all of the ancient Israelite lineages as their master Satan requires.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“…AC, serious question here, what is the connection between Mossad and Cabal?…”

AC said,”Probably the same as CIA and Cabal…”

I slightly disagree. By and large Jews=cabal. It’s a matter of degree. I do not state that there are not Whites involved or other races but the Jews are THE major group far outweighing any others in the aspect of control.

I believe that cabal can be very much likened to the mafia. Now the public story on the mafia is fake because the mafia is not all Italian but the fake structure can be used to illustrate. In it there are various families that are all about skinning and stealing from the norms. They cooperate but are also in contest with each other sometimes ruthlessly destroying each other.

It’s very likely that the cabal/Jews are the ones that brought down the actual Italian mafia in New York. They had served their purpose and the Jews decided they wanted their profits to go into their Jew pockets.

In the real cabal the Jews are the biggest family by far and the ones mostly calling the shots. No one else has so many people in one in group mass with loyalty only to that group.

It’s worse that the Jews control things because their psychopathy and hatred for anyone not Jews means destruction for everyone. Even themselves. Whereas the mafia just wanted to make money.

There’s a pattern. When Jews have sufficient control over the norms they then start moving on on each other. You see this in Weinstein and the baseball or basketball team owner that got pushed out. There’s also the former Jewish ghettos the Jews were forced to live in. The worst Jews preyed on the less aggressive.

It’s very similar to Black ghettos. In Memphis Tenn. when they destroyed public housing they spread Blacks all over Memphis into section 8 housing and crime exploded everywhere they went . The lesson here is you need to corral them all among their own and let them prey on their own instead of everyone else.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Blacks need to have the worst among them culled as well.

Reply to  info23
4 years ago

There are ledgers full of red ink on all sides, and when the accounts get settled, I think you will find that the situation solved itself in that corner of the world.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

I am searching the archives for something that has nothing to do with this, but I was too retarded to properly tag what I am looking after (which means I have to manually shuffle thru mountains of link and pics), and came across this classic I had forgotten about that is related to your discussion, it’s about Mossad agents getting caught posing as CIA to recruit assets against Iran:

comment image

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“As I have said, even if you do not eat Mexican foods, they make great desserts.”

part of modern Mexican culinary style descends from the French occupations. Many of their desserts are actually French in origin. Part of an anti-Spanish but pro-Catholic desire and 2 foreign interventions between 1811 and 1867. Historical New Orleans may play a role as well.

4 years ago

Pope Francis refers to the flood of Noah as a ‘mythical tale’ and says God will send Judgement on Earth not for sin but because of climate change.

And the shills here still insist that Protestants are the whole problem.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Agreed. There are people here who are dedicated to creating strife between the audience.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

If only they were more like that nice Jesus, never had a bad word to say to anyone, just go along to get along, that’s the way, that’s what you want. That is what you will get too, Sabbath-breaker.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

My Jesus makes whips and flips tables.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

And behind the secret society, the spirit realm. I’ve noticed people are having problems sleeping on the same days, and sensing and feeling “something in the air” more and more. Even though separated by many miles. Discussing the spiritual aspect is really hard; that aspect of things was compromised first and hardest, which opened the door for everything else. Because it is so compromised, hard to have a conversation, even sincere people can get very triggered at the thought that their church or theology might be (even a little bit) wrong, or if not “wrong”, then at least, different from what they understood and believed it to be.

The way I discovered ACs work on narcissism, the timing was likely supernatural, because the very next day there was an episode of the South Park cartoon which was about a textbook narcissistic relationship. Then youtube flooded me with videos, but the first few were the best, and included one where a Christian woman told the narcissistic spirit to name itself. It called itself “Lucifer”. Then the narc in my life did things that required supernatural knowledge, breaking passwords and codes that someone with her knowledge and expertise had no way to do. The Bible only has a few verses about Lucifer, but they describe the narcissistic personality perfectly.

AC is doing God’s work. People need to recognize the Lucifer spirit, then rebuke it and make it flee. AC has helped more people with that, more than any church I know of. And all without having to “speak in tongues” or take a special course or seminar. Thank you AC.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

In that book on the Mossad, “By Way of Deception” by Victor Ostrovsky, he describes the training of Mossad agents and officers. One of the exercises was how fast you could “recruit” someone. He gave examples, showing it was fast and easy for them, usually the “recruits” didn’t know what they were doing. Often it would be something brief, a little favor, an incident quickly concluded, seemingly very innocent. And thus the recruits had full deniability. Officers made up a story on the spot to convince the recruit to do what they wanted. So, you could have a bunch of people acting in a seemingly coordinated way, and they are coordinated, but not aware that what they are doing is putting on a show intended to intimidate or affect you, they may not even know of your existence.

One example from Ostrovsky’s book, was using a third story apartment as an observation post for a few minutes. He made up a story about making a film, and within 5 minutes had achieved his objective, the apartment renter let him in to use his balcony. Someone under surveillance could be forgiven for thinking the apartment renter was part of the surveillance. If humans can do that, I imagine those in the spirit realm can do similar things.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Calling for help from Jesus Christ really helps. Prayer is how we call upon Him.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’ve had a similar incident, in which the timing can only be called supernatural. When my narcissist broke from me, I had no clue what he was. He told me he would cut me off (after a 2 hour tirade and name-calling). Never heard from him again. I have thick skin and he had been my oldest childhood friend, so I figured his behavioral patterns simply anomalous due to high IQ effects.

The very same day, I coincidentally began reading AC’s book on narcissists, and for some reason, jumped to the chapter on the strategies and tactics they used. It fit his behaviors like a glove (e.g., laughter, denial of reality, aggression, admitting nothing, etc.). Nearly every one of the strategies aligned with how this guy acted whenever he had built up enough energy to get out of what I can only call a persistent state of mental catatonia. It only took this long for me to realize it because I don’t have a normal emotional response and was trying to understand him (assuming that he had normal human hardwiring). I would never show an emotional response from him in any one of his outbursts, and he would enter a state of catatonia. I thought I could help him. This is how I was able to be his “friend” for so long”.

Then I began from the beginning, and read that breaking from a narcissist is extremely difficult. I’d read the article on this site about narcissism before, but that was when everything clicked. Keep in mind, this guy was/is a Christian, though, because of his wiring, I understand now that he only understands the “fear of God”, nothing else. The individual’s childhood experiences had likely fried his amygdala when he was very young necessarily causing his actions to manifest in narcissistic patterns (e.g., persistent catatonic states, anhedonia, sadism, rambling tirades, projection, inability to think beyond a tiny window of mastered subject matter, sadistic humor, self-fulfilling prophesies etc.). I was the last friend he had.

Also, never felt freer. “Thick skin” means nothing in the face of constantly having a burden of a narcissist eating at your mind for years. Didn’t even realize he was affecting my bible reading and praying until now. Less stress, etc.

Enough rambling. Thanks AC for your work, your books and this site. I have been lurking and reading daily for years, and finally wanted to share a recent story and convey my gratitude.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I have grave questions about the wokeness of the current pontiff.

4 years ago

>Texas governor lifts coronavirus mask mandate and allows businesses to open at 100% capacity, despite health officials’ warnings.

“If I unlock the state, maybe the voters will forget that I let people die during the cold snap because I didn’t have the balls to tell the power utilities to ignore the Feds and fire up their fossil fueled plants.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Democrats are trying to make it so cops can be sued for anything they do in the commission of their duties”

I’m for this. Have you people forgotten that it was a Supreme court decision that made up from whole cloth that officials can not be sued dog their duties even if they break the law? Why should the law be above the law? Can anyone answer that. Being pro law enforcement doesn’t mean you have to say they can never be blamed for anything. This is just another of those made up laws the courts have foisted on us that I’m always complaining about.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

they’ll go after the cops they want to get rid of (tyranny) and promote the lawbreaking cops they want to (anarcho). just like they are doing now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I fully get both of your points. I’m not blind to people abusing the police but there’s no doubt that the expanded definition the courts “made law” created has caused problems.

My point is simple if someone is going to be thwarted by the law, even to the point of possible abuse, then I want it to be the State and their force projection team and not the citizens. You can’t have everything so I side with the citizens. In all cases there will be abuses.

I have saved tons of cases of police beating people to death, shooting people for no reason. It’s not an avalanche but it’s still a serious number. I have this video of a guy who has schizophrenia who five policemen are beating to death because he called them names. Nothing else. It’s on tape. The people around him are even trying to get the police to stop while the guy is pleading for his father and dying. (His father was a cop). Nothing happened to them. Nothing.

I have lot of these saved. Many of them are people who just don’t show the police enough respect so they kill them. I’m not for that. And it’s not all serious massive troublemakers that this happens to. I’ve got a video of a guy walking down the street whittling on a stick. Cop drives up tells him to drop the knife and guy walks on. Cop shoots him in the back. Guy was deaf. Never heard him or even saw his as he wasn’t even facing him. He was well away from him too. He was ZERO threat. He was not charging him in any way. The cop just felt justified that if someone had a knife and didn’t drop it immediately when he commanded he had the right to kill him. THAT’S THE PROBLEM. That’s exactly what this court made up immunity leads too.

In many cases if there was no police then crime would plummet because the criminals use the police to arrest citizens who try to defend themselves. Blacks know this very well. They try to rob you and you fight back they call the cops on you. If there were no police the criminals would have their asses shot off.

And don’t pretend that the police will not have legal representation by the city or State if they are reasonably fulfilling their functions because they are now and will but those that have not done correctly should not get immunity.

It’s not good or the best thing but you have to choose. Citizens or cops. You can ether choose to give police extraordinary powers and rights over us or have the rights equal. This is a clear case where the rights of the State (totally made up by the courts) far outweigh the rights of the citizens(we are noting that this IS NOT an emergency situation which I do see as changing things). I choose citizens.

4 years ago


while I do not doubt irreplaceable function of blackmail in a “standard democratic society”, how exactly is blackmail supposed to work in an environment, where MSM are controlled and elections irrelevant?

As I see it, you cannot make threats like publishing something “very nasty” about me if I control narrative (MSM), “justice” and any elections’ outcome.
And from the other side, if you can control narrative, “justice”, and elections, you don’t need blackmail files.

So either you overestimate the power of blackmail, or I am missing something.

(my username is still not appearing above my comments)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Well, but the blackmail files (though I tend to think that the word “blackmail” is this time just some kind of generalization of something that rules the world) are probably a dynamic set of something (as new “files” are added constantly), so their management will be probably much more complicated than just a few data storage locked in a vault deep in the Hallstein salt mines. 😉

Btw, it might as well be a technology.
Imagine that you can e.g. mimic alien abductions with some technology, that is invincible by a standard weapons. That would be a control tool like no other! (I am not saying that it is so, we’d probably hear some rumors about it already, just explaining what I meant by “generalization” of the word blackmail.)

Then the dynamic of who has control of such technology and who has countermeasures would shape the world in a similar way, that you’ve described. (And actual MSM or election control – as well as my original question – would be irrelevant.)


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

as predicted, cabal services firm… comment image

4 years ago

Wow, surprising to see Amazon book burning. Don’t publishers rely on Amazon’s distribution for profit? Unfortunate. Will new books need to rely on Abesbooks to sell copies? Online distribution and existent historical books still exist thankfully.

4 years ago

>Walk by faith, not by sight

We’ll trust our lying eyes, bullshitting Boomer filth. THE PATIENT IS CODING, retard.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Everything done in the American revolution was lawful. It was a lawful rebellion.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

There is a particular difference with a Royal House losing the mandate of Heaven and there reactions thereof as amply demonstrated in the Scriptures.

And the opposition to all Monarchies in general. Which would also condemn King David and King Josiah for being Kings.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

From Owen Benjamin’s telegram:

Texas gov failed so horribly the people living there are no longer listening. To keep the illusion of power, the governor is trying to make you think he’s the reason masks aren’t being worn & businesses are no longer complying. They never had the power to shut down your business, & DEFINATELY not to force you to cover your face that was made in God’s image.

You can’t fail your population during a crisis and then expect them to listen when the lights come back on.

The illusion of government power is falling in front of our eyes and it’s by their own doing.

The power only belongs to, and is given from, God. People are returning to that knowledge.

Logos is Rising.


I thought you were going on vacation Lembrador? No?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

I planned for a week long pause, but managed to calm muh tits in one day.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Here are my most recent link suggestions for the frens that want them, in a noice single link (with archive backup) (NOTE: scroll down on the text box inside the ControlC link to see the rest of the document):

Older editions included at the end of the link of the current edition.

PS: frens only!
PPS: archive everything and organize your archive in order to share the info easier and faster!

4 years ago

he’s right. ds/cabal do it the other way.

4 years ago

This story seems very odd:

It looks like Trump admin created a fake identity for someone to act like a Special Counsel. And it might well be Sidney Powell (born in Durham and according to Patrick Byrne, she asked for Special Counsel although much later than Durham was appointed).

If so, welovetrump (Noah) would have ironically just destroyed her cover.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

enjoy the movie. as the article says, its been publicly stated before that powell is from NC. durham, NC.

Gary Morgan
4 years ago

My last comment here, prophecy still being fulfilled (Isaiah 6):

Then I heard the voice of Yehovah saying:

“Whom shall I send?

Who will go for Us?”

And I said:

“Here am I. Send me!”

9And He replied:

“Go and tell this people,

‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;

be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’

10Make the hearts of this people calloused;

deafen their ears and close their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts,

and turn and be healed.”

11Then I asked:

“How long, O Yehovah?”

And He replied:

“Until the cities lie ruined

and without inhabitant,

until the houses are left unoccupied

and the land is desolate and ravaged,

12until Yehovah has driven men far away

and the land is utterly forsaken.

13And though a tenth remains in the land,

it will be burned again.

As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled,

so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”

I have a talent for a giving a caustic message, to make your hearts calloused, so that you will never hear, never see. A sharp tongue, via my finger-tips. Although I have always been sharp, having a very angry Word of God in me does increase the magnitude. Prepare for the utter wasting of your precious pagan nation.

You Yanks will not hear, you will not become ‘hot for God’, you will not bother to remember His sabbath days, His new moon days, His holy feast days, you will keep eating unclean meat, idolising your President and flag and crappy Satanic constitution.

So be it, you bunch of pals will all end up with the same fate: terrible suffering here on earth for no longer than 11.5 years, then 1,000 years together in the pits of the earth, tormenting one another, and being tormented by all the other enemies of God. That’s what you are, enemies of God, He hates those who have no fear of Him, and so don’t bother to obey His laws. I will be delighted when you are all wiped off His earth, and I can reign in peace and according to His ways, with no more filth around. Lots to overcome before that though, bring it on pagans and demons, I am ready for you all.

By the time my ministry is made public, you will have been well and truly spewed out, and even when you see videos of my miracles, you will be caused to disbelieve them, so that you burn.

To those who have heard, who seek truth, and holiness and righteousness, you know where to find me.

Snipe away now pagans, see you all at final judgement, I will wave you goodbye.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

> a very angry Word of God in me

There is no angry word of God. The world is perfect even if you can’t understand it yet.
Jesus told you to love your enemies, etc etc

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

“My last comment here”

Good news in the comment section for a change.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

Isiah 6 is specifically about this people, meaning the Jews, not the gentiles. The cities there were laid waste in 70 AD. That prophecy is over.

I have a talent for a giving a caustic message, to make your hearts calloused, so that you will never hear, never see.

That is because we know the voice of our shepherd. You have the voice of your father, Satan.

You Yanks will not hear, you will not become ‘hot for God’, you will not bother to remember His sabbath days, His new moon days, His holy feast days, you will keep eating unclean meat, idolising your President and flag and crappy Satanic constitution.

Hmm, did Jesus tell us to do those things?

Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”

So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

He said to Him, “Which ones?”

Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”

The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?”

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

Jesus doesn’t care what you eat. Jesus doesn’t care about your Jewish myths. As Paul taught Titus:

Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

God doesn’t want your empty sacrifices. He wants mercy and worship.

Snipe away now pagans, see you all at final judgement, I will wave you goodbye.

comment image

Johannes Q
Reply to  Gary Morgan
4 years ago

That’s a hell of a sneer on the way out, I believe it is destined for 4chan pasta status on a par with the Leaf response to every humour thread.

4 years ago

“and it would probably have 15-30 million agents just waiting to be reactivated, just because what the fuck do we do with all of them?”

Execution or banishment for life.

And I don’t care how high the number is.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Division and infighting as a result of distrust:,-and-profit

No matter how big if its unity is shattered in this manner it will cannibalize itself.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Agreed. The only way to win a war is to start by executing all the traitors and betrayers in your own forces.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

It’s the only way.

4 years ago

“So I take this as a sign Cabal is at least fortifying its beachhead in China, if not shifting operations over there.”

Or the Chinx are buying off people to avoid internal unrest.

4 years ago

Regarding Burma.

Sometimes it is time to forget about optics or any further preparation and just give anyone who doesn’t like it free helicopter rides.

This serves another optics purpose, getting the enemy to actually leave like they always threaten too in addition to the ones you catch.

Pinochet was at that point, I believe Burma is at that point and if we aren’t there yet we are perilously close.

4 years ago

>They are now putting out an app so anyone can create deep fakes easily.
Awesome. The sooner we can destroy the value of blackmail as a currency by inflating it, the better.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

From Owen Benjamin’s telegram channel:

When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

What’s more likely…

The United States politicians finally came together in unity for a truly moral cause to put an end to foreign wars.

– OR –

The US military & government can no longer sustain their power in the same historical fashion, so politicians are exploiting an inevitable draw down to make themselves look like they grew a conscience.

I’m just asking questions.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago
4 years ago

“To silence a 19-year-old critic overseas, the CCP tortures his parents in China.”

That’s the thing with opposing evil. Your family will always end up targeted. So one must make sure all the brothers and male relatives are well trained and armed. And the women and children are well prepared in safety.

Same thing with Christian persecution. They will go after the families of the martyrs just for existing as their blood relatives.