News Briefs – 03/02/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s Twitter Feed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Good job Glowies – you got this guy elected President and gave power to the people who elevated him. For the visually impaired, it is a video of Biden at a Congressional swearing in ceremony, taking the hand of a seven or eight year old girl, as everybody looks up at the camera, and he presses her hand into his genitals, she recoils and tries to pull away, and then looks up at him confused. If you are running cover for these people, you have no excuses. You either repent and take part in tearing the temple down, or your soul will be condemned for all eternity. There is no middle ground. FIle embedded after this:

A reminder that this moron also advised if you thought someone was outside, to just fire your shotgun through the door at them, so they would run off. I’ve actually met two doctors now who I would have believed never went to medical school. Before I saw the surveillance, I assumed they may have been impostors who had faked degrees and resumes, and gotten ensconced and developed the ability to fly below the radar. Now I wonder if they were surveillance guys testing their ability to deceive people on me. Regardless, I thought of them when I saw this story. Biden supposedly went to law school. We know he lied about all sorts of accolades, claiming he had graduated with multiple majors, in the upper 90-something percent of his class, and so on, when he never did. Now I am wondering if he went to law school the way Barack Obama went to NYU – on some sort of Cabal program where he was running surveillance and raping children by day, or running intel operations of some sort somewhere, and getting brief seminars on the bare minimum he was going to need to know, to fake having a law degree (even though the institution would award him a genuine degree, just because of Cabal pull). I mean what lawyer would tell someone that if they thought an intruder was outside, just fire a shotgun through the door? Maybe he is just an idiot. But it is strange.

A writer cut out all TV and found they were more relaxed, less stressed, more patient, and experienced waves of contentment. I am sure TV shows are designed to alter psychology a lot more than anyone would believe.

National Guard in DC are hospitalized after reporting their food is being tampered with, with metal shavings and worms being put in it.

Some US Capitol razor wire was being removed by work crews today as they prepare to reopen a road. It is not clear if they are moving the fence and will reinstall the razor wire in another position, where it will not obstruct that road but will still restrict access.

Biden acts like Trump would on Iran.

Forensic audit of Dominion voting machines in Arizona shows ‘no evidence of vote switching.’ Of course the machines are designed to print out ballots which say what they were adjudicated as, so it was not a count of the original ballots, and as Patrick Byrne showed, when they went to do such audits, a team slipped in and altered disk images to cover up what happened, and his team actually caught the disk images on some machines both before and after they were altered. This is why exposing the surveillance is essential. People need to know there is a CIA-level organization out there, embedded all around them, running CIA-level operation to corrupt our nation in every regard, including electoral.

Supreme Court rejects another group of Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud petitions without further comment.

4 arrested in Texas on 150 counts of voter fraud.

ID for absentee ballots are now required in Georgia and angry leftists react by storming the state Capitol.

Democrats in Congress want to overhaul elections with a national bill which will eviscerate states rights and enshrine procedures designed to benefit fraud operations and the left.

Trump says he requested 10,000 National Guard on Jan 6th, but Nancy Pelosi refused to allow it at the Capitol.

4Chan anon in Ireland is finding spook poops, which are actually some type of listening/surveillance device arrayed around Derry. It sounds crazy to think the government would go this far without a clear objective, but they do. When you are dealing with surveillance, the advantage comes from being in place before the target thinks there might be surveillance To do that, you have to do things people would never think you would be crazy enough to do, so they can’t predict what you will do and adapt. And if you want a real advantage you get in place before the target has ever even done anything surveillance worthy. They have just taken it a step further, and sought to get in place before the target has even thought they might do anything surveillance-worthy, by beginning surveillance on kids in school, charting their development, and figuring out early, based on psychology and aptitude, who will be a problem and who will not. And yes, they are listening everywhere anything interesting might be said, and even places that are shockingly uninteresting.

Crowder is getting Conspiracized, as after his voter fraud episode last week where they tracked down bogus voter addresses, suddenly he mysteriously lost his power for no reason. Then people began saying they fact-checked his show, and the bogus addresses he attributed to people were wrong. So he checked, and it turns out after his show, somebody went into the state voter roles, and changed a lot of the addresses he looked, at right after his show. But the new addresses were provably fake as well, so it was just to make it look like he was sloppy. If I told you he has his own dedicated intelligence team, watching his show and looking to discredit it, and with access to go in and alter state voter roll databases in the middle of the night, running surveillance on everyone of his employees, and that maybe even an employee or two are informants either sent in by that intelligence operation, or blackmailed and turned by it, it would sound nuts. But that is the world we live in. Do you think you could go in and alter the state voter rolls anon? This is a high-level intelligence operation.

Third Cuomo accuser comes forward, provides photos and texts.

Mitt Romney is knocked unconscious, suffers black eye and bloody lips during a fall. Be interesting to see if he gets in line behind Trump now, or if he becomes even more supportive of Cabal.

Democrats caught trying to sneak $1 billion for “racial justice” into the farming section of the COVID relief bill. All of which would be routed into Cabal organizations designed to pay it to other Cabal organizations to foster racial animus and promote Cabal politicians as the money is laundered and wends it way to Cabal leadership back accounts.

Democrats consider scheduling a vote on the ‘controversial’ gun control bill in the next two weeks, a report says.

And just like that, school shootings are starting up again – School shooting in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, leaves 15-year-old in serious condition, police say.

Biden senior adviser says White House will start acting on reparations ‘now.’ It is not clear they can actually do anything via executive order, which is all they could do if they wanted to. However this could be part of a pattern of making radical calls to action with horrible PR effects, only to then do little of substance. And thus they turn the population against them, without really doing a lot of damage.

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was cut off during a CPAC interview by a Right Side Broadcasting interviewer, because he said people who didn’t have the Chinavirus were being diagnosed with it. They are dependent on Youtube so they will probably ague they didn’t want to get the broadcast nuked by Youtube. But it is still unacceptable to shut our own up preemptively for Youtube, just so Youtube doesn’t have to do the censorship itself.

Big Tech tyranny has conservative news outlets self-censoring, because they don’t want to be canceled. It also offers a good cover for a Cabal controlled opposition operation to do what Cabal wants.

California Governor Gavin Newsom posted a video to his TikTok account with celebrity George Lopez on Saturday inside a restaurant in an area of California that currently doesn’t allow indoor dining.

In Seattle, tax dollars are used to buy heroin pipes, syringes, and “booty bumping kits,” which allow users to rectally inject drugs for a more intense high.

Border Patrol released 350 migrants into small Arizona city over past two weeks as border situation worsens.

Largest Protestant adoption agency in the US opens to LGBTQ parents. It was just going to be gay marriage – there was no such thing as a slippery slope. Now we have naked men changing in front of six year old girls in women’s locker rooms.

A gay, polyamorous California throuple made history, listing 3 dads on a birth certificate.

When the Chinese and Indian militaries clashed, China appears to have knocked out a significant section of India’s power grid with a malware attack as a warning to them to back down. If they ever nuked our powergrid, Congress’ official estimate is 90% of America dead within a year, almost all inner city liberals and other non-self-sufficient leftists.

A twice-convicted rapist and level three sex offender who was bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund after being charged in two new sex assault and kidnapping cases is now wanted on a felony warrant for failing to comply with the conditions of his release.

The president of Berkeley’s teachers’ union is being condemned by parents’ groups and reopening advocates after a “guerrilla” video showed him taking his two-year-old daughter to in-person preschool.

Now they are saying everything is about to get more expensive, but that is a good thing, because it means the economy is warming back up, so we should welcome it. In other words, they are about to start printing and funneling the new money into Cabal bank accounts.

Vox Day on the hack of Gab and its DMs, and why you should never assume you have privacy on the internet.

Police have begun using Boston Dynamics’ dog robot. Better than sending in a live dog to a dangerous environment, but one step closer to government deploying armed hunter killer units into areas they want depopulated.

Three volcanoes erupt at the same time in Guatemala.

It’s been nine years since we lost Andrew Breitbart.

Minneapolis scraps plans to pay Social Influencers to manipulate public opinion during the George Floyd trial. The influencers they were going to pay were all Cabal operatives anyway.

Five rural Oregon counties will vote on joining Idaho in May.

Little-known Civil Rights law could bring big tech to its knees. It turns out Seattle has a law which bars discrimination based on political beliefs or ideology, non-residents can sue under it, Amazon is based in Seattle, and you get to sue for humiliation and mental suffering, and there is no limit on the damages for suits. Parler supposedly could take them apart in state court, as one example. Other tech giants like facebook and google have offices there too, so they are liable as well.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have to know the rules to play the game.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago
Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

Isn’t that a Cabal thing? Some kind of ritual punishment or humiliation?

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

It’s some sort of Cabal thing. We’re not sure what it means, but we know it is part of the picture.

One theory is that it’s an Eye of Horus thing. Another theory is that there is some Rothschild type who lets you know you fucked up by punching you in the eye, to make sure you Get It.

4 years ago

Gnews finished its 6-part series on how the CCP deliberately released COVID19 from Wuhan. It was supposed to go back to the USA from the Wuhan military games, but the HCQ was too effective on the 5 infected US competitors, and COVID19 was too good at spreading among the unhygienic Chinese population during winter.

So yes, the CCP waged deliberate biowarfare on everyone but Russia, who may have gotten advance warning and an HCQ shipment.

It’s Pearl Harbor all over again. What is with East Asians and going off half-cocked?!

Only part 6 has links to the whole series, but you should read it in order. Links at the bottom of the page.

4 years ago

Let me explain something to you.

“Muh Freedoms”. —That is ONLY Anarchy. That is a canard. Means absolutely NOTHING.

Why? You have NO control over your destiny! That is why. Do you control the Destiny of your people here in America of whatever race you are? NO. You are being miscegenated out of existence.

If you can’t control your destiny of your people—then YOU DON’T HAVE FREEDOM.

God Created Nations. We are parts of a Whole, called our Nation/Race. Your Duty is to Your Race.

There is NO such thing as “Freedom” and Liberty. —Not when you are being genocided.

You don’t control your destiny—You don’t have Freedom. AND NO ONE IN AMERICA DOES.

Life is not about money, economics. Life is the Survival of your people. You can’t do that—you are NOT worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Meaning and existence is ONLY found in your Nation and Religion. Our music is Negro, Our ethics are Jewish, i.e. Political Correctness. What about you is European? Are YOU Free to engage in your racial proclivities that makes you who you are? No.
Freedom is of the group. Even under subjection, the Amish continue and create their own culture and KEEP it. They have freedom, because they have a culture all their own. You don’t.
You have to give up on the Americanist ideology. Old America is Dead. It was a false construct. It failed miserably to protect us. Have to throw everything out, including the ideology that went with it.

4 years ago

“Good job Glowies – you got this guy elected President and gave power to the people who elevated him. For the visually impaired, it is a video of Biden at a Congressional swearing in ceremony, taking the hand of a seven or eight year old girl, as everybody looks up at the camera, and he presses her hand into his genitals, she recoils and tries to pull away, and then looks up at him confused. If you are running cover for these people, you have no excuses. You either repent and take part in tearing the temple down, or your soul will be condemned for all eternity. There is no middle ground.”

If he is this disgusting in public then I know from experience:
1. No decent man or woman would congregate or break bread with him or anyone who associates with him.
2. All of the men around him are perverts like him or worse than him.
3. He is ten times or 100 times worse behind closed doors.
4. All of the women around him are perverted whores, baby murderers, and sadists any combination of the former.
5. Where there are homosexuals there are whores; where there are whores there are pedophiles; where there are pedophiles there are homosexuals; all perverts stick together.

I truly get sick hearing about and seeing these people. They are indicators of a decaying society. Like Nero’s Rome. This might be the most openly degenerate POTUS in history!


4 years ago

“Supreme Court rejects another group of Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud petitions without further comment.”

It is not an indictment of the Supremes that they have stood strong with the election steal. It is an indictment of Donald Trump that one or all of his appointees have stood with the thieves. Especially that Comey Barrett chick. She has gone against 45 on almost every single issues. And he did practically did back flips over her.


4 years ago

Correct. I pray for “INCOMPETENT” only. 😉

4 years ago

I did find it strange that the left let her through with such ease

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

In law school we learn that firing a shot into a building that you BELIEVE is empty is murder if the shot hits and kills someone, even a trespasser. This is the example given for “wanton and abandoned heart” murder, also known as depraved heart murder. How much moreso when you know someone’s there. Murder doesn’t always require intent to kill. So yeah, not a lawyer.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

not gaf. manslaughter.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Dunno what gaf means. I think you’re right, the example I gave would be manslaughter (still proving no lawyer would recommend this). In the particular case, where you know someone’s at your door, and you fire, hoping not to kill, it’s second degree depraved heart murder.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Barack Obama went to NYU”

That’s a good one, everyone knows he went to Barnard College, a famous seven sisters school.

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago

AC, crotch rub link tries to download something when I try to click on it. FYI

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks, but here’s more weirdness.
Works fine with Brave on Android.
Doesn’t work with Brave on two different iPadOS machines.
BTW…sorry I watched it.

4 years ago

ID for absentee ballots are now required in Georgia and angry leftists react by storming the state Capitol.

I thought that storming a Capitol during a vote was insurrection now?

4 years ago

Third Cuomo accuser comes forward, provides photos and texts.

And now this means that this scandal has eclipsed the Cuomo / Hassid Nursing Home Owners scandal, and no one will ever follow up on the Jewish connection.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago


I’m shocked, shocked! Hasidic Jews and Governor Andrew Cuomo are mutually enriching each other over nursing homes holding covid patients! Can you imagine?

Hasidic Jews own nursing homes in NY, or are hugely invested in them, so Cuomo’s order to transfer covid patients to nursing homes balloons their profits. In coordination with hasid-inspired Cuomo actions, jMedia wildly cheers Cuomo’s directive as a Good Thing. In exchange for Cuomo’s directive, hasid Jew community votes 100% for Cuomo. And just maybe…make discrete deposits to a numbered Swiss bank account that Cuomo has access to. Speculation, but not implausible.

So-called “antisemitism” is not irrational and purely full of hate. Antisemitism is based on an ABUNDANCE of egregious, immoral, illegal, unethical, exploitative, documented, observable, countable, specific, and concrete actions/behaviors undertaken or initiated by Jews against non-Jews. The hatred for Jews is rational, logical and evidence-based. This is another instance among countless others for why people hate Jews:

Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson

From a reader, about everyone’s favorite Emmy winner, @NYGovCuomo I don’t know if the source is right on the numbers but he is certainly right directionally, Orthodox Jews have aggressively expanded into nursing homes and they are crucial in NY state politics…This is a particularly ugly example. And because nursing homes are both heavily regulated and highly dependent on government money, they are an inherently political business. Don’t worry, @chriscuomo and the rest of the crack reporters at @CNN will get right on this!


4 years ago

Medicalese for groping is “palpating.” If Mr. Biden gropes, as is alledged, can we call him Palpetine?

4 years ago

>If they ever nuked our powergrid, Congress’ official estimate is 90% of America dead within a year, almost all inner city liberals and other non-self-sufficient leftists.

4CHAN often posts a 3 or 4 videos of black africans being (what appears to be) demon possessed cannibals. The videos look real, but who knows. Anyway, inner city blacks eating eachother after a month without power wouldn’t surprise me.

4 years ago

> Forensic audit of Dominion voting machines in Arizona shows ‘no evidence of vote switching.’

By MSM reports, Dominion “technicians” have had unsupervised access to the machines at least twice since the election.

I have considerable doubt there’s any reasonable chain of custody for them anyway.

“Nothing to see here, move along.”

4 years ago

> Trump says he requested 10,000 National Guard on Jan 6th, but Nancy Pelosi refused to allow it at the Capitol.
As President, DJT was in command of the District of Columbia National Guard, and didn’t have to have permission from the Speaker or the Mayor to call it up and deploy it. And, in fact, according to news reports, he had called the DC Guard up back in December.

However, says the DC NG has only 2,700 members, so while his statement might be technically true, it is disengenuous.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

I think it has something to do with Legislature branch authority over Congressional premises. I.e. the executive branch cannot just deploy its forces to the Legislature without the Speaker asking for it. (And that is why there is the Sgt. in Arms.)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Dr. Seuss books cancelled!

If I ran the Zoo was childhood favorite of mine. It depicts amazing cultures from around the world and their make believe animals. Orientals, Slavics, Moors and African tribals are all depicted along with their animals, absolutely loved it as a kid. Great way to get children interested in foreign cultures.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

$70 for it on ebay already

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

wrong $670

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“ID for absentee ballots are now required in Georgia and angry leftists react by storming the state Capitol.”

That’s a terrorist attack. A terrorist attack happened in Georgia.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Terrorism done by leftists, Jews, or against Whites or Christians doesn’t count as terrorism, it’s officially just peaceful enthusiastic and sometimes fiery protesting.

4 years ago

> Police have begun using Boston Dynamics’ dog robot.

Didn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger make a series of movies about the end product of that sort of thing?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

everything is being robotized. for all nefarious purposes. and we are all paying for it.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

And we’re not even going to get a bunch of Linda Hamiltons running around in wife-beater t-shirts.

Worst Apocalypse Ever.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Reminds me of the infamous Black Mirror episode featuring the robotic dogs.

4 years ago

RE: Five rural Oregon counties will vote on joining Idaho in May.

I spent my childhood and teenage years bouncing back and forth between that area of Oregon and the Livermore Valley just outside of the SF East Bay/Silicon Valley.

The State of Jefferson already exists. It starts as far South as Chico, California, and extends North to about a mile South of where I’m sitting right now in Oregon. It’s been organized since the 1940’s. It has also been ignored since the 1940’s because there simply aren’t enough people for Sacramento to care about. In fact Sac really doesn’t even care about the land, except that it has the water collection system needed for their precious cities to function. The State of Oregon is more concerned about the situation because it receives timber-tax revenue from that area as well as that area having a few large cities plus a big port, and will simply squash the vote it as it comes up.

If Trump were in office and he had nothing better to do I think a deal could at least be worked out with Sac over the water rights so that it would release these people to at last have their political freedom. Or if a military government came in and simply dictated it everybody in Jefferson would celebrate. But it ain’t happening by a vote. Salem will never agree to this at all.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Yeah, voting does not mean anything until elections are safe and foreign influence is completely removed (mainly Chinese, Muslim and Israeli/JCP influence).

4 years ago

“It was just going to be gay marriage – there was no such thing as a slippery slope. Now we have naked men changing in front of six year old girls in women’s locker rooms.”

It must become socially unacceptable again, they must be ostracized.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

If you want to learn how the LGBT crap was psyoped into mainstream acceptance by the MSM and academia in the 90’s, read the posts of this anon on this thread:

He posted some pics of a book written in 1989 called “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s”. You’re going to recognize the tactics the book told gays and their advocates to use, because they used that shit everywhere, and it worked.

Here is the Wikipedia intro about the book:

After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s is a 1989 book about LGBT rights in the United States by the neuropsychologist Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. The book has been described as advocating the use of propaganda to advance the cause of gay rights, and has been criticized by social conservatives as an expression of the “homosexual agenda”.

Neuropsychology based propaganda to force Normies into accepting the LGBT crap was how it happened.

4 years ago
4 years ago

“Your kids would be better off feral than going to schools that make them anti-American racists”


4 years ago

Iran: Militants attack Revolutionary Guard unit in southeast

4 years ago

With poll support dropping, Erdogan’s party looks to change Turkish relection law: officials

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

In order to reduce my post volume by 6 million percent, here are my most recent link suggestions for the frens that want them in a noice single link (with archive backup) (NOTE: scroll down on the text box inside the ControlC link to see the rest of the document):

Older editions (lower number means oldest):


PS: frens only!

4 years ago

There is stuff in here that might interest you:

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

And the Jewish overlords keep flexing on their tax cattle:

This happened in Florida.


A social media comedian was arrested in an explosive FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force raid yesterday morning.

Paul N. Miller, a 32-year-old Romani entertainer who uses the moniker “GypsyCrusader,” was snatched from his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida ostensibly over committing a gun offense three years ago.

Neighbors expressed that they were more terrorized by the brutality of the FBI’s militarized arrest, which included tossing flashbangs into his room, than at Miller’s behavior, which was described as low key.

Miller has grown in fame in recent months for dressing up like The Joker and making politically incorrect jokes about race and sex on the chat app Omegle. He uses a number of props in his act, including a clown gun that fires a flag that says “the N word.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Jewish activist group the Anti-Defamation League, took to social media to brag about his group’s role in directing the FBI’s resources. Greenblatt presented the arrest as retaliation for “harassing users on Omegle with racism.”

According to the FBI’s criminal complaint, Miller is accused of being a felon who possessed a firearm on January 17, 2018. The indictment does not give any details about this three year old gun charge. Miller was convicted of selling drugs more than a decade ago.

A source familiar with Miller’s case told National Justice that the charge may stem from a gun safety class he allegedly took in 2018. One does not need to be a firearm owner to take such classes. The charges are specious and politically motivated.

The ADL does not shy away from flagrant hypocrisy on the question of trafficking in racial humor, it only opposes it when an out-group uses it. On the day before Miller’s arrest, Greenblatt took to social media to wish “mazel tov” to Sasha Baron Cohen, an ADL member whose claim to fame is dressing up in costumes and racially abusing strangers on the street for mean-spirited laughs.

The ADL offers “training services” FBI agents, in case you didn’t knew.
They were also founded to protect a Jewish pedophile, Leo Frank, that raped and killed Mary Phagan.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Rightists get arrested/imprisoned for memes or selfies while leftist criminals have dropped charges after rioting or assaulting people.

And both parties are a mere part of the Israel first uniparty.

comment image

“Conservatives” are apparently now pro LGBT, pro drugs, pro transgender, pro immigration, pro multiculturalism, pro secularism, and they’re STILL called Nazis, so what exactly does this rash capitulation accomplish?