News Briefs – 02/28/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q today.

Tommy Robinson book that reprints the entire Koran has been removed by Amazon from its listings. Whether you agree with Tommy on everything or not, he is directly over the target and taking the right shots if he is getting flak like this.

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas go inside Facebook, and expose programs to quietly “Deboost” or block the spread of anything anyone says that leftists don’t agree with, without altering the people being blocked. O’Keefe apparently has infiltrated a number of people in the company, so more drops will be incoming.

Facebook also proposed a Twilight Zone “glitch” to throw accounts it disagreed with into.

Facebook was able to eliminate over a billion page views to conservative websites last year. And bear in mind, that means they diverted that online time and those page views to left-wing outlets, both increasing their monetization and the spread of their ideas.

Harvard initiates a probe into the climate at Harvard, because students are disturbed that a professor signed to legally represent Harvey Weinstein, even though the students feel Weinstein shouldn’t be allowed to have an attorney for his trial.

Hungary says people at Brussels confessed their plans to increase migration into Europe in dangerous ways. They admitted that just the migrants staying in Greece have been given bank cards with a total of $125 Million so far as stipends. Imagine if Q and Trump and their team had not hit the scene and disrupted this plan. What was coming?

House will pass two gun control bills, one with universal background checks that already passed, and one which gives Federal officials discretion over whether to approve a background check or not, allowing defacto denial of a purchase by just never approving it. Both will be vetoed, if they even make it past the Senate which they will not.

Twitter quietly says, “Whoops, turns out those accounts we banned for being Russian Bots right before the election weren’t bots after all.” Now they say they were Venezuelan, so they reinstated them. Venezuelan meddling good, Russian meddling bad.

Previously deported illegal convicted of raping child after being released by a Sanctuary City.

Both 4G and 5G networks are susceptible to IMSI capturing attacks. Anon comment on this – “It’s so much worse than this.”

18,000 children disappear out of government-run protective care each year.

Flashback -Top EPA Climate Change expert convicted and sentenced to 32 months for lying, said lying was a “rush.” For 13 years, this guy just told his boss he had been asked by CIA to go somewhere for a few months on a mission, and he took a few months vacation. Says he wanted to be paid but to not have to show up, had greed, and it was an addiction( ie, r-selected psychology). Spent the time he should have been at work reading materials that would allow him to redo our Capitalist system so companies could not screw it up. Interesting thing about this is, people in government jobs were so accustomed to there being no rules that if you just told them CIA had said you didn’t have to show up for a few months, nobody asked any questions, because that is how the system worked at times.

Whooping Cough outbreak sweeps across LA.

Kamala Harris says Reparations will help Blacks heal from slavery. Her family ran the slaves, none of whom are actually alive today, and yet you know she would take the handout.

“Blackface” Governor Northam’s wife handed cotton to a black student visiting the Governor’s Mansion, asked her to imagine being a slave. So Cabal wants tension between the races as part of their plan. Might they send one of their own on a suicide mission to gin it up like this? Could the Northams honestly be this stupid?

Aviation agency purposely concealed hack of its systems by Chinese actors, and allowed malware to spread throughout it, across the globe.

Maduro loots 8 more tons of gold from the national treasury.

NYPD gets intelligence MS13 is looking to hit cops.

Clinton Judge orders all Texas Counties to stop removing voters from their rolls, says there is no problem with voter fraud and cleaning up the rolls “makes a mess.”

Cohen launches a GoFundMe with a $500,000 goal.

Cohen may have turned because Mueller had threatened to throw his wife in prison for 30 years over her cosigning a technically fraudulent loan application with Cohen.

TMZ refers to Cohen hearing as the Calm before the Storm.

China has infiltrated nearly every sector of the US education system, so it can inflict propaganda on the US’s next generation. It looks very much as if Cabal developed its latest playbook over the last half a century in the US through things like Mockingbird and MK Ultra, and has now been replaying it in a much faster pace, from a new home base in China.

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Maliki says the US supported ISIS under Obama. Another piece of Q’s puzzle that fits into place.

Boeing unveils an autonomous unmanned fighter drone designed to fly alongside traditional fighter jets. Add in AI and remote control, and Skynet is operational.

Official Scientagimistic Study shows, if you believe in Conspiracy Theories, you have the psychology of a criminal. One must always strive to be a good plebe. Now repeat after me – Everything is exactly like you were told. Nobody will ever try to trick you.

Two illegal Ecuadoran Brothers who were big Obama contributors just caught by ICE. Interesting story. They cleaned out and collapsed a bank in Ecuador, were sentenced to eight years, and took off to the US where they ended up being wholesalers for Planned Parenthood’s global aborted baby body parts business, while being illegals who were above the law. Imagine the complete control Cabal had over them.

Mob heir Giovanni Gambino predicts Michael Cohen might get whacked in prison because prisoners like Trump and they hate rats.

New York Lawmakers look at splitting the State into two states. Splintering is a hallmark of K. Enabling this at the Federal level might be a good way to keep the left in line. Leftist Governors who get control will be much less likely to piss off the conservative half of their state blatantly if that half can just vote itself into an equal status, and reduce the Governor’s fiefdom considerably. Also might dissuade this “abolish the electoral college” bullshit as a new state would then increase the number of electors assigned the old way, and force them to get even more states on board to put it into action.

11 charged in SDNY over child trafficking.

Trump walks away from negotiations with Kim and cancels signing ceremony, indicates a deal may be slower to come, because it must be the right deal. I wonder if the hope of Democrats in scheduling Cohen’s testimony for the same day was that Kim’s people would be listening, and report to the boss that Trump was untrustworthy. Not that it would work, but that it was the best play they had.

Pence and Guaido formulate a strategy to tighten the noose on Maduro.

Senate Republicans will drag in Google execs over the hidden microphones in Nest security systems.

Oklahoma goes with Constitutional Carry.

Trump’s travel ban has stopped nearly all immigration from terrorist nations.

Bear in mind, Trump only showed up to the summit after weeks of NK and US officials meeting and setting the groundwork, so when the leaders showed up, everything was ready to happen. Either things went completely unexpectedly, or this was part of the plan and what everyone is being told is misdirection.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is now under three weeks to D-day, if Q was right.

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6 years ago

The opposition lawmakers who told Reuters about the looting criticized the move as illegal, and warned that Maduro likely intends to illegally sell the gold abroad.

So Zero Hedge is pimping regime change. Cabal must really want Venezuela somthing fierce.

6 years ago

“Clinton Judge orders all Texas Counties to stop removing voters from their rolls, says there is no problem with voter fraud and cleaning up the rolls “makes a mess.”” does not have a working link; the domain name is missing.

6 years ago

Given the no Hanoi deal, I wonder how harsh POTUS’s response will be. Obviously tied to trade/tariffs, but I wonder if it is time for POTUS to call a conference with our Asian allies to discuss the transfer of nuclear weapons technology. First to Australia, then to Japan, then to South Korea then to Taiwan. And let Xi decide how far down that chain he wants to go before pressuring his client province to cave on all points immediately and beg POTUS to come back to sign.

6 years ago

There is no electoral college below the state level.

Washington and Oregon aren’t “pure blue”, yet because there’s no mechanism in place to prevent the more dense counties within a state from dominating the less, King and Multnomah frequently decide for the rest.

The smaller the bloc, the less room there is to hide in stealing it.

Break it all up.

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
Reply to  chronoblip
6 years ago

Oregon is indeed mostly red- it’s only Portland and Eugene that are lib shitholes. The rest of us are reasonable conservatives. The ratio of red to blue banners for Governor that I saw was 10 to 1. No one knows anyone who voted for Kate Brown. Let these cities eat themselves. The rural areas ( almost all of this state) will stand tall and protect ourselves when/ if SHTF.

6 years ago

On the bright side — When Skynet becomes operational, at least we can look forward to watching Linda Hamilton run around in a wife-beater t-shirt.

6 years ago

Link to Harvard Weinstein article leads to BB OK Gov. gun permit article.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

The question of breeding (bloodlines) has been absolutely battering my mind.

Huge repository of alien abduction stories involve reproductive experiments or sperm/egg extraction.

Accounts of Nephilim largely the same. People laugh at the idea of incubi and succubi, but our ancestors’ reasoning powers were as strong as our own.

All such scenarios involve evil forces trying to breed their way to even greater depths of evil.

Scriptures warn again and again about messing with blood, and now Cabal is transfusing young blood.

Paul the Apostle told the churches that their greatest dangers, things to be guarded against even more than breaking the Ten Commandments, were fornication and consuming blood.

Fornication. Blood.

Unholy liaisons.

Unholy breeding.

“It’s not blood, it’s plasma”


No wonder they’re shutting down this discussion.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

What if the Payseur infant were the offspring of one such supernatural breeding experiment? That would explain a lot, it not everything.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If you think the news is fake, just imagine how bad history is.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

My guess is that we’re probably reasonably good with names, dates, and places. But it’s the popular interpretation of events in the folklore that is probably wildly wrong. I’ve always thought the idea that the civil war was about slavery was purely feel good mythology. The truth is out there, its meaning is just probably very highly skewed. And at least since the Counter-Reformation I’d guess that the real power behind many events was obscured. It used to be that Kings wanted their deeds known. But since the Counter-Reformation, I get the sense that the real kings have found more power in anonymity than fortune and glory.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Of course, the real news is how we’ve been made deliberately ignorant of US history and US heroes. Think back to the way US history was presented by Walt Disney in the 1950s. American kids no longer have any idea who those historical or literary figures are. I would argue that the actual facts of the historical figures aren’t nearly as important as the identity forming aspects and the moral lessons attributed to them. In a sense, who cares of Abraham Lincoln really was a bipolar jerk. The official myths taught him were morally healthy, they inspired moral behavior and moral aspirations. Nowadays, we don’t have any knowledge of these people at all. Do you really think many Americans under the age of 40 could tell you a think about Jim Bowie? Lewis and Clark, Davy Crocket?

Look around every modern thriving suburb. It’s built upon what used to be a small town. See how easily you can find an old-timer. Find out who the community’s heroes once were. Unique things that happened there. Etc., you’ll find history has not merely been ignored. The devastation and damage is far, far beyond entropy. It’s obviously and unquestionably purposeful destruction of awareness of the past as a means of connecting people in the presence. This process has been undertaken, deliberately, in thousands of American towns.

War has been waged on us, we’ve suffered a holocaust of cultural losses. And even the very smart, informed, and observant people on this board are AT best just vaguely, dimly aware of the devastation that has been wrought. We’re waking up to the realization that we’re at war, we just haven’t wrapped our heads around the fact that the enemy has been in full attack mode for more than half a century, burning our libraries and looting our museums in a genocidal rage.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Speaking of mind blown … before I saw bloodlines as a thing, I already saw human races as differing breeds of humanity. White vs Yellow vs Brown vs Black, etc. Each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Now imagine instead a breed that sees itself as purebred and above even that conversation. Royalty, but more than that. Imagine being raised to believe, justifiably, that your breed is superior to the mutts and mongrels out there. Imagine being taught from your youth that doing [evil] things is actually altruistic, as the poor, benighted masses would never know how to handle their own affairs to their own benefit … they’d become pests, really, Killing off masses of them is for their own good. The tragedy of the commons, and all that.

Imagine being so prideful (again, somewhat justifiably, if you leave out God) that you see others only as either resources or burdens. People accuse the Nazis of having had that mindset. How much worse are those who saw the Nazis as only tools?