News Briefs – 02/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Before we start, a quick word. One of the fans here recently was video’d holding a banner with this site’s identity in the crowd at a Tommy Robinson rally. I appreciate that immensely. Tommy is huge, and just being in the background of his shot was a big shot in the arm for this site. But for the immediate future, if you are considering doing something like that do it with “Q.” This site does not have the juice right now to amplify your amplifier enough to really make it count. Q on the other hand is something immense, and it has the juice to take your push and amplify it globally.

It is tough to explain to people what is going on, unless they are some of the few who have gotten a peek behind the curtain. To use yet another Matrix analogy, it is like Morpheus just telling Neo about the pods and the fake reality. Neo could not have honestly believed it, because that reality was too far away from what he had been conditioned to expect. He had to see it himself, and endure the massive levels of confusion, and befuddlement, and disorientation.

I have seen the reality, and it is so mind-bending I still do not feel like my feet have found a stable reality to set on. Everything we were told was an illusion. We never had any real freedom or control, but before we were mostly let be because the conspiracy lacked the level of control or force structure to move on us unless we really stood out as a troublemaker. But that was changing of late, and at an accelerating pace. Even stranger are the mechanics. Millions of people pledging loyalty to something that it is clearly not good for the freedom we are supposed to cherish. Millions of people able to compartmentalize their “normal life” from their “secret life,” and keep a secret so big, so extraordinary that I would never have believed it unless I saw it. Nearly limitless resources, wasted on nothing, for no reason. Corrupt politicians wielding it for pointless personal irritations. Technology beyond anything our military has access to.

Just yesterday you see Phelps, who is obviously high IQ, saying he is 15% toward thinking there might be a time-travel capability involved here. People are proposing Q might be an AI. Tom Bauerle is saying he has men wearing invisibility camouflage trudging around his neighborhood. A commenter notes other people have seen similar things, though they thought they were paranormal, like bigfoot. I may only joke about the shape-shifting reptoids meme, but I am so untethered by what I have seen, I have to admit in the back of my mind I am wondering how Dinosaurs went 200 million years without one strain evolving a technologically sophisticated intelligence. Especially when we did it in a couple of million years (and I realize if one did evolve it and advance technologically for 50 million years, it would do what I would do and hide, using tech we could not imagine). All of us who have seen one small piece of the unimaginable reality, have realized it means everything we were told could be entirely false. And if that impossible piece of reality we have seen is real, if the entire world can be deceived as much as it has, we have realized anything is possible, and everything we know could be wrong.

The only thing more incredible than the hidden reality that has been withheld, and the false reality everyone takes for granted as true, is the fact the real truth is about to be revealed. We are all Neo, about to take that red pill and follow this ride right to the end. Many have not been so lucky. Ted Gunderson ran the LA field office of the FBI, and devoted his entire post-FBI life to trying to find the truth about this strange, massive operation he noticed in the shadows. He spoke of marveling at how the funding for it appeared limitless. He wondered how so many could seemingly know all about it, be an active part of it, and yet he as an FBI agent, a leader of the top domestic intelligence agency, had heard nothing of it during his time in the Bureau. He died without ever knowing what the reality behind it all was. I will admit in some dark moments, I feared I might die without ever unraveling it. That would have driven me mad.

But now it appears we will find the truth, and it is Q who will bring it to us. Unite under him and Trump, and push them with all your might, because Q needs us to follow him and support him, to pull off his plan. So please push Q before this site. And trust me, if he delivers the disclosure he is promising, it is going to be the most mind-blowing ride of your life. Nothing in history will even come close. We are beyond blessed.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts here will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links or picture addresses reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold will follow. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[Ed Note : From here, something unusual began on Q’s board. An Anon showed up and posted several unique pictures of the summit venue between President Trump and Chairman Kim. Then after they were posted, Q responded and posted several posts with the word “Test” followed by a sequential number, implying Q was maybe related to the photo-poster, but did not want to be so overt as to post the photos himself.]

Large versions of pics are as follows:

Q then responded from a new ID to that Anon post with a test:

Next we saw why Q was being coy about his association to the post when an Anon posted this:

To which Q replied:

Someone posted this photo with the caption “Cat Cam,” and later Q posted another test, though Q didn’t cite this post, and it was unclear if they were related.

Then an Anon posted this:

And Q posted another bunch of tests, each from yet a new ID, and not in sequential order, causing speculation that what we were seeing may have been different embers of the Q team all checking in on the board. There were twelve tests in all.


Tommy Robinson was banned permanently from Facebook and Instagram. People are expecting YouTube to be next, and I am having trouble getting his main page here, and his contribution page here to load, so they may be somehow stifling his server. Google also has delisted that page from its search index. These things are infuriating because they are a violation of expectation – of what a K-strategist expects. You go in to the debate, duke it out by debate rules, begin winning in the debate, and then they kill your channel. The problem is the expectation. We need to expect this, and have our plans in order, because there will be more of this coming. His youtube is still operational with 300,000 subscribers. If he can kick ass and expand his base under these headwinds the way he has, he can really look forward to some massive gains as the Storm sweeps across the globe. He has the presence, the charisma, and the quick wit to dominate when literally every outlet and the official government is pushing back at him. He will be a Prime Minister at some point, because once everyone realizes what has been going on, and he is not artificially oppressed by the media and the machine, the sky will be the limit. Until then, everyone pipe up with any updates you hear about his situation.

And it is worth noting it is a direct result of how damaging his expose on the BBC was:

Retired Navy SEAL who exposed Stolen Valor had no problem with YouTube until they banned him because he requested Indian Actviist Nathan Phillip’s Military records, at which point he was banned. Total Panic.

Iranian President rejects the resignation of his foreign minister.

CNN stacked the audience at a Town Hall debate with Hillary Shills, who then went on to try and destroy Bernie. Probably gave the questions to Hillary as well.

Rod Rosenstein gives an interview, and says there are a lot of good reasons to not be transparent with the American people about how they are running the government.

81 year old man in New Jersey attacked for wearing a MAGA hat.

Non-mainstream conservative websites are getting contacted by readers who say they get banned messages when they try to visit. Desperation.

House votes to block President’s national emergency. Not surprising, and will go nowhere, but worth noting that although Congress is supposed to review each Emergency, this is the first one in almost 1100 Emergencies where Congress has gotten involved.

Google bans political candidate in rural area from running an ad featuring him with the holiday turkey he had just shot on a hunting trip.

Paypal admits partnering with the SPLC to demonetize groups it doesn’t like.

OIG uncovered a senior DOJ official who sexually coerced subordinates in several cases, but DOJ refused prosecution, instead allowing the official to retire. That is the way it was, if you were plugged into the machine. There was no accountability. Hopefully he will be one of the ones caught up in the coming Storm.

Conservatives call out Campus Police at Berkeley for the lack of an arrest one week after a Turning Point USA student activist was assaulted on camera. Surprising he wasn’t arrested given the publicity and the one sided aspect of it. There may be something bigger being worked there, given that hothead seemed prone to violence.

Bernie Staffer says Clinton and her staff are “total ingrates” and “assholes.”

Legal expert says the $250 Million dollar suit against WaPo in the Covington case is appropriate given the legal circumstances, and Bill Maher is probably going to be served soon, given what he said.

California bill may try to force Pastors and Priests to tell what they have heard in confession.

After expert testimony, Judge excludes all evidence of THC intoxication from trial of garbage truck driver who drove on tracks and derailed a train carrying Republican Members of Congress.

Russians have launched 13 attacks in the last 24 hours on Ukrainian positions. It is also possible since Cabal installed the Ukrainian government through a coup, Russia was greenlighted by Trump to clean out Ukraine and render it a no-go zone for Cabal.

19 of 20 beers and wines tested had roundup in them. Keep this stuff out of you. It is a glycolysis disrupter which will simulate a glycolytic dysfunction many have noted occurs in cancers, where the cell, instead of burning fuel cleanly and completely begins throwing off molecules that promote cell division. I see a clear biochemical mechanism by which this could help accomplish one step in turning cells cancerous. And there are studies showing an association.

Pakistan shoots down two Indian jets in Paki airspace and arrests one Indian Pilot when he lands on the ground after ejecting. Sidearm in one photo was a baby Glock.

House Democrats to vote Wednesday to expand background checks to all sales between private individuals on the internet and at gun shows.

Venezuelan National Treasurer to begin sentence for massive money laundering scheme stretching from South Florida to Venezuela, to hide money by funneling it through Venezuela’s accounts. That sounds an awful lot like a Cabal operation, using State accounts to hide their money flow. Notice, that the feds have turned him, and he is working with them on a much bigger investigation.

Cohen to testify Trump engaged in criminal conduct. Guaranteed to go nowhere, but Democrats have to expend time and media on it. Still no idea whether this character is a bad guy helping the enemy in the movie, or a good guy distracting them. Based on the pic of him with Hillary and Kennedy I am thinking he is a bad guy, but you never know.

Gaetz tweets this:

Then deletes it and replaces it with this:

Student assaulted by staff hall monitor at Edmund Santa Fe Highschool for wearing a MAGA hat and carrying a Trump banner, and according to local Freepers, local news is refusing to report it and hanging up on callers who ask about it:

For humor – Chinese man throws coins in a jet engine before his flight for good luck, causes $21,000 in damage. As George Carlin said, “Think about how dumb the average person is these days – and then realize half of them are dumber than that!”

White House Press Corps booted out of hotel ahead of North Korean Summit.

Former NSA Technical Director William Binney says the Russians didn’t hack the Democrats.

Trump muscles through another 9th Circuit nominee over Democrats objections.

Polls show support for Bernie surging. It may just be the rabbit vs the Lion in 2020.

Trust in media hits Rock Bottom, with 60% of the public thinking the media pays their sources.

Subpeonas issued to hundreds of Catholic organizations across Nebraska regarding files in sexual abuse.

Woman who pulled MAGA hat over man’s face in a bar was in the US illegally and has been grabbed up by ICE for deportation.

German AfD wins a lawsuit against Domestic Intelligence barring them from gathering intel on their movement.

Ed Buck, who likes to shoot up black male prostitutes and had two overdosed in his house has a wrongful death suit filed against him.

Q says, 5:5, Kim’s train car is 55:

I do not know how Trump imbues his tweets with the ambiance of a rollicking good time, but they are works of art:

Spread r/K Theory, because three weeks is not that long.

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6 years ago

1 If the Q team has the power and control they say have, why is Trump forced into Yemen and Venezula? Why is he being the b!tch of Israel? Why put the swamp creatures into sensitive postions?

2 If Trump is making those decisions without being forced or bullied that means he was playing us from the start.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

My suspicion is that what we are observing is a civil war within Cabal itself.

Something happened with whatever plan they were initially hatching. It failed and the ones leading the charge cannot admit failure, so they are fighting their own removal.

The strategy had something to do with moving operations to China, so that Cabal can manage the world from the new, rising empire. What failed was the belief that the Chinese deep state would be a reliable partner. The elements of Cabal that run the DoD/NSA/DIA realized that China would betray them, they tried to convince the rest of Cabal of this, and the rest of Cabal refused to believe it.

The key factor military Cabal observed was the rise of Chinese nationalism, with its long memory of foreign rule and humiliation. The rest of Cabal refuses to admit this and it cannot admit failure.

Hence the start of the civil war, with one faction of Cabal recruiting Trump as their agent in the fight, with an eye for fostering nationalism to counter China before the US becomes too weak.

The rest of Cabal running the psyop on the US is enjoying too much wealth and power to see the existential threat.

This incidentally is why you see so many swamp creatures in Trump’s administration. Why it is also so difficult to have Hillary arrested and the other government criminals. They are all agents of powerful Cabal networks….not masterminds.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


“That said, what doesn’t fit with it is Trump disabling the key aspect of their control – the news media. I cannot see any part of Cabal encouraging people to distrust the media and break that hypnotic spell.”

That is easy to see.

Cabal assets had used the media to attack Trump, so counter-cabal assets had no choice but to destroy the media.

Using the media as a weapon like that was a poor and desperate choice.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  E
6 years ago

The simplest answer to your question regarding staffing is that it’s almost impossible to find those who are experienced who are also clean. Even those who look to be clean may end up being compromised. Knowing what I know, I’m absolutely astonished that they have as many clean people as they apparently do.

6 years ago

There was a “Q” in the clouds above the DC/MD border this morning. The sky was mostly clear, except for some long, diffused stratus clouds and plane contrails. But then there was a very clear “Q”. It diffused a bit before I got to work and could grab a few pics. But maybe some other anons saw and got better images than I did.

6 years ago

But now it appears we will find the truth, and it is Q who will bring it to us.

I would temper my expectations. To employ a relatively modern metaphor: Q is the Fellowship having decided to use the One Ring against its master. Is this band of heroes not only skilled enough to beat Sauron at his own game, but also pure enough not to become another Sauron in time? Q/Q+ and folks at that level are used to being in charge, and they mean to be in charge, so I would not be surprised if they expose just enough of the truth to defeat the Cabal but keep themselves in charge. I simply can’t believe that they will cast the Ring into the fire, or if that is even possible now, as the Panopticon/Slaughterhouse State might simply regrow and return stronger than ever out of its fragments. The only way out is an Apocalypse that knocks us back to pre-industrial tech (and population levels) for the next century or more, and I believe only God can do that, if it is His will to extend the present age rather than kicking off the Last Judgment.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Agreed 100% AC.
Its impossible NOT to have someone in control, as long as humans remain alive as a species, tech will ALWAYS advance, and in doing so, the tools of control will ALWAYS appear, the only real question here is “Who will yeld those tools of control and what will they do with it?”.

And you are 100% right about the cabal and the machine behind it, if I had not seen it with my own eyes (and I bet you I have seen only 1 or 2% of it, fortunately, and even that is enough to completely ruin most people’s lives), I would probably dismiss it as some kind of click bait or mental illness inspired rambling. In a way, I am glad I have seen it and survived it. People who decided to fight it will die fighting it, which is a huge honor, or they will live enough to see its destruction, the world gen pop reaction to the whole shit fest, and will be there to help rebuild after the machine dies. Either way, these are glorious times, and I am glad to be alive during such times like these.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Of all the unexpected things that I’ve seen in the past few years here and elsewhere, that is an idea that I find 0% believable: that whoever comes out on top and owns the total control machine will be a sincerely benevolent ruler that respects people’s human rights and dignity… especially for more than one generation.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

What’s the significance of the baby Glock? Seems like a smart aviator sidearm.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Oh, wait. Maybe a FF angle?

6 years ago

The story about the Edmond Santa Fe student being assaulted for wearing MAGA/TRUMP gear IS being reported on the local news. KFOR4 and FOX25 both have it on their sites.

6 years ago

I have seen the reality, and it is so mind-bending I still do not feel like my feet have found a stable reality to set on. Everything we were told was an illusion.

The thing that I’m struggling with is the layers of lies. The Aaaays are a lie to cover up military tech, but what is the military tech lie covering up? Martian Nazis? The juice question covers up the Rothschild question that covers up a question we haven’t even figured out how to ask yet.

I keep coming back to Ephesians 6. Faith and the Word, sword and shield. Take what arrows they send, and reply with the Word.

They always run when the Shepherd speaks.

6 years ago

If anything interesting happens in war between Kiev and the Donbass, you will find something about it here:

One would expect that the military units assigned to protect the Russian Federation’s western border exercise along the border. Of more interest is that the Russians found it prudent to reform the 1st Guards Tank Army to defend the border.

6 years ago

A lot of us, doing our small parts (I have a poem on my website alluding to this Matrix) make more difference than we can see.

The book of revelation talks about people wanting to die but not being able to makes me wonder if technology could be doing this – they can use tech to keep us alive during comatose states, why not a modern version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”? I say that in jest, but also in seriousness.

As far as Q – what AI would post Scripture and the fruits of their actions speak gloriously of their mission. Case closed.

John Mark
6 years ago

If BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS (arrests) don’t happen within 21 days, will you throw in the towel on Q? If not, what would it take?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  John Mark
6 years ago

Why do you insist that BIG HAPPENINGS must be arrests? I honestly find it very bizarre that many Q followers think that seeing Hillary in coveralls is going to be the crowning achievement of all of this. If you think the arrest of a few hundred or a few thousand is what’s really most important, you may have not been following things.

Reply to  John Mark
6 years ago

Q has also said look for the Clintons’ health to publically deteriorate. Neither of them look particularly good at the moment. I expect to see something similar to McCain happen.

Peripatetic Commenter
Peripatetic Commenter
6 years ago

If you search you will find lots of items about the Russians launching 10, 12, 13, 14 or whatever attacks on Ukraine in the last 24 hours going back into 2018 and maybe earlier.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

Here’s something worth keeping in mind: currently, this “thing” that has been going on in our societies serves to keep its members under control. While there are plenty of seemingly normal people involved, there are plenty of downright nasty ones. Particularly in the criminal class. The “thing” provides a degree of cover for these people, but by all indications it also provides a unique level of control over even the most rambunctious or even violent members. Presumably because they understand, on some level, that there are bigger fish operating who enjoy even more cover.

As Q has said, “you can’t possibly imagine the size of this.”

But here’s the problem: this “thing” provides order. It keeps people in line. Through fear, yes. But also through promise of reward. It is a government of its own. It enforces a fierce justice. I’ve witnessed a community under the hold of this, and this “thing” does generate a level of order that is probably beyond what our existing structures can manage on their own. This is what makes it profitable and what feeds it and keeps it going.

When this thing starts to break down, we will see a concomitant reduction in order and perhaps bursts of chaos as the fear is lifted and the most sociopathic elements who were kept under control perceive greater freedom to act. Particularly as some begin losing streams of income and support.

In reading the boards I’m really struck by the numbers of people who think a few high profile arrests will do something. Or those that think the pedophilia is an end in itself, just a weird, sick form of entertainment. Or that politicians like Murkowski have just sold out. They don’t have any idea of the power of the systems of control operating.

When this thing unravels there will be some chaos. The most vicious amongst them will be unchained.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It’s certainly humbled me. And horrified me. I won’t talk about it; it’s too risky. I’d love to send you more information, but I can’t risk it.

I should have known better, too. I certainly grasped Darwinian thought. I was silly enough to think that left-wing thinking dominating our local governments was simply a silly form of group-think from people who just lacked imagination or knowledge of history. How tragically wrong I was.

But I am also amazed at just how savagely human beings will betray friends, and just how dishonest so many people feel comfortable in being.

Beyond that, I’m humbled by the integrity of this system within it’s corrupt base. It really is incredibly strong and resistant to attack. And going even further, I’m absolutely astonished by the fierceness, the ferociousness, and the complete disregard for justice and due process.

Now, that being said, within its members they do practice what appears to be fairness and proper consideration. But outside threats are dehumanized in the extreme. It’s downright terrifying.

I can’t believe what I’m afraid to speak about.

There are lessons in this, however. There are areas where I’ve witnessed this having a positive effect and keeping people in line. And producing orderly communities. They keep themselves in line and in check very well. The problem is that it is flawed and the logical outcome of them having complete control is the kind of inequality and poverty that is endemic to Latin America. Which is what they are trying to turn the US into.

Watching this go down will be fascinating. I, for one, plan on keeping silent and keeping my head down. Even long after it appears the threat has gone.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

You ever see the Usual Suspects? Watch it again carefully. Remember how Kobiyashi delivered complete dossiers on each of them, showing how much Kaiser Soze knew about them? Remember how the sergeant detective talked about Spacey’s character having “total immunity?” Protected by the devil himself? Remember the fear of each of the usual suspects when Soze’s name was mentioned? Soze is the cabal.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Good point.
Be ready for a huge shit fest. If it happens, you’re ready, if it doesn’t, you lose nothing by being ready for all kinds of SHTF scenarios (which can happen due to non-human-caused reasons, a natural disaster happening at the wrong place at the wrong time can unleash a domino effect that can end up for example, disrupting supply chains to the place you’re in, and it is a fact that every society is always 9 meals from complete chaos (which is only true because most people aren’t preppers, if most members of a given community/society are preppers then said community/society can recover faster from whatever it is thrown at it, and depending of the specific circumstances of the scenario it might even do so autonomously. I think a healthy society would among other things promote and incite people to become preppers as soon as possible in their youth, there is nothing to lose from it a everything to gain in every aspect of human existence)).

6 years ago

I don’t know if you’re familiar (but suspect you are) with David Icke’s analogy RE: Reptilians. Basically the analogy he uses is a Radio Player. You have it tuned to a station. If you didn’t know any better you’d be oblivious to all the other stations because the radio isn’t tuned to those frequencies.

That’s not me vouching for Icke’s reptilian assertions, but that analogy did resonate with me. Kek, resonate – frequency.

Further – Whilst I’m not all over the theory of time (above my IQ level), I do believe that smarter cookies than moi say it’s possible.

Keep up the great work.

Tracy Coyle
Tracy Coyle
6 years ago

Re the comment about dinasours going 200 million years without intelligence: a Sci-Fi novel series called StarForce posits exactly that. It is 50+ books long but worth the time if you read Sci-Fi extensively. It is also socialist bent in some regards but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment.

6 years ago

I think that fans of this blog would really enjoy a true-crime mini-series called “I Am The Night” that’s currently playing on TNT. It’s sort of a relationship drama involving the web of perversion and — yes — conspiracy surrounding the Black Dahlia murder. The background for the whole story is the Cabal-like elitist structure controlling Los Angeles from the ’40s through the ’60’s. There’s also an accompanying podcast that lays out some of the facts that are necessarily glossed over in the storytelling process.

And as icing on the cake, in nearly every episode Chris Pine demonstrates a combative technique right out of the William Fairbairn playbook.

It’s the best thing I’ve seen on the tube since The Sopranos.

6 years ago

Young Goodman Brown,

I understand your dismay but not your surprise at how the world is ruled. Surely you have long known that a sinister conspiracy of aliens from another dimension are watching EVERYONE and manipulating them and events toward our destruction. That they have access to technology and capability we can scarcely imagine. That they recruit large numbers of humans to their cause, some overtly, though most covertly lest they recoil at what their small actions are contributing to. That they delight in the murder and torture of innocents. “ All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” You don’t imagine that Christ is the only one they’ve given that line to, do you? Haven’t you known this already, even if you hadn’t carefully thought through the implications of it.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

You’re overlooking the economics of it. You don’t see how it works on the local level to actually produce wealth. At least for the shareholders. It’s just straight up organized crime, which is profitable provided you have a large enough population to draw from that doesn’t realize how it’s being drained. This is a money making venture. It’s one part of the population inflicting theft on another part, in several different ways. The most obvious is in the control of taxation. We pay all kinds of taxes and most of us think nothing of this, just assuming it’s a requirement to keep things working. But THEY control the elected officials to a degree disproportionate to their population, and make sure that those funds go to projects and subcontractors that are a part of their team.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

-Verbal Kint
“The Usual Suspects”

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

One thing that I think is important to notice about this “thing” is that it might not be as top-down and rational as it may seem. This “thing” is a collective consciousness, made up by the impulses and needs and fears of its members. Each member gets drunk on power from it, but it would also seem that each member is constrained by the rules of the system. It doesn’t appear as if there is much chance for appeal. And it’s doubtful most have any clue as to their superiors above that of their handler.

My guess is that this “thing” doesn’t respond well to feedback or to rapidly changing conditions or to very deliberate disinformation campaigns. Because each cell (person) in this thing doesn’t really know what’s going on and can’t readily send their discoveries up the chain of command. Within the domain of day to day concerns the system is probably quite efficient. But with a novel threat such as the Q team there is probably some confusion and a “madness of crowds” effect.

I’ve particularly paid close attention to foot soldiers of this thing since the 2016 election. At first there was all kind of talks of marches, protests, etc., And then they all went silent. And then something would hit about Trump and they’d all post on it. And then silence. Then the Parkland shooting and they were all calling for gun control and most importantly, youth involvement in leading that. And then that fizzled. And then they all loved, loved, loved John McCain.

The point is that I see the foot soldiers seem to respond to commands from above but have very limited initiative in this novel battlefield. And there appears to be a lot of panicked trying of one issue after another, with none of them really sticking. The one thing that’s clear is that the foot soldiers have a passionate loathing of Trump and will use anything to justify it, even if they jump around from issue to issue and nothing really sticks.

This “thing” isn’t all bad. As I’ve said, I’ve seen it produce order in some communities that would not otherwise be there. But the dynamics of it are interesting. It’s huge, but it’s like an ocean freighter; no ability to quickly change direction. And due to the rules of control, it is absolutely sociopathic as can be imagine. It is a crowd, it is a mob, composed of members that have responsibilities to the mob and fear of being betrayed or abandoned by it. This readily produces behavior devoid of conscience, because for whatever reason they see this “thing” as being above right or wrong or good or bad; or perhaps view outsiders as not deserving of consideration. Or at the very least, each member knows his personal well-being is threatened gravely if he shows mercy to a targeted outsider.

Watch Never Trumpers closely. They’ll use absolutely anything, and they are in no way calmed or reassured when you show them some issue they’ve clung to has no merit. They realize he’s a threat in ways that they know they can’t openly state. So their reactions to him always seem excessive or out of context. To outsiders it seems a kind of “liberal madness” or “leftist insanity” or TDS. Because an outsider listens to these freaks and feels that things just don’t add up, that these people are overly emotional and irrational. No, they are rational. They are just not able to honestly tell you what the real basis is for their antipathy. Hiding the real reasons, they sound kind of nutty or overly emotional.

As it is this “thing” feels threatened but is unable to rapidly respond in coherent and effective ways. It’s actually quite sluggish. And the top or brains of the outfit is in a challenging position because they can’t just name new targets and direct all of their energy at once: they need to develop and test new narratives and pump them out into the population and see if people bite and then rally their troops to take up those fights. As we are seeing, it’s not working well for them. This thing is too stealthy for its own good.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

It’s a slime mold.

3 years ago

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