News Briefs – 02/26/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again, and today I will try a new format for Q’s posts. First will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

[My bet is Bill Maher.] Q

[The picture above was supplied by an Anon, and is a photoshopped Meme of a different tweet, which actually said something different. It is not an actual tweet Oswalt sent. More on that in a bit.]

[Q and POTUS tweeting/posting at exactly the same time as a sign to Anons.]

[I see this as working on us two ways. One, Q may be treating us as machines to be crafted by him through experiences he presents to us. For that to work, we need to look honestly at ourselves and our own discernment as we travel this path. I have seen some crazy, amygdala-flagging shit that is at the forefront of my mind quite often these days – and which has cultured certain expectations of reality within me. As we travel down this rabbit hole, we are seeing shocking things which always play the same way and which create expectations. Violations of expectation are amygdala-stimulating, confirmations of expectation are not. One you are likely to scrutinize closely due to the triggering, the other you are prone to accept, and let slide by. It is important to realize we can be on the right path, but we still have to scrutinize everything – even that which meets our expectations and which is plausible – if we are to really be ready to discern the truth ourselves and become unprogrammable.

I looked at the tweet, and could easily have seen Patton tweeting that. I expect Hollywood to be degenerate, he has joked about pedophilia previously in his earlier tweets, and his ardent leftism tells me he is probably the type of naturally envious personality who got pushed around as a kid and resents it still today, and which would enjoy schadenfreude and the suffering of others now because of it. My amygdala didn’t fire off, or feel a need to disprove that last tweet the moment I saw it, even as I was a little surprised he would tweet it so openly. We are in a world where we are actively being fed disinformation – both which we will immediately recognize as lies, and that which we will not. We need to assume everything is a lie until we confirm it ourselves. Anything else and we are taking someone else’s word, and are prone to manipulation. I think by giving us a false tidbit every so often, Q is triggering our amygdala to train us, making sure we disbelieve everything we see, no matter where it comes from, and no matter how much it fits our expectations, until we confirm it ourselves.

The second point Q is making may be about maps. Many think Q is saying “maps,” as an acronym for “Minor Attracted Persons.” He could be. But maps are tools to confer information about things you have never really seen before. They tell you about relationships, expectations, and paint a general picture so if you ever enter that environment sight unseen, you know the general outline going in. With the Krassenstein brothers, we knew they were shills. We see them working 24/7 to be the first tweet after a POTUS tweet. Their commentary is always unthinking shill commentary. We heard they were getting paid. We knew how the environment where they were operating worked. We had a map in our mind which gave us a rough picture of the reality – someone was paying them to troll POTUS. When the video evidence finally came out, it was no surprise to see one admitting he was a paid shill. Given the expression of the little girl in that picture, which is real, my guess is we already have a general map about what Patton’s story is, and the map will eventually be borne out by something coming.

So don’t be afraid of forming a map from your overview, but question every detail you see.]


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Some thought this tweet from Patton, right when Q posted, may have been a distress signal, saying, “I am at risk now” :

Quaker Sex-ed teacher says your children should be “porn-literate.” Pic of the exceedingly creepy perp shows that symbolism will be their downfall:

Anthony Weiner is looking to break into the Marijuana business.

India launches airstrikes on Pakistan-based militants.

Multiple 2020 Dems are openly calling to pack the Supreme Court with extra Justices. I hope the Storm changes this, because as it stands now, we are heading to a place where Civil War will be the only way to turn back this tendency to refuse to abide by set upon rules. Increasingly the left simply looks for any loophole to exploit to get their way. If they want to play it that way, we will end up ignoring the rules too.

Israel says Iran tried to hack its missile warning system.

Warren Buffet said he overpaid when he went into Kraft-Heinz. Heinz has been speculated as being a funnel for money into the Cabal, due to John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry’s association with it. It would not be surprising if investors around it were Cabal and laundered Cabal payments in deals to shift ownership of the company in return for mis-valued laundered payments.

Massage Parlor bust that ensnared Robert Kraft began when a Health Inspector noticed signs the women were living in the building. Notice the article says the women were sleeping on mattresses on the floors, and on the massage tables at night. How did surveillance get in unnoticed to install cameras, which they said captured video of the acts in progress, if the place was packed, and occupied 24/7? Where there is a will there can be a way, but I think it more likely they began their investigation, and noticed there was an internet connection banging out live video from every room to a Cabal monitoring center, and they just got a warrant and piggybacked on Cabal’s surveillance/blackmail system. Still a mystery is why billionaires were traveling to a seedy little storefront. I have to wonder if the girls in the storefront were leftovers from each new shipment, and maybe the prettiest girls from each new shipment were auctioned off on arrival. Probably more to come.

SAS find severed heads of 50 Yazidi sex slaves as they retake ISIS territory.

New Mexico votes to give Drivers Licenses to illegals. Also will eliminate the fingerprinting, just to “make the whole thing easier.”

Every Democrat running for the Presidency in 2020 voted against guaranteeing every baby born alive medical care to save its life.

Islamic ISIS bride still pushing to come back to the US and wants taxpayers to pay for her therapy.

At the Oscars, a Daily Show host said a phrase in Xhosa he said translates to “In times like this we are stronger when we fight together than when we try to fight apart.” But what he actually said in Xhosa was: “White people don’t know I’m lying.”

Transgender athletes are dominating Track And Field in Connecticut this year. You wonder why feminists hate Trasngenders?

Britain’s Labor wants to strip IDF soldiers of British citizenship, and then welcome back ISIS brides. Non-military Jews are fine. r vs K is everywhere.

Another reminder – whether the app you download to your phone is from facebook or not, it probably sends the data you enter into it to facebook. From weight-loss apps, to health tracking apps, to house pricing apps, Facebook is grabbing up all the data and adding it to their profiles. This is what happens when some genius figures out they can actually get people to automatically self enter all of their own data into the Pentagon’s old LifeLog program.

Republican Thom Tillis intends to vote against Trump’s National Emergency. Spot the Cabal infiltrator.

Pasco County Deputy is third LE suicide in Hillsborough FL in a year. I don’t doubt Law Enforcement is a stressful endeavor, but if we have a foreign conspiracy, looking to subvert the mechanisms of power in our nation, I would begin to get a little suspicious if suddenly Law Enforcement Officers had an epidemic of suicides. Plus this Deputy has the smile of a mentally balanced individual.

More than 50 ex national security officials try to tell Trump there is no national emergency. How badly they want that border open. Lindsey Graham responds:

Jorge Ramos and crew from Univision detained in Venezuela after Maduro decided he didn’t like his questions.

Since released:

Strange- Kraft supposedly visited the massage parlor the night before and the morning of the Patriots AFC championship in MO:

How fast can you be taken out in real life?

Conservative goes undercover as an SJW at UCLA with a petition to throw all Conservatives into reeducation camps, and Leftists happily sign to make it happen:

Pelosi looks highly stressed and fairly drugged in an appearance at the border:

McCabe says Mueller “left his phone behind” after his meeting with President Trump over a possible FBI position, and the Phone later had to be retrieved. McCabe doesn’t say why he included that tidbit. Not typical for a spook, who would guard possession of his electronics tightly. Did he hope to record something? Did he leave it for Trump to download specific instructions? Did he hope Trump would install illegal surveillance software on it to monitor him so he could bust him for that? Was he so flustered by the meeting he temporarily lost his ability to focus?

Harry Reid says he is feeling pretty good after last interview which said he had pancreatic cancer and did not have long to live. It is possible if not likely Cabalists know nothing more about what is going on behind the closed doors of Huber, Horowitz and Mueller than we do.

Iran’s Foreign Minister unexpectedly resigns.

Maduro’s right hand man evacuates his two youngest children out to China. Interesting. Trump is overthrowing Cabal regimes, and for Cabal, China is a safe zone. Why not Russia?

Neanderthals walked upright just like modern humans. If you read Vault-Co, you already knew fifteen years ago what is just being figured out now.

North Carolina Republicans appeal judge’s order Friday striking from the next ballot proposed Constitutional Amendments supporting Voter ID and lower caps on state income tax.

Supreme Court voids the vote of a left wing judge who voted on a case but then died before the ruling was issued.

US is expelling migrants back to Mexico through the new Remain In Mexico Policy.

US is acclimating China to Taiwan Straight passages by US Warships. Amygdala desensitization.

The people assigned to delete conspiracy content on facebook are reading the links and becoming conspiracy theorists. Hilarious article. From it :“Several moderators told a reporter that conspiracy theories took strong root at the office. The 2018 Parkland shooting, which resulted in 17 casualties in Florida, initially horrified staff, moderators said. One person The Verge called Chloe, for instance, claimed her colleagues eventually began expressing doubts about the initial story as more conspiracy content was posted to Facebook and Instagram… Randy,… after seeing vast numbers of videos claiming the 9/11 terrorist attack was an inside job… came to believe them. Randy also claims conspiracy videos about the Las Vegas massacre were also very persuasive — he also now believes that multiple shooters were responsible for the attack.” Full original Verge article here.

Study Shows left-wing extremism on abortion is driving moderate Democrats pro-life. Talking about letting a crying baby just die from neglect is a pretty extreme example of mortal salience.

Tommy Robinson’s teardown of the Cabalist forces that worked with BBC to attack Tommy and the movement. In a funny coincidence, one of our own r/K subversives in London was holding up an Anonymous Conservative banner in the crowd in the first 30 seconds:

Even Jon Stewart is giving props to President Trump:

Spread r/K Theory, because the big day is coming.

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6 years ago

Where can I find this Vault-Co? As far as I know it got shoah’d.

Reply to  KarmaK
6 years ago
6 years ago

Q drops much more palatable in this format AC

Facebook has had a massive purge on right leaners…Tommy Robinson’s page gone I’ve just not on it myself so can’t confirm,heee and now.

6 years ago

The new format for Q posts is a massive improvement. Thank you for everything you do.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Came here to mention the Verge story. Glad I read the post first. I found it interesting that, exposed to high amygdala every day, some Facebook moderators resorted to rabbit behavior like getting high and indiscriminately bonking each other, where others formed posses to get Randy, that little shit who thwarted their attempt to bring a little justice to the world.

6 years ago

Jorge Ramos and crew from Univision detained in Venezuela after Maduro decided he didn’t like his questions.

Don’t believe for a second. Given that Cabal is trying to overthow Venezuela everything negitive we hear about Mendro should be taken with a grain of salt, and were “journalist” really journalist? We just had a Cabal backed false flag on that bridge. Nothing about this should be believed unless compelling evidence is presented.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
6 years ago

The item on Facebook censors reminds me of reports of artificial intelligence programs turning into rabid rightists the more they learn about reality…

6 years ago

Hey, if your rationalization muscles need some exercise, watch this vid and try to refute it:

6 years ago

Q wants us to learn to look at the evidence, not just blindly follow a different authority figure. Example:

6 years ago
6 years ago

That’s brilliant, AC! Seeing that “” banner in the Tommy Robinson UK rally was spectacular. That’s effective mass communication when you receive popular validation such as home-made banners at rallies. It’s even better when it happens in another Western country.

You’re becoming a world-wide Movement, good sir. :^)

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

While I am happy that AC is getting more eyes on this wonderful site of his, I will re-post this regarding Tommy Robinson:

Tommy Robinson (Tommy Rabbison?) is a zionist gatekeeping shill, he NEVER mentions the role of Jewish collective power in the Islamization of the West.

Proof of Tommy Robinson being a zionist: – “Meet Tommy Robinson Proud Zionist” – “Nick Griffin on EDL: Part 2 – Tommy´s debate challenge” – Tommy Robinson tweets about being a proud zionist – Tommy Robison social media posts in Israel and in a Mossad T-shirt among other things

Reminder that zionists are always traitors, according to the father of modern political zionism (Theodor Herzl) himself: – Meme with all the information in this list for ease of sharing

Proof of Jewish collective power being one of the main forces in the push for the Islamization of the West: – “Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt” – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi” – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.” – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen” – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees” – Meme with the link for the video of Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, for ease of sharing

3 Big graphs (part of a series called Cabal Global View graphs) related to this subject: – #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1

If you want to see the rest of the graphs in this series here are the links: – #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 – #2, version 1.0 – #3, version 1.0 – #4, version 1.0

==Why does Jewish collective power pushes for the Islamization of the West?==

ZOG/Zionism and Jewish collective power uses Islam to:
-Get more privileges for minorities in the West (under the banner of more “minority rights”), which benefits the Jews and gives them more GROUP power.
-Increase Western hostility towards Muslims, thus getting more support from the Western people for Israel (they claim that Israel helps fighting the Muslim invasion of the West, but the opposite is true, the West had no problems with the Middle East until the creation of Israel, and Israel supports ISIS and uses it to enact False Flag attacks against the West). Islam is incompatible with the West and the flooding of the West with Muslims always increases hostility towards Muslims. This also increases chaos in the Western world which is useful for the Jewish subversive agents because the more chaos the more distracted people are and thus the less likely they are to able to connect the dots and realize that Israel is in fact an enemy of the West, which it has always been.
-Get their Israel controlled ISIS cells into the West so they can operate here for the benefit of Israel.
-Increase the levels of anti-Semitism in the West in order to motivate more Jews to leave the West for Israel, which improves the Jewish demographics in Israel.

People need to realize that Islam is a threat first, and then they can understand why subversive Jews (which as a GROUP are our enemy too (meaning, Jewish COLLECTIVE POWER is an enemy of the West)) flood the West with Muslims.
Criticizing both Islam and Jewish GROUP power and ZOG/Zionism is crucially important.


My point is:
Zionism in the sense of a person putting Israel BEFORE their own host Country, is treason.

I am not talking about zionism as “Well, I am ok with Israel existing”.
I am talking about zionism in the original sense of “Israel is the priority of Jews as a people, even if they don’t live there.”

This type of thinking was what motivated Pollard into betraying the US and turning into a spy for Israel, in his own words, he felt he had a “racial obligation to Israel” for being a Jew. See this:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I don’t know if TR was a plant or turned like AJ but I know this much: you cannot trust Zionist! You cannot trust anyone who tosses Isreals salad either.

I find it more than interesting that TR doesn’t mention white pedo rings, something that would hurt the elite. I like the idea of TR fighting for girls though.

Reply to  E
6 years ago

E wrote

“I find it more than interesting that TR doesn’t mention white pedo rings, something that would hurt the elite. I like the idea of TR fighting for girls though”

I reply

Tommy Robinson’s cousin wasn’t raped by Whites she was raped by Moslems, like 86% of the other victims!

I’d say he’s got his priorities right, how public are you in tackling the other 14%?

Considering what he’s receiving for addressing that 86%…do you blame him?

There’s 30m others that COULD address your concerns…
get to it then sunshine!

Reply to  E
6 years ago

Oh yeah…

If the BBC ISN’T a white Paedo problem …


6 years ago

Also, maps tell us where to dig.

Vendetta Diagrammar
Vendetta Diagrammar
6 years ago

To KarmaK:

I do not remember exactly where I found this link, but I think it was another AC commenter who had it in a different post a while back. I have it because I bookmarked it when I first saw it. I cannot myself vouch for its authenticity or comprehensiveness, but I do not recall anyone else questioning it at the time.

Here you go:

Reply to  Vendetta Diagrammar
6 years ago

Thank you