News Briefs – 02/25/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q and Q+ had three posts together:

They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.


Those who are the loudest…..

Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.


An interesting Flashback to when, in 1987, a US Diplomat in Cuba who wanted closer relations between the US and Cuba came under early versions of a sonic weapon that shattered glass. Back then a shadowy entity wanted Cuba to remain a denied area to US intelligence. Also contains the fact that an unnamed enemy was developing a microwave weapon designed to kill slowly over time while leaving no trace of its use.

Ex-Clinton poster says she will run if Biden does not, or if she feels the field is too far left. Joe Biden, meet John F Kennedy Jr. If only we could take a life insurance policy out on old Creepy Joe.

That Public Defender who turned up dead in San Francisco under mysterious circumstances had gotten into a spat with Kamal Harris over a crime lab scandal.

Oscar winner gives a speech like you have never heard. Very good usage of mortal salience stimulus, shame, and diminution of status/shame to trigger amygdalae over the proud push to legalize radical abortions up until birth.

Autopsy is in on the woman in Argentina who blew the whistle on Pope Francis’ best friend running a pedophile network, and it is what you would expect. She had numerous drugs in her system which killed her, and her body had been moved after death. So she was posed naked on the bed to embarrass her, and offer an example to any others who were thinking of talking.

Three people were seen fleeing her room on surveillance cameras. After posing her dead body.

Most browsers contain a Do-Not-Track feature, but most users do not know it is not a feature, but a suggestion to websites, which is usually ignored.

Five Congress members took a $60,000 trip to South Africa to see Beyoncé perform in a concert.

Thin Blue Line Flag commemorating Police is removed from Connecticut State Capitol after Democrats complain.

Koch Brothers are pursing a broad strategy to strip Trump of power to control immigration, enact tariffs, and control industry for purposes of National Security.

British Cabal is bugging Police Stations, and bringing officers up on charges of racially insensitive speech said in confidence to coworkers, to clean out the force of non-Cabalist elements. Cops siding with Yellow Vests made them realize they had a problem. It means we are close. I would also bet many Police Stations are bugged all over the world. Cops get worse surveillance than most, because they have power that needs to be closely controlled. If you are a Cop, assume you are always being watched, at least until the troubles pass.

Detroit woman gives birth to 14 children from 14 different fathers. Ultimate r-selection.

Venezuela’s ex spy-chief is opening up about Maduro’s ties to Hezbollah, drugs, and other evils.

Gay and Trans sex education will be taught to five year olds in the UK and opting your child out is illegal. The Founders managed to foresee a lot of potential pitfalls for freedom and stifle them in the Constitution, but the two things they seem to have not dealt with strongly enough was mind-control/persuasion-usage and education-freedom. Not sure if they even could be dealt with, given the travails of the Second Amendment which was dealt with, but those will definitely be a go-to of totalitarians from this point forward.

Cali Bill seeks to release pedophiles from the sex offender registry if the offender is within ten years of the victim, since LGBTQ apparently like to roll that way so the law discriminates against them. Having my ten year old son legally defiled by a 20 year old male pedo would be fine, because gays do that kind of thing.

Mom finds youtube video for kids has instructions for committing suicide inserted in the middle of it. I can guarantee MK Ultra/MK Neon has vids up, and they are watching some of the viewers in real life to see who is most affected the way they want. Sadly, their experiments seem to run along the lines of seeing how extremely they can push people to do things that are totally aberrant. Along those lines I would love to know the viewing habits of kids who decide they are gender confused.

Governor of Trust that run NHS’s only gender clinic for children resigns because he feels children are being pushed into transitioning. If we were breeding sheep, would we be happy to cull the less fit ones like this? Q did say they were breeding us like farm animals.

Former Pakistani Intel chief stripped of pension after writing a book which said Pakistan knew where Bin Ladin was going back to 2011, and they helped us kill him. Meaning we probably knew where he was going back to 2011. Bin Ladin was a Cabal employee.

Pope says child sex abuse reminds him of the old pagan ritual of Child Sacrifice. Is he trying to seed the idea the old ritual couldn’t be going on right now? Or is he trying to get clear of the coming blast radius of the Storm?

Reporter found dead in California from an overdose of methamphetamine rocks inserted in his rectum had covered the Borderline shooting and the California wildfires. You can see why Cabal would need to control the media these days. It is either that or start stacking up bodies like cordwood until the media is too terrified to report the inconsistencies in each story.

Interesting FBI recruitment graph here, in an article on FBI having trouble recruiting, and putting a push on the attract qualified candidates. Although it correlates with the great recession, you have to wonder if the massive spike in recruits in 2009 and 2010 were Obama and Jarret bringing Cabal forces into the Bureau to get control over it. After the Storm, FBI may have to do a lot more recruiting.

News Crews going into Oakland bring a security guard, but that wasn’t enough for one crew covering a strike. Security guard was shot, and they were robbed of all their equipment. Chris Murphy did that to Dave Chappelle at the World Championships of Craps.

CIA tech officer looks at the viability of Wakandan technology. A little vague about cloaking a human in invisibility…

Reminder – weak men are more likely to be socialists.

Lesbian women tend to be heavier, Gay men tend to weigh less. r-selected species are noted for large, aggressive females, and small, effeminate males.

Trump is cutting Visa approvals to preserve American jobs for Americans.

Trump has so fired up the US economy that we need 50,000 more truckers to handle the shipping responsibilities.

Leftists are beginning to panic because Trump is winning Hispanics so handily it will secure his reelection.

Trump’s Pastry Chef at Mara Lago is a Q-anon fan.

Bangladeshi commandos storm Bangladesh-Dubai flight and kill hijacker.

Trump is about to get a Judicial pick approved without the approval of either home state Senator.

Pentagon chief proposes wholesale redesign of how the border is secured.

Bayer faces another trial over the Roundup Cancer risk.

Conservatives call on Barr to investigate Social Media Censorship.

Newt Gingrich says to get ready for the next big wave of medical and pharmaceutical breakthroughs.

Trump is making it easier for employers to avoid paying for healthcare with birth control by saying women can get it at low-cost clinics. Which probably further eats away at PP’s remaining government funding.

Trump says he has a special feeling ahead of his second summit with Kim Jong Un.

Ukrainian President praises Trump’s tough leadership against Russia.

From a cognitive neuroscience perspective, this concession both has more effect because he has been such a hard negotiator before, and it resets Chinese amygdalae so the next time he hits them it will have more effect because they know he doesn’t always have to do it. His mastery does lend itself to humor:

Eddie Bravo on Theo Vaughn is /OurGuy. No new information for us, but every word he says is dead on true as he redpills normies on Q:

Cabal would love to turn him, but their problem in MMA is it is as pure a meritocracy as you can get, and the guys like Eddie have no fear. If we ever got in trouble after Trump left office, I would vote for this guy in a heartbeat, because his heart is in more than the right place, it is in the exact perfect place. And he is paranoid enough to be Apocalypse-ready out of the box.

From Q’s board, this meme about top NSA Patriot and whistleblower Bill Binney, who has Trump’s ear in the Storm, made me laugh:

There’s gonna be a lot of that coming to some really vile actors.

Spread r/K Theory, because the big day is coming.

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M. in MI
M. in MI
6 years ago

That 14 by 14 article is actual Fake News. The site appropriated a random picture of a mom with newborn and then fabricated an absurd story.

6 years ago

Sundance has a good analysis of the trade talks and Trump’s increased leverage over Xi, with Kim meeting him this week. Describes the last 2 years as a ‘releasing the hostages’ situation as China loses influence and use of N Koreans as forced labour.

6 years ago

Anons have been talking with a new Anon they’ve named HighIQAnon about the evidence he has put together to possibly identify Q or at least a lead for the team. Neon has summarised the evidence.

6 years ago

After last night’s Oscars there are calls on 8Chan by a Hollywood Director Anon for IATSE members (basically all the film and TV crews) to stage a strike to bring down Hollywood. Very long article here.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Looks like the call for the strike in Hollywood has gone viral. Possibly on 1 May. More info from GafferAnon.

Neon also reminds us why The Green Book won. Female lead, Maggie Dixon, connected to Obama’s pet ‘Wendy’. It was her reward for keeping her mouth shut.

6 years ago

Another Anon snippet picked up today. A phone number for AOC turns out to be listed to a Kevin J Casey in DC. His father is William Casey, ex CIA Director (1981-87). The one who said to Reagan “we’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.” -Hunter S. Thompson

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The truth is out there. We won’t know which sides the various actors are on unless we know their associations. (Which is exactly why we have been told all our lives to ignore what politicians’ wives, kids, other relatives, friends, associates, employees, companies, etc. were up to.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It seems to me that everything is being pushed up to extreme hard limits now. Dems now more exposed as baby killers with 44 D Senators voting against the Bill to prevent newborn babies being ‘aborted’ as an example. How on Earth anyone would think that issue is a vote winner I don’t know.

What I find strange is there is already a law against infanticide, so why was this Bill even brought to a vote? Even if you accept it’s just political theatre, it appears now like full blown madness with no cure in sight.

Maybe it is just Cabal throwing everything out there to create maximum scorched earth chaos while They get out of here. Civilisation 2 going to a planet elsewhere? At one time that idea seemed far fetched but who knows these days. Once you pull back the curtain anything seems possible now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

This is the best timeline ever. And I’m about 15% of the way to believing that it is because Trump has Tesla’s time machine.

15% may sound like a small number, but for something as crazy as a time machine, that is YUGE for me.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

The good news is we know they can’t have it, because DJT wouldn’t be president.

6 years ago

On the story of the Detroit woman who gave birth to 14 children, “World News Daily” is a spoof website. At its frontpage, it has this disclaimer at the bottom: “World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.”

It is suggested in the future to steer wide from this website. Clues of its pernicious character is that there was no author attribution nor date of publish on the article itself.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Trying to develop my narcissist-o-meter. Are McCabe’s upper lip and nasolabial fold classic narcissist or not quite?

Regardless, that’s not a smile!

6 years ago

Your comment about the morphology of lesbian s & gays & r selection doesn’t make sense since they don’t reproduce and cannot be selected for.

Reply to  Epic
6 years ago

Bi’s reproduce and pass on the gene. Q.E.D.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Epic
6 years ago

Homosexuality can be selected for if the homosexual has siblings and the homosexual contributes to the group survival. Nurturing of the young is dramatically selected for and it’s populations that are selected for this. IF a population has certain members that are engaged in productive activity, food production, cultural production, teaching, etc., and therefor contributing to the inherited cultural wealth of the population, it should be selected for. Evolution is complicated. Traits that might not inherently result in the reproduction of an individual may enhance the survival of the bloodline. Another example of this is being willing to die in the defense of family. On a simplistic analysis this would seem to not be something that could be selected for. But it obviously is selected for.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“wars where we throw everyone onto Omaha Beach” Wars where the ruling family told each of our best men exactly where to land, while their cousins laid out Germany’s best men and materiel to match them. The system was rigged.

6 years ago

Excellent post, as usual, but two quibbles: (1) The story about the woman who gave birth to 14 children by 14 different men is clearly from a parody site (look at the other articles); and (2) I suspect that a large number of lesbians are simply fat women who couldn’t get a guy. If Mr. Right came along, they’d turn straight.

Keep up the good work.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

Check out on youtube a parody music video by goyim goddess called section 8. She sings about dindus to the tune of poker face by lady gaga. At the end of the video is a news item about a black woman who has 12 kids and who keeps saying, “somebody needs to pay for my kids. Somebody is responsible.”
Personal responsibility today is grievously lacking!

6 years ago

A/C, this blog is kind of wild-‘n-wacky, but about halfway down this article are a couple of stories about encounters with invisibility cloaks. Must be Wakandan special forces!

6 years ago

On QRG #6890, fb35da, 4cc478, 7a7bec, and 130ce5 were coordinating their post contents and times, and hinted at some interesting things. (Notice that 4+4+7+8=23.) df6192, e51561, and dbfdec felt unusual too. A few other singletons may have been involved (9cd5ba), or might have just been lucky. (“Luck does not exist.” –130ce5)

Flashback: In your news briefs for 2018-12-18, the first item is a piece at NYT which advocates human extinction. Now AOC is pushing it.

Another flashback: You posted an infographic of similar style to those posted by 7a7bec in your news briefs for 2018-12-17. (Notice that one of the Q post screenshots used there was labeled “New: Title TBD”, indicating it was taken soon after Q posted it.) The skull and bones logo is not uniquely Nazi; the NSDAP inherited that symbol from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, just as the Old Guard inherited the folded bundle of fibers sticking up from the front of the helmet. Why show the Skull and Bones on a Nazi uniform? Why would Q pick a Nazi for that infographic that just happens to resemble the person we knew of as John McCain?

6 years ago

In the first few minutes of Tommy Robinson’s upload of his Panodrama documentary, there is a shot of the audience with a clearly visible sign reading

6 years ago

Anybody else think its hinky that three billionaires got wrapped up in a strip-mall massage parlor sting? Any billionaire could “date” a succession of 10s, yet we’re supposed to believe that these guys couldn’t get enough of this funky stuff?

And how’d they get names to match up to the faces on video? It’s a cash business, and it’s not like you have to show ID at the door.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Thinking, “Taken” starring Liam Neeson.

6 years ago

On the morning anchor anal meth tryst death. The depraved level of detail in that story is mind-boggling. Why release it if he’s one of their own? Seems particularly cruel to his wife and daughter. Makes me wonder if a message was being sent by releasing these sordid details.