News Briefs – 02/22/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

We begin with Q’s latest posts with images and tweets included:

[Ed Note – It shows a year ago Q implied there was an incident in the Capitol SCIF that was significant during the campaign and now year later we find out McCabe tried to boot Nunes out of the SCIF when he briefed the Gang of Eight on the Surveillance they were launching on Trump.]
What is the process to enter a SCIF?
What security level must exist in order to gain entry?
Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?
Do logs exist for each designated meeting?
Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?
Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?
:RT Jan 29 2018 – IDEN [not for anons]
IDEN Jan 29 2018 & run back 1-2 [not for anons]
SCIF logs can be ‘very’ revealing.
Define ‘Renegade’.
1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer

Elizabeth Koh from Tampa Bay Times here. Doing on a balanced story on Q for this Sunday’s paper. Wanted your input on the biggest thing that happened this week. Will be a fair article. Been following this board somewhat, so save the flaming comments and give honest input.

We are the news now (WW).

Be ready for the ‘Q’, Anon(s).
Eyes on increasing +each day.
You are the news now.
Handle w/ care.

Why kids may be at risk from vinyl floors and fire-resistant couches

You have more than you know.
Equal justice under the law or RIGGED SYS?
Being a Clinton donor really pays off!

HATE HOAX by [SMOLLETT] [FF designed to pass anti-lynching law] gets wall-to-wall FAKE NEWS coverage?
REAL HATE [REAL VIOLENCE] [& FASCISM] carried out by members of ANTIFA gets ZERO coverage?
When will the FBI conclude their investigation into ANTIFA?
What happens if the phone records of SMOLLETT leak?
Who did he talk to multiple times prior to turning himself in?
Political forces @ work?
Notice a TREND by LIBERALS + D’s?

Memes, memes, and more memes!
Why are memes so important?


They know what’s best for our Country?
Pelosi > CA rep since 1987
Waters > CA rep since 1991
Schiff > CA rep since 2001
Feinstein > CA rep since 1992
Lead by example?
CA estimated $2T in debt?
Homelessness population on the rise?
Highest tax rates in the Country?
Undocumented Immigrants in California vs Nation?
Uncontrollable state gov spending?
If you can’t fix your own home state, what makes you think you can fix the Country?
“If you are living in one of the 49 other states, you should learn from the lesson that is California. If you are living in California, there is always the lesson of how Michigan came to be governed by a more centrist government. Of course, that came after the failure of the prior government. For now, however, for all its concern for sustainable foods and products, California is on a high-speed rail to unsustainability.”
Welcome to the Democrat Party.
Time to adopt VOTER ID LAW?

[Soft Push of New Narrative – Example]

What happened to the Mueller hype?
What happened to the Mueller will take down POTUS threats [@JohnBrennan]?
Was MUELLER the ‘insurance’ policy aka BLOCKADE designed to limit/restrict POTUS’ ability to enforce the law?
New talking points being pushed backing away from Mueller as the savior re: excuse A, excuse B, excuse C?
Why are *new* investigations by [AS] being started, if, as he’s stated for almost (2) years, ‘evidence’ exists that ties POTUS to Russia?
If they had evidence, do you think it would have leaked?
If they had evidence, would they be backing away (playing down) the Mueller report about to be released?
First they pushed for a SC.
Now they claim the SC didn’t look deep enough?
Are *new* investigations designed to be an ‘insurance’ extension?
Designed to prevent POTUS from CLEANING HOUSE?
Attack on political opponent(s) who is/are actively conducting (leading) investigations into the President for XYZ charges beyond Mueller for XYZ reasons (zero evidence to support) – OBSTRUCTION TRAP?
[SDNY] opening ‘private’ investigation for the sole purpose of FINDING A CRIME?
Evidence to support?
Evidence presented?
Does [SDNY] report to AG BARR?
Watch the news.
[MW] opening *new* investigations into the ‘finances’ of POTUS and/or his family?
Why did D’s state ‘things will calm down if we retake the House’ prior to the midterm elections?
Was their plan to retake the House in order to ‘chair’ each respective committee in order to start *new* erroneous investigations in an attempt to retain the BLOCKADE?
Retain the ‘insurance’ policy?
Retain the optical illusion that a crime was committed?
Retain the narrative?
Retain D_base outrage?
Retain D_base obstruction?
Retain D_base support to block POTUS’ agenda?
If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present?
If you have the TRUTH on your side, what advantages does that present?
If you have full control of the US MIL, what advantages does that present?
If you have complete AUTH TO DECLAS, what advantages does that present?
If you have the SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (PATRIOTS), what advantages does that present?

We thank you for your service, BO.
We thank you for your service, Vols.
We thank you for your service, Bakers.
We thank you for your service, Anons.
God bless each and every one of you.
Patriots, one and all!
Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.

Re: Conservative attacked on UC Berkeley campus
Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).
Facial scans do not ‘hit’ directly > 2 jumps downstream req.

Our reach is a direct threat to their control.
Would the largest news co’s in the world attack us (daily) if we weren’t a threat to their narrative/control?
You attack those who threaten you the most.

The Deal of a Lifetime?
[Tarmac] meeting not planned according to [LL] & [BC]?
Security reports indicate USSS (sec detail [BC] & FBI (sec detail [LL]) planned for meeting?
SC/[LL] deal presented by BC?
What actions did [JC] take days after?
Less than a week after the tarmac meeting, [JC] announced that the FBI would not recommend an indictment against [HRC]?
Returning to the news?

Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat on Feb 6th and backed up by POTUS on April 15th.
Enjoy the show!

One aspect of Narcissists which normies always have difficulty with understanding is their perceptions of competition. Narcissist see competition everywhere, and they see it illogically. It is very much like the scene in American Psycho where Christian Bale proceeds to have a psychological meltdown because he thinks someone else has a more artistic business card. You wouldn’t care. You wouldn’t see a competition there, and even I you did, you wouldn’t melt down if someone had an imperceptibly nicer card. But Narcissists will see it, they will melt down, and the meltdown will be so painful that after a few of them, they are trained to do anything to make sure they see those competitions ahead of time, and they do anything to avoid losing them. You narcissist poisoned you to stop you from getting to the print shop to order new business cards? It makes perfect sense to them. It is totally logical.

Now imagine you were the Narcissists of Cabal, and you had committed such crimes that if anyone else ever got control, they could tell the world, and you and your entire bloodline would be hunted to the ends of the earth, relentlessly by people who would want to kill you at all costs. You would realize you need to maintain control at all costs. Now imagine if you know certain chemicals will make everyone else dumber. Imagine if you have the ability to expose them to those chemicals through the companies you own and the governments you control, and make them all dumber, so they will never pose a threat to you. Imagine if as a side effect, they will get sick, and need to buy drugs from other companies, producing more wealth for you. Fluoride, plasticizer, aluminum, GMO foods, vaccines, and God only knows what else may very well be something very different than the drones believed.

A comment from Q’s board:

…in Afghanistan – Ahmed Shah Massoud
He believed in America, freedom, and peace. He warned US CIA of acts of terrorism Al Qaida planned for America. He couldn’t understand why he was ignored. He never knew the US CIA was Al Qaida… he was their enemy NOT their ally.
He was assassinated by Al Qaida/US CIA posing as journalists…the #Cabal killed him 2 days before 9/11…he knew too much and unbeknownst to him was not fighting the same war he thought US was fighting.

California politicians introduce bill to protect sex offenders who lure minors, because punishing that disproportionately affects LGBTs.

Jersey passes bill that would block Trump from being on the 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns. Who will control the Supremes at that point, I wonder.

Judge rules prosecutors broke law in Epstein plea deal. The important part is, had Trump not been elected, nothing would have ever come of it. You see how we were in a lawless nation, where not only didn’t the government secure everyone’s freedoms according to the law, it used the law to infringe on freedoms where it wanted, and it ignored the law to infringe on freedoms where it wanted.

Media blacks out the fact that FBI general counsel wanted Hillary Clinton prosecuted.

Politicians are utilizing the tools of digital surveillance. Interesting article. Attend a political rally with your phone, and they pull the UID off it electronically, tag it in their system, then follow it home, use it to tag all other computers and TV’s on the network, probably pull GPS data to learn where you meet friends, and on and on, and then they begin sending ads to all those systems. Now imagine if you become a target, and they can turn on the mic.

Smollett back on Empire set after posting cash bail.

Trump border wall challeneges will first be heard by an Obama Judge, a Clinton Judge, and a Trump Judge. But the initial funding does not require judicial approval, so building will start and go on, while this is sorted out through the Supremes to secure the end funding.

Republican calls for a new election in North Carolina after saying his campaign consultant may have been shady. Now there will be an election without the illegal wave they produce every two years.

Man attacked by crazed woman for wearing MAGA hat in a restaurant.

Sealed Deposition shows Sacker family embraced a plan to conceal the strength of Oxycontin from doctors, so they would be less prone to limit its use. And as it took off, we began protecting Afghanistan’s opium plants, as El Chapo began setting the stage and reorganizing his business to run Heroin into the US, so when Oxy addicts ran out of cash, they would be able to make the transition to heroin. who operates that many steps ahead?

If Australia’s housing bubble bursts, it could topple the government.

Another migrant Caravan of Central Americans has formed and just crossed over into Mexico.

Illegal tried to surprise-shoot a Napa County Sheriff’s Deputy during a traffic stop, missed and got permanently deported to Hell by fifteen shots returned. Video:

BoE never allowed any audit of Australia’s 80 tons of gold, raising the question of whether it is even in the vault.

Retired Swede is fined for saying Somalis are lazy.

Yellowstone Geysers are picking up, meaning magma may be rising.

French citizens puzzle over why some areas have such high levels of children born without arms, and other birth defects. These days it would not surprise me to find out Cabal-linked pharmaceutical companies just dose the families of those who are threats to the network with new drugs to look for negative side effects, before beginning official trials.

Soros already putting $100 million into 4 states ahead of 2020. Actually good, because against the God Emperor, it is all money wasted.

Minnesota sets February snowfall record, and month is not yet over. Glaciation may be cumulative. The more snow there is per year, the more sunlight is reflected. Temperature drops may be a later phase, with increasing snowfall the initial sign of Iceball Earth.

British Intelligence tried to get a protestant paramilitary group to shoot up a catholic private school and kill teachers and students. Notice how they would get close to taking out the Queen, but never quite cross the finish line. If the false flags we have seen in the US were the game plan of Cabal in America, it makes sense the Irish unrests were Cabal’s operations in Britain. Look what they got – London, Cabal’s primary financial center and pedophile haven, became the most heavily surveilled area in the world. Try launching your own surveillance operation to catch Cabal fuckery in the act in that environment. An without surveillance, almost all operations are nearly impossible.

Reminder, this was not a hate crime (the victim was actually not badly burned, luckily):

Look at this following tweet, but before you do, imagine there is a secret society, where parents bring their kids into it, and everything is easy for everyone in it, and this guy is one of them. Imagine that even though to you it is just politics and policy, he knows Trump, and everything he represents, will tear that secret society right to the ground, making this guy have to endure being just another plebe:

Now imagine all of these are kids of the Secret Society, and all of them know the real deal, which is how Trump threatens the easy path they enjoy which the rest of the nation is totally clueless to. Would that make more sense, than these imbeciles actually having some interest in policy and governance, at that age? These are not policy wonks, these are ground forces of the Secret Society you are looking at.

Warren and Kamala Harris back Reparations for the descendants of slaves. Harris’s family actually owned slaves on a plantation. Is she going to pay?

Junker has given up on Brexit. One of the commenters here said that might be a key element in severing the financial ties Cabal is using to funnel money from all the other Cabal operations in Europe into their financial center in London. No Brexit means a hard exit that cuts all ties.

Feminists demand ban on sexbots.

Assange got a new Australian passport. Things may be progressing.

Guaido signs a Presidential decree allowing aid into Venezuela.

Oil prices dip as US Crude output hits a record 12 million barrels per day.

Bookies have Donald Trump as a massive 2020 favorite.

Facial bifurcation, disgust/contempt on the left, hidden on the right:

All major criminal gangs existed because Law Enforcement was being denied resources and held back from going in and cleaning them out. The will, the tech, the manpower, and the resources were there, but nothing happened because the gangs that survived had deals with Cabal and Cabal protected them. You realize it when you see The Machine for yourself:

Spread r/K Theory, because We are the news now.

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6 years ago

”Feminists demand ban on sexbots.”

Feminists being of the enemy never seems to have a healthy relationship with sexuality. Either its “all sex is rape” or “promiscuity is good”. Never the healthy mean which occurs when it is confined to holy wedlock.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

>University of California police want the public’s help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video.<

It really amazes me that many people stood around as that UC Berkeley Cabal punk harassed and then punched the conservative activist kid. This looks like non-driving rubber-necking to me. Stand around and watch and video, instead of even just HALF of the guys who were standing around, dropping their phones to intervene and beat this dogpile punk who threw the punch into hamburger meat? Or at the very least, dragging his punk ass to the nearest police station so that needing "the public's help tracking down" the "suspect" wouldn't even be necessary?

Do you think this sort of bystander behavior is how we have become slowly retrained out of K to r by Cabal all these years? Wouldn't just watching on the evening news all of that cash, before Obama left office, leave on pallets to Iran, and nobody doing a damn thing be just another larger proof of successful retraining and wussificaiton of the populace?

Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Cindy — I share your general sense of outrage that “this just ain’t right”, but based on a lifetime of experience, I gotta comment.

NO ONE is going to help you in the street. Period. As the preacher said to Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles: “Son, yer on yer own”. So what should a TradNat do if he feels compelled to engage in public activism?

1. Never act alone. Move as a unit. Have at least two dependable Deplorables with you when it’s “go” time. “Naked is back without brother to guard it”.

2. In the name of all that’s holy — learn to fight! Judging by his physique, the victim in this case has put in very little effort towards general physical conditioning, and he did absolutely everything wrong, from the standpoint of self-defense. Although the attacker was noticeably more muscular, he wasn’t exactly the reincarnation of Achilles, since his go-to move was an off-balance punch delivered with no hip rotation…and it didn’t even put our activist on the deck! We’re not going up against superhuman ninjas. These situations can be handled…but everyone’s got to make an effort to become a hard target.

Lift. Run sprints. Find some kind of fighting school and TRAIN. For instance, if you are in high school, or you have kids in high school, and (you) they are not going out for the wrestling team every year, they are making a big mistake. Four years of physical conditioning, learning specific fighting techniques, and developing an aggressive, resilient mindset is an excellent insurance policy against future harm.

6 years ago

News from the 2A world:

Benchmade knives helps Oregon City Police destroy guns. (Also allegedly violates NFA in the process.) Notice their logo. Notice the company owner’s face. Physiognomy is real. Symbolism will be their downfall.

Commenter John writes: “My daughter and I were assaulted while on a bike ride in the middle of no where. I was on the phone with 911 while they were getting out of the truck and approaching me. I gave the license plate number, descriptions of the assailants, and at that point the 911 operator told me she needed to hang up, and that she had a “higher priority call”.”

Rather Not
Rather Not
6 years ago

Sundance in the CTH story about the IRS agent Fry, notes that there is more to the story. He can tell there is something beyond view out of the norm, but can’t put his finger on it. I think the element he is missing that is unusual is that it is a Cabalist getting charged. They didn’t have to power to ‘choose not to prosecute’ or do the plea down to jaywalking (like Epstein’s plea to one charge of ‘Prostitution’ instead of dozens of child rapes, pimping, child sex trafficking and numerous blackmail and extortion counts)

The thing that is out of order is someone did Cabal’s bidding, and is being held to account. That is new. The IRS investigators who get to see all the returns, and the financial flows (the SARs) is an extremely valuable lens to view the world, therefore it would have been captured by Cabal, thoroughly and early. And now one of their guys is going to do time for giving info.

Hopefully it is because the justice system is working, as opposed to he pissed the Cabal off in some other way and is being underbussed or for being so stupid as to give it the Creepy Porn Lawyer as well.

6 years ago

Just picked up on Gab/GreatAwakening that Jussie Smollett may be Kamala’s nephew! Also a link to Valerie Jarrett, a director of Lyft. Jussie was allegedly injured in a car accident involving a Lyft driver. Funny, how he seems to get involved with these ‘incidents’. Must think he is a good actor.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

As to the Secret Society and the guy assaulting the conservative at Berkley, keep this in mind: All young thugs I’ve known who I suspected involvement in the society you speak of have been unanimous that Trump is a “racist.” That is their key word, and it’s the word the guy used in this case. And these people feel fully justified in criminally violating a person that they deem racist. Not I said, “deem.” This is a calling card of these people. And I would argue that they don’t really care about race, but it’s just their vilification/excuse.