News Briefs – 02/21/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is still going:

When their attempts to silence through ‘print’ fail, they must now include in TV/video.

Why put so much attention into a so-called conspiracy?
Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind?


Do you think nobody is paying attention to the drops?

Didn’t see Dan Coats in the MSM these last couple days, meaing there is no other logical reason for them to post outside of being hi to Q drops.


“Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact.”


What a coincidence!





Red Castle?
Where have you seen that before?

We really started something, didn’t we?
Well, now we know he’s a bad apple.
Right after BARR installed?
What a coincidence.
News moving fast?


What a coincidence.

Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.
You will understand why in the coming weeks.

Ann Coulter is Now a “Never Trump” Conservative.
thats funny

Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney.
Wire transfers are a convenient way of transferring money.

Happy Hunting!

History of “flip-flopping”?
What *made* her flop this time?
Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.
Shills come in many different forms.
Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.
Common these days?

John Solomon
on Hannity

But, you knew that already.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.

On to the brief:

Heartiste shows Paris then and now. Also, this on a possible Alt-right/Muslim alliance. I can actually imagine this. Walk into the Iman’s place, tell him we have our differences, obviously, but the leftist degenerates are a common enemy. We could easily vanquish them together first, before they corrupt our children, destroy the West’s wealth, and create the type of degenerate society we both know God will smite. In a world of enemies the left presently has no peer, and that is probably not so good a place to be.

The lovely Nellie Ohr produced a third Trump dossier and used her husband to funnel it to the FBI. According to Q her fluency in Russian meant she was CIA, and her sudden need for a Ham Radio license likely didn’t help her appearance of innocence either.

23 New York coworkers claim $437 million mega-millions jackpot anonymously. How do we know, if they are anonymous and all payouts were to an LLC? Cabal is reupping here and there.

Kevin Spacey’s brother fears he will commit suicide. Brings to mind Hillary saying to the media Dick Morris was depressed after his toe sucking incident, at which point he very quickly turned on the Clintons and went public as an enemy, so if he was found dead, people would know. Could be a message.

The classic spy approach is, you want to do something, hide something, stop something, here, let me come into your operation and help you with that. I thought of that when I saw that Google created a security system to help you secure your personal space so you could keep secrets, and installed a microphone in it without telling anybody.

Good thread on how Cabal was suiciding people who managed to have an effect on freedom, how Snowden was a traitor to Cabal, and how John Perry Barlow was probably killed. And how Q knew what was going on all along, and even before it happened.

Q predicted a major false flag in the offing, and FBI just busted a former Marine who they said was planning a Brevik-type attack in DC. Although it is a fake news report, so he might just have accumulated a meme folder on /pol.

Campus Police called because somebody put up a poster with Pepe on it. Cop should have, on seeing it, immediately said, “Based and red-pilled.”

Former FBI general counsel thought Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted until ‘pretty late’ in email investigation

Flashback – Hospital drug pumps can be hacked to produce an overdose.

Blockchain turns out to be hackable.

Man thinks dog was part of a large program to spy on him for Police, duct tapes it up and throws it in a ditch. At least the dog was saved.

A very interesting piece, with a couple of angles. First it delves into the Rhodes Trust, which was set up with colonial diamond money to fund various Cabal structures and operations to subvert Western governments with leaders it had cherry picked and given Cabal-approved bonafides to. Second it shows the Chinese were beginning to grasp fairly high-level manipulative diplomatic techniques to exploit Cabal’s weaknesses, and rolling them out. In the article, a Chinese Ambassador basically threatens to blackmail the Cabal Deepstate with a subtle threat to begin talking more about the Western Surveillance state, as he begins to label Cabal governmental actions as being “White Supremacist,” a reference to Rhodes’ racism in thinking White Westerners should take over as much of the earth as possible because everyone else was inferior. Basically he was threatening to out the Cabal surveillance state unless it gave China what it wanted.

Mysterious wind-borne disease causing children to get heart disease in California, by inflaming vascular system. When I see this I picture the time the Navy parked a ship off the coast of California and released a cloud of Serratia marscens to see how airborne bacteria would travel on the wind if released offshore. It makes me wonder if an offshoot of Cabal might be out there testing something, as a final failsafe.

Ocasio Cortez moves into a luxury apartment with an infinity pool, Steinway piano, but no affordable housing units and it sits in the middle of a gentrification fight. She is too much of a caricature of the leftist elite. She has to be a plant. Along those lines, she seemed to set up a textbook example of how corruption works in DC:

MRI study says brains of trans people differ from the brains of non-trans people, appear as brains of the opposite gender, even in childhood. The reversal of sex-specific traits in r/K extends to brains, and the effects are cumulative generation to generation, being stored in the epigenetic coding – and as that epigenetic code shifts hyper-r it begins to show up from birth.

Bolton says Ortega’s days are numbered in Nicaragua.

Mueller probe coming to a close, report will come out next week. Insurance policy fail. Then comes Trump’s turn.

Guaido has detected unusual efforts to migrate funds out of Venezuelan Swiss Bank accounts, and they are taking measures to freeze the funds. Your first thought is they are Venezuelan funds, but suppose somebody else was running their funds through Venezuela’s accounts to hide their activity, and now all of those funds are being locked down. Do you want to send SEAL Six after Cabal’s leadership while they are loaded on funds, or do you want to do a Berezovsky first, and bankrupt them so their bodyguards and security take off and leave them helpless? This makes sense, if you are laying out plans a few years ahead with an eye to maximally optimizing the likelihood of total victory.

The French left is going bankrupt. There is no money naturally in political activism, unless you can arrange it so your activism drains money out of government and routes it through a path that brings some back to you – and Cabal has the a monopoly on that. But it would seem Cabal is no longer funding its corrupt little projects the way it had been.

Lithuania arresting judges in a massive corruption probe.

Euroskeptics are ascendant and George Soros is unhappy and worried.

Avenatti asks to end the Stormy lawsuit with prejudice.

Fed up Iranians attack the regime’s Morality Police.

More Border Wall construction beginning in San Diego.

Jihadist who claims to be US born, and took off to join ISIS in the Mideast will not be allowed to come to the US. All they have is a birth certificate, with no fingerprints or DNA to prove it is her. Ooops.

Another God Emperor warming up? :

Smollett could get more than a decade.

It is funny to see the cashier with two jacked up body-building black guys in front of her buying rope, and ski masks, and rubber gloves, and bleach, and they are just carrying on a conversation like they are grocery shopping. And she can’t say anything because if she calls the cops in a liberal town, they will whip out cameras, and next thing you know she is “Convenience-Store-Carrie,” the latest racist social media sensation for thinking blacks are all about to commit a crime when they buy innocent things like rope, gloves, bleach, and ski masks.

I’ve long thought Cabal let Drug Dealers do their thing with an eye to one day taking their stuff when they bust them, making the dealer an employee in the big picture. So this will further cut Cabal funding, and the unanimous aspect raises the question if Trump and Q have put the entire Court on the same page:

Trump-Pence campaign website created a new 404 error page, and it is epic (click for full size, and look at the podium):

Spread r/K Theory, because after Mueller begin the booms.

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6 years ago

Mueller’s report may be submitted to the AG next week, but it won’t be out as such. Barr is expected to produce a summary, but the Dems want the whole thing to be released including the evidentiary documents/trail so they can make use of it politically in their attempts to impeach Trump. Sundance has a good summary:

They always release things while POTUS is out of the country. Next week he’s meeting Kim in Vietnam. Funny how Cohen’s testimony also coincides too. No doubt the Dems hope to get their political narrative out in front of Trump.

Then up next, it’s the next installment of the OIG report. Maybe the Dems should be careful what they wish for. If Mueller’s report is released I would expect DECLAS to be part of it. Have to say if it’s a whitewash, Q will lose a lot of credibility. I get the sense it’s now or never.

6 years ago

Nancy Pelosi telling EU leaders she is equal to Trump because she has the power of the purse.

POTUS has power of veto and can shut down Congress, so who has the real power?!

6 years ago

This is worrisome:
Kushner is the biggest weakness of the Trump administration.

6 years ago

Good thread on how Cabal was suiciding people who managed to have an effect on freedom, how Snowden was a traitor to Cabal, and how John Perry Barlow was probably killed.

Begs the question of what Aaron Schwartz found on those MIT servers when he was hacking JSTOR.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

No surprise at all about Coulter. Hat tip to AC for expressing reasons for skepticism towards her previously in this space.

6 years ago

You write above: “…and create the type of degenerate society we both know God will smite. ”

Do you know about the Frankists? Frankists are an offshoot of Sabbateanism. They are Jewish Messianic sects that seek to create the conditions for their messiah to come. The Frankists are named after Jacob Frank who thought that it was easier to do evil. purposely do evil, to cause the appearance of their messiah! They do evil like in fornication, adultery, robbing, etc, on purpose! Their goal is to “create …[a] degenerate society”. About 5000 converted en masse to Roman Catholicism. My supposition, not because they wanted to become true catholics—but to destroy the Church from within; the Catholic authorities at that time probably had NO idea who this was!


On another note, I tried to link an article from Breitbart News at Wikipedia. It was blocked. Breitbart News url links are blocked at Wikipedia.

6 years ago

Re: MRI study of trannies

Epigenetic changes in the gene code do not persist over generations. For example, all methylated DNA is demythylated quite quickly –it doesn’t get transferred from generation to generation. Only nucleotide alterations or sequential changes in the structure of DNA can alter the phenotype or expression of an individual, and none of this is happening with transgenders.

Obviously, there are alterations in the expression of genes that are heritable, but these are not epigenetic. It is true that gene regulation – turning off or on – can be external, or environmental, so that as the environment changes, the regulation of genes is altered. This may have happened to trannies, as well as the rest of us. Cancer, for example, has environmental precursors as well as genetic ones.

Anyway, epigenetics isn’t a big umbrella under which all sorts of pathologies can be huddled. For the most part, like it or not, we have been predestined by our genes. Very little changes this.

—- I was about to send this in, but I remembered that r/K, too, is heritable. Isn’t the decline in the number of r-programmed individuals inversely related to the increase in the number of K-programmed individuals? What may seem to be epigenetic changes in the population could be what you described as, if I remember, a peak in the population of r-individuals in something like predator-prey interactions. We may be at that peak now, or near it. Since K’s reproduce at a slower rate, the uptick in r’s — including sexual deviants which seem to be exclusively, if not predominantly r – should be a temporary phenomenon, not an epigenetic one.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Could be … but the biological mechanism isn’t there. What is there is a moral mechanism, a degradation of certain segments of society. For me, the question is whether moral/life behaviors or even influences can actually change someone’s biology … not genes.

In other words, if you surround yourself with porn, perversion, and sexually addicted people, will your body be altered by this experience? Can this alteration mime genetic changes?

Reply to  K
6 years ago

A huge amount of it is due to endocrine disruptors that are present in all daily chemicals we use:

And of course there is the phytoestrogens in soy as well as Estrogen mimickers in BPA in Plastics and other equivalents.

We are bathed in chemical polllution of this nature. Such that men like Alex Jones warn of this in his infamous: “Gay Frogs” rant.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  K
6 years ago

“…Epigenetic changes in the gene code do not persist over generations…”

This is slightly disinformative. Sure epigenetic changes may not last “forever” but it’s my understanding that epigentic changes will persist through at least through offspring.

6 years ago

Something about this doesn’t pass the smell test. One of the ~50 sites excepted was a spanish hair salon? That wasn’t an accident… But why?

6 years ago

“Blockchain turns out to be hackable.”
– Called it

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago


I asked about this at the site that thinks cryptocurrency is safe: Their response:

“Yes this is the Proof of Work (POW) vulnerability I was explaining to you. XRP is not a POW (mined) coin thus does not have this weakness. This essay has a good explanation of the POW weakness. Also XRP has no built in Smart Contract.

So according to this, some types of crypto are safe.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Why is the trump administration seeking worldwide homosexuality decriminalization and Ivanka promoting global feminism?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago


Could you explain that answer?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That strategy sounds like sending Lenin on the Train to Russia from Germany to start the Russian Revolution. But its Cabal so its much more reasonable.

I hope we have reliable countermeasures when it comes back to us like how the Soviet Union in turn impacted the world as a result.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

But once those have served their purpose. The antidote would have to be applied globally to neutralize those poisonous ideologies and pathologies.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago


I feel so sorry for Mitt Romney, but sorrier for the country that will never have him as president.

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) November 7, 2012

Poor Utah Republicans–if only they had a carpetbagging, flip-flopping,
Trump-bashing, clueless twit of a Senate candidate. Oh wait!…

— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 17, 2018

History of “flip-flopping”?
What *made* her flop this time?
Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.
Shills come in many different forms.
Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.
Common these days?

“Q” is a troll!

Totally unfair to Coulter. Coulter called out Trump for factual based promises he failed to keep. Coulter called him out for the same criticism I have made, surrounding himself with the swamp.
Coulter is a Republican of course she would support Romney but when these people never produce she changes her support just like the rest of us. Whatever Coulters faults I doubt she can be bought she’s major wealthy.

Thane Eichenauer
Thane Eichenauer
5 years ago

“All they have is a birth certificate, with no fingerprints or DNA to prove it is her. Ooops.”

I haven’t asked if my family doctor took fingerprints or ran a DNA test on me when I was born. Should I start asking if I am an Indigo Child à la Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill?