News Briefs – 02/20/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q is hot lately:

Kennedy was an outsider [assassinated]
Reagan was an outsider [assassination attempt]
POTUS is an outsider [CLAS HIGH]
How much money (CASH) was sent by the FED to Iraq (Iraq War)?
How much money (CASH) was confiscated from the Iraq Central Bank?
[Example – not intended for PUBLIC awareness]
If it worked in IRAQ, why not replicate in IRAN?
How much money (CASH) was sent to IRAN?
Who controls the distribution of funds?
Who accounts for the funds?
Who has access to the funds?
Who ‘really’ has access to the funds?
Do funds return in the form of political donations?
Do funds return in the form of massive donations to ‘FOUNDATIONS’ and/or ‘INSTITUTES’?
Do funds return in the form of offshore bank accounts for future payments/payoffs?
Replicate: Environment (‘Green’), AID assist, etc.
Threat of an OUTSIDER becoming PRESIDENT?

“Trillions of dollars at stake.”
“Controlled by group of special interests.”
“Illusion of democracy.”
[Welcome to the Real World]


Thank you, Patriot.

Start from beginning.
(Small) sampling of proofs.
Patriots in control.
You are the news now.

In control of what?
NOTHING. That’s what.

Are you ready, shill?
Survival of the FITTEST.

But, FAKE NEWS pushes the ‘narrative’ that POTUS is ……



Discretion must be applied when dealing w/ matters of NAT SEC / sensitive ongoing investigations.
Info released to date was necessary in order to refute the FAKE NEWS narrative and provide the public w/ a taste of the TRUTH (i.e. future events).
Conf sources (House) that you gain critical info from is simply one of many vehicles used (by design).
NO LEAKS for this reason.

The DECLASSIFICATION of all requested documents (+ more) will occur.
This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires (“do it now””now””what is taking so long””NOW!”) take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
NEW THREATS (investigations by [SDNY], [AS], [MW] in an effort to delay/prevent release (‘insurance extension’) WILL FAIL.
TRANSPARENCY is the only way forward.
Define the following:
Conspiracy to commit…
Do you understand and fully appreciate the GRAVITY of the situation?
Do you understand and fully appreciate what POTUS endures each and every singly day?
He loves this County.
He loves you.
There is EVIL in this world.
There is DARKNESS in this world.
There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.
To keep you sedated.
To keep you unaware.
To keep you blind.
This will be on our timetable.
(Transparency and Prosecution)
There is simply no other way.
[Except 1]


Review time.


Thank you,

He needs to be invited to the White House, Q

All he needs to do is ask.

such a lovely Q too.


Filters picking up many references tonight.
Desperate to sway opinion?

[Ed Note – The following is a tweet somebody posted with the referenced mention of Q. Notice how it is neither positive or negative in its final disposition on Q – it leaves it open he might be real. The effect of that is to introduce the idea to a population which is enjoying a show they like, without triggering the amygdala by taking a position on it, like saying it is definitely true. In hypnosis that is called avoiding resistance. The net effect will be to see people debating Q, with some maybe positive and some maybe negative, as something they associate with an enjoyable environment. Again, maybe this works on you or it may not. But when dealing with 50 million people, 30 or 40 million just saw people debating Q while they themselves were sitting in a safe space enjoying themselves, and if they now go to the bar, and see people debating Q they will tend to feel that mild sense of ease and pleasure there too – it is just how many people’s brains work. Relaxation, and lack of immediate reflexive triggering, is the beginning of deprogramming.]

On with the brief:

Somebody pointed out these shots of the stats on a video Q linked to, taken over a period of time when tens of thousands, if not more would have watched the video:

Likes go up, but views didn’t. Now think if you are trying to break into youtube vid creation. What does having views not register mean to you? What about when doling out ad revenue? What about these 6 year olds who get 50,000,000 views on their videos and make $20 million per year, but none of us ever heard of them? I have long suspected this was happening because I see vids on /pol which are catchy and make you want to click, they are interesting once you’ve watched them, and I know everybody on /pol is clicking them, but they only have a thousand views after two years.

An interesting perspective I had never thought of, from somebody on Q’s board:

“The technologies for going from one star system to another involve very advanced science, physics that would get us off oil, gas, coal very quickly.”

“If you acknowledge we are not alone in the universe and they are here, the first thing scientists are gonna say to any govt official is ‘what technology are they using to get here?’ When they ask that question, it will be answered, and when it is answered, it is the end of oil.”

“We have over 950 top secret military people who have come forward with testimony, documents, photographs. We have even done analysis on ET biological specimen.”

“The public hasn’t been told because they’ve been wanting to keep the secret for reasons of technology and the macro-economic petrodollar system. The secrecy has nothing to do with ‘aliens.’ It has everything to do with geopolitical power and money, as usual.”

I was thinking about closing the border. Given the spike in Acute Flaccid Myelitis every two years during an election cycle, as they flood illegals up here to vote, it clearly relates to our elections. But I thought the pattern down there is very similar to something else. Iran was Cabal. And it wanted to build nukes, but to do so with plausible deniability and ultimate secrecy. So Cabal established an out of control “independent,” spontaneously-formed rebel group known for needless violence (ISIS), that controlled territory in a neighboring country by the border, and rendered it a denied area to any kind of ground surveillance operations from anyone. Syria couldn’t send its security forces in there, and even the official Iranian government couldn’t go anywhere near it. Then Cabal in Iran actually went across the border and established camps, and labs, and infrastructure, free from any prying eyes. Well, go over the border into Mexico four years ago, and some of those border regions were established as being under Cartel control. An independent, spontaneously-formed rebel group, known for needless violence. You couldn’t go in there, because the Cartels had a PR campaign composed of online videos showing them skinning humans alive, torturing them horrifically, and they left the bodies all over, complete with parted out limbs and torsos, and skinned, decapitated heads with genitals in the mouths. We saw that and thought, “Wow, what animals to want to do that for no reason, we should never go there.” But maybe Cabal’s Cartel people didn’t do it because they were that crazy, or that evil. It was just PR to keep those border regions as denied areas. And with Cabal, denied areas controlled by needlessly violent “independent” rebel groups means operational bases with some discrete purpose. It could have been drugs, or children, but what if it was something else which required regular transit across the border? I have no idea what, but it is a possibility we should let drift around in our heads going forward. It would have to be something that required that traffic route into America, outside of CBP’s oversight, meaning whatever went back and/or forth was something you couldn’t declare officially.

$20 Billion went into Iraq from the US, and everybody knew it disappeared, and nobody cared.

Rand Corp proposes expanding Corporate roles in assessing Americans for terrorism risks using community “Terrorism prevention” groups. They might be looking to create a cover now that the Big Machine is increasingly falling under Trump’s control. I am still flabbergasted they used official FBI agents and resources, and got official FISA warrants for Trump and his campaign, and did it all on paper, rather than use the private sector and hide it behind the veil of private citizenship and the 4th Amendment.

Arizona to start massive DNA database, will take DNA from anyone who applies for a state job, volunteer position, or other state contact, and bill them $250 for the test, then it all goes into the database. It is bad if you ever end up afoul of the state, but it is very, very bad if Cabal gets full control again, and they use that for tissue matching when one of them needs an organ. If Tony Podesta is bold enough to hang paintings of children being tortured in Cabal rituals on his walls during dinner parties, there is nothing they will not do once they are in power.

British Labor MP cuts head open after passing out during extreme S&M session in New York City sex dungeon, then tries to blow it off as just an accident.

Smollett was convicted of providing false information to Law Enforcement in 2007.

Smollett’s scenes cut out of Empire after controversy.

FDA warns against young blood infusions. Personally I would steer clear of it until it had been done a while. Women carry small amounts of DNA from men they have slept with. I would assume it is not impossible some could carry enough code and make their way to a place where they would burn off a protein or two. Plasma, injected, will deliver much more DNA. Everybody has the potential to have their organs rejected, in an organ transplant, even when tissue matched. That is a lot of strange stuff from a maybe/maybe-not tissue matched individual being injected into your body, all of which could touch off unpredictable immune symptoms. And each infusion would be another risk, even though it is only plasma. The main mindblowing aspect is, if it works at all, it means there will be a way to synthetically slow or even reverse aging that will not have the risks, which I have no doubt there is. It could be very close.

The armed Americans arrested In Haiti were working for the government on a mission related to the Central Bank. Not a lot in the news so probably a Cabal op of some sort, maybe to ship out the gold, ala Ukraine. If they were Trump teammates, it would be all over the news.

Rubio threatens an invasion of Venezuela if aid is not let through.

Bernie Sanders in for 2020. Actually good for r/K because with Trump vs Sanders, you have the Lion vs the rabbit. If God intends to send r/K into the mainstream, that could be the spark.

Chinese and Iranian hackers up attacks against the US. Both Cabal operational zones.

A guy just gives his “Friend” a gun out of the blue, and suddenly the “friend”‘s son begins hearing voices in his head telling him to take the gun and shoot up his school. The tech is out there as well as the infrastructure – and the evil is at the top. Our history will be the greatest story never told.

Mike Flynn targeted over plans to push nuclear tech to help Saudi Arabia develop nuclear plants. Dems act like it is some big secret they need to unravel, but:

I do not like spreading the media’s lies, but it turns out I helped spread a media lie yesterday:

You’d think I’d know better than to accept anything they say as even remotely truthful, but as this tweet points out, learning is a process:

In retrospect, from cognitive neurological perspective designed to help understand how that happened, the amygdala is supposed to fire off when it hears a lie. That is what provides that little discomfort, that makes you say, “Wait a minute…,” and rebel at the idea. With the McCabe story, the idea of the Donald giving that little tyrant just a taste of what he really deserved shut off my amygdala, and that eroded my critical ability. I heard the lie, felt relieved he was getting some sort of suffering, and never had that little pop in my brain that made me pause and assess. I just was satisfied at the picture, and let it slide in unopposed, even though I should have assumed Trump would have assumed every conversation was being taped, and not said it. It is very much like what happens with a hypnotic suggestion, where you bypass the critical factor. I suppose the only defense is to assume the media is always giving the exact opposite of the truth in every regard. Though given how it would have been a smart play, to amp up amygdala, similar to what high end LE and Intel do daily, I might still have believed it even if I had hit pause. In some cases you may have to hear both sides to really know.

Feels like people might not want to go spending money on a monument to a pariah just yet:

Even Geraldo supports Trump over McCabe:

Texas Butterfly sanctuary loses its court case to block the Border Wall.

Full text of Sharyl Attkisson’s opening arguments in her lawsuit against DOJ over hacking into her computer. Long story short, the lower court appears to be not allowing sufficient time to discover who was responsible, and then saying since they haven’t found who was responsible, they can’t sue anyone. Higher court will now review. The system is not set up to give citizens power, no matter what you’ve heard. And, it highlights that no matter what the law says, if there are no consequences to breaking it, there are no laws. The Storm-related timing is curious.

Italian Senate blocks investigation of Salvini for blocking migrant ships.

Danske bank has a $226 billion money laundering investigation going on into payments flowing from Russia to somewhere. (aka Uranium One money to the Clinton Foundation?)

Trump admin is exploring every legal option to claw back as much rail money as possible from California.

Final thought for the day. As I look at young women today, I feel that Rothschild discussion expanding and unraveling into my brain, affecting every aspect of it. Beautiful women still have their allure. But now there is a pause, as I realize how little simple beauty has to do with building an amazing bloodline. The next time you see a beautiful woman stop and try to assess, what is her skill level in mathematics? How literate is she in the biological sciences? How much brainpower does she have? Is there a steadfast, loyal aspect to her personality which can set aside emotion, and fear, and self interest, in pursuit of a greater purpose? How physically capable is she? How devoted will she be to making her kids the absolute best in every facet of their development, even at complete expense to herself? Compare that beautiful “10”, say Heidi Klum in her prime (an astonishing airhead, who has gone through men like nobody’s business), to a lower “7” who has all the other traits in spades. As you ponder this, you will begin to realize that “having kids” is something vastly different from “perfecting the bloodline.” As you look at couples, ask how many merely hooked up to have kids because they were not carefully seeking the traits that mattered, and they felt good together. It will give you a better understanding of what we have been up against over the generations, and how it has programmed all of society to view reproduction as merely an easy accomplishment, however you might do it, rather than a difficult endeavor that requires careful planning to attain something which is the absolute best you can possibly ever accomplish, so there will be a steady improvement from generation to generation. It will also highlight why every K-strategist needs to follow Heartiste and Krauser, and understand the lessons they are giving. Every K needs to begin playing the bloodline game, and then drilling its importance into their children.

Spread r/K Theory, because something BIG is still coming.

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6 years ago

AC, have you read “At our wits’ end” ?

I would be very interested in your take on this, and how it relates to r/K.

In short: Civilization’s rise and fall are shaped by IQ (rather ‘g’) and g in the west has maxed out in 1800..1850 and has been falling since. We are now 10 to 15 points below that.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

As soon as you try to play the bloodline game, unless you are in the upper percentile, you find the law is stacked against you. All kinds of privacy laws are enacted specifically to help a woman hide this information from you that you need to know her character and value as a mother.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

Merely a challenge to your investigative skills.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

In the past, public shaming was a thing. If the Covington boys are suing for 250 million, good for them. As an alternative, how about the newspaper be required, for a solid month, to put on its front page in large print: “we lied and we are sorry.” Or something to that effect, to restore the reputation it damaged.

6 years ago

I fell for the McCabe lie too, read your analysis, and even passed it along at face value. Like you, the thought of McCabe being told his wife is a loser was enough for me at the time. I’ve been thinking that none of these people have any real competence; they end up in their positions through nepotism and connections. It’s all a giant circle-jerk. I tell people close to me that the CIA (Cocaine Importing Agency) is little more than a jobs program for otherwise unemployable Skull and Bones members. I picked up some inside information along the way that the FBI recruits people so inept, their academy has to spend significant time teaching them to look people in the eyes when interviewing because they lack this vital skill.

Lately, I’ve been looking into withheld technologies and “secret space programs”. It all sounds weird, but some seemingly credible people are putting information out. And we’ve been lied to about so many things for so long, it is plausible.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Eric
6 years ago

“…Lately, I’ve been looking into withheld technologies and “secret space programs”. It all sounds weird, but some seemingly credible people are putting information out. …”

It’s extremely likely that all of this is bullshit. Use a little common sense. If an alien race could zoom across the galaxy then why would they go flying around where everyone can see them? Knowing a tech CAN EXIST is one of the first steps to making it. Wouldn’t the last thing they would do is to clue us into the idea of anti-gravity, faster than light tech??? Of course they would. Any advanced civilization would send probes so small you couldn’t see or would have light refracting tech so they would not show up.

Notice that the most impressive “the aliens are here” groups are run by the Jews. You think they can’t blackmail former officials to “testify” that they saw aliens.

Wernher von Braun told his secretary that the “aliens” were a set up to demand world government to protect us from the “aliens”.

I don’t believe a damn word of it.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

Aliens, however, are an excellent cover for kidnapping and human experiments, along with new technology (the military is always decades ahead of the public). It’s like, say, calling child trafficking an “ancient vampire conspiracy”. It makes the victims look crazy in the public eye and allow to humiliate and attack with impunity anyone who gets too close to the truth.

6 years ago

Donald J. Trump

I never said anything bad about Andrew McCabe’s wife other than she (they) should not have taken large amounts of campaign money from a Crooked Hillary source when Clinton was under investigation by the FBI. I never called his wife a loser to him (another McCabe made up lie)!

10:05 AM – Feb 19, 2019

This is so much more brilliant than you think.

Donald said it. Of course he said it. So now, he’s taunting McCabe that he can say it and then lie about it later. McCabe is seething over it, first the insult and now the pile on, and he can prove that Donald said it.

All he has to do is leak the recording from he wire Trump knew he was wearing.

And then Donald wins.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago


Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

Although I appreciate your line of thinking/logic on this dare by the God Emperor I do believe Trump when he says he didn’t say that. Not his style. Now if good old Andy was married to Rosie O’ Donnell…

Reply to  GP
6 years ago

The thing to remember is that Trump knew McCabe was wearing a wire. Now if McCabe lets that tape out, he thinks he is hurting Trump, when in fact he is sinking himself, just like the Billy Bush tape.

Consider this. Remember the tape of Trump posing as “John Miller” (or whoever) in the 80s, calling reporters as his own fake-name publicist? And insisting that he wasn’t Trump, even though we can all tell it is his voice?

The reporter on the other end of the tape was interviewed. She lost the tape 30 years ago, within weeks of making it. She had forgotten that it had even been made. There is no way she leaked it. There were only two people who could have that tape, her and Trump.

She didn’t leak it to the media.

Figure it out.

6 years ago

That Rothschild changed the way I look at things as well, alot of wisdom in that thread to be sure. From the mouths of arrogant trillionaires…

But now there is a pause, as I realize how little simple beauty has to do with building an amazing bloodline. The next time you see a beautiful woman stop and try to assess, what is her skill level in mathematics? How literate is she in the biological sciences? How much brainpower does she have? Is there a steadfast, loyal aspect to her personality which can set aside emotion, and fear, and self interest, in pursuit of a greater purpose? How physically capable is she? How devoted will she be to making her kids the absolute best in every facet of their development, even at complete expense to herself

Time orientation is important too, it may be the most important, and TO is based on the physical characteristics of the prefrontal cortex, so it’s genetic. If you can’t give the women a fMRI test you should use other proxies for TO: no debt, no tattoos, no non ear piercings low n count ect. What the backround of her parents?

6 years ago

The other reason such advanced technologies aren’t being released was well described in Nick Cook’s 2001 book, “The Hunt for Zero Point.”

The USG and others, mostly Russia, are well aware of the scalar physics behind these forces and have been since the 1950s. The Nazis discovered this mutant science in the early 1940s and kept it secret for very obvious reasons. We captured this knowledge after the war and brought German scientists to the U.S. to help us understand it and develop it. But they ran into a problem with the physics itself.

Today’s Deep State would rather keep us on petrochemical energies not just for the profits, but to keep us from blowing up planet Earth. The power found in such physics has the possibilities for not only super-cheap energy but also allow tiny terrorist groups to easily create bombs of such powerful magnitude for little cost. That’s what Cook theorized why this knowledge wasn’t being released to the public. Perhaps he was Cabal-controlled and this book was a limited hang-out given independent research occurring at that time into anti-gravity energies, who knows? But it does make sense.

The terrifying part is not that ISIS or other fringe groups could make these devices, but the physics for these devices exists today, surrounding all of us right now.

It’s not like physics creates these forces–that learning only helps us understand it. These energy forces exist regardless of human scientific achievements. But we humans just haven’t figured out how to publicly exploit this force without killing us all.

Perhaps there are other physics besides traditional physics and scalar physics, but those are the only two disciplines we know about so far. Maybe there are other forces that can provide energy without the planetary-destruction downside, but we’re not there yet. It’s only 2019. We just discovered how to mass-utilize electric power 150 years ago, and that’s basic energy knowledge.

It would be wonderful if all of us on this little rock could work together and use these energies, but we haven’t proven we can live together for more than 40 years without wanting to blow each other up. Sad, but that’s humanity.

6 years ago

Rubio threatens an invasion of Venezuela if aid is not let through.

I don’t have your analytical power AC, but I know this is stupid threat , if there is going to be an invasion it would happen with or without the “aid”, and “aid” is most likely for the express purpose of overthrowing Mendro.

About the McCabe lie, I actually did get the Wait a minute… because It seem overly mean for Trump to just dig in to a wife like that, but I was taking your word for it, not McCabe or the enemy media.

A guy just gives his “Friend” a gun out of the blue, and suddenly the “friend”‘s son begins hearing voices in his head telling him to take the gun and shoot up his school.

Looks like the kid avoided becoming Arron Alexis or Maron May. Good for him. It worked out relativity well.

I have a passing resemblance to both of them. I look I could be their bother.

Before my targeting became overt, my brother bought an assault weapon and wanted me to learn how to shoot. My instincts told me to stay away from the gun range.

After my targeting became overt, I had a strange dream involving an assault weapon and my brother.

Makes me wonder If I avoided anything…

6 years ago

Not to clog up your comments page with my ramblings, AC, but I thought you might find this of interest, if you haven’t seen it before.

Neon Revolt on Gab had an interesting FOIA find about DIA and their study through academic research about possible technology threats over the next 40 years.

Some pretty exotic stuff, too, from his post:

“Warp drive
Nuclear propulsion
Antigravity for Aerospace Applications
Field effects on biological tissues
All sorts of Laser Weapon-related studies.
Metallic Glasses
Invisibility cloaks
Quantum entanglement for deep space communications”

The actual FOIA’ed list (via the Gab post) is fascinating reading by the titles themselves. And of course, if this info is what’s reaching the civilian world, imagine how far they must be ahead in the black world with this tech, whether through DARPA or “other” trans-national research agencies.

Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Why was this article about young blood therapy out there yesterday? I guess if the FDA says that there are no benefits to young blood therapy, well, I guess that settles it. {{rolling eyes}}. Maybe the therapy is not meant to help us common folk, on the off chance we wanted to look into it…

With regard to your final comment on Young Women today, starting families, bloodlines, etc.:
You have written before about the targeted destruction of Martha Stewart (who for decades taught young women how to be joyful, successful and satisfied keepers of the home), which until somewhat recently I had never considered why certain entities (?) wanted her destroyed.

May I suggest another place for men/women to visit as they consider marriage/ building families/ strengthening bloodlines.

This woman (some recent blog posts: 7/19/18 Men Prefer Debt-free Virgins Without Tattoos, 1/23/19 The Backlash of Women in the Workforce, 2/18/19 Silly Women Laden with Sins, 2/19/19 Women were Happier when They Were Barefoot and Pregnant in the Home, just to name a few “shocking” titles) receives a lot of hate mail, but her advice/admonishment is biblically sound. Young people who were not raised in a traditional American family (mother and father in the home, mother raising the children) or who were brought up without biblical teaching/study may be choosing partners for all the wrong reasons (Heidi Klum example). Another example: episode one of Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up Netflix series… young attractive couple. The discontented wife and mother of two came off as knowing NOTHING about keeping a home; even said in the episode she wanted to hire someone to come in and do their laundry). Contrast to the teachings and Godly counsel of The Transformed Wife, who flies in the face of what culture is currently teaching young people.

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  Cinderella the Deplorable
6 years ago

Forgot to add above about the young couple on the “Tidying Up”, the husband mentioned on several occasions how “hot” she was (is, added by her); he seemed like a nice enough guy but he came across, IMO, as having chosen her because she was “hot”, and not based on any other helpful or important trait that might be useful as they built a life and family together.

6 years ago

OT (kinda, its related to Q):

==Video: PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 “Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes”==

Source: Netanyahu Speech at 2019 Tel Aviv Cybertech Conference
You can find the full speech here:

In this exerpt of his speech at the 2019 Tel Aviv Cybertech Conference, Netanyahu says:

“After all our NSA, which is called Unit 8200, is pretty big, how big do you think it is? I’ll give a hint: the USA is about 42 times the size of Israel in terms of population, so how much bigger do you think the American NSA is relative to the Israeli NSA? No brave people among you? 42 times? 40 times? Ah, come on, its not 5 times. But its not 10 times bigger. Its not even 10 times bigger. You know the 5 Eyes? Israel is the 6th Eye? No, Israel is the 2nd Eye. So we have a tremendous sunk investment, whether we like it or not, to survive, you know Israel is not that big a country, but it has to have a big defence capability.”

>Please take special attention to this part of the quote:<

==Q has mentioned the 5 Eyes numerous times:==

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

>Please take special attention to this part of the quote:<
"You know the 5 Eyes? Israel is the 6th Eye? No, Israel is the 2nd Eye."

6 years ago

“…a difficult endeavor that requires careful planning to attain something which is the absolute best you can possibly ever accomplish, so there will be a steady improvement from generation to generation.”

1. What about mean regression? There is a pithy expression at boarding/public schools in England that sums this correctly, “… the ordinary children of extraordinary parents.”

2. The average IQ of Ashkenazim has declined somewhat precipitously, for the past two generations. The white/Jew IQ gap is closing. Again, mean regression.

6 years ago

I thought your comment about bloodlines was interesting.
Decades ago, when still young and smart and OK looking and solid job prospects and single, I had no problem finding dates. They came and went pretty easily. But then one day I realized none of them were anything like marriageable. decent looking, and often smart enough, but… no. Just… no. It was time to find a wife, and I did the careful ‘screening” about what I wanted, and quickly realized that the chances of my finding someone who met the whole list of criteria was very slim. So I simplified the list down… WAAAAY down. I realized that it all came down to this: Was she the sort of person who would make a good mother to my children, and make good children? It’s only one criterion, but it really separated the wheat from the chaff quickly. It helped me find her. Not perfect, but she’s a GREAT mom to my kids, and they are very good kids.
Married more than 20 years, now, and no end in sight. Get the right mate-filter, and life isn’t so bad.

6 years ago

> What about when doling out ad revenue?

It’s Alphabet payoff money, like the insane book deals Comey and Obama got, or the absurd amounts of GoFundMe money, or the Boards of Directors seats in the old days.

They do it right out in the open, secure in the knowledge they can get away with it.

6 years ago

> nuclear tech

Why in the world would they want *American* powerplant tech, which is decades out of date, when they could buy modern reactors from the French, who export French nuclear techology all over the world?

American powerplant tech came to a screeching halt in the early 1970s. We’re so out of the game, if we ever wanted to build new reactors, we’d wind up licensing modern technology from elsewhere.