News Briefs – 02/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

[Example CA]
What ‘family’ runs CA?
They are all connected.
The More You Know….
It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
What does FEAR look like?
30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
Incorrect, much more.
The Great Awakening.

Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
No one ‘news’ location will provide unbiased content.
You are the news now.

The President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, AGREED that an illegal coup was attempted against him.
Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
Do you believe nothing will happen?
Do you believe no one will be prosecuted?
POTUS making statements for no reason?
How do you introduce the TRUTH to those still asleep?
DECLAS coming?
The message must be direct (bypass the non reporting of the TRUTH (facts) by FAKE ‘spin the narrative’ NEWS).

Attempt to isolate @ FBI/DOJ?
Do you believe the FBI/DOJ acted alone?
If HRC directed & financed the ‘dossier’ in order to obtain the ‘bulk’ so-called evidence in order to generate circular news articles (think Yahoo!) and obtain a FISC sign-off, is it reasonable to think that members of the INTEL APPARATUS, STATE DEPT, WH, FOREIGN ALLIES, ETC. were also involved?
Why does HUSSEIN continue to ‘proudly’ state his administration was ‘scandal free’?
Define ‘Projection’.

How can an entity known only as ‘Q’ (face-less, name-less, fame-less, etc.) begin to ask questions on 4ch (now 8ch) and build something of this magnitude?
How can this same ‘Q’ entity garner such a massive amount of WW MSM [FAKE NEWS] attention [attacks]?
How is it possible this ‘Q’ entity can ‘forecast’ future events or ‘know’ when the POTUS is about to Tweet?
How is it possible ‘FUTURE PROVES PAST’ re: information provided?
How is it possible this ‘Q’ entity, an entity who began by merely asking questions on 4ch/8ch, was able to ………(fill in the blank).
Think logically.
People are craving TRUTH.
People are craving TRANSPARENCY.
People are craving GOOD.
People are craving RIGHT.
People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.
People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.
People are craving ………..(fill in the blank).
Those who attack have an agenda or remain plugged into the biggest disinformation campaign to be ever witnessed.
Ask yourself, why are ‘Liberals’ always angry?
Why do they curse?
Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)?
Why do they create ’emotional outbursts’ when challenged?
Why are they violent?
Why do they form mobs (packs)?
Why are they incapable of listening to the other side (fascist)?
When you don’t have facts to support your arguments (present logical reasoning), you must resort to the above tactics.
The NARRATIVE is designed to keep people in a constant state of ‘FEAR’ thereby forcing ‘ANGER’, ‘RAGE’, ‘VIOLENCE’.
Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL.
They want you DIVIDED.

Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn (learning) should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries.



DAN COATS OUT [FORCED] (SOON) – Source = Trump friend Chris Ruddy

Interesting this leaked already.

Something BIG is coming.

Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.
Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.
A series of scenarios is currently being conducted [‘game the sys’] to test response, risk, and calc results.
‘Censorship’ [added] layers of inserted code ‘through keyword targeting’ in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.
‘China-Russia-Iran’ ‘fake’ take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.
Countermeasures in place.
Think Emergency Alert System.
Think WH controlled *new* RT ‘news’ website
Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform
Think Here.
Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as ‘Public Utility’ (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).
Why do we make things public?
[Ed Note – I have been saying (((They))) have a goal of sandboxing voices, so all you hear are Cabal voices, and nobody else can hear you. Mark my words, there are at least five avatars that are Cabal, (all the same person bantering with themselves and shitposting porn and weird WEBMs to dilute the content) to every one genuine poster, minimum on most popular sites, and that could go as high as 100 to 1 on some posts. The goal is to slow the rate at which you connect with and hear from regular people, exploit the massive numbers of people who don’t post, and most of all to dilute the autism. Imagine what could be done if you had one site which was pure, unadulterated autism, post after post, and everybody could go there and enjoy it. Ever wonder why Q’s board is such a shitshow? One brilliant post, followed by two hundred posts of naked midgets, genitalia with venereal diseases, mindless ranting, “My Mom died today and I just cant go on, Anons.”, and other slides. Here Q is talking about them using bot chatter and wanting to shut the best sites down entirely, but that goal, of sandboxing everyone is what is important, and slide threads and censorship are just a few of the ways that is done.]

This was a great proof.
Anons are MONTHS ahead of the news!

The Corinthia Hotel.

They are getting super desperate.

Frontpage New

Yes, they are.

Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken.
Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken.


Crumb #1423

Look who was there February 2018 (Corinthia Hotel’s FB page)




Always 0 results.
What does that tell you?

Found the camera


Pick a Network – Any Network.
Search ‘Qanon’ (search: Qanon);query=qanon

Timeline attached.
What has since occurred?
Future proves past (track & update).
Think calendar.

Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.

[First Placeholders]
OIG report, DECLAS, other released facts re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 – TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES.

Drop put you on notice?
Direction to bunker down, stop talking, or risk being assaulted?
A woven ‘elaborate’ nest will not save or protect you nor will the C_A further provide you with actionable intelligence.
Cold on the outside?
Traitor’s Justice.


Jeremy Clarkson filmed in China driving a Mercedes supercar with the license plate “FU Q.” I’ve told you, a lot of “celebrities,” from TV Hosts, to local News anchors, to movie actors, have long known the entire thing was a racket and you were the rube. They were in the club, and they knew you were not. But they sell you on the idea everything was about merit, and if you worked hard….

First words last night on ABC World News Tonight, after the music – “Tonight, there is a major new storm coming….” It seemed contrived, almost like a code to warn the Cabal, but maybe I am looking too deeply into things.

Clintons live behind a massive wall they built to keep undesirables out.

Close House race in New Mexico saw Democrat win by razor thin margin due to absentees – Absentees which their campaign had solicited primarily from areas which did not enforce voter ID laws.

Britain has its own serial killer drowning young men in Manchester. No word if there are smiley faces by the dump sites. I was thinking, what would MK Ultra/MK Neon have as a primary objective for a battlefield/terrorism scenario? How to manipulate the minds of Military-aged males. But I am sure just getting the weak minds in psychiatric institutions or drug clinics might not be enough of a sample. They would want 19 and 20 year old regular males, right off the street, with all -American psychologies, grabbed under conditions like if they were captured on a battlefield. How do you interrogate them? What drugs might aid waterboarding? How would hypnosis affect waterboarding resistance? There might be a lot of questions. There is only one way to know. As an additional bonus they could take high functioning ones, and thereby elevate Cabal kids to the positions these kids might have ascended to.

Ginsberg filmed in an airport by TMZ. If real, she could be heading for medical treatment of some sort which local doctors could not perform, as I would imagine she would only travel if it were absolutely necessary. Notice the cameraman asks about the RBG movie, making it seem contemporaneous, but that audio could just be inserted. She never even acknowledges that second question. Q’s board also noted she is dressed exactly the same, in exactly the same airport, as the last time TMZ filmed her, though her head is positioned differently from normal, and she is covering her hair, perhaps indicating loss of it due to chemo:

Supposedly she is expected back at the Supreme Court next week. If she makes it, we find out whether or not Roberts is fully comped.

Insiders at Twitter are getting out.

Leaked photos shows how Border facilities are overwhelmed with migrants.

Ex-Royal Marine who didn’t drink, smoke, or take drugs, and supposedly working in “healthcare” aborts a trip to Mexico, but on the second try makes it there, dies seemingly due to violence, but his death is ruled suicide by intoxication. It is getting to the point you cannot travel and eat at a hotel, especially in Mexico where drugging hotel guests is becoming a regular occurrence. God forbid your secret government DNA file shows you are a perfect organ match for some Cabal leader who needs a heart transplant. You’ll pass out and that will be it for you.

Democrats in North Carolina claim an investigation they ran shows a Republican House candidate’s win was by fraud, so they may call a new election:

Sees bad, but suppose all Democrat voter fraud is going to be eliminated in two months, and then they hold the election, and the Republican wins 73% to 27%. It could always be part of the plan.

Schiff says Mueller’s findings will not be enough, they will have to do their own investigation. It is looking curious Mueller hasn’t done serious damage to Trump, given a guy in his position could have conjured up some charge. Mueller may be Trump’s man after all. It certainly looks like Schiff is thinking so.

The true story of how Oprah Winfrey helped promote a mass rapist who ran a child sex farm. Another article about Oprah promoting Faith Healer John of God. Oprah will be an interesting case study, because she began paying a local cable access channel to play a show she cohosted with someone else, and suddenly she exploded into her own show on major, network TV, complete with all the free mentions at every turn pimping her brand. That does not just happen.

Protestors take over Border Patrol Museum, deface pictures of fallen Officers.

Vegas measures snow in inches. Truth be told we don’t even need to iceball the for a catastrophe. We just need places that are warm and get rain now to go dry, so crops won’t grow. The Iceball Earth will be the cherry on top.

Thousands of Android apps permanently record your online activity.

Former Obama Campaign director says Facebook was on Obama’s side, and gave them advantages they didn’t give anyone else.

US Investigators probing years of WikiLeaks activities. I think Assange began life as a Cabal asset, but something spiraled out of control and tanked the relationship, and now he trusts nobody. He may have tried to save some insurance, they spanked him to tell him not to do that, he saved more in retaliation, and now he is in a corner. Intelligence demands employees be completely subservient and willing to be led solely by fear.

The new thing is the 48 hour challenge, where kids are told to go missing for 48 hours, and they get points for how freaked out their parents and friends are and how many social media mentions they get. Why do I get the impression this was created by people who kidnap kids, so as to overwhelm the system with fake cases so real kidnappings won’t get solved and stopped? Is Cabal not getting enough children across the border lately?

Pence rejects Merkel’s call to cooperate with Russia on Venezuela. Merkel supports both Iran and Venezuela, as we are trying to purge Cabal from them.

Somebody on Stone’s staff posted a picture of the Judge in his case with a small symbol by her head which the left claimed were crosshairs, on social media, as part of a fundraising campaign. Quickly deleted and his lawyer filed an apology, though technically the crosshairs were not crosshairs, and the pic was from another site. Tough to be big and have to delegate to staff, and then be responsible for everything they post, especially in a media environment where anything can explode into a faux scandal.

Employee was fired.

A measure of how Trump sealing the Border is causing pressure to get across:

Haiti confirms it has arrested some Americans in the unrest down there, “for conspiracy.” Five Americans, five Hatians, a Serbian and a Russian. No idea if that is good, bad, or unrelated.

The Texas Town of Onalaska lacks an airport, and yet it has more than 1,000 registered aircraft claiming an Onalaska address. That’s equivalent to one plane for every three Onalaska residents, which is more per capita than anywhere else in the country.

Rosenstein will be out by mid-March, to be replaced by Jeff Rosen. Not the James Rosen who was illegally surveilled by Obama, and then driven out of Fox News with a flurry of anonymous sexual harassment allegations.

One of Britain’s top spies just died after a very short illness. Doesn’t feel like a coincidence. Spookdom is funny. So long as things go well, you are completely above the law. But if they go wrong, you don’t live to be punished by the law.

Surveillance is addictive – it’s tough to give up eyes on your enemy, especially once he has begun to beat you:

Grassley to open a probe into Obama’s meetings with Russians. Four years ago, Cabal was ascendant. It is possible Putin facilitated, or at east turned a blind eye to Obama’s requests of Russians to help prevent Trump from winning. Putin might have even been in the shadows gathering his own evidence on Obama’s efforts. Those meetings could be killer, and the knowledge of what they might prove could be why the left rushed to tie Trump to Russia first – so when the truth came out they could try to claim it was Trump’s ties to Russia making him lie about Obama colluding.

Spread r/K Theory, because something BIG is still coming.

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6 years ago

The Jeremy Clarkson license plate FU Q
is equally likely to be just FUCK,
As a Brit familiar with Clarksons style of trolling.

6 years ago

The timing of the Jussie Smollett attack and the Kamala Harris/ Corey Booker anti-lynching bill seems too well coordinated. If I were Smollet I’d be very careful if this was planned with anyone other than himself. He’s a prime candidate for a scarf and a doorknob right about now. You know, depressed, despondent, unhinged (look at his twitter feed)…

Then again it was badly planned he probably was the mastermind. I know Q says these people are stupid but no way they’re that dumb.

6 years ago

Oprah: The greatest rags-to-riches story, and media manipulator, Cabal has ever devised.

6 years ago

Karl Lagerfield dead at 85. A nice, ripe old age. No one lives forever. However, I find it interesting in that he should die now, when recent headlines that I recall reading show Lagerfield taking a hard stance against the European left. From today’s Vogue article/obit on Lagerfield: “Recently, he’s used his prolific skills in this medium to wade into politics and social commentary, skewering the German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her immigration policies and the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in the wake of his sexual assault scandal.” And just like that, with no reported illness, he’s dead.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Plumpjack? I asked the eponymous CH commenter about his name and IIRC it was a reference to Jack the Ripper.

Of course California winery people are going to name their wineries after serial killers. They are the same crowd who loves assortments of delicious cheeses with their pastas, hot dogs, and handkerchiefs.

They also hate Christians, naturally. Look up Calvary Chapel Temecula and try to find a feel-good story about this church founded in wine country where the winery people have been trying to get rid of it for decades. One of the winery lords is even quoted saying that the church would ruin the view from his vineyard if it built a new sanctuary. The church is painfully aware of aesthetics and looks more like a rustic winery or farmhouse than a church, yet this is the kind of argument the leftists come up with? They never say what they mean. All they know is subterfuge.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago


Saddens me to contemplate that Antifa would say the same thing and believe it.

Yet another reason why left vs right is not the true arena in which we fight. The actual deciding factor is: submitted to your Creator’s authority vs rebelling against it. Embracing God as your Father (used to be a positive word) or turning against him like a little shit.

6 years ago

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For this: I have been saying (((They))) have a goal of sandboxing voices,

For the longest time on open Forums, blogs, when I commented or said something of substance–immediately all sorts of people would come out of the woodwork and comment with stuff that was not germane to the comment or put in all sorts of nonsense! I said to myself, that is “Drowning”. But then your “sandbox voices” is exactly this phenomenon; It is bloody amazing! This is throughout the internet. Drowning, Sandboxing, is literally a true event and an activity of the Left. They all engage in this. It is the Lack of Virtue; lack of training in virtue and virtue must be trained.

Thank you again for articulating, addressing that phenomenon—and giving a name to it. “Drowning/Sandboxing”.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
6 years ago

It’s been my observation that I’m encountering the same people over many years on many online forums. I asked myself what’s the chances? Fair enough we may have the same interests but let’s be reasonable. The world is made up of literally billions of people. Yet I’m routinely encountering the same few people?

Six degrees of separation – Vault-Co. I’ve come across people who frequented his site numerous times. Cleve didn’t have that huge of a footprint.

Speaking of which. Seeing The link to Vault-co on the side bar just brings me down

6 years ago

Regarding voter registration issues here is a fact to which I can attest directly. Over the last year or so my family situation has changed quite a lot. My mom passed away last spring from ALS and my dad, who has dementia, had to go into some sort of long-term care facility so he could be taken care of. I was able to find one not too far from where I live and now that’s where he is. But my parents home is technically still their residence and I have not yet finished dealing with that issue. (I have to clear it out and sell it of course, but have not finished that process.) In any event, I received in the mail a voter registration card for my dad, even though he does not live at my address and he has not registered to vote in my county. Someone just put his name in the system to get him on the books so he can vote. Interesting, yes?

6 years ago

There was discussion last year on 8Chan about the possibility of Trump TV and a video platform to get around the censorship of Big Tech. This post suggests Bill Shine, ex Fox News could be involved.

Interesting idea to link it in to the Emergency Alert System already established.

6 years ago

Q’s last postings have given me much food for thought.

I’m a bit troubled by Q’s references to wealth-power-influence in California, in part because Q inadvertently reveals the decline of the old upper class, or at least it’s values.
— Getty’s museum has some wonderful antiquities housed in a post-modern monstrosity with a fabulous view – his museum is more about the architecture than the art, or, to word it differently, about Getty’s need for approval than his love of Western culture.
— Pelosi oozes with nouveau riche pretensions (she reminds me of Obama).
— The Browns have been in California since the gold rush, so I’ve read. Remember, there was no upper crust in early CA history, just scrappy pioneers.
— I know nothing about the Newsoms.

So, do these four families really “run” California? I doubt it. California is run by no-names in high government positions just as the illegal coup against Trump was concocted by no-names in high government positions. These no-names have power and influence only because of their ties to, or membership in, both US and foreign intelligence agencies – without those ties, they’d have no more power or influence than any ordinary citizen. And like so many people who suddenly experience the head-rush of power, they didn’t know when to stop using it. Power qua power went to their heads. Such unmerited, inexperienced power destroys, not builds.

Regarding AOC: she’s a pleb. I find her revolting not only because of her mannerisms and beliefs, but because of her grammar, vocabulary, google eyes followed by an odd lack of eye contact, and incessant use of the word “like” as if it’s a badge of honor. Her speech identifies her with a particular group of (mostly) leftist, urban singles; she seems unaware of how she sounds to those outside her group – hers is a typical leftist myopia and narcissism.

Listen to her speak on this video:

She’s a type, not just young and stupid, but unaware and unapologetic, a silly, malleable barmaid propelled into the limelight by …???

Unlike AOC, many individuals from a lower status background are quite admirable. Character really does count as does native intelligence, creativity, etc. Good, kind, smart, artsy people are naturally appealing. AOC, however, hasn’t displayed any of these traits.

I often use bad grammar or idioms when talking to people who are socially insecure. If they notice – most often they don’t, a telling fact – they’re seem comforted by bad grammar just as some people are comforted by crude speech or swear words. Such speech establishes a perceived commonality, which is why people adopt the idioms, accents and grammar of the group with which they associate. (Switching verb tenses works well for me. I generally talk about being a California valley girl, which elicits smiles or laughs … and is untrue except for geography.)

“Why are liberals always angry?” Q asks. Perhaps because it establishes a commonality between them, a binding emotive force. The anger matters more to them than the cause of that anger. Take away one cause and they’ll substitute another. I’m certain that there are a handful of very clever people who have plotted to divide us, but most angry liberals are just angry because it defines and delimits them. Theirs is an inchoate anger, one we could easily turn to our advantage.

Q is telling us — the non-angered, non-leftists – to bind together. He uses the word “strong” repeatedly as well as the word “trust.” These words bind. The other side, the leftists, are portrayed as fearful and desperate, that is, easy to beat. This lowers the cost of binding, making it a bit safer.

The most interesting juxtaposition in Q’s writings, at least to me, is between private and public, darkness and light, secretiveness and openness. The left is private, dark and secretive … as well as angry and out of control. The right, in contrast, needs disclosure and openness to be powerful. This may be the reason why Q touted his/their new-found media fame. HOpefully, it’s not egoism but a way of asserting his/our power.

(As an aside, was the “Ed Note” yours, AC? If so, I had never seen the word “sandbox” before. Nice image. Yes, it’s hard to plow through 4-chan to find nuggets hidden in the grossness. I wish there was a site that consolidates worthy posts. Hint!)

Social class persists in the US, but only weakly, which is why these connected people can do so much damage. It’s supposed beneficiaries are aware of their class origins, but see it as a benign, insignificant and distant memory. Today, class consciousness mostly occurs when EITHER an upper- OR lower-class individual is insecure, needing the comfort of status or, oddly, the discomfort of lowliness. Money has nothing to do with it, for true social class is an outlook, a set of lenses through which the world is viewed. I suppose it’s connected to mannerisms and shared experiences, but lately this connective tissue has been so frayed that only a vaguely shared outlook remains. The upper classes used to provide boundaries and a shared, gentile heritage … now, they’re culturally and socially impotent.

One sort of person, however, worries me, (which is the reason why I alter my speech) and that’s the status-conscious person who either hides his/her origins or, conversely, too eagerly reveals it. Being of either humble or privileged origins shouldn’t be hidden or lauded. It just is. I understand the desire for self-improvement and hope to be a better and bigger person myself, but that’s different than battling some invisible, truly insignificant ghost of one’s upbringing. To recognize a pickle fork is knowledge few need. To forgive a person who is truly unforgivable … well, this reveals a character that transcends all class distinctions and is truly, very truly, noble.

I wish I had more of the noble character that counts.

Sorry this is so long-winded and gassy. I got carried away. Too much to let out, I guess, and not enough time to edit. Please, cut it up or exclude this in it’s entirely. Please!

6 years ago

Interesting analysis: Keith Schiller and Trump’s Praetorian guard

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

A thought on Bill Whittle’s matte gray Crown Vic with no license plates: private investigators can pull information on a vehicle’s prior whereabouts. I had one pull mine and he printed 30 pages, going back years, showing full color photos and timestamped GPS map views of each time a police license plate scanner saw my car either parked or driving, twice in parking garages on private property, where it would have been private security patrolling

No plates keeps the plebes from finding out where big brother has been.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Something BIG is coming.

I’ll believe it when I see it. The recent amnesty, in all but name, shows that Trump never meant what he campaigned on. Don’t pretend that he somehow “missed” it in the bill. There had to be at least one Representative that told him about it and he let it go.

If you use Occam’s razor then this bill passing means most likely he has been playing us all along.

Even if they arrest some in the FBI or Hillary or Bill they will never touch (((Them))) and (((They))) are the ones with the media, the cash and in the driving seat. Notice they can rape underage girls with little to no consequences. Even though we have numerous first person testimony of this going on nothing is done. I suspect they will arrest a few here and there but not the people who drive things. Look at the Muslim terrorist out in the desert. They just walked. The government is not following through on any of the information that is public.

I think it reasonable to assume that we’ve been had. Maybe I’m wrong but it’s looking less and less like there will be change. A few people will be arrested but (((They))) will just plug away at mass immigration and attacks on Whites until we are just like the South Africans. Won’t be long before the massive push to take away guns.

6 years ago

Thanks for posting the q drops. About a year ago it sounded like stuff was about to go down, then it seemed like a disinfo campaign, maybe now it’s really time. It makes sense that many corrupt government officials and businessmen would need to be removed first and the democrats exposed as anti-american before the big bombshells drop.

Even if they’ve never heard of q, real Americans know Obama, Hillary and the rest of them are corrupt beyond measure and most likely guilty of treason.

It’s taken two years to get here and it’s two years before the next election, seems like a coordinated plan being executed.

Ris Eruwaedhiel
Ris Eruwaedhiel
6 years ago

AC, you are the first site that I visit in the morning and I am intrigued by Q, but I disagree with the two of you regarding the photo that you think is Peter Strzok and Lisa Page walking together in London. The man has more hair than the folically challenged Peter Strzok. He seems to have his right arm around the smaller person’s shoulders, so I assume that the smaller person is a woman. She is wearing a dark coat a few inches above her knees, but that’s not an unusual style – I have a coat like that. Overall, the photo is so dark and blurry the faces of the two individuals cannot be discerned.

Good catch with the photo of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Keep up the great work.

6 years ago

Q has passed their use by date. I no longer GAF if he’s real or not. Pressed, I’ll err on the side of it’s a LARP. Even if true. Big whoop. Do something. Patriots are moving on from Trump because of real / perceived failure to deliver.

Reply to  Peter
6 years ago

STFU u know nuthin!

Some charge sheets have 60 persons entered into them.

Reply to  Peter
6 years ago

Poor little baby. Perhaps you should get off your lazy ass and come help us on the chans? This is your republic. Come do some digging and contribute something instead of expecting a handful of randos to single-handedly save a few hundred million idiots.

QAnons have done infinitely more to change the rules of the game than all the whiners right now on the internet demanding that things go according to their personal preferences. Real patriots don’t bitch, they stop making excuses, get moving and save their country. How about you?

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Peter
6 years ago

Peter wrote: “Patriots are moving on from Trump because of real / perceived failure to deliver.”

I’m curious, Move on to where? What are better options or choices? What are you doing instead of believing and supporting Trump? Please answer.

6 years ago

K strategists create governments to defend against outsiders and to ensure a level playing field for competition and then r strategists hijack government and use it to destroy competition.

The obvious solution to that problem is to prevent r strategist from controlling government, that is why traditionally K cultures didn’t let women vote or hold office because women lean towards r strategy (because it fits their role as the nurturers of the young who have not yet demonstrated their fitness and therefore should be given equal resources for their development), that is one option but there is a better option.
The better option is to bar anyone who gets any money from the government from voting (with the exception of the military), possibly including the employees of government contractors, in that way the ability of r strategists to gain and maintain control over government is limited.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 years ago

Women are much more r than men. So definitely women should not be allowed to vote. I am a woman, and I still think women should not be allowed to vote. Or be in politics. If you understand r/K, you see this as an obvious truth.

As for not allowing people to vote who receive money from the government, it seems to me that allowing people receiving retirement money should be allowed to vote because they paid for it all their working lives. But anyone receiving money they did not earn, should not vote.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I would be open to barring women from voting or holding office but I think my suggestion would be more powerful and easier to sell to the public.

The government shouldn’t be in charge of retirement funds and we need to phase out that system.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I just replied without entering a name again

6 years ago

Using Smollett to pass an anti-lynching law means (a) DOTR is nigh, and (b) they’re out of cr*s*s actors and have to spend real ones now.