News Briefs – 02/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

More Q:
Dark to Light.
The orders came from the highest office in the land.


NAT EM today?

Be prepared for more FAKE NEWS disinfo claiming we stated ‘death’.
Read carefully.
Be careful who you follow.

On to the brief:

File under Archival Material of Cabal:

Yes it is that bad in some places, I have seen it with my own eyes. This girl has people breaking into her house, drugging her food, and she was raped, and there is literally nothing local PD can do for her, because they are under as much coverage as she is, and every move they make, the conspiracy sees it ahead of time and is able to get ahead of them. And as you can see, she is not alone, it is not just there, and there are much, much worse stories out there, if my surmises are correct, because there is a serial killer in their ranks and they are running cover for him, perhaps on orders because he is high ranking in the hierarchy. There is evidence that it is a multinational conspiracy that crosses national borders, and has managed to subvert the highest levels of our government. I have not been saying there are no rules, or the idea of America was a myth for no reason. When it comes down to it, we cannot protect our women and children, the Police cannot protect our women and children, and if it were not for Trump, I am not sure that could ever have been dealt with. Because nobody knows who is at the top of this, or what to do about it. All that we who know can say is the government you elected was a mirage, the Constitution was a lie, and we lived in the most corrupt dictatorship in the world until Trump. Be grateful the Myth survived in the hearts of some Patriots who had managed to get to a place where they could make a difference. Without all of them, starting with Trump, this nation had already been lost.

Sometimes, I will roll back time and start at a plausible known point of reality, before rolling it forward and seeing where it would have gone logically. I did this recently and came up with a strange alternate reality, which kind of fit with Q constantly asking, “What is treason?” Start before 1900. Anytime. We are a growing superpower, without a functional intelligence service, that welcomes any immigrant. What are the chances, a foreign entity in Europe would launch spies over here, as immigrants, with the goal of elevating their spies into positions of power, with an eye to eventually taking our country over? I think pretty high, if you view it from the perspective of a seasoned spy in Europe, for whom that type of thing is his stock and trade.

Move forward, and now they have managed to infiltrate tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, gain prominent positions, install their people as our richest businessmen, or become our richest businessmen themselves. They have children, and the children have to be read in on the family business, and the fact it is us vs them. It is a secret that it would be pretty easy to keep. Nobody wants to tell a friend who is an American, “Oh, and by the way I am a foreign traitor who is part of a plot to hijack America.” There are benefits to be had by keeping your tongue, and even if somebody talks, you control the media.

The ancestral lines continue to grow, and some people notice a strange tendency of all the famous people’s lineage to track back to elite European families, but everyone blows that off by saying anybody’s lineage would look like that if you go far enough back. Time goes on and they multiply, a secret society within America, devoted to control, all in on the secret. They recruit some foreigners, mostly because they need eyes and ears inside various communities, and those families become part of the Secret Society. The kids probably have some America bleed into them through osmosis, but they always know they are different, and the others would not understand, especially since their kind controls all the levers of power and decides all outcomes, in a nation where the lie of freedom is kept only to pacify the plebes. We form intelligence agencies, but because they were in control before, they just take them over, and try to make sure no plebes ever get into any position to do anything about it. Things escalate, and they begin to extend their control by putting all of their people to work in their spare time monitoring the American plebes in regular society, both running coverage themselves, and recruiting assets/acolytes who will run it for them. Files begin to form on everyone, and any American who is a little too committed to the Myth, or active in areas around the areas of control gets extra attention.

So there you are, in an alternate model of society, consistent with what you would expect society to look like if you go back to a set, known point, and extrapolate forward using pure common sense and reason. The alternative was we were a nation almost devoid of intelligence services for much of our history, and no foreign power in Europe, where spying was elevated to an art form, ever took advantage of that.

Now if they did establish themselves in our society, would those foreign spies be more or less likely to conduct experiments on American citizens, like MK Ultra, or pharmaceutical experiments, or advanced Directed Energy Weapons tests? Would they be more or less likely to want to import low IQ, controllable foreigners to dilute the votes of Americans? Would they be more or less likely to be willing to simply fix an election to put their own people in power? would they be more likely to embrace Gangstalking/harassment? Would they view a false flag as a reasonable endeavor, to maintain their society’s control? Would they be more willing to throw American Military men into harms way to keep control? Would they be more or less likely to stick by that organization, even as it begins to be exposed, and it becomes clear it is involved in everything from rape of American girls, to mass murder, to cop killing, to the destruction of the American myth? Would it fit with Q asking, “What is treason?” Is a person, born an American, raised in America, but dedicated throughout their life, first and foremost, to a secret society that originated as a foreign spy network committing treason?

But they have a problem. Military Intelligence is staffed by those naive young apple-cheeked Americans who were raised with The Myth, because it was the love of that Myth that made men willing to die for their country and join in the first place. Probably most of the Secret Society steers clear of the Military because they know the military is an expendable tool that will be sacrificed regularly simply to enhance Cabal’s control. NSA requires a technical capability that not everyone has, and there are more Americans than there are secret society members, so NSA ends up filled with real Americans too. And here we are.

To be sure, there are the Architects of Cabal, probably spending their days in some castle in Lichtenstein, while managers in the City of London handle the day to day. Their emissaries, allowed to play the roles of public billionaires, and live that life, or Political leaders, or other authorities, handle the manipulation of the larger pieces, and then there is the ground game, made up of the Secret Society and its recruited pawns. They may even augment their manpower with other Americans, who are not let in on the Secret, but who are willing to serve thinking it is some American institution or other, and the benefits beat being on the other side.

I have no idea if that is all true, but it is a plausible mechanism that would arise from the system we know existed, which would explain a lot of the loose pieces we have lying around, as we look at this puzzle. And it might explain what Q meant when he said, “What is treason?”

Personally, the curiosity of just what has laid beneath that surface for so long is killing me.

News blackout on a rumored Haitian immigrant killed by Police after he beheaded a woman. Probably blacked out because the cops look sympathetic in caring about the woman and trying to keep the killer alive, and of course it isn’t good for immigrant reputations, but supposed Masons on /pol indicate there is a much bigger reason. Pretty nasty uncensored pics of what the cops saw on 4Chan here.

Conservative college group puts up “Build the wall” display, immediately gets hit with violent messages and death threats.

Q predicts a false flag incoming in the AM, and by the evening there is a mass shooting. 5 employees and shooter dead, five cops injured at an Aurora illinois Manufacturing plant. I still am astonished I ever thought living in this country would just be boring monotony until I died. This is beyond imagination. The evil, in full control for so long… I know it is the only possible explanation, but even still, every piece of hard confirmation is a shock.

Another wind-up toy, officially diagnosed with Bipolar so he was in “therapy,” busted into a educational academy to kill his wife, when he didn’t find her he committed suicide. I’ve wondered if they set these characters up, program them in therapy, and then set up an observation post next door (with full surveillance package), and then at the required time use infrasound, or something similar beamed into the house to activate amygdala (documented to change mood, presumably through amygdala activation), triggering uncontrollable rage in a previously programmed wind-up toy. And off they go.

Another domestic murder-suicide in Texas outside a Dunkin Donuts.

ISIS indicates it will launch a major terrorist attack soon.

DEA finds enough Fentanyl to kill 2.4 million people in New Jersey. This sounds like the kind of multi-day false flag Q was talking about.

Pharmaceutical giants caught supplying cartels with bulk ingredients for Methamphetamine production.

House committee opens a probe into Trump’s Emergency declaration.

Judge puts gag order on Roger Stone and his attorneys.

Though NBC indicates it is directed at lawyers and witnesses:

Prosecutor says he has bombshell communications directly between Stone and Wikileaks, in direct contradiction to Stone’s testimony. Feels like a plot-twist in the movie. Will Stone escape the evil Special Prosecutor? It looks like he will escape, if this is all they have:

Nathan Phillips doubles down on his claims about the Covington Catholic teens.

Italian on the most important music show in Italy makes a satanic gesture, drawing Salvini’s attention. Salvini’s comment – “I understand and share the concerns expressed by Fr Aldo Buonaiuto. We must not underestimate the problem of the satanic sects and we need to rely on the experts who help us to fight it. It is a disturbing phenomenon, apparently far from everyday experience, yet much closer and more frequent than one might think.”

Stockton California ready to begin $500/month universal basic income payments – but only to certain, specifically approved people. Who do you think will be at the head of the line for those payments?

Hillary committed so many crimes, FBI could not figure out how to clear her of all of them without constructing a detailed chart to organize all of them, and then they had to cover up the chart once people started poking around their initial coverup.

McCabe Panics, tries to walk back comments about removing Trump with the 25th Amendment. Panic in DC.

3 Texas landowners manage to be the first to sue the Trump administration over the border wall.

Pelosi says a future Democrat President might use a National Emergency to try and enact gun control by force. It is increasingly clear we may have to say goodbye to democracy at some point, because the Democrats seem hell bent now on enacting a coup. Undoubtedly it will happen at some time, the next time they get power, and gun owners will either have to step up and restore order, or America will be fully lost forever. Hopefully Trump will arm us up with a Second Amendment decision in the next eight years which will legalize everything up to concealed carry of NFA weaponry. Unless that threat is out there, we will be lost at some point.

An assassination of a Senator would be a multi-day false flag event. Capitol Police seem on alert.

Smollett lawyers up with Michael Cohen’s Attorney.

George Soros is pouring investment money into China. Shifting operations to what was supposed to be the next world superpower, with Cabal pulling the puppet strings in the background. I picture the collective American warrior’s will to win in a world war against Chinese totalitarians, used to simply drive millions of apple-cheeked, young American K’s to their futile deaths, and all I can see is crimson rage. I don’t care if we have to glass over Lichtenstein, kill them all.

The Hill reports Ruth Bader Ginsberg is back at work at the Supreme Court, but strangely again we have a report with no pictures. ABC world News Tonight ran the story while showing stock footage of Ginsberg standing as if to show off her vitality, right before an interview she did on a stage months, if not years ago. They never said anything, but clearly tried to give the impression it was footage from her showing up at work. Fake News is not proof of life.

I do wonder if this next story is why she is showing up, and if she is doing so because she already knows Roberts will also vote to kill the question, meaning if she didn’t show there would be a tie, which would let the lower court ruling approving the question stand:

Current Libyan official (installed by Hillary, Obama, and Cabal) complains that he thinks the US may try to help another government take over.

Yellow Vest leader says there are Yellow Vest paramilitaries which will jump into the fray when the time is right.

Lindsey Graham says the US is looking for a partner to contribute forces to long-term stability efforts in Syria now that ISIS is defeated.

Poland rejects EU Army, wants US and NATO help instead. Lines are being drawn in the sand.

Avenatti says he was the one who gave the R. Kelly Sextape with the underaged girl to authorities,

US warns the world not to buy Venezuelan oil.

Kevin McCarthy wants Schiff to answer 15 questions about his meeting with Fusion GPS spook Simpson.

Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Japanese Prime Minister Abe.

Rosenstein out next Friday.

Possibly the most savvy exchange I have seen on 4Chan, with inside intel on counterterror methods:

Trump, trolling the enemies of freedom, tweeted this video. I would have embedded the tweet, but although I watched this yesterday morning with no problem, when I just went to watch it again, Twitter said the video was not available in my location now, possibly because REM asked that it be pulled because it used their song. I went with no VPN, in the US, and it is blocked in the US. Yes, it is that good, and Trump got that far under their skin:

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s only the Democrats who hurt.

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6 years ago

Hm. Reading your extending thoughts above, I thought to myself: “You know when would have been a prime opportunity to get the initial spies in? Reconstruction.” The union “preserved”, but weakened, but all the signs that once stabilized, great growth could happen.

The initial pushing of the “Nation of Immigrants”, Emma Lazarus, Statue of Liberty all comes soon after this. Much of the standard concept of the American Myth actually comes from this time period. “America the Beautiful” was first published in 1895, and contains the “Sea to Shining Sea” phrase. ( It’s what the Myth is for a large part (majority? Most? IDK) of the country, even more than Washington or Jefferson.

This would all have been a prime opportunity for exactly your scenario, and for those involved to worm their way into a bit of the Myth, corrupting parts of it just enough to act as very effective camouflage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Albert [P]ike.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It would require established clandestine intelligence services in the 1860s time period. Only England had something like that in its Foreign Office.

There were others in European governments who theorized as modern IC staffs do, but they were individuals and not entire departments/ministries. France, Spain, Netherlands, and Russia would be at the top of those lists with clever individuals. Prussia could be included, but at that time it was focused on domestic events.

But those in secret power since the 16th century (the descendants of Venice who established power in England and a nascent Germany) knew wars could be opportunity change points, so it’s plausible that advantages were sought over an upstart America directed by individuals within European powers at that time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Yes. Banking and shipping networks require intel and gather it in the course of doing business.

The Catholic Church had a ready-made method of gathering damaging information through the rite of confession, and also had a built-in method of mind control for the faithful (the very word “propaganda” was created as part of the Catholic Counter-Reformation.)

Certain highly-mobile groups of stateless people inevitably gathered intel through their wanderings, and were very sensitive to its value as a matter of survival. Any or all of these non-governmental groups had the means and the motive to infiltrate and subvert our institutions. All they needed was the opportunity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

There were earlier PCEs, they have been among us far longer, they arrived on the same ships we did from the same home countries, the factions may change but the cabal that they are all parts of go back many hundreds if not thousands of years, many events through out history were not actually a case of the cabal taking over a country but of a new faction of the cabal taking over from an old faction, Trump and Q may actually represent a faction change rather than an outside revolt but even if that is the case it is time for a faction change and Trump and Q seem intent on treating us better whatever they are.

Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Farcesensitive
6 years ago

Farcesenstive wrote: “Trump and Q may actually represent a faction change rather than an outside revolt but even if that is the case it is time for a faction change and Trump and Q seem intent on treating us better whatever they are.”

I have read that idea on another website…that Trump was created by Tavistock to promote the international cabal’s goal of multilateral money (meaning that the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency but instead it is a group of currencies from various countries).

According to this theory, Hillary Clinton is part of the American Cabal that the International Cabal is phasing out. In other words, the dominance of the United States on the world stage is ending.

This theory states that this will be good for the United States because it removes some of the evil created by the American Cabal.

This theory also believes Trump is meant to sow discord and cognitive dissonance. I am not sure what the goal is by creating discord. But this theory states that Trump is not really totally for the views of the alt-right.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

That would not be how I thought about it, Trump would according to the “Faction” theory I have would be part of an American faction that wanted to cut us loose from the international Cabal that has used America as its frontman since WWII but has always been based in Europe.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I accidentally posted without entering a name again.

Reply to  zmalfoy
6 years ago

Don’t forget a young Lewis Cass Payseur was interviewed about the civil war as well. A public message?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  zmalfoy
6 years ago

It goes back further than the Civil War. Look at Washington, DC itself. Look at the architecture, the symbolism, etc., There’s plenty of clues. The Roman influence.

6 years ago

Young Goodman Brown,

I very much enjoyed your book, and while I find the news selection in your blog interesting… I wonder if the time you must devote to it is keeping some similarly good new research from being done. Already some of your better links come from commenters here. Perhaps you should embrace the idea more and focus your coming posts on HOW and WHERE you yourself look for news and what things jump out at you to indicate something is anomalous. Then spend more time on important (not just urgent) development.

In that vein I offer this article:

“The police officers guarding the door — who had refused to unlock it despite the screams — waited nine minutes before stepping inside. They got water to cool down the scorching knob.

Inside, dozens of girls placed in the care of the Guatemalan state lay sprawled on the blackened floor. Forty-one of them died.

It was one of the deadliest tragedies in Guatemala since the end of its civil war decades ago, and it happened inside a group home for at-risk youth who had been put there by the government, supposedly for their own protection.”

P.S. I recall an old interview with a business guru… it might have been Demming… who described all the problems caused by running a large organization in a centralized manner and why it wasn’t competitive, then described all the different problems with running a large organization in a decentralized manner and why that wasn’t competitive. The American businesses that were long successful seemed to have hit on a strategy, perhaps by accident or perhaps by thought, of going through alternating phases of centralization and then decentralization so as to gain the advantages each offered by not become moribund by the disadvantages each would build up over time. Is there a biological analogue to that?

P.P.S. If someone really were stupid enough to regularly point a nonleathal beam weapon at or put drugs into you… why couldn’t you discover them the same way that you say social technology is discoverable because it has to be used.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

P.P.P.S. Re: Civil War:

P.P.P.P.S. Girl Boy Scout Troop’s are not Girl Scouts with extra steps. It is Girl Scouts rebuilt. They are different organizations and the GS have long been infiltrated by the She Woman Man Haters Club. There is still a market for Girl Scouts activities for non SJW families, however. BSA noticed the change in GS and the growth of groups like American Heritage Girls to replace it. If some organization will become the Conservative version of the Girl Scouts… then the BSA figures it might as well be them. They already have the campgrounds, infrastructure, and experience with girls in their other programs (like Venture Scouts which are coed, and Cub Scouts which while not coed by virtue of having family car camping outings as most of their camp outs was always full of siblings half of which were girls). Many of the first wave of Girl Cub Scouts have been girls who previously went to Cub Scouting events with their brothers anyway, but now at least are also paying memberships and buying uniforms too.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Who cares. They still should not have been allowed into the Boy scouts, and even if allowed, they should not have joined BSA out of principle.

‘Good’ girl scouts leaving GS to join BSA are like ‘good’ Californians (ha!) moving to other states to escape the hell that, if they did not help make it, they stood by and watched it happen. No matter how ‘good’ these people are, they will invariably adulterate and corrupt their new habitat.

6 years ago

I wonder how you identify spies in the neighborhood. Do they rent or own? Do they appear to have jobs or are they home all the time? Do they favor certain cars? Wondering if there’s a resource out there discussing characteristics, traits, or general indicators. Maybe I’m just being lazy but a checklist or something would be helpful for people opening their eyes. It might just be a mix of all types but there’s got to be some common denominators.

Also have you ever read False Memory by Dean Koonts? It’s a bit fantastical but in light of Q’s info drops and the historical fact of mind control experiments it makes me wonder.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I was afraid you were going to say that, lol. It’s probably the ones you least suspect and I would guess that if you were to find proof of surveillance they would know it and change tactics and personnel. Thanks for shining a light on all of this!

6 years ago

On Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Q asks “Who ‘selected’ her”.

Back in the early 90s, I received a list of CFR members; CFR – Council of Foreign Relations. In this list was Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Steven Breyer—Both Federal judges. Both Jews.

This list was prepared by the Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, P.O. Box 33339, Kerrville, Texas USA 78028 around 1992.

They include this blurb: “The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which organized in England…(and)… believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established” (page 126) quoted from Senator Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies, softcover, Berkeley Books, NY.

Bill Clinton, this White Protestant, nominated Only Ginsburg and Breyer to the Supreme Court Bench.

The Real power is the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevists throughout the West; the Masonic goyim with their Jewish overlords. It is not called “The Lobby” for nothing! As Rush Limbaugh hinted at “The Rule of the Donor Class”.

Now, you understand the hatred towards President Trump. The Jews are natural Gnostics and Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg, as you can see by her quotes, is a raging Gnostic.

6 years ago

Who do you think will be at the head of the line for those payments?

I bet a disproportionate number wear tiny hats.

6 years ago

If you want a good idea on the origins of the modern Cabal, read “Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War,” by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor (2013).

You’ll realize what transpired today when you finish its chapters, especially the discussions of the strategy and technical controls. I’m sure such secrecy went back further in history, but this is probably the source what’s been directly infecting Western civilization for the past 125 years.

Rhodes and Milner didn’t realize the plan of secrecy they developed and used effectively could metastasize into what it is today. But once Americans, with the help of Morgan, figured out what was possible with this method of secrecy, media control and technology, it grew and grew, taking final form after World War II.

Acquiring billions in stolen Nazi and IJA gold didn’t hurt them, either. The interesting aspect is how did new technology enhance their plans, and where the heck did it come from?

Such devices were kept secret at the highest levels, because why give any advantage to the little people? Or the public USG? Especially when it could save lives. And they’ve had over a century and unlimited resources to implement their plans and personnel controls.

The firing squads cannot start soon enough.

– + –

“Personally, the curiosity of just what has laid beneath that surface for so long is killing me.”

You’re not the only one who has for years thought something didn’t add up, good sir. But you are much better than the vast majority of us–including me–to perceive what’s behind the curtain, and not afraid to explain it in such depth with such clarity of thought. Again, thank you for your blog and your daily news briefs. It’s well-read and shared in Washington, D.C. and on the Hill.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

You may wish to read “Rulers of Evil” by Tupper Sausy. It would appear that it provides something that you may be looking for. It’s online in PDF form.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Thanks for the link to “everybody hurts”. It was splendid. Trump must be consolidating power because this is some serious trolling. They must be livid.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

It would appear that gangstalking has many parallels with another historical event: the Inquisition. On the surface, both are very insane and cruel forms of destroying people perceived to be “threats.” Both glorify in the use of torture and the slow kill. I’d suggest that there are massive parallels between the victims of gangstalking and the inquisition.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Note also that the Inquisition only had jurisdiction over Christians, and therefore Jews weren’t subject to its investigations.

Given that all you hear about the Inquisition how terrible it was for the jews (when in fact only crypto-jews publicly professing the Faith could come under its thumb) makes me suspect it was an early effort to root out the Cabal, and has suffered centuries of slander for it.

Ditto for the Templars, who were tortured by the non-Inquisition church in its persecution.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Most do not know what they do not know, which is quite true when it comes to the Spanish Inquisition.

In that regard, here is a good synopsis:

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

“The Catholic Church had a ready-made method of gathering damaging information through the rite of confession….”

What utter garbage. Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? Have you ever been to confession? Do you think one goes in there and starts talking about business plans?

Such a statement is not only patently false, but offensive. Priests have willingly chosen death over breaking the Seal of Confession; doing so results in automatic excommunication. Nor am I aware of any scandal involving priests breaking the Seal of Confession for the purpose of intelligence gathering. One would think, after nearly 2000 years, if this were actually happening, it would have been made public by now. Lord knows pederasty has.