News Briefs – 02/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened the debate over whether vaccines cause autism.

US Delegation will meet with Taliban in Islamabad Feb 18th.

Documents show FBI was sent into scramble over pre-election report that Hillary’s State Department tried to trade additional FBI appointments overseas in return for FBI downgrading classifications of documents to reduce the extent of Hillary’s crimes. It was amazingly lawless before Trump.

Rosenstein gives Las Vegas a $24 million slush fund to pay out as they see fit in return for the Mandalay Bay massacre.

British Mil-Intel psyop was uncovered that crossed national borders and tried to meddle in US elections by furthering the “Russian Collusion” narrative. Network of spies, journalists, think tanks, neo-cons, McCain foundations, Ukrainians, and other assorted shit-bagia all over the globe.

Brits move toward making clicking on “terrorist material” even once a 15 year jail sentence. What is terrorist material? That is the catch. Probably Tommy Robinson, or the Bible. But it is OK, they promise discretion will be used in deciding who to prosecute.

One thing I have noted. When Twitter deletes a tweet, like this great one (detailing how this report revealed some mysterious entity modified FBI text collection programs to create a special hidden hard database which nobody knew existed, saving all text messages, even ones FBI agents tried to delete):

Google will still show the tweet existed in search results:

But if you click the cache, it will also pop a 404, which means twitter and google coordinate to memory hole tweets that the Cabal doesn’t like. Interesting.

Remember this tweet?

Twitter was not pleased:

Tommy Robinson rants about the BBC’s waste of money they are extorting from citizens:

This tells you what Trump and Q are up against – The GOPe wants to stay in Syria and Afghanistan, and at the same time pull support for Saudi Arabia. Absent Q, none of this makes sense:

Jihadist rebels use chemical weapons against Syrian forces. Does this mean they didn’t bother with the false flag because the linkage to coordinate with the media has been broken somehow, or does it mean Cabal command and control has had its comms severed?

EU adds Saudi Arabia to lists of terrorist hotbeds. Cabal vs the House of Saud.

Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams’ nonprofit for registering black voters racks up its seventh tax lien.

New book claims 80% of Vatican priests are gay. This could have begun by infiltrating just a few child molestors with orders to identify the up and comers among the children and molest them, so if they rose to power decades later, they were compromised and sexually untethered. Molesting just a few of the right kids who rose to power would, generationally, be like a force multiplier.

Air Force Counter-intelligence officer charged with spying for Iran. Whenever I see Iran now, I wonder is it Iran or Cabal.

Gavin Newsom cuts Jerry Brown’s twin water tunnel project down to one. Also puts the brakes on the bullet train project. Even this ultra leftist has to cut back on spending. Like the media outlets, California is running out of cash.

At Trump’s El Paso rally, the man who rushed the press box, pushed over reporters, and knocked over cameras will walk free with no charges because nobody in the media wanted to file a complaint. Since when did the media become so magnanimous with respect to Conservative Trump supporters? Leftist plant, with full media complicity, confirmed.

Three Americans and a Kenyan die in a small plane crash in Kenya. Normally cryptic Q said 7 in 10 plane crashes are targeted kills. It makes sense when you consider that planes receive regular scheduled maintenance far beyond anything cars get, and pilots get far more training.

Abortion industry whistleblower dead at 27 of unspecified medical challenges. There are very few medical challenges which cannot be created if the motivation is there.

NYPD is trying to get as much DNA from as many people as possible. I actually would not be bothered, if it didn’t appear we were almost about to have a European dictatorship installed in our government, dedicated to hunt down as many dissidents as possible. Hell, we are still dangerously closer than anyone would believe, even with all the God Emperor’s noblest efforts to avert it.

Philly investigating another underground transformer explosion.

Part of the $70 billion we have sent to Afghanistan may have helped fund the insurgency against us.

Transgender activists move to have courts take misgendered children from parents who refuse to recognize their gender, so they can have reassignment surgery.

Bezos’s girlfriend admits she shared his sensitive texts with some friends. Potentially getting half, of half, of a $180 billion dollar fortune is still a good deal, even if you have to boink a googly-eyed geek like Bezos. But you have to get him split from that wife on paper first.

Manafort’s plea deal thrown out for lack of cooperation.

Tucker says Democrats slipped a poison pill into the Budget deal allowing any local mayor to veto any wall construction in their district. Do you think Cabal would have made sure they controlled mayorships in critical transit routes through the border? Video here:

Never Trumper Erik Erikson goes pro-Trump, says they have great accomplishments. Bill Kristol wept.

Belgium paralyzed as massive strike shuts all airports, public transport, and roads down.

Guaido nominates his own Citgo Board. No more money laundering through Citgo once Maduro is dealt with.

Feminist sues Twitter for being banned for saying men are not women.

Russia introduces chemical castration for pedophiles.

Spanish PM set to call snap elections. There is a Right Wing surge underway, which means just as our Storm is winding up, Spain is setting a shift in motion.

Italy set to abolish Central bank and imprison fraudsters. Hey Mr. Rofschild, can I axe your opinion on that?

Texas oil production reaches new records, will offset OPEC and Venezuela disruptions.

Local Mexican Police Chief gets 25 years for aiding Los Zetas Cartel in massacre at the Border. Another employee of Cabal, Inc. taken out of action.

Florida passes a bill to try and prevent cities from declaring sanctuary status. The problem is everybody on the left has no long time frame perspective, so we are trying to fix that shortcoming by playing their game. The idea behind civilization is we sacrifice some short term desires to create a long term stability through adherence to the rule of majority agreed upon, passed, and signed law. The left is so short-term oriented that they will use any mechanism at their disposal to undo those laws, which will only delegitimize civilization, and return us to raw power struggles, in the long term. By playing this game with them, we are still heading toward chaos. We need to find a way to stop the tit for tat system manipulation, and restore the recognition of the rule of law.

Tennessee moves to treat Gold and Silver as money, and eliminate sales taxes on it.

Stone’s Counsel files with the court demanding Mueller explain how CNN got ahold of the indictment two days before Stone’s home was raided.

Netanyahu meets with Arab state members in pursuit of uniting everyone against Iran, possibly for war. A sign Netanyahu has chosen to help Trump in the Storm.

Utah National Guard doing exercises in Salt Lake City. Training being done at a Wells Fargo Building again, perhaps a message? It is a preparation for a multi-nation multi-branch training exercise known as Desert Ice, to protect against Nuclear/Biological/Chemical weapons attack. Icing somebody in the Desert? Weren’t there talks long ago about some underground complex in the desert that had some sort of shootout which was claimed to be between aliens in the underground complex and Delta Force, with some Deltas supposedly killed? What if that was a cover story designed to make everyone discount any possibility of any event which might have occurred there, like, say, a shootout between US Military and some other covertly operating foreign/international entity that had established a secret base there and been accidently uncovered. It is possible in the early days, Cabal built some sort of operations center in the middle of nowhere, and the government, also looking to create a secret base in the middle of nowhere happened to notice Cabal’s site was suitable for all the right reasons, and they crossed paths.

NORAD plans exercise for DC area on Wednesday. Feels like they are testing out how Mil/Intel/LE all work together domestically in preparation for something.

Shah’s son says Iranian regime is close to collapse.

Devin Nunes says Barr’s confirmation will trigger a ton of criminal referrals to DOJ.

Voter ID laws proven to not affect turnout.

Senate Rules Committee votes 10-9 to enact new nuclear rules for judicial nominees to speed confirmations and eliminate obstructionism by Democrats.

Trump says he has $23 Billion for the wall from various sources.

Trump’s Approval has jumped 9 points in just ten days. Imagine what will happen once he purges Cabal from our Fake News media.

Spread r/K Theory, because even the Never-Trumpers are jumping on the Trump Train.

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6 years ago

One of the possible reasons the media doesn’t want to prosecute the supposed Trump supporter is that the video taken of him clearly shows his MAGA hat being brand new with a white tag still attached to the side of it. May well be a set up and the MSM doesn’t want that to come out.

6 years ago

The late abortion legislation takes and even more sinister turn in VA. Their version of the law states the baby is legal property. Describes ownership of a human which could apply to all ages. Could Cabal be trying to make their activities, like sex slaves, human trafficking and anything else done to the humans They ‘own’, legal as quickly as possible.

6 years ago

This one is also pretty juicy, and it relates to what you were saying the other day about internet users being sandboxes in information bubbles:

“Psy-Group’s slogan was “Shape Reality,” and its techniques included the use of elaborate false identities to manipulate its targets. Psy-Group was part of a new wave of private intelligence firms that recruited from the ranks of Israel’s secret services—self-described “private Mossads.” The most aggressive of these firms seemed willing to do just about anything for their clients.

Psy-Group stood out from many of its rivals because it didn’t just gather intelligence; it specialized in covertly spreading messages to influence what people believed and how they behaved.

Psy-Group’s larger ambition was to break into the U.S. election market. During the 2016 Presidential race, the company pitched members of Donald Trump’s campaign team on its ability to influence the results. Psy-Group’s owner, Joel Zamel, even asked Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker, to offer Zamel’s services to Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law. The effort to drum up business included brash claims about the company’s skills in online deception.

As the avatars proliferated, their operators joked that the most valuable online chat rooms were now entirely populated by avatars, who were, inadvertently, collecting information from one another. “

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

*being sandboxed in information bubbles

6 years ago

Q said “7/10”. A military plane had crashed on July 10. Could be a double meaning, though I would be surprised if 30% of past plane crashes had been true accidents.

“Wells Fargo”– They stole from their customers. ALL organized crime is Cabal.

6 years ago

It’s all coming out now. McCabe in an interview admits to being involved in a conspiracy to remove a sitting President under the 25th Amendment with no evidence, just a ‘hunch’….

So either this is just the usual promo for his book and even though he’s choosing his words carefully he’s damned either way or he has no choice and is trying to cover his back.

6 years ago

I guess it was best that you didn’t publish my last comment…

Anyway I have a OT comment. Did you hear of a TI called Jeremy Radlow? He created one of the best TI presentations there is.

The Gangstalking Program Explained

What makes it so valuable is that it provides an reasonable alternative explanation to the gangstalking myth and allows TIs to lead relatively normal lives provided they let go of the myth.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  E
6 years ago

This explanation of the gangstalking program is bogus. Note that he in no way indicates how he knows any of what he states. Secondly, he not only doesn’t provide knowledge but leaves the end viewer with more doubts and questions, causing the viewer to believe that someone who is stalking them doesn’t even know that they are doing it but under some kind of electronic mind control? Come on.

This kind of presentation only serves to further scramble the orientation of someone undergoing targeting. It goes to show that the bad guys are pumping out a lot of disinformation.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Now, I do think that there are many elements of truth in the presentation. Particularly about the focus on deception and the attempt to make targets terrorize other targets. But beyond that I sense that the presentation is itself disinformation.

In general, ignoring things as much as possible is certainly wise. You need to be careful what you give your attention to and what you share with others.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Lets war-game this for a second here:
You tell people you are getting targeted – they think you’re nuts and it opens various vectors for the attackers to fuck you up even more (such as having you commited (which I had my stalkers try to do to me, unsuccessfully because I realized what they were going for and turned the tables on them));
You only tell people you are getting targeted but in a way that somehow cannot be capitalized on by your stalkers. In this case you get more points going for you, because now someone else knows, and you are creating records of the stalking activity.

And btw, bitchute can be used to dox you because it gets your IP, make sure you use a VPN when watching videos there (but be aware that the VPN also most likely logs your activity).

Basically, the best thing you can do is somehow have or get dirt on the people that are harassing you and then put it in a big fat dead man switch, and then you make sure that if you get fucked with, they get fucked.
Then you can start fucking with them back. I always like to rub it in on of the loser that stalks me that his wife is big fucking whore that has cucked him repeatedly, because he knows its true, and does everyone where I live. His oldest kid does not like that at all, tends to get kinda nervous when I cross paths with him and throw him a shit lord smirk 🙂

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

Thanks for the bitchute info.

…You should never confront your stalkers. Nothing good will ever come from it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Interesting. I suspect thee’s a whole lot of “mentalist” tricks like magicians use that they push to make you think that they are more in control than they are. I know you’ve seen Darren Browns stuff. Some of it I believe is edited for TV. They probably use large populations of subjects and weed out the ones that don’t seem to be doing what they intend but it is amazing what he can do.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Some of the best practical advice for Targeted Individuals comes, I believe, from Scott Snitzer’s YouTube channel. I don’t agree with everything, but he makes a good point of not getting sucked into consuming too much “fear porn” about gangstalking, as it just causes the imagination run wild. And he offers some good practical tips for taking care of your health.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I agree completly. I have seen several attempts which I think were efforts to create a perception they were reading my mind or had some sort of prescience, but they were all based on an expectation I was thinking normally like a normal, so I did my thing, and then realized afterward based on what I saw they had made a mental jump and guessed what my thinking would lead to, but missed.

This is the tech we know of Imagine the tech we don’t know of

Alternately I was able to figure out some tech-based explanation, like the fact infrasound makes you have to go to the bathroom, and can be focused using sound-focusing technology, which explained why my dog jumped up and urgently wanted me to go outside at that moment, just as they were about to do something which was supposed to make it look like they had more control than they did.

Mind Control TIs and Stalker TIs can agree is that the programmers want you to believe they more power than they do.

Alternately I was able to figure out some tech-based explanation, like the fact infrasound makes you have to go to the bathroom, and can be focused using sound-focusing technology, which explained why my dog jumped up and urgently wanted me to go outside at that moment, just as they were about to do something which was supposed to make it look like they had more control than they did.

Mind Control TIs and Stalker TIs can agree is that the programmers want you to believe they have more power than they do.

Plus, I have a full year of neurobio at the graduate level and a decent understanding of physics. When I see a brain, I am actually seeing how consciousness forms at a molecular level throughout it, in a way most of these people probably could not imagine being able to picture. I do not see mind-reading, or mind-control being in the cards, even if we are actually 100 years ahead of where we are told.

If mind control isn’t on the table that means people of no importance are being followed at all hours by ordinary people of all ages – I had a 14-year-old ESL kid and a 60ish year old ESL women give trigger words. I used to believe it too before I found Omnisense and Radlow. Based on the info I had, it made sense, but mind control and remote neural monitoring makes more sense to me, especially sense I got my “perps” to say certain things by thinking certain words.

I think I actually understand the system enough that if the tech were possible, I would see the mechanism, and I don’t.

You don’t see the mechanism behind stalking either; the people breaking into the houses of Tis, the evidence that millions of people are following Tis, the cameras in the houses of Tis…

This video is almost certainly a psyop, albeit a very well done one for plebes. Though to me it just highlights their brightest manipulators lack even an ability to picture the IQ and thorough molecular-level/quantum-mechanical-level understanding of what is happening in neurons which I would tend to need to make this competition interesting. I can see why Trump is poised to tear the whole thing down to the foundations. Vox’s description of IQ as being color vision, and plebes as being color-blind jumps to mind. Against Trump, their leadership probably cannot even begin to see the vague outlines of the way Trump sees the world.

How to you explain all the TIs that claim their minds are being read? Virtually all of us make the claim.

I’d encourage everyone who looks at it to examine just how well crafted it would be, to fuck with the head of someone in the program. How he tries to establish authority with a perfect description of the opening acts, how he diminishes the experiences and authority of others. How he creates the image of a magic act to plant the idea they haven’t seen everything, and what they missed is vital, and so on.

I think you are over analyzing the presentation; his description of the opening acts is to put in context how you are being manipulated.

Thanks for at least listening to it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

1. zersetzung DOT org/mind-control/mc-exhibits

2. Stalking does not explain how perps brake in to your house even when the dead bolt is locked.

3. What about the TIs that claim our minds are being read. Almost all of us make the claim.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

But beyond that I sense that the presentation is itself disinformation.

Jeremy Radlow had nothing to gain from lying. He wasn’t selling anything, and is not in the interest of the masters of this program for TIs to believe mind control over stalking; TIs who believe in mind control don’t attack strangers, we don’t believe that our mothers, brothers, or spouses are out to get us. We don’t go to navy yards and shoot up the place, or at leats we are less likely to.

Reply to  E
6 years ago

Messed up the tags…

No Name
But beyond that I sense that the presentation is itself disinformation.

Jeremy Radlow had nothing to gain from lying. He wasn’t selling anything, and is not in the interest of the masters of this program for TIs to believe mind control over stalking; TIs who believe in mind control don’t attack strangers, we don’t believe that our mothers, brothers, or spouses are out to get us. We don’t go to navy yards and shoot up the place, or at least we are less likely to.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

This explanation of the gangstalking program is bogus. Note that he in no way indicates how he knows any of what he states. Secondly, he not only doesn’t provide knowledge but leaves the end viewer with more doubts and questions, causing the viewer to believe that someone who is stalking them doesn’t even know that they are doing it but under some kind of electronic mind control? Come on.

Based on the information the average TI has, it makes sense that they are being stalked by hundreds of ordinary people, after all, how could these people know what movie you just watch or when you watched porn? It must be stalking!

You have more information know, isn’t possible that your friends and family didn’t’ betray you? Isn’t it possible that your neighbors and hundreds or thousands of strangers are paid to harass you?

Is mind control really more ridiculous than what most TIs believe?

TIs exist all over the world. If we are really followed 24 hours a day that would mean there are millions of perps.

How are they getting paid? How do they communicate? Does every government have their own GS program or is it one single government organization . Why didn’t one of the millions or perps come forward?

Why would the government pay millions of ordinary people to cough when a nobody walks by?

Lets not throw stones in glass houses.

Take a look at this exhibit. Plenty of evidence that MC and synthetic telepathy.

Original Mind Control Research Series

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Does mind control make less sense than millions of ordinary people following other ordinary people 24 hours a day

No Name
No Name
Reply to  E
6 years ago

First of all, I can’t know what all sorts of people are reporting because the reports themselves are clearly filled with the input of perps. That’s a huge one.

Secondly, a primary method of gangstalking is gas lighting. Gas lighting does tremendous damage and very much primes the recipient to be very vulnerable to ideas of reference and delusions of reference. Because if you reasonably believe people are messing with you and they deny it, your ability to discern becomes troubled. Paranoia begins to rise.

Many reports of massive numbers of people come from either fraudulent perps pretending to be victims or from gangstalking victims who’ve been driven to experience symptoms of mental illness from all the gas lighting.

I can only go based on my own experiences. The street theater has been minimal but I very likely could have perceived it as something much worse. It only takes a few powerful elements of street theater for your imagination to start running wild. I’m absolutely sure that the key perps I was dealing with were 100% aware of what they were doing and that they were coached and guided.

Here’s the thing: if the technology existed to control their minds and turn them into mindless street theatre puppets, they could just use that technology on me directly without having to waste anyone else’s time.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Looks my last post went to spam because of the links.

Strong evidence of MC and synthetic telepathy
zersetzung DOT org/mind-control/mc-exhibits

6 years ago

I have purchased your book and have begun to read it, so far I have found it very informative and better yet it aligns with philosophical/psychological theories of my own.

I would add to what you have analyzed that the r/K spectrum is a circle not a simple line, r and K are the north and south points on the circle but there are also east and west points and the center vs. the outer rim.

It is not actually possible in my opinion to inhabit the center point of perfect balance but the 3rd Libertarian way you describe is composed of those who inhabit a ring as close to it as can be.

The east and west points are opportunists who strike a balance between r and K and attempt to ride out any conflict between groups or between r and K while taking as much advantage for themselves as they can, the first kind is what I will call exhibitionists, they make themselves the loudest advocates and activists of whatever group they are members of but should their group lose and they are given the opportunity they will become just as loud and active in the service of the victors if given the chance, this allows them to receive as much benefit as possible from whatever group has the most power, the second kind are what I will call sneakers, they take the opposite strategy of being as inconspicuous as possible so that they do not offend either side of a conflict while manipulating everyone else by any means in order to create opportunities to benefit themselves, if this sounds like the cabal to you then you are right.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I’m glad you like it, when I have more time I will tell you more about my theories

Basically I divided the building block of personality into 8 elements arranged on a circle or a square. (I use a square because that allows me to put the most important elements in the corners)
Starting at the top and going clockwise you have the following:

Each person has a range of majorities that covers exactly half of those (in a sane person it is a contiguous half) and a signature that can be either of the two center elements of their range or one of the three borderlines in their range.

You actually have multiple layers of this that apply to different facets of your makeup like race, culture, sex, and individual personality.

I would say that r is equivalent to chaos and K is order, the sneakers are ponderous and the exhibitionists are reactive.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Farcsensitive
6 years ago

Farcsensitive, I like reading about other ways of looking at r/K. Your thinking is good and is certainly a possibility. Please keep posting. I would like to hear more from Anonymous Conservative’s point of view about this.

Personally, all of the Libertarians I have known are cowards. I think some people adopt that as their philosophy because they don’t want to take any stand for or against anything so they don’t offend anyone. In our complex society you can’t be a true Libertarian unless you go out into the woods to live completely by yourself with no contact with society.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I will post as I have the time and anything useful to add.

I agree with you about Libertarians, it fits with my analysis that they inhabit the center ring, at the center the are able to be the least offensive to any other types for the least effort and they don’t have to take any strong positions about anything, their philosophy is wrapped around the idea that if they leave everyone else alone then they will be left alone, it is really naive,I think that is why there are so few of them.

I say all this as one who shares much of the Libertarian philosophy but who realizes that freedom must be seized by force and retained by force in cooperation with an in-group against out-groups that would deny it to you, I label my position Conservertarian.

It is quite sickening to hear Libertarians deny the existence or necessity of groups even as groups all around them conspire to deny them the liberty they desire, it is almost as sickening as watching them embrace immorality as if liberty can be retained where it is not only tolerated but promoted.

Another thing that comes to mind is that r is very much related to the vices but every vice has its necessary place in limited amounts, K is definitely superior but just like the virtues it can be taken too far.
We are nowhere near the limits of K and we are maddeningly beyond the limits of r but as the K shift takes place it would be good to remember that K can be maintained longer if it is kept within its appropriate limits.

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

I will post here as I have the time and anything useful to add.

I agree with you about Libertarians, their philosophy seems designed to avoid offending all sides as little as possible for the least amount of effort in the hopes that if they leave others alone they will be left alone which is hopelessly naive.

The two things I find the most distressing about them are their denial of the existence or need for groups even as groups all around them conspire to deny them liberty and their embrace of immorality as if liberty can be maintained under conditions where it is not only tolerated but promoted.

I am what I like to call a “conservertarian” I recognize that freedom must be seized and maintained by force in cooperation with an in-group against all out-groups that would take it from you and that the vices lead to captivity.

That brings up the subject of the vices and their relation to r, the only difference between the vices and the virtues is that the vices have much tighter limits on their degree and application, they actually are necessary and required in their proper places and amounts.
The same is true of r and the inverse is true of the virtues and of K, there are limits to K and while we are far from reaching those limits it would be good to remember that there are limits as the K shift takes place because retaining a properly limited amount of r and not overdoing the K will make the K last longer.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  FarceSensittive
6 years ago

Just an aside for people who are interested in such things. A similar concept is the Pournelle chart developed by Jerry Pournelle that tracks political inclinations.

Will the real GEOTUS please stand up?
Will the real GEOTUS please stand up?
6 years ago

Benedict Donald’s been completely humiliated and will be signing an open borders bill that strips him of any and all powers to build a wall, gives illegals amnesty, and completely opens the borders. At this point, ICE will be an illegal alien relocation service. Good luck arguing against that in court.

No other president would have signed this bill-not even Hillary.Time to phone it in on the Q hoax and the country.

6 years ago

It looks like I’m banned…I post, reload the page about my comment doesn’t even do into mod…

6 years ago

Regarding the underground battle that has been referenced, guys name was Phil Schneider, a gov’t contractor involved in D.U.M.B (deep underground military base) construction. Schneider claimed that in,1979 IIRC, Dulce. N.M. was the site of contact during construction of said DUMB between Delta Force & ET’s. To summarize Mr. Schneider’s story, they were drilling/blasting holes at considerable depth when they had broken through some area, after which smoke had begun to emerge. SF was sent down to investigate and this is when contact was made. Mr. Schneider was among the group of contractors who had been escorted by Delta force once contact was made. As per Mr. Schneiders testimony, they had encounters tall, thin ET’s with large heads (melons?) whom used DE weapons during the brief firefight. Mr. Schneider claims his life was saved by an unnamed member of Delta force who threw him into an elevator to the surface before he could be killed. Phil Schneider had video tesitmony which is still around on the internet recounting the story. He also has had wounds he claims he received after being hit with the DE weapons encountered underground. Mr. Schneider himself would go on to meet a mysterious death, the details of which escape me. Needless to say, as AC constantly hammers is that the Myth and what reality is are very very different.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Its an excellent cover story really. Also no prob AC, I must thank you for this blog as well, once you see r/K in this world you sure can’t go back.