News Briefs – 02/12/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

I was thinking about the video yesterday about Timothy McVeigh going to SF school in the Army, supposedly dropping out because of leg pain but really getting sheep dipped, and suddenly becoming a national news story that reeks with the stench of Cabal. What was Edward Snowden’s backstory re: Army Special Forces training again?

Q is back:
[Only when the election harms the D party will they claim foreign interference]
Keyword: ‘Foreign’
What about Domestic interference?
>Non-Cit votes by county
>Non-Cit promo by county
>Non-Cit org by county
>Targeted districts breakdown by ‘Non-Cit’ data acc
>Voter irregularities [internal]
>(-2) Laws enacted in battleground areas as test for 2020 (voter roll screening/review of non_votes (D) > ballot pop > track for sign > submit late for count) – vote swing figures + rule of law (new standard of no show vote SC 2019 scope case?)
Why do D’s push for NO VOTER ID in U.S. elections?
Why do D’s push for OPEN BORDERS?
Find the connection.
Sometimes a MAP helps.
What SC decision (6-3) ruled VOTER ID did NOT suppress votes or deter minorities?
What (FALSE) ‘narrative’ is pushed by D’s re: VOTER ID LAW?
Voter suppression of minority vote?
When is an ID required?
Should an ID not be required at all (for any reason) given the argument made by D’s?
Does the argument ‘A NATIONAL VOTER ID LAW would suppress the minority vote’ suggest minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID?
When is an ID required?
Which minorities are they referring to?
(illegal immigrants?)
Logical thinking.
If there is a previous SC decision on the matter (pre-POTUS Justice conf), would a NATIONAL VOTER ID LAW MANDATE using the SC ruling of 2008 (+ common sense logic/arguments) as the LEGAL FOUNDATION, have merit?
Is every other country that has a VOTER ID LAW considered racist?
Will the DOJ support the push instead of file legal challenges as [LL] did in the past?
If the SC ruled in 2008 that VOTER ID laws do not impact/harm or prevent ‘minorities’ from voting, how could the U.S. 4th Circuit Court rule opposite?
Is the 4th Circuit Court considered LEFT/Liberal?
Why do D’s want POWER at all costs?
One example above.
Logical thinking.
You are the news now.


If [AS] has seen ‘evidence’ of collusion and/or POTUS/RUSSIA illegal activities, as he’s stated in the past many times across all D-arm media networks, why then is there a need to open ‘new’ investigations?
What about the so-called ‘evidence’ already seen?
How is [AS] making open statements re: MUELLER not investigating POTUS/Deutsche Bank thorough enough if the MUELLER investigation itself is CLASSIFIED?
How does [AS] know what MUELLER has/hasn’t investigated?
You are witnessing the greatest ‘DISINFORMATION’ campaign to ever be pushed by a political party.
Ask yourself, why?
FEAR of what?
The message must be direct.
The WAR is very real.
Baker’s heads up on the Kendall call was sent to:
Then-Director James Comey; since fired;
Then-Associate Deputy Director David Bowdich, who later replaced Andrew McCabe as deputy director;
Michael Steinbach, the F.B.I.’s former executive assistant director for national security;
Then-Assistant Director of Counterintelligence E.W. Priestap, now retired;
James Rybicki, former chief of staff to Comey;
FBI intelligence analyst Jonathan Moffa;
Former Acting Assistant Director Jason V. Herring;
Michael Kortan, FBI assistant director for public affairs, now retired;
Former principal deputy general counsel Trisha Anderson;
Strzok and Page
Does the list above look familiar?
Re_read drops re: FBI ‘Midyear’ OIG ……. & review graphics.

Let’s actually use ‘FACTS’:
Step One: Hype an invented threat of POTUS working w/ the RUSSIANS (disinformation campaign).
Step Two: Send FBI/DOJ/CONGRESS/SENATE/C_A/NSA/INTEL/FVEY/etc… to address and investigate the IMAGINARY THREAT.
Step Three: Justify the ‘SPECIAL COUNSEL’ and MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS SPENT as necessary to protect the public and our election process against an imaginary, made-up, non-existent threat (which really is) designed to protect the illegal activities of many elected officials.
Step Four: Open ‘new’ Fake & False investigations as CHAIRMAN of the House Intel Comm to retain disinformation campaign designed to keep liberal/D Americans onboard to regain POWER & PREVENT prosecution – Executive Time!

Life Lesson – [AS]
The next time you ‘leak’ classified information, don’t have your phone (or allow phones of the ‘unknown’ go-between ‘students’) present.
FISA works both ways.

POTUS “Did they get the clip?”
Yes, Mr. President.
POTUS “Did they catch all the references?”
Yes, Mr. President.
POTUS “Show me.”
Thank you, Mr. John Vineyard.
Thank you, Anons.
(return publicly)

Here to the end, sir.

You will never be alone.
We are UNITED.
God speed, Patriot.

French and German farmers have to destroy entire crops after traces of GMO genes are found in some plants. I am Cabal. I know GMO products cannot be grown in France, and must be destroyed if found. I send somebody out to several farms with some Monsanto GMO rapeseed seeds and a drone in the middle of the night, and sprinkle the seeds over the crops right after the fields are sown. Then I invest in Rapeseed futures, and at the right time call the monitoring agency with a tip about illegal GMO rapeseed crops at the affected farms. Extra points if you have another farm which is able to stop people from doing that to you, and which can clean up on the higher prices due to reduced supply. Would you invest $20,000 in that type of operation for a $20,000,000 return on your normal investments? Suppose you could do it on numerous crops, all over?

State run Swedish Kindergarten forces boys to wear a dress. Remember, this all comes from the top, and each of these stories is promoted to create an image in your mind, to desensitize you to outrage, and to demoralize you and accustom you to a sense of helplessness.

Newsom to withdraw hundreds of California National Guard from the border just as the Caravans arrive. You can see why Trump waited to let the Border fight happen. It is beyond belief how desperate the Democrats are to let whatever the bad thing is that is happening down there happen. We really needed to see it to believe it.

An interesting article on a woman who installed software that would not allow any of her data to flow across systems used by Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, or Microsoft so they could not track her. Very long, you don’t have to read it, the TLDR is everything she did, from email to entertainment, to booking flights and rooms, to texting, to searching, to conferencing, all went across systems run by those giants. Basically she almost had to cut off all internet, TV, radio, and home devices. The point being Cabal, which owns those services, can watch everything almost everyone is doing because even when you use little companies they hire the big companies to handle their data. In return for cheap operating costs they let the big guys gather intel on you. And of course it all goes in Cabal’s intel files.

A tweet about how the Fake News has progressed to anonymous authors publishing articles quoting anonymous sources, in support of unsourced theories nobody will put their name to:

Dozens of children as young as eight have been found to have been abused on Tinder.

John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chief, was working with the Podesta Group as it acted as a go-between for Hillary’s campaign and the Russian private spook contractors who set up the Trump Tower meeting to frame the Trump campaign for espionage. Who was colluding again? :

His daughter just had a similar orthopedic issue, IIRC, albeit in the ankle, and she looks young and fit. Is it possible to tune an energetic frequency to excite a specific molecular bond in ligaments and tendons, utilizing a sort of resonance effect on a specific bond length on a specific molecule unique to a specific structure? Or could neurological membrane damage of some sort produce neuromuscular dysfunction predisposing to orthopedic injury? A curious coincidence.

Russia is not pleased about the US encouraging Venezuela to free itself.

Notice, one it is a translation, so it is imprecise, and two, he is saying that at the Cabal, or those who whine about Russian meddling. I take it as “we” are undoing the programming of Cabal and opening minds. Which implies Putin and his team are a part of the resistance.

Cute girl does gymnastics, gets perfect tens. I keep seeing this on the news, and something hit me. This girl is amazing. Supposedly she was going to be the big thing at the last Olympics, but she suddenly had all sorts of injuries, and had to pull out. The Olympics passed, all her injuries healed, and suddenly she is right back in the saddle. That can be coincidence. I am sure it isn’t the first time. And yet, an Olympic victory puts you in front of the microphone. That might be something powerful that, if you were Cabal, you might want to control. Plus I assume Cabal never lets a lucrative position go to someone who will not pass back Cabal’s cut of their earnings. And we know there are tools out there to degrade physical capability from a distance, which nobody knows about, which carry no risk of exposure if you use them, and to even think about them is to be grossly paranoid. Suppose Katelyn wasn’t Cabal. She hadn’t been recruited, didn’t have the psychology to be reliable as a Cabal operative, and they didn’t trust her enough to let her have a microphone. But four or five other girls were in the program and could easily fill Katelyn’s shoes, if only she would become temporarily unable to compete. Plus they had been sexually abused, probably on videotape, maybe as part of psychological conditioning, maybe for potential blackmail, and thus would be assumed to be more controllable. I mean why did they chose a male pediatrician to deal with those girls when there would be plenty of female sports doctors who would have understood all of the girl’s issues, as a woman who had been there, and maybe even an athlete? If given the choice, would you have assigned a male or female doctor to them? And why that creepy little pedo of all people? As I learn more of the technological capabilities, and the forces out there, I begin to find myself questioning every coincidence, given Q has shown the key to the elite’s dominance was a level of control which would almost approximate clairvoyance. And as he has said, in his world there are no coincidences.

Trudeau may still face ethics charges over corruption and influence abuse.

Israel has had secret relations with Gulf States going back for 25 years. Wait until the Mideast finds out its prior leaders were really installed by Cabal, and fomenting war with the United States to keep all of our K-strategists killing each other.

Flashback – MS-13 began as a stoner street gang, but morphed into a quasi-religious, occultist ideological organization whose members actually believe in its occult rituals and their magic power. Does Cabal have missionaries?

Planned Parenthood had a small fire in Missouri. Suspicious in nature. Document disposal?

Foreigners are now suing the US for not giving them guaranteed legal status, claiming it is racist.

Russian firm Kapersky helped NSA catch an employee who had stolen reams of NSA data and tools. It is almost like the Russians knew the NSA was an entity they needed to help and ally with, against greater enemies who were trying to destroy it.

Jussie Smolletts’s neighbors call bullshit on his attack story.

Behind the scenes, Police and media think it is bogus too.

Russian ICBM reentry video for comparison to the Venezuelan fireball from yesterday. Did Cabal have a facility in Venezuela? Was it just a dud fired as a warning? Or was it just a meteor that caused all of that fire?

The Venezuelan fireball from yesterday:

Another video of unknown provenance which could be fake, but which is making the rounds, showing a trajectory change of the fireball, similar to a contrail video from a year or so back which was making several similar trajectory changes while traveling over a city in China, IIRC:

Defecting Venezuelan Colonel says 90% of the military opposes Maduro.

Cuban guards surround Maduro according to US Military Commander.

Maduro aides are looking at exit strategies.

Three in ten parents believe the flu shot is a conspiracy.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s absence is raising the question of how to deal with incapacitated Justices. I do not think it is too much to expect each SC Justice to show up in front of Congress once a year to answer questions and prove they are still alive. Perhaps a State of the Union appearance could suffice to fulfill the requirement. Just introducing a bill like that, or even proposing it, would really blow the left out of the water. Either they let it pass unopposed, or they oppose it and reveal Ginsberg could not possibly appear anywhere now, and should not still be on the Court.

Yellow Vester who lost a hand in the protest plans to sue over the use of explosive grenades on the crowds.

Democrats are planning a week long vacation beginning the day of the shutdown resuming.

$1.375 billion will be added on to the $7 billion Trump will get when he declares an emergency.

Growing numbers of schools are creating large defense budgets, including for armed teachers. K-selection is changing society, and the sudden removal of Cabal’s influence, and its replacement with the God Emperor’s, is not hurting.

Guantanamo is shopping around for a wheel-chair accessible three-cell compound. Hillary and Pelosi don’t look all that hot lately, and DiFi isn’t getting any younger either.

Salvini proposes seizing the Italian people’s gold from the Central Bank. This tells you something is changing. Central Banking is the most important thing to the Cabal.

Congress is looking at a bill to outlaw OPEC by making manipulating the oil market illegal. Passed the judiciary committee already. They are calling it NOPEC.

RCMP dispatches 300 officers with search warrants on Monday in giant money laundering probe. Sounds possibly Storm related?

Russia will disconnect from the internet as part of a planned test. Imagine if there were a virus that was going to wipe out everything connected to the internet, setting off ten days of darkness.

US Navy had two warships do a sail-by in the South China sea, and China is furious. Piling on amygdala to encourage them to want to sign a fair trade deal, to make it stop.

Biggest media opponent of Bolsonaro in Brazil dies in a helicopter accident. I for one welcome the ganders getting what was good for the geese. The faster they pile up these Cabalite bodies the merrier I will be.

Flashback – The Army is spending a half billion dollars just to train troops to fight underground.

Right Wing in Spain is booming, landslide is on the way.

US Commander sees Syria withdrawal right on track.

Bolsonaro to erase LGBTQ materials from Brazilian schools.

Mothers with four kids are exempt from the income tax in Hungary and get $12,000 toward the purchase of a seven seater car. Good policy. Why import foreigners with potential dual loyalties when you can breed your own? That is also an investment in more income taxes from four citizens later on.

Trump signs the American Artificial Intelligence Initiative, to make sure America dominates AI into the future.

Lindsey Graham called for a vote on the Green New Deal. Democrats have no idea what to do.

Trump mocks Beto, says, “My rally is bigger than your’s!” That will drive a narcissist nuts, especially when it is true. And boy was it true:

He also used Q’s phrase, saying, “We’re setting the stage, folks. You know what it’s called don’t you? It’s setting the stage.” He also mentioned 1888, and Q’s post 1888 said,

Optimism about personal finances is at a sixteen year high.

Spread r/K Theory, because the next stage brings justice.

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6 years ago

Re: the GMO story:

Another parable he proposed to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seeds in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among the wheat and went his way. Mt. 13:24-25.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

“Cute” gymnast? In my books, she’s a 4.

In all seriousness I’d like to know what it is about her that you find cute. The smile and energy, perhaps?

I ask as a student of physical anthropology.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

That makes sense.

6 years ago

As I learn more of the technological capabilities, and the forces out there, I begin to find myself questioning every coincidence, given Q has shown the key to the elite’s dominance was a level of control which would almost approximate clairvoyance. And as he has said, in his world there are no coincidences.

Psychotronic weapons(remote neural monitoring ,synthetic telepathy ect) or some higher power behind the scenes?

This also reminds me of McStains death. How do you predict the minute of someone’s death even if you force them to kill themselves? If leaves a lot to chance, unless you can kill remotely….

Defecting Venezuelan Colonel says 90% of the military opposes Maduro.

BS. This “defector” is at best lying because he is anti Maduro, at worst bought off by Washington.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

One other thought about No Name’s time of death is that it could be comms. White Hats say ‘This will be the official time of death’ to the DS as a kind of general 5:5 to whatever has been agreed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

McCain’s execution also explains the look of terror on many of the Cabal’s public soldiers. They realize that if McCain can be taken out then they could be next and the Cabal leadership is either incapable or unwilling to stop it. My guess is it’s the latter since trying to stop it could expose their operation and at the end of the day they’re all just meat shields anyway. You can always re-group if the core stays in place.

For example, think Feinstein after the Kavanaugh hearings:

I think a normal reaction to losing a fight like that would be anger. Instead, she looks scared shitless. Why? It’s probably the questions Graham asked Kavanaugh that seem to make a case for American citizens being subject to military tribunals. With her long term Chinese handler/assistant she knows she’s got an invitation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“Humans 1988”

Not the first time they’ve done it.

6 years ago

Regarding Mr. McVeigh, there were so many oddities with his story and that of his co-conspirators that I would not be surprised at all that he was Cabal-involved in some way. Either as a dupe, a false-flag gone wrong (or right), or something else equally devious and conspiratorial as what happened with JFK, Oswald and Dallas in November 1963. There are still so many unanswered questions about what happened in 1996.

McVeigh has been gone almost 20 years, too (lethal injection in June 2001). I can’t believe we still talk about the OKC bombing, given what has happened since then to this nation and all of us.

Thanks for what you do with this daily news brief, AC. I was thinking over the weekend how incredible a professional news operation would be if you were its chief editor, selecting stories and assigning reporters to stories. I wouldn’t be able to put it down.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

Alex Jones has always said McVay was an deepstate operative, supposedly he didn’t kill kids in the OKC false flag so they made him a patsy.

6 years ago

Some r/K theory in the Atlantic of all places. The pill may not be red but it is a bit mauve.

“””On rare occasions, we learn of a new one—a key factor that seems to have been overlooked. To a surprising degree, a recent strand of experimental psychology suggests, our political beliefs may have something to do with a specific aspect of our biological makeup: our propensity to feel physical disgust.”””

6 years ago

”Especially since I suspect the highest levels of Cabal will go underground”

They will not be able to get away from Q and co?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It would be awesome if there is a series of documentaries documenting everything once we are fully victorious.