News Briefs – 02/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q is back, again:
Define ‘Projection’.
How do you fix something that is known to be broken (corrupt)?
Do you first need to remove those responsible?
Think FBI/DOJ ‘exit’ list.
How do you ‘restore’ the image (public faith) of our most prestigious ‘law enforcement’ institutions?
Hold people accountable?
Equal justice under the law?
The battle begins (as seen today) w/ public opinion.
The FIGHT to control the NARRATIVE.
How do D’s control the NARRATIVE?
1) FAKE NEWS MEDIA push of ‘by design’ narrative [daily updates – 4am]
2) FAKEWOOD echo of ‘by design’ narrative
3) SOCIAL MEDIA stream/promote of ‘by design’ narrative + censor/block/ban of challenger(s) of that narrative
Do they provide evidence to support their conclusions?
POTUS/RUSSIA narrative – evidence?
POTUS racist narrative – evidence?
POTUS …………(you can play this game all day long)
What do they count on?
How many experiments have been conducted by the C_A re: mind control?
Psych 101: If you hear & see something over and over again by multiple (supposedly credible) news agencies, elected officials, actors/actresses, documentaries on TV, movies, internet, social media, foreign press etc. all pushing the same narrative/conclusions…….what happens?
Do FACT-LESS claims become FACTS in the minds of many?
Do they count on the fact that w/ work, family, stresses of life, etc. that the typical person does not have enough time in the day to research topics for themselves and therefore would believe narratives projected in the echo chamber w/o the need to provide facts or substance other than opinion?
Why do they try so hard to keep you DIVIDED by race, gender, class, ……?
Notice an increase in this push over the past 2-years?
Are you stronger together/UNITED or DIVIDED?
If you dare to challenge their narrative are you cast out [banned] by society as a threat/conspiracy theorist etc..?
Are you cast out by members of your own family?
They want to keep you poor and in need of government assistance.
Bigger the gov’t, the more CONTROL they have, the more POWER they possess.
When you are in need, you are weak.
When you are weak, you are not strong.
When you are not strong, you do not FIGHT BACK.
This is as real as it gets.
They never thought she would lose.
Why? See above re: Control.
Transparency is the only way forward.
FAKE NEWS’ [propaganda arm of the Democrat machine] sole responsibility is to prevent the TRUTH from ever being disseminated to the masses.
Mass Infiltration (everywhere).
Transparency is the only way forward re: public opinion.
Prosecution is the only way forward re: save & defend the rule of law.
Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life.

Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media?
FAKE NEWS attempting to ‘CONTROL’ the narrative by not providing coverage?
Do the protests in EU go against the narrative that majority of people are for globalism, open borders, and mass immigration?
1. Dilution of citizen voice
2. Dilution of citizen vote
3. Dilution of national independence
>Police turned against its own citizens
>Citizens turned against its own police
>People v People
Controlled media > prevent mass awareness
If the news doesn’t report the facts (ie, truth) – how do people get informed in order to be heard?
Silence the people.
Localize disruption.
Target leaders of disruption (quietly take action).
Deploy scare tactics & political cross-talk
Control volume.
The media no longer represents the will of the people.
Think for yourself.
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Sheep no more.

Stage set?
Public border-wall fight necessary to bring public awareness re: true intentions of D party.
Anons knew?
Narrative Fight.
Dark to Light.


Child Sex Trafficking Cover Up

Why do D’s push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?
Where does the money go?
Past political donations of [PP]?
What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?
Why is there a new push by D’s to legalize late term abortions?
See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
This has nothing to do w/ a woman’s right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).
The focus is on the organization itself.
Ask yourself a very simple question:
Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?
What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?
Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?

Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called ‘conspiracy’?
Did you know there’s been 1,000+ articles written about this movement by the FAKE NEWS media machine?
Google: “Qanon” select: ‘News’ past 30 days (example)
What are they afraid of?
People coming together and thinking for themselves?

You attack those you fear the most.
The sheer volume of attacks by the largest media corporations in the world, should, using common sense and logic, indicate there is something more to the story.

I don’t have Q’s complete, 100% overview, but I can vouch for the idea (((They))) are everywhere, they move to control the narrative, be it by reporting what they are told to report, or even doing “odd jobs” IRL for Management, and any free thinker who is out there spouting observations according to logic rather than the narrative, and who might be listened to is going to find themselves getting pushback to either join Cabal or get off the stage. If you don’t already know, you either aren’t loud enough, and enough of a threat, or you just don’t know what you are looking at.

I still am not sure why they target and fuck with random people, but I would assume it is ongoing research into psychological manipulation of free thinkers, done on those they think are weak enough and helpless enough to not ever be able to pose a risk. Having a particular irritation regarding the strong pushing around the weak, I find that the most vexing aspect.

But it looks like things are heating up, and we may just find out the full extent to which our countrymen were recruited into a parallel nation, with the sole purpose of handing power over us to the Architects. Get ready to feel exactly like Neo when he woke up in the pods. It will not be an easy adjustment, because the brain naturally hates realizing it was wrong about the world it was living in. But it will be glorious, because you actually live in an even better world than you are living in now.

Onward to the brief:

The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh (1 hour, with lots that indicates McVeigh was actually a sheep-dipped government cutout, Oklahoma City was a small version of 9/11, and McVeigh may still be out there somewhere):

Episode One of The Real Tommy Robinson, on Muslim grooming gangs:

I could see, for realism, the military budgeting in repairs to any damage they caused, and I could see being a property owner and OKing them doing damage for realism, especially if they promised to pay to repair it. Not sure if that is significant, but it could be. Then again, that whole block looked funky, and the law office was reportedly tied to Allison Mack and NXIVM.

British Crime Lord’s wife notes the extent of observance a surveillance operation had maintained on their family. Their imaging was so powerful they could see her shrug, make facial expressions, and watch her in the bathroom – I suspect those may not have been cameras, because of the ability to detect cameras based on imaging chip flash. The bug in the sofa was a red herring. As crazy as it sounds, I suspect if you are impactful online, even if just posting memes that catch on 4Chan, you actually get a generation or two, and maybe more, beyond this, using technologies which were developed in private research contractors, and kept from the government – and you can get the punishing technologies in addition to the observational. Bear in mind, this is all done remotely, with something akin to medical imaging technology applied to the residence, reconstructed in 3D by computer. How many X-rays is safe per year? Per Week? Per minute? How much in Microwaves? How much in in other radiowaves? How much in EM field fluctuations? Infrasound/ultrasound? Radar? Use what you want in warzones, or overseas, but I really think if the citizenry pays for it, and it is used on the citizenry domestically, the capabilities should be publicly aired, and the legislative branch should decide to whom and when it is applied, what warrants are required, what oversight there is, and most of all, an analysis of medical impacts should be done, and then the public should be able to judge the materials generated and the legislator’s decisions, and decide if they want to vote in new legislators to come to different conclusions. To say nothing of the effects on freedom this technology has. Otherwise, the checks and balances we like to refer to as a foundation of freedom do not exist. Under Obama, there was only one branch of government, and it was the Intelligence Branch, which appears to have been previously compromised by a foreign Cabal. Thankfully it appears a second branch, the Military, decided to step in and check its power, but without that, things were about to really go south, specifically because of the consolidation of power and the absence of any oversight authority. But even the military is not a long term solution. Especially since I suspect the highest levels of Cabal will go underground, and patiently wait to reestablish their networks, and what will make their job easier is any consolidation of power. Next time they will work harder to comp Mil-Intel.

Worker at Wright Patterson fired after interviewing with “another agency” and talking openly and at length about his child-porn hobby and his attractions to children. He could have just been crazy, but a part of me wonders if among the Child-Porn community somebody told him that certain agencies will give preferential hiring to those who are easily controlled because of certain illegal hobbies they engage in, so he was revealing all of that to make it clear he was their man. Might mean things are changing rapidly in that agency, and the delay the article speaks of was because the changes happened behind the scenes first, and needed to remain hidden for a bit.

Migrant and Muslim populations in German Prisons are skyrocketing to record numbers never before seen. Keep them in there until the population sufficiently K-ifies, and they can be deported immediately on release.

Knifeman sprays pepper spray on a train then goes on a stabbing spree in Sweden, media downplays. Sunglasses are a must these days, at all times. Go Bono with yellow lenses if you must, as fighting without eyesight is difficult and attacks will come unexpectedly.

Gun seizures under red flag laws are exploding. Gun Grabbing groups are ecstatic. Just look at how speech laws change. Now in Britain if you complain about the schools celebrating transvestites and teaching your children to question their gender, you get a visit from the Police for a hate crime. With this, the teacher can tell them to take your guns too. This is going to be used someday to make gun owners be silent, for fear comments online will be used to seize your guns. NRA needs to get national laws passed.

A rundown of the Malaysian 1MDB scandal. Imagine if this was being done to America for decades, and nobody knew because the entire system from political leaders to Media talking heads were all owned.

Bombs found outside Eugene Police Department. Rumors on YouTube are the bombs were courtesy of Antifa, in retaliation for the shooting of Antifa’s head of firearms training by two Police officers after a struggle at a school. He had showed up carrying concealed and sought to take his child, whom he didn’t have custody of, when the school called Police to sort it out. When Police began talking with him he began to struggle, wriggled outside, pulled a gun, and as he and the officer fell to the ground, got two shots off. Both missed the officer wrestling with him, and he was shot dead. It was a video we posted here a while back.

One of the curious booms being heard across America caught on the video below. Watch the smudge of light highlighted in the picture below by the arrow at around 20 seconds. It will travel to the right, across the screen, and explode at around 1:40. Could be a meteor, indicating the booms are a celestial event, but it is very slow moving, and if sound travels 1100 fps, it is not that far off. After the boom you can see the smudge make a sudden downward trajectory change, more like a plane that was blown up and ceased all forward movement as the wreckage fell, than a meteor which was barely being affected by gravity and had momentum as it skipped off the atmosphere. Watch it full screen to see it fall on fire after the explosion.

Montage of a fireball seen in the sky over Venezuela, and the crash site. Likely a meteor, but some are speculating it was a missile launch across their bow:

Elizabeth Warren says President Trump may not be a free person in 2020. I am tired of waiting.

More Trump Schedules leak. Abhorrent, but it is interesting to see so much time marked off for Executive Time. I have wondered how he has been able to become such a polymath, while at the same time accomplishing so much in the way of tangible actions. I will almost guarantee you much of that Executive time is devoted to both intelligence gathering and the study/mastery of fields he has determined would be/are helpful to his future accomplishments. To those interested in emulating him, it is interesting to see just how much free-form activity-time he will devote to mastery of data/intelligence and skills, and how much he is devoting to accomplishing tangible successes.

Congress is already laying the groundwork for Impeachment.

Governments tighten internet control under the rubric of saving us from “Fake News.” The left is the tyrants of old.

Scientists see a sign we are heading into a sixth Mass Extinction event across the globe, with insects showing the greatest decline at 2.5% of total mass per year dying back. Interesting – geologic changes, climate changes (cooling), measurable extinction trends, the economic chickens are about to come home to roost, unrest, and the feeling in the air. I am wondering if there is some measurable metric which leads the Architects to understand what is coming, so they can adapt their profiting strategy to exploit the urges of the moment, and use that psychological/natural force to drive the mechanisms which benefit them. As we were approaching this point, they pushed r, just as they did in the ’20’s, then they shift to war and conflict in K, then they repeat. Now they are shifting to try and get in control of K, but they maybe timed it just a little late, allowing Trump, Q, and company to jump in and get a leg up.

Brian Kolfage, triple amputee, purple heart winner, and creator of the Wall GoFundMe is subjected to extraordinarily intrusive searches by TSA when trying to fly. It would not surprise me if this is sent from on high as a subtle message to stay out of politics. From the article – “Kolfage added, “The policies of TSA are so bad, they have caused a charity to be formed for wounded vets to fly on private planes so we don’t have to deal with the full cavity searches and removing of prosthetics. That’s why I usually fly Veterans Airlift Command”

Kentucky Sheriff has to suspend all Law Enforcement due to lack of funding. “Martin County Sheriff John Kirk… posted that residents should, “lock your doors, load your guns, and get a biting, barking dog.”” It will be everywhere in the Apocalypse.

WSJ highlights how Google and Facebook, by promoting Fake News Media, exacerbate the Fake News problems.

House Democrats will vote to criminalize private gun sales this week.

Discarded Smart Lightbulbs reveal your WiFi passwords, without any encryption. And they will probably be in the garbage bag with a discarded envelope with your address.

The United Nations is a hotbed of sexual harassment. Hold them to their own rules, it will kill them.

VA Blackface Governor Northam doesn’t like the word slave, Prefers “indentured servants from Africa.” Similarly, he prefers to call killing babies, “placing them off to the side and making them comfortable.”

Northam promises to take a harder line on Confederate statues, to make up for his Blackface.

UK mom arrested in front of children for calling a tranny a man. Spent seven hours inside. Austin powers would literally be arrested and hauled away, just for saying, “That’s a man, baby!”

An article saying Germans trust China more than the US. Cabal propaganda is done with the thought they say it, people read it, and it becomes true. So I take this to be Cabal trying to turn Germany toward China and away from the US. Interesting in that both are Cabal redoubts according to Q. If they hadn’t planned a global storm, a new cold war would have been in the offing.

Is Giselle Bundchen a witch? Does all sorts of weird stuff to help Brady win – stones, potions, alters.

Another former Congressman, this one an Iraq War critic dies in Hospice care.

Former head of Disney dies at 85. A lot of deaths, though tough to say if it is coincidence or not.

They are saying Bezos’ mistress’ brother leaked Bezos’ texts (although what was said did not rule out the mistress herself). There are two possibilities – he leaked his sister’s vag pic, without any care, when he could have gone in, deleted that, and some other texts, and just released a few embarrassing texts. That would require him being close enough to his sister to have access to her phone, but not so close as to want to protect her. Or his mistress wanted the texts to get out, so she purposely leaked her own Vag pic in the mix to try and make it look like she could never have possibly been involved, and either had her brother then do the handover, or asked him to shoulder the potential blame to protect her. I think for a potential half of half of a $180 billion dollar fortune most people would let a “below the belt selfie” leak. Time will tell. The important part is, they are making it clear the Storm will not be disrupted, even if the Enquirer has to burn a source. It is more important than anything.

The brother slams Bezos for intervening, saying he was trying to work with the National Enquirer to blunt the piece.

Hungarian Prime Minister announces new loans and tax cuts to encourage new families. I was just reading a similar thing about Russia, which actually will give families extra cash, no strings attached, to better their family’s position.

WHO will reschedule Marijuana because of its obvious health benefits.

Venezuelan VP calls on Guaido to get on the right side of history, and support Maduro. They are scared.

Venezuelan Interim President Guaido will not rule out allowing US intervention.

Cardinal slams Pope Francis’ progressive attitude in manifesto.

US Coalition is negotiating with Syrian fighters to secure peace.

Heavy clashes are ongoing as US-backed forces make final push against ISIS.

Saudi Arabia says it is a beacon of “Light,” fighting the “Dark” Iran.

Thousands protest in Madrid against the Socialist government’s willingness to support talks over Catalan’s independence. As division and perceptions of competition grow, the forces opposing migration are growing too.

Alabama bill will require drug tests to receive food stamp aid.

Pelosi says blackface and #metoo scandals will not damage the Democrat’s brand. Quite the opposite. The destruction happening to the Democrats is so complete, I almost cannot believe that even if it is purposeful (almost a necessity to explain it), that an upstart entity like we are told is operating against Cabal, could do it. It is so masterful it would make more sense that Cabal has sensed the changing winds and has shifted right. The blackface is more problematic than just racism – the high school pictures used to portray it lend an air of immature frivolity to the racism, making the party look childish and incompetent, just like its leaders who we see portrayed when they are childish and immature. Remember how every six foot tall, 250 lb, 21 year old Trayvon who tried to kill a cop was shown on TV smiling broadly at six years old with a transformer toy on Christmas morning? The Blackface scandal is the same premise in reverse. The Democrats leaders are now seared into people’s brains as dumb teenagers doing mean things out of stupidity. The #Metoo scandals make them look malicious, sexually depraved, immoral, and evil. And then you have Ocasio Cortez who makes them look batshit crazy and outright dangerous to the nation. Together, the party is increasingly seeing every facet of its emotional impression in people’s minds being systematically denigrated, to the point it is creating a real emotional revulsion from which the logic to support it will flow later, as the unthinking, programmable people look for logical reasons to justify their emotions, just like they were trained.

We are going back to the moon, and this time we will stay. Interesting. Trump does think big. But you have to wonder if Cabal’s ascension and our abandonment of lunar exploration were linked somehow. Could Cabal’s defeat, and our return to the moon be related somehow?

South Korea agrees to pay more for the deployment of US Security Forces on the Peninsula.

Impartial fact checkers: are being unmasked as partisan haters who are biased against President Trump.

Willie Brown says his ex-girlfriend Kamala Harris can’t beat Trump and he has yet to see a Democrat that could.

100 Law Enforcement vehicles line a one mile section of border in Texas to deter the oncoming Caravan.

29 of 33 New Mexico Sheriffs sign a statement opposing Red Flag Laws. Cops are bigger targets of Cabal than the online right, and get even worse treatment when they try to stand up. Expect horror stories when the Storm breaks. This is them making it known the citizens are their biggest allies, and our right to Keep and Bear Arms is vital to their survival, because it is vital to the freedom that keeps Cabal from getting total control.

Border Wall negotiations are stalled over a few points, including how many migrants to release back into the US and wall funding.

Trump leans toward declaring a State of Emergency. What I see of Cabal’s ground game is still measurably shorter on resources after the last one, by several metrics I use to gauge manpower. My guess is they are refunded, but Management is hoarding resources now to try and better maintain their control over the environment during the next shutdown. So the next shutdown may run a bit longer, as they may be prepared for it somewhat.

Mulvaney says wall money will come from several pots, but Trump will have gotten everything he wants when the dust settles.

Lots of Pro-Trump fashion at the Grammy Awards. Joy Vila is our girl – actually wearing a border wall dress.

Market indicators turn bullish.

Spread r/K Theory, because we are all Neo in the body pods.

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6 years ago

I still am not sure why they target and fuck with random people, but I would assume it is ongoing research into psychological manipulation of free thinkers, done on those they think are weak enough and helpless enough to not ever be able to pose a risk.

It’s all about who the computer says is a critical node. It’s not personal.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I really think that you’re over-analyzing here. Watch the Godfather. “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” It’s really that simple.

A person is approached and offered some kind of reward for doing a favor. That reward can be monetary, sure. But there are other rewards. There are emotional rewards. How do you get around violating all we know about America and criminal law? Well, that’s easy. Make up some story about how the target is bad and also how our criminal justice system lets bad people get away.

Most participants in the machine aren’t willingly being evil little monsters. They are coerced, rewarded, threatened, or just simply duped. Duped works best. Many times it’s multiple things. A handler comes to them asking to keep an eye on a particular person. They know for whatever reason that the person making the requests can grant favors. And the person granting the favors tells them that the target is somehow a threat. So they feel good about themselves for doing something that they think is good for the community AND they are getting a reward.

There is no standard playbook, btw. No standard formula. They may use an elaborate pretense, but in many cases it’s not necessary.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

And as to how some got so caught up in something so counter to American values, that’s also easy. One could imagine that a huge portion of the participants are members of a well-known social organization that has brand locations in every community. We could imagine that this organization is commonly known and much older than the United States. They identify as being a part of this more than they identify as being Americans. This organization likely has extensive experience in manipulating and ruthlessly wiping out perceived competition. Nobody likes to be ostracized or exiled, so we can imagine its members fear that happening, that they fear losing social benefits (or perhaps even spiritual) to being in the group. I can only guess that this organization has experience in setting up branches or franchises in other countries and cultures; perhaps quite extensive. Think of a lodge or a sanctuary or a clubhouse. Some place where they all meet regularly and the regulars know the in group from the out group. And doing this so successfully that they manage to develop a high level of control over the natives, perhaps even getting the natives to abandon key aspects of the indigenous culture in order that they may recognize the legitimacy of a new world view and hierarchy. One could imagine that such an organization could even have their own schools, perhaps their own universities to identify a trusted few and train them to a high level.

There are a number of organizations that have done this kind of thing. Like Scientology. Or fraternal organizations. Some of these clubs have been around far longer than the US. Some have wiped out entire cultures and languages.

This isn’t difficult. It’s right in front of your nose.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

To have so much influence, you would think that would have be as old as the Egyptians and Babylonians.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Most of the time, you just need the veneer of authority. A news agency went out with a PI and literally had people kidnapping infants from strangers based on the say-so of some random mook who told them, “I’m a cop, that woman doesn’t have custody of that kid, when I distract them, you grab the baby out of the stroller and take it back to my car.” And people did it. They didn’t ask for ID. They didn’t even question why there wasn’t a partner for the “cop.” They didn’t hesitate, just grabbed a baby and ran. For a stranger who said he was a cop.

How much more likely are they to just text in observations to that “cop” every so often?

6 years ago

Thanks AC.

Can you please provide me with the link to the “Avoided Z” jpeg from the Chans? I’d like to save a copy and have been scrolling through your site but I can’t seem to find it.

Thanks again.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Sorry, no.

It was a graphic, which was a screenshot of the Wikipedia entry for Z, with explanatory notes superimposed on the screenshot:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Pics are not showing.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

The Black Death originated in the Caucasus. Home to the Khazars.

By the way, it was JFK Jr.

6 years ago

Interesting Flashback: Live Aid: The Terrible Truth

Mind you, the intro was written by Spin founder Bob Guccione, Jr. (whose father founded Penthouse), but this would appear to shed light on ‘Live Aid’ being a Cabal-sponsored event, with Bob Geldof having attained Cabal Employee-of-the-Month for getting it off the ground.

6 years ago

Info on RBG.
Twitter world shows robe, empty chair and gavel – why.

Some thoughts:
1. In Jewish custom one is buried before the second sundown. That is if you die today you are buried before tomorrow night.
2. Traditionally Jews do not cremate.
3. Traditionally there is no autopsy.
4. Traditionally there is a formal period of mourning that lasts for 30 days (a lunar cycle). After that period family returns to ordinary life. That is when you would have a public memorial service with music, joyful sounds, not allowed during mourning.
5. Traditionally you do not install a headstone for a period of one year so you will not find one now.
6. She was no real Jew (IMHO) but they will play like she was as it will suit their plans.

Remember how Justice Scalia was done and “done” is the correct word.

So my guess is as follows, go back from the “memorial service” about 35 days and you should begin to look for a grave site. Many justices are buried in Arlington so I would look at earth photos for disturbed ground in the section reserved for them. She also could have gone into a family plot for secrecy to be moved later; which is what I would assume (remember the real defination of assume).

The much bigger question is WHO CAN DEMAND PROOF OF LIFE FOR A SUPREME? Thinking people want to know. Besides I want to stand up and sing “The Witch is dead”.


6 years ago

It looks as if the Democrats are forming a circular firing squad. Fitting. They have become, among other things, a virulent petri dish of hatred for the Commoners’ (I.e.: Our) Right of Arms.

6 years ago

> Congress is already laying the groundwork for Impeachment.

Whoopee. Congress impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Andy and Billy patted them on their heads and ignored them.

Removal of a President from office requires both the Congress and the Senate to impeach. I imagine quite a few of the “NeverTrumper” RINOs will vote for impeachment; it’s a safe way to virtue signal. But it’s not going to mean anything.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  TRX
6 years ago

FYI: Congress is the House and the Senate. Many use House and Congress interchangeably, but this is incorrect.

6 years ago

…so tired of waiting.

6 years ago

AC saw reference to your site on Gab’s Great Awakening group. NPC Kap (Oldnumber17) picked up the RBG ‘funeral’ scenario and commenters recommeded you.

Also thought you might like to read this thread about human auditory response to electromagnetic waves i.e. voices in the head and other things.

6 years ago

Tommy Robinson (Tommy Rabbison?) is a zionist gatekeeping shill, he NEVER mentions the role of Jewish collective power in the Islamization of the West.

Proof of Tommy Robinson being a zionist: – “Meet Tommy Robinson Proud Zionist” – “Nick Griffin on EDL: Part 2 – Tommy´s debate challenge” – Tommy Robinson tweets about being a proud zionist – Tommy Robison social media posts in Israel and in a Mossad T-shirt among other things

Reminder that zionists are always traitors, according to the father of modern political zionism (Theodor Herzl) himself: – Meme with all the information in this list for ease of sharing

Proof of Jewish collective power being one of the main forces in the push for the Islamization of the West: – “Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt” – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi” – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.” – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen” – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees” – Meme with the link for the video of Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, for ease of sharing

3 Big graphs (part of a series called Cabal Global View graphs) related to this subject: – #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1

If you want to see the rest of the graphs in this series here are the links: – #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 – #2, version 1.0 – #3, version 1.0 – #4, version 1.0

==Why does Jewish collective power pushes for the Islamization of the West?==

ZOG/Zionism and Jewish collective power uses Islam to:
-Get more privileges for minorities in the West (under the banner of more “minority rights”), which benefits the Jews and gives them more GROUP power.
-Increase Western hostility towards Muslims, thus getting more support from the Western people for Israel (they claim that Israel helps fighting the Muslim invasion of the West, but the opposite is true, the West had no problems with the Middle East until the creation of Israel, and Israel supports ISIS and uses it to enact False Flag attacks against the West). Islam is incompatible with the West and the flooding of the West with Muslims always increases hostility towards Muslims. This also increases chaos in the Western world which is useful for the Jewish subversive agents because the more chaos the more distracted people are and thus the less likely they are to able to connect the dots and realize that Israel is in fact an enemy of the West, which it has always been.
-Get their Israel controlled ISIS cells into the West so they can operate here for the benefit of Israel.
-Increase the levels of anti-Semitism in the West in order to motivate more Jews to leave the West for Israel, which improves the Jewish demographics in Israel.

People need to realize that Islam is a threat first, and then they can understand why subversive Jews (which as a GROUP are our enemy too (meaning, Jewish COLLECTIVE POWER is an enemy of the West)) flood the West with Muslims.
Criticizing both Islam and Jewish GROUP power and ZOG/Zionism is crucially important.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

Reminder that zionists are always traitors, according to the father of modern political zionism (Theodor Herzl) himself:

Context matters.

Jewish zionists pre-Israel are always traitors.

Jewish zionists who are citizen in and reside in a country not Israel are always traitors.

Gentiles who support the idea that Jews should have their own state (and should go there) are not traitors, any more than I’m a traitor for saying that Russians should have Russia, or that the French should have France.

I am all for Israel for Jews. I am also for all Jews going to Israel, to live in covenant with God, and fight their own wars, relying on God and God alone, not the United States.

Anti-zionism of your sort is simply rebranded globalism. Get thee behind me, shill.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

I guess I can use some more precision in what regards what my point about zionist and treason is.

My point is:
Zionism in the sense of a person putting Israel BEFORE their own host Country, is treason.

I am not talking about zionism as “Well, I am ok with Israel existing”.
I am talking about zionism in the original sense of “Israel is the priority of Jews as a people, even if they don’t live there.”

This type of thinking was what motivated Pollard into betraying the US and turning into a spy for Israel, in his own words, he felt he had a “racial obligation to Israel” for being a Jew. See this:

>Gentiles who support the idea that Jews should have their own state (and should go there) are not traitors, any more than I’m a traitor for saying that Russians should have Russia, or that the French should have France.
Same, as long as this condition is true:
>relying on God and God alone, not the United States.

Because the zionists you see on the MSM, the US congress, the EU parliament and the “alt”-media (like Tommy Rabbison), are not simply people who like you and me don’t care if Israel exists or not as long as its not stealing from the West, they use lies and fake narratives (such as “Israel is our greatest ally”) to justify people going along with Israel taking billion from US tax payer money every year in the form of military aid, and going along with Israel legally stealing tech from the US because the AIPAC paid off congressmen mandate it into being a reality (that still goes on to this day).

Go ask Tommy Rabbison what does he think about cutting all aid to Israel, and ask him what he thinks about the Israeli lobby operating around the world and committing crimes against Americans on American soil for the political benefit of Israel and revel in the pilpul that he will spew at you.

With nothing else to add, cheers and wishes of a nice day!