News Briefs – 02/10/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Probably one of the bigger announcements we will make on this site – Vox Day introduces Social Galactic, the next stage is social media. Check it out, because this will be bigger than Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.

Q finally came back:

Optics are important.
Stealth bombers silent?
Re_read Mueller re: ‘designed to’ drops.
Probe conclusion coming?
Coincidence ‘conclusion’ occurring as new AG installed?
What is the purpose of WHITAKER?
Re_read drops re: ‘Scaramucci’ model.
Who did Scaramucci remove?
Optics important?
What occurs post installed ‘BLOCKADE’ removal?
[RR] ‘complete’ removal?
OIG release of findings?
How are they preparing to combat [narrative = vital]?
House intel launch of more ‘FAKE’ investigations in attempt to retain ‘FALSE NARRATIVE’ and claim ‘POLITICAL ATTACK(S)’ if investigated/prosecuted themselves?
Attempts to retain ‘BLOCKADE’?
Attempts to prevent public release of the TRUTH?
ZERO leaks re: HUBER?
Do not mistake ‘public’ silence for inaction.
“This is not another 4-year election.”

Welcome Back

We never left.
It’s time to return publicly.
FAKE NEWS attacks continue?
Ask yourself, why?
What happens when the news no longer reports FACTS?
What happens when the news no longer reports TRUTH?
Enemy of the people.
Read between the lines.

-Blockade removal [‘Scaramucci’ model]
-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]
-[Ohr] removal
-[1-4] removal
-Barr install
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight – DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]
-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.
-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff
-Barr meeting Huber & OIG
-OIG report
-House D’s threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….
-House D’s use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]
-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)
UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)
-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)
-Public Awakening
-Narrative damage control
-Placeholders active
-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D’s)
-Red/Green Castle per orig plan
Dark to Light.


VA Governor Northam now says he will dedicate his term to promoting racial equality.

Chicago will give $1000 a month to 1000 people, out of city funds, and with no strings attached. Mark my words, that money will not be given out randomly.

Finland gave $636 per month with no strings attached, but found no effect on employment or poverty, though people did report being happier. Experiment will end in 2020.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wipes away tears as she demands that ICE be defunded. FBI Anon says she is a plant who is on a mission to destroy the left. If so, she is worth every penny.

Law Enforcement Agencies across Washington State are investigating threats to Sheriffs who have said they don’t intend to enforce any state gun control laws that violate the Constitution.

LA Mayor orders LAPD to scale back vehicle stops to avoid stopping black citizens.

Democrats are winning 90% of districts with 14% or more foreign-born population. Every congressional district with a foreign-born population exceeding 14 percent had a 90 percent chance of being controlled by Democrats.

Yale Newspaper editor urges a Stasi-like informant attitude among everybody, directed at white males, to gather dirt to derail their lives. Ends the article with, “I can’t let things slip by. I’m watching you, white boy. And this time, I’m taking the screenshot.” “White Boy”

Another school newspaper says white boys should not be allowed to speak up. “White Boys.” Is it possible they are actually installing their people in charge of school newspapers, and giving them talking points all the way back in college? Yes, it is.

Ocasio Cortez says we need to break the mistaken idea that taxes pay for all spending. If she is an actress, her portrayal of crazy is impeccable. Between the eyes and the nostril flare, she really sells mental imbalance.

Merkel’s successor says Germany and France need to create an EU Army to avoid becoming a plaything of China and the US.

Protestor has arm ripped off during Yellow Vest March in Paris, as Macron has Police launch exploding grenades into crowds. Do not pick anything up if you are out there.

Yellow Vests will no longer give Police prior notice of where and when they intend to protest, due to several severe injuries they endured in the last protest.

Chase just shut down the personal bank account of a Proud Boys leader without giving any reason at all, apparently just because of what he says he believes in.

German paper says Brussels is overrun with Russian and Chinese spies.

California Police find gang’s underground bunker/shooting range. Another report said it was filled with gun and ammo, but no photos, which is unusual. Cabal seeing to it that its shock forces are trained up, or Cabal taking out a prepper who was ready for what was to come?

Hezbollah controls Gold mines in Venezuela. Also known as a division of Cabal, Inc.

Man who killed pregnant woman is spared an additional charge for killing the baby because Cuomo just considers it a pre-murder abortion. If the killer worked for Planned Parenthood he could probably have filed with the government for payment for a medical service.

Macron/Merkel deal on copyright rules which will be used to censor online outlets leaked a few days ago and is here. TLDR: if you don’t have enough of a readership to affect the dialog you have to do what they say or be punished, but if you do have a large enough readership they can just fuck you over and destroy your outlet based on vague standards of what is required, when the inevitable meme using a copyrighted image is posted.

Prosecutors are moving in to investigate Bezos’ claim that National Inquirer tried to blackmail him, and a government entity leaked his private text messages. This could be the first step in Cabal’s attempt to smear Trump with the sins of an overbearing surveillance state. Start an investigation, and make it look like Trump is making surveillance spy on us and using it for political gain.

r-selection in action:

China unveils killer drones which carry out air strikes on their own.

Yellowstone geyser gushing at a record pace. Geologic change accompanies the K-shift.

Top Saudi official says it is very strange congress is trying to attack allies like Saudi Arabia. But not under the Cabal paradigm.

ICE has several Mumps cases at its Texas facility.

Arizona considers naming porn a public health crisis. There is little doubt free and easy availability of porn aided our slide into a dysfunctional r-society, but what is not clear to me is what will happen going forward. Going forward, some will normalize in the presence of porn, find it less rewarding due to its ever presence, and be less affected by it, having grown up with it. You see that already on the Chans, where many avoid porn naturally, and have little interest in it. Others however, will go further, become more sexually degenerate, and perhaps require greater stimulation, like a junkie requiring ever more drugs to function. Sexbots may make it even worse. They could end up serial killers, violent rapists, and with other bizarre fetishes as they seek greater stimulation. Of course the first group will reproduce, and the second will not, so over time genetics will sort it out. I am not sure if, in the long term, intervention is best. I am not sure you could even do it.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is officially recognized.

Funding deal for border would offer Trump $2 billion, and one report (possibly fake news) indicates he might accept it. Trump’s strategy is always to ask for far more than he wants. So if he really wanted a border funding deal, and not just to create a shutdown, then $5.7 billion would have been his ridiculously high initial offer, designed to make what he wanted seem reasonable. I’m still not sure he doesn’t want a second shutdown for tactical reasons though. And I do not see how Pelosi lets anything go through after taking the position she did. I have to think another shutdown is coming.

Elizabeth Warren is running in 2020.

44% of pro-choice voters oppose New York’s abortion law happening in their state.

Citizenship question on the Census does not need to be blocked, according to judge’s ruling.

Crowd cheers as two pedophiles are executed in Yemen. That is natural for humans.

A great feminist amygdala hijack on Facebook because it diminishes status, portrays helplessness, and violates expectations. Probably elicits vag tingles among the feminists too:

Notice the misspellings, indicating a lack of proofreading, and lack of caring – a Heartiste classic. I am not sure about that latest post, “Amused Mastery,” though that is at the top of his blog right now.

Weakened by scandal, VA governor Northam surrenders to GOP on tax cuts.

There is a petition to have government catalog and reveal the citizenships of our elected leaders.

Whitaker says it is deeply disturbing how CNN found out about the Stone raid.

Marines are conducting Urban Assault training in a Hawaii waterpark.

Bezos’ investigator thinks his leaked text messages came from a “Government Entity.” Again, that they would think that is most likely proof of Q, because if government intel was all on the same page, or at least operating towards the same ends, nobody would ever consider burning their asset Bezos, and Bezos would never think it could possibly have been them. Something is going on that goes beyond a mere turf war between agencies. Some entity is operating directly opposite to the ends of the others. However some have speculated Bezo’s investigator is referencing the Saudi’s as a government entity, but I would think he would make that clear, so as to not even begin to cast any suspicion of the public on the US surveillance state. Intel club’s first rule for everyone about Intel club is you do not talk about Intel club. Bezos would know that as an insider. I still think it was the girlfriend, but that is just based on generalizations and nothing specific. In that theory, sending her own vag pic was just cover, to throw suspicion away from her, and preserve her relationship with him.

Trump signals he may end his “Hire America” policy? Yes. But I have no doubt he is not about to bring in foreigners and increase American unemployment. Trump says this, and the mushy middle hears something out of the ordinary, which they didn’t expect. That flags amygdala, brings in the focus, and it becomes memorable – more so than a hundred incidents where Trump does what he is already known for, and where the amygdala was not flagged by a violation of expectation. Now what stands out in their memory is that Trump was open to immigration, and everyone was surprised how open to it he was. So when he continues limiting immigration, and Americans find a plethora of jobs with high salaries, those in the mushy middle who lean toward immigration will still see in Trump a potentially kindred spirit with an open mind on the issue who wants immigration. You will not see a normal leader do this, because they wholly ignore the fact that they face a pool of people, who think differently as a group, and who will respond disproportionately to that which they see that runs contrary to their expectation. You don’t convince one person, or not convince one person when dealing with a group. You can gain 3% of the population by what you do, or you say something innocuous that affects nothing, and gain 10% of the population, so you can do even more good elsewhere. Trump knows that, and being 100% mission focused, is not averse to using it.

Schiff is being called on to recuse himself from Trump investigations since his illicit meeting with Fusion GPS’s Simpson in Aspen. Valid demand. Is Schiff colluding with Fusion to take down Trump for the Democrats?

Rasmussen shows President Trump’s approval at a new high of 50% Approval, 49% disapproval. They say a good rule of thumb is 10% of the population supports Trump but is afraid to say so openly because the left is so unhinged.

Ocean Shipping rates plunge, which may signal an end to globalization. If we were getting screwed by trade deficits, that may be coming to an end.

Covington teens to sue Nathan Phillips for his lies against the kids.

This was why Tony Podesta’s firm was hit by Mueller. It was the nexus/go-between, between Hillary’s campaign and the Russians that were used to set up the Trump campaign for Russian collusion.

Trump approval up seven points in one week following State of the Union.

Spread r/K Theory, because as the God Emperor said, if you are going to think, think big.

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6 years ago

“FBI Anon says she is a plant who is on a mission to destroy the left. If so, she is worth every penny.”

Since when would the remnants of the Mueller/Rosenstein/Comey FBI wish to destroy the left?

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I don’t find this hard to believe. I thought something was up the moment she won her primary. The incumbent in that race was an experienced political operator who was next in line to be Dem leader. Just taking him out alone took out a capable operator. Replacing him with someone who galvanizes the goofballs, amuses conservatives, and startles the center is even better.

At the very least, the establishment shouldn’t have let that happen… unless they were somehow duped into believing a rapid dash for the finish line was a necessary strategy.

6 years ago

Hezbollah controls gold mines in Venezuela, opposition lawmaker revealed. And it’s reported in the Saudi Gazette. Who could doubt that? Next week the lawmaker will reveal that they tunneled all the way through from Gaza. What a nefarious plan.

6 years ago

I have a technical problem. Can’t subscribe to RSS feed – says it has no title

6 years ago

Another report said it was filled with gun and ammo, but no photos, which is unusual.

Or they are overhyping it, and it’s just some sewer pipe that they shot guns in that they are calling a “firing range” and the ammo stock pile is a couple of magazines that they dropped down a drain.

(Typed this before looking, and now they have photos showing exactly that.)

Pale Rider
6 years ago

Regarding troops training in Los Angeles and elsewhere, it is very possible that they have an actual op coming up in Los Angeles and similar locations. You know who has locations peppered throughout that City? MS13. It could very well be that Trump is moving on to the next phase of his actual War on Drugs. That is, he’s making an actual War. If he declares a national emergency and builds the wall, I would bet even money that he declares MS-13 and other such gangs enemy combatants and takes them out militarily. No more arrests, no more trials, no more DEA corruption. What’s more, no cabal enforcement wing. This might be the first step in the cold Civil War going hot, Trump using the military to take out the left’s foot soldiers.

6 years ago

Since 4th-trimester abortions are now “legal”, wouldn’t 150th-trimester abortions be just as “legal”? So, no more murder/manslaughter charges, right, Govs. Cuomo and Wortham?

6 years ago

> going back to the moon

Reagan said that. And Bush. And Clinton. And Bush. And, yes, even Obama. And after the campaigns were over, a couple of them asked NASA to look into it, at which point NASA (as always) said they would need GNP-level funding just to do a study, so nothing ever happened.

The Wheel and Moonbase were what the whole space program, at all of its billions in cost, was FOR. So that, no matter what country you were in, whenever you looked up, America would be looking back down. And then the Fed pulled the plug and shut it all down.

I hope there was some kind of back-room deal, that we got *something* in return for giving up the high ground. Though it’s probably more likely we got nothing…

Maybe we don’t need the sledgehammer-level propaganda value any more, but dammit, we were *promised* the Wheel and Moonbase, and we paid through the nose for them, only to have it all whisked away like the football in a Charlie Brown cartoon.

We need to disband NASA, turn the funding back over to the USAF whence it came, and tell Space Command to “make it so.”