News Briefs – 02/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Plane that disintegrated and fell into a house having a Superbowl Party was flown by a former Chicago PD Officer. Article contained this gem : “Chicago Police Department officials say they have no record of Pastini working for the force there, but Orange County sheriff’s deputies found a Chicago Police Department badge and retirement papers on him, Braun said.” Some have concluded they are false IDs, but today you never know. If he was going to be a whistle blower they might have wiped him to make it look like he was lying about his background.

Man stopped and fined by cops for hiding his face from facial recognition cameras.

This article on James Brown and his wife being murdered is a good vicarious method of exposing yourself to Cabal. You have to meet up with Cabal to believe it. Cabal is truly unimaginable if you were raised with the Myth. People can tell you it is out there, they can say it is bigger than you could ever imagine, they can tell you it does things you would never believe, but you will always have doubts, because it would mean the Myth you believed in was entirely false. And it is difficult to believe that you would ever fall for something that is entirely false, especially something this big, and something that defined the very essence of the world you lived in. So you have to encounter it to have the reality driven home. But even then you will tend to hold onto the Myth, because you will assume what you encountered was a small operation in the one small area where you encountered it. Notice here, she thinks the machine she ran into was just a small cell which supported James Brown. A cell which could break into her house and hardwire in state of the art surveillance for the time, and organize teams to follow her when she was out, and send in infiltrators to penetrate her social circles. A small cell which could make fellow victims change their stories, and claim to not remember traumatic things they would have to remember. A small cell which could organize murders, and even when the doctor thinks it was murder, even when friends are stealing blood from the corpse because they know it was murder, even when informants are laying bare exactly who was involved and how it was done – make it all entirely uninvestigable. A small cell that owns doctors and coroners and lawyers and judges and professionals in almost every field. A small cell that can even arrange for the LA coroner’s report to be one of a few that were accidently destroyed when a worker tried to scan them into digital format, so it could never be reviewed, and also cause the Police Report on the same incident to be purged and lost in an entirely different agency. Even the cell’s enemies get heart attacks at ridiculously young ages. Even a Cabal asset who tells one story that may reveal the truth, calls back a little later with a different story, as if Cabal knew what he had said, and called him to tell him to alter the story to be more in line with Cabal’s narrative, as if Cabal knew what he had said because they were listening in real time to the phone call. Sooner or later you start to notice that either there are a lot of these little cells, all over, all operating flawlessly according to the same playbook, occasionally helping each other out, and they go back millennia, or at some point those cells began to aggregate, and formed a massive supercell that permeated everywhere there was power, influence, money, and control. Strange CNN of all outlets ran this. I have to wonder if behind this story, somewhere in the shadows is Q, or Trump, or somebody from the Storm, setting the stage for full disclosure. Imagine Black America finding out their hero who finally made good, James Brown, was killed and robbed by some shadowy group living in some secluded redoubt in Europe – a group that had been victimizing all of America for most of its history, and killed Malcolm X, Whitney Houston, and Martin Luther King Jr. Imagine them hearing Donald Trump was the one man in the last Century who was both able to stand up to them, and willing to shoulder the massive risks. I could imagine no better way to unite all of America.

James Comey says there is zero chance Hillary will ever be charged over her email mishandling. Every State Department email of our most sensitive diplomatic information, many with classifications wrongly stripped off and mishandled, were CC’d to a foreign nation, and nothing happens?

If RBG can walk a mile a day and work out with her personal trainer, and even attend theater performances, surely she will be at the State of the Union.

First migrants from the latest Migrant Caravans were expected to reach the border on Monday or Tuesday.

China’s fake AI news anchors are eerily realistic. I could see a day in the future when people are lied to from birth about this technology even existing, and all of the “characters” they are familiar with on the news, and in movies, and in music, being fake AI-generated personalities which everyone thinks are real, and which say exactly what the government/Cabal wants everyone to hear. I could see everyone online being fully sandboxed – being served a custom AI-produced internet created just for them to simulate interaction, but designed to make sure every opinion you hear is Cabal-approved. So you go to a board, filled with Cabal-AI posts, you comment, and Cabal AI serves you a new page with your comments, and AI responses you think are real. I’ve wondered whether the woke today are being sandboxed. One Anon on Q’s board just reported being followed, and immediately got ten responses making fun of him, and claiming with authority that never happens. That is a little worrisome. There is no telling how many posts on Q’s board are real, and how many are narrative molders.

Google looks to meld Journalism and AI. Do you wonder why?

SAS troops banned from wearing the Punisher Skull – a symbol of Q. They claim it looks like a Nazi symbol, but clearly it isn’t that.

National Popular vote claims to be 3/5ths of the way to its goal of eliminating the Electoral college, without a Constitutional Amendment. Constitutional law professor says it is unconstitutional.

Sexual assault accuser of Virginia Lt Governor hires Christine Blasey-Ford’s legal team.

French Military strikes Convoy of unidentified fighters trying to enter Chad From Libya. Could France be striking our people on their way to a Cabal Training camp? Could be anything.

Apple has lost $450 billion in revenue since October. It is not a lagging economy or people out of work. Was Apple getting Cabal money laundered through it in return for market dominance and free mentions in the Cabal media?

Beto O’Rourke to test the 2020 waters in a meeting with Oprah.

Democrats go on record and vote in favor of infanticide.

New York Governor announces $2.3 billion budget shortfall. Journalists, Tech companies, state governments all seem unusually short on funds lately, and it isn’t the God Emperor’s blazing economy or smoking jobs market to blame.

Grassley says he expects Mueller’s report within a month. It was also supposed to come before the election. Either part of the plan is to rush Cabal’s response while Trump and company take their time, or things keep cropping up requiring adjustment of the plan.

There is a secret Republican plot to take down President Trump in 2020. Obviously it is not going well.

Scholar calls pedophilia an unchanging sexual orientation that should be accepted. Another advantage of r/K Selection Theory. If r/K is accepted, then pedophiles could have their orientation adjusted with the application of suitable K-stimuli, and if society accepts the superiority of K, they will recognize pedophilia must either be dealt with or purged from society.

The North Pole is moving so quickly it can no longer be used for precise navigation. Geological changes accompany the shift to K historically.

Russian Lobbyist involved in Trump Tower meeting received $500,000 in suspicious payments. Cabal pays its operative well for trying to overthrow a US election.

Roger Stone received a draft copy of his indictment from CNN, showing they had a copy of it prior to its sealed filing with the court.

DOE has lost terabytes of Enron data, and nobody knows where it had gone. Shades of Sandy Burger cleaning the files at the national archives with respect to 9/11.

Cindy McCain claims she saw human trafficking at the Phoenix Airport. So clearly she would never have anything to do with it.

Soil fungus blowing spores into the air and infecting Californians in ever increasing numbers.

Hotels are now having workers trained to operate as eyes and ears for the surveillance state. This is the opening act in Cabal’s recruitment process. The workers who can keep their mouths shut and be loyal to the machine, will then be moved up to junior operative. Cabal is everywhere.

Oregon has found lead in their school’s drinking water.

Seattle Washington has had lead in the drinking water. Q’s board had six or seven such stories from Massachusetts to Pensylvania. Lead does lower IQ.

Pharma Exec who falsified data to get a $100 million loan which collapsed a Puerto Rican bank found guilty of fraud. Why do I get the impression if Cabal was in full control he would have walked.

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic linked to Clinton/Oprah/ABC-loved Faith Healer John of God, who ran baby farms in South America. It is a global network.

Radical feminists are joining Conservatives over trans-men pretending to be women to take advantages from women and intrude on their privacy.

CBS says hunger is fueling Venezuela’s opposition to socialism. K-shifts are driven by that.

LA Residents frightened by Military Helicopters flying around LA with Special Forces rappelling out of them onto buildings and shooting. Military says it was just a common military exercise, and they should expect more.

Canada rehires immigration judge known as Dr No because of all the claims he denies.

US oil production will surpass Russia and Saudi Arabia by 2025.

Mass surveillance challenge proceeds to Europe’s highest human rights court.

Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox no longer contribute to Planned Parenthood.

Accuser of Virginia Lt Governor comes out of the shadows and goes public:

Was the White House twitter account trolling the Deep State with the Chan catchphrase, “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us?”

Spread r/K Theory, because sooner or later a Storm will be upon us.

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6 years ago

Regarding Apple: I think people just aren’t upgrading their phones. And Apple hasn’t invented the next new thing yet. People are sick of notifications and even if they do buy watches they don’t need new ones every year. Apple should do something like make 3D printers.

Reply to  Rob
6 years ago

And people are recognizing that since Jobs died, Apple is actively degrading. The phones that they are coming out with now are inferior designs. The screens break too much, they phones are too big, etc. I would “downgrade” to an iPhone SE form factor if they put the modern chips in it (which is why they won’t.)

When you “upgrade” you actually get a worse phone.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

The major issue with Jobs is her was perfectionist and knowledgeable of the psychology. Job’s real office can be found when you search for picture of him, with him at a desk filled with books on the psychology. Jobs was able to create flawless experience with product with realible technology. Last time I check, Apple could not innovate for the survival and Cook busy with underage boys in China.

Reply to  Thersites
6 years ago

Exactly. The technology is secondary to the experience. That is why Woz has never carried an iPhone. He’s not the target. Jobs never knew how to make a computer. He knew how to tell engineers what people wanted from the computers they were making (and what doesn’t matter, like floppy drives in 2000).

Plus, Jobs DGAF. One of the famous stories about the original iPhone was that he wanted it smaller, and the engineers insisted that it couldn’t be any smaller because of the battery requirements. He took the (one of only a few) prototype, and dropped into the aquarium in the meeting room.

“See those bubbles? That means there is room in there. Fill it.” So they redesigned the battery to fit the shape that was open, and made the whole thing smaller.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

China’s fake AI news anchors are eerily realistic. – Like Eliza Cassan from Deus Ex Human Revolution. It scary how much that game series is becoming reality in the real world.

Reply to  Rob
6 years ago

An Apple printer would only work by subscription, and would only print things you had to buy from the Apple Store. And when the new one came you’d have to throw away the old one because they wouldn’t support it any more.

6 years ago

> animated newscasters

There was Ananova back in 2000. Fairly cartoonish by modern standards, but it pushed the limit for dialup connections.

With CGI still improving rapidly, the the public’s indifference to video quality, I’m still predicting thatm other than live performances, “actor” will not be a viable profession after the first studios realize the cost savings of not having live actors.

6 years ago

“China’s fake AI news anchors are eerily realistic. ”

Why lie about them? If the smartphone proves anything, it’s that people are all to happy to pay a monthly fee for a homing beacon that actively spies on them without their knowledge for the sake of convenience and for having something shiny. Oh, yeah, and then there’s the cancer risk.

People chat with Siri and Alexa.

You don’t need to lie to people about everything. Sometimes they are perfectly happy lying to themselves.

6 years ago

Are the elites we’ve ever “beheaded” just the rejects, the links in the chain that were simply not worth adding? The ones who got impatient, whose arrogance blinded them to the real goal, who ultimately lacked the understanding to make peace with taking their place in the grand scheme that started before they were born and would continue long after they’re dead?

I’ve been starting to ponder if Satan saw the bargaining between Abraham and God as recorded in Genesis 18 and sought to breeding his own strain of righteous humans so as to try and broker a similar deal at the “end of times”, to show that he could fix the “flaws” that God couldn’t or wouldn’t.

The secular fixation on “perfecting” or “purifying” humanity cannot be accidental.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

What you’re describing of the Cabal indicates that it is a rhizome structure. For more information, see Jeff Vail’s A THEORY OF POWER.

Reply to  No Name
6 years ago

Seems like a low grade intellect trying to bafflegab even lower grade intellects. There is no there there.

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

None of those Chink AI’s will ever come close to Max Headroom!

Just sayin

6 years ago

”Radical feminists are joining Conservatives over trans-men pretending to be women to take advantages from women and intrude on their privacy.”

Untrustworthy still. And likely will backstab if given the chance.