News Briefs – 02/05/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

A Utah Republican is pushing a common sense Red Flag law to confiscate firearms. If they want to do this, then we should allow confiscation of cars if anyone alleges you drink to excess occasionally, seizure of homes if anyone ever alleges you like to play with matches (which could catch neighbor’s houses on fire when yours burns down), and preemptive jailing if anyone ever alleges you might have sex without consent, threaten a politician, or utter the words, “I’ll kill you!” If we can prevent just one rape…

A great 15 minute video on just how much bullshit the Covington Teen story was, and just how fake the Fake News is:

Muslim Community Patrols in New York will have NYPD-like cruisers and NYPD uniforms. Do these community patrols have any authority to issue lawful orders? I could see being confused if they have NYPD-like uniforms and NYPD-like Cruisers:

30 year old Crypto-exchange founder unexpectedly dies, taking with him the passwords to the $190 Million his customers had stored with him. When you are under, Cabal catches keystrokes. So all they had to do is put him down, and it’s a cool $200 mil. See how not knowing how it works can cost you?

American Crypto Anarchist killed in Mexico. Note to self, if government wants to kill you, do not go to places referred to as “Murder Capitols.” At best you are doubling your chances of getting your ticket punched.

NBC says Russia is trying to promote Tulsi Gabbard, proves it using firm that was just caught fabricating Russian Data for the Democrat Party.

Britain wants you to inform on anyone who might try to buy a hammer. Could be a trick. You call, and the guy says, “Oi you popper! Do you have a license to inform?” And they’ve got you.

Woman who exposed Celebrity/Clinton/ABC/Oprah faith-healer John of God, who was apparently running a baby farm out in the boondocks, is found dead, and Media has blacked it out, except for Daily Mail which says she committed suicide.

Migrant Funeral Home Burglar in Britain had sex with two female corpses. I just keep hearing the God Emperor’s voice saying, “They are not sending us their best, people. They are not sending us their best.”

Sharyl Attkisson points out there are still disreputable elements in the intelligence community which are still waging a covert war against Donald Trump.

There is a molehunt in the White House after the President’s private schedule leaks.

Expert warns, 5G could cause cancer. I’ll bet it can be concentrated in nodes through constructive interference from behind a desk in DC, and will be used to kill.

Senate Democrats panic, saying Trump can draw upon $35 Billion to build the wall if he declares an emergency, so they try to pass a law to stop him.

Another article about the threat of your data being harvested and interlinked in databases. This is bad, no doubt. But there is much, much worse, because (((They))) are not just passively accumulating electronic tidbits about you. It is much more personal and intrusive – and in search of things you want to keep private. And that is what will freak everyone out.

Biden leads in Iowa Caucuses.

Man leads security on a chase and is then shot while holding a mysterious cylindrical object at nuclear facility. I wonder if they could program an MK Ultra windup toy to go into a radioactive zone to get them radioactive materials like some sort of human bomb-disposal robot.

Border residents fear retaliation from Cartels if they report crimes they see. Truth be told, Cabal would be a bigger threat.

Canadian Province offered universal basic income, decided it didn’t work and stopped, and now it is being sued, because people depended on that income.

French Police caught on tape saying to shoot Yellow Vests.

Ginsberg supposedly makes first public appearance at a feminist museum, but no photography was allowed so apparently nobody snapped a picture, and she didn’t say anything. So convenient all these leftist feminists can tell us she is fine.

Britain preparing an exit strategy for the Queen, in the event there is Brexit Unrest. Why is the Queen so worried? My guess is they were going to create her escape plan for the Storm, but they were worried the plans would leak, so this is the cover story.

Man sues parents for giving birth to him without his consent. I wonder how this would work as an asset strategy to avoid inheritance taxes. If the parents don’t defend, and he gets a $10 million dollar judgement, that might be a good way to avoid the government grabbing its share when his parents die.

Fake News:

Federal Prosecutors subpoena Trump inaugural committee. You can’t judge this, because Trump was an active target of the Intelligence agencies, so this would also be the only way to dig into Trump’s operations, and figure out who the traitors were, and document their treason.

This long read is filled with a mix of allegations and facts, the possibilities of which will blow your mind. Serial Killer Henry Lee Lucas may have been recruited by serial killer Otis Toole (who says he killed John Walsh’s son) into a CIA-run Satanic Cult which was really a combo of mind control experiment to traumatize kids for other mind control experiments, and a method of organizing hidden assassinations mixed in with killings by the trained serial killers it produced. Lucas also claims he was friends with Jim Jones, and was tasked with delivering the poison Jones used to kill everyone in his cult (itself probably a CIA experiment). It sounds crazy, until you see a Sheriff talking about how well Lucas was treated in Prison and all the unusual perks he got, and how George W. Bush, who did executions left and right, decided to spare Lucas, of all people, (His only commutation). Also includes a report by a coroner who said many of the Jim Jones cult members showed signs of forcible injections, strangulations, and even gunshot wounds, as if somebody mopped up survivors. The possibilities of this one were too much for my brain to process in one sitting. Final question – of two possibilities, which is more likely – 913 people all, to a one, willingly decided to commit suicide by drinking poison, or the media lied to Americans about it?

Patriots “Reagan” play call means “Run to the Right.” I will admit to just a little sigh of relief when the Patriots beat the Goatheads.

Gavin McInnes sues SPLC.

GI bacteria absence linked to depression. There will probably also be some microbes releasing compounds which depress, as well as releasing metabolites which poison the good microbes. I have known this mechanism was the best explanation for this for ages, and I will bet there are thousands of others who have as well. I will also bet if Cabal was still going strong, this would never have gotten any publicity, the results would have been buried and not pursued, the researchers would have gradually been demoted to ineffectual positions, and the depressed would continue to have been pumped full of antidepressants.

Immigrant rights attorneys and journalists denied entry into Mexico to assist the migrant caravan. The Mexican President spent decades under hostile surveillance coverage courtesy of Cabal down there, and now it appears he and Trump are on the same page, despite his leftism, and Donald Trump’s Conservatism.

Historians say the Musical Hamilton is bullshit.

Dems have gone so far extreme, that even Never-Trumpers are feeling as if they will have to vote for The God Emperor. Once you cross that line, and accept Trump it is very hard to not begin to like him. If they are beginning to accept him now, they will love him by 2020. Except for the Cabalites, but hopefully they will be locked up by 2020.

FBI raids Huawei lab.

Mohammed Bin Salman hails the success of his anti-corruption probes. But only $100 billion recouped for the Kingdom? Might not be the full story.

Nine European Nations now recognize Guaido as the legitimate interim President of Venezuela.

Maduro writes to the Pope for help.

Classified Briefing held on the border to apprise lawmakers of why the wall is needed. FBIAnon said something really bad almost made it across the border, and it would shock everyone. Sounded like a bioweapon, a chem weapon, a dirty bomb, or maybe even a backpack nuke.

Outsider wins El Salvador Presidency, breaking two-party rule. It does seem as if there is a new Sheriff in town, and he is flushing out the old guard.

Alabama Supreme Court rules unborn baby is a person. Technically, a Supreme Court Justice is not allowed to review a court proceeding from before they were confirmed, and render a vote on a case. So if Ginsberg is at home and does not take part in a hearing, is she still allowed to vote from home? And should she have to video herself to assure everyone it is not someone else voting for her?

Pennsylvania Union Boss indicted, and the Democrats are worried – they need that machine.

Virginia Lt Governor is hit with graphic Sexual Assault allegation in the WaPo. Who is third in line of succession in Virginia? Republican Steven Newman. The God Emperor strikes again.

Iran is hiding its economic numbers, because they are so bad it fears they might set off a revolution.

There were more than 270 protests in Iran in January.

Spread r/K Theory, because in a world of lies, nothing will blow your mind like the truth.

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Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

I heard that the original FBIanon died in that unusual Tesla car crash that was splashed all over the news a couple years ago. If the new FBIanon really is with the FBI, be careful out there FBIanon.

6 years ago

Regarding the Queen’s emergency exit plans, the post below on Vox’s site talks about the Queen supporting Brexit.

What do you make of that since it doesn’t seem to jibe with the Royals running the Cabal theory.

Reply to  Cyrus
6 years ago

My personal opinion of who is in charge……..You have never seen nor heard of them. The Royals are at least one layer of abstraction from the real people in charge.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Saw it claimed by “inthematrixxx” that the “Payseurs” EMPLOY the Rothschilds… or at least the foundations set up with Daniel Payseurs fortune..via his 3 daughters.

Son of Marie Antoinette, smuggled out of France to the US with her dosh… bought all the railroads etc


See also Q post 1970
Assume that’s Q confirming [P] = Payseurs

Reply to  Cyrus
6 years ago

Our Queen doesn’t run anything as such. Better described as a Gatekeeper. She is the living human representative of The Crown, which is a Corporation and not to be confused with the Monarchy. The reigning Monarch is like the Marketing Director for the Company, if you like. She promotes our country for the benefit of The Crown and gets paid to do it.

Her ‘power’ is purely ceremonial. Whenever she goes into the City of London, she has to ask for permission to enter. Therefore she is not the true power in this country. The CoL is a City State like the Vatican in Rome.

This goes back centuries and as I have commented before she isn’t British, she is of Germanic origin from the Welf/Welph family. Another one that originates in Bavaria. When the last English Monarch, Queen Anne died, without a legitimate heir, the Government of the day invited William and Mary to take up the ‘Crown’. They were Dutch from the House of Orange. They were followed by our fist German Monarch, George I. Prince Philip is from the Mountbatten family, part of the Greek Royal family. All European Royals are inter-related.

AC is correct. There are layers above the Royals to the pinnacle of their pyramid. Anons looking into this and Q’s posts seem to point to a member (Head) of the Payseur family as being the Chair at the top. That person answers to The Master. Who is The Master, is the big question? I’m sure we all have our own opinions on that.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago
6 years ago

UK Man Fined By Cops After Avoiding Facial Recognition Scan.

Reply to  Bonaventure
6 years ago

His fine was actually for telling the officers to piss off. Which is interesting, since we watch a fair amount of British TV, and the BBC doesn’t seem to think there’s any problem with broadcasting those words in any number of programs.

Of course, the BBC is a government outfit, and “rules for thee, not for me” might apply.

6 years ago

Ginsberg supposedly makes first public appearance at a feminist museum, but no photography was allowed so apparently nobody snapped a picture, and she didn’t say anything.

Holy shit. They actually went full Weekend at Bernies. I wasn’t convinced she was dead until this stunt. I figured it was just as likely that she was just dying, but now they are propping up lookalikes in the distance.

Woman who exposed Celebrity/Clinton/ABC/Oprah faith-healer John of God, who was apparently running a baby farm out in the boondocks, is found dead, and Media has blacked it out, except for Daily Mail which says she committed suicide.

CDAN Blind here.

6 years ago

Nothing to see here… please disperse.

Loud booms in downtown L.A.? That was a U.S. Army training exercise

6 years ago

Henry Lee Lucas and others examined in depth here:

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago


The jews have had their own security infrastructure in the UK for years. Wearing a similar uniform and driving similar cars to the police.