News Briefs – 02/04/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Anybody else notice Adam Levine’s big butterfly tattoo on the side of his abdomen at the Superbowl? Why would a guy get a butterfly tattoo, unless it was somehow symbolic of something? Also looks like a child with angel wings on his right pectoral.

Some F35s have serious structural issues which could ground them after only a quarter of their expected airworthiness time. Could that be Chinese Steel, or were the Chinese screwing with other metals as well.

El Chapo paid $5,000 for underaged girls, took them to his ranch, and called them his “vitamins” for “life.” They are assuming he was using them for sex. Was he using them for sex, or was he doing something else, ritualistic or biochemical with them? El Chapo was clearly a property of Cabal, Inc.

Hawaii introduces 3 bills which would make nearly all firearms into assault weapons. I suspect it is a red herring to draw attention from Red Flag Laws, which are the primary threat.

Avenatti will not be charged. Could be he wasn’t guilty, or could be his Cabal membership card bought him a pass. Notice how you cannot tell.

Female infidelity is rising, with some saying 50% of women cheat. This is high r. Tell your sons to marry early, because after college, with 50% of women cheating, and divorce happening for more reasons than just infidelity, I assume the chances of long term marriage are not good.

Russian Navy introduces new Dazzler defense which uses lasers to blind, disorient, make nauseous, and trigger hallucinations.

Britain sees 15 acid attacks every week. Children as young as six are doing them, and one victim was just two years old.

A strangely credible sounding account of a satanic priest who claims the church of satan is like a favor agency for the rich and famous, casting spells to get favors from satan, and that they are given access to abortion clinics and use abortions as human sacrifices for spells to strengthen their magic. It doesn’t matter whether that mechanism is plausible or accurate scientifically or not. If they believe it, even as part of some program of deception by the Architects to get blackmail material and maintain control, it would happen. And it appears somebody is gathering blackmail material and exerting control.

Border Patrol agent called to check immigration status of one person, gets out of her cruiser and is hit by another possibly drunk illegal and killed.

This makes me wonder if enduring Cabal programming that is designed to subvert your natural urges creates “bugs” in your programming that make you less happy:

Iran brags about its missile development, then a fire in Iran’s Space Center kills three.

Le Pen accuses the EU of trying to start Civil War in Ireland over Brexit terms.

Michigan residents accused of plotting to kidnap child from county fair, then rape and burn him alive

A left-wing media mafia is ruling Silicon Valley using critical media articles. These liberals run a critical article, and Silicon Valley jumps to please them. What is unsaid is what Silicon Valley thinks is behind the left-wing media mafia, and giving them their talking points. The truth probably is Cabal is panicking as it loses control, and using the left-wing Cabal media to order Silicon Valley to clamp down on opposition.

Patriots are called the preferred team of White Nationalists. Or rather, the Rams are the team of the SJW’s. Further associating the Rams with the Goatheads. No idea what the reason is, but it feels like somebody may be doing some sort of Ericksonian theme creation to program society to see this battle. What the logic would be if they are, I have no idea

Italian Prime Minister caught on a hot mic conspiring with Merkel to share intelligence on Salvini, who he says is against all of their EU shitbaggery.

Macron blames Yellow Vests on Russia and social media. They are trying to poison their own leftists against Russia, turning the very name of the nation into a trigger word, I suspect because they still have hopes of holding control, and one day triggering a war with Russia.

Chinese are pulling out of US Real Estate. A sign of hostilities to come perhaps? Might be a cold war brewing there.

Hillary’s emails were hacked as far back as 2011, and FBI covered it up. But they will tell us the 2016 hack was all Trump and Russia teaming up to subvert an election. And on top of it the rumor is Hillary’s emails were all being CC’d by malware to China.

Newsweak tries to sell the line that Don Jr will be indicted, and will then ensnare the President, even though Hillary’s camp arranged the meeting, and his phone calls were to business associates and not the campaign.

McConnell tells Trump they may vote to block his National Emergency. WTF.

Flashback – last year people were puzzling over a strange technologically sophisticated and well funded enemy who was attacking Russian bases. Ran a swarm of armed drones deep into Russian-controlled territory to launch a coordinated attack on a Russian base. It wasn’t Trump or Assad’s enemies, not Assad, and too sophisticated for ISIS. Apparently there was another unknown, wealthy, technologically sophisticated enemy on the battlefield who could launch remote attacks from hundreds of miles away using coordinated armed Drones.

Glenn Greewald says this:

That is true. And yet, Greenwald himself was a part of Snowden’s Cabal operation to damage NSA, and then he fled to Brazil. At the time, not knowing of Cabal, I assumed what was going on in the USA was some high-ranking Intelligence executives seizing power behind the scenes, so I looked at Greenwald and thought perhaps Brazil would be a potential safe-zone to flee to if things ever got too hot. However we now know Brazil was a hotbed of leftist Cabal corruption. So Greenwald, with Snowden, lashed out at legit US intel and then fled to a Cabal safe-zone where legit US Intel could not touch him. And he now attacks Bolsonaro, who is purging Cabal from Brazil. So things may not always necessarily be as they seem. This makes me wonder if Trump has seized control of the Cabal Machine, and now Greenwald is looking to begin to tear it down.

Patriots beat the Goatheads.

New Hashtag – #AuditPlannedParenthood:

Virginia Republicans defeat the abortion-until-birth law.

Venezuela’s Guaido urges more Military to ally with him and ditch Maduro.

Maduro’s deadline to call new elections ends, at which point Germany, France, Britain, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Belgium recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as president.

LGBT community outraged as John Hopkins psychiatrist says Trannies are mentally ill and sex changes are impossible. I really believe if you wanted to fix these people you would find some way to exercise the malformed brain structures and fix their psychosexual dysfunction by normalizing their brain. Trying to lift all stress and follow their aberrant urges only further atrophies the amygdala, increases their urges/disatisfactions, and worsens their unhappiness.

Central African Republic and 14 armed groups all suddenly reach a peace deal. Did Cabal pull out of the area, perhaps due to resource shortage?

Among Democrats Trump is as popular as Bernie Sanders, and almost as popular as Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

Trump promotes soccer as a youth sport over football. I do wonder if it is better for the country to keep kids from enduring head traumas, as a way of increasing the nation’s total IQ.

Trump says that we have to get out of these endless wars. Think the big money defense contractors want to hear that? Trump is the first President who doesn’t answer to them. Trump will save the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of K-strategists, just through that – to say nothing of the Millions which would have been lost to the coming world war Hillary had planned.

Trump is optimistic North Korea will give up nukes.

Nice little video showing how the Wall is being built right now. It is a big beautiful wall.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the goatheads just can’t win.

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6 years ago

Found this tidbit on Kurdish women leftists in Syria(From the same state where so called Women Soldiers fought ISIS):

”Beyond the huge participation of women in the YPJ and security forces, the women’s movement is achieving great things in civil society. As well as achieving legislative change — for example passing laws banning forced marriages and LEGALIZING ABORTION — at the grassroots level a whole series of women’s centres, educational programs, organising groups, and newspapers and radio stations have been created.”

Rojava women call for a Yes vote in tomorrows abortion referendum in Ireland. The graffiti in Irish reads ‘No Freedom until Women’s Freedom.’

6 years ago

”Female infidelity is rising, with some saying 50% of women cheat. This is high r. Tell your sons to marry early, because after college, with 50% of women cheating, and divorce happening for more reasons than just infidelity, I assume the chances of long term marriage are not good.”

They would also have to marry younger women who have not been corrupted by promiscuity out of high school if this continues.

The men still have to have the capabilities to support a family before marriage. Its no good to marry early on the part of the men without the adequate capacity to provide provisions and leadership.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Soccer is un-American.

(a) It’s a brown person’s sport. We have too much brown culture as is.
(b) The only Whites who like it are Europeans. I love my European ancestry, but not the r-infested modern Euro hivemind culture that also adores soccer.
(c) The only Americans who play it are young children and college women (and the latter is only because Title IX forced colleges to spend as much on women’s sports as they were spending on football and basketball. Because women don’t even like playing most sports, colleges chose soccer because women are basically grown children and can be enticed to play soccer, an easy game that appeals to women because you just hand off the ball to a teammate when an enemy charges you).
(d) Unlike in American football, which rewards planning and cognitive ability, soccer requires little more than athletic ability and luck (how many goals are cheap shots taken when the goalie is in an inconvenient spot?)

Put concisely, soccer has no qualities that bring us together as a nation, and it adds nothing to our national identity as pioneers, innovators, and people willing to endure adversity to reach our goals.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

And we mustn’t forget that soccer is infamous for players’ pretending to be critically injured (pro players!) any time they lightly brush against an opposing player. Ow! Referee! Somebody do something! Kick out this man who did nothing wrong!

Antifa is more honorable

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Baseball is All-American.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Okay, that anecdote wins some sort of prize.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

I used to hang out with a rookie wrestler (indie, no contract). We were, IIRC, actually on the way to a “Backyard” underground wrestling thing. Rent a ring, set it up literally in someone’s back yard, charge a $5 cover, record it on an SVHS camcorder, and then bust light tubes across each other’s backs and sell the tapes on the internet (yes, it was that long ago.)

So, we were in the Taco Bell drive thru. My buddy driving, the wrestler in the passenger seat regaling us about the time a certain wrestler some of you know gave him his first set of wrestling boots, which he was wearing that night. Drive thru girl hands over drinks, driver gets his straw, and blows the wrapper off in the wrestler’s face (as teenagers do).

So he sold it.

He’s writhing and screaming and holding his face and just chewing the scenery. Drive thru girl screams, loses her shit, drops the other two drinks, starts screaming for someone to call 911, and it took us an extra 5 min to convince her that he was OK and to actually hand over our food. Over a paper straw wrapper.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Unlike in American football, which rewards planning and cognitive ability, soccer requires little more than athletic ability and luck (how many goals are cheap shots taken when the goalie is in an inconvenient spot?)

I’m invoking Dunning-Kruger here. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

American Football (hereout “football” because when we take over their sport we are changing it to our name and football will remain our football) rewards planning and cognitive ability of the coaching staff and a couple of the players. The majority of the lineup just goes out and runs a preset plan. They could easily be replaced by a wind-up toys. That is why you see a disproportionate number of of black players (lower average IQ) on the line, and an equally disproportionate lack of black quarterbacks and coaches. Note that this is the state in the midst of an AA push to get any and all black coaches and quarterbacks that they can find, with literally tens of millions of dollars as a reward for shoving a black coach into position. There are not more because qualified black coaches simply do not exist beyond the current levels — in a country where every black male is absolutely inundated with football culture and sees the NFL as the pinnacle of success.

Soccer requires a much higher level of planning and cognitive level on the field because each players is responsible for positioning himself independently, and when plays are run (and they are) it’s up to the players to find their place in it on the fly and work out their own audibles. This is why you rarely see more than 1 or 2 Africans on a European team — the other players can react to the dumb shit that the athletic Africans do, and put that athleticism to use, but once more than there are a couple on the field, the whole team breaks down and suddenly you’re seeing youth rec soccer against a professional club. So they don’t have more than 2 or so Africans on the field.

As for “cheap shots” — the whole point of all the play is to get the goalkeeper in the wrong spot and outflank him. That’s called planning and is the point of the sport. It’s what the offense is trying to do and the defense is trying to prevent. It’s like calling a pass to an open receiver a cheap shot because there wasn’t a back there to compete for the ball.

The only reason it looks like luck is because you don’t know how the game is played.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

” an easy game that appeals to women because you just hand off the ball to a teammate when an enemy charges you”

You’re describing The NFL there!

In ENGLAND where the game was invented we use our feet…and don’t “hand off the ball”…that’s why we call it FOOTball…

Why do you call it football?

Reply to  Mr_Twister
6 years ago

Why do you call it football?

In it’s early and primitive forms, the ball was advanced primarily by kicking. This was overtaken by lateral passes (what turned into handoffs) and forward passes later on, but you still see vestiges of it in the kickoff, punting, and field goals.

FWIW, I agree with the original idea that football is more strategic/cerebral than soccer, but virtually all of that load is on the coaches and QB. The average player just does what he’s told by someone smarter than him. It’s more cerebral for fans to watch, but soccer requires more of each player and punished the team more for having dumbshits in the lineup.

I mean, Leon Lett was one of the greatest tackles of all time. But he was also Leon Lett.

6 years ago

Trans-gendered being an issue is in of itself an issue… of education:

The Dunning-Kruger effect where people misunderstood that certain mechanisms within the body are on a spectrum of male to female, where nature as it experiments with everything sometimes errs… to idiots this means it is natural–and once this line of thinking is in their head good luck getting it out until they personally pay for it.

It has been painful to watch this unfold for the past 30 years, where the belief from academics in the humanities, that trans-gendered is normal because they misunderstood information from the sciences. That information is then improperly taught in the humanities courses. So we now have a generation of humanities students believing something not true.

A standard in education to change might be going back to the idea that not everyone is fit for higher education–some aren’t fit for a high school education for that matter, but apparently we still let them teach at the collegiate level.

6 years ago

There is no reason to think the powerful would not be trying to get favors out of something presenting itself as supernatural, even if it is evil.

You recall the story of the “curse” on Jayne Mansfield? As the story went, she and her beau visited Anton laVey looking to persuade him to perform some kind of helpful hex. During the visit she allegedly said something he took offense to, and “cursed” her. Shortly thereafter she died in a freak car accident.

6 years ago

Why would a guy get a butterfly tattoo, unless it was somehow symbolic of something? Also looks like a child with angel wings on his right pectoral.

The butterfly is a pedo logo:

But it could also be that he’s just a limp wristed wimp.

The “angel” is a standard enlightenment era representation of a cherub.

6 years ago

Trump says that we have to get out of these endless wars. Think the big money defense contractors want to hear that? Trump is the first President who doesn’t answer to them. Trump will save the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of K-strategists, just through that – to say nothing of the Millions which would have been lost to the coming world war Hillary had planned.

Two words: Yemen, Venezuela. I didn’t lose faith in him yet, but it looks like the trump whites hats who put him on office are partly Cabal or don’t have the control Q claims they do. I wanted to believe that his appointments were 3d chess – perhaps they were a way to extract info from Cabal, but I’m starting to think Trump is just a speed bump.

6 years ago

Ha! I bet one of the reasons black players are so predominant in football is because, quite frankly, so many of them exhibit TBI-like behavior premorbidly, how would you know the difference. No big loss.

6 years ago

AC, did you watch the Super Bowl halftime show?

There was a really weird section where a demonic voice rapped in the background.


Reminded me of your concept of Cabal messaging.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

The interesting thing about Avenatti is that it really does seem as if his initial arrest and other problems at the time were Cabal caused events. One gets the impression that he may have gone too far with his antics, particularly during Kavanaugh, and received a message telling him to shut up. Also, Cabal knows that just having you arrested is enough to be very embarrassing.

He was once noisy in a good way, he went too far, and he received a public spanking. With that over they probably feel he won’t step out of line again.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…I really believe if you wanted to fix these people you would find some way to exercise the malformed brain structures and fix their psychosexual dysfunction by normalizing their brain…”

My apologies if I heard this here but I read, somewhere, that physicians had some success treating homosexuals and transgenders with drugs used on schizophrenics.