News Briefs – 02/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Castalia House Publishing fully wiped from Amazon. Can’t even deal with customer service because their account was cleanly wiped out of the database, so it is as if they never even had an account. (((They))) are scared. I do not think this is simply one lone SJW. All of these platforms are far more panicked than they would be just because of Trump. Twitter is reportedly silently killing distribution of tweets to followers and banning accounts, google is erasing sites on its blacklist from its search index, and now Amazon has erased an entire publisher. Somebody is pulling out all the stops. And believe it or not, this is nothing compared to what would have happened had Hillary won. No shit, Vox would have been killed in a car accident. Castalia direct is still up here, and Arkhaven is here, so his books are still available. And I have a feeling there will be a legal bloodletting when this is all over. [Update : Amazon backed down and reinstated the account, probably from a backup.]

Interesting link from the comments on a girl who was looking into something funky in the court who ended up dead. Note that if they were to use thru-wall tech, of which there are accounts of biological effects short of death, they would have shown up and seen a body inside, and not have known who it was and hit it. The tech out there is scary, and any chance at freedom will not exist from this point going forward unless people are allowed to know what is out there and purchase defenses and countermeasures to it. Anything short of that is merely helplessness at the mercy of those rich enough and powerful enough to tap into the tech. And of course, recognize the issue of programming. You are programmed to subconsciously operate as if you live in a world where you can write an article and reveal a little corruption at the local court, because the small ring of operators at that small court will not have the world-class tech, or manpower, or super-spook ability to hit you easily with no cost. Or you can reveal a little tidbit about a pedophile ring on 8Chan, and the cost/benefit ratio for killing you would be too low, because they would need to fly somebody out to you, and do prep, and bring in tools, and so on. But what if they are all part of a massive, interlinked, decades, if not centuries,-old global network that has the most elite resources at their disposal? What if they can hit our CIA operators, and our CIA can’t stop it, because their elite contractor-tech they own was never given to our CIA? What if they could just ring the guy down the street, and he already had all he needed, as well as control of all the government apparatus to keep it under wraps. There will be variation. Some places are more dangerous than others. But even so, you live in a more dangerous world, where the dangerous have less constraining them, than you have been raised all your life to expect.

FBIAnon was back on 4Chan. He says according to wiretaps, the Democrat are planning something dramatic before the State of the Union to embarrass Trump, but Trump knows and is ready. Kamala Harris and Feinstein both have enough dirt to be locked away for life, and Feinstein really was a Chinese spy. And in a previous post yesterday he said something really bad almost made it across the border, and Trump might declassify and mention it at the State of the Union. He also predicts at least a mention of Brennan and Comey during the SOTU and a smile, as a reference to what is coming, if Trump does not actually talk about the indictments. RBG is bad and is coughing up blood, will last about 90 days. The State of the Union will be historic, The surveillance done to the Trump family will be shocking, and Strzok was in Iran at some point working for the Iranian government. [Ed reminder – Strzok’s dad did missionary work in Africa, IRC, and had all the hallmarks of a spook. Strzok grew up in Iran and speaks fluent Persian, and it was rumored he was actually a CIA officer who lateraled into FBI without ever going to Quantico because Brennan wanted to be sure he had FBI on a leash.] If I ran were to recruit a US asset they might have had the relationships with Strzok, and being Cabal, it might not have even been betraying his true master. Either way, we now can verify if FBIAnon is a LARP.

Another anon has claimed Comey, and Brennan’s indictments will come in about a week. Clapper is getting indicted for Treason in about two weeks, and the Clinton Foundation’s indictments will hit about the same time. But that is more questionable than FBIANon, who I do not know, though at least some believe in him.

Still no Q posts.

Trump says of the State of the Union, “We have a great story to tell, and great goals to achieve.” If I was Cabal, looking down the barrel of the President’s gun on just about every policy decision he is making, and I knew I was the entire focus of his Presidency right now, that might sound different to me. Especially if I knew the kickoff to the Storm was nigh.

Remember the gay couple that Ruth Bader Ginsberg married? They were just charged with raping a young man at a party. Drugged the young man, and he woke up with a sore, bleeding anus.

Largest fentanyl bust ever at the border, 254lbs.

In layoffs, Buzzfeed is protecting whites, and axing minorities and LGBTs.

Rumors of American Helicopters sighted near the Venezuelan border in Colombia. Also rumors of military hardware moving on the ground toward the border.

With Cyber-hacking tool Karma, used by former NSA contractors in UAE, all they needed to hack your iPhone was your phone number or email.

Libyan Prime Minister says there are 800,000 migrants preparing to take off for Europe.

Rep Shelly Moore Capito says it is important to avoid hot-button words as they work for a border deal, and adds she thinks Concrete wall is a hot-button word. Could be nothing, But one thing Q’s board has noted is how Cabal members have seemed to work the word “Concrete” into tweets, article titles, and publicly reported comments. The theory is it is some sort of code word to Cabal leadership indicating something.

Again, Trump would not take it unless he sees a much bigger opportunity to really fuck everyone’s shit up later. ITZ coming.

Mortal salience:

That is a rough position to be in. You have to balance hitting hard to back them off, and not escalating to the point of taking it hot. On the other hand the Security Forces need to be careful too because he could be the next President. We could be heading to worse than that. We are very close to an inflection point, and from that point we will either rapidly return to full freedom, or we will slip into the worst dictatorship possible, probably followed by a very brutal civil war. And there is no guarantee we will win, thanks to the massive amounts of intelligence they have gathered on all of us over the past two decades. If they decide to decapitate the resistance and then round up the freedom lovers, they already know who we all are and have enough awareness that nothing short of a full on, instantaneous blitzkrieg attack by patriots on DC would stand any chance, and even then, the military would need to very quickly take our side.

Venezuela plans to send more gold to UAE in return for euro cash. Maduro is preparing to bolt.

Planned Parenthood spent $3 million on the Virginia Governor who wants to abort newborn babies. One anon on Q’s board hypothesized that this new push to abort newborns is to shock conservatives into supporting federal controls over abortion, as a way to try and save Planned Parenthood, who is on the ropes in state courts. Roe appears to be about to die courtesy of the Supreme Court, which means states will begin making their own decisions on abortion, which numerically means most states will end abortion. And once they do, they will not want to fund PP in other states, so PP funding ends, as does the sale of body parts, and all those Democrat contributions that turned into. If these few states with post-birth abortion can trick conservatives into creating federal law on it, they may be able to bargain back to early abortion in all states federally, and thereby get Planned Parenthood funded again in all states.

California parents sue to get left wing indoctrination on inclusivity blocked in their kids schools.

Flashback – Obama made NSA share raw Sigint, including on Americans, with Israel. You see how Cabal infiltrated all these allies, then had them share intel to get around spying on citizens.

San Francisco may ban facial recognition technology. Sounds great, except for two things. Cabal ignores all laws (indeed, the government there has no idea what is being run now, as the article says), and this may prevent citizens from running their own facial recognition, which is the only danger Cabal will face from the citizenry as things stand now.

Rhode Island Governor vows to sign bill authorizing abortions up until birth. Adds to New York and Virginia.

NASA confirms a Solar Minimum is coming. These things parallel the shift from r to K.

USA powerlifting bans all transgenders. Dark to light and r to K.

Trump allies think Ruth Ginsberg is dead or deathly ill. It is very simple, we just demand proof of life.

If Trump wasn’t choreographing, I’d say we should demand to know a date by which she will be back, or an explanation why the seat should remain unoccupied indefinitely. It has been 54 days since any official proof of life was provided.

339 Arrests across southern California in Sex-trafficking ring bust that included victims as young as six.

Trump would lose 43% of his support if he did not build the wall. That is entirely because he has hyped it this much, which should show that we are getting the wall.

Donald Trump praises talent of Patriots ahead of Super Bowl. So it is Trump and the Patriots, against the Goatheads. Again, an Eriksonian theme which parallels things elsewhere you will see in your life. It is possible you are still watching a movie that parallels your life, just hopefully the writing staff has been replaced mid season, and before the big finale.

Democrat official in Stamford charged with ballot fraud.

Democrats worry that President Trump’s support among Latinos remains strong.

33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting. I do not remember these under Obama.

House gives a standing ovation as Kevin McCarthy reads off the names of American victims of illegal alien crime. He shamed the left into it, which shows they know they are on the run, and it is a touchy topic they can’t misstep on.

Reminder, Herman Cain is no friend of fiat, and wants the Gold Standard.

You can click the pic for the article:

Trump re-nominates two additional Conservative judicial nominees for ninth circuit, nixing any potential deal with Feinstein and Harris. Say whatever you want about Trump, he always comes through. It does seem he occasionally toys with enemies, offering them an easy victory, only to pull it back at the last minute, like Lucy pulling the football away on Charlie Brown. I assume it is some psychological unbalancing technique, setting them up for future negotiations.

Case in point – Trump now says any hope of a DACA deal for the wall has been taken off the table. Means the left realized he is getting the wall regardless and they were debating taking the deal so at least they’d get something.

Massive dump of FBI counter-intelligence chief Bill Priestap’s over at Priestap basically cut everybody loose, saying the investigation was assembled before he took it over, he was cut out of meetings by Strzok and McCabe, Page ignored the chain of command to cut him out and went straight to McCabe, and he knew nothing of any “insurance policy.” And Comey was the only one there who assembled all teams, assigned everybody to the Clinton and Trump investigations, and had ultimate authority. It highlights Page will be the weak link, because one, she was the go-between Strzok was using to communicate with McCabe, she will see Strzok as a loser, and she is an r-woman-lawyer who had an affair so she is a logical rationalizer, and that means she will burn everyone to the ground to save herself. Priestap thinks he can argue he was cut out, or he thinks he kept himself clear enough of this train wreck, and Comey/McCabe/Strzok are all in too deep.

Trump says he has, “Set the stage for what’s going to happen on the 15th of February” (at 17:47):

Spread r/K Theory, because it is 5 days until the State of the Union.

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6 years ago

Thanks AC

6 years ago

Lame Cherry says she has a leak of weather control plans via a specific weather reporting location government forecast that the north-central states are going to be buried under 7 feet of snow in the next two weeks, 3 feet by the 5th. If this happens, it will massively disrupt ground and air supply; literally freeze possible agents, facilities and assets in place; possible mass deaths of livestock and humans, oil price way up, may not mostly melt until much later in the year than usual. This has implications for SOTU, national emergency declaration. The STORM approaches!

Renegade Scouter
6 years ago

AnonCon — this is of note, I think, or it would be in a sane world: yesterday the Boy Scouts were euthanized at 108 years of age, a mere week before their 109th birthday. I grieve at the passing of this wonderful institution bequeathed us by our Edwardian fathers. Yes, the synthetic corporation known as the Boy Scouts of America persists because its name is a matter of United States law under title 36. But as of today there are no more (((official))) boy scouts. As the father of boy scouts, my amygdala burns but I am nearly alone in my cold fury. What has become of my people? My family sacrificed much for their posterity, over many centuries in America, England and on the Continent. Knowing what came of their sacrifice, I wonder if they would have cut a deal with George and lived happy, well earned, r-selected lives instead. God help us.

Reply to  Renegade Scouter
6 years ago

What happened yesterday with the Boy Scouts?

Renegade Scouter
Reply to  BrachaBenedicta
6 years ago

The news is tightly controlled, as we know. Here’s a blog post with links to many pieces of the puzzle. It’s much as Q and AC describe – you’ve got to dig to see the pieces go together.

6 years ago

“Still no Q posts”

I have a sinking feeling they shifted gears and the Q plan is on hold. Not only have there been no posts in two weeks but the posts he’s made since the election have morenor less been pablum. I fear that the Q contingent inside the whitehouse has been shunted aside for some reason.

6 years ago

Been starting to think that Trump set up The Wall to look very difficult, when in reality, it is quite easy for him to accomplish.

If it LOOKS very difficult, it appears to have high value. The Dems think he really wants it, and they very much want to deny him that satisfaction.

But the real value in it lies in how he is able to use it to expose our enemies. Everyone knows about it now and how the Dems won’t even accept DACCA in exchange for it. They don’t care about their own base at all. They are completely exposed.

But he also used his own base too, in a manipulative sort of way, to make them (us) REALLY want it too. That increased its value in terms of attention, and staying-power in the media, like a tug of war match, for an incredibly extended amount of time. You can’t buy advertising like that. The media have been tricked.

There are legitimate reasons for the wall, I’m not saying there aren’t. My point is, he planted that very important seed way back in his campaign for another reason. And that’s the great movie we are enjoying right now. Funding the wall and building it will be easy — isn’t that obvious? — the cost is peanuts and he’s built skyscrapers in Manhattan. His leverage is how difficult it LOOKS to everyone else.

6 years ago

No sooner do I write that than Q returns.

6 years ago

Venezuelan crisis is heating up!

comment image

Muy Caliente!

No Name
No Name
Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

“Muy caliente” means “very spicy.” “Mucho calor” means “a lot of heat.”

6 years ago

Oh, Lord. I shouldn’t have left, should I? You Qtards used to make me laugh but your craziness stopped being funny months ago.

Stop letting them use you. Seriously. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

I get it. You need a father figure to admire; so do I. But don’t fixate on literally the most contemptible waste of oxygen on the planet for it.

I’m sorry, but Q is a Kremlin hoax. Putin is laughing his ass off at the idiot ‘murricans who fell for his prank. Go to a neurologist, at least so you can say, “I have medical proof I’m not crazy!’ (That won’t happen, but please prove me wrong.)

Just… try to prepare yourself. drumpf is guilty of numerous felonies and should have been jailed decades ago. Within the year, he will be impeached, removed from office, and imprisoned for the rest of his life. You KNOW this. Start dealing with it now instead of putting it off. He’s a bad man. You backed the wrong horse. He and his minions exploited your own ethics against you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Yeah, real real soon now! 🙂

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Moggy is another one of those weak, emotionally-driven, scared, evil, wimpy, unproductive self-absorbed rabbits. God wants the strong to survive.

6 years ago

AC, on a related note, get a load of what these evil monsters were planning to do:

Read the awful details, as a parent myself I am still nauseous from reading this. Would you explain this type of thinking and fantasizing as amygdala atrophy? Desperate need for sexual stimulation they cannot otherwise achieve?
Is this type of thing becoming more frequent due to online porn? If so, are free range parents recklessly exposing their kids to incredible danger of these filthy monsters lurking everywhere? I truly shudder. I guess free range parenting is out..

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Satanic-type possession I guess? So how do we, normie parents without the privilege of being in Cabal inner circles, keep our kids safe? How?? I mean, these monsters were going to lure kids from a county fair. How can you lure a kid from the county fair, and how do I protect my kids from this type of horror?

Keep up your wonderful work, AC. I visit your website every morning for the news collection. Very insightful and valuable!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“But there is also evil … they actually will endure pain and sacrifice just to inflict pain on other people.”
So true. And it’s amazing the extent to which they’ll go to hurt others who they imagine may hurt them. It’s the victim mentality upended, one in which the victimizer imagines himself as the victim, and as a victim, justifies his disgusting behavior and beliefs.
Somehow, this is connected to narcissism. Perhaps it’s the root of narcissism; this strange inversion of reality.

6 years ago

Just came across this extensive research piece covering the last 25 years leading up to the abortion bill in NYC. Yes, it has been planned for since 1993. Clearly Roe v Wade wasn’t enough. Even more so when it looks like that will be overturned.

He covers the links betweeen Planned Parenthood, Clintons, Richard Branson (using the climate scam in the Caribbean as a cover for PP) and Bill Gates. Did you know his father was head of PP? They’ve got their claws into more than 15 countries.

Author also links to these new Ambrosia clinics offering transfusions of ‘young’ blood and adrenochrome.

Not for the faint hearted, especially the description of what they actually do to the brain of the unborn child during the late term abortion.

6 years ago

Q’s back and it’s all about PP and RBG! No coincidences.

One Anon says F15 may refer to 15 Feb.

6 years ago

Somehow, this is connected to narcissism. Perhaps it’s the root of narcissism; this strange inversion of reality.

6 years ago

Regarding Latino support for Trump. Current Latinos in the US are largely Mexican. The current flood is from farther south. Mexicans and Central Americans don’t like each other much. No advantage for Mexican-Americans to allow Guatemalans access to US.