News Briefs – 02/29/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


A very interesting article which lays out a more cohesive model of a covert intelligence network, with Les Wexner’s involvement (reportedly a member of the Israeli MEGA network), apparently as an intelligence frontman for a CIA front company from Iran Contra. Then there is the Clinton Foundation’s association with Epstein as some kind of intelligence money laundering op/slush fund, Epstein’s pedophile blackmail ops, his connections with the Rothschilds, and which contains this summation:

Far from being the work of a single intelligence agency or a single country, the power structure revealed by this network connected to Epstein is nothing less than a criminal enterprise that transcends nationality and is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and control. Existing for decades and willing to use any means necessary to cover its tracks, this criminal racket has become so integrated into the levers of power, in the United States and well beyond, that it is truly too big to fail.

This thing is immensely advanced. I am sure the operators at the top are first rate and maintain strict tradecraft, to the point they would be untouchable. We cannot even seem to find names, let alone get a flowsheet of the command structure, or even how the intel agencies like Mossad and CIA relate to each other. Its technology is space age, probably to a degree even I have not yet fully comprehended, even as some of the most impressive has been brought to bear on me. And yet I think it has one big weakness – the seemingly endless raft of 85 IQ gollums it has recruited within the civilian populace, and embedded in communities, as if regular patriotic Americans across the nation, which every day are stumbling around fucking up their tradecraft, exposing the operation, and making front page news across the country. It needs them to extend its reach down to the grass roots granularly, and yet they are the weakest part of the operation. I do not see a lot of warriors or triggerpullers among them either, nor do I think their numbers are that noteworthy.

If this thing is to be destroyed (and it absolutely must), it must first lose its grassroots control, which will mean excising its civilian informant network from our society. Without that, its technology will be useless, as the intel machine will lose both its ability to see what is happening at the grassroots as well as its ability to apply technologies such as The Beam™. The Beam™ will become nothing more than a beautiful shiny toy in a warehouse somewhere, since the upper levels simply do not have the numbers to deploy it neighborhood by neighborhood. If this thing is to be defeated, IMO, the grassroots network will need to be exposed, and the rabbits of society will need to recognize for a time they will need to step aside and allow the wolves of real America to do whatever is necessary to rid the nation of this plague. And then the wolves will need to realize how completely they must do a job which even for wolves will be, in places, unpleasant, but wholly necessary. The alternative will be a dystopia which will make America today, overrun by third world migrants, with criminals elevated to above the law, and the economy teetering toward collapse, look like a shining city on a hill.

Of course it will all begin with the exposure of the domestic intelligence surveillance machine, which honestly, we here are at the forefront of in a way I do not see anyone else doing. Without that step being completed, America as a vision of freedom, and loyal commitment of Americans to each other, together, in pursuit of the good the beautiful and the true, will be lost.

The fork in the road approaches.

Trump plans to ‘reform’ CIA and FBI.

Trump vows major changes to US intelligence if re-elected.

Supreme Court will decide if Trump is immune from prosecution: Justices agree to take up case and delay Jack Smith’s election interference trial.

Donald Trump is STRIPPED from Illinois Republican primary ballots as judge orders him to be disqualified over his ‘role in January 6 riots’ – marking third state to try to ban former president.

FOIA shows the FBI and the DOJ uncovered a massive 2020 election ballot fraud in MI, with +100,000 ballot applications falsified at Gov Whitmer’s election headquarters and the DOJ the FBI covered it up by passing it to another criminal who happens to be running it.

Incredible moment Nathan Wade’s divorce lawyer appears to mutter ‘oh dang’ when he’s shown text message HE SENT saying his client started dating Fani Willis BEFORE she hired him to prosecute Trump.

The Georgia Senate has reportedly subpoenaed text messages between the ex-divorce lawyer for Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor in the Trump election interference case, and a lawyer for a co-defendant in the case.

Fulton county DA Fani Willis may be facing perjury charges.

Trump lawyers say he’s prepared to post $100 million bond while appealing staggering fraud penalty.

New poll shows, majority of voters recognize Democrat lawfare against Trump is political election interference.

3rd pipe bomb camera deliberately turned away from DNC headquarters on J6. Increasingly it is becoming apparent the government is illegitimate, and merely a foreign-run intelligence psyop devoted to pursuing that which is in the worst interests of the populace.

Mitch McConnell to step down as Republican Senate leader in November.

Dem Marianne Williamson says she’s “unsuspending” her presidential campaign.

House investigators plan public impeachment hearings after grilling Hunter Biden. Gaetz said his read of the RINOs was they would not impeach and it would fail barring new information.

The National Guard Bureau announced today the director of the Army National Guard has ordered an aviation safety stand down of all Army National Guard helicopter units to review safety policies and procedures following two recent helicopter crashes.

According to a Judicial Watch source, Joe Biden mistreats his dogs, punching and kicking them.

Tucker on the destruction of our military by the corrupt leaders of it.

Police identify man shot dead while breaking into Masonic Lodge in St. Louis. Seems like they have somebody living in there 24/7 and they don’t fuck around, he just smoked the guy. Probably a more interesting story than we will hear.

Fears about a ‘mystery virus’ spread through TikTok – among young people who say they’re not testing positive for COVID, flu or other common bugs, as they are sick for weeks on end with high fevers, nausea, trouble breathing, loss of sense of smell, and fatigue.

Sheriff elected to protect Laken Riley’s county campaigned on not cooperating with ICE.

Laken Riley tried calling 911 when she was attacked by an illegal migrant but Police are refusing to release a recording of the call.

Elon Musk:

Dams are bursting all over the country.

America is only 4% of Earth’s population. If only 1% of the rest of Earth moves here, that would crush all essential services.

I am ringing the alarm bell, because the flood of illegals is crushing the country!

Former New York City Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly, the department’s longest-serving commissioner, cautioned on Sunday that New York City’s quality of life “has really deteriorated,” and migrant crime is a major reason.

Somali illegal aliens tell Laura Loomer they want to be just like Ilhan Omar and want Joe Biden to win reelection. It increasingly looks like there is no more toxic noxious destructive force in this nation than its own intelligence community.

Illegals in Seattle shut down city council meeting with demands for more free housing.

Paul Krugman concludes that white rural rage is “arguably the single greatest threat facing American democracy.”

Eric Adams and Chuck Schumer celebrate Chinese New Year festivities decked out in CCP garb and waving CCP flags.

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s oldest son was arrested Tuesday and faces 22 criminal charges, including five felonies, following a string of alleged thefts in Colorado.

Post-Covid spike in heart disease puzzles scientists.

Federal judge rules $1.7 trillion spending bill passed by Congress in 2022 is unconstitutional, after being passed with less than half of U.S. Con­gress phys­i­cal­ly present.

Supreme Court Justice Jackson says bump stocks can fire “800 rounds per second or whatever” during pivotal SCOTUS hearing.

Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Jamie Dimon, and the Walton family have now sold a combined $11 billion in company stock this month.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s attorney says she ‘definitely has a take’ on Epstein suicide conspiracies but won’t say what it is – and claims she didn’t testify at her trial because she was ‘hungry and sleep-deprived.’

Air Force guy who set himself on fire over Palestine worked in intelligence with a security clearance.

Pope Francis taken to hospital after suffering from a persistent flu.


Brazil’s ex Prez Bolsonaro faces 5-years in jail… for whale bothering. A video may show him driving a Jet Ski too close to a whale.

Moldovan breakaway region appeals to Russia as a spat with the pro-Western government worsens.

A company associated with US Intel created a tool — originally named Locomotive but later rebranded as VISR (Virtual Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) – to tap into geolocation data used by digital advertisers, which was supposedly able to snoop on people close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, thus gaining information on his whereabouts. Putin does appear to be a genuine enemy of Globohomo.

The unofficial presence of Western special forces in Ukraine is a matter of common knowledge, the Financial Times wrote on Tuesday, citing a senior European defense official, speaking anonymously.

Zelensky claims EU only delivered 30 per cent of promised artillery shells.

Russian sanctions have reached their limit, with the West left with nothing more it can do — Russian think tank.

Ukraine’s frontline situation ‘catastrophic’ – Moscow.

Returning to Ukraine’s front line, CBS News finds towns falling to Russia, and troops begging for help.

Harvard suddenly ‘exploring’ issuing $1.65 billion in bonds, suggesting donor falloff is really pinching its finances.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is always a weak link somewhere

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1 year ago

Evergreen Headlines 101: “The National Debt is metastasizing, is Out of Control, and it will Destroy Us Soon!!” – much longer than I have been alive.

Meh. That which CANnot be repaid WILL not be repaid. They’ll just keep kicking the can down the road, until they run out of road. The currency/USA financial system will thus collapse one fine day, and things will be really strange for awhile. {steak dinners, good whiskey, and a night with a HQ hooker for 5 Yankee Silver Dollars, that kind of thing}{baloney sandwich, Diet Coke, and a quickie with a cheerful plump girl for 5 Mercury dimes}{Gold, Silver, Food, Oil/Gas, Pussy, Booze & Dope: the world’s only true hard currencies}

Thing is, when we collapse, the entire world WILL collapse with us. The USA is by far the dominant economic engine of the entire world, and the entire world econ system is based upon a) Americans buying stuff and b) US foreign aid-graft and c) the almighty US Dollar. so… America won’t be replaced, no matter how many idiotic breathless “military jeenyuss Putin” or “Inscrutable Master of Asymmetric Economic Warfare Xi” blog posts you read. No USA? Then every country on earth falls into the shitter; and all they can do to get out of it is to hope like hell that Uncle Sam gets his act together soon. Well, that and pray like hell that Uncle Sam doesn’t decide to take their shit/seize their oil fields and-or their gold/flatten their shithole country while he’s in a bad mood.

Still & all, if/when the dollar collapses, it would certainly make things easier if one had a supply of mercury dimes and Morgan dollars, etc., on hand. Which is how you’ll know when collapse is imminent: you’ll start seeing a bunch of “only drug dealers and terrorists need gold & silver!” propaganda, and then the government will 1) make it illegal 2) seize your silver & gold **if they know you’ve got em.** (“We’re fighting against the terrorist hoarders for YOU, proles!”) Pre-64, boys. Cash purchases. And then keep your mouths shut.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

Welcome to argentina. Here no system really works. Today tried to deposit cash through ATMs, werent working.

Here the society is mostly starving or poor, in that they cant access jobs, cloths, public transport, houses of course not, nor reproduce. People “rebelled” voting the champion made for them by the strategist of the countries destroying this one, using the incompetence in issues of state of the “great mass of the people” against them. Master move BTW, Admirable to use the strengh of a retarded opponent to destroy them, AGAIN for the N-time.

Of course this argentinian society defaults regularly. Just 2 days ago, a friend had a guy default him for 65 dollars. We also had an elite default in this election in his political accords, not promises. Told him no longer I am in that political party.

All this is due to that trash prospering, and the good, not.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

“…People “rebelled” voting the champion made for them by the strategist of the countries destroying this one…”

And this is exactly what I’m afraid of for the US.

That Jew is very likely to be a disaster for Argentina. But on the good side, (sic)….he believes everyone in Gaza should be killed. I’m sure that is of prime importance to Argentinians (sic) and what the average Argentinian is focused on. And to think not so very long ago, Argentina was a middle class country. Not long ago at all. Americans don’t believe this can happen to them like it did to Argentina. We may find out differently.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Readed a twitter post from a mossad agent here in argentina. Antisemitism went from 34% in 2021, to 64% now.
How much money would be a middle class country? Bear in mind the population here is of slaves in all but in name. Unarmed, poor, without businesses nor investments, jobless or in a make-work government job. Wasnt much different 30 years ago. Its a society that already surrendered their existence against their hidden, subtle, internal enemies, whom have foreign backing. A loser society of which a lot of stacies run and try to marry in a most powerful tribe.

On the current president. Its not the jews here, but the rest of the populace. This fundamentalist jewish group is allied with the traditionalist sedevacantist opus dei catholics, in conflict with the jesuit catholics. They were genuily voted thanks to both the amount of money they spent in making their candidate during the last decade, as well as the absolute social catastrophe that were the rest of the political groups that ruled this country. They only dedicated themselves to robbing this country blind.

Personally, finished the book on how the election was stolen. Prepping the red tape to move the money, about a hundred dollars spamming it at social media and forums like this. Next experiment may be paying an ad. Would had already done it, but was impeded so far by needing an utility at my name, and a bank statement. As I hate banks, and had an inactive account in a gov bank, hasnt been possible. Online, said bank said it will take 3 months, till mid may, for it. I hate banks with good reason, like the corralito, and the bullshit 19 tyranny’s coercion and poisoning.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

My grandfather, who was born in 1897, always told me that if the USA withdrew from the world for just 5 years, the world would collapse in on itself. I always believed that and would really like to see what would happen if we just withdrew for 2 years. We have all we need here in our own territory. Oh sure, there may be some conflicts here and there but they would quickly diminish if there were no outside funds to sustain them. I remember a line from the movie “The International” in which a brilliant, but soon to be killed politician said, the point of funding wars was not to control the conflict, but to control the debt”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
1 year ago

In the past that may have been true, and I agree with the sentiment of withdrawing but I don’t think this is true anymore. If we completely withdrew from the world, under present leadership, it would likely be a better place.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
1 year ago

You’ll notice how worldwide (and especially American) media; and the bankster/”intellectual” LOL/etc. elite will never no never allow that kind of talk to be said. Should anyone try and say what your grandfather (quite rightly) pointed out, they’d be shouted down and marked as Enemies of The System.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

I agree with the first part of your analysis – that which can’t be repaid, won’t be repaid, but I disagree about the consequences. If we look to Weimar, you’d trade a couple of pounds of sterling silver in the form of a candelabra, for the same weight of questionable beef or maybe a chicken, and then you wouldn’t have light at night any more, and you’d still be picking cigar butts out of the gutter.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

The Billionaires have the money.

Kim Clement said that Bill Gates’ money will be ‘released’. Kim Clement was plugged in, and until the Gates money disappears, it is still on the card.

1 year ago

…The first thing you’ll notice when you download and sort the expenditures of any politician running for reelection in a safe seat is how they use their campaign funds to supplement their lifestyles to a degree middle America could never dream of…

… So you might be wondering, where does all this money come from?

Well here’s where things get interesting.

Because it appears our holier than thou Attorney General, Ms. James, has gotten herself wrapped up in the ghost donor scam.
Now I knew the ghost donor bots weren’t just operating at the federal level but I had no clue how big it was at the state level…

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Paul Krugman concludes that white rural rage is “arguably the single greatest threat facing American democracy.”

You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to turn on, sign in and veg out
You will not be able to lose yourself on meth and browse porn during ads, because
The revolution will not be live streamed

The revolution will not be livestreamed.
The revolution will not be brought to you by Squarespace in four parts without ads.
The revolution will not show you pictures of Joe Biden eating ice cream,
And leading a charge by Lloyd Austin, General Milley and Kamala Harris.
To take guns confiscated from a Texas armory.
The revolution will not be livestreamed.

The revolution will not be brought to you by Netflix
And will not star John Legend and Taylor Swift or Peter Griffin or Doja Cat.
The revolution will not give your muscles sex appeal.
The revolution will not get rid of low T
The revolution will not make you look twenty-five pounds thinner, because
The revolution will not be livestreamed, brother.

There will be no pics of you and Jack waiting in line to vote,
Or trying to protest forced vaccinations.
MSNBC will not be able to predict the winner at 11:59 on report from the blue states.
The revolution will not be livestreamed.

There will be no vids of Docs vaxxing down brothers on Instagram
There will be no vids of Docs vaxxing down brothers on Instagram
There will be no vids of Donald Trump being run out of DC with a brand new legal process.
There will be no slow motion or stills of Tucker Carlson,
Strolling through Florida in a red, white and blue patriot jumpsuit that he has been saving for just the proper occasion.

The internet, reality TV and rap music will no longer be so damn relevant,
And Women will not care if trans men finally got a dick.
Because White people will be in the countryside looking for a brighter day.
The revolution will not be livestreamed.

There will be no highlights from Pewdiepie and no pictures of hairy armed mexicans and Michelle Obama blowing her nose.
The theme song will not be written by Usher or Beyonce.
Nor sung by Eminem, Lady Gaga, 50 cent, Ye or Bruno Mars.
The revolution will not be livestreamed.

The revolution will not be right back after a message about black AI, black history month or Black people.
You will not have to worry about a camera in your bedroom, the hole in your gas tank, or the water in your toilet bowl.
The revolution will not go better with a Stanley Tumbler.
The revolution will not be woke, cheugy or mid.
The revolution will not put you in the mood.
The revolution will put you in control.

The revolution will not be livestreamed 
Will not be livestreamed 
Will not be livestreamed 
Will not be livestreamed 
The revolution will have no autoplay brothers.
The revolution will be Offline.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Groovy! Can you do one for “Maggot Brain?”
More true words have never been spoken, and it’s not very long.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago


Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Selbs needs to set this to music.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

DO NOT tempt me like that…

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Brilliant, just brilliant! Will we still have Cap’n Crunch?
Here’s another by Gil Scott Heron, “Running”

1 year ago

An attempted coup is currently taking place in Chad, Africa.

In the capital of the country, N’Djamena, there is active movement of army units, and shooting can be heard in the center.

The day before, opposition forces attacked government targets, including intelligence headquarters.

The map shows the “revolutionary belt” of African countries, where the military recently overthrew the government and took power into their own hands.

Chad: Clashes Erupt in N’Djamena Following Attack on Intelligence Agency Headquarters

Several people were killed in an attack on the office of Chad’s intelligence agency on the night of Feb. 27-28, Jeune Afrique reported Feb. 28….

Chadian security forces reportedly killed opposition leader Yaya Dillo following an attack on the country’s office of intelligence services, Tchad One reported on X, formerly Twitter, on Feb. 28. …

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Rep. Lauren Boebert’s oldest son was arrested Tuesday and faces 22 criminal charges, including five felonies, following a string of alleged thefts in Colorado.”

That’s kind of a lot. Not a dui or overdose situation that sons of pols usually get into (not including Hunter). Boeberts son is a legit 2nd story guy, a gangster. What can I say? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Kids parents met at a bowling alley when his 20 yo dad flashed his junk at Lauren, who was 15. Then they got divorced 20 years later and Lauren is getting fingered in public by s democrat the next week.

…the Aristocrats!

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Mom and dad are gangsters too? Present the evidence. Maybe A holes, but unless you know them personally, you got nothing but attitude. The kid never got the talk, if you ever pull some crazy illegal shit, you gonna go to jail, period. Plus, flashed his junk? Plzzzzzz.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Festis
1 year ago

Ok, what’s provable? Lauren Boebert is well documented to be on an Israeli American “modeling” site that was a thinly veiled prostitution front. So it’s pretty much a safe bet she’s under significant sexual blackmail compromat. Meyer Lansky has had that avenue on lock down since J. Edgar Hoover.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

That’s why I started calling her Lauren Boobert.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Brazil’s ex Prez Bolsonaro faces 5-years in jail… for whale bothering. A video may show him driving a Jet Ski too close to a whale.”

I thought there weren’t any fat chicks in Brazil.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Just like here, they make a farce of the legal system.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“Brazil’s ex Prez Bolsonaro faces 5-years in jail for whale bothering.”
Who hasn’t drunkenly hit on a fat chick? Insanity.

1 year ago

Re: the discussion of women

Why the hostility to happiness? You can make them smile, but you cannot make them happy. The only happiness is unhappiness, and the more unhappiness the more happiness. Happiness anywhere is the enemy.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

In the story of Adam & Eve, there is truth that still holds

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

CIA op.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Yes, he probably was.

1 year ago

That fork in the road you speak of AC, is also much to do with the supply of money. A supply no longer there. Of course it has its sources of self funding thru its myriads of illicit and financial criminal enterprises, but its real true source of money no longer exists, which is the hovernments thru which it has laundered vast incredible sums, thru its alliegences with other secret organizations and societies, the Jesuits and Masons to name a couple, it also list its source of money which came from its parent organization the order of the black sun, which itself was centuries long “protection” for the orders of the dragons, various families whose bloodlines go back to King Solomon, these are your Khazarian Mafia, your fake jews, your Arkhenazi Jews who are no relation DNA wise to the tribal jews of the old world, but some of those lines are long nlitred, also in certain aspects the Black nobility, aka the silent circle and the anti-Silent Circle, these Italian families go back to Roman times, the so called High Tables. It is a lot more complex than this but these are your main characters, who thru a hierarchy which they themselves where at one time subservient to, which itself is so crazy a story its safe to say most people would not believe what it was. And just who was its overlords and who they worked for along with the finacial system they controlled for thousands of years. But beginning in 2007 access to that system was denied them, and in the intervening years the “slug” of money in the system at that time is pretty much been used up and presently all of this cast of actors are left with their “personal” wealth from which they if they are to maintain global domination must use or die off more or less. But whats more is the loss of key laundering of the worlds tax revenue from most all countries on earth. Things are coming to a head in regards to the power to control us, the part we played in this centuries old organization was as slaves, energy/money slaves. And here we see the crux of what is taking place, which the most important part is us slaves became slaves no more, we are now truly Sovereign Souls in every sense. It temains to be known what happens here on out, but great changes, and thise are positive changes just “they” are doing everything within their power to keep us from the truth of us and to remain relevant politically financially and in global domination game. The key truths involved in this are in a word fantastical, if anything truth stranger than any fiction, and horrors that beggar the mind, yet they conform to myth and “conspiracy theory” more than most of us know and as more is revealed in time will make much sense even though these truths and facts in present tense are considered by most truly un-believable, and for some they will never accept as they literally destroy their personal paradigms or world views which they have built in their minds, but for open minds and critical thinkers just any of the key truths and facts snap into place, and correlate in profound ways revealing what has long operated along the fringes of the shadows. Last yet far from least is the existence of a true organic and only quantum mapping/financial key integrated military and intelligence system. This system now exists solely to serve and in many ways protect humanity. One may beg to differ and outward circumstances in the world certainly appear to contradict but an organization, its apparatus and its actors, its powers and holdings, are centuries old, something which had gained global control of all commerce and financial activity thru control of three key things required for global domination, which are control of the media, control of all politics, control of the militaries/(intell-surveillance included), control of course if the monetary system of earth. No longer is this the case yet it is very problematical in the sense this is an entity consisting of hundreds of millions of servants actors agents and sycophants. Thing is you got to pay all these characters somehow or let them go, actors who know nothing but being part of long and some cases ancient downlines, and as these downlines break apart are let ho or dissolved, this takes time, not to mention none of them to a man seem to want to give up what power they once held. Happily they no longer have a say or bearing on the circumstances as they truly are. And this too is part and parcel of the world as we and they knew it. Things just take time as things in history do. Pretty soon critical truths will out which are turning points in most if our’s collective perceived perceptions, long has our DNA been altered we are mutants to our decedents, thru poisoning our food our water our bodies our minds, the very structure of our cells and again key in this our DNA, thru technologies not of this world, all so to keep us in check and literally farm us for our energy, which is what money really is, energy in one fashion or another. Happily this all is power no more. It is falling apart from the inside out. Its institutional orders are collapsing, and many of its special bloodline families are either entrenching in place or going literally bankrupt and dead broke, so to the funding from all this for running our governments, a mere 1% on average pittance returned for upkeep and overhead, being all governments on earth all served this cabal, meaning all of us, living in all of these nation states, once slaves, to them. Some of these people such as the Silent Circle, Masons, Black Nobility still are in operation living off the proceeds of their global organized criminal activities, so if you get the gist of all this you can appreciate what thick soup the present situation really is and how complex the problems arising from such a lets say Quantum Shift in the universe. Things are not what they long seemed. Things are fundamentally changing. Things great and small and in positive ways we have never as a race of beings have ever known, experienced. The grip of what operated along the fringes of the shadows is gone, it is Kaput and its vast capabilities withdrawing from places of control. In many ways it appears we may no longer even have governments, which are all constructs regardless their make-up, sad to say even the great experiment America was just another control, so maybe you can imagine how complicated this all is and how time just has to take its time and we will know a whole new kind of world where in we are free sovereign people. And all that goes with true Liberty, all the good and the hard things about sovereignty, many will never accept this, people who for a myriad of reasons or motives want to be part of this old system, people who can never come to terms with a new world. But that is part and oarcel also of things and things to come. If I where to tell me this story I would not believe me, its that kind of thing. Yet stranger things have passed and we include it in our personal paradigms, shifting our thoughts our perceptions. The truth is far far crazier outlier than you know.
AC and many on here are a lot closer to the truth than you understand right now, you suspect things, and those things are the keys to say, things beyond normal thinking or perception. As in much of this its what you do not know that is what one needs to understand how the world really operates and who the players are, or where for the most part. But very soon we all will see things never before experienced. It is a great time to be alive. Things never before ate either taken place or are on the way and pretty soon we all will know what is real and how the world abd universe works. This world as we long know it is gone only its residual self exists on fragments sections and elements of its old structure, as these dissipate at a certain point then we get to see the truth, how a quantum change in our universe has taken place and taken over from the old system which governed our whole entire universe.
GOD bless and keep safe, be happy, let the positive energy flow, for it truly matters and has incredible effects now in our world, and if you are perceptive enough, you know something has changed, you can feel it but not explain it but nonetheless it is for real. Feel blessed by this your intuitive self. Because you are part of this change. We all are. “If it is to me its up to me.” “It is up to all of us,” how our world is to be.
If you care to know some things this is a very well constructed archive of events past and present, this Lady has done really good stuff and has much to offer which are unique in the world of truth seeking.
Its best as they day to start at the beginning:

Reply to  strangerthanfiction
1 year ago

Please, for the love of all that is Holy:

1) do not bore us with a WALL of text

2) if you feel you must bore us with a wall of text, please use the “shift” key and create paragraphs.

Then go back and re-read your post BEFORE submitting, and delete 50% of it.

That is the definition of concise, pithy, interesting writing that people will want to read.
But a wall of text? Not so much.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  strangerthanfiction
1 year ago


1 year ago

“Aliens”, Hudson insulting Vasquez:
“When someone said alien, she thought they said illegal alien and asked where do I sign up.”
Within our lifetimes, this was an acceptable joke in a blockbuster movie. Nobody used term undocumented.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Private Vasquez was played by Jenette Goldstein in brown face.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…If this thing is to be destroyed (and it absolutely must), it must first lose its grassroots control, which will mean excising its civilian informant network from our society…”

Follow the money. There’s no doubt that we are paying for this. It cost too much for anything but nation State funds.

I had an idea. Maybe NATO is a big slush fund. They don’t seem to have much in the way of weapons for all the trillions spent on it. Where’s the ammo??? What happened to all that money??? A hint, Trump is saying we get out of NATO and also reforming the CIA and FBI…hmmm…clue??? A veiled threat to the domestic intel?? Maybe before they made it legal to spy on our own citizens, the CIA used NATO as a slush fund to backdoor other countries to pay for US domestic spying. Once this fund is set up even if it’s legal for them to do it here now, you know they won’t shut it down because too many people depend on the slush fund to line their pockets and would cause grief if threatened to end it.

How to end this. Find enough Representatives to cause serious grief. I bet if we could get 10% and likely much less they could stop this if they were totally determined. Vote for people who openly say they will stop the surveillance and curb or eliminate the FBI and CIA. They could demand the intel committees follow all the cash and see where it goes. Of course since all of them are blackmailed they won’t, so in the end they will have to vacate all present intel committee members and put in hard nosed people who will refuse to take no for an answer. A BIG part of this is my idea to un-earmark specific individuals from any government funds. Since the whole thing runs on government funds, if they are removed from that source soon it would be like refusing to water plants. They would die. You would have to be resolute in this. Cutting off corporations and especially their heads. They hire someone un-earmarked, they get un-earmarked too. Ultimately they don’t have the cash to keep this going if we refuse to hand it over no matter how many people they backmail.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Trump vows major changes to US intelligence if re-elected

I have been very skeptical of Trump. It remains to be seen if he is a fake Hitler that will engage in major reforms. BUT he is talking so forcefully and frequently about this it’s hard to see him doing what he did his first term, talk, talk, talk but do…not so much. Sure he did good stuff but never changed the direction things were going. It was all window dressing. No fundamental changes (maybe a few good judges). Nothing that would stick when it comes to our biggest problems. But now, he is directly going after the source of our problems. If he starts talking about confiscating the assets and doing away with the FED I will pee all over myself like a little dog that’s happy to see you.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Trump has his issues, but… who else do we have that a) even talks like that and b) can get elected? He’s absolutely climbing into the Tiger Saddle by talking like that, though – and I suspect he knows it. The last guy who said stuff like that – “I’ll smash them into a thousand pieces” – got his brains blown out in public in broad daylight, and {spoiler alert} the shooter/shooters wasn’t the rando oddball {{they}} said did it. (see also: Thomas Arthur Vallee & Gilbert Policarpo Lopez)

Again, I think PDJT knows this, which is interesting. Watch Milei, too.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

“I have been very skeptical of Trump…it’s hard to see him doing what he did his first term, talk, talk, talk but do…not so much. Sure he did good stuff but never changed the direction things were going”.

Skepticism is always good. I only wish is that various pundits and commenters I read would be fractionally more skeptical of themselves when they confidently pronounce things like ‘Trump shooda talked less, done more’, ‘Trump shooda crossed The Rubicon in 2020’, ‘Trump shooda not appointed this person, appointed that person’ etc etc etc. Well here is a news flash you can believe: you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about one way or another. You were not there, you were not privy to all the things Trump might have done that you couldn’t see, all the constraints he may have been operating under that you didn’t know about, all the tactical decisions and sleights of hand he may have made for the larger good that, on the surface, may have looked like defeats at the time.

My simple advice to these commenters and pundits can be summarised in 2 words: shut up. All you are doing by putting your value-free ‘Trump shooda’ punditry out there is erecting a bit neon sign that says: “I am too dumb to know what I don’t know, and I am too dumb to realise how stupid I sound when I talk as if I do know”. If that’s how you roll, so be it. At least spare the rest of us from being embarrassed on your behalf.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“…‘Trump shooda’ punditry out there is erecting a bit neon sign that says: “I am too dumb to know what I don’t know, and I am too dumb to realise how stupid I sound when I talk as if I do know”. If that’s how you roll, so be it…”

Yep, that’s how I roll. If you fuck up and I see it and I know it’s a fuck up, like several of Trumps appointments, the people he let flounder and abandoned, and the people he got rid of that had his back and knew how to maneuver the system, then I say so. Some of the people he abandoned had a far bigger effect on what I thought of him than some of his lame appointments, of which many were bad enough. And you, who apparently knows better, has shown no evidence at all that the contrary is correct. None. I on the hand have over the years shown A LOT of evidence backing my opinions. You…not so much.

Explain why he got rid of ALL the America First people who ran his campaign and started in his administration?

Why don’t you explain, since you know so much, why getting rid of and offering no support to General Flynn who was DIA and knew, KNEW where and what they were hiding and who it was responsible? Explain.

Explain why he dumped on Sen. Sessions who had the law taken out of his hands by Trump going on a show and saying he did something that required a special council prosecutor, then blamed Sessions for it. Explain. Sessions was one of the few people guaranteed to be clean in the government, knew everyone, what was going on and he dumped him. Huge mistake.

Explain why he put that traitor Barre in office or the guy who let off Epstein? There’s many, many, many, many more.

These were all his decisions. Some I get he might have been blindsided, but there’s a lot that can not be let go so lightly.

If you’re a Jew running things, what do you fear most. Another Hitler. Whatever you think about Hitler there’s no doubt he put the German people first. An American Hitler would be totally America first and would destroy the Jews power because they are anti-American. Has Trump always done this. No. He’s bent over backwards for the Jews. So you’re a Jew that fears a new Hitler the best thing for you to do is to GET YOUR OWN Hitler. They tried to bribe Hitler too. He took their money and did whatever he wanted anyway. And for all those that say Hitler caused a calamity for the Germans, look at the numbers. I did. The Germans came out better fighting the Jews and losing so many people than the Russians did winning the war and keeping the Jews in charge.

I’m hopeful, but I’m not in any way 100% convinced that Trump is not a fake Hitler, and if you know anything about history and the Jews you would be fool to think differently.

Of course Cary Kembla may come by his opinions honestly. He probably is real big on sportsball of some sort and will always root for his Negroes to beat the other Negroes no matter what.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

That’s really all we can do at this point, given what little crumbs of info we have.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

There’s a CT that’s whispered about every now and then about Trump’s Crossing of the Rubicon. Said CT says that he *did* intend to do exactly that, but when he informed the legions – “the election was stolen, we’re gonna go get it back, mount up” – the legions all told him, “Pass. And if you try to bypass us, we will go to Defcon 1 and shoot at Americans who defy our beloved Deep State.” (knowing what we now know of Kelly, Mattis, Milley, and all the rest of the perfumed bemedalled princes of the pentagon, I tend to believe this…)

Serious question: if Trump had no military support, and was reluctant to broadcast a ‘Citizens rally to me’ call, maybe because he didn’t want to see Americans being fired upon by the US Army….. what else could he have done?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

“…maybe because he didn’t want to see Americans being fired upon by the US Army…”


Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

If Trump doesn’t gut the Fed and Intel, then all of the ever increasing amounts of garbage we have had to put up with for most of our lives will have been for nothing.

ur dad
ur dad
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

He already got rid of the fed. Trump put it under the Treasury. The monster that is The Corporate US is dead. We’re in the death throws. Also, Trump is CIC. We’re in Military COG. Wake up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

One of the real strong reasons I’m skeptical is advice from the past. Trump talked a lot before his first term and is talking even more about what he will do on his second.

But as that learned wise man Gomer Pyle said,”Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”. So I’m skeptical, but hopeful.

1 year ago

Supreme Court will decide if Trump is immune from prosecution: Justices agree to take up case and delay Jack Smith’s election interference trial.

The path of least resistance is for the court is to uphold immunity. There’s a little bit of political pain now, but if they don’t, they will immediately be inundated with cases against Biden (and Obama and maybe even GWB and Clinton) and every year, especially election years, they will be overburdened with presidential case after presidential case.
They don’t want that can of worms, so they will throw this out. I think that a 9-0 ruling is probable.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Or they kick it back down to the lower courts. Shit storm.

Reply to  Festis
1 year ago

There’s nothing here that would need to be decided at a lower court. At worst, they would mandamus the lower court, which is them explicitly telling the lower court, “you throw this out.”
It will either end with the SCOTUS, or the entire prosecution (and all the prosecutions) will continue.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

If I understand, and probably don’t, this is bad, real bad if they rule he is immune from prosecution. Now should the case for documents be thrown out, sure, but blanket immunity for anything a President does. That’s insane. No one should have that. We don’t have Kings, we have Representatives, and they are not more than we are.

All who all in favor of this, for Trumps case, are not thinking about the long term. That we will not always have Trump and a President could do a great deal of evil and suffer no consequences. Wrong.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It goes through cycles.
In some eras you must fight to preserve the system, in others you must throw it all away and do what must be done that couldn’t be done in the system.

A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…I think your position presupposes there is hope for a just system….”

Just the opposite. I want no free pass for anyone anytime to do whatever they want without consequences ever.

The only case that I deviate from this is that people can be pardoned by the legitimate powers for things illegal and suffer no consequences.

“…And I think the only way out is to destroy the meat puppets which this thing has diffused down into the grassroots of society…”

And I note the “law” is irrelevant in that case. You don’t need a law to give a pass to do this, but if caught, you suffer the consequences.

Kings have immunity. I do not support Kingship in any way, form or fashion. And Presidents are not and should not be treated as Kings.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

You do realize this is a sham trial and if they rule no immunity it will simply be used against enemies of Cabal and never against Cabal, right? Cabal is already immune and your appeal to ‘legal fairness’ is tantamount to tying your own hands behind your back as P Diddy rapes you in the butt.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

You don’t understand.
Presidents aren’t immune to prosecution. Presidents are immune to prosecution without impeachment. Because the president is the highest law enforcement official in the country, he cannot be prosecuted unless first convicted by the Senate. Otherwise, every podunk political prosecutor in the country will be constantly charging the president with anything they can think of.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Ok I understand now. Thanks for making it clear.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I might add now that I understand that he must be impeached first, and now having it clarified I change my mind and now believe he should not be charged, unless impeached.

Reply to  Sam J.
11 months ago

You’ve been actively deceived about that by the (((media))). The whole “seal team six” lie from the hearing was that the answer, over and over was, “immune until impeached.”
The most insane part here? He WAS impeached for this, and he was acquitted by the Senate.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

There is a principle that incoming administrations do not persecute out going Executives – because that leads to dictatorships.

1 year ago

The Georgia Senate has reportedly subpoenaed text messages between the ex-divorce lawyer for Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor in the Trump election interference case, and a lawyer for a co-defendant in the case.

Only reason for GA legislature to subpoena those would be for impeachment.

1 year ago

Jeff Bezos, (((Leon Black))), Jamie Dimon, and the Walton family have now sold a combined $11 billion in company stock this month.

They appear to be holding cash rather than reinvesting, which suggests either a stock market crash, massive deflation, or both. I would welcome the deflation.

1 year ago

AC in my honest opinion Whitney Webb and her website Unlimited Hangout from today’s first article is an intelligence psyop. It’s designed, again imo, to sway people away from Trump who originally supported him but were disappointed in his first term. I know it’s a bit on the nose but I believe the name is just their kind of joke. So people who know, know, but can’t really do much while normies are swayed by the blog with a weird name. I’m not saying any of the information posted there is false but I would definitely take it with a big pinch of salt and be wary of what sort of narrative Webb is weaving and what conclusions she leaves for you to draw. I’d put her in a similar category with Jack Posobiec. She gained popularity a few years ago during Covid and came out of no where and now a lot of people take her pretty seriously. Some might disagree but it sounds like intelligence to me and I just wanted to make you aware of the potential if you weren’t already. As always thanks for the news round up!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Whitney Webb has been known by serious dissidents for many years, so just because you don’t know about her doesn’t add up to much.

You can’t counter anything she says, and she has been very diligent and detailed in her analysis of the web of corruption that affects all of us, encompassing entire books and thousands of articles, and your best response is to simply cast aspersions on her and her work.

You have to do better than that.

If you have something to go on, be specific, otherwise, you are just blowing smoke at someone like Webb, who has done a huge amount of work exposing the Intel networks that run our world.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Concur. Webb is an excellent communicator and builds a clear picture for the listener/viewer.

1 year ago

this is a nsfw daily mail news article with photos. It is not, however, the worst set of photos about this person.

Between the Klaus Schwab on a beach, Yuval Harari’s memoirs about being gay in London, the DNC photos of Podesta and the chief of staff in questionable undress in public….is the great reset just a bunch of perverted gay people giving it their best to take over everything? Like, they are the spiritual children of the gay Roman emperors? Like, Epstein might be the most heterosexual of the entire bunch?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Interesting, (and bizarre); thank you. This F2M tranny illustrates some facts for people needing knowledge about more esoteric differences between men and women. Sholder to head ratio; facial and skull size, shape, and roughness; neck lengthand thickness; clavicle size, angle, and extention, deltoid muscles; arm length: crease of wrist location to public bone; do arms hang straight down (man) or are they akimbo (woman); wrist thickness; hand size (ahem!); Q-angle (ahem again?) of hips to legs; and others. Eyes set wide or narrow? Are facial features centered on skull, or sunken a bit towards the chin (female skull). Brow ridge much? (Check out Jourma Kaukonen sometime).

1 year ago

Wayback Machine.

It is good to remember history. Well, I mentioned the My Lai Massacre so I decided to revisit it. I remember this as a kid. But I thought it was like twenty or so people. (As a kid I remembered the event, not the details.)

—-Boy, oh boy—it was 400 to 500 people massacred–nary a weapon to be found! Mostly old men, women and children!
My Lai massacre – Wikipedia
The only person that stopped it was a helicopter pilot–after MANY fruitless attempts to get somebody in command to stop it. No one did, so he flew down and did something about it–another Aaron Bushnell. A whole company of soldiers went bezerk, killing all that moved. Unbelievable. I’m now more shocked. 400 people–400 people–how does one do that?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

The late Colon Powell (yes, I know it’s spelled Colin) assisted in the cover up of the massacre.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Look at Colin Powell’s war record. He was promoted like a royal

Reply to  Anonynnous
1 year ago

Like Eisenhower, he was an immoral mediocrity who only got promoted because he played the stupid game.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I dont think it is about playing stupid, because there are plenty of stupids that dont get promoted.

They are pre-selected for some other reason

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

I didn’t know it was so many. I will guarantee that none of “Our Boys” who did the deed could have told you what Communism was. The only good thing “Our Boys” did during the Viet Nam war was inventing Fragging.
The last time Americans fought for freedom, they were wearing GRAY uniforms and flying the stars and bars.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Stop pretending the commie spook who offed himself is some kind of saint.
You insult the people you compare him to.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Vietnam was one of the few moral decent wars we’ve been involved in. I put Korea in that basket too. It was to stop the spread of communism in South East Asia and while it wasn’t;r a slam dunk where we won 100%, it was a win. Look at what happened where we totally lost, Cambodia, a disaster. While Vietnam was going on and our courageous Men, (not Calley, as I’m not for this sort of vile thing because I’m not a Jew), were fighting the commies there in Vietnam all over South East Asia other commie revolutions were being squashed. Some we won and as noted, in Cambodia, some were lost. The vets that found in Vietnam saved millions and millions and millions of lives by not letting the commies run the field and massacre everyone like they did in Cambodia.

And Vietnam vets DID NOT lose the war. The Democrat party did. Quoting Jerry Pournelle,

“And in Viet Nam the North sent 150,000 men south with as much armor as the Wehrmacht had in many WW II engagements. That was in 1973, and of that 150,000 fewer than 50,000 men and no armor returned to the North, at a cost of under 1,000 American casualties. Most would count that an outstanding victory. (Alas, in 1975 North Vietnam had another army of over 100,000 and sent it South; the Democratic Congress voted our South Vietnamese 20 cartridges and 2 hand grenades per man, but refused naval and air support; Saigon predictably became Ho Chi Minh city as we pushed helicopters off the decks of our carriers in our frantic evacuation; but that is hardly the fault of the US military).”

Vietnam vets are some of the few Americans who have fought selfless wars to defend freedom and are heroes of the highest caliber.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

True. I am old enough to remember the betrayal by the Democratic run Congress.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Spending American lives to save foreigners is plain wrong no matter the numbers on both sides. Also Vietnam and Korea were proxy wars with China. In both conflicts (I believe you can still find after action reports) enemy casualties went from 5’5″- 5’9″ range in the first six months to 5’7″ – 6′ for the rest of the conflict. They ran out of nationals pretty quickly and all replacements were Chinese sent to test and bog down the global west (America). The war over communism was already over by Kennedy and McCarthy being defeated by the Trotsky faction in America.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

“…Spending American lives to save foreigners is plain wrong no matter the numbers on both sides. Also Vietnam and Korea were proxy wars with China…”

You don’t understand the situation. I can tell by your response. The war was not to save foreigners, nor was the primary funding for the wars you mentioned China.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Utter lawlessness:
ALREADY RIGGED: The Atlantic tells Democrats to NOT certify Trump’s expected 2024 election win

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Election interference

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Are these executives born stupid or does their business degree make then stupid?
The US wants to enrich its uranium in Russia

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago


Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

I may be able to actually top that: McDonald’s is making Big Plans for a Major Expansion in Red China – doubling or tripling their existing footprint. This at a time when you can find literally thousands of PRC cellphone vids of chinese business owners, coffeeshop owners, factory owners, etc., in tears because – along about a year ago – the chinese people just…. stopped spending money. Evidently they all sensed that Winter Is Coming, like, soon, and so they… will not spend any money. Result? “50,000+ restaurants closed, 15,000+ coffee shops closed, utterly deserted retail districts, weeds growing in the streets of Shenzhen’s main factory districts, etc.”

This is the time that Mickey D’s is Making Their Bold Move. Pro Tip: MBA’s are fucking idiots.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

They are just sending some cabal faction’s money to prop up the Virtuous Pagans a little longer.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

To be fair, killing small local business and replacing it with soulless demonic megacorp outlets is the game plan. Don’t assume the lack of spending leading to the death of the small business was just an organic event; assume enemy action until proven otherwise.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

They are paid/blackmailed to be stupid.

1 year ago

This meme seems to fit well with this site:

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

The wall street silver guy failed to do the simple math of 1 over 5 = 0.2, not 40%

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

It’s 1 over 2.5.
It’s 40% of personal income taxes not of all revenue.

1 year ago

Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Jamie Dimon, and the Walton family have now sold a combined $11 billion in company stock this month. Come on folks, do you have any idea how much it costs to have a fleet of limousines with drivers at the ready 24-7? Not to mention jets and pilots?

1 year ago

I LOVE this site. I’m on Pacific time, so I’m usually up around 5 or 6 AM and there are NO comments. No biggie…I just wait until the end of my workday and I come back and BAM: 47 comments.
you people are my kind of people. Hope to meet y’all some day. Minus the surveillance…of course.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

This is my daily news report and I am so much smarter and well informed than most out there thanks to AC

1 year ago

oh…as long as I’m here…

The masking and vaxxing crap is starting up again. The reason I know? My Twatter feed (which is usually scrupulously clean of this garbage) is somehow filling up with all these freaks bleating about people not wearing masks (“in the middle of a continuing pandemic”, no less).

These poor folks didn’t learn the first time. Wonder if they will learn this next time…sigh.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Argentine President plans to hold a Latin American summit in support of Ukraine

1 year ago

UK’s Tories Float Joining With Nigel Farage to Reinvigorate Party

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Tory party needs putting down.

It is a cabal party. All candidates are selected by the central office. Members get no choice which is why they implemented communist/ccp/WEF agenda over the past 14 yrs.