News Briefs – 02/27/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Supreme Court STOPS Biden Judge’s Midnight Deadline, Halts Order Forcing Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts. Trump wins.

DOGE says Texas nonprofit with former Biden transition member reaped millions operating empty facility.

Tax Filings exposes that Biden’s CANCER charity spent Millions on salaries, but nothing on research.

DOGE just blocked a $52M payment to The World Economic Forum.

DOJ basically says nothing to Anna Palina Luna using a lot of words, about the Epstein, JFK, RFK, and MLK files:

Supposedly the Epstein files are still involved in an appeal being filed by Ghislaine, so they would not be released. But the release of these files is not something which would be left to chance, to occur spontaneously according to unpredictable chains of events. The release will happen when it is precisely scheduled to, in order to have maximal effect, with some being released today:

Also in the background, is the Uranium One scandal, from when Hillary was Secretary of State, which looks even worse now that we see what the real purposes of those NGOs and charitable foundations were:

Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard calls UK ordering Apple to create ‘backdoor’ to encrypted costumer data an ‘egregious’ violation of Americans’ rights. Whether Tulsi is real or Memorex, whether her lines are scripted or spontaneous, her positions are correct.

Whistle blowers are coming forward and contacting Tulsi personally to point out additional areas she should look into for misconduct in the intelligence community.

Trump administration has directed all federal agencies to prepare for significant downsizing by March 13.

Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) funneled $7mn to wife’s conservation nonprofit in 2024, now faces ethics investigation.

Both of thee people have probably followed other people through grocery stores:

Wayne Root on how Obama will be a key target of what is to come:

You have to wonder if these 90 day pauses are just 90 days to perform some kind of review, or if they are 90 day pauses, to put things on hold until some kind of massive revelation comes out in that period which will make killing the program a no-brainer. Whatever is going to happen, I would think it would have to begin relatively soon, and happen suddenly, and in a massive flood of events, all at once:

Interesting, from the phone-metadata geolocation guy, who I am 50-50 on trusting:

Eric Swalwell of Fang Fang fame, gets caught on secret recoding at a restaurant drunk and blabbing secrets to a bunch of lobbyists. Recording is 90 minutes long.

We worked hard to keep you ahead of the curve here:


It is an older tweet, but his whole Twitter is like that. It is kind of funny to look at Bilzarian shit on the guy who owns Mossad, and think he’s is not getting gangstalked and beamed. At least as far as we know. So is he doing the pied piper thing and reading from the script, and in reality he and Netanyahu will enjoy cocktails together and laugh at the plebes if they ever cross paths in secret? Is he trying to run Holocaust.exe at the behest of Cabal’s top dogs, who sense we are close, and are readying the Jews to once again take the blame so they can get away?

Inside the Taliban’s surveillance network monitoring millions, including 90,000 surveillance cameras distributed throughout Kabul. One, that is our money paying for those cameras. Two, do you think they use citizen informants? Three, how massive must the US system be by comparison

State Department completes foreign funding review, identifying 15,000 grants worth $60 billion for elimination.

US to impose blanket 25% tariffs on EU — Trump.

The mouse tries to act like he has some sort of importance and power:

Trump says that Ukraine can “forget” about joining NATO. “That’s probably the reason why the whole thing started.”

Lavrov announces new round of Russia-US talks to be held in Istanbul on Thursday.

White House begins yanking lefty news outlets from pool rotation.

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson announces plan to propose $250 bill featuring Trump.

Send people to, because there is very little which cannot be solved through violence

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4 hours ago

Everything hints towards a potential PHREATIC EXPLOSION of the Supervolcano near Naples in Italy

4 hours ago

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4 hours ago

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 hours ago

This page where I’m commenting, they are badly cropped.
If I remove the ?resize=600%2C1070&ssl=1 from the end of the image url and put it in a new tab they display correctly, but they don’t if I just copy the image location and put it in a new tab.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 hours ago

I checked the main page and it’s the same there.

3 hours ago

Leah Greenberg at today x-post look like dude. Lack of waist + manly face. We need to go deeper. And Zelensky is more like rat than a mouse btw 🙂

3 hours ago

Concerning the Pope (Titular position) and the Catholic church (lock, stock, and barrel, entire ecosphere and structure) the expected passing of the current Pope is an opportunity presenting itself, if any big brains in the Whitehouse (or their Cabal handlers) can see the forest for the trees. This is where that Art Of The Deal supposed expertise can be utilized, for good, and positive change. “Someone in Washington, D.C.” picks up telephone, rings up the Vatican and issues instructions. Whether it be to the Swiss Guards boss, a Cardinal aide to the pontiff, or whoever. They MUST Install as their next Pope in succession, a total Chad and based individual to purge and cleanse the Church. The instructions (veiled threat) is do this or our new programmed Fed bois will start running game on the church members here and internationally and seize u.s. assets under Rico statutes for the human trafficking, shielding pedophile clergy, etc etc. Other words break the church’s ass. Then telephone up Meloni, and put the screws to the Italian state that this is to happen, and they will help with the convincing. We have thousands of troops on many bases there with nukes, so there is that incentivization. Then call up a legit mafiosa boss tied into u.s. and Italy networks and advise we are getting the band back together. They will be another influence channel with strong juice and pull. They, the o.g. old mafia standard will be used to take over and supplant cartels and other sloppily run outfits for a return to a sedate leisurely cops and robbers arrangement. (Crime will always exist in America with our appetite for drugs, etc. At least cut down the carnage and collateral damage by being professional and gentlemanly about the business end of it all) The church if in compliance and demonstrating a 180 improvement will be back on favorable terms. School choice vouchers for parents to “shop around” for the best education for their children will supplant the .gov run indoctrination centers for public education. That model is antiquated, corrupted, and not showing results. The church can then be allowed and encouraged to expand itself into education ecospheres, enlarging it’s presence and congregations by default. The social and cultural improvements gained for society would be the larger and more long term effect. If this stupidly simple task can not be accomplished now, while God aligns the stars for this, then we are all just spinning the wheels here and the movie really does suck.

Machine Trooper
2 hours ago

Re: JFK Assassination

Looks like the revelations are going to follow the familiar pattern. They won’t provide any information that is actually new (to anybody besides the NPCs); but confirm that some of the “conspiracy theories” were true all along.

I’m not a hardcorps JFK researcher or anything, but I’ve known for a long time about Oswald’s CIA affiliation, and that it likely started while he was in an MI unit overseas.

Machine Trooper
1 hour ago

“Whatever is going to happen, I would think it would have to begin relatively soon, and happen suddenly, and in a massive flood of events, all at once:”

Like a storm, right? Gave you a little shout-out in today’s blog post, AC.