News Briefs – 02/27/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Energy Crisis To Cost Germany $1 Trillion

DFT – Morgan Stanley Says Stock Prices In Death Zone, Will Collapse

DFT – UK Farmer’s Union Official Tells UK, “Take Command” Of Food Production

DFT – Netherlands Warns EU Not To Impose “Internet Toll”

DFT – Cisco Teams With Mercedes To Put Videoconferencing In New Cars

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And thank you to all my hardcore brothers and sisters who continue to click the DFT links each day.

Jeffrey Petersen talks about being threatened, before he left Twitter:

Many of my followers know I have been sharing previously unknown information about #Democrats & the #NXIVM cult & frmr. DHS Secretary Napolitano’s #ArizonaMafia. I was contacted directly by mob mbr. #9, Victor Flores. If anyone doubted the DEATH THREAT against me, listen to this.

Louise Stefanik: Of the people who heard of the Hunter Biden laptop story, 53% of people would have changed their votes, including 61% of Democrats – at 1:14 of the video:

Left-leaning candidates are being recruited to run for local elections offices by an organization that receives funds from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Jill Biden is the one actually running the White House. Fascinating. Was she just a ditz who left her husband to marry Joe because she thought she was trading up in society? Or was she an operator, dating GATE kids on orders of command, and growing up knowing her job would be to control some half-brained cog of the conspiracy?

Fox News and Jeb Bush Endorse Ron DeSantis 2024.

Democrats introduce resolution to ban Trump from US Capitol: Eric Swalwell, The Chinese spy lover, leads the way.

Elon Musk claims US media is ‘racist against whites and Asians’ and appears to back Dilbert creator who warned people to ‘stay the f**k away from blacks’ – as WaPo and NY Times drop comic strip. It is a show, and these are actors. And whatever you feel looking at this, chances are it is what they wanted you feeling for some reason.

Bryan Kohberger could face firing squad if he’s convicted of Idaho murders, thanks to new bill introduced by local lawmaker.

Paul Sperry on Twitter:

Former FBI Director Gave $100,000 to Biden Grandkids’ College Fund, Laptop Emails Reveal

Freeh referred to Joe Biden as “Dad”

Paul Sperry on Twitter:

IRS-990 filings reveal the Bidens added ex-FBI chief Louis Freeh to the board of directors of the Beau Biden Foundation after Freeh pumped $100k into a trust fund for Joe Biden’s grandkids. Freeh,who’s Irish, referred to Biden as “Dad” in emails found on Hunter’s laptop

Paul Sperry on Twitter:

IRS records reveal donations/grants to Beau Biden Foundation mysteriously surged to $3.8 mil in 2020 as Biden ran for president, from $693k in 2019 & $535k in 2016. The 501(c)3 hides its donors. House Oversight is probing anonymous Chinese gifts to UPenn/Penn Biden Cntr

Number of migrants ‘caught’ illegally crossing southern border has already hit ONE MILLION in less than four months into fiscal year.

Suspended FBI agent and whistleblower Steve Friend said the priest who normally distributes the ashes in a long standing Ash Wednesday tradition at the Chicago FBI office was told to stay away this year due to an unspecified ‘legal issue. People may not think it is a spiritual battle, but the enemy clearly does.

LA Mayor Bass calls to root out ‘right-wing extremist’ police, signals lowering the bar for new recruits. I think “Right wing” in increasingly code among them for “not a member of our conspiracy.” It has nothing to do with ideology.

NYC teacher tells kids that Nintendo characters have sexual-gender identities: ‘Peach is a massive lesbian.’

Judge goes easy on attorney who helped firebomb NYPD car during BLM riots: “You’re a good guy. No question.”

@KanekoaTheGreat posts photos of FDA employees who now work for Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, as well as career moves by Fauci and an MSM reporter.

Lab leak most likely origin of Covid-19 pandemic, Energy Department now says.

GOP Rep. [Kris] Jordan of Ohio dies suddenly at age 46.

Persistence of the Spike protein may be inducing systemic autoimmune disease that is mimicking Sjogren’s, Arthritis, Vasculitis, Diabetes, etc. That is not something that somebody schooled in the art would be shocked by, or have been unable to foresee. This was either callous disregard, or nefarious intent.

Elon may have some DMs which will be interesting at some point:

Woody Harrrelson does an SNL monologue which attacks big pharma:

Bear in mind, that is a guy whose dad was a hitman and organized crime figure, who smoked a federal judge, and he ended up a big Hollywood star. And you could not become a big Hollywood star under any circumstances.

Affirmative action promoted a pilot who had a history of acting “impulsively” during training and “an inability to remain calm during stressful situations,” he hit the wrong switch on his 767 as a result of turbulence and then became disoriented when the plane accelerated, and ended up in an unrecoverable dive. I have long suspected a lot of these planes have surveillance packages covertly mounted in the bellies that can beam video and sigint back to the basement command center running follows, and either surveillance can hack the plane’s GPS remotely to move them off course and get the surveillance package above a target, or they recruit the pilots to swing off their courses and bring the planes around to a target.

It sounds nuts, but I had a local news channel which was a total joke. It was basically some exasperated anchorette, standing, not sitting, in front of a wall with a microphone, reading news stories, and cutting periodically to a handful of reporters in the field. She may have had some wrapping paper taped up against the wall behind her as a background. Occasionally they would cut to another quasi-anchorette outside somewhere in a park, or under a bridge to do other headlines. Clearly they had no budget and advertising wasn’t doing it, as they tried to turn out a news show from a closet they were renting out somewhere.

Then suddenly they got a set, with a fancy glass desk, and LED TVs in the background for the achorette. And then more reporters, and weather SUVs with all the bells and whistles to do weather on the road during storms, and soon the camera was panning back to a big raft of people working on stories in cubicles, and then a co-anchor showed up, so the anchorette could banter.

And of course this was when I was getting shock and awe, and I was followed a couple of times by their news vans. I saw one of the reporters sitting in the passenger seat, as they drove alongside me on the highway. There is even more to it than that, you’ll probably figure it out someday. They were really active for the machine. But my point is, their reporters became part of the local muscle for the gangstalking brigade, and suddenly that news program became quite profitable.

I’d bet if you were flying a fleet of planes over all the major cities 24 hours a day, somebody would show up and offer to make that more profitable for you too, if you would just let their people have access to your planes, and wire some stuff into them you will never even know is there. That is basically how it works.

And again, I think Affirmative Action is a meme. Nobody is sticking their neck out to promote blacks for reparations or something, out of the goodness of their hearts. This guy was not getting promoted to this position because the company cares about any race or value, or anything else. The concept is a meme designed to explain why the system is not a straight-up meritocracy, and why an idiot like this was flying a plane and you are not. And I am sure there are plenty of blacks who would have loved to fall into that job, but it would just never happen for them.

Military exchange stores should stop selling guns to troops under 25 years old and require across-the-board waiting periods on firearm and ammunition purchases to reduce high suicide rates, an independent advisory panel to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is suggesting. Because no member of the military will handle a gun if they are not sold in stores? Did they stop doing firearms training at some point, and I missed the story on that?

Power grid attacks up 71% and Biden acolytes tell us it’s all those white supremacists.

New ‘Frankenstein’ opioid pills 40 times more potent than fentanyl that WILL kill users with one dose are already sweeping the U.S.

Owners of electric vehicles are finally admitting that recharging away from home is a total “logistical nightmare,” between finding charging stations, and the fact that in the best case scenarios it takes 30 to 40 minutes, and up to two hours, to recharge.

Minnesota Democrats advance giving driver’s licenses to 77K illegal aliens.

Flashback to 2014 – U.S. federal agents allegedly cut a deal with the Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to traffic tons of narcotics across the border, in exchange for information about rival cartels, according to documents filed in federal court.

Neil Oliver – “What the hell – We’re rationing tomatoes”…

The University of Cambridge has been accused of being a “bit racist” after it was revealed that it had initially blocked working-class white students from a post-graduate programme designed for students from underrepresented groups. Mark my words – if you were “with intelligence” that blocking would easily have been lifted. I think domestic intel just does not have that many working class whites because they recruit new blood from dictatorial regimes overseas, because those people are cooler with being part of some intrusive, controlling dictatorial shadow force in the nation.

The Tunisian government’s declaration of its intent to deport all black immigrants has prompted controversy. They are probably not reporting this because it is a huge Overton Window shifter, which could lead Europe to consider expulsion of its migrants as plausible, and at least make ending migration a more normal response.

It follows statements by the President opposing the migrationIn an official statement, the head of state said that immigration was part of a ‘criminal plan to change the composition of the demographic landscape’ of the country.

Mexico’s president posted a photo on his social media accounts Saturday showing what he said appeared to be a mythological woodland spirit similar to an elf photographed by an engineer, adding, “everything is mystical.” Pic:

Surveillance cameras with the ability to measure a crowd’s “mood” and track the number of people by counting cell phone frequencies were deployed at the Lesbian and Gay Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday in Sydney, Australia.

Canada considers expanding its assisted suicide law to include minors—even without parental consent.

Spain passes transgender law allowing minors treatment without parental consent.

A vessel carrying over 100 migrants shipwrecked off the coast off the southern Italian region of Calabria on Sunday morning leaving at least 43 dead and scores missing.

China planning satellite constellation to “suppress” or destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink.

Paul Sperry on Twitter:

Nuland’s role in the 2014 coup was not limited to phone calls. She traveled to Kiev and helped organize street demonstrations against Yanukovych, even handing out sandwiches to protesters. In effect, Obama officials greased a revolution provoking Putin

Condoleezza Rice warns GOP candidates against pulling back from Ukraine: ‘These conflicts always come home.’ Neocon.

Saudi foreign minister meets Zelensky in Kyiv, signs $400 million aid agreements. Why would Saudi Arabia let money flow to Cabal if Mohammed bin Salman is on our side?

Image projected on US Embassy in Russia says “400,000 Ukrainians dead. Want to continue?”

Ukrainian fighters at Bakhmut reported encircled.

Video of protests in Berlin against the government’s support for war with Russia.

Thousands of demonstrators in the cities of Genoa and Milan are demanding an end to weapons supplies to Kiev.

Former President Donald Trump is leading his potential Republican primary challengers in Kansas by double digits, a Remington Research Group survey shows.

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden48-44 in a head-to-head 2024 matchup, a recent McLaughlin & Associates survey found.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is a reason the idiots are rising to power

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2 years ago

Meritocracy, careers, etc.

This is from the “About the Author” section of a book by a former Cabal insider, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

A must-read! Highly recommended.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

So was “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” true or not? The question. I was influenced by this book a great deal, as were many others.”If” he was not NSA then in fact this was a hit on the USA. It could well be true that some developing countries did bad deals with banks but that could be a cover story he used to tar the US with contriving to ruin them. If he is lying, this is treason, and he should be shot.
I’ve also very wary of Edward Snowden’s actions. He certainly hurt US intelligence. You know, his stripper girlfriend really made me wonder. It seems very contrived, this programmer would have a stripper girlfriend.

And I’ve read he was CIA and was really there to attack NSA for the CIA. If true then he and whoever thought this up and made it happen at the CIA should be shot. Snowden could have leaked that the NSA was spying on US citizens without releasing the tools used to do so.
Edward Snowden was in or was training to be Army SF. I wouldn’t think NSA would recruit from the Army but I know the CIA does as I think it almost 100% that Timothy McVeigh was taken out of the Rangers training to some intelligence agency, CIA?, and then bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma City. He was outed by a video where he was stationed while supposedly he was out of the service working at gun shows. He was not.I think Timothy McVeigh is out there somewhere. He should be found and be shot.

2 years ago

LA Mayor Bass calls to root out ‘right-wing extremist’ police, signals lowering the bar for new recruits. I think “Right wing” in increasingly code among them for “not a member of our conspiracy.” It has nothing to do with ideology.


2 years ago

Canada considers expanding its assisted suicide law to include minors—even without parental consent.

This is stunning. I stopped reading–just contemplating the above for several minutes. I’m just agog in befuddlement.

What is wrong with the Anglo-Saxon? Ohh, democracy is the greatest thing–and look at what the democracy is doing—killing children! WTF. It is time for the Second Coming. This is Luuuunacy! Scary, really.

Spain passes transgender law allowing minors treatment without parental consent.

Once Catholic country, taken over by Atheists and Bakuninites—Every once Catholic country is committing seppuku. It is no wonder that God created Hell–He’s got to put these sociopaths somewhere–He surely doesn’t want these raging sociopaths anywhere near Him.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

In certain corners of the Internet there’s a theory that **the plan** is to so agitate common folks that we go on a rampage and clean out the entirety of the “middle management” class where that would include folks right up into the executive. The resulting crisis then being the impetus to justify centralized one world gov.
Killing minors would be pretty much exactly what I would propose as effective if the you wanted to trigger the scenario above.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


I agree. They need the old system destroyed before they can introduce the new system. What better way to do this than to get us to do it for them. By pushing us too far and we eventually snap, fight back and take on the challenge.
Also, the chaos during this deconstruction of the old system will be epic, and lots of people will die. A major win for them.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Invade Canada. We have had enough of the hat.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Words matter.

And we will expel their left too.
Australia may be next on the list.

2 years ago

Pet peeve, but it helps when discussing a legislature to specify if its state or federal. It makes a difference.

2 years ago

‘Affirmative action promoted a pilot who had a history of acting “impulsively” during training and “an inability to remain calm during stressful situations,” he hit the wrong switch on his 767 as a result of turbulence and then became disoriented when the plane accelerated, and ended up in an unrecoverable dive.’

Someone once quipped that DEI should be rearranged to DIE.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

When and where did this occur? I don’t doubt it happened mind you, but it would be beneficial to know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

It’s definitely what “they” meant when it was created. All of y’all whites need to DIE.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago


Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

on disintegrating tracks

2 years ago

> Surveillance cameras with the ability to measure a crowd’s “mood”


Sounds a lot like the boondoggle that Homeland Security dumped millions into; software that was supposed to identify potential terrorists solely by their facial features. Not surprisingly, it didn’t work.

Hassan Nasrullah, head of the Hezbollah terrorist group, is practically my twin, despite substantially different racial background. The genetic dice are loaded, and sometimes they roll snake eyes. Besides, it’s *my* face; I’m three months older than he is.

Every Federal building, and most buildings with Federal offices in them, has video surveillance. Every now and then when I have business in one of those places, I wonder if Homeland Security *really* dumped that project, and if a herd of Federal mall cops will go all tactical on me. I’m too old and crotchety to put up with that kind of crap nowadays, and I’ve already decided I’m not going to put up with any of their shit.

2 years ago

> DFT – UK Farmer’s Union Official Tells UK, “Take Command” Of Food Production

“We’re incapable of running out own businesses in the free market, and we implore you to put us under the Crown’s bureaucratic jackboot.”

Well, we know what the “UK Farmer’s Union” is, don’t we?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“We’re incapable of running out own businesses in the free market…”

They certainly are under the rules and regulations Britain has placed on them. They can not compete against those with NO rules at all. If we are going to strangle business with rules, then we need to make provision of some sort to protect industry in our countries.

You should watch Clarkson’s Farm TV show. Interesting. The rules are insufferable. Every single thing he did he had a gov. agent coming to see him.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Farmers lost EU subsidies.

Addicts going cold turkey?

2 years ago

> Democrats introduce resolution to ban Trump from US Capitol

“The resolution stated: “The Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the United States Capitol Police shall take such actions as may be necessary to prohibit President Donald John Trump from entering the United States Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as President.”

I hope they pass that bill. It violates a pile of established law, just to start with.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago


Much of the messaging in the MSM is, and has been for years, redolent of World War II and the fabled Blitz Spirit, “We’re all in it together”, “making do”, “mustn’t grumble”, “doing our bit”, “standing up for democracy”…[Neil Oliver] 

Funny, when I grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance, I never heard any mention of “democracy — really socialism. Did anyone hear that in the Pledge? I didn’t hear it either when I was sworn in as an election precinct judge.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

You are correct, and there is no mention of it in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution either. I think it’s word wizardry. They use the word, but with a different meaning than the one we were taught. So we hear “Democracy” and think everybody having an equal vote. To them “Democracy” (I call it demonocracy) means something entirely different related to their Satanic agenda. So when they accuse of us being a threat to their democracy, if you take them at face value, they are right, but not for the stated reasons. But we are a threat to what they’re instituting, and it is a threat to us.

I personally don’t believe any of them are “Americans” in the sense we are, or substitute the country of choice, British, Australians, Germans, etc. They may have been born in the country and possess citizenship, but they represent a hostile foreign power that has pretty much already conquered us.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

In recent years I noticed that WWII British propaganda phrase “Keep Calm And Carry On” suddenly was everywhere again on all kinds of merchandise. They seed this kind of insidious brainwashing into our culture from so many angles in order to support their program and make it appear organic.

The Ukrainian yellow and blue is now popping up everywhere on entirely unrelated marketing. It’s unmistakable when you see it – just the right tones of yellow and blue, and dominant enough to unquestionably trigger the association. I’ve seen it recently in print ads, billboards, a sign for an event in a local park.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

Most marketing people are stupid. I saw it up close.
Remember New Coke? They changed the successful product because they were worried about marketing of their less successful competitor.
In UK they are as sheep.

  • Scottish accents associated with Gordon Brown
  • Black man White Woman Romance Debenhams advert

Scottish accents dropped when people realised Brown was a simpleton.
Debenhams shared dropped like a stone, and business destroyed. Since 2020, almost all adverts include an alpha black man with a white woman. They dont remember what happened to Debenhams because the Hive Mind doesn’t entertain the lesson.

Dilbert could do a cartoon on it.

Debenhams advert here:

2 years ago

Mrs Biden?
Also look at the Clintons. Bubba just wanted to interfere with interns and stewardesses. Bubba was the face. Hillary was the operator.
What did Q post? “Follow the wives. These people are stupid.”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Spot on, but it’s even deeper. For many men in important positions, their wife is their handler. Or, if not their handler, in some way involved in cabal. For example, cabal tells a man’s wife to divorce him and then provides all the legal services she could need and even a bought off judge to just clean him out.

Cabal will set up important men with desirable women they could not otherwise get as a way of controlling him. This plays out in many, many ways.

2 years ago

Elon Musk claims US media is ‘racist against whites and Asians’ and appears to back Dilbert creator who warned people to ‘stay the f**k away from blacks’ – as WaPo and NY Times drop comic strip. It is a show, and these are actors. And whatever you feel looking at this, chances are it is what they wanted you feeling for some reason.

I was thinking about this situation.
1 — Clot Adams needs to put the clot thing behind him. It was sticking too much, and he knows that “Clot Adams” is a verbal killshot.
2 — He’s 65, and every fiber of a boomer’s being says 65 and retire. So he’s ready to retire.
3 — He’s mentioned that he’s got some new grift in the works, so getting Dilbert cancelled would be great publicity for that. More people will see the cancellation than see the cartoon.
4 — Dilbert is no longer relevant. How many people — even people who have office jobs — work in an office today? It’s like the movie Office Space. It’s not bad, but it’s a time capsule to a world that no longer exists, and certainly what exists today can’t be portrayed comically in a mainstream newspaper.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Clott will be fine. He’ll self-publish on Substack and run a podcast.
20% more grift but 10% more truth. Win/win for everyone.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Dilbert was great, it’s just that there is limits to how many times you can tell the same joke.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Accurate summary. Far Side had a wider scope.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I wanted to argue this, but…. can’t. Especially item 2. Adams has been doing the Charles Schulz coast for quite some time now. If I had to guess, I’d say the last time a DIlbert strip was actually funny was…. 2005? 2008? Adams loves to pontificate about ‘you idiots are poor thinkers’, and frequently describes aspects of that dumbthink as ‘thinking your life is a movie you’re the star of.’

Fade-cut to ‘Projection is a real thing.’ Now Adams gets to see himself as a true, pure warrior monk – like Jimmy Caan in Thief! shit man, like freakin BATMAN!! – who pulls down the hole rotten organizational edifice onto the heads of the Evil Ones, and then goes off, unseen and unknown, to wander the earth and fight bad guys and right wrongs. You know: like that guy in ‘Kung-Fu’ did.

And ‘Kung-Fu’ was on TV riiiight about the exact time Adams was a highly-intelligent yet still quite dorky teenage babe repeller. One envisions teenage Scott sprawled on the floor watching that show and thinking, “Why, that’s ME! **I’M** that ultramegawise secret badass who’s too beautiful for this rotten world!” Somebody needs to check his forearms for Shaolin dragon tats/brands.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Good thinking.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

(Actually posting from the bar.)

2 years ago

I’m glad you shared the DFT affiliate link.
I just used it to make an eBay purchase. Every little bit helps!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

You might want to link to that at the top of each blog post so it doesn’t get lost.

2 years ago

Fairly sure the GOPe know they can’t beat DJT in a primary. The huge inlux of cash is most likely to shore up support for throwing the general and if that doesn’t work to sabotage his admin. Also, just preventing a total rout and keeping the infrastructure intact post-Trump.

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

The Repukes will work with the Secretaries of State and the Demonrat party to STEAL the event the primary elections! It’s all about Stealing now! The Repuke party BLOCKED, yes, BLOCKED, any investigation into the 2020 election–what you think they are going to do in the 2024 primaries? Steal them, of course!

2 years ago

AC, please listen. I am uninterested in what ‘ they ‘ want, so I’m really truthful when expressing that I am not joining any group, club, clique, no matter who has been or is now one of them. I presume you would want to know so as to avoid spending your time and energy unfruitfully. I don’t understand what motivates you. Is it that you want me to stop reading this site? What joy do women get trying to ‘ convert ‘ a man to join ‘ them? ‘ Are such Cybele/Jezebel women pressuring you? Is there some ‘ well meaning ‘ professional ( if that word means anything nowadays) acting like that’s doing me any kind of ‘favors?’ I have been honest with you many times with these comments, and yet I sense you want me to join ‘ them.’ Whether right or left leaning, I am not giving my soul to them, and considering the state of society, I am happier alone anyway. What the heck are you thinking AC? While I have never met you, I kind of think of you as a mostly like minded good neighbor. So I would like you to stop whatever it is that you are doing. That said, it’s you’re site, and I’ll just leave if that seems best.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Good clarification. It is very difficult to know who and what to trust these days. So, as the curtain continues to get pulled back, it is becoming obvious that this is only exposing the sacrificial layer and there are probably 2 or 3 additional curtains hiding deeper layers, with final layer being entirely spiritual, the kingdom of evil, Satan, Lucifer, or whatever you want to call it. Oh, and despite those materialist and pseudo atheists and their denials, it is real; terrifyingly real.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And your work is appreciated.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

AC, after reading this comment a second time, and also the comment in bold font further on, I think you are getting AI generated comments thrown at you.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Weirdo jeez

2 years ago

I’d forgotten but the GOPe is really Bush faction. Thry’re still there. Jebe! backing deSantis is amazing.

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

Both George Soros and Jeb Bush appear to be sidelining DeSantis. The Cabal must actually want Trump to be the nominee in 2024 because their cult-like Trump derangement syndrome programming has already been invested in so heavily. It is a known factor. That and they already got away with blatantly stealing the presidency from Trump once with little consequence, so they must be confident that they can do it again. Having to switch all that media contrived hatred on to DeSantis – complete with fake dossiers – or what not, may not be feasible. Plus, if they steal it from Trump again, they will further affirm that populist outsiders, MAGA in particular, are not welcome in the DC sewer, so those who may perhaps emulate Trump’s path to office shouldn’t even try.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

No, they don’t want Trump and they do want DeSantis.
DeSantis will just throw the general like Romney and McCain.
They want to defeat Trump in the primary so they can say he is totally cast out of politics.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

And if the Bush family is still lurking in the background, after all the damage they have done to this country, exactly how does anyone think Trump would be allowed back in to do any swamp draining.

The entire deep state machine is still fully staffed and fully functional, and has gotten away with every crime it has openly committed for several generations, with no end in sight.

I’d still love to know how anyone thinks Trump gets reelected under these circumstances.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Jeb was lurking behind deSantis

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

And Jeb’s backing is not a good thing in any way shape or form.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Gee, AC, I wonder if I just began introducing myself as, “with intelligence,” I would have an easier lot in life 😎

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And others that would come lean on you for daring to impersonate the club.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Well Ghost, truly, you are ‘with intelligence’- specifically citizen volunteer counter-intelligence, and your primary target is Cabal.

2 years ago

What you said about the fake race wars is very accurate.

It’s not that sane people honestly believe there are no black men qualified to be airline pilots. It’s a fact there are.

The crazy part is that people totally incompetent will be drafted as pilots because they are black – not because they have any aptitude for it. It’s the pronounced opposite of meritocracy. It redoubles the feeling of hopelessness in blacks because they see that without special suspensions of reason, they cannot hope to compete in a fair civilization on a level playing field.

Imagine how much their morale might change seeing black men quite competent to be pilots walking around in a pilot uniform. That’s exactly what Cabal doesn’t want.

I was in the Army and I saw drill sergeants and other elite military who were clearly drawn from the best candidates. There’s no question about it, they were that good. I guarantee you their worst nightmare is black people succeeding on merit. You cannot foment a race war around fair and equal treatment of all people under the law.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

Black people are dangerous. This isn’t racism it’s statistics and risk-management.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

It makes me happy to see someone break a stereotype.

Meanwhile, the stereotype serves well.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

It’s not that there aren’t qualified black people, it’s that there simply aren’t enough to adequately spread around to give the appearance of “diversity”, so any black person , no matter how incompetent, will suffice.

Bell Curve and all that.

Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

True. But even God who is completely Righteous had enemies. It’s likely unfortunately true that there will be a core of racial haters that won’t see reason. And they must be eliminated.

The reasonable will be persuaded by meritocracy but not all.

Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago


Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

This is true. All the talk about “diversity” and hiring, the latest versions of affirmative action, basically, are NOT pro-minority. They are anti-white and a desire to get minorities that they can control into position of power.

Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

Imagine if all the competent blacks ended up splitting from the others instead of being subjected to reversion to the mean be remaining part of the general population.
That must frighten them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

If every single black murderer was executed. And all of the unrepentant genocidal haters of the white race.
Then the competent Blacks will thrive as a result.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There’s quite a difference between murder and “hate,” wouldn’t you say (I guess not, or you wouldn’t have said that). Some things need to be hated. Among them are being overrun by races with characteristics that don’t mix well with your own, e.g. Negroes; same goes for semitic monomaniacs who cannot decide if they would rather whine, swindle, or murder. Nothing is going to make good Blacks thrive here, because there are relatively too few of them. Over the years, I have known, worked for, and worked with countless Negroes, mostly of the better sort. I don’t think that two percent of them would be happy living in a White society as fake Whites. I seriously believe that if you told 98 percent of them, “You can have full equality, but you must associate only with Whites,” those people would tell you, “get me back to Jim Crow, please!”

Of course, all of the above aside, having your ethnos downbred and extinguished is the most important issue of all, since it’s not just a “paint job” your unhappy descendents will be getting, it’s a room temperature IQ and a propensity to act before thinking. You need to think about that.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Chris Rock would agree – although only privately these days

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

Re: Elon Musk claims US media is ‘racist against whites and Asians’
I know you think he is cabal and this is a scripted show but I tend to think he is a barely controllable cabal asset who tends to go off reservation on a regular basis and has become a liability. They must need him for something or I would have suspected him to be long gone by now.

2 years ago

SA is giving money to Ukraine for the same reason SA gave money to Clinton foundation. Russia gave tribute money to cabal till cabal decided Russia had to be carved up. Tribute is paid to empires until rebellion is more palatable. Cabal murdered Gaddafi (if what was reported was real) in a gruesome way. Few heads-of-state can survive cabal spending billions of dollars to remove them.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You are useful until you aren’t. All those sucked into the promises of Satan find that out eventually. It’s a given. That empire of evil has no allegiance to any of their human puppets. They are merely tools to be used and discarded when no longer worth the effort or if they even appear to rebel. The only way to survive even a little bit once sucked in is by throwing yourself on the mercy of God and pleading the blood of Jesus. Not as easy as it sounds; the words maybe but the necessary change of heart, nada. I keep wondering about how long Musk can continue straying off the reservation or whether he is just a pressure release valve buying time while they adjust their plans. Time will tell. One thing I know however, God wins in the end.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

I posted the following on Timeless Authors. I thought it might be useful to people here worried their jobs will be overtaken by AI:

I’m going to write a little about the rise of social commerce, influencer marketing, and user generated content, and what this has to do with AI and the job market.

AI will continue to rapidly saturate traditional marketing and traditional digital marketing techniques, such as content marketing, consumer education, search engine optimization, etc. Most of these marketing techniques have already been commodified, so AI represents a second wave of commodification.

As this happens, social commerce, influencer marketing, and user generated content will continue to grow because it is based on relationship-building, rather than making deals. But the market will be inundated with platforms and AI tech that facilitates relationship-building until the market becomes well-understood. Fortunately, relationship-building cannot be fully commodified, but the market will do its best to use AI tech to make social marketing efficient over the next 5-15 years or so.

Why do I keep highlighting commodification? As the market becomes more commodified and pricing marketing spend becomes more efficient, three things will happen. First, the low-end market will atomize into countless tiny agencies fighting with each other to survive, trying to build relationships with up-and-coming nano- and micro-influencers. Second, the mid-end market will be characterized by large platforms developed by the major agencies that combine SaaS efficiency with sales-oriented customer service and faceless tech teams. Third, the kings of the high-end market, the major agencies, will continue to grow and rule the bespoke marketing campaigns with two the iron fists of sales: social proof and successful case studies.

So what does this have to do with AI? The marketing sphere isn’t the only place in which these types of changes will occur. I’m trying to demonstrate that AI tech, at least for the next 5-15 years, has clear boundaries which we can navigate until the real pain starts happening. Everyone, not just the entrepreneurial out there, would do well to explore these areas for a number of reasons:

1. These are the spaces where one will actually be able to bootstrap an operation with a low budget, because they can reliably find an edge/moat that you can leverage.
2. If a team successfully breaks into the space, these are the areas where they can use their experience to reach and compete at the cutting edge of this space. Why is this important? You can be reasonably sure that you will have more data on your market than any new team trying to break into the field after you.
3. Which means that these are the areas in which the team (now a working startup) will be able to leverage this data to develop their own industry-specific AI that will streamline business operations.
4. Which means that this team will be most able to commodify the market and develop platforms as the market grows.

I can’t stress enough that this isn’t just for the entrepreneurial. If you are in a sector that is being streamlined, you need a reliable schema with which you can make future career decisions, to join a team with the highest likelihood of success. I am well aware that my usual advice of “be the top 1% of your sector and use this expertise to leverage AI” simply isn’t 100% useful, though I still think it is the most important advice to people. So I’d like to go further and help people answer the following question: “Which sectors will afford me good upward mobility while minimizing my chances of being replaced by AI and platforms?”

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

There’s a guy out there – some guy on the web, so you just KNOW it must be true! – he’s a finance/computer weenie guy. He points out the rise of ‘Everyone talking about AI’ lines up pretty close with the time that folks (the smart ones, anyway) when folks realized Crypto was a con, hustle, Dutch Tulips deal. It’s still got miles yet to run, complete with very much drama and strife, but it’s already over: Crypto is a dead man walking. AI is the Next Big Thing that doesn’t matter if it’s real or not: Next Big Things are what VC companies line up to throw money at.

OK, so that’s him. This is me: for pretty much the entirety of my lifetime, it’s been understood to the way to a vast fortune was to invent a pill. A pill that…” ^ grows hair on bald heads ^ grows big tits on flat-chested women ^burns away fat while bumping up muscle mass (yeah yeah, I know: “steroids”) ^ a Youth pill. Who ever comes up with even 1 of that list will make hundreds of billions of dollars. That’s as motivational as it gets. Yet, year after year… nothing. They’re ALWAYS ‘just 10 years away.’

Fusion? Nope. Laser-beam Death Rays? Nope. Room temp Superconductors? Nope. Pneumatic-tube mass transit? Nope. Shit, they can’t even make a (truly) self-driving car. A self-driving car would need to handle…what… 5000 scenarios/decisions? That’s not really all that much… so let’s knock the ‘list of stuff our product needs to know how to do/deal with’ to under 100: robot maids. they can’t even do robot maids. despite, again, “Whoever comes up with any of that stuff will make hundreds of billions of dollars.” I’ll be the first to admit I’m wrong – if I’m proven to be – but everything I’ve ever seen or read about AI suggests to me it’s just a variation on decision trees. Yeah, AI can “write” a news story or carry on a “conversation.” Meh

The scariest part to me is, the 1 thing I can think of that AI will/might excel at is “helping a government keep the citizenry under their thumbs.” If an AI told to watch over a given person/place/thing, it will do it. Forever, if need be, and it won’t blink even once. That’s…. not good.

Last edited 2 years ago by 2Voss
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

A simplified answer, at least for the most likely duration of all our lives here, is make something real. Bots may dominate digital, online, etc spaces, but robots can’t build furniture, houses, and stuff made by hand with any level of competency yet. They may “solve” marketing, but there has to be product that is being marketed in the first place.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Re: “AI represents a second wave of commodification.”
A wonderful insight! Thank you.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Re: “Which sectors will afford me good upward mobility while minimizing my chances of being replaced by AI and platforms?”
I would think any area that depends on true and reliable relationships, especially those that require physical interaction such as tradespeople or personal services. Someone you have to trust has to do the work to your satisfaction and that can’t be an AI. AIs can help the tradeperson better run their niche, taking care of a lot of the detail and interaction with government spaces, but there will always be a need for someone you trust who can do the work.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  I am not crazy but you may be
2 years ago

The trades are up for a big boom. I believe the average age of finish carpenters in the US is up there in the 50’s. It’s going to be a really good time for young tradesmen and especially general contractors in the next 5-15 years…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

“…people here worried their jobs will be overtaken by AI…”

You’re missing something. AI will take over a very large amount of jobs. It’s not the AI you should worry about but all the people who lose their jobs to AI who will have to do something and so all competition for all jobs will increase, driving down wages to nothing.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Or government will hire them to be cops, soldiers, or surveillance to oppress the people who still have jobs.

2 years ago

Posting this because I just saw this, and its a Quora thread so I wanted to get the link in:

Its about the Alec Baldwin kills someone on set incident, and in this case the poster knows what he is talking about and the comments are worth reading. My take is that this was intentional, since there were too many safety procedures that had to be violated to pull this off and too many coincidences. The question is whether Baldwin was the designated fall guy, or in on the operation. He could have been brought in and balked, and then designated as the fall guy. I lean more towards the fall guy because his reputation was destroyed and that had to be part of the plan.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I read somewhere that the woman who was shot was to make a documentary on paedophilia in Hollywood as her next project.
If true, this would definitely lean towards it being intentional.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Didn’t know that about Woody Harrelson’s father. Now I understand why you think the cartels are cabal.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

He was named as one of the assassins in Dallas.

2 years ago

Condoleezza Rice – Hoover Institute – fwiw

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

a russian expert she is – and cant speak russian…

2 years ago

I clicked on the link about the Tunisian President regarding his straight up honest and legitimate concerned thoughts and actions about his country beset with these hordes of alien criminals invaders. And read how these cabal paid influence agent whores, creating their pejorative agitprop, parsing pretending not to know things, underlying nasty calculating gaslighting garbage, I read it, its disgusting to the nth degree, framing this brave principled man with every right to be concerned with whats being perpetrated, as somehow criminal for daring question he and his peoples genocide, its unbelievable in the evil within the author, even seeing it right there, its foul enough to leave me somehow soiled by it, who do these people think they are, and this attempt to alter the facts and attack those who tell the truth without reservation, what a real legitimate state leader is elected to do. What is the duty and moral imperative of all elected to office by the people. And my overwhelming unmistakable rational thinking is those responsible, the facilitators and agents, they deserve equal justice in balance to their crimes, to be strung up and hung by their necks in public with tens of thousands cheering people, people long disgusted, fed up, sick to death of being othered, by the hand of those involved in smugly orchestrated evil pogroms the khazarian mafia criminal lunatics behind everything foul, nasty, demonic, depraved, and just plain unacceptable, foster and fund, hung till dead dead dead, with an audience of the people of their country and culture victimized by these foul crimes and conspiracies, cheering on with great exuberant enthusiasm the moment of just deserved execution, for nothing so nasty so foul and so destructive should be running free now and forever, the people cheering on the executioner who pulls the lever. It is time, time to be rid of both of these animals, the invaders, especially these paid cabal influence whores and the consummate foul shit-stirrers operating these false fake criminal gay NGOs, what kind of human you have to be to commit inhuman acts, I say animals all, primitive base shit-stirrers and their chosen criminal alien invaders, all animals not deserving an iota of benefit of the doubt, vile takers all, human shape animals running on all fours. Maybe reserve free helicopter rides for specific ones, ones who enable this genocide in the first place, give them a few spectacular remaining seconds of life to consider their crimes against humanity in the most personal intense fashion in the universe before they impact with the ground at terminal velocity. I advocate these public hangings must include our children attending so they can witness the awful truth, so they can grow and mature into decent healthy realistic orientated law abiding adults, our future, good folk who understand such crimes need never infect and subvert our cultures our civilizations and absolutely our world again. These foul creatures from the khazarian rothchilds and associated bankster mafia clans to the pieces of human garbage on the very other end of these crimes against humanity, without whom this evil is impossible to exist, its surveillance, the terror and reprisal organs, incinerated to the ground.
I cheer the Russians the Chinese and their allies for their courage and fearless actions to rid this planet of these vermin who have instigated countless war death and misery for centuries. The courage of a people to go, there but for The Grace of GOD, to trscue all the good people along the Donbas Arc, to then wage existential Warre against the lunatic khazarian mafia’s Ukrainian nazi hand maidens of genocide. It is the legend of Armageddon, the last battle between good and evil, against the evil rulers of this world, the Russians are doing this right now, Russians are being maimed and are dying, for all good folks sake, their courage and bravery just immense, what it takes to go forward into battle, words escape me, my gratitude inadequate. These are men and woman doing right thing, doing the hard things, doing it well, they have legitimacy and righteous and lawful just cause and the dignity of liberty and freedom on their side, I believe it is time for all of us good people on this planet to stand together against these inhuman blood thirsty criminals, lunatic usurpers, and their wicked minions who serve them. Even if it is to just acknowledge this all exists, to personally acknowledge this vast all but incomprehensible conspiracy of vile villains in fact exist, just this light of known truths has a profound sanitizing effect because it brings to light what evil operates along, and requires, the fringes of the shadows to disguise what they ruthlessly commit, to keep hidden the source and terrible truth of their atrocities and crimes against humanity, against all good folks. We all matter, We are relevant indeed. And for our part exposing the evil and knowing the evil is the very thing these villains can not tolerate. To refuse our consent to withdraw our consent is the most powerful weapon ever devised. Just to be simply left alone is the most basic human right, and never forget in all things, the first law, the law of self preservation, and how nothing nor nobody created by men on this mortal coil comes before this. Because if you are not aware it is self preservation itself these vermin work tirelessly to deny us.

In the final equation regardless all other things, misery brutality poverty squalid existence at best, pogrom genocide and liquidation is to be our fate by the hand of this evil, evil so incarnate the human language lacks suitable words to define it, but ultimately it is our suffering our deaths which profit these monsters. Never forget and never forgive for you get neither from them.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  i2onlyjustwanted2bleftalone
2 years ago

The problem with attempts at extralegal justice is no matter how pure it starts, it quickly and without fail becomes corrupted, devolves into vengeance and the exercise of power “just because’.
Lord Acton was correct when he said, “All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Power inducing corruption is axiomatic.

2 years ago

Does the Amazon and eBay click through affiliation work on a mobile device if you are using the Amazon and eBay apps or only when clicked through the same browser? IE do I need to shop in the browser and not use the apps.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

For amazon (not sure about ebay, don’t use it much) it is both a cookie and a reference tag in the URL. Everything after the ?ref= in an amazon link is various reference tags. The affiliate tag is one of them.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Ben Shapiro is a blasphemous, evil, changeling who will burn in hell if he, by the grace of God, does not repent. Highly, highly unlikely.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Job was the richest man around and by the grace of GOD he received salvation.
God does choose a few good men to make rich for his purposes.
But riches are usually granted by the devil and even when they are honestly earned they bring powerful temptations.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Riches/money bring power and it is the power of money that corrupts. If you think you can buy everything/anything you want or need, you are hellishly deluded.

2 years ago

I wanted to add, Anon – I know the reason they put a clown like Sam Brinton in charge of waste disposal. They needed somebody up there to can any inspections of the loss of tons of material they are trucking off because they are planning a false flag like the Ohio disaster except involving dirty ash. I don’t know whether they plan to blame it on a terrorist or a nuclear accident but it will pollute a huge swatch of American soil.
Remember, you don’t need to detonate a nuke if you combine something like a Daisy Cutter with a ton of this ash. The resulting signature will be convincing to anybody that it was a nuclear weapon. I don’t claim to know the exact details but I am certain this is why somebody like Sam Brinton was put into this role – to provide the public a face to hate on when its over. This is the same reason they put somebody like Buttigeig in as transportation secretary. The best grifters are going to make certain they have insulation like this from blowback.
You can shelter-in-place from something like the Ohio wreck but for real fallout you will need a real fallout shelter or you’re going to have to evacuate and you might be getting flushed right into a FEMA camp. They stay ten steps ahead of everybody else and all the public can do is react. They may have thought of yet another way they don’t have to go door-to-door. They might get you to transport yourself into the concentration camp without them having to do anything but open the front gates.

Last edited 2 years ago by TexasArcane
Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

Why aren’t you posting your wisdom on your blog anymore? Or, if you are, where can we find you? Sorry if I’m asking a stupid question, or something you have answered previously. I’d just like to hear more from you…

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“on hiatus until the revolution begins”

I think about this a lot. my paternal grandfather was deeply scarred by the (awful) recession of 1920-21 and then, just as he’d gotten out of the hole, the Depression. that shit really did a number on him. for the rest of his life, he’d rant & rave about what a hustle the whole System was, sneaky goodamn jews & fatcat politicians & Wall St sharpie scum, etc etc. so he made sure to do nothing with them – no sir! no stocks, not even ‘widows and orphans blue-chips’ (“widders & orphans got robbed same as everyone else!”) T-bills only, all that. BIG stacks of silver dollars, IIRC. but as a man of The Depression, this is understandable: money was very very important to him, in a way people today can’t begin to understand. so he thought about money nonstop. made himself and his entire family straight-up miserable. when he died, he left an estate of X. the thing is, by being Depression-scarred, he missed out on ALL the incredible investment opportunities of postwar USA. had he gotten into any of that, even just a little, he’d have been a thousand times happier and his X estate would have been 15X or 20X. financially, that’s a *generational* mistake. an off-the-charts terrible mistake. ‘the worst financial mistake of 40 lifetimes’ bad.

for almost all of his adult life, he (loudly) predicted The Fall of the US financial system; as well as The Fall of the US Dollar. and he was right! he was absolutely right! one day, it/they WILL collapse. (no nation in world history has ever survived this level of debt….every fiat currency in history ends up dead…) but it hasn’t happened yet in the 90 years since he began calling it…. so in the hard cold light of day, I have to conclude he {essentially} fucked up his whole damn financial life. whether I like it or not, it *appears* that: at a certain point, EVEN IF YOU’RE RIGHT, if being “right” costs you love, money, family, opportunity…..if it fucks up aspects of your whole damn life… then maybe, just maybe, you’re not right. MAYBE being right makes you…. wrong.

getting back to The Revolution, wise and far-seeing people have been forecasting THAT for…. 150+ years now. they’ve been wisely and far-seeingly forecasting planetary nuclear holocaust for… 70+ years now. they’ve been wisely and far-seeingly forecasting the collapse of The Almighty Yankee Dollar for…. 50+ years now. one day, no doubt, all that shit *will* happen. but so far? wrong. wrong. wrong.
just a thought. if being Wrong – I’m not talking God/religion here, mind – if being Wrong brings you a pleasant, prosperous life full of happiness & laughter while OTOH being Right means all the normies think you’re a loon because you live in a concrete bunker way out in the desert forever working out better ways to kill the neighbors when they come banging on your hardened-steel, man-trapped front door wanting in as the mushroom clouds settle but you end up dying kodokushi-style…..but RIGHT…..carrying that to reductio ad absurdum levels, it’s like committing suicide because *you know* one day the sun **will** go nova killing all life, so what’s The Point of living??

I don’t like thinking this way. I’m the undisputed King of Conspiracy Theories, I see very well the utter crap that is human history, hell, I’m a regular AC reader. all this bad shit WILL happen. someday. but…

Timing Is Everything

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

These are very important lessons so very few people learn.

Reply to  TexasArcane
2 years ago

Interesting take. Are they faking the nuclear fallout angle because nukes don’t exist as described, or just to limit the actual damage while maximizing the fear porn it generates?

And what is the level of risk in just saying no? Will it be real fallout dangerous or mostly an act?

I’ve been pondering the nuclear shelter for a while now, fitting out shipping containers with exterior linings and buried under fill isn’t terribly expensive in the grand scheme of the universe.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

FYI, shipping containers were never designed to handle that weight/stress anywhere but the corners. If you bury it under fill, you might be digging your own grave. If you want something commercial to bury, giant concrete sewer pipes (that WERE designed to be buried under ground).

2 years ago

Vault Co Archive 2 appears to be down asking me to login. Is that been that way?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

So there is nowhere to read it?

2 years ago

Number of migrants ‘caught’ illegally crossing southern border has already hit ONE MILLION in less than four months into fiscal year.

Q won’t be able to walk the streets either. (If there are any streets left)

2 years ago

Star Wars: In Defence of Palpatine’s Galactic Empire

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

As I have said before, the gatekeepers who push toxic masculinity are a bunch of fucking jewish homos, every one of them:
And for bonus points, BRCC hired “cleavage talking points” Nicole Arbor who they supposedly also harrassed.

2 years ago

Cabal plans continue apace:
Cabal may not have complete control. But it seems they just cannot stop themselves.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

China Uncensored – China Is Building Pig Skyscrapers

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Elon Musk claims US media is ‘racist against whites and Asians’ and appears to back Dilbert creator who warned people to ‘stay the f**k away from blacks’ – as WaPo and NY Times drop comic strip”.
‘It is a show, and these are actors’ – Exactly. I’m totally convinced now that Clott is running an agenda on behalf of Cabal, with the promotion of DeSantis over Trump in 2024 being one of the main goals. To accomplish this, he needs an ‘in’ with the dissident right, preferably several. His fake ‘the anti-vaxxers were right’ admission of a few months back was the first, this latest faux race realism take is the second. Everything, from the original comments (which Clott is too smart to make so openly), to the fuss over them being made by WaPo/NYT, everything about this whole charade is contrived theater

2 years ago

Symbols and child trafficking.

2 years ago

Apologize if AC covered it before.
More Aquariumgate:
New thread:
Locations List
Reddit thread
House with shed in the back that says, “help me on the door”

2 years ago

Russia Halts Pipeline Flows To Poland While Shifting Crude To Germany

2 years ago

Lula asks allies to overthrow the CPMI of 8 de Janeiro; investigation and inquiry could overthrow allied ministers of the president

While CPI analysis in the Senate is paralyzed due to investigations by the STF/PGR, the mixed investigation project (CPMI) in the National Congress advances and gains prominence in the corridors with opposition deputies and moderates (Centrists).

Sources in Lula’s team say that investigations into the acts of January 8 could end up blaming and incriminating Lula’s main ally: Flávio Dino, Minister of Justice.