News Briefs – 02/26/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Tina Peters reports gangstalking-like activity by the Governor’s chief of staff and his administrator, and says it happened before:

I don’t feel safe. So I’m on the flight going from DC to Denver. And CO Governor chief of staff is on the flight and also his administrator this woman and they’re taking pictures of me so when I confront her she lied and then she said that somebody sent her a picture of me as I was boarding the flight. I made her pull it up and watched her delete it and ask her to have that person delete it. Evidently, I’m of great interest to the Colorado governor. She did the same thing coming in to DC a few days ago and lied about it then also.

New study finds hearing and balance disorders among COVID vaccinated. Hearing and balance disorders are also a sign of Havana Syndrome and directed energy attacks targeting the head. Could be using the Covid hysteria as a cover for a broader program of Havana attacks. Or this article is designed to forestall examination of cases of hearing and balance disorders, by having them reflexively linked to Covid, so they will not be investigated further and maybe recognized as a broader wave of Havana, which I think is going to begin rolling out soon. Q should pull the trigger now, as if he waits until the election, and it looks like Trump will win, I suspect throughout September and October, our side will see people dropping left and right.

Senior Intelligence Analyst and Whistleblower Russ Tice says not only should Congress not reauthorize 702, they should get rid of FISA altogether. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say we should have the shadow court.

Robert Hur couldn’t determine who had access to Biden’s stolen classified docs because security at Penn Biden Center DELETED all visitor logs from 2017-2021. Did he sell access to foreigners?

More on the death of Angela Chao, Mitch McConnell’s sister in law. Not much, firefighter report says call came in just before midnight, Sheriffs were on scene before midnight, EMS within nine minutes, fire/rescue 27 minutes of being called, victim was pulled out at 12:57.

The Rothschild family’s Swiss and French branches are battling for dominance in the wealth management industry, which is causing tension and sparking speculation of a merger that would significantly impact the global financial landscape, Bloomberg wrote this week.

Lord Jacob Rothschild dies at age of 87. Did the big owl fly too fast and make a mistake that took him out?

How Google is run by the CIA and is rigging the election.

Judge who ruled Trump raped E Jean Carroll had previously dismissed a rape case against Prince Andrew.

Kristi Noem and Vivek Ramaswamy tie as top pick to be Trump’s VP in CPAC straw poll. I would agree with the commenter who said Ron Johnson, since he was Havana’d. Interesting though that he was Havana’d in Moscow. I do not believe Cabal has the capability to operate on the ground in Russia freely, especially around a visiting US Senator. Which raises the question, was the Havana device so small it could be carried in proximity to Johnson, without being detected, despite the presence, presumably of Russian intelligence/surveillance locking down the area around Johnson? Of would it point to it being deployed by invisible, Chameleo-drone? Or might it point to satellite? Or some other means of launching the attack from a remote location? If, as I suspect, it is the tapping/poltergeist tech, and it requires two technical interventions, namely charging the environment, and then blasting through a focused EM wave to drive the charged particles, probably from two different sources located 90 degrees to each other, maybe they would launch a ground attack, presuming it unlikely Russia would acquire both devices, and either, seized alone, would not appear as a weapon. One merely harmlessly charged adjacent areas, the other harmlessly blew through EM waves of some sort. Or maybe one of the devices is literally satellite based. It is part of the problem with this thing. They are surprisingly advanced when you get above the normie ground troops.

CIA built “12 secret spy bases” in Ukraine & waged shadow war for last decade, bombshell NYT report confirms.

Koch network says it will stop funding Nikki Haley’s presidential bid. Is that Cabal telling her it is OK to stop running?

Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.C.) is endorsing former President Trump for president in 2024, his office confirmed to multiple outlets. Even the RINOs are giving up.

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has offered to leave her position following the South Carolina primary later this month to allow former President Donald Trump to install his own party chair, two party advisers told CNN.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces her resignation.

Watch neocon warmonger-in-chief Lindsey Graham get viciously booed by MAGA crowd in SC.

Bob Costas said of Donald Trump, “He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. He‘s only become more disgraceful since 2016, and since 2020 he has a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits. You have to be in the throes of some sort of toxic delusion in a toxic cult to believe that Donald Trump has ever been, in any sense, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit to be president of the United States. But his supporters are locked in on that.” Look at how ridiculously over the top the statement is. So even some gray-man sports announcer nobody pays attention to is a diehard member of the conspiracy, and has probably done some dark shit in some ceremonies which would curl our hair if we saw it. Although it makes sense, given what he was probably paid, for doing something any better looking and more-likable sports fan could have done ten times better. We are going to find far more of society, stretching down far lower into the non-celebrity world, right down to the grassroots, was like that than we would have thought possible. This thing will one day be shown to have been all over.

ICE confirms Georgia student murder suspect entered US illegally, was previously arrested in NYC for ” acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation.”

Dems worried Biden will lose Michigan if he doesn’t cave to pro-Hamas wing of party.

Black voters are getting angry over all the free benefits given to the illegals, and not to their impoverished communities.

The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Seventy-three percent of college graduates who enter the labor market underemployed stay that way for 10 years as almost half of America’s college graduates are working at high-school-level jobs due to employers increasingly turning to factors other than college degrees to determine competency. Is this Cabal using a widespread HR infiltration for getting its people placed, while everyone else cannot find a position?

U.S. debt spending to surpass defense spending … this year.

Global debt surpasses $313,000,000,000,000 as nations face ‘potential growing challenges’ in ability to pay their bills: report.

Elon Musk claims he’s creating a Gmail rival dubbed ‘XMail.’

Democrat California Assemblymember Mike Gipson, who represents Los Angeles-area cities such as Compton, recently authored bill AB-3067, which would require insurance companies to inquire about — and report on — the number of firearms owned by folks seeking homeowner’s insurance.

Nate Silver calls to shut down Gemini after Google’s AI chatbot refuses to say if Hitler or Musk is worse. Maybe we can shut down the Cabal propaganda factory online too, since it was the writings of that online which taught this AI.

Asked to write a poem in the style of Jim Jordan or CatTurd, Goggle’s AI refuses to do so, saying it cannot support child sexual abuse, and referring the querier to various resources for dealing with child sexual abuse.

Harvard DEI administrator Shirley Greene plagiarized more than 40 passages in her PhD thesis, making her the third black woman at Harvard to be accused of academic fraud.

Shocking image shows US Air Force member set himself on fire at Israeli embassy: Says, ‘Free Palestine.’

Canadian doctors admit Covid ‘booster’ shot paralyzed young mom from the neck down, offer to help get her application for assisted suicide accepted more quickly to ‘make up for it.’ The crazy thing is, the issue they have diagnosed her with can reverse with time, if the immune system just suddenly stops attacking her nerves, and nobody can predict it. She has a 30% chance of an almost full recovery, a 30% chance of a partial recovery, and only a 30% chance of a permanent condition. You see why I say I often feel like I am looking at actors pretending to be doctors, who are just reading lines the scriptwriters gave them.

The European Union is considering a ban on repairs for all vehicles over 15 years old to encourage Europeans to buy new environmentally friendly vehicles.

In Japan: Muslim migrant from African nation of Gambia damages a Shinto shrine and threatens Japanese local not to pray there because ‘Allah is the only god’, arrested. Suppose you are a patriot in Japanese intelligence. Maybe they Fantasy Camped you, but you began to see through the veil, into the broader Matrix. They are going to flood Japan with the third world, and fuck it up like America. You locate some compatriots, and decide to thwart them. You get up some funds, find some willing local migrants, and offer to pay them enough they can live like millionaires in Africa after they are deported (probably like $57 dollars American), if they will do something like this. All of a sudden, across Japan, the news is forced to cover violent, obnoxious Muslim migrants, as a groundswell builds among the population, demanding they all be sent back, and no more be allowed in. I don’t know, it would seem more logical than the idea these migrants have all suddenly decided they are going to take over Japan.

UK MPs now requiring extra security and are hiring bodyguards.

Wall Street Silver:

Justin Trudeau announces that Canada will provide $3 billion in financial & military aid to support Ukraine.

Meanwhile, 2 million Canadians eat at a food bank each month.

Members of the Canadian military live in tent cities due to the cost of living crisis.

Zelensky: 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in Russia’s war. Quite a liar, given a former Zelensky aide says it is ten times that. And none of those lives mean anything to him. Just a total psychopath.

“Millions” could die in Ukraine’s war with Russia if US lawmakers don’t approve President Joe Biden’s $60 billion aid request for Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told CNN on Sunday.

Judge declares Fargo’s ban on home-based gun businesses goes too far.

Donald Trump handedly wins CPAC 2024 straw poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because the future is going to be horrific for one side – best it not be our’s

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1 year ago

Remember Aaron Bushnell, the Air Force serviceman that set himself on fire objecting to the US support of the murderous rampage the Jews are conducting upon the Palestinian people. Aaron Bushnell has done MORE than any general in our Armed Forces!

I too share his same sentiment—This past Friday, I drove an hour and half to Holland, MI, to my representative’s office Bill Huizienga, to also protest what is going on in Gaza. I went there specifically for that little Palestinian girl calling for help and when the ambulance came out and the two workers stepped out of the van–they were mowed down–then the girl was killed by the Jews.


And his office staff—couldn’t give a rat’s ass. “We’ll pass on your concerns”. Murder and Mayhem done with American weapons—Huizienga stands with Israel!

I watched the Mai Lai massacre trial on the news. Our media played that up and down, every day, weeks on end. —a big deal. Thousands of Mai Lais are occurring in Gaza–and NOT one peep. —and our Military generals are kissing Jewish butt! If I did anything like what the Jews are doing in Gaza–I’d be sitting in Leavenworth now. Why are these barbarians given a free pass?

Aaron Bushnell stood up! Lost his life for what he believed in. All that murder and destruction is BEING DONE IN OUR NAME, OUR WEAPONS, OUR MONEY!

Remember Aaron Bushnell. When our whole General Class looked the other way–this enlisted man stood up and was counted WORTHY! He is a Hero!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

That’s sad, and the facts about the genocide are disgusting, mainly that Americans would allow the Jews to carry it out. The acts of the Jews are not really disgusting being in the nature of the Jews, and coming naturally to them. Nature is never disgusting, only unfortunate.
The late Airman would have been better served in picking some method of killing himself that also took out some of those responsible. Unfortunately, he did exactly what he was trained to do — what we’ve all been trained to do: if you really must, then go ahead and kill yourself, but don’t you dare seek vengeance or take the law into your own hands! And of course, his own people are currently being genocided by the same criminals.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

I find his suicide pointless & regrettable. What good is he dead? He is already yesterday’s news. He has cut short his own life & denied the potential good he might have done – as husband, father, son, grandfather, leader, employer etc.

This is just virtue signalling performed with more finality than virtue signalling on a social platform. In order to reach that stage he had to not only be angry & disgusted but also despairing.. Falling into despair is a sin.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I would rather think that he put his money where his mouth is.

Do you know what Sacrifice is? You could have said the same thing about Jesus. Jesus could’ve moved to Egypt, Lebanon and skipped all that stuff in Jerusalem! He was God. He could’ve walked away, anytime and raised a family too!

And to say he was “yesterday’s news”? Is that how you honor a sacrifice? Who is doing anything about the genocide going on in Gaza? We all should shut our eyes? Sometimes one has to stand up and be counted. Life has meaning—and Hamas and the Palestinian people WILL remember him and are remembering him now! I will always remember Aaron Bushnell. Some of us Americans are not depraved.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

But he wasn’t Jesus. He was just random soldier. That is difference.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Problem is, sacrifice is normally considered as, “giving up something good, for something better.”

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Jesus was doing God’s will.
Are you trying to tell us that you think suicide — a mortal sin — is God’s will?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Didn’t Jesus commit suicide? After all, if he was who you claim he was, he could have avoided the whole thing. You can’t have it both ways, can you?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Allowing others to kill you is not the same thing as killing yourself.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Jesus was murdered. He didn’t nail Himself to the cross.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

If this mental patient had read The Terminal List he might have come up with a better plan.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Looks like the guy was a raving leftist.

1 year ago

Curious, for those familiar with the general phenomenon described by AC (personal experience). Are your dreams affected, possibly?

I will not describe it now, but I have had the same very unpleasant dream of some ugly physical process being done to me. This happens frequently, and has happened for years (3? 6?). I explained it to myself as a dream response to some physical sensation happening to my body as I sleep, like dreaming of peeing when you need to pee while asleep.

But the physical sensation the dream corresponds to was, I thought, normal tingling or natural nerve activity during the night. Now I wonder.

I have had hearing and balance problems, also for a few years, which I attributed to aging. And that might very well be the case. But the simultaneous onset and pronounced quality of both always seemed odd to me, although again maybe both were happening and I just never gave it much thought.

I do not make much of these things because there is nothing I can do about them, although I am trying to get healthier in preparation for the coming Battle, and am making progress that has not improved the hearing or balance, which it might (ought to?) do.

The dream in particular, with its persistence and its distinct unpleasantness, makes me wonder. A pee dream is self-explanatory, even when you are dreaming it. This dream, about something weird being done to me, is inexplicable.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

While my dream isn’t about an ugly physical process. I had a dream of a demonic face that appeared during my family boardroom meeting that I quickly tried not to look at. While they screamed.

I called on the Name of Jesus. And the dream stopped and I woke up. Wonder if you can call on Jesus in your dream and it could work.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Man, I’ve been wanting to talk about the dreams for a couple of years but was afraid I’d sound totally schizo or that I’m LARPing. In 2020, I started having dreams about these…beings. They range from very tall, very beautiful women to gods of staggering size. They seem to want something from me, but I feel if I agreed, it would be very, very wrong. Now and then, I’ll see horribly butchered people or other frightening scenes. I should point out that, before this, I rarely dreamed, and never in such lurid detail. I don’t watch horror or porn, either. When Midjourney came out, I freaked right out, because the images look like my dreams. When I pray and rebuke demons before I sleep, I have no such experiences.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’ve answered your own question. This is an ongoing spiritual attack. Clean up anything that’s spiritually unhealthy / sinful in your life & be vigilant to consistently keep up with prayer. Playing low volume worship music (any – eg Gregorian chants if you don’t like contemporary gospel) while you sleep will probably help too. Also read Psalm 91 regularly.

1 year ago

Re: Rothschild death, Bloomberg’s article described him as “Banker Who Broke from Dynasty”
Compared next to “Famous owl that escaped” it def sounds like coms

Reply to  anon
1 year ago

Monty Burns said the news of his death was “excellent”.

1 year ago

And BTW, wrt my post on balance and hearing, I did NOT take the shot.

1 year ago

Just some notes and observations about local gs’s and their vehicular operations. Its not difficult to see who the organic gs’s are in my rural area. It seems all of a sudden their vehicle coverage stopped, amazing how quiet serene it is without the constant every minute to two drive by’s. Begs the question did they run out of operating funds? It is particularly noticeable their absence at the gas station they all fueled up at, total ghost town, amazing how many gs’s doing vehic-coverage when you would always see them at break time lunch etc, dozens of cars and trucks waiting to fill their tanks get something to eat and use the john. Most where 2 gs teams, they text each other constantly even during their breaks, can see them text you drove in cause you can watch one of them look around see you, rapidly send a text and all in the same few seconds they all turn to watch you. Crazy shit. Like who in the fuck are these people, what are they thinking, do they hate all is anons that much they are willing part of this immense conspiracy against their very country? For a spell of around year and a half we had these two enclaves of Ukrainian neo-nazis living on secluded wood lots, whole families with kids taking the bus to school, then week of Thanksgiving 01 they packed up and aint been back since, seems they got called back to Ukraine and their terror war. You would see them all over, interesting they did this different vehicle operation. All day and night running a circuit thru the area driving very fast with open exhausts, you would hear them opening and closing their exhaust cut-outs, say they are nearing a clump of homes, about a mike prior on comes the wide open throttle exhaust sound, hear the doppler effect as the got further away and switch back to quiet exhaust, then when they got near the next target WOT both exhaust and the gas pedal. Over and over round and round 24-7. Then to see them drive by like normal heading home to one if the enclaves.
Some serious cash was spent i can honestly say to run this vehicle stalking, imagine what 50 gs’s weekly fuel costs at 4 bucks a gallon? Looks like they had contract account at the local fuel stop.
Makes you think. Like in the larger cities, would not be surprized if 90-95% if the nastier human activities would stop if the gs’s shut down. It would literally blow everyones fucking minds the difference that is.

1 year ago

Re: Bob Costas and his ilk

Anyone living in an area with a music and theatrical scene, knows that there are probably thousands or tens of thousands of people across this country who are just as good or better than what the “mainstream” offers.

And having spoken to a number of these talented people, I am constantly surprised and pleased how many share my pov on things. These are actual, normal human beings with a degree of integrity which stops their becoming more than locally famous, despite how exceptional they are.

But even the locally well known announcers, radio and tv personalities, are predictably dreary, trite, and obedient in their Cabal approved povs.

1 year ago

Re: who is worse, Hitler or Musk

One of the worst, most incoherent questions ever asked. Correct answer being, that is an incoherent question not susceptible of rational response.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Re: who is worse, Hitler or Musk, or Tucco Ramirez.

Reply to  Festis
1 year ago

“If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?”

Sounds seditious to me!

i cant hear
i cant hear
1 year ago

i made a comment a few days about recently being diagnosed with “SSNHL” but didnt seem to garner much interest. since then seems to have been a lot of hearing-related posts about HS/DEW. just wondering if that specific ailment is named in any of the findings?

1 year ago
Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

Rothschild dies age 87
AC: Did the big owl fly too fast and make a mistake that took him out?
Yesterday we had:
“The Owl escaped, and was flying free when out of the blue it slammed into a building and was killed by its own actions and the direction it chose? Comms?:”


1 year ago

CIA built “12 secret spy bases” in Ukraine & waged shadow war for last decade, bombshell NYT report confirms.

This supports an earlier comment I made that Russia has been advancing slowly in Ukraine, because whenever they take territory they have to stop and identify and root out the Cabal or CIA networks.

If and when this goes live, I think the war will go the same way. The first step is the not Cabal forces getting some patch of territory, somewhere, they can defend. The Cabal will have an overwhelming advantage in most places, somewhere. Then any advance will be very slow, because after each county is liberated, the surveillance networks will have to be rooted out and destroyed before advancing further. And there will have to be a screening process for refugees and dissidents trying to make their way to the liberated areas, it will be necessary for them to join the fight but many of them will be infiltrators.

1 year ago

“Is this Cabal using a widespread HR infiltration for getting its people placed, while everyone else cannot find a position?”

As a data point, I graduated from a “top” college in the 90s, and no I wasn’t an English major or something similar, and it took me six years to get a job, any job. I applied to minimum wage jobs too. I am preparing another job search, after living on savings for awhile, but am expecting the same thing, given reports that corporations just stopped hiring native born American men sometime around 2019.

This is a comment from February 23rd that really should be placed in a permanent folder here, maybe under “Cabal career management”:

“It could be something else. Cabal works in mysterious ways, and often times what can seem a promotion is just a set up for failure. Cabal could have eyed her and realized she had potential, but was perhaps too independent. So what to do? Make what use of her as they can, and then implode her.

“Obviously cabal didn’t want McCain in the White House. He was running to lose. They were able to pull out Palin and make her the target of great mockery and eventually wreck her.

“It’s much like Jordan Peterson. It looks like they are promoting him as one of their own. But on a deeper level they have him pumped up and becoming rather grandiose, and with that turning people off. People are now focused on his political diatribes and his earlier quite useful self help work has been marginalized and forgotten.

“My feeling is that you believe there’s a clear line between us and them, and that there are essentially fully initiated “members” of cabal. There may be at certain levels. But I think the vast majority of people are what could best be called “assets”, who are people being manipulated into various roles with no idea that anything is going on.

“As part of getting wrecked by cabal, they put me through a glory period where everything was going my way and things were handed to me. I thought, at the time, that I was just finally getting what I was due and people were recognizing my worth. But layered within it was an operation to cut me off and isolated me from trusted contacts.

“I’m sure many people are managed without even realizing it. We know that they know how to destroy people. But for some reason they don’t destroy certain people completely.

“Take Texas Arcane, for example. Most here are familiar with his story. The man has been put through hell, yes. He’s been bounced all around. They even threatened him to get him to take his blog down.

“But he’s always been able to find work. They’ve kept him under anxiety and let him know he was being watched. But they never kept him outright destitute. And I know they can do that because there was a time they’d not allow me to keep ANY job.

“So why has Tex been able to work and earn a living over all these years when I went through a time when they wouldn’t even let me work minimum wage? Tex as a far better communicator than I and far more capable of waking people up and detecting errors and anomalies in all kinds of fields.

“My guess is that they see his has useful skills and they want to exploit him. So what happens is he has one strange, upsetting, or destabilizing event after another injected into his life and then “escapes” to where they need him.

“I think vastly more people are manipulated like this than we know. I’ve ran into a lot of people who I felt were benefitting or somehow controlled or targeted who I am convinced had no idea at all what was going on. I know the type who are willing collaborators, but they are different from those who I see being manipulated into roles without knowing. And the there are those who are coerced who have no choice at all.

“So don’t think that everyone who seems to not be getting wrecked and seems to be advancing is fully “in on it.”

“My guess is that most of my life was mapped out for me when I was in my teens and I’m just going along with events and very deep manipulation that is constant.”

1 year ago

So far this is the only speech at CPAC this year that has been worth listening to, especially the last five minutes or so when he diagnoses the problem posed by the Fed – “if the government is funded entirely by printing money out of thin air, why the high taxes? The high taxes are an illusion to sell you on the idea your currency has value.”

They just introduced the Fed as an election issue to the normies.

JUST IN: El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Warns Of ‘Dark Forces’ In Anti-Crime Speech At CPAC

1 year ago
1 year ago

> The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Cabal making the war chest liquid? Didn’t Buffet also liquidate a bunch of stock recently as well?

Will be interesting to track these cash-outs in the run up to election season and see if there’s a correlated increase in shenanigans going on.

1 year ago

‘Black voters are getting angry over all the free benefits given to the illegals, and not to their impoverished communities.’

Again, with so many new pawns shuffling across the “border,” they’re being tossed aside like old rags.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Bob Costas said of Donald Trump, “He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. He‘s only become more disgraceful since 2016, and since 2020 he has a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits. You have to be in the throes of some sort of toxic delusion in a toxic cult to believe that Donald Trump has ever been, in any sense, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit to be president of the United States. But his supporters are locked in on that.” 

Toxic delusion of a toxic cult — 1000% projection.

1 year ago

The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Could be warning of crash and deflation, or it could be that they are getting cash to start another venture.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Or it’s a replay of what happened with Sears over many years.

A big enough retinue of hangers on would have sunk the Titanic before it ever left port.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonynnous
1 year ago

It’s a long form emote.

It’s what happens when Donald John Trump not only lives in this mediocre cretin’s mind rent free, but also has managed to make the supposed lord of the manor his bitch.

1 year ago

Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Time to book. Did someone blow a whistle?

1 year ago

Is this Cabal using a widespread HR infiltration for getting its people placed, while everyone else cannot find a position?

They don’t even need the HR departments. It’s a natural effect.
It used to be that for non-professional jobs (doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc) that big companies would use IQ tests and other exams to determine competency for a position. The civil rights movement killed that, because blacks lag behind on the tests. (Not arguing why, don’t care why. The fact is all that matters.)
So, without tests, and without the ability to just use race as a proxy, big companies turned to college degrees as a proxy for the IQ test. You had to get a decent SAT score to get admitted, and the SAT is a thinly veiled IQ test, so it worked out. It was also a good proxy for “middle or upper class family” because of the expense.
Then, colleges pursuing profit and virtue signaling devalued the degree, to the point that it no longer serves as a proxy for anything. The signal is of no use, so now you get hired to a skilled position solely via networking and reputation. That means that people without the network are stuck in no-college-needed jobs (because college was always just a proxy for an IQ test) while people who are “in the club” get the nod from the hiring manager, and HR is just doing their normal interference, obstruction, and busyworking.

1 year ago

“I would agree with the commenter who said Ron Johnson, since he was Havana’d.”

FYI, I just read this Gateway Pundit article that produces another data point for Johnson:

In 2022, the Democrats won almost all the statewide races in all the “fortified” or “Biden” states except for Georgia. And in Georgia I think we are all calling on the Kemp machine as Cabal.

The three statewide races in “Biden” states the Democrats did NOT win were Virginia Governor (and some down ballot races) in 2021, Nevada Governor in 2022, and Wisconsin Senator in 2022. They got everything else except for Georgia and re-elected all their lockdown and vaccine mandate governors.

The thing is that Lombardo in Nevada and Youngkin in Virginia have strong and obvious deep state ties. There actually seems to have been an effort by the Democrats to steal Virginia in 2021 that Youngkin’s team managed to block, and both have been good on election integrity, but due to their Deep State backgrounds I wouldn’t rate Trump’s chances of living through his term high if either were his VP. Ron Johnson was a businessman, and if he has any deep state connections they are not obvious.

The Gateway article focuses on the efforts of an independent group, not the Johnson campaign, but again it seems there was an effort underway to steal that Senate seat that failed. So that is a point in Johnson’s favor. Its also notable that they followed Jovan Pulitzer’s proposed strategy of focusing the effort on all the fake addresses on the voter rolls.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Lord Jacob Rothschild dies at age of 87. Did the big owl fly too fast and make a mistake that took him out?”

Yes. And now he cooketh.

Culinary idea, grilled Owl for the dogs to eat.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Owls are flying fluffy nerf balls. No meat there for those poor dogs

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Senate Minority Whip John Thune…”

Thune is the least South Dakotan South Dakotan I’ve ever heard of, just like Graham is the least South Carolinian South Carolinian we’ve ever seen. That’s all the proof you need that elections (and primaries) are rigged.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

“Look at how ridiculously over the top the statement is. So even some gray-man sports announcer nobody pays attention to is a diehard member of the conspiracy, and has probably done some dark shit in some ceremonies which would curl our hair if we saw it.”

There are plenty of left-wing loons in sports broadcasting. Keith Olberman is but one very prominent example.

1 year ago

There are home remedies for vertigo. I have used them successfully twice. We just googled it and tried them and it worked. I have never had covid, not been jabbed, and can’t possibly be a target of the deep state as I am just an empty nester that hasn’t worked in 25 years. So no reason to direct energy weapons at me. Sometimes crystals get dislodged in the ear and the effect is frankly frightening and horrible but I didn’t go to a doctor either time. My husband just readjusted my head to get the crystals back in place I don’t know what people did in the past that had this happened to them. I don’t think they lived long frankly. Try this please and let us know if it worked. I hate to hear about your suffering. Prayers to you.

Reply to  Denise
1 year ago

How did your husband readjust your head?

Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago
Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago

The technique is called the Epley Maneuver. There’s info on YouTube.

Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago

My audiologist suggested the Epley Maneuver. There are demonstrations for it on youtube. It worked for me during a spell of vertigo episodes in 2019 and haven’t needed it since.

Reply to  Rhonda
1 year ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  no
1 year ago


Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Yes, thanks everybody.

1 year ago

Interesting video I stumbled on to, She talks abit about the beam:

Mentions this NASA document below, I don’t know if it verified real, looks like some sort of presentation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jingles
Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Canadian doctors admit Covid ‘booster’ shot paralyzed young mom from the neck down, offer to help get her application for assisted suicide accepted more quickly to ‘make up for it.’”

I had to read that a few times for my brain to adequately process it. Guess I’m not as brilliant as those Canuckistani doctors. Things hit a little different to when you notice the general demographics of the medical profession as well.

1 year ago

> [Tina Peters] I don’t feel safe.

“I don’t feel safe” is a leftist thing. Someone took her picture when she was with a group of politicians? Politicians generally love having their picture taken. You don’t want yours taken too, then take a different flight.

1 year ago

> RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces her resignation.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Whenever one of them goes off about how horrible Trump will supposedly be, I start thinking “Please, even an unvaccinated heart can only take so much excitement.”

1 year ago

> The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT.

Hey, those New Zealand billionaire post-apocalyptic fortresses don’t come cheap, you know!

1 year ago

> Global debt surpasses $313,000,000,000,000 as nations face ‘potential growing challenges’ in ability to pay their bills: report.
“It’s only money. You just print it.”

— Congressperson (D) Alexandra Ocrazio-Cortex

1 year ago

> Nate Silver calls to shut down Gemini after Google’s AI chatbot refuses to say if Hitler or Musk is worse. 

I wonder what it would come back with if you asked whether Hitler or Trump was worse.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I just gave that question to Gemini and it said that Hitler was clearly much worse.
They fixed it pretty fast.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

AI is a glorified spell checker as somebody else noted. AI can NOT make moral judgements. It is impossible. Is Musk more dangerous than Stalin? Is Pol Pot more dangerous than Hitler?

Who knows.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Well, at the moment, Musk is the most dangerous of the lot: the others being dead.

1 year ago

Ukies exonerate Putin in death of Navalny?

comment image?format=webp&width=366&height=577

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Dude looks like a mash-up of Shapiro and Kimmel; maybe a cousin?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Can this be how they get their people into houses in every neighborhood. Deeply disturbing, to say the least, not to mention, it’s a very shady business practice!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ouch. The version of Telegram that is distributed by the official Google and Apple app stores contains automated blocks to channels of which the censors of those companies disapprove. That effectively limits Telegram’s utility for many folks. The solution is to download the app from its source and install the non-compromised version.
Channel owners periodically start new ones, to avoid this, but then the pure version users must update their bookmarks. Overall, a huge hassle and just another consequence of Rule. By. Jews.
Might seem petty, but given the extreme penalties that many RBJ jurisdictions are beginning to enact (Canada, as you mention) it is very clear that Telegram can be useful. That AmalekInternational channel is full of important information. Yeah, I had forgotten about this glitch.
BUT, if you don’t intend to use Telegram much, all the rigamarole is probably not worth it. AND my link there, I posted as a very relevant joke, but it doesn’t give much insight into the surveillance cartel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Ron Johnson…Havana’d in Moscow. I do not believe Cabal has the capability to operate on the ground in Russia freely, especially around a visiting US Senator. Which raises the question, was the Havana device so small it could be carried in proximity to Johnson, without being detected…”

Which raises a question. They wouldn’t want this to be found, and the only sure way to sneak it in is by diplomatic pouch. So possibly they have outed that the embassy is connected.

1 year ago

Airman Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in D.C. to protest Israel’s pounding of Gaza to root out Hamas. I want to know who took the video of Mr. Bushnell, if anyone, as he walked with an accelerant and then used it to self-immolate. Someone might have walked with him, filming him and then filming the immolation. Who put it on Twitch so quickly?

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