News Briefs – 02/25/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Another piece by Robert L. Kinney, author of the piece a few days back warning about Directed Energy Weapons – U.S. government’s remote and wireless mind-reading and mind-controlling technologies. The crazy thing is the degree of precision with which they can cause material disruption to matter over considerable distance, from houses nearby using the tapping thing. Given we know they are mapping the brain for the functions of various regions, and they have the technical capability to disrupt the structures of those regions, rendering them non-functional, I will guarantee you that they are at least in the beta testing phase of altering who people are while they sleep by wiping out the parts of their brains which are “problematic” to the elites. And it could be completely ironed out. And by precision, I mean I am swinging in a hammock, on an arc which is probably 2.5 feet in distance, back and forth, and when I move my head on the pillow and the spot being disrupted is moved to over my ear drum or in my ear canal, that targeted point is held steady relative to the position of the hammock, and I can hear the resonant drumming in my head. They were hitting a pretty fast moving spot, and keeping the impacts dialed in on that spot. All of this will be shown to be incredibly advanced.

Do any specialists know of a laser-like emissions device, which could be fired alon one axis, which would pass through wood walls, and charge materials it passes through or over, as well as another laser-like emissions device, which would carry within its beam, an EM field, which when it struck the charged materials (after traveling a path 90 degrees to the first beam’s path) would provoke a sudden movement in the charged materials courtesy of the EM field hitting the charged particles?

Trump wins SC primary moments after polls close, deals Haley crushing blow in her own state: ‘Bigger win than we expected.’

Nikki Haley wastes $76.4 million in South Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa defeats to Donald Trump.

On Free Republic, someone pointed out that until Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee, he is not allowed the security briefings or the security clearance which is given to nominees. Probably why Haley Barbour is trying to delay his attainment of presumptive nominee status and the increased influence with the party which would come from it.

Judge sets March 1 hearing for final arguments on Fani Willis disqualification.

On Twitter, Kanekoa:

BREAKING: In court proceedings, Fulton County DA Fani Willis argues that the Atlanta Police Department’s cell phone tracking software, in use since 2017, cannot “prove anything relevant” and provides “little evidentiary value.”

Under DA Fani Willis’ jurisdiction, the Atlanta Police Department has utilized Hawk Analytics’ “CellHawk” software since 2017.

This very software documented Nathan Wade’s alleged visits to Fani Willis’ home 35 times before the purported beginning of their affair.

In a recent court filing, Willis argues that CellHawk’s software fails to establish “anything relevant” and provides “little evidentiary value.”

She further contends that CellHawk does not confirm “Special Prosecutor Wade’s presence at any particular location or address.”

According to Willis, CellHawk merely indicates that “Special Prosecutor Wade’s telephone was located somewhere within a densely populated multiple-mile radius where various residences, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and other businesses are located.”

Does Fulton County DA Fani Willis maintain that the cellphone tracking software used by the Atlanta Police Department fails to “prove anything relevant” and offers “little evidentiary value”?

Since the adoption of CellHawk by the Atlanta Police Department in 2017, has the Fulton County District Attorney’s office utilized this software to prosecute any cases?

From the leftists at Slate:

On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a pair of cases out of Texas and Florida that could force major social media platforms to carry posts from Donald Trump or others who lie about elections being stolen or obliquely encourage election-related violence. A ruling in favor of these states would turn the First Amendment upside down and create the conditions for undermining American democracy.

South Carolina voters unable to vote reportedly due to internet being out — voters told to put ballots in “another slot.”

More than 400 non-citizens have been removed from the voter rolls of two Arizona counties since 2015, with most of the removed Pima County registrants being registered to vote through third parties.

What appears an astonishingly blatant case of voter fraud in the state of Michigan was taken over from the locals by FBI, which appears to just be running the clock out on it.

Maine’s Legislative Council voted down a proposed voter ID bill before the upcoming state primary and the potentially contentious general election in November, with all Democrats in unanimous opposition.

The most populous county in Kansas has rejected demands from the local sheriff and the state’s attorney general to preserve old ballots and records longer than legally allowed, shredding materials sought for an election fraud investigation that has yet to result in any criminal charges.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband made over $1.25 million on stock deal in just three months.

The families of Sandy Hook school shooting victims voted overwhelmingly in favor of a plan to wrap up Alex Jones’ bankruptcy proceedings by liquidating the right wing talk show host’s assets. Of course the funny thing is, Jones at one point was sitting on over $600 million in Bitcoin which some guest gave him on a hard drive back when Bitcoin was like 20 cents, which he claims he has lost. He was asked about it on some podcast, and looked like the cat which ate the canary as he laughed off “losing” it.

Swiss authorities want to block certain websites in the “unlikely” event of a power shortage: Commonly used social media platforms would be affected first.

Biden told Russian oligarch, ex-Moscow mayor to ‘be good to my boy’ during phone call while VP: Hunter associate.

Thomas Massie:

The federal income tax was unconstitutional for most of our county’s existence. The founders of this country would have never agreed to it. We should repeal it.

The Owl escaped, and was flying free when out of the blue it slammed into a building and was killed by its own actions and the direction it chose? Comms?:

@bennyjohnsonVivek addresses possibility of being Trump’s VP pick: “My commitment is I’m going to do whatever I can maximally do to have a positive impact on this country…whatever form that takes, I’m ready for it.” @BasedMikeLee (Sen. Mike Lee) Vivek would be an outstanding VP.

Mike Lee? They all have to know Cabal rolled Vivek out with Buttigieg as part of project Obama, with both of them posing a normal college kids asking Obama a question in a town hall. Both ae actors in the conspiracy, and now Vivek is getting astroturfed by the conspiracy into a potential VP slot? Trump’s policy should be, no Cabal theater kids allowed.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that President Joe Biden is “clearly in partnership” with cartels during a panel discussion at CPAC on Friday. Beginning to reveal Cabal is the command structure behind everything from the American Stasi to the news media to the Cartels and street gangs?

Former Panama border chief: UN is behind the chaos at the U.S.–Mexico border, and it is a “strategic engineered migration.”

A bill introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives would legally define it as ‘child abuse’ for parents to object to gender transitioning of their children by way of puberty blocking, cross sex hormones or surgery.

New York school gives children ‘Black Lives Matter’ coloring book that promotes trans affirmation.

Gov’t report: Federal agencies profit from refugees, but state and local govt’s lose.

Democrats are looking to use the 8-10 million illegal residents which will remain s a result of the border crisis, to affect the future make-up of Congress as a result of the allotment of congressional districts from the next Census.

Chinese company Betavolt claims to have developed a battery that could power mobile phones that never need to be charged and drones that can fly forever.

Muslims cause unrest on Japanese streets, chanting, ‘Japan must die!’ Sounds kind of psyoppy, like imported agents doing something stupid which makes no sense, but which stirs the emotions of the Japanese people in a way Cabal wants for some reason.

Mice and rats have become a bane on the frontline for both Ukrainian and Russian forces, with these rodents capable of nesting almost anywhere, even in the exhaust systems of armored vehicles. I would never have even thought of this as an issue.

Warren Buffett’s son Howard has given over $521 million to Ukraine. I always knew Buffet was Cabal. Looks like he got his son in now as well.

The world’s first jet suit race is slated for February 28, in Dubai.

Court strikes down California ban on possessing billy clubs.

Gun ownership up 28% in the US as the left tries to disarm us. I think very few of those are sports people. Those are killers who want the ability to kill. I do not think this country will live under an illegitimate, criminal government, and just willingly give it money to continue to victimize the weak. It will take time to all get on the same page, and all agree anyone seeking to support or enforce the dictates of the criminal conspiracy and its infiltrated and subverted government is the enemy, and can be dealt with morally and free of worries due to their having made their decision. But we will end up there, and once we do, we will become free again.

Trump meets Argentina’s Javier Milei.

Majority of New York Jews to vote for Trump in presidential election: poll.

Trump on his SC primary victory: “I was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of South Carolina.”

Spread r/K Theory, because you know what is coming, and should be getting ready now

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

To be consistent and accurate, the Germans in WW2 were ruled by National Socialists.

“Nazi” is a pejorative, like “Commie”.

Reply to  Anonymouse
1 year ago

A well earned pejorative in both cases.
I’ll continue to use both.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

You will be much better served if you do your homework and learn the facts, instead of just having “faith” in what you have read in some book.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I think you are the one who needs to do that.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I wasn’t quite trying to fault you, but it’s evident that you have not examined the materials necessary to form an educated opinion. That’s your option, but the stuff can be found online, and other places, if you are really interested — not everybody is, I understand.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Which is correct.

Inconsistency undermines credibility.

Reply to  Anonynnous
1 year ago

What are you blathering about?
I have always used both.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The statement, for it was a statement, and not a question, says “Which is correct.”, or “That would be correct”.

It means using both, (or neither), would be correct, as inconsistency undermines credibility.

It was to highlight that the mainstream norm, is to use the pejorative for National Socialist, while not using “commie” or “sossie”. Because the “left”/cabal own education & the media, most people do not know, there was no such group called “Nazis”.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Rumour: the rodents are eating the “eco-friendly” corn-based wire sheath material on some western gear. Possibly too funny to be true, but plausible enough

Reply to  Readerthal
1 year ago

Could be. We had trouble with mice ruining strings of Christmas lights.
We now use “vintage” lights found at yard sales.
I think I recall stories about rodent trouble in vehicles that had soy based plastic covered wiring a few years back.

Reply to  Readerthal
1 year ago

Rodents will eat through certain hoses on engines if a car sits long enough.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

When they’ve gone scorched earth on the territory where people once lived, I could see all the animals who lived in symbiosis with the people come out and wreak havoc because they are starving.

1 year ago

Judge sets March 1 hearing for final arguments on Fani Willis disqualification.

Don’t be surprised if this gets delayed, because I have been thinking for a couple of days that the judge will reopen the evidence and have another day’s hearing. He will talk to the law partner about privilege in camera tomorrow (literally in a box) and likely determine that he’s a dunce who thought that because he was Wade’s lawyer in the divorce, every single thing they said to each other was privileged, which is not how privilege works, and the judge will rule that he needs to go back on the stand.
That will work out well for the judge, because it will also set a date for Willis’ people to cross-examine the expert witness behind the cell phone data, which would eliminate a huge appeal point for her if he ruled based purely on the report. Despite her saying she’s “not the one on trial here” her appeals lawyer would insist that she was an that she had a right to confront her accuser (being the cell phone expert.)

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Either A) they somehow coasted through law school without learning that basic bit of law, *and* never encountered it in their careers as lawyers

or B) they figure they’re in the club, and the law doesn’t apply to them.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Sadly A, especially with black lawyers.
It’s funny that I work in the high levels in an AMLAW 100 firm, and occasionally there is something else from another case going on in the court when I get there, like a discovery dispute in some (for us, it’s a lot of money for me personally) small $15K dispute, and I listen to the lawyers arguing it, and wonder how they got through law school.
Both lawyers, both sides.
Also, I called it on Wade, missed on the cell phone data because I hadn’t read the Trump brief on why it was self-authenticating and that their PI wasn’t an expert when I wrote that.

1 year ago

Muslims cause unrest on Japanese streets, chanting, ‘Japan must die!’ Sounds kind of psyoppy, like imported agents doing something stupid which makes no sense, but which stirs the emotions of the Japanese people in a way Cabal wants for some reason.

It’s not just Muslims, but Kurds. Kurds are real pieces of shit, even for Muslims. One of their favorite things to do was get between US and Iraqi forces, shoot at both of them, and then slip away to start a firefight. Kurdish tradition is that when there isn’t enough food, the children starve while the adults eat. They are like the Jews of the Muslims.
Even other Muslims hate these assholes, so it’s no surprise that they are working to get themselves thrown out of Japan, who WILL do it (and maybe ban Islam altogether while doing it.)

1 year ago

‘Muslims cause unrest on Japanese streets, chanting, ‘Japan must die!’’

Yeah, won’t last long.

Unlike we White Westerners, the Japanese are a proud, homogenous people.

1 year ago

“I always knew Buffet was Cabal.”

Buffet promoted value investing, which is based on the theory that the stock price of a company can be determined by estimating its future earnings. In fact the Cabal has rigged equity markets in the US and many other countries for decades. I was trained in value investing, and this makes me unemployable in finance since financial analysis is done using technical analysis, which is just tracing how the price of stock behaved in the past, ignoring the underlying company. Technical analysis only makes sense in a world where the stock price is rigged, and you are trying to determine patterns in how it was rigged.

Its been argued that Buffet, who is quite old, just bought lots of US blue chip companies at a time when US blue chip companies dominated, and you could just buy a random portfolio of them and do well. But the point is you can’t replicate his methods and make money investing. I agree he was probably Cabal by the start, and the money was just assigned to him, with the entire value investing story constructed as a cover.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It’s worse than that. Value or fundamental analysis supposedly does not work because everyone is doing that so it’s hard to get an edge. Market prices already account for that. Furthermore, technical analysis supposedly doesn’t work because then markets are random.

The only strategy they want people engaging in is dollar-cost averaging where you just put small amounts into an index fund every month. This guarantees Cabal a steady supply of liquidity in every market condition.

1 year ago

If this isn’t cabal, it’s certainly one of the rotten chunks of meat that cabal maggots feast on. British, anti- carbon. In practice, this means anti-Russian, anti-MENA, anti-LNG, anti-fracking, anti-American, anti-OPEC, anti-Indonesian, anti- African development.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Linde pretty much has a hammerlock on welding gas in my area. They’re serious dirtbags.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Non- hunting gun owners: George Washington claimed that the American sport was shooting, didn’t he? Did he ever even mention any form of JoggerBall? Also, re Billy clubs, etc., if you may carry something like a Glock 17 openly or concealed, who are they kidding that clubs and (especially) saps should be illegal. There are some excellent youtube videos on saps. Vicious as hell and a much better defense than you might have imagined. Made and sold still in the USA! Everyone needs one; especially Boomers! Those CaneMaster type canes are another good bet. You may carry it onto a plane and into a court of law. There are countless cane videos online.
That said, don’t discount a sidearm, especially one that you can and will actually carry. And if you think that you cannot comfortably or conveniently carry some particular handgun, then look into Cross Draw Holsters. As usual, videos are on youtube! If for some reason all you can manage is a .22, go for it. Nobody wants another hole in them! My great grandfather worked nights and snoopers were hiding in the bush outside the window. He gave his wife a little .22 revolver. She only ever fired it once…into that bush, well after dark. The prowler never came back. Years later, someone elses grandmother put six rounds of .22 into the head of a housebreaker as he was climbing in througha window. DOA. 90 plus percent of the bad guys don’t want to hear about it! Of course if you can get 9mm or a .45, and carry each and every time you ought to and need to, do it. Just don’t leave your sap at home 😀

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

First and most important rule for winning a gunfight:
Have a gun.
Not in glovebox or close by, on your body in a quality holster. You can use foam or spacers on your holsters to push the pistol into your body so you can carry a larger pistol without printing. See tenicor velo4 for example of molded in spacer.

Reply to  ENGINEER
1 year ago

Carrying a gun is a hassle. Back when we had to buy a license and pass a test to exercise our Constitutional right, I knew many men who invested the money and time to be able to legally carry.

After the new wore off – three or four weeks – they began leaving the gun at home “unless they might need it.” A few more weeks, and they quit carrying entirely.

When I get dressed in the morning, I put on my shoulder rig, then a shirt. And the gun stays there until I get undressed at night. I’ve seen people who would do some kind of abbreviated strip tease every time they entered or left their house – shoes, watch, wallet, change, gun… all onto a table near the door or on their bedroom. Always seemed silly to me.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Even people who are astute enough to be “right again” very often are going to be wrong on occasion. Thomas Rousseau, head of the Patriot Front group of “obvious feds” has been arrested. The charge stems from carrying a tiki-torch years ago in Charlottesville. ZOG has been rounding up the spoil sports who did that for a while now.
In other news, a man named Ron Rundo — and I may not have spelled that right — has been in prison for a while now. The charge? Cobbled h.s. as usual. What was his real crime?
Mr. Rundo developed strategy and tactics for forming and fielding “Active Groups.” When he knew he had it down, he published and spread the method. Now these groups have popped up everywhere and continued to do so. Anybody who can learn and work a construction trade can probably put a LOCAL Active Group into his area. Anybody with a Masters degree or an IQ of over 100 probably cannot — especially if he can pen an understandable essay about Austrian Economics. Yep, a guy like that is probably gonna flop at starting an Active Group.
That’s just how it is; there’s no rhyme or reason for it!
This short video attempts to explain these things. Why not listen, and then send it to your favorite conservative boomer? If you want to assure he will listen, be sure to say that John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would approve. Because that’s a fact.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

A hard core fed’s cover isn’t complete until he does a stretch in the pen.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I am curious about what you have ever done to save our bacon, besides struggle mightily and fight the good fight to assure that we all have the correct ideas about Jesus?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I suspect that once you have the correct ideas about Jesus, everything else flows from there, and with more ease.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Oh! I saw last night n that Rundo will now be set free after a judge judged that the case against him was total bs.
Much to the chagrin of Commie shrew, Meghan Cun(t)iff, who is some type of media personality:
“Just in: White supremacist Robert Rundo will be released from jail after a federal judge dismissed all criminal charges over violence at pro-Trump rallies.

Judge Cormac Carney believes Rundo was selectively prosecuted instead of “members of Antifa and related far-left groups.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Just as one might expect if he was a fed.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the precedent to be applied to nonfeds.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Whatever it is, I’m not inclined to spend twenty or thirty minutes listening to someone mumble in a video to cover what would only take one or two minutes if it was plain text.

1 year ago

When I first heard about the theory that covid was a cover for “5g attacks” or however it is described I was a bit skeptical of it. But in retrospect, I do think that a lot of deployment of the beam tech was achieved immediately preceding covid. I am not saying that a parallel biological weapons test wasn’t taking place and it was all the beam. There was likely some sort of virus released. But deploying the vax and covering up unexpected side affects of the first mass beaming were essential parts of that plan. Some significant portion of the deaths I think were caused by not knowing exactly how much beaming people could take without dying.

Ben Fulcrum
1 year ago

Cody Snodgress explains why the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was blown up – YouTubeYou are going to get a lot of your questions asked here if you listen to the CIA Operative.
You will probably discover why you are being targeted my those pulses at night.
2 hour program that will name names.
Cody Snodgres is a former asset for the CIA black ops who recently wrote a book and revealed the secrets behinds the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City in April of 1995. He discloses everything he knows about the conspiracy surrounding the bombing.
CIA wasn’t about to tell low level ATF or DEA
agents about me, or my involvement in their secret, mind control tests involving microwaves, psychics, psychotronics, and new, cutting edge assassination protocols being secretly tested – like PROJECT SLAMMER (discussed in Part 3 ,next)… much less about 
their domestic drug/arms operations in Arkansas, to fund these types of secret programs 
that Congress, or the American people, have seldom heard of. The US Shadow Government 
likes to hide it’s operations from the legitimate Government.

1 year ago

“A ruling in favor of these states would turn the First Amendment upside down and create the conditions for undermining American democracy.”

Allowing freedom of Speech undermines democracy. Up is down. Tyranny is Freedom.

It was always so that the social media platforms were exempt from liability for posts that carried illegal content, because they are providers of a utility, and are not publishers.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymouse
1 year ago

Koch network stops spending on Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign after her loss in South Carolina — Politico

1 year ago

IT’S SPREADING: Swedish farmers join European wide protests

1 year ago

CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms

1 year ago

Little fuckers would crawl up in the snowmobile exhaust pipes and nest in the can. We used to have to duct tape the damn pipe to keep them out.
Related. We used to have a fairly large two dog isolated kennel with a dog house for the two dogs. Gophers tunnel under it and then the rats kicked them out. My dad was on top of the dog kennel shooting target shells (plastic?) out of his .357. Killed a bunch of them didn’t do any good though. Later we brought the 2 stroke 20:1 sled out. Stuck a hose up the exhaust and the other into the tunnels. About 15-20 minutes of 2 stroke exhaust took care of them. When in doubt gas them out.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

There are companies that sell propane/air mixers designed for flooding gopher tunnels. The early designs just flooded the tunnels with propane and asphyxiated them, but most users got much more satisfaction by using the mixer and igniting it.

Unfortunately, they get jets of fire out of the entrance holes, and maybe a slight ground heave in shallow areas. Not flaming gophers blasting out into the sky. [sigh] Life is disappointing sometimes.

1 year ago

Former Prime Minister Urges Israelis To ‘Besiege The Knesset’ To Oust Netanyahu

1 year ago

The site is having the WordPress install glitch again.
It cleared up just now.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Report: Houthis Cut 3 Underwater Cables in Red Sea