News Briefs – 02/25/2023




Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – China Building Massive Green Hydrogen Plant

DFT – German GDP Falls

DFT – IMF Warns Nations Not To Grant Legal Tender Status To Crypto

DFT – China Accused Of Rampant Patent Theft

DFT – US Unveils New Russian Sanctions

Idaho home where four students were murdered to be demolished. From the article: University officials said the owner of the home where three of the students lived gave the building to the university. We do not live in a world where somebody just gives up a $300,000 home, or whatever it cost, and all the future rental income, because they want to be liked, or appear magnanimous. I do not know what happened here, but I know that murdered girl was under surveillance, if she was even murdered. And I know, nobody will be testing that house for any missed DNA or doing any independent investigation into whether any of the Police evidence is even real, anytime soon. This is what the early stages of a nation with a hard-core Gestapo-in-the-making would look like. And I cannot imagine why they are killing pretty young girls, but between this case, and Ira Sok, it does look like they are targeting at least some for some kind of liquidation.

Expert witness: Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs laundered Cartel money through fake deeds & mortgages.

AZ Senate/House elections presenter claims that Sinaloa Cartel uses bribes, money laundering, election fraud to control elected officials and traffic drugs, humans, and ballots in Arizona.

Fulton County grand jury forewoman Emily Kohrs admitted in a recent interview that she told her boyfriend about the proceedings from a recent Georgia case revolving around former President Donald Trump and the 2020 election.

Paul Sperry:

BREAKING: House investigators have discovered that the hard drive copied from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop is missing dozens of gigabytes of data and does not include subfolders and deleted files, which means other potential smoking-guns have not been recovered from the device

WH Deputy Press Secretary accidentally posts ‘Joe Biden Showered with His Daughter.’ He retweeted something, not noticing that was the name taken by the guy who tweeted it.

“A White US Marine recruit was lured into a false interrogation by federal agents. When they failed to groom him into a confidential informant to be used against pro-White activist groups—even offering him a quarter of a million dollars to do so—he was terminated from his job and sent back home right before his boot camp graduation.” You cannot have domestic intelligence in any form. Every investigation needs to occur after any event.

Mike Lindell says he will sue McCarthy for sharing Jan. 6 footage only with Tucker Carlson.

The wife of Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman left the country in response to a deluge of media coverage following her husband’s latest hospitalization. Narcissists would love being the center of attention. That is not why she fled. They will flee any circumstance which forces them to confront who they really are. I wonder if they fought, and he was getting away from her by going inside. His depression could have simply been he was living around her, and she is an energy vampire, as they say. As a matter of fact, if she was triggering his amygdala, she could have pushed his brain over an edge it would not have gone over itself, and produced his first stroke.

The New York Times acknowledged in a recent report that the Biden administration’s claims that former President Donald Trump’s administration was responsible for the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, due to it rolling back a rail safety rule was false.

Researchers at Texas A&M contradict Biden official, reveal toxic pollutants still airborne in East Palestine could pose long-term risks.

East Palestine train wreck may have created largest dioxin plume in world history.

The US Department of Justice has accused Google of “systematically” destroying records linked to ongoing antitrust litigation, saying the company failed to preserve its internal communications despite a previous order to do so. You will see that with intelligence lot, as with MK Ultra.

First lady Jill Biden told the Associated Press that President Joe Biden is going to run for a second term, and they just need to pick a time and place.

The Pandemic Treaty is far worse than even conservative media is portraying it.

Twitter – After the FAA decided to loosen the cardiac standards for pilots…I looked in the DMED, These are the reportable events for all pilots in DoD. DoD Reportable Event:








Nolte at Breitbart: We should accept Jane Fonda’s apology about Vietnam. Understand how much deeper it is than just an airhead actress who did something stupid – it is a conspiracy of traitors operating against our nation, which has been setting up this known network for decades, if not centuries, and they all know. Then understand there is no way Nolte is as big as he is, and he has no idea. Everybody in the business sees the surveillance, and knows about it, and they are either a part of it, or they are opposed to it. Obviously Breitbart and Nolte have chosen their side, which is why they get promoted. I would bet Nolte would get quite pissed if you called him out on this in front of his audience too. Use them, but don’t trust them.

Goldman Sachs has hired Jared Cohen, a former Google executive nicknamed the “director of regime change” by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, for a new project that will use technology to advance the notoriously powerful investment bank’s policy goals around the world.

In a video shared by his wife on Twitter, Alex Jones is shown cradling a Ragdoll cat named Mushu while telling viewers that the DOJ believes he used the animal to hide cash owed to the families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims following defamation lawsuits. “…they wanted to know if assets were hidden in the cat.”

U.S. Defense Dept purchased Chinese IT equipment with known vulnerabilities for use at sensitive base.

A 73-year-old rancher accused of killing an illegal alien on his property has had the charge downgraded from first- to second-degree murder.

‘Migrant’ shot dead by Arizona rancher, 73, was cartel drug smuggler, says ex-Border Patrol chief… as prosecutors DOWNGRADE charges from 1st to 2nd degree murder amid growing public outrage.

The nation’s largest grid operator, which manages grid operations across 13 states and the District of Columbia, is warning it may face a major coming shortfall in electric generating capacity as utilities retire more and more traditional fossil fuel power plants.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre says the next Fed Chair will be hired based on how diverse they are, not strictly on their experience with monetary policy.

Plaintiffs in two separate lawsuits accusing JPMoprgan of facilitating Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation want the judge in both (consolidated) cases, Jed Rakoff, to compel CEO Jamie Dimon to turn over additional documents they say are being withheld.

LA DA Gascon suspends prosecutor for misgendering and ‘dead-naming’ trans child molester accused of murder.

The family of a 12-year-old auto theft suspect in Denver who was shot and killed by the vehicle owner, when he was “involved in an exchange of gunfire” with those inside the vehicle, say the man should face criminal charges.

Biden Pentagon orders Military Chaplains to bless putting male soldiers in female showers and bedrooms.

An audience of more than 40 Historically Black College and University students at the White House were hesitant to applaud Vice President Kamala Harris during an event, Fox News Channel personalities noted.

North Carolina State House Speaker Tim Moore and State Rep. David Willis, who are both Republicans, were being transported on an interstate by security Thursday night when their vehicle was repeatedly rammed from behind.

Journalist uses AI voice to break into own bank account.

“Lord of the Rings” fans are less than thrilled about the Thursday announcement from Warner Bros. that indicates the company plans to make more films based on the franchise.

Three random fires happen at three separate oil refineries, two in Mexico, and one in Texas, all on the same day.

Mega-prison in El Salvador for 40,000 suspected gangsters ..welcomes its first new inmates with vow ‘You will never walk out of here.’

Germany’s far-right ‘firewall’ is starting to crack as practicality forces politicians to work with AfD.

Pence says there’s ‘no room’ in GOP leadership ‘for apologists for Putin.’ It is interesting how Russia has all the right enemies in the US.

Representative Paul Gosar wrote,Elon is correct,”  noting Victoria Nuland was “pushing this war” in Ukraine. “Both Nuland and Blinken have a deeply rooted irrational hatred of Russia, and they seek to get the US involved in another world war. These are dangerous fools who can get us all killed.” 

White House says ‘no indication’ of misused Ukraine funds after Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for audit.

During a portion of an interview aired on Friday’s edition of ABC’s “World News Tonight,” President Joe Biden said he’s “not sure how many are asking” how long we can continue to spend money on Ukraine at the current rate of hundreds of billions per year.

Zelensky slams Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine.

“I would like to thank the American people. I would like to thank all of the American people who are supporting Ukraine. The Congress, the president, the TV channels, the journalists, and everyone that has been supporting us. And that percentage of Americans as you’ve mentioned is increasing, I can tell them only one thing: If they do not change their opinion, if they do not understand us, if they do not support Ukraine, they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position that they enjoy in the world, that they enjoy in the world. That they enjoy for a very fair reason.”

So we have to burn our own country down to get rid of this cancer. Sounds good to me.

Mitch McConnell claims American safety dependent on Ukraine’s border security. Does nothing for American border security.

Poland delivers first Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

The M1 Abrams tanks that President Biden promised to send to Ukraine amid its ongoing war with Russia may not arrive by the end of this year or potentially the next, a U.S. Army official said Thursday.

Ukraine is preparing an offensive to try and seize Russia’s Crimean peninsula, President Vladimir Zelensky said on Friday.

Russia’s ambassador to the UN has interrupted a minute of silence for Ukraine as members of the Security Council stood up to honor the “victims of aggression” in the war. God bless Russia.

UK, France and Germany reportedly offered weapons and security commitments to Ukraine as a way of encouraging Zelensky to negotiate with Russia.

This video is making the rounds again and is worth a re-airing, as a reminder nothing we see is necessarily real, and we are probably just getting looted in Ukraine:

Here, Trump, asked if the Biden administration blew up the Nordstream pipeline, says Ukraine has total dominance over the United States:

“Well it could have been us and it could have been Ukraine, and it could have been some 3rd party country that wants to see trouble. The one group it wasn’t was Russia… that’s the one thing I can tell you for sure… These people are sick. I’m telling you.

But, it could have been. It could have been working in conjunction with Ukraine because Ukraine has total dominance over the United States. Total dominance.”

Ukraine’s Ihor Kotvitsky,a lawmaker from Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s People’s Front party, has been accused of corruption for moving US$ 40 million to an offshore company through Ukraine’s state-owned Oshchadbank.

Ukrainian tycoon and politician’s glamorous wife caught by customs ‘carrying $29 million in CASH through a refugee border crossing into the EU.’

An activist shareholder is seeking to have climate change activist Al Gore removed from his long-standing position on Apple Inc.’s board of directors, noting his limited skillset.

University of North Carolina moves to ban ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ statements in anti-woke backlash.

Tennessee legislature passes ban on gender-transition health care for minors.

A Texas judge has tossed out a disciplinary case against attorney Sidney Powell finding state bar regulators failed to present enough evidence to keep alive claims that she violated ethics rules and should be disbarred.

From Stephen Miller’s Twitter:

Under Pres Trump we identified never-enforced immigration laws & brought them to life. One of the most important of these policies—terminated of course by Biden—forced anyone sponsoring an immigrant (green card holder) for admission to repay gov’t for any welfare they receive.1/3

Potential green card sponsors were warned of this obligation *before* making any sponsorship decision.

Trump increases support as America’s favorite political figure, McConnell, Pelosi deemed least favorite.

Donald Trump leading in deep red state amongst Republican primary opponents, shows continued dominance of GOP.

Over 178 million watched Trump’s heart-touching visit to East Palestine, Ohio.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can tell a lot about people by what they don’t say

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre says the next Fed Chair will be hired based on how diverse they are, not strictly on their experience with monetary policy.”

“As the first African American Fed Chair I’m calling out inflation for being racist and shit. To combat this racism I propose we get rid of the dollar and only conduct transactions using rims and sneakers. Can I get an amen?”

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Separate interest rates for blacks and whites.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Idiocracy was a threat.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

There go my holdings in watermelon and kool-aid, sheeeit.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

“But we got this guy Not Sure. He’s the smartest man inna world, an’ he’s gonna fix evvythang!”

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

The Pandemic Treaty is far worse than even conservative media is portraying it.

We are ruled over by curs and predators, jackals in human skin suits; not only is the wolf in a sheep’s hide, his mate is in the sheepdog’s hide.

2 years ago

How the Hell do you hide assets in a cat?

I read somewhere Alex Jones’ cat is worth $2000. WTF? Every cat I’ve ever had was either free or a nominal adoption fee from a shelter. Even one cat my ex-wife and I got from a store at a farmer’s market was well under $200.

A cat is NOT a store of value.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

Tattooing a secret bank account number on its skin under the fur.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

Rare breeds and lineage breeding stuff, I’m unfortunately aware of multiple people who have paid over $3000 for their retarded little lapdogs just because muh purebred sticker or something.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

Watch “Men in Black.” There was a whole universe stored in Orion’s Bell. Hiding some cash in one is nothing.

2 years ago

Re: money laundering, actors, etc.

Last night I read up on some famous Brits in show business (Annie Lennox, Ed Sheeran, Judi Dench, Daniel Craig, Adele). There was the usual aristocracy stuff – Annie Lennox’s grandparents worked at the royal estate at Balmoral, Judi Dench can trace her lineage back to 16th century Danish aristocrats, etc. But absolutely every one of them does charity / NGO work, and more than only a bit. Most people just aren’t do-gooders to that extent, so there has to be something else going on.

Bonus fun facts about Annie Lennox: her husband has his own NGO in Africa, and his brother once ran the CDC.

Oh, and Adele was once married to a “charity entrepreneur.” That’s 2 out of 5, quite the ratio.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

there must be an unspoken obligation for their continued success.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Colonialism disguised as charity.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

“Well it could have been us and it could have been Ukraine, and it could have been some 3rd party country that wants to see trouble. The one group it wasn’t was Russia… that’s the one thing I can tell you for sure… These people are sick. I’m telling you.
But, it could have been. It could have been working in conjunction with Ukraine because Ukraine has total dominance over the United States. Total dominance.”

In other words, the Khazarian/Ashkenazi — the Jewish,in short, the Synagogue of Satan — mafia has total dominance over the United States. Do you understand that you foolish Judaeo-Christians, you Zio-Christians, you Israel Firsters?

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago
2 years ago

> US unveils more Russian sanctions

Have we reached the point where we can say that “Russian sanctions” are acts of intentional suicide by the west? Or are we really led by delusional children that truly believe the sanctions are harming Russia and helping the west?

Either option is terrible.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


The sanctions are only ostensibly aimed at Russia. The reality is that the middle class of the West are the real targets. This Is all about the great reset, brought to us by treasonous politicians and corporate leaders.
When they say you will own nothing and be happy, they really really mean it.

2 years ago

“Idaho home where four students were murdered to be demolished.”
What a coincidence! They demolished Sandy Hook, even taking the step of grinding each brick into powder. Such good people, protecting the loved ones from evidence of the Bad Thing that happened.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

To be fair Sandy Hook had been abandoned for years before the alleged shooting, it was probably due to be demo’d anyway!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago


They also destroyed the building which the Dunblane massacre took place in. Took it down within a month. Gotta make sure and obliterate any evidence that goes against the official narrative.

2 years ago

Shocked the Sinaloa Cartel controls Arizona? Don’t be. California is controlled by the drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia. A lot of these people stash their families on this side of the border where it’s safer. They launder money through little mom and pop Latino markets, carnicerias, taquerias and food carts and invest in real estate. 1999 was the year One Reed in the Aztec calendar. This had special meaning for many of these people. It was the year of new beginnings—the year Mexico would take back the Southwest. Sounded corny back then, but look where we are today.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

They grease the right palms.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I disagree with your statement “But they do not because they were a point of danger to Cabal and its surveillance, and so they were taken over.” “Being taken over implies” they grew organically to a point the Cabal thought they were more useful being in the circle then out.
I would argue that cartels are yet another creation of the Cabal. The chosen “elites” get country clubs/Ivy League schools/cushy jobs. The poor but useful trash of Cabal society get earmarked for cartel employment. The psychopaths get the hit man jobs, fat mamas do domestic surveillance etc. The cabal needs all kinds of people to implement their slave program.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Mexican Cartels = Vatican

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

(((cartels)))… (((mexican mafia)))… cartels and big pharma are a cabal pincer movement

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I doubt the cartels give one whit about taking back anything other than continuing their power.

Reply to  bigD
2 years ago

Every faction of cabal is constantly looking to expand its power at our expense and the expense of other factions.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Interesting. I recently had a conversation with a well educated American. High-end education. They pointed out that the Cartels run the political class in Mexico and the USA. I pointed out that it was the other way round.
It’s had me thinking about it since. I still think it is politics down not the other way around. Power is down not up. That’s why it will not be solved until there is a change in the elite power structure. The Cartels could vanish overnight if that happened. It is why the Cartels haven’t taken out their own president let alone a USA one. Kennedy may have been taken by cartel/mafia but not with out elite approval.

2 years ago

The nation’s largest grid operator, which manages grid operations across 13 states and the District of Columbia, is warning it may face a major coming shortfall in electric generating capacity as utilities retire more and more traditional fossil fuel power plants.

Shutting down power plants may cause a shortage of power? Who could possibly have predicted that? Oh, noes!

Note that all major Federal buildings – the entire “Capitol complex”, the Pentagon, CIA and NSA, etc. all have their own independent power generation. The oldest buildings got them before there was a grid in DC. They were shut down when power started coming in over the wire, but they were restored and upgraded during the Cold War.

The the District of Columbia might roast in the sun or freeze in the dark, but the Feds won’t even notice.

2 years ago

>Jane fonda
That is all boomer shit. The only people who still give a crap one way or another about fonda or easily-scandalized midwit boomers who can’t let go of shit that happened a million years ago. Proud to be an cabal cannon fodder. Viet nam was a pointless cabal war meant to kill people off and we should never have gotten involved in it. People were right not to support it. They weren’t right to blame drafted hapless boomostooges though. Though that was probably a fucking psy-op itself. That and the most extreme retardation of the hippies with homeless druggies probably got their drugs from CIA trafficking to thwart any sort of rational anti-war movement.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

she’s a high level cabal priestess

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I agree, but she is still a shit.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeah. Boomer whatever. I have talked about this with people who had loved ones taken out in ‘Nam man’. Could be boomer types but don’t fit the time scale. Usually at that time they would be pre-boomer.
They have a visceral hate of that cnut. Mind you I’d have given her one. You can tell it rubbed off one me, a late boomer by some definitions. Or whatever came next. Anyway. She’s a cnunt and always was and always will be. For some gawd damn reason they keep her going. Yeah and!! The boomer wanker in the doors was a product of all that jazz man. Fuck her and curse me for ever thinking it was cool music from a psychological manipulator generation. Light my fire. Sorry got triggered there.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

VIET NAM was a war for control of the SOUTHEAST ASIAN OPIUM FIELDS and control of International Pharma Business. JUST LIKE AFGHANISTAN.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’ve long believed that cabal pushed us into Vietnam for these reasons:

  1. hatred of the US military and a desire to see it lose morale and respect.
  2. genocidal desire to wipe out non cabal populations.
  3. most important, the Vietnamese communists were ultimately nationalists and wanted to kick out all foreigners. Cabal pushes communism around the world primarily as a form of causing a population to rise up against its elites so that the population can then be ruled by cabal. Vietnam’s independence and nationalism had to be crushed in retribution for that not accepting cabal rule.
2 years ago

> Mega-prison in El Salvador for 40,000 suspected gangsters ..welcomes its first new inmates with vow ‘You will never walk out of here.’


That’s more than all the military services of Ireland, Scotland, and New Zealand combined.

And just a little more than the size of NYPD.

Last edited 2 years ago by TRX
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Good point. As it’s a training center.
Lots of trucks or a rail siding to keep supplied.
They’ll be, “sending their best” to whomever hires.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
2 years ago

Re: Three Random Fires Happen at Three Separate Oil Refineries in Mexico on Same DayShould be “Three Planned Fires…” There, I fixed it for you.

2 years ago

> Germany’s far-right ‘firewall’ is starting to crack as practicality forces politicians to work with AfD.

I love how the media refers to still-left-of-center moderates as “far right.”

I guess anything that doesn’t fit their Narrative is “far right.”

2 years ago

> Pence says there’s ‘no room’ in GOP leadership ‘for apologists for Putin.’ It is interesting how Russia has all the right enemies in the US.

Vlad is working for his country’s benefit. Mikey is trying to tear his country down.

2 years ago

> Zelensky slams Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine. ”

“Yoo-hoo! Over here, Volodymyr! Put me on your list.”

2 years ago

> Three random fires happen at three separate oil refineries, two in Mexico, and one in Texas, all on the same day.

Total coincidence. Nothing to see here, move along.

We hear about food processing plant fires, substation attacks, and refineries, but the supply chain is huge and interdependent. I wonder how many smaller plants are being hit, that aren’t big enough to be reported in the national media.

2 years ago

> Ukrainian tycoon and politician’s glamorous wife caught by customs ‘carrying $29 million in CASH through a refugee border crossing into the EU.’

A million dollars in $100s – the largest bill in current circulation – weighs 22 pounds, and will fit in a medium suitcase. That’d be 29 suitcases worth, weighing 638 pounds.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Aren’t $1000 bills still a thing? Even if they are that’s still more than sixty pounds of thousand dollar bills.

Reply to  Diogenes
2 years ago

Nope. None made over $100 since the 1960s, and even then, higher denominations were supposed to be for inter-bank transfers, not public circulation.

Reply to  Diogenes
2 years ago
The Federal Reserve Board currently issues $1$2$5$10$20$50, and $100 notes.
Supposedly getting rid of all the larger notes was going to stop drug smuggling. I don’t see that they’ve been noticeably inconvenienced, though.

That’s also one of the excuses they’re using to push the Fedcoin “digital currency” plan. As well as linking it to a smartphone, so they can not only track your spending, they’ll have the exact GPS coordinates of every transaction.

Last edited 2 years ago by TRX
2 years ago

The US Department of Justice has accused Google of “systematically” destroying records linked to ongoing antitrust litigation, saying the company failed to preserve its internal communications despite a previous order to do so. You will see that with intelligence lot, as with MK Ultra.

The traditional sanction for this misconduct is “death penalty” sanctions. The judge strikes all of their pleadings (the briefs and motions they filed), leaving them with no defense, and the DOJ gets whatever they are asking for as if google never responded. (This is what the Austin court did to Alex Jones for far less.)
The DOJ has not argued this yet in their motion, but they have argued at the least an inference sanction, meaning that when this goes to trial, the jury is instructed by the judge that they can infer that the information that google destroyed was destroyed because it would be so devastating to their case that they would have lost if the jury saw it.
The DOJ is NOT ruling out death penalty sanctions, though, because they have held out for “appropriate sanctions” after an evidentiary hearing, where google will have to testify about what they did and why.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
2 years ago

> An activist shareholder is seeking to have climate change activist Al Gore removed from his long-standing position on Apple Inc.’s board of directors, noting his limited skillset.

Gore was somebody, for a while. Career politician, former vice president, heavy connections in the Beltway. Apple backed him and Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and backed him on his runs for President.

That sort of grooming is common. Heck, Apple isn’t the only one who was courting Gore; venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins has him on their board, and he’s a “senior adviser” to Google.

One cheering thing is that not even Google and Apple’s clout on top of the usual election fraud were enough to get him into the Oval Office. Like Hillary!, Gore moved from “fighting underdog” to “stink of failure” in the public eye, which is why they shifted their support to Biden.

Gore’s influence and power are very nearly gone now; I expect Apple isn’t the only one planning to shuffle him aside in favor of a fresh new face.

2 years ago

The family of a 12-year-old auto theft suspect in Denver who was shot and killed by the vehicle owner, when he was “involved in an exchange of gunfire” with those inside the vehicle, say the man should face criminal charges.

> Click through
> Pic checks out

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Poor Elias, he was going to be the Pavoratti of Rap and a world famous brain surgeon.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Dammit! Now we’ll NEVER cure cancer!

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

John Gotti’s mom loved him too. Doubt she really knew what he was up to though. As for this kid, great smile, good at math (supposedly) but not too bright everywhere else.

2 years ago

> University of North Carolina moves to ban ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ statements in anti-woke backlash.

Good for them… but they’re still on my list, and if I’m ever in the position of hiring people again, a UNC diploma (among others) would be the instant kiss of death to any applicants. The rot had to be deep for UNC to have jumped on that wagon in the first place; none of the people who were indoctrinated there can be trusted.

2 years ago

Russia’s ambassador to the UN has interrupted a minute of silence for Ukraine as members of the Security Council stood up to honor the “victims of aggression” in the war. God bless Russia.

He hijacked it as a moment of silence for all lives lost in the war. I would have just stood up and sang the National Anthem.

2 years ago

Why would the DOJ be involved with a defamation lawsuit/judgement between two private parties?
Jones is obviously a shill or Jones’ lawyers would claim illegal government agency infringement of multiple constitutional rights.
Lets pray that God takes these (not sure what to call Jones and his handlers) out in a way that significantly benefits the righteous.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The government has the right to interact with their asset, obviously.

2 years ago

Mitch McConnell could be correct if Ukraine criminal gang has blackmail that effectively controls US agencies and media. Lying by not telling the whole truth. That fits in with the reported statement of Trump.
“…Ukraine has total dominance over the United States. Total dominance.”
The Biden criminal family could have been peddling blackmail to Ukraine. The Clinton criminal family gave the impression it was peddling blackmail to China. Turned the FBI and other agencies into gang owned piggy banks.

2 years ago

Expert witness: Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs laundered Cartel money through fake deeds & mortgages.
“AZ Senate/House elections presenter claims that Sinaloa Cartel uses bribes, money laundering, election fraud to control elected officials and traffic drugs, humans, and ballots in Arizona.

Jovan Pulitzer put almost two hours of the Arizona Senate hearing up:

A forensic investigator working for a private law firm, after an investigation that took four years, made a compelling and quite detailed case that the Sinola cartel controls Arizona, in the same way they control several Mexican states such as presumably Sinola. It goes beyond election fraud.

I’ll reprint here the pretty comprehensive Mike Whitney “this is what the Cabal has been up to recently” essay from the other day, because between the hearings and this essay, I think readers can get a pretty good idea of what the Cabal is, what its goals are, and how it operates, though also combine that with the surveillance examples:


This is all very depressing, and I don’t have a solution yet, but I think the situational awareness is still valuable.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Trump recently declared war on the cartels. That means war on Katie Hobbs.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I made a factual an error in my last comment. It does not affect the overall point.

The Sinola cartel is based in the Mexican state of Sonora. Sinola seems to be a family name, not the name of a place. It is now supposedly the largest Mexican drug cartel, and its main area of operations are the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California, and Arizona. Apparently they ship drugs from South American up the Gulf of California, and into the USA via the border with Arizona.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

It’s Sinaloa.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

CIA put Sinaloa in charge. (They are named after the Mexican state of Sinaloa.) They ran guns to them under Fast and Furious and provided them with the same kind of intel we are providing Ukraine right now.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

I hadn’t seen that video before, but yes, we are being looted.

2 years ago
2 years ago

How American Prisons are ideal damnation machines:

Prisons actually make hardened criminals worse. But death row for murderers for example forces them to contemplate their crimes and to reach for redemption by Jesus Christ.
And for those that don’t they don’t increase their punishment in hell because of crimes against other prisoners. Or being even more corrupted by the savagery of others including prison rape.

Very, very evil. Quakers really screwed the pooch.

2 years ago

The nation’s largest grid operator, which manages grid operations across 13 states and the District of Columbia, is warning it may face a major coming shortfall in electric generating capacity as utilities retire more and more traditional fossil fuel power plants.
Knowing what I now know about domestic surveillance, I no longer fear a grid collapse. There is no way for neighborhood domestic surveillance to operate without electricity running all the computers, phones & assorted other spying devices. I think electricity will be “disrupted” just enough to be annoying, lose a freezer full of food, and generally piss us off right to the edge but that’s it. Surveillance runs a fossil fuel!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

> freezer full of food
Our local grid has become unreliable enough that I bought a generator, and I have big “blue ice” packs in the refrigerator and freezer to help keep the contents cold when the power goes out.

Besides the few-minutes to few-hours outages, we’ve had one outage for four days, another for six. The local power company, still operating under its sole-source license from the state, doesn’t even have a presence in my county. Their offices closed in the 1990s, and are somewhere in Texas now. They have no trucks and no repairmen; they rent them from other utilities when needed. Which probably looks great for their bottom line, but it sucks when they’re the only source for electricity.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

As the meme says, I know it seems bad now fren… but it’s going to get worse.
Have a plan to make the freezer stuff as shelf stable as you can when it gets to that. Smoking and salting (and combinations thereof) are likely your best bet.
I think the grid will get less and less stable regardless of what the cabal wants, because they have reduced the average IQ in America below what it takes to keep a 1st world country running. No matter how much money they throw at it, the expertise simply isn’t there.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Yikes. Rural Electrification was done by farmers and cooperatives of farmers in Texas. That was taken nationwide by LBJ.

The Texas grid is never, ever, ever supposed to go down. It’s supposed to be overlapping providers, overlapping energy sources- solar, steam, LNG, petroleum, nuclear, wind power.

If it’s going bad in Texas, it has to be worse elsewhere.

2 years ago


Ron DeSantis Co-Sponsored a Bill (H.R. 6246) in 2018 to Make Puerto Rico a State!

DeSantis joined more than THIRTY other Democrats to bring on TWO more Democrat U.S. Senators.— National File (@NationalFile) February 24, 2023

2 years ago

Putin’s full speech from a few days ago in Russian with English subtitles.
Putin starts talking a few minutes in.

2 years ago

Shock Report: Sen. Fetterman Was Hospitalized Because He Was Unable to Take Care of Himself

2 years ago

Is the tide turning?

WaPo Wonders: Is ‘Climate Change’ Good?

2 years ago


PGR is against Lewandowski’s decision, which filed a lawsuit against Lula; she asks for immediate opening of the process

The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) requested that the Court resume investigations of the case against the Lula Institute. The alleged illegal donations to the Institute would have been made during the Dilma Rousseff government, between 2013 and 2014, and raised a total of R$ 4 million.

The PGR announced that the complaints to the Lula Institute are not based only on the evidence that was annulled. According to Lindôra, there are emails, “detailed” reports from whistleblowers from the construction company, as well as evidence seized from electronic devices belonging to businessman Marcelo Odebrecht and “receipts of illicit amounts” presented by himself.

2 years ago


Politicians around Vice President Alckmin already take the fall of the Lula government for granted, with a mediocre economic policy and a base bought with commissioned positions, shows the recipe for his impeachment, in fact, Brazil specializes in “removing” politicians .

Meetings with politicians close to Alckmin point out the need for the centrist wing of the current government in Brazil to avoid the crises commonly generated by the left wing and start dragging a scenario for Alckmin to 2026, or if possible, an eventual impeachment of Lula.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I posted here predicting this a few months ago, maybe even before the election.

2 years ago

Being told that Fetterman is essentially brain dead and it’s being hidden because keeping him in office until August 18th avoids a special election which Republicans would most certainly win.
This must be investigated.