News Briefs – 02/25/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Speaker Vos and Senator Bernier are pushing legislation that gives a head start to the election cheating, allowing election workers to start counting absentee ballots on the Monday before the election.

Donald Trump Jr. exclusively told Breitbart News on Thursday he holds Chris Christie responsible for leading a “totally pathetic” redistricting effort as the co-chair of the National Republican Redistricting Trust (NRRT).  Who put a Goldman-Sachs Married asshole in charge of such an important job? Of course he was going to fuck us over.

At 12 minutes on Bongino’s podcast here, Sarah Carter says Durham may not just be looking at obvious internet traffic, but that he may also be looking at how the Conspirators spying on Trump may have used HIPPA health files or other private files which are supposed to be protected and kept private from everyone, to hide their communications in, so nobody else would think to look in them, and even if they did they would be discouraged because looking would be illegal, and if they found something they couldn’t use it as evidence. Bongino then adds Sarah doesn’t say things by chance, and it probably means somebody tipped her off about something coming.

From this article, about the walls closing in on Hunter, he talks about a porn-model girl he was going to break up with: 

In another text exchange with a bellhop friend from the Chateau Marmont, Hunter says Kestan “really angered me” by recording a conversation between him and the bellhop.

“How the f–k did she get a tape of the two of us talking … about why I need to end it with her — the tape begins with me saying I need her for her contacts … She is so connected I didn’t want to burn bridges. Because she really is connected.”

So Hunter has a “connected” Porn-model/honeypot come into his life (who he probably met in a “totally random” chance encounter), and she has somehow gotten a tape of him talking in private with someone else, and Hunter can’t figure out how she got the tape – there is no explanation. Spying is everywhere. Despite what they told you, you cannot be too paranoid in that world – or your own.

Andrew Cuomo begins comeback attempt with new TV ad saying he was exonerated of all charges.

NYS voters say Cuomo is a sexual harasser, reject claims of vindication.

Star witness against ex-Goldman banker says wives used to disguise 1MDB kickbacks.

I have no idea about this one, but I add it to expand minds with possibilities. It is very long, so you are not going to watch much, except for one part listed below, maybe. It is an interview with an FBI Agent who claims he handled the real life version of the X-files in the FBI. The guy has a huge online presence, has written a few books, and from what I can see the real FBI has never called him out as a pretender. Which could be good or bad for his credibility. He proceeds to state in a matter of fact way, the following:

The infamous bank robbers of the Miami FBI Shootout had an occult alter to some sort of Norse Gods they worshipped, and he said the reports of the shooting in the FBI described those guys as being nearly superhuman, given how many times they were shot by multiple FBI agents, and just kept on going. However despite FBI assertions, the post-mortem drug panels showed no PCP or other drugs.

There are MK Ultra-spotters in society looking for people with certain characteristics who they can suck into that program, which is still ongoing, apparently, and known to FBI. But I get the impression they all know to leave it alone.

In the 40’s, there is an official FBI document from an FBI agent saying he was approached by an Alien informant who told him the aliens, whatever they were, had no problems with us and they should not be engaged because of the superiority of their technology. He indicates the Bureau acts as if the report was a legit report.

In 1952 an armada of UFOs flew over DC (there are photos online of that), and in response over the next two weeks the Air Force was given the green light to engage a massive number of UFOs seen flying over the US, and they were humiliated by the craft, leading authorities to decide to cover up the whole UFO issue from the public rather than admit the government was impotent.

At one point, he says, “Nobody wants… to be ridiculed in the Law Enforcement community That was when we actually had a law enforcement community. We no longer have that. Now we have other stuff, but it is not law enforcement.” So he does sound like he knows what he is talking about.

He said he had first hand experience dealing with the Men in Black, when they showed up at a UFO scene in Canada intimating witnesses, and telling people they were FBI. Canada complained to the Bureau, saying FBI cannot operate in Canada without Canadian Law Enforcement escorts, but FBI reviewed the video, and told them the people on it were not FBI, and apparently this was not the first time they saw this. He said in the video, they actually all dress the same way, with strangely ill-fitting black suits, some too small, some too large. He doesn’t really know who they work for, but indicates they show up so fast after such events, he suspect they do not work for any human command.

They called Comey the Cardinal in the Bureau, because he would pose as a religious man, but he was merely a bagman for the Clintons, covering up their crimes, and many FBI Agents tried to prevent Comey from taking over, but they failed, and Comey’s ascension was why he left the FBI after 25 years.

The part you might want to watch is at 49:00, though this is the summary here:

He thinks Durham appears to be promising, but the courts are so corrupted, any cases he assembles could never be won in our court system. He then says he sees the cases being prepared, and handed off to Article I Military Courts, which is the only way you could see justice. I hear Q there saying, “Think logically – the Military was the only way.”

He believes a fake alien invasion may be something the Cabal will fall back on if they end up backed into a corner. He believes Tic Tacs will physically engage ships in the coming years, disabling them, and this will be the start of the alien invasion script.

He also says Elizondo is fake, and there was no agency at the Pentagon like the one he claimed to work for. He seems to feel the Tic Tacs are entirely fake, or at least human ships.

He is a believer in the Hollow Moon Theory, and he says something in 1972 told all countries to cancel their Space Programs and never come to the moon again. He believes every moon-project we have seen since with probes was faked, and there is something up there which will not let us near it.

He believes Biden is actually a fake Biden surrounded by a fake Secret Service provided by Hollywood, as part of fully Hollywood-produced visuals that distract the normies, as Cabal runs the show from behind the scenes as per normal.

I found it interesting, as he does appear to be a 25 year veteran of the FBI, yet he talks about things so bizarre as if everyone in the Bureau knows all this, has acclimated to all this, and just leaves society alone to the bliss of its ignorance.

I would scoff, but I know every FBI Agent goes home, and lives their lives picturing the observation post down the street listening to their every spoken word in their home, and recording everything they do in the privacy of their home. And when they get a serial killer case, they know either the killer is working with the acquiescence of the surveillance, with its complicity, or the serial killer idea is a cover for some murders, maybe even sacrifices, the surveillance is arranging. And they go forward knowing they will only be allowed to solve as much as the surveillance allows them to solve. So I know it is a weird world. The question is, “how weird?”

Vaccinated people are more likely to contract COVID-19, and go to the hospital in recent weeks according to CDC data.

To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights. So they have a vaccine pass all ready to go for next time, which will get expanded into a national ID, where everyone will get a card with a name and a picture on it, and whether you are a citizen, or have the right to vote, or drive, or travel will be stored on a database they will use the card to access. So somebody can hack the database and turn everyone with a green card or a travel visa into a citizen with voting privileges overnight.

Doug Ford shuts down 39 trucking businesses.

The late Jerry Lewis has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment by a string of his former co-stars.

U.S. tax dollars are funding migrant shelters inside Mexico, but the Biden administration won’t release any details.

Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe is expected to announce his plans to resign before the end of his term, resulting in a special election for someone else to serve the final four years of his current term. No info on why.

Biden to divert agents from U.S. southern border, send them to ‘assist’ with Russia-Ukraine conflict evacuations.

The mass migration lobby, with financial ties to billionaire George Soros, is using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to demand the United States open its borders to refugees from across Eastern Europe. These will be the purged Cabal operatives in Ukraine who will be pulling surveillance duty on us within days of arriving. It is a pattern you see everywhere.

Foreign-born population hits record 46.6 million in January 2022. The vast majority I will bet were ground surveillance or infiltration/informants in their home countries before Cabal called them to the US, to work against you and the Constitutional Republic.

Members of Congress call out Canada for approving Neo Lithium sale to Chinese company.

Legislation making its way through the Canadian Parliament would allow citizens to be taken to court and penalized if they are suspected of simply intending to post “hate speech” online.

Black Lives Matter blew $12.7million of the $60million in donations it received in 2020 on consultants and lawyers – including high-power legal firm retained by Hillary Clinton during her failed campaign – IRS filings reveal.

Three former Minneapolis police officers have been convicted of violating George Floyd’s civil rights. They said on the news, all now face life in prison or the death penalty. You can see how in a system this corrupt, you cannot go to the courts.

Gas at $6.25 per gallon in LA.

Founders of Crypto exchange admit to bank secrecy act violations. These things are just about Cabal’s control from the top. The more I see how they were trying to get control of kids in elementary school, the more I realize that whole operation is a menace. And that is before you look at them putting Biden – a guy so damaged you put him next to a little girl on a stage, and he has to pinch her nipple to hurt her in front of everyone – in charge of the US. I still can’t believe the US was permeated by such an evil entity, or that so many Americans would be gleeful to serve it. If I were doing the Constitution today, I would include an Amendment guaranteeing all citizens involved in lawful financial activity total privacy in financial transactions, and I would bar all infringement on any such individual’s ability to access any means of private financial transactions or to intrude on the privacy. Let the government prove the crime before they can take a look. IMO, Cabal and the Conspiracy which took over our government are ten times the threat to freedom of any criminal enterprise.

Mitt Romney blames Trump’s “America First” policy for Russian attack on Ukraine.

A single company in Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor, makes 92% of the world’s most sophisticated chips’s and is a single point of failures for phones, cars, and nearly all sophisticated chips in the global economy. I will bet, back when we were first making chips, and where they would be produced was ironing itself out, Cabal arranged this because they were already eyeing their jump to China, and wanted to take the chip-tech with them.

Just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full invasion into Ukraine, the Chinese Communist Party is pumping out propaganda about Taiwan.

Taiwan Defense Ministry says nine Chinese aircraft have entered its air defense zone on Thursday morning.

Kamala Harris headed to Jackson Hole nuclear bunker.

Members of the U.S. Congress said on Thursday they could approve hundreds of millions of dollars in additional military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine starting as soon as next week, to boost the government in Kyiv after Russia invaded. One last push to launder as much US treasury cash as they can before the door slams shut. I hope Putin has it all wrapped up before Sunday. He would save us all a pretty penny.

Joy Behar stirred outrage Thursday as The View host complained that the war in Ukraine will disrupt her Italian getaway.

George Webb lays out the narrative Cabal does not want you to hear, about how people in Ukraine will be better off because of Putin purging the Ukrainian corruption:


Patreon suspended the fundraising campaign that a nonprofit organization was using to collect donations to distribute body armor, medical kits, and helmets to Ukrainian soldiers. Interesting. Twitter blocked release of real time Russian military movements, Patreon blocked arming Ukrainians. Big Tech forced to support Russia?

Zelensky finds time to chat with Sean Penn for documentary amid the Russian siege.

Ukraine ready to discuss neutrality, Zelensky says. LOL.

Russia issues Ukraine terms of surrender.

Sean Penn arrives in Ukraine to film documentary of Russian invasion. He may be doing some sort of cleanup for Cabal, making sure sensitive documents and data get destroyed and are not available. He did a similar schtick in Haiti, IIRC.

Flashback – Bill Clinton gives $500,000 to Sean Penn for Haiti. If he got Cabal bucks, Sean Penn is a Cabal asset of some sort, doing Cabal activities under the cover of being a Hollywood movie guy doing Hollywood movie guy stuff like charity or documentaries. Don’t forget, they couldn’t find El Chapo until Sean Penn went in to do a documentary, and led them right to him. He is clearly somebody’s asset.

Large aircraft shot down over Kiev, huge fireball.

Russia may have been motivated to get rid of US/Cabal bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

More on the shady nature of the bioweapons labs.

Flashback – The US Air Force has issued calls for ethnic Russians to provide DNA samples for a mysterious “research” program. Sounds almost like they are looking for unique Slavic cell surface receptors they could target with a viral binding protein. They might do that kind of research in a blacksite overseas. It is even possible Cabal would kidnap ethnic Russians and take them to the blacksite for “testing” of the viral product, and thus would want it near the ethnicities it is trying to target.

@WarClandestine Twitter account was suspended after questioning if Russia was attacking US bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. It is like they moved out twitter staff, and replaced them all with CIA/Cabal agents, whose sole purpose is to try and quell all knowledge of the conspiracy.

A fierce battle at Chernobyl has some wondering if there was some valuable Cabal asset located there in the exclusion zone for privacy, and Russia just took it.

MSNBC has repeatedly fretted that the massive refugee crisis likely to result from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could lead to “the rise of far-right political movements” across Europe.

QAnon followers gleefully back Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. We know who the enemy is. And yet we are not as practically supporting as Biden:

US will not target Russia energy sector with sanctions. He is getting 10% for the big guy.

Biden admin freezes new oil and gas drilling leases despite recent court-ordered injunction driving up the price to benefit Russia.

Oil soars beyond $100 per barrel for the first time since 2014.

CPAC crowd erupts when Gov. DeSantis says he’ll send illegal immigrants to Delaware. But the elites yawned. If you want to perk them up and make them scream, expose the surveillance. Everything else is just theater.

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to hear the case of a Colorado web designer who fears prosecution under state anti-discrimination law for stating her faith-based objections to providing services that promote same-sex marriage.

The Wisconsin Assembly has approved a constitutional amendment giving the Republican-controlled Legislature power over federal funds, and not the Governor.

Indiana Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray saying he expects the Senate Judiciary Committee, which had bottled up the Constitutional Carry bill, to advance the bill to the full Senate.

Vice frets – QAnon isn’t dead. it’s growing. New survey shows even more believe now than last year.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

The great America First Patriot, Matt Schlapp, is now out with a new book, The Desecrators. He loves our Country and fights every day for MAGA! His book is a very important one and highly recommended by me. Order here

Spread r/K Theory, because the fight between Good and Evil is the only fight that ever happens.

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2 years ago

The “Q” account at Truth can be tracked at by selecting Truth-Others

It’s still not clear if it is the same Q.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Speaker Vos and Senator Bernier are pushing legislation that gives a head start to the election cheating, allowing election workers to start counting absentee ballots on the Monday before the election.”

Globohomo is getting desperate. Their back is in a corner and it’s been all hands on deck since 2019. They will try very hard to completely defraud the midterms later this year and will attempt to produce Republican losses, not gains. Anywhere they don’t cheat there is a very good chance the Republican there is compromised or in on the conspiracy in some way.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Foreign-born population hits record 46.6 million in January 2022. The vast majority I will bet were ground surveillance or infiltration/informants in their home countries before Cabal called them to the US, to work against you and the Constitutional Republic.”

That’s why this meme is still so applicable.

If you aren’t fighting for homogeneous nations, you aren’t on the side of our Father in Heaven.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Seek Heaven and Earth will be added in.

In the OT foreign invasion is the consequence of apostasy.

Homogenous Nations of the West stopped being Homogenous.

Coincidentally after they departed from Christ.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Gas at $6.25 per gallon in LA.”

It needs to be at $16.25

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Kamala Harris headed to Jackson Hole nuclear bunker.”

She won’t survive there, that nuclear bunker is a tomb.

The Russians have two systems capable of destroying it.

The road mobile Topol-M, with a 800 kiloton warhead (GRAU: 15F175) buries several meters into the ground before it detonates. The missile is equipped with penetration aids to penetrate a missile shield. The Russians have at least 78 of them. They are accurate to within 150 meters.

Then there is the Avangard re-entry vehicle. It has a hypersonic delivery vehicle (GRAU: 15F678) that flies under most missile shields and radars. It has a 2 megaton (2000 kilotons) warhead. It is deployed on upgraded UR-100N missiles in between 2 and 12 silos outside Saratov, Russia. They are accurate to within 100 meters.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

A stupid woman with a false sense of security and power is a dangerous thing. Maybe they can just teleport some VX or Novichok somewhere instead of shooting a nuke.

Plus, Jackson Hole is kind of nice. Interesting that they would put a Greenbrier style bunker way out there at the ski resort. I’ve been to both places, and both were bad ideas that wouldn’t have lasted 30 minutes in a real shooting war.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Sorry, but there’s no way the Russians are going to lob missles at the US, conventional warheads or nukes. There’s no way in hell that Trump or the patriots in our military would EVER agree to that. I’m all for getting rid of Cabal, but having foreigners bomb us is not on the table.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

D’oh!! I should’ve known.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Ha ha, he said “penetration aids”

But in all seriousness, why would they waste a perfectly good missile killing useless puppets? They know these people are all fakes, and the real shot callers are elsewhere.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

You don’t need a nuke to deal with it. Just cut the phone lines with some wire cutters and pour a truckload of cement over the entry portal.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Flashback – The US Air Force has issued calls for ethnic Russians to provide DNA samples for a mysterious “research” program. ”

Going over this again. Any bioweapon targeting Russians would easily take out Slavs, Northern Europeans, likely anyone with Indo-European ancestry. Even East Asians could be effected. That includes Iranians, Jews, Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Flips and even African-Americans (who are on average 25% White).

Ethnic Bioweapons are uncontrollable disasters. Highly unrecommended. Unless you are a pureblooded melonhead, lizardperson or some ethereal demonic entity.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

It’s the plot to the movie spawn

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“A fierce battle at Chernobyl has some wondering if there was some valuable Cabal asset located there in the exclusion zone for privacy, and Russia just took it.”

That’s probably why the Russian attack has been so fast and unexpected. The Russians were expected to just attempt annexation of Luhansk and Donetsk, which will happen anyways. Then they struck everywhere with missiles, and now they’ve surrounded Kharkov, struck or captured every airport, struck or captured every seaport (Mariapol, Kherson, Odessa) and are bearing down on Kiev. They didn’t want anything getting OUT of Ukraine. They also have a kill list (there are probably 3 entire Spetsnaz regiments operating throughout Ukraine). They’ve also threatened nuclear strikes at anyone who intervenes.

All of that would jive with some kind of WMD (bio) around Ukraine.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Chechens tasked with eliminating Azov. Whatever this is, RUS is not invading to hold.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Agreed. They know that the evil nazis running Ukraine will do anything they can just out of spite, even when they know they’ve lost. They had to take out the air defense to keep them from shooting down ANOTHER airliner and blaming it on Russia. They had to take out he biolabs to keep them from releasing something. They had to take Chernobyl to keep them from blowing up the cap and exposing the Elephant’s Foot and blaming it on Russia.

That’s what the “give rifles to any jackass who wants one” plan is about. That isn’t to resist the invasion. It’s to poison the well once the government falls.

2 years ago

Sean Penn also visited Iraq before the war there. Officially as some sort of peace envoy, in reality as … ?

The Game (1997) is a Truman Show type film where Sean Penn gets his brother Michael Douglas’ life turned upside down by a “life therapy” group that forces cathartic life events on the hero, with a group of actors messing with his head. The waitress at his restaurant isn’t really a waitress, etc.

2 years ago

You may want to check this out AC. There is a Q account on Truth Social. Set up on 9th Feb the day before Trump’s which was supposed to be the first, but then he is Q+. It is interesting because TS says no single letter accounts are allowed. Devin Nunes (TS CEO) has reposted it asking if anyone knows ‘who is Q’. Q also posted about Chernobyl before we saw that the Russians were going in and now seized the site. If you check out 3 year deltas for 9 Feb 2019 it’s the one where Q says they never left and it’s now time to go public. Think it’s Q post 2677

Second link shows a post by Kash Patel having a beer with Q at Mar-a-Lago. Kash had taken his parents there for tea and to meet Trump for CPAC.

Reply to  Rossa
2 years ago

Noticed yesterday over at Arkhaven comics, Alt-Hero Q’s episode just happened to take place in Ukraine, with the main character heading into Chernobyl. The interesting thing is that the comics were written & drawn probably over a year ago, and prepped for online publication weeks ago. This isn’t a case where someone sat up watching the news and then pumped out an apparently coincidental episode overnight.

Purely coincidental, I’m sure.

2 years ago

I would like to bring out a different take on the Russia/Ukraine mess. My take comes from the late Roman Catholic political scientist, Austrian aristocrat, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn in his books “Liberty or Equality” and “Leftism Revisited”. Great books! In both he discusses the politics of countries, what they are based on. Classical republicanism flourished in England due to its island nature; it has a natural barrier around it thus the inhabitants feel a sense of safety; this feeling of safety makes people adopt a more relaxed government.

Everything the OP stated is true about its culture of mafioism, etc, but he misses the essence—Russian PARANOIA.

Not so with Russia. Russia has NO natural barriers, like a river, mountains, being an island, etc It is not like Switzerland. Switzerland can have a relaxed democratic government because the mountains are easy barriers. Russia doesn’t have that. The environment of Russia demands autocracy. It is too big, too wide, too flat which makes Russians PARANOID. Russians are NATURALLY PARANOID. The environment of Russia, its natural construct, forms Russian character! (on top of its Slavic racial component) By nature, due to the lack of natural barriers, Russians flock to autocracy and Russians are natural paranoids. They have to be—Nature makes them so!

The West, our Judaic, overlords DO NOT CARE about Russian paranoia. They are expanding NATO because it is part of Globo-homo-Jewish World Republic that MUST be established! Our sociopathic Jews and their Judaic goyim co-conspirator sociopaths are hell-bent on making Ukraine a NATO member! NOTHING is going to stop them.

What you have here is two UNMOVABLE objects—Russian Paranoia and Jewish sociopathic demands of World rule.

That, and THAT alone is why Putin is doing the things he is doing. He must! HE CAN NOT LET NATO have Ukraine—NO WAY, NO HOW! I’m with Putin.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

I don’t think Switzerland’s neutrality has as much to do with its mountains. Switzerland is where Cabal keeps their money, and is also a central location where they can go to perform Satanic rituals. It’s more like they all have a truce with each other surrounding Switzerland and they don’t mess with it.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

Wlindsaywheeler is right about Switzerland, historically speaking. The Alps were a good barrier against any Italian or Austrian armies. But now, some of the country’s most important cities could be conquered very easily. Geneva is surrounded by France, Basel is right on the border with France and Germany, and Zurich is only one hour south from Germany, with no mountains in the way.

Eric is right in that there are some sinister places in Switzerland. The nation’s capital, Berne, looks picturesque, but that’s the town I would recommend against visiting the most, just from personal experience. Almost everywhere else is more or less okay, just bad in isolated spots. Maybe you shouldn’t visit CERN near Geneva or stay overnight in Basel’s famous hotel Teufelhof (Devil’s Court). However, you have lots of good and bad, including terrible rituals, in every country. If you look up the world’s most satanic cities, Turin in Italy is a place where the exorcists are the most overworked. Switzerland is more like a safe haven five star resort.

2 years ago

Well, Well, Well, Well….I can go on and on and on! Oh, my!

It pays to listen to MSNBC and CNN! It Payssss!

Ohhh, what did I learn today. Guess. Please guess! Guess. Guess. Guessssss!

I learned today that Zelensky is….Wait for it…..Wait for it…..J-E-W-I-S-H! Yes, that’s right!

Zelensky is a Jew!

Ohhh, is Zelensky Ukranian???????????????? NO THE PHUCK HE ISN’T!

Did we all think Zelensky was Ukranian? Ohhhh, yes we did!

Did I not say that NATO is about building the Jewish World Republic? Oh yes. —4 days ago or so, I listened to Zelensky and he said Ukraine must become a part of NATO!

Now, why would he say that with the Russian Bear on his ass?

BECAUSE HE IS JEWISH! Our Secretary of State is Jewish. Our DOJ is Jewish. DHS is Jewish. —it’s all Jewish! Kissinger is Jewish. Roman Catholic Biden’s chief of staff is Jewish—It’s all Jewish! The CIA is a Marxist organization, filled from the beginning with Communists (because they were of course anti-Nazis).

Who secularized Turkey? It WASN’T Muslim Turks—but Secret Jews called the Donmeh!

Who is the big leader in the conservative party in France? Why Eric Zemmour! Who is Eric Zemmour?

—–A Jew.

The whole British aristocracy intermarried with Jews. Winston Chamberland was Jewish. The past president of France, Sarkozy—was Jewish!

The whole world is run by the Jews.

Zelensky WAS GOING to move Ukraine into NATO! That was his job.

Why do Jews seek to rule gentile nations for? Ask yourself that. Why does Mike Bloomberg have the hots to run for the US presidency?

This is another good book: 1890 (E-Book) La Civiltà Cattolica on The Jewish Question in Europe

Where there was a Catholic University, they opened it up to Jews and before long, all the faculty was Jewish except the theological department. Everywhere they went in Europe—they rose to the top.

Is Zelensky preaching the common good of the Ukranian? Or of the Jews?

Everything is about the Jews.

And just listened to Joe Biden’s speech today—he calls the Russian invasion of Ukraine, unsupported! Crazy. He’s a liar! And MSNBC and CNN were saying the same stuff before Biden, adding that Putin was eratic, mentally sick, so on and on! It’s crazy. these people can’t see reality.

NATO made it possible for the European Union. It is the European Union that is important. NATO is only a shoehorn and arm of the European Union. These people needed to bring in Ukraine for more dilution of the Teutons by brining in more Slavs to dilute Teuton blood! That is what this is all about. Because with the European Union, there are no passports, but free travel and mixing—the whole point of the European Union. Just like UNITED States is the Tower of Babel, so is the European UNION a Tower of Babel! The Jews are turning everywhere they go into Towers of Babel to bring about the one single Tower of Babel!
Zelensky is a Jew. That is all you need to understand about the conflict in Ukraine. Good for Putin!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

The International Bank System are the true Rulers of the world. They created a religion called Zionism which is a form of idolatry where Christians worship AshkeNazis instead of God.

All wars are banker wars. We have all been taught and told, “FOLLOW THE MONEY!”
This is true.

Second. The Ashkenaz are the only religion that have infiltration, deception, and all types of skullduggery built into their culture.

All of the Western Intel Agencies are founded, controlled, and owned by Ashkenaz. Duplicity and deception is central to their culture an their religion. ALL OF THIS IS ON THE TALL-MUD.

Finally. The fact that ZioNazi Ashkenaz is behind this latest war is no surprise to anyone who studies International Bankong Power. Qui Bono?
The Banksters. Every Single Time.

The Question. What Is To Be Done By

2 years ago

Say it ain’t so. Please, Please, Please.

BUT it is, But it is!

——Alexander Vindman—that Ukranian superstar that got President Trump in trouble—-was—-was——


Need I say more?

It’s ALL Jewish.

Everything is Jewish!

Even your stupid mantra of democracy and freedom is Jewish gregorie, Jewish Propaganda.

America is the spearpoint of Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevism. Always has been—always will be.
Alexander Vindman was on MSNBC to talk about “We should have done more”! Yea, We should have done more for my Jewish World Republic!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

The Ukrainians sending us the Vindmans and not outing the Bidens in 2019-2020 were crimes against the historic American nation. They failed to address corruption in their country and decided being led by a bunch of Jews, when their country is overwhelmingly Orthodox, was a good idea. These are the same Jews who orchestrated the Holodomor as payback for a few pogroms hundreds of years ago.

Ukrainians just can’t stop f’ing up. So Putin will help them. He will teach them. He will finally de-communize them.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as ‘a country ruled by Jews.’ ” Ezra Pound
I believe that Pound quote was made shortly after WWII, just before they hustled him off to a mental institution for a major part of his life. Here’s another:
“Democracy is also a religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.” H.L. Mencken

2 years ago

Woke up from a pretty solid boron induced dream, shaking. RE: the truckers convoy and some reports that it will be infiltrated by bad actors. Dream had me driving, watching things, enjoying the freedom of the open road and the comfort of knowing the other drivers had each others back. We wouldn’t let happen to us what happened north of the border.
Certain things started bothering me. Things I’d see that didn’t make sense, but they still tickled that portion of me that forced me to look harder. Huge amounts of food that weren’t going to the truckers, but being ‘stored’ for the next stop and being loaded into the backs of the refer units. That food, and those trucks, never seemed to be at the stop at the beginning to offload the meals, but always there to upload them. Fine, just storing it for a big party at the end, I’m good.
Offloading or dumping gray and black water from trailers, why?
Several trucks that parked well away from the fringes, drivers looked sick as hell.
Lots of non-english speaking drivers on the fringes of the stops. Lots of ‘fighting age males who spoke ‘-istani’ languages, definitely not normal, but not enough to set everyone off…we’re making history here, right?
Walking by one trailer, I thought I heard what could only be described as what I’d heard while I was in Iraq…prayer. Nawh, imagination, ignore it. Stories coming out of people getting sick along the truck route, nothing to see here, coincidence.
The dream ended with us being rallied around the beltway, and some of ‘those’ trucks managing to make it downtown, close enough that it was only a short sprint to the fences of the WH. When those trucks stopped, the back doors were opened to disgorge thousands of those fighting age males, all dressed in traditional ‘merica battle rattle, yelling what I’m pretty sure you can imagine them yelling, but not what the press will report. Now those new concrete barriers made sense. Setup. Blame the red and the red states. Damn rednecks.
Remember the shipboard container rockets/missiles? Yeah, they’re in there as well as a few other more powerful items that pretty much ended the fight for everyone involved. Incineration of the evidence, must have been those evil right wingers.
In the end, DC looked like something out of “The Sum of all Fears”. Devastation. Millions dead. “Truckers convoy was infiltrated by lots of folks we brought here from Afghanistan, whodathunkit” from what’s left of the darling media. Of course, the pResident is safe, but the VP was in DC and didn’t make it. Most of the ruling class-less were in session, and we’ll be running a bit short handed in DC until we figure this out. Stay safe America, we are.
Of course, it could just be bad dream. Hoping Mr. Yon and the real reporters in the convoy are watching the immediate world around them. I know Mr. Yon is pretty good about ‘seeing’ things that no one else seems to pay attention to.

2 years ago

Was thinking about what AC said a few days ago re: HRC not being allowed to authorize hits. If the reports from DJT about how feeble she was during the election 2016 were true, thsn that clinches it for me. A feeble leader is taken down. She wasn’t. And she rules through fear. Who’s afraid of a broken doen woman? Same same with Pelosi. I always wondered how anyone took abuse from her. Drunk face mangled old witch that she is. It is one of those facially preposterous things we are told to believe. But the answer is that they both have backers who are very scary and want HRC and Pelosi to be where they are.

2 years ago

Hotel Marmont in LA is a major Hollywood psyop site. I bet the “bellhop” is more than a “bellhop”. And that hotel (fascinating ownership history) is wired and cammed up and everyone knows it.

2 years ago

All my friends on facebook are showing their support for Ukraine. One blocked me when I pmed her too many memes(probably bad timing). I’m going to try really hard to keep quiet about this topic.

2 years ago

“Who put a Goldman-Sachs Married asshole in charge of such an important job? Of course he was going to fuck us over.”

Personnel is Policy. Have they not considered Character in addition to Competence?

2 years ago

“A fierce battle at Chernobyl has some wondering if there was some valuable Cabal asset located there in the exclusion zone for privacy, and Russia just took it.”

S.T.A.L.K.E.R vibes:

“Standing tall in the ruined Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Wish Granter is a legend among many Stalkers of the Zone. Rumors say that the Monolith will grant any wish given, starting from eternal glory to limitless power.

In reality, however, it is much more sinister. The Wish Granter is a trap created by the C-Consciousness to protect its secret. After a ‘wish’ has been granted, the Zone expands by 5 km in all directions. The wish itself is an illusion or a violent trick. Not many have reached the Wish Granter, and there are no confirmed information of anyone coming back after visiting it, with a head not full of Monolith lies and brain washing. One possible exception could be the Doctor who, as rumor has it, managed to reach it and come back alive still as a human. However, this is just a tale or a myth that became a part of local folklore rather than a fact.”

And the fact that in the exclusion zone. Bizarre things may be happening:

Anyway may be a LARP. But I do wonder if such themes have basis in reality.

2 years ago

Reminder that UFO’s and Men and Black and entities like them may be demons. And will probably react negatively to the name of Jesus Christ. To crucifixes and so on:

2 years ago

[…] News Briefs – 02/25/2022 — Anonymous Conservative __ATA.cmd.push(function() { __ATA.initDynamicSlot({ id: 'atatags-26942-6218e072c04bd', location: 120, formFactor: '001', label: { text: 'Advertisements', }, creative: { reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad', }, privacySettings: { text: 'Privacy', } } }); }); […]

2 years ago

Ohhhh, shall we go on.

Here is a vid about Victoria Nuland and 5 BILLION in aid to bring about ‘democracy’ and ‘Western values’ to Ukraine in….2014!

Victoria Nuland is Jewish.

In another piece of 2014 at Mondoweis “Socialism and the Jews”, the goal of Victoria Nuland as an agent of Jewish values:

>>>”Last week we ran a piece about a fawning profile in the New York Times of neoconservative Robert Kagan and his family in which Kagan argued that the U.S. has an imperial role to play in a “world order built around American economic, political, and military power.” The piece mentioned that Kagan’s wife Victoria Nuland is an assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. Michael Smith, co-author of the new book, Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA, offered this footnote.

Let us read between the lines, shall we: The US has an ****Imperial Role****. That is it in a nutshell. Who’s making the US imperial? —the Jews. To foist Americanism, which is Judaism, upon the world! —-“a world order”—-for the Jews, by the Jews, of the Jews.

From this RT article:

[EXCERPT]”Nuland previously served as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs under former President Barack Obama. In 2014, she played a leading role in Ukraine’s Maidan, handing out snacks and taking pictures with activists railing against the country’s government. In the aftermath, she promised the troubled nation a $1-billion-dollar loan guarantee program and to provide assistance to its military, in response to Kiev’s attempt to turn towards the West.

In a leaked recording of a call between Nuland and the US’s then-Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, the pair appeared to discuss which opposition politicians should and shouldn’t be included in the post-Maidan government, hinting that they were actively involved in discussions with activists. At the same time, Nuland suggested bringing in then-Vice President Biden to “midwife this thing.” She also famously expressed her view that they should “f**k the EU,” by ignoring its input.” [END EXCERPT]

Notice this ***WHICH OPPOSITION POLITICIANS SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T” be included! Here you have a Jew meddling in Ukranian politics—-****DIRECTING****** who is going to get aid–and those people are ones pliable, susceptible, and/or converged with Jewish values. The most important is this ***activists***, those “anarchists” who are progressive and already Judaized.

This is how Jews work! This is how Christendom, Europe, WASP America was undermined, overthrown, and parasitized to do Jewish stuff.

It’s all Jewish.

2 years ago

> used HIPPA health files or other private files which are supposed to be protected and kept private from everyone

HIPAA is grossly misrepresented as a patient privacy act. In reality, it only makes your information “private” to your family and casual browers. Any political or law enforcement authority can go poking around as they wish, without a warrant. And the release you have to sign before you get any form of healthcare or health insurance is open-ended, allowing “sharing” of your medical data with, essentially, anyone willing to pay for it.

*Anything* you write on a medical form, any word you say to your doctor – remember, almost all of them carry voice recorders so they can upload the files to a transcriptionist service – is noted down somewhere, forever.

The best you can hope for is that your records don’t get mixed up with someone else’s (which happens often), or incompetence in the case of the office help gifts you with problems you didn’t know you had. Someone, somewhere, put me in their file as a diabetic. I’m not. The insurance providers bought that data and merged it into their database, which means I have to go through a tedious hassle every year getting the bad data expunged so my rates don’t go up. Every consult or referral from my main doctor asks me about my diabetes problem; they’re not getting their information from my doctor, but from one of the third-party medical databases. I tell them I’m not diabetic, and they just look at me pityingly. The computer says I am, so I must be in denial.

2 years ago

> they have a vaccine pass all ready to go for next time, which will get expanded into a national ID,

That was the key part of the HillaryCare act, that the Clintons promised during their 1992 campaign, and pushed hard for during both terms. It was part of the Democratic Party platform for a while.

They tried to pretend it was about medical record consolidation and guarantees of patient care, but that was secondary to My Precious, the Federal Healthcare ID that would be required to get any medical services.

As far as I remember none of the opposers of HillaryCare were much bothered by the ID issue; they cited other reasons, mostly technical and financial issues. HillaryCare came back in 2008, still part of the Democratic platform, got rebranded as ObamaCare, and forced through with some dirty politics. The ID card part didn’t make it through… yet. But the Feds have free access to all your medical records now, without a warrant, which is almost as good.

2 years ago

>CPAC crowd erupts when Gov. DeSantis says he’ll send illegal immigrants to Delaware. But the elites yawned. If you want to perk them up and make them scream, expose the surveillance. Everything else is just theater.

This is why I trust this fag about half as far as I could throw him. He could easily imprison these foreign invaders forever, line them up against the wall, catapult them into the ocean, or even send them back (lol) but instead chooses his big super duper scary threat to be….. to let them stay in the USA, just somewhere else!

He’s way more focused on McEpic-style owning the libs like the good Boomer he is than winning the war, so he’s useless in the long term. Better than some open enemy, but only marginally, and should be removed as soon as politically expedient for a better option.

2 years ago

> The late Jerry Lewis has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment by a string of his former co-stars.

#metoo attention whoring, or do they think they can scam some money somehow? He’s been dead for four years; his estate should have gone through probate and been settled by now.

2 years ago

> So Hunter has a “connected” Porn-model/honeypot come into his life (who he probably met in a “totally random” chance encounter)

But AC, Hunter is Special. It’s only right that such women would appear in his life and support his ambitions. Sigh.

That’s why wealthy people often fall for absurdly simple scams; they’re so used to the “little people” currying favor, it seldom occurs to them there might be an ulterior motive.

2 years ago

> Big Tech forced to support Russia?

Considering their rabid anti-Americanism, I doubt there was much force involved.

2 years ago

> Sounds almost like they are looking for unique Slavic cell surface receptors they could target with a viral binding protein.

Shouldn’t be hard; >90% of Russians carry Mongolian DNA, courtesy of the various khans who made the Rus their bitch.

Downside, Mongolia is one of the few countries that actually *likes* America and Americans.

2 years ago

> Legislation making its way through the Canadian Parliament would allow citizens to be taken to court and penalized if they are suspected of simply –>intending<– to post “hate speech” online.

They're going full '1984'; that's a thoughtcrime law. And, of course, there's no defense against the accusation. "To be accused is to be guilty." The Crown Prosecutors will squee in delight.

2 years ago

> A single company in Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor, makes 92% of the world’s most sophisticated chips’s and is a single point of failures for phones, cars, and nearly all sophisticated chips in the global economy.

I’d like to reiterate that this happened because of the companies that chose to save a few cents per chip instead of building a robust supply chain. And Taiwan Semiconductor has *several times* been accused of leaking data and fab information about proprietary chips to third parties.

The companies that are screaming the loudest, all did this to themselves.

2 years ago

> US will not target Russia energy sector with sanctions.

Probably a good idea, since we’re probably going to have to buy Russian gas in a year or two, given how Biden’s “energy policies” have been rolled out.

2 years ago

Story about possibility of Sen. Jim Inhofe retiring at end of year: best news I’ve had in a while, if it’s true. The stupid, greedy old bastard has been cashing checks from the public longer than Joe Biden. We need a real guy to take that seat, not a lifelong Republicuck. The other Okla. senator, James Langford, looks and sounds like a kiddy diddler. Chuckie Schumer flew out to Okla. to campaign for him when he first appeared. WTF? That’s all you need to know or look at his face and think, compromised.

2 years ago

Regarding Chernobyl:

I’m sure that the Russian are guarding it for fear that Cabal will blow it up and blame Russia.

The T-Room
2 years ago

The news aggregation AC does here daily is one of the best round ups on the internet. It’s a go to every day for me and I’m a long time news aggregator.

Might you consider using when linking to Twitter threads like Margot Cleveland’s work you linked to recently rather than linking your readers to the actual page?Threadreader app bot unrolls the thread in seconds making it so much easier to read. Also, using the app makes using essential when wanting to save the keepers.

As a former Twitterer, left when they had the audacity to censor the President, reading a thread unrolled vs on the actual Twitter page is more pleasurable. As well, for those of us who no longer have accounts we can only read the thread so only selected comments by Twitter users are seen.

Just a thought. Keep up the excellent work you are doing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Ditto on threaderapp. I usually end up rolling things there when they are linked.

2 years ago

The author of the Vice article wonders why people are still believing the Q Anon stuff. Within the article Q Anon is described as a belief that Democratic and Hollywood elites are engaging to child trafficking to sacrifice children for their blood.

OK, but what if Democratic and Hollywood elites actually have been engaging in child sex trafficking for their blood? Then over time this would become clearer and more people would believe it, because it is actually happening? It was never about Trump.

2 years ago

My take on Ukraine is that the Cabal or Anglo-American deep state decided that Putin was going to be Emamnuel Goldstein, and this was really some sort of sting operations aimed at the deplorables. But it could be that the place really is the key to the Cabal geopolitical strategy, after all was for Hitler, and they were warning Putin to stay out. Of course both of these theories could be correct.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

I think that the Jew takeover of Ukraine had more than one purpose. A place to stage near Russia for possible attack, and I think as a hide hole for the Jews.

The move into Ukraine went into high gear after the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War. For all practical purposes, Hezbollah won. The Jews could not stop them from firing missiles, they could not move armor into Lebanon, they could not keep troops in Lebanon. The only thing they could do was mass bomb Lebanon to no real purpose at all.

Now I and they can see that if Hezbollah wanted to they could advance in to Israel using the same tactics if they had a few large missiles to take out airfields and anti-aircraft missiles to stop close air support. The Jews would be toast. This is obvious. Their armor is some of the best in the world but is useless against two-man teams with machine guns and anti-tank missiles.

So what to do? Move t Ukraine. So they overthrow Ukraine’s leader and place a billionaire Jew from Switzerland in power. That way if things get too hot they can fall back thee from Israel.

Unfortunately for them, their inborn psychopathic mental illness forced them once they got there to stir up so much shit that the Russians finally had enough and now they have lost their refuge. Maybe they think they can go to the US but I expect that the awareness of Jewish destruction of the US as an entity is far higher than you would expect from the media. They appear to control everything, and they do right now, but a quick change of opinion could wipe all this power out very fast.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

One possibility is that they specifically wanted to pull Russia into Ukraine as a trap. I started to suspect this when I saw that US biolabs were listed on a state department website. Why? That should be secret. Unless, of course, you want to create a reason for someone to invade.

Why lure Russia into an invasion?

Because Ukraine is an Orthodox civilization and they want Orthodox killing Orthodox, for one.

But what better way to turn world opinion against Putin/Russia than bogging them down in Ukraine and forcing them to commit real atrocities. Remember, this is not some expeditionary war on the other side of the world that they can lose and come back from. They HAVE to win this. Imagine the shame and humiliation of losing to Ukraine and having Ukraine celebrating their victory year after year for generations.

Russia HAS to win.

And Cabal doesn’t care at all about Ukraine and would love to bog them down.

This could be the basis of bringing down Putin and leaving Russia demoralized.

On the flip side, Russia probably believes that if they can win they can take down NATO and develop open and clear trade relationships with Germany, prying it away from the EU.

Germany has everything Russia needs. Russia has fuel, metals, etc. They have the technical ability to fabricate anything, but no skill in branding and bringing products to market in distant lands.

Germany has that knowledge. Fuel and metals flow from Russia into Germany and flow out to the rest of the world.

Russia also has a lot of technical/scientific ability. They are great in aerospace. Imagine them pairing up with Germany to work on missiles, vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft.

So Putin see that enormous prize and shaking off the Cabal. Cabal sees bogging down Russia and destroying them. High risk for both.

2 years ago

“The Wisconsin Assembly has approved a constitutional amendment giving the Republican-controlled Legislature power over federal funds, and not the Governor.”

This Yahoo news story seems really boring, but if you click on the link its a very relevant cabal related item.

According to the story, the Democratic Governor of Wisconsin has been receiving large amounts of money, supposedly from the federal government, classified as pandemic related assistance. He has been spending it to govern the state without having to ask the state legislature to authorize taxes or debt. This is what Charles I was trying to do! So the state legislature is trying to take control of the funds. Note that this only became a big issue because of the pandemic slush fund in the last two years.

One thing that was notable in 2020 was that the “pandemic” was being used to boost executive power at the expense of the legislatures and judiciary, with both hindered from operating and the legislatures even being sent home for long periods. The other branches are now very belatedly trying to fight back in some places.

But this is also about the Cabal establishing a flow of funds to its operatives in government that is set up to bypass legislative authorization.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Now what is happening in Oregon makes sense to me.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

This is just a small sample of how centralization of power has been pursued illegally by the courts and the powers that be. I constantly show how illegal court decisions have destroyed the checks and balances between the power in the cites vs. rural areas. Our founding Fathers specifically warned us about exactly this happening, and…it has.

I have covered how they took over this power, what the results are and how to counter it in excruciating absurd detail in this comment which I refer people to every so often. If counters to their centralization of power were implemented in a very short time, as little as a couple of years, we could turn the whole country around and stop the continued deprivations of the large majority of the Jews attacks.

Here’ a list restating the former in less detail, plus some added reforms made possible by overthrowing illegal court decisions. We can do this perfectly legally, following our Constitution, without having a big civil war or any other such Jewish sponsored breakdown.

Red Dave
Red Dave
2 years ago

I do a lot of walking around Portland (Oregon) so when I read of a shooting or attack on a person in the street in the news I pay attention to see if I should be avoiding any areas. Recently there was a news story about a mass shooting at Normandale Park, a place where I had recently walked.

The initial story was just that a man and a couple of women had been shot and severely wounded at the park. That story was quickly replaced with one which described how a group of ‘protesters’ marched down a major street near the park at 8PM Saturday night, entered the park and were demonstrating in support of a black guy who had been shot & killed in self defense by police in Minneapolis a few weeks earlier when they tried to serve a warrant on him.

The story continued, saying that a man who lived in a house bordering park, who was known to be anti-black had confronted the protesters and shot two of them, both women and probably lesbians, whereupon a male protester pulled a weapon and shot the first shooter, severely injuring him. The first shooter was known in the neighborhood as someone who had a problem with blacks and expressed to his neighbors that he would use violence to keep them out of the area. The current version of the story has had many of those details sanitized but if you want to read it you can find it here.

Why am I writing about this incident on AC’s blog? Surveillance. Normandale Park is a pretty quiet place and the surrounding area is middle class. The main street passing the park doesn’t even have any commercial buildings there. So why would anti-racists (read Antifa) have a demonstration there on a Saturday night? They wouldn’t unless an Antifa sympathizer in the neighborhood had tipped off the organizers that the shooter was a hothead who would blow up at a BLM demonstration in his back yard creating an incident that would help the Cause.

I don’t subscribe to AC’s idea that there is a pervasive surveillance state that knows what everybody is doing at any moment and continually harasses their enemies but this incident is clear proof that there is an organization (Antifa, I believe) that has agents looking for unstable people who could be used to further that organization’s goals.

Keep situational awareness. Don’t say stupid shit. Don’t do stupid shit.

Reply to  Red Dave
2 years ago

As expert shooter John Farnam advises;

“Don’t go to stupid places. Don’t hang out with stupid people. Don’t do stupid things.”

2 years ago

Ukrainian refugees are coming to my country, and I’m being kicked out of my apartment after the month because the Ukrainian landlord wants to house a lot of them. I’m very stressed at the idea of looking for a new place but I guess it pales to the stress they would have to go through….

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

ukes or dual citizens? or triple citizens?

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

This is poland and I think single citizens

2 years ago

if one is tempted to agree with her, one should recheck ALL one’s assumptions –

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Oh look, media and “science” pushback in response to Texas:

David S
David S
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Table top game designers are throwing in, too. What’s interesting to me are the comments in the article. The main take away is that many people are really trans and they and their allies are the heros in this movie. They really look at and experience life like it’s a movie.

Tabletop Designers Rally to Support Trans Kids in Texas
Using’s charity bundle features, TTRPG designers are supporting transgender-focused charity work in Texas.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  David S
2 years ago

Now that you mention it, what’s up with r-selected individuals and their endless obsession with board games? In my obervation, most K-selected individuals I’ve befriended/observed who enjoy non-video games tend to be old-school, a la poker, backgammon, chess etc., something you can put real stakes onto to accurately measure win-loss as well as skill. And these are games that take years to really learn. Doesn’t really matter young or old, in my experience K-types seem drawn to these types of games. But the extroverted r-selected people love board games, particularly new ones. Has anyone else had the same read as I have?

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

I’ve always been a gamer, but I really haven’t been into anything made after 2015, because it is all universally garbage.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

That might be it. Digging deeper, I’ve known many K-selected to be into Magic the Gathering as well, but they never followed the hype very closely. No one around me does any RPGs, so that’s beyond my scope as well.

Reply to  David S
2 years ago

I found it suspect that in DnD. The differences between Male and Female is only Aesthetic. Or appearance only in game mechanics.

When in reality there are distinct sexual dimorphism in capabilities in real life.

Reply to  David S
2 years ago

Hilarious thing is that all that donated money is going to end up going to the legal defense of the “charities” in the lawsuits and charges against them for promoting child abuse.

2 years ago

Reports that Ukrainian civilians who were given weapons are fighting each other. Apparently the sounds are largely infighting. This footage according to the conversation heard,l— are Two “civil defence groups” going at it against each other.

2 years ago

Use this link to see just the @Q posts from Truth Social:

2 years ago

Chinese hotpot chain Haidilao accused of keeping files on customers’ dining habits, physical appearance

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

What’s happening now is part of a global operation and its going to get crazier