News Briefs – 02/23/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Jeffrey Gundlach Says Hard Landing Coming

DFT – Brussels Fails To Agree On Tenth Package Of Sanctions Against Russia

DFT – French Utility Engie Sues Gazprom

DFT – Inflation Cooling, But Still Hot In Some States

DFT – Doubleline Capital Director Says No-Landing Scenario Good For Emerging Market Debt

New forensic expert’s report out of Allegheny County, PA shows duplicate ballot scans and over 50,000 “non-unique tabulator CVR numbers.” The scans of votes appear to be the same ballots, with the same unique pen marks, and some are rescans of votes with unique serial numbers which match, and were counted more than once.

After left-wing nonprofits poured tens of millions of dollars into their state during the 2020 election to change election operations to benefit Democrats, Georgia Republicans passed legislation in an attempt to prevent such malfeasance from happening again, but now, those same dark money groups are back to replicate their 2020 strategy for the 2024 contest and test the integrity of Georgia’s elections.

Jury in Georgia Trump inquiry recommended multiple indictments, forewoman says. “It is not a short list,” but it is “not going to be some giant plot twist.” She was a total ditz in the interview, and analysts say he performance has jeopardized any potential prosecutions.

Bill Gates buys nearly $1B Heineken stake — despite not being a ‘big beer drinker.’ If you want to put recombinant proteins, or mRNA or DNA, or even living micro-organisms in people, beer is an excellent choice. It is just a big brew of living yeast cells you can put all sorts of stuff inside. I would bet he didn’t go with yogurt, because most of those consumers were the types who could just be told to take the new medical thing, and they would line up, and even screech at everyone else who didn’t do it.

Hunter Biden’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin is expected to “soon” flip and provide documents to the House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud, a spokesperson for the committee told Breitbart News.

Arizona AG Kris Mayes unveils previously unreleased 2020 election investigation documents showing there was no election fraud, and Biden really did get more votes than Obama and Trump, despite never campaigning, and failing to get anyone to show up for his rallies.

Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein – who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck – despite no sign of weapon.

A law firm is suing Steve Bannon, former U.S. President Donald Trump’s onetime top strategist, for more than $480,000 in fees for its legal work on high-profile cases.

Newly released Jan 6th footage shows ‘non-uniformed’ officers, Police urging pro-Trump protesters to go to the Capitol.

New Jan 6th footage shows officer saying “They set us up.”

New video of Ray Epps hurling giant Trump sign at Police on Jan. 6 but was never arrested like several Trump supporters who touched that same sign.

IRS ‘is developing new Biden-backed algorithm that’ll see more white and Asian people targeted for tax audits.

Matt Gaetz wants all US troops pulled from Syria, claims Biden lied about military presence.

Fox News tells us polling shows Joe Biden building support, and Republicans turning on Trump.

Joe Manchin won’t run for president in 2024, considers political future as potential GOP challengers loom.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) will reportedly enjoy a taxpayer-funded safari with five Senate Democrats during a trip in Africa, which includes the nations of Zambia, South Africa, Botswana, and Morocco.

Pence on DeSantis: Taking Disney action was beyond the scope of a ‘Conservative limited-government Republican.’

Biden Falls on Air Force One stairs (again).

Joe Biden releases executive order promoting woke AIs. Government has to promote equitable AIs and prevent “algorithmic discrimination.”

East Palestine mayor calls Biden’s trip to Ukraine ‘a slap in the face.’

There were no survivors after a plane carrying five people coming to Ohio to assist with a metals plant explosion crashed on its way to Columbus, authorities say. Those killed were part of a scientific consultancy company. Some say they were just going to test the water and soil, but they could have been heading there to gather critical scientific evidence to try and figure out why the plant exploded, in a parallel investigation being done by the plant owner.

Officials with Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge said there were no injuries nor any indication of a release of radioactivity after a fire involving uranium occurred early Wednesday.

Former U.S. Senator Toomey, (R) who voted to impeach Trump, appointed to board of directors at Apollo Global Management, overseeing $548 billion in assets. Why ae these people still free and enjoying life?

Special counsel subpoenas Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner in Trump investigation.

Former FBI agents slam Bureau for wasting tax dollars on ‘wellness room’ for employees.

As the Internal Revenue Service seeks to bolster the ranks of its weapon-carrying Criminal Investigation unit, a former special agent described the inner workings of the division and said its key function is “to put the fear of God in people” and intimidate Americans into tax compliance.

An email obtained by The Post Millennial shows that Project Veritas has reached out to donors to ask them to stay with the company despite founder and CEO James O’Keefe having been pushed out by the board of directors.

Democratic campaign committee reportedly stole military records of Republican candidates to smear them.

Major British newspaper promotes bringing ‘back rationing’ to ‘fix global warming.’

COVID relief money targeted for use by cities to fund reparations programs. I will bet there will be blacks who will never see a penny, and they will have no idea why, but they will just not qualify for some plausibly-sounding reason.

More than $200 million worth of Covid-19 gear purchased by New York City to battle the pandemic was auctioned off for a small fraction of the cost – $500,000, according to reports.

Homo-Tranny-Biden-nuclear official who steals luggage from airports, had posted a picture of himself wearing a fashion designer’s one-of-a-kind dress, that went missing in yet another missing piece of luggage. He looks so happy to have found something in his size.

Scott (Clott) Adams new video telling whites to get as far away from black people as they can and stop helping them in any way. I don’t buy it. If history is any guide, then I would think he was given these lines, because he is now going to act as a magnet for the “race realist” segment, or whatever you want to call it, of people who cheer when they hear someone say this. Once he has established himself among this group as the guy who keeps it real, and speaks the truths nobody else will speak, he will then turn and try to take them in some machine-desired direction.

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to revive a newspaper’s challenge on free speech grounds to an Arkansas law requiring state government contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel, a policy the publication’s lawyers called a threat to a constitutionally protected form of collective protest.

Gallup poll claims 7.2% in U.S. identify as LGBTQ. You would think this type of thing would be clearly discernable, but as the tranny phenomenon shows, it appears there is a segment of people who can actually be talked into it, and later decide they were fooled.

Detransitioner files first lawsuit in Canada against medical providers.

Newly discovered correspondence allegedly incriminates Pope Benedict for cover-up of abuse.

Christians condemn Amazon’s new ‘Holy Spirit’ Ouija board as ‘blasphemous.’

Hersh says the US and Norway have been conducting joint covert operations since Vietnam.

Trudeau blasts Canada’s spy agency after leaked docs show China backed his 2021 reelection.

China’s navy has significant advantages over its US rival, including a bigger fleet and greater shipbuilding capacity, as Beijing seeks to project its power across the oceans, the head of the United States Navy said Tuesday.

China’s Baidu Inc will use its ChatGPT-like app Ernie Bot to create a “revolutionary” version of its popular search engine, the company’s CEO said. It offers the ultimate in control because there are no other search results offered, just the AI’s “Correct” answer.

Around 17.5 million Ukrainians have left their country since the beginning of the war, with more than a million of them ending up in Germany.

Hungary’s far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban SNUBS Biden and Bucharest Nine meeting on president’s final day in Warsaw after saying only Trump could end war in Ukraine.

Raytheon CEO outlines severe depletion of Javelin and Stinger stockpiles – 13 years of production burned through in Ukraine.

Nearly one year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, public support for the role the United States is playing in supplying weapons and funds to the eastern European nation has declined among both Democrats and Republicans alike with only 26% of Americans want US heavily involved in Ukraine war.

Trump says he would put an end to war in Ukraine ‘in 24 hours.’

IMF head says new lending to Ukraine could be ‘sizeable.’

Drinking Coke and Pepsi leads to larger testicles, more testosterone: study. I actually have at least one glass of Pepsi a day, based on my own sense from drinking it, which I had prior to seeing this, that Pepsi is some kind of Kidney tonic, in a Chinese Medicine sense. The thing with these sodas is, they are not just flavor and sugar, and some food coloring. I came across a study a long time ago, showing a Gas Chromatograph analysis of Coke which found alkaloids from Mimosa Tree Bark in it, as well as a ton of other stuff. Mimosa Tree Bark, or “He Huan Pi,” in Chinese PinYin IIRC, is a Chinese Medicine heart tonic herb, which is often given in depressions of spirit or shen, which in English means it is like an antidepressant which boosts mood and creates the sensation of happiness. I was surprised, because it means when formulating these sodas, once they had to remove the cocaine it used to have in it, they must have scoured herbalism texts for bioactive herbs which would make people happy, and feel good when drinking it, and they added them in, hoping to addict people. Of course the side effect is, if you are kidney deficient, and have knee pain or lower back pain, a glass of Pepsi a day could actually be helpful.

Israeli scientists gave an artificial molecule they invented to 30 mice suffering from Alzheimer’s — and found that all of them recovered, regaining full cognitive abilities, possibly meaning that within a decade, their synthetic molecule could be developed into a drug for treating the degenerative disease. Maybe. The problem with mouse models is, they may not have the disease for the same reasons. There can be mouse models that age quickly due to some gene being knocked out. You can give something that repairs the knocked out gene function, and they will return to youthfulness. But you didn’t fix aging. You just returned the function of whatever you knocked out. The mice will then go on to age normally, and the drug given to old wild-type mice will have no effect, since their aging is due to something different. If these Alzheimer’s model mice had some gene knocked out and their drug fixed that, and human Alzheimer’s is caused by something different, this will not work. But it looks interesting, especially that cognitive function returns, and I would keep an eye on it. It is surprising how inflammation of the brain can cause massive cognitive dysfunction, and how completely that dysfunction can entirely resolve, just by getting rid of the inflammation.

A Pennsylvania county has ended its “sanctuary” status for illegal aliens as the nation’s fentanyl crisis has hit the community, spilling over from the United States-Mexico border.

NPR to cut jobs by 10 percent.

Rhode Island Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who served as an impeachment manager during the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump, is leaving Congress in June, according to a statement from his office.

Higher cognitive ability, means less concern for political correctness – study finds.

Alabama Representative Barry Moore announced a bill that would make the AR-15 the “National Gun of America.”

Rand Paul elected ranking member of Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Rand Paul could be a secret weapon as a VP nominee?

Former President Donald Trump visited East Palestine on Wednesday, where he delivered truckloads of bottled water following a train derailment earlier this month that left the small town in disarray.

Donald Trump soars over potential 2024 challengers with 50% support in 2024 Republican primary.

President Trump indicated that his trademark campaign rallies would soon be back in action.

Spread r/K Theory, because you cn’t even eat safely with Cabal in charge

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2 years ago

AC, what’s the point with our side continuously putting out proof of fraud? Nothing ever happens with it. Is it them rubbing it in our face? “Look what we did, and we’ll do it again next time! ”

Like you, I do trust president Trump. I will vote for him. But I don’t trust anybody else, he needs to finish what he stated, but can he even really destroy the swamp? I don’t know. He needs people behind him to do so, for one thing. There are way too many sheep out there. And at this point, they’re not waking up!

Do we even have a choice anyway, but to wait and see what happens? It’s all really frustrating, there’s proof everywhere, beyond a reasonable doubt, and these buffoons keep watching fake news, and sucking that all in…

God save us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Sigh. I guess if we’re lucky, Jesus will come back soon and end it all. Until then, we’ll keep doing all we know to do, in His name.

Reply to  1984
2 years ago

Armageddon tired of waitin’.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The military is the only way.
Revolution from the top down is the only way.
Nothing can be accomplished by those without power and influence.

Everything is waiting for Putin to finish off Ukraine.

GOD is our only hope.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

God is with us. What is there to fear?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

We should fear for the normie sheeple.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

We warned them but they refuse to listen

Reply to  1984
2 years ago

Well, in Michigan, it’s a lost cause. The Republican Party here in MI sabotaged Matt Diperno and Patrick Colbeck. They held a hearing–and did NOT invite these people. State Senator Shirky, (R), hated Trump and did all he could to sabotage any investigations on voting in the 2020 Election.

So what did the Dems do?

Naturally, they enshrined election manipulation/stealing INTO the Michigan Constitution! Yeah, a bunch of silly, dumb-ass College kids again! Yeah, in Prop 2—ONLY state officials can look into the machines! We paid for it–yet we are NOT allowed to look.

Sooooooo, Michigan is a lost cause. And when you hear our favorite son, General Marx Karl Milley say that Russia has already lost—-the Military is a lost cause! It’s totally bankrupt. Soooooooo… cartoons!

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

There were no survivors after a plane carrying five people coming to Ohio to assist with a metals plant explosion crashed on its way to Columbus, authorities say. Those killed were part of a scientific consultancy company. Some say they were just going to test the water and soil, but they could have been heading there to gather critical scientific evidence to try and figure out why the plant exploded, in a parallel investigation being done by the plant owner.

The United Cabal(tm) moved at super speed on that one. That in itself is evidence the presence of ene(my government action(s).

2 years ago

At this point if Scott Adams tells me the sky is blue I’m getting a second opinion.

2 years ago

> Biden Family Key Partner Eric Schwerin to Flip
Just 2 more weeks friends

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Hahahahaha. LOL. Good one!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Before he gets Schworn in?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

meh. Fed up of predictions

2 years ago

Re: Six finger AI ppl.

In 1960, the brilliant R A Lafferty published the short story Six Fingers of Time. Main character becomes able to slow time around himself. Which in effect allows him to step outside society and control it. He is soon confronted by a conspiracy of six fingered men from the Pit which has been around since Sumeria. They force a choice on him about initiation. Six fingers = base12. Parallel math and parallel tech and parallel consciousness to base10. The story is free on the net.

I also remember listening to Art Bell late late one night long ago in prob late 90’s and a guy called in with deep voice and heavy Kansas/Missouri accent declared himself The Six Fingered Messiah. Still kinda freaked out by it. Didn’t know why it spooked me so much at the timd and I was chuckling at the same time but whew it shook me and I have never forgotten it.

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

Interesting. Nephilim giants and their progeny had 6 fingers

Reply to  Thesokorus
2 years ago

My high school bio teacher told us that six fingers was THE way humans were supposed to be and that five fingers was a mutation that had been selected for.

2 years ago

Interesting statement about Coke and Pepsi. I tend to avoid soda completely because of the High Fructose Corn Syrup. I might have 4 sodas a year for special occasions. The only exceptions I make are Ginger Ale for nausea or Coke for the occasional stomach ailment, as both seem to work well for those purposes.

I guess I might have to rethink that strategy.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

If you can find Mexican Coke, it’s made with sugar. Sams Club & Costco randomly carry it.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

Obviously the active ingredient in ginger ale is the ginger. Not so obvious is the flavor of Pepsi and Coke tastes of black licorice. I remember reading that the Roman army rewarded soldiers with that. It was common knowledge it was good for you. Rare and expensive.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

You people drink straight mixer?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

But you didn’t fix aging. You just returned the function of whatever you knocked out.”

Aging is likely affected by the state of the immune system; the more intact as one ages, the slower the aging process leading to death. Insult the immune system repeatedly in life, e,g. colds, flu, COVID, vaxxes,… the faster aging leads to a younger death.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

ageing can be slowed, but we still only get 120yrs

2 years ago

Scott (Clott) Adams new video telling whites to get as far away from black people as they can and stop helping them in any way. I don’t buy it. If history is any guide, then I would think he was given these lines, because he is now going to act as a magnet for the “race realist” segment, or whatever you want to call it, of people who cheer when they hear someone say this. Once he has established himself among this group as the guy who keeps it real, and speaks the truths nobody else will speak, he will then turn and try to take them in some machine-desired direction.

—-Ohhh, the sign of the times—We, whether we want to or not, —–

Have to become Machiavellian!

There are twists and turns, Plots, within Plots. Byzantian politics.

Does that sound like we live in a good, healthy society?

No. We’re sickos, that have all been dragged into a soup of hell. Nothing can be trusted. No body can be trusted. Institutions are evil. Can’t organize because half of the group are either ATF or FBI. We have no leader because the Jewish media do character assassinations. Our US military is worthless as tits on a boar hog. Vets killing themselves every day. Thousands are killed by fentanyl in a quarter. What does this do to one’s psyhe?

What a difference would be made if we all lived in a Virtuous society. Where everybody and their grandmother were taught and habitualized into Arete. And all the foreigners kicked out and the Masons and Illuminati arrested and Shot! There’s a utopia I can buy into!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Stop blaming the people at large for the actions of alien infiltrators.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago


Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Clot Adams was defeated and is lost. He was hollowed out by his handler, titty wife.
He was interesting to follow when he used logic.
Looks like he did a deal with cabal.

2 years ago

LPT: Guys, go easy on the soda especially in hot, dry climes. Kidney stones. Don’t ask how I know.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  WDS
2 years ago

Painful lesson, eh?

Reply to  WDS
2 years ago

Kidney stones?
Distilled water is very mineral-philic.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Purity of Essence
e n a
a r
c t
e h

2 years ago

I’m a Kobach guy in general and because most all our problems are Law Enforcement issues. I know we’re told otherwise 24/7 but our opposition are criminals and they break the law to get what they want. The rigged elections are crimes. The rigging had to be stopped by law enforcement. SCOTUS keeps telling everyone that. Anway, the Kobach coalition of DAs got a nice win over a giant Corporation (Walgreens) recently. And struck a blow for anti-abortion forces.

The GOPe refuses to engage in law enforcement at every level of the US. That’s why we are in the situation we are in.

2 years ago

>Clott Adams new video telling whites to get as far away from black people as they can and stop helping them in any way. I don’t buy it. If history is any guide, then I would think he was given these lines, because he is now going to act as a magnet for the “race realist” segment, or whatever you want to call it, of people who cheer when they hear someone say this.

He already pulled this exact script with Trump. Came out in 2016 as his biggest fan, rah rah rah, then slowly shifted left over the next couple years until he’s advocating the vaxx and saying Trump should resign to save america or some shit.

As we’ve noted a million times the enemy gives you some good advice to get you in the door, then flips it back and spanks your ass raw for your naivety. I take it as an admission that cabal knows exactly how to fix everything, so much so they plant these crumbs of truth, but actively work for evil.

2 years ago

Interesting anecdote about Coke/Pepsi. I started getting migraines about 10 years ago. Seeing a doctor wasn’t helpful of course so I’ve had to experiment with different diet changes and hydration and supplements both for prevention as well as getting rid of one once it hits. But if all else fails, a dark cola will knock it out in record time. It clearly isn’t the caffeine alone since coffee or a soda like Mountain Dew doesn’t do it. Can be any of the dark colas specifically and the diet versions work just as well.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Me too. My body doesn’t shed heat well. If I work in high heat for most of the day, I get horrific headaches. They aren’t migraines but close enough. I found a juicy hamburger combined with an ice cold coke got rid of my heat induced headaches faster and better than any pain medicines. I don’t care why. I only care that it works.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Cola is full of salt, sugar, caffeine.

2 years ago

“Raytheon CEO outlines severe depletion of Javelin and Stinger stockpiles – 13 years of production burned through in Ukraine.”
r strategy. Fire your missiles at everything. When you miss the target, there will always be free reloads.

Reply to  Jimmy
2 years ago

In cold war days, west had proper-professional armies, and defence paid heed to principles of self sufficiency, not trusting imported tech & materials, security & performance.
Equality & Diversity destroyed that. All principles of defence were relegated and considered racist.

Look at the defence ministers of Europe, generally female and often it isnt even a full time position.

Farce levels reached new heights, pregnant soldiers, maternity uniforms and pregnant defence minister reviewing troops.

2 years ago

China seems kinda a little angry at the US. Obv, Wang’s visit to Putin while Biden is traipsing around the same area was a bigger deal and infinitely more insulting but holy jesus. I think using Pac Fleet to help with logistics of inserting a US Expeditionary Force in UKR is off the table.

2 years ago

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen Is Jew-ish – The Atlantic
The Secret Jewish History of Bruce Springsteen – The Forward
Bruce Springsteen’s Jewish Neighbors — and Other Highlights of …

Hot young Jewish neighbors, later Jewish girlfriends and affairs, etc. The GATE treatment or more like a “straight” guy who just so happens to spend a lot of time in gay bars?

2 years ago

In the calculations of what is deemed a war caused by religion– a religion that starts a war—Many people do not recognize the effects of Gnosticism.
Gnosticism is a religion but it is different from all others, in that one of its central core principles/values, (in which there are many [legion]) is the Hatred of Nature.

What does this mean? —well, Nature puts all things in hierarchy–gnosticism reverses that, antihierarchialism. Nature diversifies creating a multitude of particularities—Gnosticism destroys particularities. Gnosticism has for its goals is the destruction of Nature, of Logos. And where does this Gnosticism appear?

When the Jews told the Puritans and other radical Prots that “Monarchy is Idolatry” not only was that a lie—but it was a religious demand! (That teaching comes out of the Mishnah.) The Puritans and Levellers were proud to call themselves “Talmudic commonswealthmen”, meaning that they were implementing the teachings of the Talmud. When these very same Prots took from the Old Testament the story about the Israelites wanting a king contra to the Judgeship system of Israel current there, they were adopting, implementing a religious idea. But not only that, the getting rid of kings is also gnosticism. The anti-monarchical war of the English Civil Wars was a Gnostic revolution and hence religious!

All the killing of kings, the beheading of King Charles I, the guillotine of the French Catholic King and Queen, the genocide of the Russian Royal Family and President Wilson’s demand that the German kings and princes all abdicate–That was all Based ON Religion–the LIES of the Jews–It is religious doctrine of Jewish Messianism that the goy get rid of their kings so their plan of Jewish Messianism can occur. It is also the act of Gnosticism!

So, the American Revolution was Religious—NOT Secular! Masons are Noahides, implementing the program of Jewish Messianism to get rid of caste, class, monarchs and religion. Caste, Class, monarchs are ALL products of Nature. Gnostics attack the Natural Order. Gnosticism in its manifestation shows itself in the political realm!!!! ALWAYS.

The American and French Revolutions were RELIGIOUS! Masons were involved in BOTH revolutions and the impetus, the anti-monarchialism, the anti-hierchialism, and the imposing of democracy is Religious–of Jewish Messianism, which is Gnosticism! Jewish Messianism is pure-unadultered Gnosticism! Freemasonry is a Gnostic sect. Even the Atheists in French Masonry are gnostics–they are attacking Nature.

When ‘Rabbi’ Harry Waton said, “The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”—he is 100% right. Communism (International Socialism) is the political vehicle for Jewish Messianism—of the Religious ideas of the Jews.

What does that mean? —-Every time, communism is involved anywhere—that is a religious war. To implement, enforce democracy is a religious war.

The Communist Revolution in Russia was Religious. The Greek Civil War was Religious. The Spanish Civil War, which was 80% Bakunin who got his ‘anarchism’ from Marx, is only a redux of Sabbateanism–so the Spanish Civil War was Religious! The Communist takeover of China was Religious—it is ALL Gnosticism—which is a Religion! Gnosticism manifests itself in Political movements! Karl Marx, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, had to be acquanted with Frankists–he may have been a Frankist himself! Anarchism is nothing more than remodeled Frankism—making IT a religious movement as well!

All the above is my conclusions upon reading history, the histories of socialism and by reading books and articles on gnosticism.

Only recently did I find this: Prof. Matthias Riedl: Intelligentia Spiritualis: Apocalptic Knowledge And The Secret of Revolution.

All revolutions of the West have their grounds in Apocalptic knowledge!

The Jewish neurosis of Apocalpticism, which began in the OT prophets, carried forward by St. John and his Apocalpse, which is at the heart of Jewish Messianism—-Lays behind ALL the revolutions in the West and some in the East. The Middle Ages, the Early Modern Era was full of this apocalyptic fevor which informed revolutionary, (gnostic), movements and the entailing violence.  All and any revolution is Gnostic; hence they are ALL religious.

So, if one takes into account the presence of Gnosticism and Jewish Messianism in the Communist movement—the number of wars started by religion would be much greater!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Long, mostly very interesting, and you are probably right about much of it, BUT what you describe is not Gnosticism; it’s what we’ve been told is Gnosticism.
Too much typing for a telephone keyboard, for sure, yet it needs to be said, least people be misguided.
Gnostics anti-nature?
Possibly (probably) so, if what you describe is some Christian heresy or another, which Gnosticism never was.
How could it be, since they detested all forms of Abrahamism, like your mother detested children romping through the house with muddy sneakers on.
Besides, they didn’t call themselves Gnostics; the name — it means “smart ass” — was pinned on them by detractors. There was another word, that means, “those who are directed.”
Finally, Ialdabaoth never created anything except problems. Fashioned the heavens and earth he says? Road apples! The blind fool himself was created when someone in the Pleroma made a fairly serious error. His pronouns are “artificial” and “insect.”
John Lash has a book that explains it all very well — better than any one who gives value to Abraham’s “greatest ally” ever has. Look it up and check it out.
That said, it’s true that the people you describe are objectionable, but they ain’t Gnostics. Freemasons and Kabaalists, possibly.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

You worship Nimrod. Rest assured Charles III will also be beheaded, as will the filthy Pope of Rome.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

As a radical Presbyterian, I admit I got a little bit of the giggles when I heard that he actually took Charles as his name.

2 years ago

The Georgia grand jury foreman strikes me as a Cabal setup. The grand jury goes away, no one gets their day in court to present evidence, and the allegations and innuendo remain as grist for the rumor mill.

Reply to  Sim1776
2 years ago

We are all getting wise to this situation. With Trump–it was that 24/7/364.

Can someone put a name to this phenomenon?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“Preemptive Malcompetence” springs to mind, but it’s not very catchy.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Anarcho Tyranny.
Rule by unelected “nobility”.
Government of men and not of Law.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

British Colonialism

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Scott (Clott) Adams new video telling whites to get as far away from black people as they can and stop helping them in any way. I don’t buy it. If history is any guide, then I would think he was given these lines, because he is now going to act as a magnet for the “race realist” segment, or whatever you want to call it, of people who cheer when they hear someone say this. Once he has established himself among this group as the guy who keeps it real, and speaks the truths nobody else will speak, he will then turn and try to take them in some machine-desired direction.”
I’ll admit to dropping by the Clotsters twitter feed every once in a while for the same reasons one might stop and gawk at a car accident. The man possesses a preternatural talent for sophistry and self deception that has to be seen to be believed. Every now and again though, the Secret King drops his guard and offers a deeply sobering glimpse of the hot mess that lies beneath that anodyne, coffee-mug-wielding surface persona. Such as the time he went on a five minute video rage calling some hapless woman a f****** c**** over and over again, all for politely disagreeing with him over something or other on his twitter. The rage was so real and so visceral compared to the surface persona, it left me with the distinct impression that I was in serial killer territory. I think he would make a fascinating book subject, if only there was some dark lord out there to pen it. If only. It’d be a cracker.
All of which makes it genuinely hard to work out whether he’s following any kind of script with what he’s been saying recently, or whether it’s merely the latest manifestation of a disturbed, uber gamma mind. Both possibilities have to be considered. So I’ll also admit to spending a bit more time than usual on his timeline recently, partly because I find this individual fascinating for the above reasons, but mostly to try and get my own answer to the question AC has posed here several times: is this a cabal man with an agenda and a script? With that in mind, let’s look at his recent twitter feed and play Clot or Clown.
(1) He’s been boosting DeSantis quite a bit, and also giving lots of favorable exposure to that Indian bloke who’s also apparently running for president. On DeSantis, he has retweeted on several occasions some blue check black dude who appears to be associated with the DeSantis campaign. The Clotster retweets of this self described “Christian, conservative, husband, father” (read capital C Clown) include “Yes Biden got 81 million votes! He encouraged his people to vote from the convenience of their own homes…so more of them did” and “While DeSantis is working hard for the people on things like ensuring Florida’s right to Constitutional Carry, ‪#LockdownDon‬ is working on a pathetic new nickname for Ron Desantis”. So our man’s been promoting some of Trump’s opponents, while none to subtly throwing shade on Trump via the retweet button.
Clot or Clown? IMO, Clown. Those retweets were very deliberate and designed to undermine Trump’s central 2020 election fraud narrative, while also portraying him as a juvenile name caller. On the other hand, the Clotster also throws a few positive Trump tweets into the mix, such as his Cartels policy, but this smells to me like cover to hide an anti Trump agenda.
(2) Ukraine. Our man has retweeted several times one @secretsqrl123, an obvious Clown with a fairly recently created account whose sole reason d’etre on Twitter seems to be to convince you that Russia is losing in Ukraine.
Clot or Clown? Clown. The fact that there has been 3 such retweets from over a period of about a week sure looks like the deliberate promotion of a Clown psyop. Oh, and this too from Clott: “I sympathize with the people who want to stop funding the war. I want that too. But I am aware it is a “luxury opinion” because I know it won’t happen and I will never have to answer for the consequences.”
(3) The Vax/Died Suddenly. Our man has been really pulling out all stops to convince his almost 1 million followers that phenomena like the spike in athlete cardiac arrests isn’t real (or at least to confuse them mightily on the issue). Retweeting some random ER doctor who claims that the current rate is historically normal and then declaring the issue definitively settled isn’t the behavior of a good faith actor. There are many other eyebrow raising examples about the vax to be found along the same lines. Then there’s the recent fact check from PolitiFact “No, ‘Dilbert’ creator is wrong about unvaccinated, they face more risk of COVID-19 infection, death”. Conveniently released and then promoted on the Clotster’s timeline with four smiley faces (and no counterargument or denial). Does he really think his followers are that stupid? Apparently he does (and to be fair, most are). All of which makes the entire ‘the anti-vaxxers were right’ concession of a few months ago look rather less like an honest admission and rather more like a cynical laying of the groundwork for a psyop.
Clot or Clown? Clown. With an extra big red wig.
Results: Clown 3, Clot 0. (yeah ok, Clot 3 as well)
So AC has been right all along. The Clotster’s obvious narcissism and assorted psychopathologies muddied the waters for me for a while – so much seemed explicable without any reference to an agenda. But I think the above proves the agenda is definitely there. AC calls it again.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
2 years ago

But he does have a knack for prediction! He predicted that Kamala would run for president. AND he predicted she would be Biden’s pick for VP.

He has a high mind. I don’t know if he reads that from the events and facts of current history—or he is in some club with secret information.

Anyway, I listen to him occasionally just to hear his predictions.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Clot Adams hasnt been useful since he married the Cabal titty woman.
Now he is like a gypsy fortune teller. He gets it wrong but for the the right reason.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
2 years ago

It’s still good advice from Clott Adams: Around blacks don’t relax!

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That’s the bait he will use to eventually pull the switch. He wants to regain his audience he lost by being a clott-head so he can keep the scheme going.

They give you truth so they can eventually mislead you.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“On the other hand, the Clotster also throws a few positive Trump tweets into the mix, such as his Cartels policy”

The Clotster’s son died from a fentanyl overdose. He went on a rage about it around the time of the “building the wall” drama. He was subsequently invited to meet with Trump to discuss the issue. I believe there is a photo of him next to the presidential desk etc.

I don’t think this information changes the outcome of your analysis, but just thought I’d provide it.

2 years ago

There were two links about former Arizona AG Brnovich and Benedict XIV. The Brnovich was a mainstream media TV news story, so as we know from experience every piece of information there could well be made up. The one about Benedict XIV was a Catholic zine I’ve never heard of before, but seems OK from a few minutes of glancing at the other articles. And it does seem to be a more carefully researched story. The Brnovich story reads like they talked only to figures within the AZ Democratic party.

My personal opinion of Brnovich is mildly negative and that of Benedict XIV is mixed. No modern Pope could get into that office without at least cooperating with the Cabal and Brnovich has shown in other contexts that he is a Cabal guy, or used to be. The news story indicates they are turning on him for some reason. They seem to turn on their assets and ticket takers periodically, maybe to keep the others in line.

The substance of the story of Benedict XIV is that when he was Archbishop in Munich, in 1986, there was this one priest who would get drunk and molest small children, and the office of the Archbishop was notified, and issued some documentation over the issue, but nothing happened. This happened 36 years ago, so the story is probably not that accurate. However, the misdirection here is that the issue was handled by the Archbishopric.

The way bureaucracies worked, there is no guarantee the Archbishop personally was involved, other than him generally being supposed to supervise the archdiocese. And this comes out right after Benedict XIV dies, and can’t respond to it.

With the Arizona stuff, Brnovich supervised an “investigation” of the 2020 election, that even at the time was obviously fake. He announced he didn’t find anything, after not looking too closely. Its now being said that he had found that the election had been honestly conducted, and is sitting on that information, and they are now trying to disbar him. What is interesting about Arizona is that the place is obviously crucial to the Cabal they way Ukraine is, so I’m really starting to wonder what is there.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

The border is there.
They may or may not control Texas but they are insistent on controlling every other southern border state and are trying to take Texas if it is out of their grasp.

2 years ago

The paragraphs didn’t come out right on my last comment, so I apologize. It still seems readable.

2 years ago

There was an embedded video in the links, on the lines that the COVID “vaccines” cause sterility, in this video with men but we have seen indications that it does this with women as well.

One problem we have is that we have no idea how many working (health destroying) injections were administered, because they often were not stored at the correct temperature and might be goo. We also don’t know if Sinovax was one of the health destroying “vaccines”, meaning that if it wasn’t, this was targeted specifically against places with European populations, but that is not necessarily the case if it was.

I am now wondering how resistant Big Medicine will be to providing check ups for people who got injected, to see what, if any health damage they got. That would be essential to see how many people got the dangerous injections and how many got goo or saline. They will probably be very resistant.

If you want to start a family, there is now a big practical problem. In the United States the figures are 263 million or so people got at least one dose of this, a figure greater than the adult population of the USA. Most men and women you meet will have tried to get at least one dose, and there is no way to tell if they got a sterilizing dose or not. I don’t have an answer to this. I’m not a natalist, but there will have to be a chilling effect on population growth for about a decade, until we get more people who were too young to be injected reach child bearing age. And this will last longer if they succeed in forcing this on children.

2 years ago

> a fire involving uranium occurred early Wednesday.

Uranium is nasty stuff. Besides being radioactive (at least, the kind Oak Ridge deals with), it’s toxic, as in poisonous. And it’s pyrophoric, meaning it burns really good. Like magnesium or sodium, uranium fires are hot and hard to put out.

If you need to machine it, it’s hard to start with. Back before WWII they used uranium in cutting bit alloys, like we use tungsten today. And on top of that, it work-hardens at a hard look. And if you’re feed rate is off a bit, it will catch fire.

2 years ago

> More than $200 million worth of Covid-19 gear purchased by New York City to battle the pandemic was auctioned off for a small fraction of the cost – $500,000, according to reports.

Of course. They’ll have to buy all new stuff for Coof 2.0, but that’s a feature, not a bug. The old stuff sitting in warehouses gets them nowhere; buying new stuff lets them rake off money through the acquisitions process.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

There was no pandemic.
Covid is the flu.
All the deaths were normal or deliberate .

2 years ago

> Around 17.5 million Ukrainians have left their country since the beginning of the war, with more than a million of them ending up in Germany.
Population of Ukraine, 2020: 43,733,762 (

Between a third and half of the country has hauled ass or gone armadillo, depending on how much faith you put in the numbers.

If Putin keeps the pressure on another season or two, there won’t be any more Ukrainians for his army to fight.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Just the endless supply of brainwashed western mercenaries, which is the ultimate goal. The number might be pre-justification for sending even more foreign mercs into the AO

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

And people keep saying the slow pace of Russian advances indicates Russian incompetence. The Russians seeing the same numbers you see and are saying, “No need to rush. If we keep this going another year not only do we get to destroy a bunch more western weapons, but there won’t be any people left in Ukraine to fight.”

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

One from VDs weekly Meme review

2 years ago

March 7th (Book of Esther) and March 15th (Ides of March) are the next symbolic dates.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

She has the face of a goblin, like Sean Penn

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thin upper lip.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

almost non-existent

2 years ago

AC on Scott Adams:

“I don’t buy it. If history is any guide, then I would think he was given these lines, because he is now going to act as a magnet for the “race realist” segment, or whatever you want to call it, of people who cheer when they hear someone say this. Once he has established himself among this group as the guy who keeps it real, and speaks the truths nobody else will speak, he will then turn and try to take them in some machine-desired direction.”

This seems to be one technique that gets used. Set up an “influencer” who establishes trust by saying thing targeted groups of people want to here, then when you really want to push a narrative, have them push that narrative hard. Though they already burned Adams with the “vaccine” push.

You can sort of catch these beforehand by noticing that some promoted influencer isn’t really saying anything different or more interesting than pretty obscure commentators, or all pushing the same narrative.

A much more difficult case is there they take an actual dissident, and intimidate them into turning over their platform to the Cabal. We can guess this happens because Tex Arcane seems to have approached this way, and blogged about it. He chose to just shut down his blog.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Dilbert Adams now warning about black folks – in the end, even Andre The Giant turned heel. “that’s this month’s script, pal, and those are your fucking lines. we’ve got tickets to sell, and the show must go on”

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

asshole SecNav “warning us” about china’s “totes fearsome navalLOL capacity.” ‘We Call It Riding The Gravy Train’ he’s talking about ships, his lips are moving, but all I hear is the age-old song & dance: “bomber gap” “missile gap” “Operation Northwoods” “Let’s firebomb Hamburg & Tokyo and burn alive 300,000 civilians because FDR’s chief advisor/fundraiser Shlomowitz thinks that’s a good idea”

the structure is hopelessly infested with vermin. it’s all got to go.

Last edited 2 years ago by Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

The US military considers war with China and supporting Ukraine their top priorities. The highest levels have put that out.

It seems like any competent General gets assassinated like Patton did.

2 years ago

I’ll decline the option of drinking any Coke or Pepsi myself.

  • Plastic lined containers leaching BPA.
  • Sodium fluoride (rat poison) laced tap water.
  • Inflammation inducing sugar at best. GMO fake sugar at worst.
  • Plus any other shoddy ingredients or unhealthy preservatives & additives.

Never mind the chance it is all nonsense marketing to try & boost flagging sales.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Fish oil, olive oil and Glucosamine Chondroitin; ohh, and 20g of Collagen a day. —makes the knees all better!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

I had crippling arthritis in my right knee a couple years ago. The Glucosamine knocked out the pain, and with Collagen I was able to start using the knee again. I can run up and down stairs like a teenager. It’s great.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe you can get the herbal stuff they put in it and switch to that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

But is it not harmful to teeth? Or do you thinks any harms outweigh the benefits you get.

Reply to  Siminov
2 years ago

It doesnt bear thinking about how much money we spend on that crap over a lifetime

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Drinking Coke and Pepsi leads to larger testicles, more testosterone: study. I actually have at least one glass of Pepsi a day, based on my own sense from drinking it, which I had prior to seeing this, that Pepsi is some kind of Kidney tonic, in a Chinese Medicine sense. 

Looked it up: <a href="“>The 7 Best Things About Mimosa Hostilis
The main thing wrong with soft drinks is the corn syrup.But I did try it and it did ease back pain resulting from exercising.

2 years ago

Jews equating the Holy Spirit with the devil is the basis of the unforgivable sin. You do that sin, you are bound for eternal punishment no matter how long you live.

The Holy Spirit ouji board – the devil knocked that one out of the park, total home run. Kids are going to play that and have no idea they are flirting with the unforgivable sin and eternal damnation.

Christians, got a question for you. God says you are not to allow a witch to live, and that someone who causes a kid to go to hell should have a heavy rock tied around their neck and be thrown into the ocean. At what point will you realize God is serious about that? Or do you think you can see these things, tolerate them, and not endanger your salvation?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

>Hello fellow patriots, when are you going to start making actionable threats that will invite law enforcement with a justification to shut down the site and come after posters individually with terroristic threat charges?

You glow, if you’re not a spook stop acting like one.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Jesus says it would be BETTER if they had a millstone around their necks. He doesn’t command us to go out and start doing it.
As for suffering a witch to live, that command was to the civil magistrate. I don’t think you are going to get any arguments that the civil magistrates are not doing their jobs and wielding God’s sword as He commanded.

2 years ago

“Having seen what has become of the English empire and what global empire has done to America, do you really believe that China, much less Russia, harbors similar ambitions of global domination?”

Russia doesn’t at this time, China always has.
They tell themselves that they are superior enough and racist enough that it will be different for them.
Blatantly ignoring China’s absorption of its neighbors and colonization of more distant targets throughout ancient and modern history is going to lead you horrible conclusions, especially if you listen to China’s propaganda of convenience about imperialism.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago


An important factor no one really pays attention to concerns the one child policy. Due to cultural reasons this has created a massive cohort of young men. Most of these young men will have no chance of finding a Chinese girl to marry.
This massive amount of men is an army waiting to be unleashed on the world. There is a book called, Bare Branches (can’t recall author) which looks at societies with an overabundance of military age men. The usual result is they destroy their society.
I believe the Chinese are keen students of history and know this, so they will export these young men to various places, thus lessening any threat to China itself, and the CCP of course.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

They’ve been building Chinese colonies in Africa for years and years now. Those millions of displaced men are literal imperial colonists for the greater Chinese empire.

Reply to  English Tom
2 years ago

Yes, and they will use them to conquer others and take their women as is typical of societies with similar issues.

2 years ago

Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is charged with conspiracy to make unlawful political contributions and defraud the federal elections commission.
SBF and his co-conspirators made more than 300 illegal political donations in the United States, according to a new indictment that was unsealed today.

2 years ago

Bill Gates buys nearly $1B Heineken stake — despite not being a ‘big beer drinker.’ If you want to put recombinant proteins, or mRNA or DNA, or even living micro-organisms in people, beer is an excellent choice. It is just a big brew of living yeast cells you can put all sorts of stuff inside. I would bet he didn’t go with yogurt, because most of those consumers were the types who could just be told to take the new medical thing, and they would line up, and even screech at everyone else who didn’t do it.”


It’s also too easy to make your own yogurt. (which is very good for you)

2 years ago

Rand Paul could be a secret weapon as a VP nominee?”

Bad idea, he thinks that states have a right to certify fraudulent election results and he attacked the J6 protestors right in tune with the left.
Rand is an enemy in disguise.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Simple enough analysis: he’s been in congress for decades despite being an “outsider” with “extreme right views.”

We know no serious threat is allowed into the machine for that long.

2 years ago

AC, for you.

Were it not for your training, I would have dismissed this guy as a whacko. Having had your training, I see at least at least a dozen issues, including:

(1) People entering Bad Man’s abode covertly and messing with his toilet seat position
(2) Myriad Windup-toy triggers
(3) Cops and prosecutors dismissing him
(4) Psychoanalyst good times; schizophrenia diagnosis in custody
(5) [Someone] was stalking him on the internet and in person
(6) Crossdresses and confronts police
(7) Takes trip to DC
(8) Police confiscate weapons
(9) Police return weapons
(10) Shoots up Waffle house
(11 ) Virtuous Black man saves the day
(12) Bad Guy brought in by FBI, after they place this “White Male” on its Ten Most Wanted list and get an “anonymous” call.
(12) Virtuous Black man appears in court, uses Operator language. “What did you do [when you heard the shooter pause to reload]?” “I heard a voice” … then “I acted.” … ACTED.
(13) Virtuous Black Man gets Congressional commendation
(14) Virtuous Black Man starts a GoFundMe and rakes in a quarter Mil.

2 years ago

Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy
Former pharma exec and newfound anti-ESG crusader has substantial ties to China, the Covid industrial complex, Pfizer, Soros inc, and a track record of business calamities.

2 years ago

Explosions In Iranian City Which Hosts Nuclear Facility, Air Defenses Activated

2 years ago

Mad Cow Disease Detected In Brazil, Forces Beef Trade With China To Halt

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yes, very informative. The lesson, Intelligence will use you then toss you aside like a used condom when you no longer are able to perform for them.

2 years ago

Jordan Bardella, the president of France’s far-right National Rally (NR) party, expressed support for Ukrainian territorial integrity as well as the supply of defensive weapon systems to Ukraine in an interview for L’Opinion on Feb. 22….

2 years ago

 If you want to put recombinant proteins, or mRNA or DNA, or even living micro-organisms in people, beer is an excellent choice.”

It makes me wonder if the push towards fermented food and probiotics in recent years is about creating a vector for all kinds of things to infect people with.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

No. Most people make fermented foods themselves, and so should you. It is incredibly easy and ridiculously inexpensive. Meanwhile, a store-bought tony jar of fermented whatever costs $8-12. Home made fermented foods also have a shelf life that is far, fat longer than most writers on the subject will tell you, if kept in a dark, cool place.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Made a batch of sauerkraut in December. Should take 3 weeks. Stopped blooping after 3 weeks (first week of January). Life, yada yada didn’t get it out of the fermenter until early feb. It was fine. Been in the fridge since then, and as long as we don’t let it dry out, should be fine through the spring.
Once you start fermenting something and it’s off an running, it’s hard to screw it up. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong early. Don’t forget that our ancestors used fermenting like sauerkraut to give themselves vitamin c through long winters. The English sailors had to institute a lime ration and carry lime trees to ward off scurvy. The Dutch sailors never got scurvy in the first place. Why? Barrels of sauerkraut on the ships. Fermentation actually increases the vit C in cabbage.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

No, the vast majority of fermented foods consumed are not home made. Sorry.

The push for fermented foods has been strong and through official channels. Since these people really don’t care about our health, it raises some questions.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The vast majority of fermented foods in the West are not home made.
Remember, we are only about 15% of the world population.