News Briefs – 02/23/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Famous DHS Whistleblower who warned about Obama deleting records on Muslim terrorists and the Islamification of the Security apparatus found dead of a single gunshot to the chest with no gun nearby.

Now the official story is there was a gun nearby, and it was just a normal suicide. Shades of John Lang.

Friend of the whistleblower that died today speaks out, saying he warned something could happen to him, and saying it will be falsely called a suicide. The dichotomy is really the shocking part, especially apparent right around when you make the transition. One part of America thinks there is no way anything like that could possibly exist, and anybody who thinks there could be is a nut, because America could never have anything like that in it. The FBI, Law Enforcement, our intelligence services, the military, even the citizenry as a whole would never allow it, because no American would tolerate it, let alone be a part of it. Then there is another smaller part of America which knows, nothing works like everyone else believes. and you go from one to the other in a year or two, because it is neurologically impossible to make the jump all at once. If it ever gets out, in the public eye, expect a full blown revolution overnight, because it is worse than anybody could possibly imagine, and there are a massive fuckload more Americans who know, and are cool with it being like that, than anyone would ever think possible. And understand as this poor bastard was being done in, it wasn’t one or two people outside the norm doing it on the sly in a dark corner. I will bet at least hundreds all worked together and watched, if not thousands, from guys in central control rooms, to tech specialists, to on the ground eyes and ears everywhere, to the perimeter control, to probably even people watching satellite overheads and in aviation, to make sure there was no chance of anyone interrupting or happening on the scene. And it was just a gig to everybody, as an idealistic, principled guy who stood up for real Americans – for them and their kids – came to his own end right in front of all of them. It is very bizarre. And those who took part are one speck of the machine. There is an entire civilization, a Secret Society within our’s which knows all about this, and is entirely cool being a part of it, and indeed has an almost religious loyalty to it. And they know all of us are hopelessly clueless, and have no idea. It is straight out of the Twilight Zone.

DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney was stiffed by his publisher, who kept the royalties off his book on DHS corruption. As I have said, publishing houses are money laundering operations for Cabal, so it is not surprising to see that he would be sideways with his own publisher.

He had been planning a sequel to the book.

Phil Haney, the DHS whistleblower found dead Friday with a gunshot wound to the chest had recently reapplied to DHS.

Roger Stone demands judge recuse herself from his motion for a new trial. Recusal? Might this be part of the show, designed to demonstrate to the masses just how compromised everything was, once the Storm begins? Think she has a sealed indictment somewhere?

This was posted on 4Chan at the end of January, and it is looking like the poster may have bene a legit insider. Very, very bad if true, and given he predicted Italy, it looks to be true. Click the link for the post or the image for the screencap:

Corona Virus stats are 78,879 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,466 fatalities. Yesterday was: 77,815 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,360 fatalities. 1.03% increase in cases, 4.5% increase in deaths. At this point, I do not buy these numbers, but I just put them here because they are the official record. On thing – watch how people’s perceptions of borders change, once the poor and infected scramble to get into the West to get free top notch treatment, while threatening to infect all of us.

President Trump was furious over a decision to allow 14 Americans who tested positive for coronavirus to return to the United States from Japan after being assured that infected patients would remain in quarantine overseas.  I feel better he is insisting now on having all future decisions run directly by him. But it does appear State Department may be trying to sabotage his efforts behind his back, to turn this into a Katrina-like event for his Presidency.

Wuhan to quarantine all cured patients for 14 days after some test positive again. So another RNA virus that, like Ebola, sequesters itself somewhere in the body only to re-emerge later after the patient appears cured. This is terrible news. The only worse news will be when it hits the gay population, because it will go hog wild there, and come out a lot stronger.

Italy has no idea how the virus got into it. I wonder if it could be coming in on Chinese goods that are being shipped in? How many of us buy something on Amazon, and somebody has it shipped express to them from the manufacturer in China, and then just forwards the package on to us? If it got to us within 9 days, it could be infected, maybe longer if the conditions were right. Then again two weeks ago the insider above claimed it would be released in Italy purposely.

WHO is getting concerned about the number of Corona viruses popping up for which it can identify no clear origin. This makes me wonder if Cabal has agents going around with Visine bottles, infecting specific people.

9 South Koreans test positive for coronavirus after returning from Israel. They entered Israel on the 8th, implying that if they did not catch it in Israel, then somebody in the group caught it on the 7th in South Korea, or on the trip over, which would imply it was moving faster and earlier than I had assumed.

Italy reports second coronavirus death, a white male in his 70’s. This means it has a genetic foothold in whites, albeit immunologically weaker whites. But that is how diseases adapt. First they get in the weak, and there, among trillions of trillions of viral copies with small genetic alterations, and even genetic snippets from other bugs recombined in by accident, they look for the one viral particle that has it all. And they do it over and over and over again, until they find it. Wait until this hits the HIV+ population.

At least 18 people hospitalized with coronavirus in Italy are seriously ill.

Dozens of Italian towns on ‘effective lockdown’ as the Coronavirus takes hold.

For locked down areas of Italy, entering or leaving areas with outbreaks of coronavirus, and violating the lockdown will be a criminal offense.

New York Post says, the coronavirus may have leaked from a lab.

Next Tweet reads, “Now the building is closed by welding? What to do if food is cut off at home?  What to do if someone is critically ill? Is it because he was sentenced directly to death?”

More sealing up buildings. Part of me wonders if they figure that if they seal the building and don’t go back to it none of the dead inside will count as deaths from Corona virus:

Love this one – watch them walk out the dead Corona patient in Iran, right past what is almost certainly the lobby posted-surveillance operator watching the entrance, the stairs, and the elevators, who has no protection. He will probably be following people through malls and supermarkets once he hands off that lobby-post in twenty minutes, or he will get another lobby post to infect everyone who comes in and goes out of whatever building he is assigned, and he will literally spend hours each day doing that for weeks to come until he is hospitalized himself:

This one is not confirmed COVID-19, but it is confirmed from Iran and recent, and is assumed to be. If so, it means this may hit all races and not just Asian kids, which means schools will have to close, and it will probably go global:

After Nevada win, Bernie Sanders can only be stopped at great cost to the Democrats. And the God Emperor wins, again.

Bernie Sanders goes 1-2-3 in early states — the first time ever. I know one of three things – either Bernie is not in the clique, and they will kill him, probably by heart attack, before he gets power, or he is in the clique and everything else is a script, or maybe they will give him a chance yet, and he will have to make a deal and hire DNC old hands. But (((They))) would never let a whole new slate of young activists of any ideological persuasion just take over the party machinery. They will kill him first.

Chris Matthews likens Bernie’s strong Nevada showing to France falling to Nazi Germany in WWII. It is not impossible that in the covert polling, Bernie’s supporters never moved to anyone else when the others were promoted as the next big thing. But everyone else’s supporters moved to Bernie, if the media pushed how he could be the one. Behind the scenes, everything we are told is chance and fate is actually very scientific and calculated.

Chris Matthews speculates Democrats may be better off with Trump as President than Sanders.

Latinos were Bernie Sanders’s key to victory in Nevada. Presumably immigration activists, but I wonder to what degree they were foreign agents looking to suppress the United States by turning it into Venezuela, now that (((They))) don’t control it.

Biden claims comeback despite distant second finish to Sanders.

Warren and Biden say Bloomberg’s NDA reversal with just three of the many women he has gagged is ‘not good enough.’

Elizabeth Warren mocks Michael Bloomberg’s height during Nevada Caucus speech. He’s “a big threat…not a tall one, but a big one.”

Twitter suspends Bloomberg supporters for ‘spam’ ahead of Nevada caucus.

MIT finds hackers can change votes in voting app used in U.S. Federal elections.

AOC endorses wave of liberal women in quest for ‘progressive majority in Congress.’ AOC crafting the Democratic party in her image. What could go wrong?

Greyhound says it will stop Border Patrol agents without warrants from boarding buses to make immigration checks on passengers. What happens when Cabal places CEOs in companies.

Justice Sotomayor accuses conservative Supreme Court majority of favoring the Trump administration.

Germany is told far-right terrorism is their biggest threat, after hookah bar shooting. Why would Cabal ever launch a false flag attack?

After Hanau attack, Germany steps up protection of Muslims.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say the Queen doesn’t own the word ‘Royal’, as the couple complain about their treatment in lengthy statement after Her Majesty forces them to drop Sussex Royal brand. From the outside, what you are looking at here is a classic narcissist ploy to separate a person from their support structures, to isolate them, and make them more controllable. Narcissists create these dramas, after calculating you will take their side over the other side, knowing it will drive you away from all your other contacts. Once Harry is fully isolated, and cannot go back, she will turn on him and make him miserable every day. What Harry is missing is an ability to recognize the narcissist and the uncontrollable drive to hate them with every fiber of his being. Absent that, he is going along with his wife because he has been told that is the moral thing to do, and given he has a kid with her, the truth is, he isn’t brimming with good options.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy disclosed Saturday he has a tumor on his kidney that is 90 percent likely to be cancerous and will soon undergo surgery. 

Trump’s ‘public charge’ immigration rule, which withholds green cards from immigrants dependent on government services, upheld by Supreme Court.

Former DEA agent and his wife indicted for alleged roles in scheme to divert drug proceeds from undercover money laundering investigations. Could be normal isolated criminal activity, but it seems audacious, and of a nature that we would never have heard of it had Trump not been elected. It is possible there are hundreds of thousands of small operations like this, bilking Medicaid, scamming tax refunds, and so on. I hope we get a full dissection of Cabal’s money flows when it is all revealed. It has to be mind-blowing.

RNC brings in record January haul, dwarfing the Democrats’ total.

Secession fever spikes in five states as conservatives seek to escape blue rule. Splintering is a hallmark of K.

LA Times troubled by Trump’s “shockwave” “flipping” of the 9th Circuit, and worries an “even more pronounced tilt expected ahead.”

Spread r/K Theory, because there is more than one way to start a Storm.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 years ago

Interesting that the publisher of the whistle -blowers book is WND Books. Wonder if any other conservative writers have been screwed by them.

5 years ago

Just by coinicidence Vox had an article on Italian states closing down in case of epidemic.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Your January 4-chan posting is fascinating. Thanks. I’m quite interested in his economic comments, more so than his virus-related info.

Why does he recommend going long on plastics as a downcycle hedge???? There are few pure plays in plastics anyway. Liondell B. or Dow come to mind, but any petro producer would be downstream from them, (and even in a modified lockdown situation, petro use would decrease substantially along with petro stocks.)

If I had more money, I’d short that which involves motion — transportation incl. trucking/shipping, anything along the supply chain, travel/tourism (as he suggested) — as well as that which requires leaving the house — education, restaurants, entertainment or anything in a public venue. I’d research bear leveraged ETFs to see if their baskets mostly have the sort of stocks that involve motion.

Putting money in EUR is nuts … the EUR-USD exchange rate has already been hammered, so is it upside potential he’s looking for? Recently, there’s been a nice EUR-USD uptick, speaking as an American. (Just checked — the low was 20 Feb). His language, vocab and cadence is probably European; could be from a banking family: Italian branch?

Working at home … home schooling … trying to grow a tomato or two, this sounds like a resurged America. All good.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

A few thoughts:

What about home UV light devices? I know they work for well water bacteria (and that lots of food, particularly in Europe, is routinely radiated). Do you have any idea if UV works on viruses?

The EU-USD just moved in our direction after the market crash this morning. FYI

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I will tell you something that I KNOW will clean the air. Living Air purifier system. I heard about these from a tanning bed place. If you don’t have any kind of air purification in a tanning bed or Women’s Hair Salon the chemicals, humidity, mustiness and smells with overwhelm you. People don’t want to do business in any place that smells like a chemical swamp. These things kill those smells off. One of these and it knocks all the floating particles out of the air. I have one of these. I have had a room musty and turned this sucker up on high and vacated the room for several hours. Turn off and wait for the ozone to die down and the room then smells super fresh and fantastic. I suspect if you had one of these and turned it on high every few months it would do a number on molds and any other nasty stuff that builds up in enclosed spaces. If you turn these on low and run all the time it will make all smells settle and the room will not have a bunch of dust and stuff floating around. It will I’m sure do the same for viruses. I don’t have any financial interest in these guys I just know their products work.

They are expensive but if you ever use one I think you would be pleased. If you own some sort of tanning or women’s salon they are a MUST.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

UV systems that draw in air and run it through a UV light and a filter would be great.

UV will kill viruses but not sure if ti kills corona but likely.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I just lost my comment so if this is a repeat, delete it, please.

A. I just wanted to know if UV light, which kills bacteria in well water and is of mandatory use in the commercial production of fruit juices, etc., …
1) can be used at HOME — Is there a way to buy/make such a gadget?
2) kills bacteria as well as viruses — killing viruses may be more difficult?

B. In less developed countries, Westerners routinely soak their fresh fruits in some sort of water-based liquid overnight. I never looked to see what that stuff was, but know it left a yucky, residual taste on the fruit that everyone seemed to think necessary.

C. In Europe, many meats and all milk is radiated and shelved at room temperature. That’s how they’re sold in stores, too. I’m going to make a grocery run, today, to see if room-temp foods that are usually frozen are sold in the US — if so, I’ll buy about 50 packaged meats. It’s not jerky-like, but soft, btw.

D. What happens when a fresh fruit/vege is dipped in dilute bleach? I wonder how long it takes to kill viruses on the surface of the fruit? Also, how much bleach would remain to be consumed? Doesn’t bleach just dissipate into the atmosphere anyway, so if you wait until it’s dry, it may be okay to eat?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks for your responses. You’ve got my mind moving. I’m going to do something about protecting my food, as the problem is not going to go away — human diversity and international movement suggests there will be more viral/bacterial diseases in the future.

There’s a gap in the market for home-sized equipment which sanitises or at least well-cleans food. Venture cap time???

Yup. 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“…C, as I said elsewhere, radiation of food as I understand it is usually gamma…”

Excuse me for being a smart ass but UVC, if that’s what you are talking about is not gamma. Totally different. UVA and UVB are in tanning bed bulbs. UVC higher frequency is used for sanitizing.

Radiation is of the types, Alpha, which can be stopped by paper or skin, Beta, which can be shielded by thin aluminium and Gamma. Alpha is a helium helium nucleus. Beta is a fast energetic electron or positron and gamma is I think a neutron particle going very fast. All can be thought of as particles in some cases and high frequency radiation in others. Gamma rays are very high frequency radiation. Gamma takes a LOT to shield like several feet of earth. Neutron bombs are gamma ray emitters.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  KR
5 years ago

The cheapest easiest way to clean you food with no aftertaste I believe would by H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 uses the active O2 to sanitize the water. Here’s a link for some O2 sanitizer for water used just as an example that I found on a quick search.

I bet you that this is just concentrated H2O2 that they call some miracle stuff.

Here’s a couple links that came up when I search for H2O2 water purification. Not saying this is the best just what came up.

Reply to  KR
5 years ago
5 years ago

ØAC would youpls consider doing a stand alone post on corona Chan, prep, isolation and
r/K theory. Thank you for all you do.

5 years ago

Can somebody please explain why the Chinese are “sanitizing” their streets? What good does that do against a virus? And what sort of “sanitizing” agent could they be using? I’ve never seen this sort of thing done before during a disease outbreak.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

I’ve never seen anything like it either, it’s creeping me the hell out. The Chinese know more than they’re saying, and it doesn’t look good.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Same here. And how did they just have all of those weird ass looking trucks ready to go? What were they used for before? You ask many good questions.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cinderella the deplorable
5 years ago

“…What were they used for before?…”

AdvChina is a youtube channel by two guys who lived in China who were run off by increasing anti-Western China. I’ve seen a lot of their vids real interesting. They say this truck fog thing is normal. They take this truck fog thing every so often n the summer and spray it into the sewers. They said that after this was done millions of cock roaches and rats would come up and die off. They used it to keep down pest. I don’t think they know, or I, what was in it but it’s some sort of insecticide or something like that. Can’t be good for you but it beats corona death I imagine. Even if it doesn’t kill the virus it will certainly kill off pest who might make the spread worse.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

I read somewhere that the Chinese are using an atomized, dilute solution of bleach in the streets.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I have seen stories that say animals are dying from the spray.

I wonder what it is doing to humans.

5 years ago

Iran’s Hardliners Win Landslide Victory In Low Turn-Out Parliamentary Elections