News Briefs – 02/21/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


So Victoria’s Secret is supposed to have its models dressed up like Baphomet in plain sight.

The media bias in how it presents leaders is surprising when you see it laid out.

The Tweet:

Kash Patel was also a Devin Nunes staffer.

The Tweet:

The linked video, which is a movie preview for the movie White Squall:


Rod Blagojevich knows something interesting about how Obama was trying to muscle him into appointing who Obama wanted, to Obama’s old Senate seat, after Obama left it to take office as President. I think he was prosecuted and imprisoned because he tried to appoint who he wanted to the seat, rather than follow orders. Blago wanted Obama subpeona’d to testify in his case, but crooked Chicago prevented it because it would have damaged Obama.

Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months. Trump says he has a good chance of exoneration.

New prosecutor in Roger Stone case also authored DOJ letter letting McCabe off.

Former congressman at center of Julian Assange controversy denies offering a pardon on behalf of Trump. Says he told Assange he would lobby to get him a pardon if he could say Russia did not do the hack.

German mass shooter claims he was being surveiled by “the government.” Regular government law enforcement says they had no idea about him. He had lots of other beliefs, including the idea we are ruled by some sort of secret societies. Once you see one thing which completely blows one ironclad “fact” about the world to hell, it untethers all your other beliefs as well. Much of our “understanding” of the world comes from the belief we are just like everyone around us, and that allows us to extrapolate out a lot of realities we never actually see, by calculating how we would act if we were everyone else. Once you realize there are a fuckload of people who don’t think anything like you, don’t share your beliefs, and the established narrative of how our nations are organized and operate are entirely false, it erases pretty much all of the extrapolations about reality you made, and suddenly anything is possible. With a high IQ it is tough to maintain a grasp on what is true and what is not, and what simply must exist as a probability calculation. I can see how once a person is in that untethered state, with full control of what he is exposed to and what stimuli go in, if their brain is even a little weak, a smart party with a ton of experience doing it could take control of it. I wonder what bad news was about to break in Germany.

Corona Virus stats : 76,792 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,249 fatalities. Yesterday there were 75,758 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,129 fatalities. 1.3% increase in cases, 5.6% increase in deaths.

South Korea coronavirus cases jump to 156 as sect infections spike. Doubling each day is not just bad because this Corona virus is spreading, but because the more it spreads, the more chance there is to develop a really bad mutation. The 1918 flu spread wasn’t nearly as bad the first year as it was the second, after it mutated to become more virulent. And this RNA virus reportedly mutated into six different strains just as it jumped between six different family members in one house. You get 50 million, 60 million victims, there is no telling what this is going to become. It could jump to the 34% fatality rate of MERS, or even go higher, as we know Corona viruses just like this one can do that. I more or less ignored SARS and MERS, but something about this has felt eerie and ominous from the beginning.

Canadian woman diagnosed with COVID-19 after returning from Iran.

US State Department over-ruled the CDC, and flew 14 Corona virus infected people back on the same plane as 300 uninfected people. Why do I feel like the State Department is always the enemy of this nation’s patriots? Pompeo is the only good thing over there.

Ukraine evacuated 70 of its people from China, but on their return they were met with hurled stones, barricaded roads, and violent clashes, by an angry populace that doesn’t want them. It seems many people get a frightening vibe off this disease.

Preliminary results from two clinical trials for Coronavirus treatments expected in 3 weeks. The best reason to delay getting it as long as you possibly can. Don’t be the person they figure stuff out on. Probably worth noting that POTUS could be protected a rallies simply by drawing clean air from somewhere and establishing sufficient air currents blowing in the right directions away from him. Would not affect the rally experience, but could reduce any potential exposure.

Texas-based company has reportedly created a coronavirus vaccine.

The biggest breakdown yet of novel coronavirus cases suggests that 80% are mild. Some patients never show symptoms. The deadliest disease would be one which either killed outright, or infected asymptomatically so some people would go around unwittingly spreading it. If it still kills 2-3% it would be horrendous. And it would be even more likely to mutate. If it killed 30-40%, and everyone else was unaffected, it would be an apocalypse.

Hong Kong students forced to adapt to homeschooling due to Corona virus fears.

On this next tweet, I wondered if China’s propensity to weld people into their houses, and forbid them from going outside, was more so there would be no more video’s like this, than to try and stop the spread of the virus. It is possible had they not kept everyone inside, we would have in the high hundreds of videos like this. It will be interesting to see if there are more of these to come out of South Korea:

It might be good as an emergency measure to consider if there might be a way to school kids at home in the event of a real pandemic, Corona-virus or otherwise, using the internet, whether it be teleconferencing on iPads with their teachers, or doing some sort of approved homeschool program, so they could be isolated and avoid the spread of an infectious disease. If something ever did hit, you cannot have kids being sent to school, so having an alternative all lined up would be prudent. If there is no alternative, and a pandemic hits, you will either have to stop all schooling, or send the kids to school where they will inevitably get sick, and maybe die.

Bush AG Donald Ayer called his former colleague, Attorney General William Barr, “un-American.” A lot of people who had their asses in tubs of butter have a lot to lose.

Bloomberg quietly plotting brokered convention strategy – effort is designed to block Bernie Sanders by poaching supporters from Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats.

Big Democrat debate ratings were really bad news for mini-Mike.

Former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg donated a total of $463.8 million to his self-funded presidential campaign.

U.S. medical schools boost LGBTQ students and doctor training. Again, you hear this and you are not surprised when your kid, with super high grades, is turned down to get into medical school, in favor of some other kid with crap grades. The last thing you think is there is a secret society which is keeping your child down. “Oh it is just those stupid liberal policies.”

Somali community leader reveals Ilhan Omar did marry her brother – she did ‘what she had to do to get him ‘papers.”

Katie Hill says, ‘Biphobia’ led to resignation from Congress.

Cardinal McCarrick secretly gave nearly $1 million to group led by cleric accused of sexual misconduct.

Microsoft to invest $1.1 billion in Mexico over next five years. Why not inner-city America? What is down in Mexico?

Trump seeks deal on foreign workers that could anger base, and increase immigration. I think Trump gave this strategy to Boris Johnson. You leak this out, and because it is a violation of expectation it triggers amygdalae which then remember the story, and process that Trump has gone pro-immigrant. Later he nixes this deal, clamps down even harder on immigration, nobody is surprised, and it slips out of their mind. But six months later, normies remember Trump has gone all soft on immigration. I think Mulvaney was doing the exact same thing here.

Sweden’s national bomb squad were called out to more than 100 blasts last year, a level not seen anywhere else in Europe.

World government debt to hit record $53 trillion this year.

Bills to limit gun magazines and restrict gun sales fail in Washington legislature. We may have powerful forces behind the scenes helping us with these victories.

New building permits hit a 13-year high, suggesting a robust US economy.

Lower migration is driving up blue collar wages, and those extra wages are stabilizing the U.S. economy, says the Economist magazine.

DIA employee pleads guilty to leaking classified information to media.

This is who Tom Steyer says won the Las Vegas debate – Donald J Trump. Imagine being the God Emperor. You win every competition you are in, and then your enemies, entirely unbidden, crown you the winner of their competitions when you didn’t even bother to show up.

Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg said President Donald Trump was the “real winner” of the Democratic primary debate on Wednesday night.

Bloomberg once praised Trump as a ‘great guy,’ referred to himself as ‘big fan’ of future POTUS.

The Justice Department filed a new round of civil lawsuits asking judges to overturn sanctuary policies, and warning state and city officials they could soon face their own criminal charges for harboring illegal immigrants.

ICE throws down the gauntlet and arrests two illegal aliens in a California courthouse.

Senate Republican PAC spent money promoting the wackiest leftist in the Democrat primary to help the Republican win in the General. Nice to see Republicans finally playing to win.

Trump has massively reduced the rolls on welfare and food stamps.

Trump campaign buys top advertising banner on YouTube for Election Day.

Trumps relative approval goes even higher in notoriously biased Gallup, becomes positive for first time ever.

Spread r/K Theory, because everybody loves the God Emperor.

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5 years ago

“Says he told Assange he would lobby to get him a pardon if he could say Russia did not do the hack.”

Actually, he told Assange: “I told him that if he could provide me information and evidence about who actually gave him the DNC emails, I would then call on President Trump to pardon him. ”

He doesn’t say that the answer had to be someone other than Russia.

5 years ago

What is down in Mexico?

Fertile infection vectors for bioweapons with connection to the USA.

That cat is out of the bag.

5 years ago

Here’s a comment I just pulled off of Zero Hedge I thought you’d appreciate: this man has been K-ified.

“Yeah well these seem to be the people living the American dream. These people never go away or lose anything either. This guy might have lost his ass in 2008 but look at him now. Back in the saddle again. Meanwhile, those of us who work hard, maintain a healthy financial life, live within our means and aren’t out to game the system get nowhere. It doesn’t pay to follow the rules in America anymore. What’s the point of saving? People like you keep talking about the collapse and people like your neighbor taking a haircut………yeah right. Those days don’t exist. Nobody is allowed to fail in America except those that play by the rules. Ironic how that works. White collar crime at record levels.

In a huge civil war I can tell you this much…….I’d have no problem walking right up to useless fuks like your neighbor, putting a gun to his head and taking every fuking thing he owns. Let’s see how smart, tough, and manly he is. I say bring back the wild west days and let’s level the fuking playing field! These morons like your neighbor wouldn’t last a fuking hour. I know plenty like him. America is filled with pussies like him who know how to rig, lie, manipulate, but actually physically fighting or staring death in the face………they’d shit themselves. That pretty little wife of his with fake tits doens’t have a clue her husband is probably a big pussy.”

Reply to  KR
5 years ago

Many such cases.

5 years ago

Part II on Freemasonry.

My opinion is that the real founder of Freemasonry is Giordano Bruno, an Italian Renaissance figure. He was immersed in the Kabbalah and the Hermetic Tradition; he was part of this so-called “philosophia-perenesis”, “eternal philosophy” which the Kabbalah and the Hermetic Tradition were carriers of. Giordano Bruno spent a huge time in England and in Germany. A Little bit after his time spent there, Freemasonry arose in England and Rosicrucianism arose in Germany. Jews had a huge influence in Northern Italy and it is there that revolution began. Bruno carried that revolution to Northern Europe.

Masonry is also a soft mafia, not like the Criminal Mafia of Southern Italy. Masons form clubs where they are influence peddlers. You scratch their backs, they scratch yours. They protect members and ONLY advance other members. They copied, or were supplied this methodology from the Jews who act the same way. In Wiemar Germany, Jewish businesses outperformed gentile business because they got interest free loans from their compatriots and only bought from other Jewish businesses. Jewish control of advertising would give low rates to Jewish businesses and high rates to gentiles. They muscled out their gentile competitors. This methodology moved into the Masonic branches.

The American military and brass is infected top-to-bottom with Masons. That is how one advances. Generals are made–because they tow the Masonic line of internationalism. Masonic Presidents made Masonic generals.

Third, Masonry, as stated earlier is Gnostic. One of the major characteristics of Gnostics is their elite attitude–they are above the rest because they have “Gnosis”, “secret knowledge” that the rest of the peons don’t have. They have special knowledge. That is why the Kabbalah and the Hermetic texts, they have the “secrets of the world” and their literature is a farrago of anything written.

Masonry gives itself a mystique of mystery and adventure with its myth-making not only in its origins but also in its propaganda. It is “different” from the normal and so it attracts rebellious people.

Masonry and Rosicrucianism are both ORIENTAL, not Western Civilization or Western Culture. They are about infecting the West with Eastern (Semitic and Babylonian) ideas, values and methods.

5 years ago

“So Victoria’s Secret is supposed to have its models dressed up like Baphomet in plain sight.”

There was some discussion on the FR Q thread about whether that is actually a gender appropriator and whether there are more of those being used to warp the public’s perception of male and female traits.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…US State Department over-ruled the CDC, and flew 14 Corona virus infected people back on the same plane as 300 uninfected people…”

How can this be seen in any way at all but an attempt to infect hundreds of Americans? It appears cab drivers have been infected just from a ride with the infected how can this be any different? They didn’t even tell the other passengers that they were at risk. They never had any sort of choice in the matter. It’s not like the US gov. is trying to save money. They could have easily gotten a private jet or smaller jet to segregate the passengers. A plastic shield makes no difference at all if the air ducts are blowing and sucking air in from the whole plane. All the people in the State department involved, every last one of them that had anything to do with or followed instructions to do this should be summarily fired and prosecuted for whatever they can get them for. Attempted murder would be good. Maybe they couldn’t get a prosecution but…doesn’t matter the rest will get the message. If I were made King for a day I would execute every single one of these State department officials that had anything, anything at all to do with this.

“Qom, Iran – a #coronavirus patient is in the intensive care…No history of traveling abroad or any contact with any Chinese person…”

“…Iran takes emergency measures after two #coronavirus deaths in Qom…dozens of cases across Iran and Iranian government said the infected were all Iranian, but didn’t explain how the COVID19 pathogen have reached the country…”

I speculated the “Jew controllers” were the only people who had any benefit from this virus and WHAM BAM here’s massive tell that we will eventually find out the “Jew Controllers” did this. How convenient. The “Jew controllers” are psychopaths. They have very little to no ability to access risk. This is a huge tell to identify psychopaths and a big weakness of the Spaths. Over and over we see them overreaching because they have these schemes in their head and are not able to see how these can go wrong. Really smart people have this same deficit sometimes. Haven’t we all done this at times?[not that I’m saying I’m smart] We think, “well I’ll go mow the lawn. Only take thirty minutes”,[in the scenario we build in our heads] but…the lawnmower won’t start so you fool with it and find the mandated vile methanol in the gas means you have to rebuild the carburetor. So two days later you finally mow the lawn. Spaths have this really bad. They are horrible at risk assessment. So the Spaths think we’ll just engineer a virus to kill off all our enemies and wheee, profit but what about their enemies actions. They feel like they can just say,”we didn’t do it” and that will be the end of it. They’ve got away with it before so, they will get away with it this time.

We must get rid of the Jews. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means necessary we need to get rid of them. They are just too fucked up and dangerous to live with. Their hatred combined with their complete inability to value any life not Jewish means they are like nothing so much as wild animals floating around set to attack at any moment. Would we allow grizzly bears to wander around our children’s playgrounds? Allow pit bulls to be baby sitters? We must get rid of the Jews. Let them feed on each other until the end of eternity but they must do so away from us.

“…World government debt to hit record $53 trillion this year…”

Another direct effect of the “Jew Controllers”. They bribed, threatened or otherwise made almost every government in the planet sign up to their World rip off Central GlobalHomo bank. The problem with this is that every single damn penny. Not kidding every single penny MUST be acquired from them by giving them a bond to pay them the principal PLUS interest for every single penny.[They give us ZERO in return, nothing.] The problem is how do you pay off the loan? You can’t. It’s impossible because to pay money for the loan you have to…borrow more money so just to stay even, not expand the economy, you have to borrow more and more and more and as the interest payments rise you need more and more and more debt. The whole thing if explained to a five year old would wound him forever. He’d look at what the adults have done and recoil in horror that they are so stupid and he is totally dependent on such imbecilic oafs.

5 years ago

China Forced To Revise Number Of Virus Cases Sharply Higher After Hubei Caught Undercounting New Infections

5 years ago

Trump, RNC Fear Dems May ‘Rig’ Election Voting, Unveil $10 Million Plan to Fight Voter Suppression, Fraud

5 years ago
5 years ago

A Chinese coronavirus expert says some “recovered” patients could still be infectious

5 years ago

State Department: ‘reduction in violence’ with Taliban starts tonight, peace deal signing Feb. 29

5 years ago

More than 100 wild animals in China died from poisoning in a mass die-off seemingly triggered by coronavirus disinfectant

5 years ago

Coronavirus incubation could be as long as 27 days, Chinese provincial government says

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

I highly recommend the YouTube channel Black Pilled. I haven’t watched everything, but the things I’ve seen have been excellent. Readers of this page will love it. I’m amazed he hasn’t been de-platformed yet. Although he was recently banned from Twitter, always a mark of distinction.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

His movie reviews, revealing the programming are very good.