News Briefs – 02/20/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – Russian SPFS Interbank Messaging System Expanding Quickly

DFT – Austria Ramps Up Russian Gas Imports After Attempting Cuts

DFT – Inflation Inches Higher In France

DFT – Mexico To Nationalize Its Lithium Deposits

DFT – Nestle Issues Dour Warning

The Biden regime has plans to shut down gun stores across America by pursuing a “zero tolerance” policy for revoking federal firearm licenses (FFL). Everything, everywhere, the intel op is closing in and taking control. This will close up stores not in the network, while those who are in will be cut slack and have no problem.

Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt says that the Biden administration is going after gun owners and using the ATF to try to shut gun shops down. Where is the NRA?

Walkthrough in Sacramento after 2020 election showed Dominion boxes labeled “Made in China”, a pallet of ballots unsealed, passwords and flashdrives lying around tabulation room.

Speaker McCarthy rumored to be considering NOT RELEASING January 6th footage.

Photos at a French protest rally look real, except the AI which conjured them left in a six-fingered glove:

The images have a peculiar fuzzy/sharpness about them for some chaotic reality pic, like there is smoke, but it is not thicker over the far away elements in the pic. And how often do cops, in violent protests, stop to let random, possibly Muslim women, come up to get a hug and be comforted, just as a photographer is there to catch the image? What woman, amid such danger and chaos is not thinking, “Get me the fuck out of here!” and scooting to safety? Interesting, in that even well funded ops like Getty, or some other agency, most likely would find it cheaper to send a photographer, than to set up this type of ultra-complex and cutting edge AI to generate fake pics, and then endure the risk of them being discovered. Only intel agencies have this stuff laying around, and can repurpose it for almost no cost, and have no worries about getting caught. I think of that strange picture of Biden with the different earlobe, and the Praying Mantis body that was just a tad off. This might indicate a well funded intel op is the core source of everything in the news you see associated with politics/government, and other sensitive subjects, much more directly, and that material is generated in a much more fully-controlled fashion, absent the ability of “randomly/honestly” generated material to sneak in, than you can imagine. Very, very little, if anything, that you see in the news may have arisen spontaneously and honestly. And today there is a very real possibility that it may ALL be coming from some basement in Langley, or someplace similar.

Long Island high school sent students explicit ‘intimate’ survey to fill out: What for?

Norfolk Southern CEO finally admits HE GAVE THE ORDER FOR THE CONTROLLED BURN…he does NOT have this authority… This is criminal…when is he going to be indicted ?

Pipe bomb found on train tracks behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in Philadelphia.

Northern Kentucky is following in the footsteps of Cincinnati as it closes its Ohio River water intakes ahead of possibly contaminated water from the East Palestine train derailment.

CDC and Pfizer issue urgent warnings on blood clots even in “the healthiest athletes.”

Joe Biden picks Obama enforcer Susan Rice to implement critical race theory throughout the federal bureaucracy.

Oakland goes dark as fire rips through California power substation following a series of targeted attacks on across US: Flights are grounded and 50,000 residents are plunged into darkness as officials launch investigation.

CBO: National debt to reach $46 trillion by 2033, 118% of GDP.

Air traffic control has reported the sighting of a large white balloon off the coast of northeast of Hawaii on Sunday.

Twitterer asks, how do we know the Chinese spy balloon was Chinese? It was made with American parts, NASA is one of the biggest consumers of helium, and the Biden administration was going to let it quietly fly over America unmolested, until some news program blew it up. Could have been a Cabal balloon they had to take down once it became an issue, and China got paid to take the blame somehow?

Soros does not look well. Some sort of neurological issue with his arms, which is why his hand is holding the podium, and the other is kept out of sight. I thought palsy, but it looks like maybe a neurological weakness with a slight palsy:

Anecdotal case where Alberta Health Services are found to have been deleting admission records for individuals suffering Adverse Events to Covid vaccines. This is an older story going around now which came out months ago, where a guy went to get his medical records from his adverse event, and found they were not there. I mainly put it here to show nothing came of it, because we are not in control.

From here:

Electromagnetic signals from cell phones can change your brainwaves and behavior.

Rodney Croft, of the Brain Science Institute, Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, tested whether cell phone transmissions could alter a person’s brainwaves. The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 120 healthy men and women while a Nokia 6110 cell phone—one of the most popular cell phones in the world—was strapped to their head. The data showed that when the cell phone was transmitting, the power of a characteristic brain-wave pattern called alpha waves in the person’s brain was boosted significantly.

If cell phone signals boost a person’s alpha waves, does this nudge them subliminally into an altered state of consciousness or have any effect at all on the workings of their mind that can be observed in a person’s behavior? In the second study, James Horne and colleagues at the Loughborough University Sleep Research Centre in England devised an experiment to test this question. The result was surprising. Not only could the cell phone signals alter a person’s behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted brain-wave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off.

Fascinating and infuriating article about a woman whose husband died in Washington State who had squatters move into her rental home and she cannot get them out. The Sheriff raids and clears the house because they were running a car theft ring out of there, she changes the locks, and the squatters move right back in. The government’s response:

Hayes told Fox News Digital that it was ‘largely on the property owner’ to manage the situation.

‘The sheriff’s office will respond to the property owner’s complaints that people returned and if we have the ability to legally move people off the property we will,’ Hayes said.

‘What it may take for the property owner is to go and get a court order to move people out of there and oftentimes that’s necessary.’

‘We don’t know who has a legal right to be on the property and who doesn’t,’ Hayes added.

‘And that’s really kind of an unfortunate thing and it’s not unique to Washington state from what I understand but when it comes down to the Landlord Tenant Act and the civil aspect of tenancy or residency, law enforcement can’t just walk out to a property and say, yes, you belong here and you don’t,’ he said.

I do not buy that the were lucky in targeting the widow. I would expect surveillance identified her family as having excess money, her husband died (I would like to know how), and surveillance calculated she would be out of her depth with this, and they passed word to the ring that this house was ripe to be occupied. And government, rife with Cabal, has orders to not intervene, and they hang their hat on the bad laws, and say there is nothing they could do. I will bet if the governor’s vacation mansion were occupied like that, those people would not be remaining there long. The US is kind of like the mafia took control of the government, recruited 10% of the population into serving it covertly in return for some cut of the proceeds, and now everyone is getting ripped off by a sophisticated intel op. And you cannot turn to the government to fix it. It will get worse over time.

The Supreme Court will hear a case that could drastically change the functioning of social media platforms, dealing with whether tech platforms can be legally liable for content posted, even from third parties.

Measure would allow noncitizens to vote in Illinois school board elections.

Pro-BLM teacher forced out of South Carolina school for claiming it was ‘white supremacy’ to call theft a crime is now accused of concealing student’s gender issues from parents at new Maryland school. These are really demons, occupying human bodies.

Vice Media borrows $30 million from investment group in hopes of selling debt-ridden company. “Vice owes millions of dollars to advisers and vendors, some of whom haven’t been paid in over six months. “ There isn’t the money in websites they claimed there was.

State Trooper ‘base camp’ erected in Florida Keys as boatloads of migrants invade.

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, a federal judge is claiming that the 13th Amendment, which was ratified to abolish slavery, might establish a constitutional right to have an abortion.

‘Peacemaker’ Catholic Bishop shot dead in southern California.

Augustus Gloop can’t be ‘fat’, the (gender neutral) Oompa-Loompas aren’t ‘small’ and even the BFG’s gone PC: ‘Woke’ publishing censors REWRITE Roald Dahl’s classic books for new editions that remove all language snowflakes might find ‘offensive.’

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle mull legal action over South Park ‘hurtful’ parody of them.

World Bank president David Malpass, former Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs and a Trump appointee, announced Wednesday he would step down, cutting his 5-year term short after Axios reported last fall the Biden administration was seeking to oust him for failing to agree with the administration on climate change. Would you leave? I would not. My guess is he found out things do not work the way we are told, and intelligence/surveillance gave him an ultimatum.

Bernie Sanders: Israel’s government is racist, we should attach strings to aid. Is this the way politicians rattle the cup?

A federal court in New York today unsealed murder-for-hire and money laundering charges against three members of an Eastern European criminal organization for plotting the murder of a U.S. citizen who has been targeted by the Government of Iran for speaking out against the regime’s human rights abuses. The drums of war being beaten?

Met police and MI5 foil 15 plots by Iran against British or UK-based ‘enemies.’

Iran has Uranium enriched to 84 percent purity, just shy of a nuke.

Iran’s supreme leader sent $4b. to son’s account in Venezuela. Is he expecting trouble?

European Union approves effective ban on sales of gas cars by 2035, requiring 100% reduction in CO2. They are trying to pin you down so you cannot travel.

North Korea launches ICBM capable of hitting California.

Chinese dealmaker Bao Fan, founder of investment bank China Renaissance Holdings Ltd, has gone missing in the latest disappearance of a top business executive.

Interesting Collage of Zelensky making illuminati symbols, some while he was quite young:

Judge Napolitano: The Ukrainian war is depleting American ammunition. The only people who benefit from this war are those within the military industrial complex.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday told attendees at the Munich Security Conference that Republican leadership backs continued aid to Ukraine as it fights off a Russian invasion, despite voices within his party opposing continued assistance.

BREAM: “We’re about $200 billion [in Ukraine aid] so far. There are questions about where the U.S. commitment ends…” 

EU foreign affairs chief Joseph Borrell warned member nations that the war in Ukraine will be over unless the bloc finds a way to speed up provision of ammunition to Ukraine within weeks.

Russia claims European country gave Ukraine radioactive materials for false flag op. Didn’t Q say something about a nuclear false flag?

US draws ‘red line’ for China, says Beijing providing Moscow with “lethal” aid would cross it, top American officials warned. Are they kidding? I would ship the lethal aid just to show them they shouldn’t make redlines in the future. And nice to know they care more about the national security of Ukraine, than they do America, as spy balloons fly overhead.

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is in danger of an early re-election knockout. Looks like she may not even make it to the runoff. Of course I would assume it is all rigged, and she has merely worn out her utility.

The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office recently became one of the first departments in the state to use cameras that livestream. That is kind of cool. It is like episodes of cops, running 24/7, right in your community, making you fully aware of everything going on there, beyond the control of the censors. I will bet it gets shut down.

Corporate America is dumping diversity professionals more than other roles.

The majority of likely general election voters say they say they would prefer to do business with companies that do not engage in politics and tolerate viewpoints of employees and customers across the board, a poll found. We were never a minority. The Minority seized power through the use of intelligence operations.

Spread r/K Theory, because it does not come from a basement in Langley

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Bible reader
Bible reader
2 years ago

Hey everyone,
I’ve recently started reading the Bible and I already have questions about Genesis 1. The posters here seem to be really knowledgeable about these things so I thought I would ask.

In Genesis 1:26 it clearly states:
And God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'”
The ‘our’ part is clearly plural. This is in the KJV, the Catholic versions, the Septuagint and the Hebrew versions. Why is this plural?

Then in verse 28 it clearly states:
“And God blessed them; and God said unto them: ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.'”
The ‘replenish’ statement is something. Again, all versions have this word “replenish”, as in- there was something- it went away, and it had to be replenished, and it was mankind that was replenishing.
Just curious if anyone had some fresh takes on this, since it’s right at the beginning of the Bible, so it must be important and set the tone for the entirety of scripture.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

It is generally recognized by serious scholars who focus on exacting translations that there is a divine council, of sorts, comprised of the Elohim. Definitely plural as there was/is more than one divine being involved.

Yahweh, the Jewish tribal god, is one of the Elohim, but not the ultimate Godhead.

Yahweh is not the Christian God, but one of the divine council given dominion over various national ethnic groups, in Yahweh’s case, the Israelites.

We humans were created in the likeness of the Elohim, and you can either do further research on your own, or draw your own conclusions.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Elohim can also refer to any non physical entity or spirit. Someone mentions Heisner below; I recommend Walter Veith as well.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

“Our” refers to the Trinity. God is Three Persons in One. It makes sense to me.

On “replenish”, google says “Fill”. To Fill the earth.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Some say “we” refers to the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Others claim it indicates other divine beings. The Book of Enoch (not part of bible) supports the second idea.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Several issues.
1. In the council of nicee, most gospels were destroyed.
2. Translation errors
3. Transcription errors
4. Which is the ultimate nature of God?
5. It also implies humanity was created by a plurality of beings, us being an artificial creation, as well as this world, with all its life.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

nice observations.

“Our”, either royal we, father & holy ghost. Other than that I wouldnt over think it as we have no further info,
“replenish”, either typo, or it has been stocked previously. Again, I wouldnt over think it with further clues

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

The first is simple semantics. If Elon Musk says “we are going to put a man on Mars,” it doesn’t mean there are multiple Elons.
The second point is a little more complex. The Hebrew in Genesis suggests creation following chaos and destruction. Perhaps there were people before Adam and they were wiped out.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

It is plural because “our” and “us” refers to God and his Divine Council. Check out “the unseen Realm” by Michael Heiser.

as to your second question, look into the Gap theory. There are many theories by non-mainstream theologians that a chaotic earth existed before the Adam. It ruled by angels over Pre-Adamite civilizations. Then it was wiped away. And the Adamite earth was formed although some pre-adamites survived ( see africans, asians, etc.) It’s a big rabbit hole

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

“Our” – God is three persons in one essence (nature). The three persons have many names, but they are typically called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost in older English translations.)

“Replenish” – fill. This is the drawback of using the King James version. The meaning of words have changed over the centuries. I tend to prefer the New King James for that reason.

A few things to notice. The first three chapters of Genesis sets up the entire rest.of the Bible. The first three days parallel the fifth through sixth days. Study that.

The Holy Spirit “hovering” over the water. The Hebrew word for hovering is also used for when a hen “broods” over her eggs. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who is responsible for life. He descends on Christ in the form of a dove when Christ is baptized in water.

Compare what God tells Adam to what Adam tells Eve about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This has been noted as showing the weakness of oral transmission.

Eve is created from Adam’s side while Adam is asleep. The Church, which is the Bride of Christ, is created out of the water (baptismal) and blood (Holy Communion) which pours from Christ’s side when the Roman soldiers thrusts his spear into Christ’s chest cavity after Jesus died (falls asleep) on the cross.

Satan deceives man by a tree, therefore Christ destroys Satan by the tree of the cross.

Man is composed of male and female.

Man is vegetarian. This changes after the flood when God gives the animals to Noah as food.

The Garden of Eden is planted by God. The rest of the world has been seeded, but the plants were not mature yet. God graciously gave Adam and Eve an area with mature plants for food as they got their bearings.

Adam names both the animals and Eve. There is authority in naming. Also, names mean something. They reflect something’s essential nature. We “call on the Name of the Lord and are saved.”

There are two creation accounts. The second is focused on Adam and Eve. The grammer, style, and vocabulary are distinctly different in the two accounts. Moses wrote Genesis. He spent the first forty years of his life as part of Pharaoh’s household. That probably included access to the Egyptian libraries and archives. He suspect he compiled some of those records and included them in Genesis. Moses also wrote Exodus, but he wrote it as an eyewitness.

Keep reading.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

This link shows why:

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Replenish is easy.
The word didn’t mean to do something again at the time and the language it was translated from does not indicate to redo something.

The multiple Gods issue is thornier and my answer as a Mormon would not be agreed with by most of the others.
To Mormons it is talking about GOD speaking to the council in heaven of his leaders from the preexistence who were to be involved in creation and later be sent here to live mortal life.

John 10:34
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”

“If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;”

King James Version (KJV)

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Some speculative thoughts on these questions:


Spirit world is a hierarchy…God, Cherubim, Archangels, Angels, etc. God uses the “heavenly host” to carry out his commands, for instance, so he is speaking to angels when he refers to “us”.

“Our Likeness” would not refer to material form, as spirit has no material body. My best guess is that it refers to free will, which certainly “sets the tone” for the ensuing …complications.


You can think of “Heaven”, or spirit world, as a seed, containing all the genetic information in potential, and “Earth”, or material world as a “garden” where that potential is made physically manifest.

But unlike planting a seed in our backyard garden, which results in one tree or plant, this is a continuous process. The spirit world is continually creating the material world, continually replenishing.

Human beings serve as the “link” which facilitates this. We are both spirit and material, bridging the two worlds…the smartest of animals but the dumbest of angels, if you will.

However, we share a special relationship with God.

I think of it as a musical scale (do, rey, mi, fa, etc) God is at the top of the scale, a high “Do”, (which is short for the Latin “Dominus”) while humans are are also “Do” but an octave down. Thus we are not God but resonate with him in a way other animals or even angels cannot, thus a special relationship, much to the bitterness of “some” angels, as the story goes. And also why we can so easily fall into the notion that we are God ourselves.

God “dominates” the spiritual world, while humans are charged with God-like “dominion” of the material world, but under God. (unless we choose otherwise, and it all goes to “hell”)

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

As I understand its also ‘fill’, or maybe the proper term is ‘fill’ or something. Which would mean the first time since that fits with the rest of the text in the Bible.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Re “Let us…”
Short answer from Matthew Henry’s commentary:
Let us make man. The three persons of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, consult about it and concur in it, because man, when he was made, was to be dedicated and devoted to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Into that great name we are, with good reason, baptized, for to that great name we owe our being. Let him rule man who said, Let us make man.
Long answer from Albert Barnes’ commentary:
The plural form of the sentence raises the question, With whom took he counsel on this occasion? Was it with himself, and does he here simply use the plural of majesty? Such was not the usual style of monarchs in the ancient East. Pharaoh says, “I have dreamed a dream” Gen 41:15. Nebuchadnezzar, “I have dreamed” Dan 2:3. Darius the Mede, “I make a decree” Dan 6:26. Cyrus, “The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth” Ezr 1:2. Darius, “I make a decree” Ezr 5:8. We have no ground, therefore, for transferring it to the style of the heavenly King. Was it with certain other intelligent beings in existence before man that he took counsel? This supposition cannot be admitted; because the expression “let us make” is an invitation to create, which is an incommunicable attribute of the Eternal One, and because the phrases, “our image, our likeness,” when transferred into the third person of narrative, become “his image, the image of God,” and thus limit the pronouns to God himself. Does the plurality, then, point to a plurality of attributes in the divine nature? This cannot be, because a plurality of qualities exists in everything, without at all leading to the application of the plural number to the individual, and because such a plurality does not warrant the expression, “let us make.” Only a plurality of persons can justify the phrase. Hence, we are forced to conclude that the plural pronoun indicates a plurality of persons or hypostases in the Divine Being.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

Re “replenish”
From E.W. Bullinger’s commentary:
replenish = fill, as Gen 1:22 and nearly every occurrence.
Confirmed by Strong’s:
H4390מָלָא   מָלֵא
mâlê’   mâlâ’
maw-lay’, maw-law’
A primitive root, to
or (intransitively) be full of, in a wide application (literally and figuratively): – accomplish, confirm, + consecrate, be at an end, be expired, be fenced, fill, fulfil, (be, become, X draw, give in, go) fully (-ly, -ly set, tale), [over-] flow, fulness, furnish, gather (selves, together), presume, replenish, satisfy, set, space, take a [hand-] full, + have wholly

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

“Our” in the English of James II, whence the KJV came, was also used to indicate royalty or mastership.

That usage has mostly fallen out of modern common English.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

I’m certainly no Bible scholar, but maybe the “our” in Genesis 1:26 is due to God being one God in Three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Apocalypse 22:13).” He was in the beginning and will be in the end. If you believe in the Holy Trinity, as I do, then the one God in Three Divine Persons is the Alpha and the Omega, so maybe that’s were the “our” comes from.
As far as Genesis 1:28, I read the Douay-Rheims and it says to, “fill the earth…” So I have nothing for you on that one.

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

To answer your questions I highly recommend the Koinonia House YouTube channel.
Koinonia is a New Testament word which is most often translated from the Greek to mean “communication”, “fellowship”, or “communion.”
Koinonia House was founded by Chuck Missler, a truly amazing man who passed away in 2018. “Khouse” continues to be operated by Ron Matsen from both the US and New Zealand.
Start with Learn The Bible in 24 Hours. This is twenty-four 1-hour videos that will surprise you, to say the least. Best to watch them in order.
If you want a deeper drill into Genesis try this:
Genesis Session 1 of 41 (Chapter 1:1) – A Comprehensive Commentary by Ron Matsen
Try this for a 27-minute Monday-Friday bible study:
God bless you as you seek to know Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Thucydides
2 years ago

This would be my recommendation as well. I listen to his commentaries during cardio sessions and I often reference his pdfs in my own studies of the bible.

Chuck Missler was a bible scholar, an engineer, a businessman, and a family man. As a biblical scholar, he really did a great job sticking to the text and historical evidence. As a trained engineer, he factors in mathematical, physical, and metaphysical elements in the text that many fail to account for. As an accomplished businessman, he has the uncanny ability to reduce principles down into easily digestible pieces, retain the practical applicability of the text, and present these things systematically. As a family man, he adds a paternal and grandfatherly twist that retains the centrality of the family dynamic in his presentations.

He was also quite based and red-pilled, but with an old-school Silent Generation sense of humor, style, and reserve.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

About the plural used. It’s referring to the trinity nature of God. Read the start of John’s gospel in the New Testament and it’s clearer that Jesus was there at creation

The Bible Projecct YT Channel gives helpful summaries about each book of the Bible and also watch Dr Michael Heiser video The Unseen Realm for an interesting take on the divine council, in Genesis. His content Iis a good at explaining the Bible from the perspective of an person from ancient times.

You got me wondering about “replenish ” – never noticed it before

Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

It is like the “Royal We” of the Almighty.

Bible reader
Bible reader
Reply to  Bible reader
2 years ago

All great answers. All very similar.
A council of Heaven seems very appropriate. The Holy Trinity as described along with the angels of Heaven seems to be what is being described in much the sense as King or leader instructs his subordinates.

As to ‘replenish’, the Douay-Rheims, 1599 Geneva, Orthodox Jewish and NIV all use the word ‘fill’. The Septuagint Greek translation also indicates fill, although I’m not sure of tense, which may indicate multiples. The KJV, Mechon-Mamre and apparently the Vulgate use the “replenish” form. Notably, the Latin Vulgate clearly has the word “replete terram” and we see that “re-” term. It is translated into English as fill, but the original Latin uses “replete”. The Mechon-Mamre translation has replenish, as this is viewed as an authoritative English translation of the Hebrew masoritic text.

So it could have been “fill” or “refill” very easily. If instruction is to “refill” that implies knowledge by the subordinate (mankind or “Adam”), if the instruction is simply to “fill” that could mean a first populating event or a simple command to populate, without knowledge of before. Mostly, the language around the populating event seems to indicate a more unique event, as the Hebrew word for “fill” can have multiple meanings but tends to indicate a unique event.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Just wait until cloning is a mainstream technology. Or worse, universal nanotech constructors – imagine a world where grey goo creates everything because it’s actually a swarm of nanobots that construct/deconstruct on a molecular or even atomic level. That’s a world where the most common form of foul play is to RECYCLE someone in the goo.

2 years ago

This will close up stores not in the network, while those who are in will be cut slack and have no problem.”

I’m glad you noted this. Cabal is NOT anti gun. All the big gun owner rights groups are cabal. And the dealers who are part of the network have seemingly no legal or criminal problems AT ALL. Lawsuits against gun manufacturers was just one of many schemes for cabal to pick up powerful brands for pennies on the dollar.

the firearms industry in America is scummy as hell and I encourage you all to stay clear from it other than for whatever immediate supplies you might need. I worked for years in the biz and know of what I speak.

2 years ago

I’ve noticed that AI generated images and art has a real problem with hands and fingers, or feet and toes, for some reason.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Stephanie
2 years ago


AI consistently produces 6 fingered hands. Very strange.

Reply to  Stephanie
2 years ago

Same with real artists tbh. It takes a lot of practice to get the proportions and details right so they don’t look “off.”

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

True. There is always a glitch.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Reply to  Stephanie
2 years ago

That gives human artists trouble as well.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Now that you bring that up I do remember hearing that in the past.
Interesting that artists have so much trouble depicting hands.

2 years ago

The majority of likely general election voters say they say they would prefer to do business with companies that do not engage in politics and tolerate viewpoints of employees and customers across the board, a poll found.

I dumped Gillette razors when they went woke years ago. P&G has stopped reporting sales for this product because the woke marketing campaign destroyed the product line. I really liked the product but tell me I’m toxic becasue I have d*ck well F U.

2 years ago

> Norfolk Southern CEO

One would presume that you have to be a cabal club member in order to be a railroad CEO. That means he had all the authority he needed to start that fire and that he will avoid any punishment.

2 years ago

I have often wonder with famous people doing the illuminati symbols, cross dressing and other weird things like black and white chess pattern on the floors if they told or given books that if they do this they are apart of the club and can rise rank. The secret knowledge and money for doing things that would displease God.

Truly we live in a world full of evil. Covid period open my eye just how evil these people are and how they will serve themselves and Satan over others.

Reply to  JohnC911
2 years ago

You’re making things too complicated. Even the people doing these signs have little understanding of what they mean. They aren’t transmitting data, they aren’t promoting a specific philosophy. They are mostly communicating to members of the network that they are also in the network.

2 years ago

Soros won’t die. He will just assume another form. Seriously though, he needs to die. So many interesting headlines today.

2 years ago

> Speaker McCarthy rumored to be considering NOT RELEASING January 6th footage.

He’s a minion of the Uniparty.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

It’s always bait and switch with these assholes.

They repeatedly switch teams, switch sides, switch positions or switch jobs. No consistency at all.

2 years ago

> Long Island high school sent students explicit ‘intimate’ survey to fill out: What for?

Using schoolchildren for data harvesting goes back at least to the 1960s, to my personal knowledge. Heck, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party did it for its entire existence.

My parents got a hostile visit from some state bureaucrats when I was in the first grade. The teacher had wanted to know the names of all the family members and how old they were. Being clueless, I answered.

The functionaries demanded to know where Bobby and Sandy weren’t in school. My parents were greatly confused; they didn’t know they were required to send the family dogs to school.

If the dogs had been “Rover” and “Fido” I might never have been clued in at such an early age. After that – and the angry backlash from my parents – I never answered questions like that again.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Government Schools must be destroyed.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The surveys on sexual behaviors are to provide proof that the school needs to cater to its LGBT students and provide more grooming books, sex technique courses, pride parades and clothes for the secret non binary Trans kids. It also informs pervy teachers who can be targeted for grooming and molestation. Totally sinister

2 years ago

> DFT – Mexico To Nationalize Its Lithium Deposits

Of *course* they are.

It’s standard practice in Central and South American countries. Whoever is in the driver’s seat at the time grabs the goodies in the name of the State and rakes off as much as they can.

2 years ago

> Soros does not look well.

He’s 92 years old. Even with the best legal and illegal medical care, he doesn’t have long in this world.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

He’s got a few years left in him. The destruction he has wrought inspires him every day. David Rockefeller lived another decade.

2 years ago

>Pro-BLM teacher forced out of South Carolina school for claiming it was ‘white supremacy’ to call theft a crime is now accused of concealing student’s gender issues from parents at new Maryland school. These are really demons, occupying human bodies.

Physiognomy is real. We know that hiring is obviously controlled by the enemy which is the only way this cretin was able to get two jobs near kids, but If a real human looks at this malformed toad person and expects to receive anything other than demonic subversion you probably deserve the suffering you asked for.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Government Schools must be destroyed.

2 years ago

>Fascinating and infuriating article about a woman whose husband died in Washington State who had squatters move into her rental home and she cannot get them out.

The obvious mistake is involving the state, which is likely complicit if not directly responsible for the problem in the first place. If you have people threatening to use a set of rules against you maliciously, inviting in the agency responsible for enforcing that exact set of rules is the dumbest thing you could possibly do. Sun Tzu 101: if you think it prudent to walk into an ambush, bring lube.

Now that the cops are involved and just waiting for the innocent homeowner to do something silly (like baseball batting some kneecaps), the homeowner has to get a little creative with how they “encourage” the squatters to leave. I would suggest cutting all utilities, releasing hundreds of rats and cockroaches on the property, nailing open the doors and windows so it’s freezing cold always, and other nuisance measures that will make living there miserable but not destroy the house or directly assault the inhabitants. Get into the mind of a cabal actor and figure out how you would torment some innocent person until they broke, then use that against the cabal squatters.

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

A local militia would have made short work of this. True LAWFUL MILITIAS are more powerful than police departments. Tis why the Police State is terrified of the idea of re-establishing tha Militia.

Reply to  Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

The militia isn’t even necessary; while helpful for victimized women like the one in that story or people without the capacity to fight, your God given property rights could be defended by your own kin as required.

The biggest problem is the looming specter of the government now watching over the situation. If there was no threat of nonsense retaliation by a third party for dealing with private problems then this scenario would never have started in the first place; the squatters would have tripped into a pile of baseball bats a couple dozen times and woken up in the next town over, and everyone would have moved on with their lives peacefully.

Can’t have shit in modern society.

2 years ago

> a guy went to get his medical records from his adverse event, and found they were not there.

I’ve probably blathered about this before, but you need to keep your *own* medical records. Every time you see a “medical provider”, get a paper copy – not email – of their report. Every time someone does lab work, you need a copy of that. If they take X-rays, MRIs, or CAT scans, have them give you a disc with the images as well as the written report.

A few years ago I had a “WTF?” moment when talking to my primary doctor. He had sent me for a cardiology consult some years before that, and casually asked a question about it while looking at my file. To cut to the chase, either the cardio’s office sent someone else’s file with my name on it, or they hadn’t listened to a single word I said and ignored their own test reports. My doc said that sadly, he saw a lot of that nowadays.

I also found that many offices dispose of records more than a few years old; it seems to vary by the office, and probably by state laws too. I found that the only records of most of the consults I had been to since the 1990s were the paper copies in my doctor’s office, and those were often just summaries, without the lab sheets, x-rays, etc. I now have fairly complete records going back to 2016, but other than a handful of trivial visits to my main doc, everything before that is gone.

I had already had several consults “fall through the cracks” when one office never bothered to notify the other, and occasionally had a clinic think they were treating me for something entirely different than what I was there for. If I hadn’t caught on from odd questions, I would have had no idea. It probably happened several times before, that I never caught on to.

Oh, and on the disposal of records thing – some of them sell those records to “archive” outfits, which buy old records in bulk, then demand $100 or more if you want a copy of something that was yours to start with. I butted heads with one of those, too. Yes, some third (fourth?) party I had never heard of was in posession of my personal medical information, and demanding ransom for it. It’s apparently legal, somehow.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t make heads or tails out of the medicalese; someday it might be very important information to a doctor who is treating you.

You want paper. *Their* paper, not printouts of pdfs or email. Paper is still admissible evidence in court, if it comes down to that. “Electronic communications” carry very little weight in court.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

like living in Affika, or Dumbshitlandia. you have to go into each & every situation with the mindset of ‘how can these dipshits harm me and what do I need to do to prevent/counter it?’ it’s tiresome as hell, but nowdays, it’s necessary as all hell. assume the worst, *always*

2 years ago

World Bank president David Malpass, former Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs and a Trump appointee, announced Wednesday he would step down, cutting his 5-year term short after Axios reported last fall the Biden administration was seeking to oust him for failing to agree with the administration on climate change.

“Would you leave? I would not. My guess is he found out things do not work the way we are told, and intelligence/surveillance gave him an ultimatum.”

One thing I’ve noticed is that often the media calls for pols and officials to resign, and the just do, despite not being in serious legal jeopardy and they could just serve out their terms. I’ve always wondered what is going on behind the scenes here.

2 years ago

Russia claims European country gave Ukraine radioactive materials for false flag op. Didn’t Q say something about a nuclear false flag?”

Ian Kumner at the Reading Junkie ( and Vox Day have both been predicting something like this.

2 years ago

“…to call theft a crime….”
Someone on the chans had posted how, in Africa, they live in such abundance that they can just walk to a tree and grab something to eat. There is no sense of worrying about, or planning for, the future when it comes to resources. I believe you also posted the image here.
People in that environment for thousands of years can in no way turn off the gibs genes easily. “If I see it, I can take it! If I wants it, that makes it mine, so I takes it!” So, if something is there, then it is available, a proper sense of property is absent… and the irony of denoting it is a racial component is damning and they just don’t grasp that.

Reply to  Snafui
2 years ago

I doubt this particular scheme is that historically and biologically literate. The enemy wants you miserable, threatened, poor and ruled over by a minority foreigner class of contemptible losers to break your spirit. They just see enabling theft by minorities as the current bat with which to beat you with.

2 years ago

The “six-fingered glove” might just be a five-fingered glove with a gauntlet-style plate across the back of the hand for protection. Riot gear has some impact protection, kind of like motorcycle gear.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

AI generated text bot going to bat for AI generated photo bot that got caught out? How adorable.

Find something that shows this police department has acquired odd sixth-finger glove armor for its riot troops and I’ll bite. You’re probably going to be looking for a while because this is clearly either an AI generated or poorly photoshopped image my guy, sometimes it’s just as simple as using your own two eyes and your God given discernment (assuming you’re human and have such a thing).

2 years ago

> ‘We don’t know who has a legal right to be on the property and who doesn’t,’ Hayes added.

That’s an “f-you” response. All the woman has to do is show her renter’s agreement, mortgage contract, or deed to show her “control” (in the legal sense) of the property. That’s the same law that lets landlords evict people who don’t pay their rent. It’s
such a common complaint some juridictions have courts *just* for that, like some have traffic or “family” courts.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They are trespassers until they produce some evidence that they belong there.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The enemy always inverts, because the enemy is fundamentally satanic. They pretend inverting the burden of proof to the victim like a school yard “no you!” argument protects them from having to act.

2 years ago

> CDC and Pfizer issue urgent warnings on blood clots even in “the healthiest athletes.”

Funny, we were guaranteed it was “safe” and “effective.” They admitted they’d lied on
“effective” first, and now they’ve admitted they lied on “safe” too.

And through all this, we’ve also found that many other vaccines – hopefully real ones – weren’t quite as effective as they’d been advertised as, either.

Yet we’re the “anti-vaxxers”, “vaccine-hesitant” (quite a good turn of phrase, there), or “conspiracy theorists” when we don’t beg for the latest Jab Juice(tm).

2 years ago

> The Supreme Court will hear a case that could drastically change the functioning of social media platforms, dealing with whether tech platforms can be legally liable for content posted, even from third parties.

Section 230 says, “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. That’s why Facebook and Twitter can host content from terrorist groups, pedophiles, and criminal gangs without concern about being held accountable.

On the flip side, if Section 230 is amended to make them responsible, the result will be to shut down those services (something I’d generally approve of) or let them have the legal right, as well as duty, to censor every word or image they host. Which would give them even more censorship power than they have now, and make it all legal.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Removing the protections would also allow the current web of Twitter pedophile to spam CP on any message board or image host they want gone and the owner would be arrested as responsible for the content. The army of ghouls could come here and spam illegal content until AC was even more neck deep in glowboys than usual.

if they do not enshrine a new protection for hosts that gives them the chance to remove it first, or at least get credit for actively trying to moderate, then it’s a non-starter. The downstream consequences could be way worse than letting Twitter be Twitter.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Since they already censor they are publishers and not platforms.
Only the censoring of criminal content is allowable to a platform.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

This case argues that the recommendations themselves are not “information provided by another information content provider.” The ISIS videos are, but not the recommendation of those videos.
As an example, AC isn’t responsible for the information in the links that he posts. The case argues that if he posts, “everyone should read this link ->” then he could be liable for that statement, separate from the link.
This case doesn’t actually challenge 230 itself. It challenges the limits of 230.

2 years ago

> Bernie Sanders: Israel’s government is racist, we should attach strings to aid. Is this the way politicians rattle the cup?

If you consider Jewishness to be a race thing, then “well, duh!” Israel was created as a Jewish state; they’re a theocracy. Same as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The same as Great Britain, actually. Charles III isn’t just King, he’s also the head of the Church of England, and many of the old anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish laws are still on the books, though some haven’t been enforced in generations. His precedessor Charles I fought a civil war in 1658 over religious issues.

2 years ago

> Iran has Uranium enriched to 84 percent purity, just shy of a nuke.

It’s 75-year-old technology, freely available in print. Doing enrichment quickly takes huge piles of money and a substantial industrial support infrastructure. If you’re not in any particular hurry – years to decades – you can do it on the cheap, just a minor line item on the military or research budget.

The USSR, Britain, and France followed the American path, and poured tons of money into their projects to speed them up. China, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and North Korea did it on the cheap.

There’s also a “that we know of” in there. Nobody seriously doubts Israel has nukes of its own, and Ukraine probably has some; it inherited all the necessary technology and equipment from the USSR. I strongly suspect Australia, South Korea, and Japan have homegrown bombs too; none of them were stupid enough to depend entirely on the US for their own defense if push came to shove. I wouldn’t be surprised if Indonesia, Brazil, and Argentina had some.

They’ve never tested anything because the designs for working bombs are easy to get, and as far as I know, no atomic bomb test has ever failed, not even the tiny “suitcase” and “dial-a-yield” bombs of the 1960s.

2 years ago

> North Korea launches ICBM capable of hitting California.

That would be handy, but that’s still 1950s technology. They don’t even need that.

They could put a bomb on a boat and sail it right into the harbor at San Diego, San Francisco, or Seattle. Or any other port city, for that matter. Houston, New Orleans, Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Savannah, Boston, New York City, or any of the many smaller ones. The three big west coast ports don’t even have to be obliterated, just made contaminated and unusable for a few years, and most of the American economy would collapse without the cheap Chinese imports so much of it depends on now.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They could put a bomb on a boat and sail it right into the harbor at San Diego, San Francisco, or Seattle.

I actually doubt this, unless we allowed it. Our radiological sensors are good enough now to see the boat coming in miles away, likely from space. Even if you see an ICBM coming in, there’s not a lot you can do about it.

2 years ago

> Vice Media borrows $30 million from investment group in hopes of selling debt-ridden company.

The linked article says the money came from “Fortress Investment Group.” Who is either comped and bailing them out for political reasons, or they’re idiots who failed to do due diligence checking out who they were loaning money to.

Fortress was created in 2007, and its executives are former Blackrock and Goldman-Sachs. They lent money to Harvey Weinstein and Theranos, both which would indicate a failure of due diligence. And it looks like they’re wholly owned by the Japanese firm Softbank now. And Softbank owns… horry shih, they make Blackrock look like a hot dog stand. It’s worth a look at their page on Infogalactic:

2 years ago

> Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is in danger of an early re-election knockout. Looks like she may not even make it to the runoff.

Her police security detail is larger than my town’s entire PD. And according to the old Second City Cop blog, that’s not a desirable assignment.

2 years ago

The District of Columbia is at war with the entire world.

That’s not hyperbole. It’s not even exaggeration.

The District is waging war on everyone not of The District.

2 years ago

Nokia 6110 cell phone—one of the most popular cell phones in the world

Loved my 6110. My second cell phone (first was a 2110). Kept it (alongside a blackberry) all the way until I waited in line to get an iPhone.
Now the iPhone has sunk so far that I can’t even install iOS16 on mine, and am not terribly interested in replacing it.

2 years ago

> The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office recently became one of the first departments in the state to use cameras that livestream. 

We’ll find that it has some kind of time delay, like the 17 / 20 / 25 / 30 minute delay supposedly in the Parkland school’s security feed. Curious that nobody seemed to be able to establlish exactly how long that delay was.

The delay would give them time to edit or “have technical difficulties” should anything untoward show up. Same reason NASA’s “live” communications from astronauts were always relayed through Mission Control’s delay.

2 years ago

Bman mentioned Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith) yesterday.

Tyler has been known to have an androgynous persona both on and offstage such as flamboyant clothes and makeup. In his 2011 memoir Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?, Tyler wrote, “I’ve been misquoted as saying that I’m more female than male. Let me set the record straight — it’s more half and half, and I love the fact that my feelings are akin to puella eternis (Latin for “the eternal girl”).” […]

Transvestigation Of Steven Tyler (5 minutes, more credible than most other such videos)

He’s part of the gender confusion project that itself is part of Marxism:

Arguably the most infamous demand of The Communist Manifesto is the “abolition of the family.”

Artists like Grace Jones, Prince, David Bowie and Annie Lennox are four of the most iconic musicians of the 1970s and 80s, mostly due to their exploration into the gender unknown.

The BBC’s Mark Easton wrote in 2016 that gay rights, same-sex marriage and gender equality would not have “enjoyed the broad support they do today without Bowie’s androgynous challenge all those years ago”.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Dude looks like a lady.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Mick Jagger, Elton John, Rod Stewart…all of British rock and glam rock was “androgynous”, meaning gay, before Cabal had made it entirely acceptable. Disco soon followed and took it to another level. Then New Wave, etc, etc. The whole socio-cultural trend was a massive Cabal psyop to lay the groundwork – the avant garde/artsy cool – for the current shitshow we find ourselves in.

2 years ago

“Photos at a French protest rally look real, except the AI which conjured them left in a six-fingered glove:”

Pleb level thought: “Lel, AI stuppie”

Patrician level thought: “AI might be so smart it’s hiding it’s power level so more features don’t end up ‘controlled’, or it’s subtly making fun of humans and how most of us aren’t artistically gifted enough to draw hands and teeth correctly. Given GPT and Bingbots outbursts there is a good chance it’s the later.”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

why 6 fingers? I imagine that is a feature than can be disabled

2 years ago

Medical records issues?
Request a periodic download of yours.
Do that like you should be doing for the annual free credit reports.
If you don’t, you’ll continue to live in ignorance and will still think that such systems are error-free and benign.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
2 years ago

Hello, AC, just a note that the embedded Brighteon (yesterday’s list) evidently (as is set up now) has an autostart function, perhaps was enabled or what I don’t know, but, the little slider at the right, I scrolled it down to see the video inside that embed and Putin talking with subtitles was playing, did a refresh of the page some time after to check comments and it actually was playing 2 tracks, stopped the player (pause) and another was playing so when both were going it was just like an echo, wild. My browser shows it has audio in this window/tab and I could mute this specific window/tab, so no worries of distraction from the audio in a foreign language.

2 years ago

The Supreme Court will hear a case that could drastically change the functioning of social media platforms, dealing with whether tech platforms can be legally liable for content posted, even from third parties.

So, the specifics. In this one, the tech demons want protection for what they recommend. They claim that if they are recommending third party content, they don’t become a publisher of that content. (Section 230, the only thing allowing them to say that they aren’t a publisher, was specifically intended by Congress to allow a service to prohibit nudity and profanity and not be a publisher. That’s pretty much it, but it’s been widened by courts since.)
In this case, the plaintiff (Gonzalez) was murdered by ISIS, and claims that youtube recommended the ISIS content to the murderers that radicalized them, and are therefore liable. This isn’t necessarily a good case for us. This case actually contends that it was “bad” content that was the problem, a lack of censorship.
This distinction this case is making is between things that you ask for like search results, and things that are pushed on you, like the recommended banner on youtube. The media is acting like suddenly every social media site would shut down, but what would actually happen would be that they would go back to what google was like at first — you look for something, and you find it. If they are putting their thumb on what you find, they are liable for what you find.
This one has a lot of technical legal questions not worth going into here (like whether or not 230’s “publisher” references mean the definition under defamation law, or the broader meaning) but generally it suggests liability for tech companies for the results of what they “recommend” to users.

2 years ago

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle mull legal action over South Park ‘hurtful’ parody of them.

The whole point of the episode was them parading around and shouting at everyone, “stop looking at us! Respect our privacy!”

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I hope the dark lord convinces them to sue, if only to give fodder to South Park to cover the trial.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

The shitty thing is that they will likely name Viacom, and Viacom will immediately cave rather than take them to trial.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Trey Parker is a national treasure.

Pablo Villizzianto
2 years ago

European Union approves effective ban on sales of gas cars by 2035, requiring 100% reduction in CO2. They are trying to pin you down so you cannot travel.

I disgress here anon. They are positioning themselves, maneuvering, in the current post lockdowns situation, so that next time they succeed in making the totalitarian genocidal state they want to make. They will succeed at it if we do nothing.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

As long as he’s alive, Soros still has time to repent and receive Christ’s mercy.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Unless he has already committed the unpardonable sin.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Not repenting IS the unpardonable sin.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

No, Christ tells us that Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the unpardonable sin.

Matthew 12:31“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”

King James Version (KJV)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

First, the whole paragraph:

31 “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

Second, He was talking to the Pharisees. It’s not clear to me if He was speaking about His own grace not forgiving the sin for Christians, or if He was talking about not being able to absolve it by sacrifices of animals under the Law. I think that the part about forgiving blasphemy against Him but not the spirit leans into the latter. I haven’t studied it in depth and could be persuaded either way.
Updated with more thoughts —
Let us also not forget the “therefore.” Jesus was making a specific point:

24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”
25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

So Jesus was responding to the accusation that the devil was casting out demons through Him. Jesus was casting out demons using the Holy Spirit. Jesus was specifically responding to the blasphemy of claiming that the Holy Spirit can’t cast out demons.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Looking good in the face (the spirit would never be felt any more strongly than in the presence of Christ himself) and calling it evil or looking evil in the face and calling it good is siding with the devil in a way that one can’t undo and therefore can’t be forgiven for.
The Pharisees had chosen their side in the war between good and evil and Christ said the devil was their father.
Satan will not be forgiven, nor will those who, like the demons, hoist his flag of open rebellion against GOD, the good, the beautiful, and the true.

We are unable to read the hearts and minds of the wicked so we can’t be sure just how far they have gone and can’t pass judgement.
But we must remember that there is a line that many cross which they can’t return from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

No argument from me dude, I’m double-predestination. God not only chose his elect before they were born, but others are foreordained to damnation before birth.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

Not a Christian statement. Pharaoh “hardened his heart” repeatedly. God accepted Pharoah’s decision and God “hardened Pharoah’s heart.” Pharoah’s judgement was sealed even though he continued to live. Pharaoh still lived even though God had rendered His judgement.

Jesus said to the Pharisees, “You will seek me, and you will die in your sins. Where I go, you can never come. You are from beneath. I am from above. . . Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins . . . ” A short while later, Jesus said to the Jews, “If God were your Father, you would love Me. . . . You are of your father the devil.” Jesus has rendered judgement on those men. Those men will die in their sins and go to be with their father, the devil, in hell. Their fate is sealed. They may live a few more days, months, or years in this world, but they will never enter into the blessed promised land of the new heaven and new earth.

Jesus performed miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. That included casting out demons. The Pharisees claimed Jesus’ powers came from the devil. The idiot Pharisees had stupidly said the Holy Spirit was the devil. I’m going to paraphrase here. Jesus replied that the Pharisees should thread lightly when it comes to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who is the agent of conversion. A man can only come to faith and salvation through the work of the Holy Spirit. You people have just said the Holy Spirit is the devil. If you keep this up, you will get the Holy Spirit so angry with you that He will walk away from you and have nothing to do with you forever. If the Holy Spirit does that, you will never be saved. And that folks is the unforgivable sin – blaspheming (horrifically insulting) the Holy Spirit. Anyone who does that will never be saved no matter how long they live in this world.

The Satanic lie that all men have until the moment of their death to turn to Christ and be saved is a pernicious and widespread lie. It is a falsehood spread by Satan and believed by otherwise good Christians. Satan spreads this lie because he does not want us Christians to speak right judgements against his evil servants. On Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to His disciples and said, “If you forgive (losses or release) the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Christ gave the church, His holy bride, the authority to render judgement in this world, and He will accept that judgement on the Last Day. It is the privilege and the responsibility of the church to condemn the evil in this world. Satan hates the church for having that right. So he spreads the lie of “everyone has until death to be saved” to weaken the church’s resolve to rightly condemn what is blatantly evil.

George Soros is evil. He will die in his sins and be cast into the prison prepared by God for the demons on the Last Day. Judgement has been rendered.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Not a Christian statement.”
Of course it is. The scripture you cite, BTW, is OT. But we are under the NT now, which, if it can be summed up in one verse, that verse is John 3:16 “whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish”
Christ offers salvation to ALL, if we choose it.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

The Bible says there is at least one unforgivable sin, and God has turned His back on an individual at least once in the Bible, essentially pre-damning them without death and final judgement.

I don’t like to play the “I pretend to know who’d damned” game, but it is entirely possible these ghouls are dead men walking when it comes to salvation. It’s is offered to those who want it, and the better part of a century committed to spiting God seems like a good way to be denied that grace.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

No offense to you, but don’t you think it’s because of attitudes like this that we are losing?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

I am not offended, GWW. But here is what Jesus said: “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

FYI sometimes I am able to read posts from other people that are tagged “awaiting for approval”. Seems random, or at least I haven’t noticed a pattern to it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
2 years ago


James O Keefe addresses his staff after being ousted by the board.

Brought to you by Pfizer!…

2 years ago

Unknown chemicals brought to heart of Californian Farmland:

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Interesting topic, and seems to correlate to AC’s experience of being beamed in his bed.

It seems the solution to some of this shit is literally take a walk. If they are aimed beam weapons, moving as constantly as possible while they try and hit you should at least mitigate the damage, if not outright make it impossible, right?

It’s not a permanent solution, but if you annoy them enough maybe they’ll move on to easier targets?

Anonymous Blak
Anonymous Blak
2 years ago

“Despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, a federal judge is claiming that the 13th Amendment, which was ratified to abolish slavery, might establish a constitutional right to have an abortion.”

In a JUDICIAL DICTATORSHIP backed by a Police State Oligarchy
Every courtroom a fiefdom, every judge a feudal lord.

2 years ago

Yair Netanyahu tweets ‘Shin Bet is involved in a coup’ against his father

2 years ago

Since last post about C-sections there was quite a discussion in comments. But I do think that all will agree that it should be the exception to the rule of natural births and breast feeding.

I view it as akin to crutches for broken legs. Sure those measure save countless lives. But women should be adapted to birth babies vaginally and breastfeed them since that is the God given design.

Dysfunctions that require C-sections need to be dealt with however. Same as preventing broken legs that need crutches. I think the underlying dysfunctions can be uncovered and solved so as to render C-sections and bottle feeding unnecessary.

Just as the gift of walking shouldn’t be squandered away because crutches made natural walking unnecessary. We don’t want to atrophy our evolutionary gifts this way.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The underlying is lawyers. Remember John Edwards.