Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Has anyone ever heard of a website called
Epstein’s French counterpart, “modeling scout” Jean Luc Brunel, who once sent Epstein 3 12 year old French girls as a birthday gift, committed suicide by hanging himself in prison. It is not like they could have seen that coming. Think about what it would have taken to make this happen in a French prison, where it could reasonably have been expected after Epstein, and how many people would have had to be compromised and already in place as permanent sleepers, to assure mission success, and assure there would be no operational exposure. Because intel does not do these things half-assed or risk embarrassing exposures at this level. I have been saying for a long time, the evidence I was looking at indicated very strongly that what you see on the street in your neighborhood, operates under a single command structure which spans continents, is operational in every western nation, and which may point to the very idea of nations as a psyop to make us think we are fighting with others overseas, so we never look to who really is responsible for everything. It sounded crazy back then, but now, not so much. Also, I think they may very well have chosen both Epstein and this guy for their helplessness, just in the event it came to this. It is possible a door like that would have been closed to guys like Tito Ortiz, Randy Couture, or Ken Shamrock, for obvious reasons.
There were no video cameras on in his cell, so unfortunately we don’t have any video of the incident. Daily Mail appears to have briefly tweeted there were cameras but they were turned off, but they quickly pulled the tweet.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s family ‘fears for her safety’ after Brunel found dead.
Bernie Madoff’s sister and husband dead in possible murder-suicide. I always think of Randy Quaid saying of the celebrity star-whacker victims, to the gathered media, something like, “How many people have you ever crossed paths with who died like this? One? Two, maybe? I personally know 74 people who have died under circumstances like this!”
Did they only get data from Trump Tower’s tapped wires during the transition?
Or did they get data back to 2014 as is claimed for the EOP?
What was Trump’s team doing from 2014-2016? Running FBI stings on the Russians!
Including Latham client Evgeny Buryakov.— DawsonSField (@DawsonSField) February 19, 2022
Capitol police are considering constructing temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union. We are back to the fences.
An article on Havana syndrome hypothesizes that RF of EM energy, sent in high-energy nanosecond pulses would be very difficult to detect. I assume your detector sees nothing, the pulse hits and begins to jiggle the detector, but before it registers, the burst is so fast, things are back to zero again. Also this was at the link, which sounds kind of like Fluoridating the water, or making everyone take the vaccine: “It seems that Russia has done experiments showing that there is toxicity for the brain if exposed to low levels of RF energy (for example, 0.1 watts per square meter) for more than three hours. Comparatively, the limit of toxicity by U.S. standards is 10 watts per square meter (100 times more than in Russia).”
Liberal Law Professor Jonathan Turley points out the media is melting down over Durham lately because he is revealing things which directly contradict al of their prior reporting. Cabal wants everyone to accept what their mouthpieces tell them. For that reason, when Cabal was in control, you did not see the media contradicted this badly. Nobody ever looked as much a tool as Leslie Stahl did, because that was bad for the public’s trust. That they are now being made to look clueless says to me Cabal is at the least, not in full control.
Older article on parallel construction. Begins with a case where DEA actually staged an accident to get a guy out of his car, then had another agent rear end him while drunk and get fake-arrested, and then another agent stole the car right in front of the cops and ran off from it so they could then search it and find drugs they knew were there from surveillance. After that first story it is a long read hashing stuff you already know from here, with no more interesting stories.
Some argue this was how the Bitfinex hacking case was probably solved. I can tell you, there is zero chance their local network did not get curious where all that money came from and unravel it. And since I assume any DOJ-seized funds get laundered right back to Cabal, the locals would hand over their intel to get DOJ to seize it.
The FBI seized almost $1 million from this family—and never charged them with a crime.
Video of a Jet-powered leave blower. Three vehicles just happen to be driving around in the background in this parking lot. Notice, a slushy, snowy day. Is the window up or down on the last SUV driving behind them? That is what it looks like. If I had to pick a number and bet, I would bet all three were this dude’s coverage.
RCMP Police exchange chat messages joking about the disabled grandma they trampled with the horse. When you spend enough time being manipulated, you begin to distrust everything you see. Notice, Trudeau had a long period where he was having trouble getting the Police to violently put down the riots. I’ll bet a lot of cops were letting things slide by, and not really doing what they were ordered to. Notice how now every outlet is pushing this “outrage.” I’d love to know who the people were who posted those comments. As it spreads, people will become hostile to the Police. Then the Police will become hostile to them. Who benefits from that? The guys like Trudeau who want to be able to tell the Police to attack, and see them give no mercy. Everything is manipulation, and these are very sophisticated people doing the manipulation. And leftist Cabalites love playing, “Let’s you and him fight!”
Some think the Police you are seeing might not be Police, but rather might be UN troops dressed up as Police and putting on a skit. If the Police aren’t real, the protesters you see may not be real either, and it could all be being produced as a psyop. That scene in the movie Enemy of the State, where the glowie is walking around the crime scene in the park, where they killed the Senator, and he has his little Park Police outfit and his cup of coffee as he looks for anything command would want to know about, was not at all unrealistic.
Flashback a year and a half – Australia puts forth a bill to allow UN troops to be deployed against citizens on their own soil. It would not be anything to have them do so under the cover of local Police forces.
Police have no names or badge numbers on their uniforms.
Ottawa Police shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful freedom protesters.
Ottawa Police Chief says even if protesters “retreat and go home”, they’ll be hunted and punished.
The Canadian woman trampled by the horse made it, contrary to prior reports.
Vladimir Putin called Trudeau a tyrant.
Microwave energy weapons deployed against Canberra Freedom Convoy.
Canadian Civil Liberties Association announces lawsuit over Trudeau’s Emergencies Act.
Mo Brooks says U.S. should grant Canadian truckers political asylum.
GiveSendGo says some donations were sent to Truckers, but the rest is in an ‘undisclosed US bank.’
CDC and Pfizer issue urgent warnings on blood clots even in “the healthiest athletes.”
Not so private messaging: Facebook announces ‘fact checking’ in WhatsApp for French election.
Deodorant recalled due to unexpected levels of cancer-causing chemicals. Cancer is big business.
Lumber prices have never been this high ahead of spring building season.
Ocasio-Cortez flies first class, ditching the plebes.
Tony Podesta pulls in $1 million lobbying White House on behalf of Huawei.
In a short piece Infowars makes the case the Cartels are controlling the media in much the way Cabal does north of the border, using coercion and infiltration to make sure the media does not report the truth, and instead broadcasts propaganda. No need to read it if you are pressed. It works that way because both are Cabal. If the Mexican government wanted to mobilize the Army, and deal with the Cartels they would.
Ukraine continues shelling Russia’s border areas and civilian infrastructure of Donbas.
Ukraine threatens to renounce its non-nuclear status.
Rand Paul almost single-handedly killed a Senate rebuke of Russia.
Joe Rogan’s Spotify deal allegedly worth more than $200 million, double than earlier reports.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Shows 5-Point Lead over Beto O’Rourke. If they are saying it is this close, they must think they have a very strong rigging game.
As GOP fortunes soar, Liz Cheney gets toxic even to the GOPe.
Democrat congressional retirements hit a 30 year high.
Trump’s Truth Social app set for release Monday in Apple App Store, per executive. If he starts shitposting funny posts, like his response to Jeb Bush’s long, drawn-out, verbose demand for a one on one debate, where he just tweeted back a picture of Jeb picking his nose, or his classic about Mika being drugged up, bruised and bleeding from a bad face lift while trying to meet him and he said, “No!”, the sky will be the limit on that thing.
Spread r/K Theory, because Mika’s facelift wasn’t why Trump said, “No!”
Excellent analysis redirects to
I was just curious if anybody knew him. He was getting the Vox Day treatment in the comments, probably from the same people. He may have shut down to get away from it.
Next time there’s a Southwest Florida blogshoot, I’m going to go and hopefully meet him, borepatch, divemedic, et al. They had to postpone this year because borepatch and his wife both got the rona last month.
The Disney redirect is probably a joke on his part. He followed the breadcrumbs of his blog spammers and found out they all worked in some incestuous gamma hive at Disney (the Florida park sort of near where he lives), and he was taking he fight to them personally by contacting family, employers, etc. about their behavior to get them to piss off. Could be something went down there, but he’s also taking care of an adult stepdaughter, grandchildren, and putting up a buddy of his all at once, so could just be he needed a break.
His blogspot page is still up here:
AC what do you use for a contact email?
I have some links regarding the trolls that are shitting on a bunch of blogs
Thanks, Feral. should be good. Thank you!
“Has anyone ever heard of a website called”
Yeah. I know the guy. He’s currently posting at:
He’s been cancelled a couple of times at for unauthorized verbal dissension.
Thank you.
One of us.
Sounds about right.
Appreciate it all. Yeah, taking a break. Been burned out lately as the work, fam and ‘other’ has just left me with no wind in Ye Olde Sails so to speak.
That and a hell of a headcold. APrreciate the kind words and whatnot. I’m assuming that Anthony with his ‘fake and ghey’ compassionate conservative’ sent you a plea to publically hose me? Appreciate that you at least asked LOL.
Worst part is they’ve opened theyselves now to a defamation suit. They’re not very bright.
I’ve been following the dude that blogs at for a couple years or so. That’s actually a mirror site for his blogspot at . He’s ex-Army, ex-Military Contractor, occasional authentic personal posts about family BS and whatnot. Recently, he’s been documenting the drama around shills/trolls attacking his and other blogger sites like bustedknuckles. Interestingly, they seem to have a common nexus of having worked for Disney, which is why the currently redirects to . He’s been working with police to get them busted for physical threats, etc.
Interesting, thank you. They are posing as conservatives trying to purge elements that are racist, bigoted, etc from the party before it hurts Trump, and htey are claiming he is some sort of radical racist. Same MO as Vox. Interesting to know Vox’s shills may all be some sort of coordinated effort centered out of the Devil Mouse too.
Amusing tale of 2 cops who declined to assist their commanding officer, instead choosing to play Pokemon Go. Apparently they took the call and then decided to ignore it and then drove around LA looking for whatever you look for in the game. It occurred to me that one could probably quite easily manipulate the game to orchestrate gangstalking, e.g. tell players there’s a high-value item close to your target, so suddenly hundreds of people are driving or walking by him with an odd distracted air, glancing at their phones as if for instructions.
Possible on the gangstalking, but the majority of content in Pokemon Go is generated near your current position. You get a couple hundred foot radius of your location where Pokémon are generated to catch, so not much incentive to travel across town or to any specific location on a regular basis.
There are Gyms and Raids that pop up around landmarks that could draw people in from a few miles around, but barring special events there’s no strong reason to pick one particular gym over others, and it’s usually easier to target the gyms near your home so you can collect the rewards more efficiently.
For at least a decade people have been wondering if LARP (Live Action Role Play) games have been used to run intelligence operations. They play spies, cops and robbers, etc. in games that can last for weeks or months, running “in character” for their game time.
I distinctly remember when Pokémon Go came out, a handful of stories of police departments inviting players with outstanding warrants to do whatever it is you do in the game in the police department lobby. And it worked!
Further to my last comment, of course another possibility is that the cops had a target to stalk, and knowing they had camera active in their car, talked about it in terms of Pokemon. Imagine, AC, if your stalkers talk about you in Pokemon terms. I don’t know enough about the game to know what exactly it’s about but it would add an extra level of surreality.
If you click on the link and then go to the “monsters” section, symbols talks about pokemon if your interested.
Q said that alex jones is a traitor. I think alex jones represents the 2nd wall in front of the 1st wall, the 1st wall being the mainstream media, so that any one who realizes that something is wrong with mainstream media, is immediately drawn to alex jones, not knowing that he is also on the payroll. I think some of what he says is truthful, other stuff, not so much. I remember him absolutely freaking out and trying to get a large swath of trump voters to go ballistic after it appeared trump “lost” the election. Ask yourselves, who benefits the most from getting people scared, upset and angry? Certainly not his target demographic. Ask yourselves why he has never talked about what ac talks about, even though if he was truly on our side, thats all he would be talking about. He has never mentioned symbolism in media at all, which is a huge red flag in my opinion. I haven’t listened to infowars in a while, but i wouldn’t be surprised if he has completely turned his back on trump at this point, as I’m sure more astute observers have predicted. Maybe alex is a good guy at heart, maybe he is just stuck in a bad system, but I’m confident that Infowars is largely misinformation with some truth thrown in here and there.
Gatekeepers are more effective the more they tell the truth, and so long as they avoid the major truth that matters they can say whatever they want and Cabal will let them go wild.
If a taking head never tells you about surveillance, and never tells you the enemy is owned and controlled by Satan in his war against God, who loves you, then they’re either ignorant or controlled.
Most houses have two walls, plus insulation between them.
The big tell is the expense of Alex Jones’ studio. That’s a high dollar operation. I can’t believe his audience is sufficiently big to generate that kind of revenue and production personnel.
The other big tell is the hyper, crazy, manic way he acts. It’s designed to cause normal people to think anyone who spouts similar ideas must be just as crazy as he is. There’s a reason, “he’s an Alex Jones type” is something you hear, and it’s not a flattering thing to hear.
I go back to the Matrix – Neo still had special abilities in the “real world”, which is impossible. That means that they never left the Matrix and that even the agents had no idea.
AJ is the last net in the rabbit hole where they can catch and hold you. He is funded by Mossad, or at least was. The guy supposedly does 50 million a year these days, and that’s an awful lot of boner pills, so much so that I wonder if it’s just a variation on the book deals.
Long time ago when I was still a listener, AJ interviewed Genesis Communications owner and specifically broached the subject of why the guy had kept him on after 9/11, when AJ provably was cancelled for calling 9/11 a false flag – down to a few dozen stations nationwide.
Even then I instantly knew the answer – it’s because AJ has a very specific talent to talk people into a state of panic where they seek some kind of reassurance – gold coins, MREs, guns, whatever. AJ is simply the best panic salesman that I think any of us will ever see.
And he gets fifty million a year to keep as many of the red pilled in a panic cage as he can.
Alex Jones was “outed” a long time ago by Bill Cooper but Cooper is dead and has been since his assassination by local police shortly after 9/11. The last straw for him was AJ making all these wild claims on Y2K and trying to stir people up. AJ’s MO has always been to try and present this extreme behavior. Listen to the language he uses. As you mention, AJ NEVER goes into any of the symbolism though he claims to have taught himself all of this knowledge that he conveniently never shares. He tried to go on a speaking tour one time and had to halt it after audience members called him out for flashing occult hand signs while speaking. Definitely look hard at anyone associated with Infowars, past or present.
If you have free time, Bill Cooper’s old “Hour of the Time” episodes are excellent for background on the occult and the Luciferian system. The mystery cult goes hand in glove with the Cabal surveillance system AC always talks about. The rituals are yet another tie that binds, both the blackmail secret stuff but the ones performed publicly for and upon the ignorant. “Consignment to the Flames” is the mildest of their rituals (Waco was one of these). If nothing else, listen to “Mystery Babylon” and read “Behold a Pale Horse.” “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” is chilling.
I never could stand to listen to more than 10 seconds of that guy speaking. He has one of the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. I’d rather listen to Joy Behar read the entire Bible than listen to AJ for more than 5 minutes.
> Older article on parallel construction.
“Parallel construction” means “lying under oath.” That is, perjury. There is no exception written anywhere; it applies to anyone in the courtroom. Yet the courts have decided that it’s perfectly okay for prosecutors and their witnesses to lie to their face.
I’ve looked a few times, and I’ve never found any case of anyone even being censured for “parallel construction”, much less charged, fined, or jailed.
“One law for us, another law for you.”
> Ottawa Police Chief says even if protesters “retreat and go home”, they’ll be hunted and punished.
In that case, he’s just created a bunch of pissed-off people who have nothing to lose.
Probably more of them than Provincial Police and Mounties, too.
> Police have no names or badge numbers on their uniforms.
That’s standard procedure for American SWAT teams. And the face masks. “For their personal safety.”
If they didn’t act like Gestapo, they wouldn’t have to worry about that.
> Chinese man lured by fake job ad became ‘blood slave’ in Cambodia, where a gang forcibly drained him of blood to sell to buyers on the black market.
There have been a couple of similar cases in India that made international news.
Makes you wonder if they run gene and immune system tests and market sources of transplant material as a sideline. A good pair of kidneys or lungs would be worth a couple orders of magnitude more than blood to the right customer. And I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to find a shady hospital somewhere to do the surgery.
All you need are doctors who don’t care, or who won’t ask too many questions. And now we know that’s most of them, even in the First World countries.
This was one of the articles that gave me the willies today.
He’s way too old to be of use for parabiosis. I may be totally unaware, but is there a worldwide blood shortage?
Other 2 articles:
There was also that recent reporting on genetically modified pig hearts that supposedly don’t cause rejection.
So, expecting a lot of heart attacks. Check.
Needing a way to minimize damage from said large number of heart attacks. Check.
Needing a lot of organs for those not sufficiently treated by above. Check.
The gene therapy article doesn’t go into detail, and I admittedly haven’t looked further. My understanding is heart attack -> lack of oxygen -> cell death.
Dead cells are dead. Short of injecting stem cells or some such, I don’t think you can grow back dead tissue no matter what gene therapy you try. Gene therapy only works on living cells.
The surviving surrounding cells can/do go into an apoptosis cascade, but caught early enough could (?) be stopped. I’m guessing this is what they’re trying to target (apoptosis).
For the “repair” portion of this “gene therapy”, many years ago scientists were monkeying around with the expression of genes responsible for vascularization. The idea was to turn off the genes allowing cancer cells to mega-vascularize cancerous tissue and thus starve/suffocate the cancer to death. At the time they also discussed turning on the genes to revascularize damaged tissue. What other gene expression in cells will “repair” heart attack damage? (I haven’t heard anything about this anti-cancer strategy for maybe @15 years. Yet another medical treatment blocked/memory holed by Big Pharma???)
I have a very bad feeling about all of this. We really are just lab rats and donors in their quest for health and longevity. It’s always been this way, but does it seem like they’re ramping up for… something?
They hate us and want us dead, so we are clearly not meant to be the beneficiaries of this technology. They’ve always needed, and used, our organs, so why the sudden rush to reveal this tech and presumably begin large scale clinical trials on us plebes?
> Ukraine threatens to renounce its non-nuclear status.
Supposedly they have fifteen nuclear reactors, not counting Chernobyl.
Being that they’re all Soviet-era construction, it’s most probable they’re easily capable of making weapons-grade fissionables as well as power generation.
As far as I know all of the Soviet weapons manufacturing facilities were deep inside the USSR; Ukraine would have been considered vulnerable to Western invasion. But manufacture is no secret; it just takes money.
A nuclear armed money laundering hub would be very useful to lots of ppl. ISR and London and Ukraine.
AC, if people don’t own trucks, can’t leave home, etc, people can still strike a blow, beginning today, and even though the surveillance exists.
You should just avoid purchasing ALL products and services sold or manufactured by publicly traded corporations unless absolutely necessary.
Pass this on:
Buy something else, go without, make it yourself, shop locally, buy it used, wear it out, patch the hole, etc.
Anybody can do this, and it can be fun and productive:
If 50 million people each deprived (((Them))) of just $20, that’s ONE BILLION.
If 80 million “Deplorables” deprive (((Them))) of $100 each, that’s $8 Billion.
If 100 million Pissed Off-Niks each deprived (((Them))) of $1000 every year, that would be 1/10 of a TRILLION dollars removed from the Jew/Globalist economy.
Very do-able, no need for an organization with (((Leaders))), you will be healthier eating real food, made from scratch, and if you network only with real people — family, friends, and neighbors you know, there will be mutual support networks and a REAL organization.
Plant a Victory Garden, get a crockpot (corporate, if necessary), get an Amish farmer to raise a cow for you and/or neighbors to freeze, get into handloading ammo, etc. Make Passion Flower tincture and throw away the Antidepressants, take control of your own health care, hire a neighbor to fix your car — then tell you friends about him, etc. Host a potluck dinner every month to share ideas and “stuff.”
Learn to make beer.
Only introduce “political ideas” AFTER you know people
Secession from the (((Global))) (((Economy)))!
“Ottawa Police exchange chat messages joking about the disabled grandma they trampled with the horse.”
AC, minor nit. It’s not the Ottawa Police but the RCMP.
Thank you, will correct.
Why did you not post my comments regarding BCE? I would have dealt with any blowback, with truth.
I posted one of your three or four comments which said you didn’t like him. Others here said they like him. I have no knowledge of him, but didn’t see any use in turning the comments section into another shitshow arguing over a guy whose relation to the topics here is distant at best.
Plus the ones who said they like him tend to be regular contributors of interesting stuff here, who came for comraderie and good times, and not to get in a shitstorm with random dudes who want to turn this site into shitstorms about every thing they happen across they don’t like.
I have to keep the comments here on point, as the past has shown.
No, it’s a different game. They do this every time in Texas (like with abortion Barbie). They put out “polling” that makes them look like they have a chance to see if anything shifts in the polls. If it doesn’t, they will push one of the many stupid things he says as the reason he “unexpectedly” starts polling badly (which is the real polling.)
A couple of weeks later, the new hotness will be “within 5 points” and it all starts over again.
“NY Times claim that “forensic” fingerprinting of writing patterns was used to identify Jim Watkins and others as being the founders of the Q Anon scheme.”
It was nice of Jim Watkins to organise the execution of John McCain, and to let us know exactly one month to the minute when it was going to be carried it out. Very thoughtful of him.
Funny thing with Q if its a white hat Op or just some sharp based shitposter on to cabal and its massive brainwashing systems, giving better than recieved, the globo=peedo fuckers, by way of like an anal retentive dog worrying on a tennis ball, have made Q into what they seem to fear and despise so much. Like they have with Pepe, and The God Emperor, the prepostrous attempts and farce of trying to outlaw Fuck You accompanied by proscribing every American with blue eyes, O negative blood type, and K Strategist pure blood, which really tells us a lot. So now they are talking about a new fence to keep the pure blood barbariens with their global peedo carbon rich spewing exhaust 18 whelled dues machina’s out of their precious little clown ceptic tank zone.
“And Ye shall know them by their works”
Thats some major fucking evidence right there how we win.
BCE is by all appearance a very generous guy. Has a lot of empathy for others. Thats virtues and character no shill gangstalker no matter what cabal training center graduated from, just look at turdoo up north and similar cabal operatives, its apparent glowie agent provocateurs have difficulty posing and faking basic good folk generosity and compassion, past giving it lip service, add to that their shill backups lurking ready to gangstalkerbang any doubters or questioners.
Hard faking being a decent sort when your a diabolical traitor in sheeps whole cloth.
Its good to maintain this internal mantra, good folks do not do such things, it applies to everything cabal to gangstalker and decepticon, i find it a great situational awareness mindset. That and pattern in detail, because everything the fuckers do is contaminated with intell-skullduggery and layers of misdirection and without direct knowledge so much is occluded by their lies and plausible deniability. You got to start with some basic reference point regardless. The first smell test thats consistently fairly reliable. Its a start anyways. If your off, no harm caused in any case. Your not going to hurt a fellow good guy. Piss him off maybe, but you can apologize too to a real genuine good folk, usually though the fuckers cant help it they react in typical ways, tell on themselves, seems they don’t see it though. And thats another tell.
RE: Jet power leaf blower
OMG that was hilarious. I’m sure the guy parked across the street is coverage, and I’m sure he was laughing, too. That is the single least practical lawn care product ever prototyped, and it’s glorious.
Literally, you can watch the fuel level drop perceptible to the human eye. I think it’s a turbine from the RC plane world, not sure though.
” During the Cold War, the Russians bombarded the US embassy in Moscow with radiofrequency (microwave) radiation for several hours a day from the 1950s until 1979. The US government never confirmed the reason for the irradiation though there were several theories.”
Re: “The Canadian woman trampled by the horse made it, contrary to prior reports.”
Posobiec tweeted this pic as well, claiming her name is Candy Sero. Interesting name…
Pictured with a coffee that appears to have “45”written on it (water = info, so coffee = brewed water, or fake news)
Also included a 17 word message : “Her name is Candy Sero.They sent the horses at her. But she is not backing down.”
Perhaps Posobeic likes writing Haiku’s?…any rate, lots of comm type signals going on here
RE:Canadian Trucker protest reports
The UN troop theory and lack of identification would jive with some of the other reports of protestors given a “mobile” detention of 15-20 minutes. I’d be curious to know how many of the “police” in a vehicle spoke other than a Canadian minder from the Intel community. I’m sure Canada has their share of secret squirrels to guide the foreigners. None of these people would have arrest powers if Canadian Law is anything close to American Law regarding arrest powers and authorized law enforcement. Unfortunately this could also be a means of removing assets before things truly get ugly. Importing oppressors from across the empire has been a tactic used quite often in history. I imagine it would discourage some people to be roughed up and essentially kidnapped. More terror tactics, this from Revolver:
I expect the “good cause” no-eviction thing will be specifically used to target small-time renters, to force them to sell the property to avoid losing everything to squatters. Heavy hitters will not be affected, other than being able to pick up cheap properties in residential neighborhoods.
There is always recourse. If you can’t evict, and don’t want to sell, then find “alternative means” to convince them to leave, or finding them dead and no longer in need of domicile, will become popular.
Off the topics but on for your personal safety. Be very cautious visiting New York State.
“During the BLM race riots, Cuomo signed a bill into law that banned “reporting a nonemergency incident involving a member of a protected class.”
Nash was a member of a “protected class”.
Calling the police on a black person without “an imminent threat” made the victim into the perpetrator.
Until the moment when Nash physically assaulted Lee, she would have been the criminal for calling the cops on him.”
The above is from It is an essay about the death of Christina Lee at the hands of continuously released criminal who as usual is black.
Cabal comms:
Elon Musk calls David From a “hypocritical megadouche.”
Frum fires back very awkwardly, and then in the replies references Ford Motor Company, as if he’s plugging their electric vehicles as being superb to Tesla’s.
It’s something deeper. He’s telling Cabal that they need to give Musk the treatment they gave to Henry Ford because he’s getting too mouthy and criticizing his rulers.
“He’s telling Cabal that they need to give Musk the treatment they gave to Henry Ford because he’s getting too mouthy and criticizing his rulers.”
Wut. Henry Ford was as deep in the cabal as one gets.
As was another R hero, the Father of the Progressive Party (called the Bull Moose Party back then), the Original Neocon, Teddy Roosevelt (loooooved him some Trotsky).
You have little idea what you’re talking about. I won’t even dignify you with a response on your points.
Check out the recoil on this thing. It… doesn’t.
“Capitol police are considering constructing temporary fence around Capitol ahead of the State of the Union. ”
As I’ve commented her previously, I believe that this might be due to preparing the Capitol for when the White Hats takeover. They’ve already done a test run. This will be another test of efficient set up.
Because if the White Hats take the Congress and the White House, they’ll need to be able to physically secure both.