News Briefs – 02/20/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet:



The Tweet:



Trump ousts top defense official who certified Ukraine aid.

Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich says he was a ‘political prisoner’ and thanks Trump in defiant news conference after release from prison. Is he blowing smoke, or is there more to his story? I get the impression over the last decade, a lot of people got ultimatums from Cabal, and those who blew Cabal off got sent to federal prison. Could be more to his story that will come out.

Assange Lawyer claims Dana Rohrabacher showed up to tell Julian Assange Trump would give him a pardon if he denied any Russian involvement in the DNC hack. Except Trump says he doesn’t know Rohrabacher, and never even discussed any of this with him, let alone sent him to ask. But now a completely fabricated allegation could trigger a new Impeachment investigation.

Justice Department picks US attorney to oversee all Ukraine investigations.

Corona stats show 75,758 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,129 fatalities. Yesterday was 75,289 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,010 fatalities. Fewer today than yesterday, if you believe China’s numbers. Deaths increased 5.9%.

Chinese federal government tells leaders in the City of Wuhan, “This must be taken seriously – if a single new case is found [after Wednesday] the district leaders will be held responsible.” So basically you can bet that the Corona Virus pandemic will be officially over in Wuhan by next Wednesday. Or at least the official record, on paper, will say there are no more infected patients, and every dead body will be disappeared or attributed to something else.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, 51 new cases of coronavirus were reported in 24 hours. Yesterday the total was 31, today it’s 82. More than doubling in one day, and they can’t weld people into their apartments for three weeks. It makes you wonder if the Chinese are even remotely accurate in their numbers, or whether maybe total authoritarian control might actually have a massive effect on the spread of the virus.

Iran reports two suspected fatal cases of Corona virus at Qom hospital. Now this is interesting. Were these tourists? If not, is there some hidden relationship between Iran and China? How did it get there?

746 people in Washington being supervised due to coronavirus outbreak.

More than 5,400 people had been asked to self-quarantine in California alone as of Feb. 14 due to Corona virus concerns, according to the California Department of Public Health.

China expels Wall Street Journal journalists for article critical of its response, which it claimed was racist. There should be a pandemic treaty allowing international examination of any potential pandemic like this. Having no idea of what is going on is ridiculous. If you want to be in the UN, you should have to open your doors the moment a global pandemic shows up in your nation.

Sen. Tom Cotton argues US needs to ask questions about coronavirus origin amid criticism. Wouldn’t be bad to know the origin, but at this point it is vital we know exactly how fast it is spreading and how lethal it is. Hopefully Trump knows, because I have to assume this is a top priority of all the intelligence services under his command. How China can have a global plague running within its borders, and the rest of the world is not allowed to come in an assess the risk is beyond imagination.

Macau reopens, but the dealers will have to wear masks, and strict entry requirements will crimp profits severely.

Japan’s coronavirus response on cruise ‘completely inadequate.’

Bill Kristol has been funded from the start of his rebellion by big left-of-center donors like Pierre Omidyar and the Hewlett Foundation and as of 2018, he’s also been backed by a massive network of left-wing groups funding the anti-Trump “Resistance.”

Man gets arrested three times in one day due to being released on bail reform law. Now imagine if Antifa is causing mass unrest, how this will keep their people on the streets. Probably also good if you are busted for treasonous corruption, and you want to be sure you will be able to flee the country.

Bernie Sanders speech interrupted by boat with huge Trump sign and massive horn.

Bernie Sanders stomps Joe Biden with a 15-Point lead nationally.

Bernie Sanders says he won’t release full medical records.

Some think Sanders might bring on Stacey Abrams as a concession to the party and a way to appeal to women and black voters.

Harry Reid says a brokered convention would be fine.

Obama has told Sanders he will not intervene to stop him.

Van Jones says Bloomberg was a tone-deaf disaster.

Several Joe Biden fundraisers jump ship from his struggling campaign to back Mike Bloomberg. In fairness they did it before the debate.

Bloomberg claims in ad he led NYC through 9/11. Actually Rudy did that. Mini Mike showed up long after.

New video has surfaced of Mike Bloomberg explaining how he told Donald Trump he loves him as the former New York City mayor continues to face scrutiny for his past friendship with the President. Even mini Mike secretly loves the God Emperor.

Bloomberg wants to take your student loan payments directly out of your paycheck.

Bloomberg camp warns Sanders ‘impossible to stop,’ unless Biden, Klobuchar, Buttigieg bow out.

Bloomberg paying hundreds of people to promote him on social media, report says. He should pay them to stay off 4Chan. Flat out the lamest, most obviously astroturfed shill posts I have ever seen.

Bloomberg referred to trans-women as ‘it’ and ‘some guy in a dress.’

Mike Bloomberg qualifies for South Carolina Democratic debate.

Hillary Clinton stated she would not consider being Democrat presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg’s vice-presidential candidate.

Huge Buttigieg misstep on health insurance – asked whether private insurance remains intact under his plan, he says, ‘to be honest, I don’t care.’

George Soros calls for removal of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for ‘helping Trump get re-elected.’

41% of recent grads work in jobs not requiring a degree. They do a good job of putting everybody in debt simply as part of getting ready for their life. As a result, everybody is too busy trying to make it, to pay attention to our leadership.

Eight popes over 200 years in 20 legal interdicts condemned Freemasonry, pronouncing automatic excommunication against any Catholic who became a Mason, but now, a new book by an official of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue says a practicing Catholic can be a Freemason and that excommunication may “certainly not” be applied to “Catholic Freemasons.” Seems significant in some way to current events.

Researchers say you are going to have to assume there are microphones that are compromised everywhere you go in the future. They are looking at coming up with jamming devices you will carry with you to try and thwart them.

Kent State to pay Hanoi Jane $83k for May 4 commemoration speech.

Mexican Citizen accused of spying for Russians in the U.S.

FBI investigates China-related ‘economic espionage’ in all 50 states following arrest of Harvard professor. I do not remember all these espionage investigations under Obama.

Under new Cambridge, Massachusetts law, undocumented immigrants won’t be arrested for driving without a license. But Americans here legally will.

Eight people are reported to have been killed following a drive-by shooting at two Hookah Lounges in Germany. Some are trying to say it is right wing attacks, but others say it may just be Arab gangs shooting it out. Though I would expect to see right wing violence at some point, set up by Cabal, to try and turn the public against the right. Update, Police say it was a right wing shooter and he has been found dead in his home. These days, he could have been dead and staged before the shooting began.

Steven Spielberg’s adopted daughter is doing porn and talking about child sexual abuse she endured growing up. A black daughter, adopted as a young child by a Cabal elite, and then sexually abused.

Locust swarms in Africa continue to grow, now the size of entire cities, and moving 90 miles per day. Why is it if it was us, they would tell us it is a bounty of protein, but since it is Africa, it is a disaster that will produce a famine?

Rapper Pop Smoke shot, killed in Hollywood Hills home.

UK court says Sharia marriages not valid under English law.

Emergency meeting of Federal judges over Barr and Trump indefinitely postponed after group called out by Trump.

The Iowa legislature advances a bill to allow employees and volunteers who have carry permits, to keep firearms in their locked vehicle, in parking lots, even if the employer forbids firearms on their property.

Trump signs order diverting water to California farmers against envirowhackos’ wishes.

Trump matches his personal best job approval in RCP poll average, the highest in more than three years.

First Lady Melania Trump honored with ‘woman of distinction’ award.

A Beautiful Presidency:

Spread r/K Theory, because this Presidency is beautiful.

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5 years ago

There it is again AC, the nasolabial lines of disgust. Sir, between this and surveillance you’ve fundamentally changed how I look at the world.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

AC, with modern Freemasons you’ve got to understand that they are different from earlier Masons. The Founders of the United States (and drafters and signers of the U.S. Constitution) were overwhelmingly members. George Washington, John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Patrick Henry etc. Their Freemasonry was different from today’s freemasonry. It’s unknown where Old Freemasonry originated but, it was probably during the Crusades.

The original Freemasons had a focus on understanding and perhaps rebuilding Solomon’s temple (which was God’s wish as described in the Old Testament, and improving people spiritually as described in the New Testament). Anglo-Saxon Freemasons in America viewed Solomon’s Temple as belonging to God and his son, Jesus Christ.

But something crept in during the mid-1800’s, either from French revolutionaries, Cabal or some attempt to appeal to people not of European background. Any great building structure of the past was to be celebrated or understood. Nimrod (an early enemy of God) and his tower of Babel was studied and “ordinances to him” performed. Egyptian Pyramid study and even the Great Wall of China were added in some lodges with wealthy patrons who fancied such study. All of this, of course would be an abomination before the Almighty, exactly as described in the Old Testament, but of course Freemasonry’s leadership ignored all of this and Freemasonry by 1900 had become very different from the version of 1776.

Many righteous Christian men in America had left Freemasonry by the 1830’s, some even led churches. The Catholic Church of course disliked anyone who wasn’t Catholic and as such has not really cared for any Masons at any point. But “new” Catholicism, which is about Globalism and reversing the tower of Babel is exactly about that- so it would naturally love the Nimrod stuff.

To be accurate, Nimrod is a family name, and dynastic reference to the Kings of Mesopotamia who indulged in idol worship. Abraham and Lot were men who opposed that idol worship and rebelled against the Nimrodians and left with their families, soldiers and herds to settle/conquer the land of Canaan. There is a bunch of great stuff in the book of Genesis about Abraham, and DNA evidence backs it up completely. Archeologists have even found the ruins of Sodom and evidence it was hit by a meteorite. Amazing stuff. God protects Abraham and his followers but, not the followers of Nimrod. So to be blunt, early Freemason were Abraham’s, but current Freemason are Nimrod’s until proven otherwise.

5 years ago

> Bloomberg wants to take your student loan payments directly out of your paycheck.

Well, even Bloomie has to say something reasonable every now and then to keep from being laughed completely out of the race.

That’s *my* tax money the Fed “loaned” to those deadbeats.

“We’re sooo smart! We’re going to college!”
“Look! I’m getting a $200,000 degree in Gender Studies!”
“What do you mean, I have to pay it back?!”

5 years ago

> Researchers say you are going to have to assume there are microphones that are compromised everywhere you go in the future.

That train left the station years ago.

Are you within hearing distance of the microphone of any Android or Apple phone? A Dot, Echo, or other “internet appliance”? Any internet-connected video? (including surveillance systems, “smart doorbells”, many televisions, and modern tablets and laptop computers) How about internet-connected children’s toys?

Smile! You’re on the air!

5 years ago

“Iran reports two suspected fatal cases of Corona virus at Qom hospital. Now this is interesting. Were these tourists? If not, is there some hidden relationship between Iran and China? How did it get there?”

BD Anon called this:

Well the Iranian scientist lied to my friend about something that upset him greatly in the past. Something about him not being honest about a Russian nuclear weapon the Iranians had and he tried to hide it. He really made a mess of him. The Iranians already have it. The Russian Convey that was involved in the accident limped back and somehow the infection got into Tehran. Just to let you know two folks close to Xi are infected. Have to hand it to the Q group that was a slick move.

Posted this on 2/4/2020. (BD Anon posts filtered out)

5 years ago

Ac, there’s no link for the Q posts.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

BD Anon seems like a Mossad LARP, but the Suleimani and Al Bagdadi stuff seems to be on point. Who knows. The alien tech and gold alchemy seems hard to believe, but just barely within the realm of possibility. What he says about the coronavirus make a good yarn, but how come noone on the Diamond Princess cruise ship has died?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

Any Chineasies on that Cruise ship?

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Mr Twister
5 years ago

Good question, I’d love to know the answer. I’m pretty sure there were. How would we find out?

5 years ago

On Freemasonry.

There are two major branches of Freemasonry, Atheist or God-believing. French Masonry is mostly atheist and Scottish-rite Masonry is religious. Religious masonry is anti-Trinitarian and anti-clerical.

Freemasonry is anti-dogmatic but it has only two principles, The Brotherhood of Man (World Unity) and anti-dogmatism.

Jewish Messianism forms the foundation and essence of Freemasonry, From the 1910 Catholic Encylopædia, Fr. Hermann Gruber’s excellent research:

“This “universal religion of Humanity” which gradually removes the accidental
divisions of mankind due to particular opinions “or religious”, national, and social “prejudices”, is to be the bond of union among men in the Masonic society, conceived as the model of human association in general.”

“Humanity” is the term used to designate the essential principle of Masonry. It is the one of the two principle dogmas of Freemasonry, “The Brotherhood of Man”. Masons claim to have built the Tower of Babel; in order to return to it, everybody is a ‘man’—there are no races, only ‘humanity’. Fr. Gruber is quoting from document from as early as 1747. And then with its program of “Humanity”, its watchwords, then, become “tolerance”, “unsectarian”, “and cosmopolitan”. Notice that it also will engage in removing “social prejudices”. In another text of 1738, particular stress is laid on “freedom of conscience” and the universal, non-Christian character of Masonry is emphasized. The Mason is called a “true Noahida”, i.e. an adherent of the pre-Christian and pre-Mosaic system of undivided mankind.

It was condemned by Roman Pontiffs because it was the initial organization of revolution within Christendom; it was the seat of revolution espousing anti-clericalism and antidogmatism. Half of the FFofA were Masons and Thomas Paine, an atheist, the intellectual goad of the American revolution, thought not a member, adhered to their teachings.

Masonry is a Gnostic sect. One of the marks of gnosticism is eastern syncretism. It throws everything together, the Bible, neo-Platonism, the Hermetic Tradition, Kabbalah, Hinduism, Egyptian mythology, and Greek/Roman mythology. It is a smorgasbord of everything.

The condemnations of Masonry has been relaxed because the leadership of the Catholic Church has adopted the goals of Freemasonry. Pope Pius XII espoused Masonic ideology and every pope since then. It is the Great Apostasy. It seems everybody and their brother has adopted the ideas of Jewish Messianism, World Unity, the brotherhood of Man and Utopia.

5 years ago

Assange has already publicly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks and that the information was not the result of any “hack”.

5 years ago

“Iran reports two suspected fatal cases of Corona virus at Qom hospital. Now this is interesting. Were these tourists? If not, is there some hidden relationship between Iran and China? How did it get there?”

Corona Virus Spreads into Iran, as Khomeinist Regime Safeguards Trade with Their Chinese Masters

5 years ago

In Surprise Flip, Turkey Asks US For Patriot Missiles “To Deter” Russia In Idlib

5 years ago

Bosnian Serb leader calls for dissolution of Bosnia

5 years ago

>”Researchers say you are going to have to assume there are microphones that are compromised everywhere you go in the future. They are looking at coming up with jamming devices you will carry with you to try and thwart them.”

I can also envision a future where the wire itself is weaponised against the operators who are listening on it. Imagine having noise canceling headphones while you play the most horrific sounds for the wire to pic up on, and you add some subliminals and nasty ass NPL brain hacking tech to the symphony of psychological horror. It is well documented how political police in messed up regimes would use recorded sounds as a power multiplier in their interrogations and torture sessions.

You can bet this has true potential, and would add greatly to the efforts against the cabal when the listeners of the wires were being subject to high end psychological torture on a daily basis.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

With “smart” electricity meters connected to your home electricity circuits, your entire home is a cage microphone, and they send it all back to Cabal down the transmission lines.

Likewise “smart” Gas meters..

Copper cables and Copper water/Gas pipes
Excellent conductors obviously.

5 years ago

>locusts, famine

Because then off course, they can use the MSM and company to convince to donate to cabal controlled charities so cabal can get some more cash in their war chest. And those things are also good for cabal to move and launder money around without raising as many alarms.

5 years ago

Violence by women is an unreported and generally unpunished problem:

This group brags about stabbing men and running them over. And those acts of violence even up to murder largely goes unpunished.

A just society will not tolerate this. This must be stopped.

5 years ago

Turkey claims airstrikes ‘kill 50 Syrian soldiers’ as conflict escalates