Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – UK To See Wage Growth Fall
DFT – AP Moller-Maersk Warns Red Sea Shipping Crisis May Last Into Latter Part Of Year
DFT – Korean Banks Poised To Endure $749 Million In Losses On Overseas Commercial Real Estate
DFT – Citi Predicts No Soft Landing, US In Recession In Middle Of 2024
DFT – JGBs Offer No Market Clues As Rates Remain Mostly Flat
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Microsoft, Google, Amazon and tech peers sign pact to combat election-related misinformation.
Border Patrol union head warns of spike in military-aged men from China crossing US border.
WHO chief’s dire warning: Disease X outbreak ‘a matter of when, not if’. What is the significance of “X” given it is what Elon named his social media platform, and his own child after? Does their use of it here signify anything about what they intend?
More young people are on multiple psychiatric drugs, study finds.
Incest is best? The Economist says copulating-cousins cool “in most cases.”
Imam recites Quran at Belgian parliament, calling for killing, kidnapping of Jews.
Australia to ban doxxing after pro-Palestinian activists publish information about hundreds of Jews.
Leftist Italian judge declares sending illegals back to Libya is a crime in blow to PM Meloni.
Berlin Film Festival invites, then disinvites AfD politicians.
Denmark has pledged its “entire artillery” stocks to Ukraine, the country’s leader has said, as Kyiv issued renewed pleas for all-important military aid in the face of Russian gains in the east of the country. So now Putin will not only get Ukraine, he will also get Europe to demilitarize, without even any sort of formal surrender treaty. It is another one of these female leaders in Europe who you get the impression graduated out of the Monarch/sex-slave program, and was installed in rigged elections as a prime minister because she was controllable.
The timing was so perfect to attack Putin’s reputation following his Tucker interview, and to try and force the GOP to approve the Ukraine funding bill, you have to wonder if it could have been Cabal. No way to know, but if it was, they may be able to create blood clots at some distance.
New thermal scope lets snipers see bullets in flight without tracers. Uses a cryocooler, and looks kind of bulky.
Spread r/K Theory, because you should be planning to own the night
> Incest is best? The Economist says copulating-cousins cool “in most cases.”
Why is there so much focus on sexual perversion? It feels like the end goal of the enemy’s plan is just a bunch of mush people copulating 24/7 with any living thing (or not living, at this rate) they can get their hands on.
The only motive I can see for this is blasphemy, as sex being humanity’s last vestige of God’s ability to create life handed down to us must be perverted and subverted by Satan’s minions. Not really any other logical motive I can see than that.
I can only envision a Biblical ending to all of this. People are going to freak as the truth gets revealed.
East Asians in the UK (Pakistanis) are known to have a high percentage of birth defects due the traditional custom of first cousins marrying.
James 4:4 Being friends-with-benefits with the world is enmity with God.
Might as well scream out, “Trump was prosecuted for political purposes and his ‘crimes’ were political; and if any one of you businesses or wealthy who are unwise enough to be based in New York step out of line, you will get the same treatment, capisce?”
DJT isn’t just their enemy; gets extra-special attention because he’s an apostate. He was a New York Democrat until he went off the reservation.
He must be publicly punished as an example for any others who might try the same.
That’s about the size of it kid.
If we get through this, whatever the exorcism process is for buildings should be performed for St. Patrick’s. And really for all churches, just to be sure.
Resanctification. And yes, that should be the the first thing done after cleaning and making sure they didn’t steal any of the chalices.
Burn it to the ground a build a new one. Somewhere else; the land is probably contaminated too.
“The timing was so perfect to attack Putin’s reputation following his Tucker interview, and to try and force the GOP to approve the Ukraine funding bill, you have to wonder if it could have been Cabal. No way to know, but if it was, they may be able to create blood clots at some distance.”
We disagree with this, but the DEWs are almost certainly mainly satellite based. They have to be able to use them in countries where they can’t set up thorough ground surveillance. And they have been using them in these countries. Its called “Havana syndrome” since the use was first made public in Cuba.
I really don’t think us peasants are going to fix this one. It will depend on a country where the Cabal has weak or no control over their leadership, discovering that this is happening to them, detecting the satellites, and using anti-satellite weapons. Which probably means it will come down to Russia.
Maybe. I think you are right they will have satellite versions, just to be able to hit Putin in Moscow,
But the most fascinating thing I have seen so far is I got a hammock, and an automatic swinger, and I got it all working, with me in it. I am swinging, like 45-60 degrees, left, right, left, right, left, right, and pretty fast. I have slid down, so my head is as low as possible, because it is that low belly of the hammock which is moving the most. And my head is moving a lot. I wake up, head is still vibrating again. I slide my head on the pillow, forward, as I am still swinging, and 2-3″, I hit a spot where I suddenly, inside my head, can hear the spatter/finger-drumming cadence, but the sound it is making is like a deep timpani drum, dum, da-dum, da-dum-dum-dum. da-dum-dum. It was clear, there was a spot in my head, where there was this (tapping? popping? jarring?), and I had moved my head until the spot with that disruption was somehow in my ear canal, maybe right on my ear drum.
How are they hitting a precise place in my head, when my head is moving back and forth, pretty fast, like a foot and a half, on a curved path, and moreover they detected when I got my head moved, and moved the bubble back. It has to be automated, detecting something in my head, a chip in a tooth cap, or specific structure, and adjusting it on the fly, to the point they are hitting a specific spot in the brain.
That is a very precisely targeted weapon. Can that be done with a satellite? I do not know.
I suspect there are multiple models for different situations and precisions. What you are experiencing is probably not (only) the satellite.
I think they got an old or cheaper model on me because blocking out the direction of the neighbors house and having a fan in the right place goes a long way in making it not be effective for me.
Remember that Doppler-based imaging _depends_ on movement.
“One problem with Doppler-based systems is that they only work with moving objects — a would-be burglar or combatant can thwart these systems by standing still. With further work, though, the UCL engineers think they can increase the sensitivity of the system so that it can detect the movement of your ribcage as you breathe in and out.”
If you have a directional EMF meter (e.g., you can look for local EMF broadcast sources which are responding to movement. Point the meter in a candidate direction, e.g. wall, window, roof, floor. With the meter stationary, look at the noise floor. Quickly move only the meter a few inches in any direction, does the reading change? This works best in a shielded zone with a low EMF noise floor.
If there is an immediate EMF spike (e.g. 1nW) in response to movement, then you can use the directional meter with a small shield (e.g. 12″ x 6″ piece of aluminum) to repeat the experiment while blocking the meter on six sides. This can be iterated to find local broadcast sources of EMF which are responding to movement, i.e. they are sensing _and_ broadcasting. Then you can add more shielding around those locations, and repeat testing.
It’s a lot of work, but each iteration of shielding improvement can lower the EMF noise floor and slowly deny remote access to local movement and position signals. Then you can see if that reduces targeting accuracy. You need to remove all local sources of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to lower the noise floor and improve detection of non-visible sources.
There are more than 1500 papers on using WiFi (IEEE 802.11bf) for remote sensing.
Foundational theory for remote sensing.
Limited public research on electronic counter-measures.
Thank you!
It has to be automated, detecting something in my head, a chip in a tooth cap, or specific structure, and adjusting it on the fly, to the point they are hitting a specific spot in the brain.
If there is an implant, one possible way to detect it is a simple megaphone. Righard Lighthouse demonstrated it in the Sarah Westall interview. The website has a short clip….
Megaphone detects electromagnetic fields in your body.
An ordinary megaphone (about $15) will detect the electromagnetic fields in your body.
The megaphone “shrieks” whenever it encounters these EM fields.
This cannot be faked. There should not be any measurable electromagnetic fields in your body.
1. If you had COVD shots, the nano-graphene has spread throughout your body, or
2. You have illegal implants placed in your body.
Our tests indicate that a majority of our population have these illegal implants. They are typically found in the neck, around the ears, jaw, and the arms and legs.
Interesting. But does an RFID emit anything at rest? Doesn’t it have to be hit with radiofrequency energy to activate?
If I understand Dr Lighthouse correctly, a targeting frequency is being generated more or less continuously. His presentation in the Targeted Individuals symposium was on how the Targeting Program works and starts at 40:30; the specific megaphone discussion/demonstration is at 57:00.
Mr. Lighthouse’s website about TIs seems to have a lot of helpful information, for TIs, awake readers, and skeptics who doubt the TI reports.
But the megaphone as a chip-detector proposition isn’t supported by any… by anything, as far as I know. The body points he refers to seem to match lymph-node locations. People have developed unwanted lumps of unknown origin in their bodies for many thousands of years. Lighthouse is one.
> They have to be able to use them in countries where they can’t set up thorough ground surveillance.
And which countries might this be? Russia? With 35,000+ miles of borders anyone could find a way through with enough time and effort? We don’t get the benefit of supernatural support from Satan to accomplish our counter-ops, so it’s a tall task to 100% lock down anywhere on Earth.
Did you ever see The Running Man? All we need to do is knock out the signal. I’m only half kidding.
“New thermal scope lets snipers see bullets in flight without tracers.”
Only useful for counter sniper activity, which is probably harder than it looks. Might also be useful with a laser active protection system, but response times would have to be microsecond fast.
Thought I’d share for those with sleeping difficulty – I’ve been playing Gregorian chant all through the night at low volume. It’s helped me with the random sounds, sensations, and night terrors. There’s a French abbey Barroux that does the old Latin Benedictine office and has the audio files online for free. They update it as they sing each prayer hour, so over a week or two you can accumulate days of audio play time. Use free audio editing software such as Audacity to clip out the silent bits.
Thank you very much for that link! I love Gregorian chant – it’s about the only “music” I ever listen to, although if it isn’t a capella I don’t listen at all.
They even have Prime, which was suppressed from Divine Office by Vatican 2. That means they are old-school, which is definitely a good thing.
It was a weird case.
The Tucker Carlson interview with Michael Benz is getting a lot of play. I just read a transcript on Robert Malone’s substack, courtesy of Vox Day pointing it out this morning.
I haven’t seen the two hour Tucker Carlson interview of Putin yet, because I’m already familiar with Putin’s thinking and the Russian perspective on other sources. The two Duran discussions of the interview are comprehensive and actually combined clock in at under two hours. There is something similar with Benz, going through the transcript, I’ve been reading about this stuff for decades, though he provides more details.
Benz basically says that the information warfare techniques developed for use against the Soviet Union were later turned against governments and populations in the NATO countries. That is pretty much it, though he provides details and its good to have this all in one place. And the focus is on information warfare and actually more on censorship than propaganda. So the focus is important but narrow.
One point that i got is that these people are, though slowly, coming to realize that they won’t be able to impose a disguised totalitarian and tolerate the existence of institutions from more pluralistic times. They will have to go full fascism. Benz doesn’t say this, but its implied throughout his remarks.
Another point is that the Cabal (or Deep State) really doesn’t rely on or understand uniformed military, or even uniformed police. I think they have these organizations infiltrated, to prevent a coup, put their own agents in the highest positions, and head off the careers of talented and professional soldiers and policemen. But its not total control, since they don’t rely on these organizations to stay in power.
The theory is that the Cabal controls everything else, they get the police and military too, so they don’t have to pay much attention to the police and military. The way Benz put it, they control the information, this allows them to control the elections, then they get puppet pols in who give orders to the military. I think you have to add to this extensive surveillance and blackmail, and the ability to sabotage the emergence of people they think will threaten them in the civilian sector. But you don’t bother with the military so much because they are under civilian control, and you control the civilians.
If I’m right, this is a weakness, and its due to them focusing on other means of control, to perfect that. No organization can be strong everywhere. Its a weakness if a Cabal controlled country gets into a war with a non-Cabal country that has a powerful military, since the military of the Cabal controlled country will itself have been deliberately compromised and be less capable. It leaves them vulnerable to coups, and the military and police just refusing to crush one of the peasant revolts (including peaceful civil disobedience) that they may be called upon to deal with.
Hypothetically, yes. In reality, there is no such thing. The only thing that is happening is an optimized continuation of the transition to the new world Technological order, which many peoples do not want. Zero real war.
Nice analysis, Ed. Thanks.
It never ceases to impress me how the John Titor story from back in 1999-2000 predicted this, down to Russia eventually defending and liberating Patriot America from the Globalists in our future Civil War II. Titor’s active online presence also coincided with the establishment of Vladimir Putin as Russia’s leader.
Nice ‘Burn Notice’ reference website.
Amazing. Where did the money and time come for that?
It looks like a practice websites. Corporate Medical? Has abundant misspellings. Uses adverbs, so it’s not a pro writer.
It’s cute. I like the voice of the writer. It’s outraged, or excited, depending on what the characters are doing. Isn’t quite as obsessive as most fan wikis.
No subtexts addressed, so probably not a high end education for the writer.
Probably some fanboy of the show that makes lots of money designing video games.
Donetsk, which Wikipedia helpfully tells us, is a city with a population at the last census of about 900,000, with 1,500,000 in the metro area, so its about the size of Detroit. The comparison is appropriate since they are both industrial cities with bad weather. It used to be known by the names of Aleksandrovka, Yuzivka, Stalin, and Stalino. Which means it was likely set up to be an industrial center.
Donetsk is a Russian speaking city that was placed in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic, so wound up in independent Ukraine, and when the Ukrainian government banned Russia revolted and formed an independent republic, which Russia recognizes and will likely absorb later. So its the focus of the Ukraine war.
The point here is that most of the battles in the Ukraine war have been taking place in smaller cities surrounding Donetsk, in the Donetsk metro. Bakhmut was there, and the Ukrainian army just retreated from or abandoned another small city in the Donetsk metro.
So the Russian advance has been really focused and slow. It has occurred to me that one reason why they are moving from spending months to take one small satellite city, then moving on the next and spending months taking that, is that with each advance they are pausing to identify and take out the cabal surveillance networks in each of these places.
That could be. It would be absolutely vital to do.
An interesting notion. It has occurred to ME that Russia’s laughably slow pace is much more due to pathetic, grotesque military incompetence, easily the equal of Ukraine’s legendary military incompetence. Which is saying something. Russia is {finally} getting around to “winning” a battle or 2 because generally, in war, especially a war between 2 equally incompetent foes, the larger army usually “wins”.
Given a choice between “slowly and inexorably wiping out a dark, mysterious, fiendishly clever enemy” or “standard-issue Eastern European Military Clusterfuckery”, what does Ockham’s Razor suggest is the way to bet here?
So you’re saying Cabal’s “civilian” surveillance network has to be taken out during a deliberately protracted battle for the cities to avoid the Cabal propaganda win of Russia arresting/executing surveillance assets after liberation. Interesting theory. Given these assets are Cabal’s embedded Fifth Column Russia’s tactic here would also preserve the lives and wellbeing after the battles of both its soldiers and the remaining innocent civilians.
Some say Russia priority is to destroy the Ukrannie military rather than capture territory.
In time, one of the following happen:
One more (but hidden) mega news, about Tucker-Putin interview.
A unique perspective on Tucker’s interview (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).
Explanatory context, concerning the above.
A few photos from a real war, not the fake in the news (and mainstream and alt).

The main image in the website on Future Technologies Forum, February 13–14, 2024 in Moscow at the WTC
The Russian Neuronet roadmap, which was approved a few days after the start of the “war” in Ukraine, was drawn up at the end of the year on the Maidan – 2014, with the participation of respected American specialists in neurotechnology, futurists.
Let’s remember a great moment in history:
Session of Davos Agenda 2021 online forum
Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
January 27, 2021
The main focus of the forum is the discussion of the new global situation arising from the novel coronavirus pandemic.
* * *
World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab:
Mr President, welcome to the Davos Agenda Week.
Mr President, the world is waiting to hear from you.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
Mr Schwab, dear Klaus,
Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.
http :// en .kremlin .ru/events/president/news/64938
I really hate these so-called ‘transhumanists’, more like tranny-humans. Despite espousing superhuman process they’re the most feeble, limp wristed, neurotic, stupid and pathetic people you’ll ever see. At LEAST the zuck and bezos took roids for, like, a year before they stopped. Their transhumanism, for all I’ve seen, is just a justification for their satanic wealth and not an actual ideal. Sort of a ‘well I’m rich, surely this means I’m an uberman’.
I’d expect a real transhuman to be at max steroid efficiency, ability to operate sustainably on drugs like modafinil, be incredibly handsome even if it was surgical, be able to meditate for 8 hrs straight, have the piercing insight of a sage, have physical augments with an accompanying mini dialysis machine, etc. The fact that absolutely none of them do this shows you the fruits of their trannyhumanism. Any true attempt to seek such perfection would lead them out of the corrupt mindset they’re in, they’re just doomed.
I warn anyone who follows Riley Wagaman/Edward Slavsquat that he is a special operation (much more than a “controlled opposition” because of his unique status as the only blogger on the Internet outside Russia (and not just on the English-speaking Internet) who publishes numerous materials, citing Russian sources, about great resett in Russia. And he’s super limited; but the people, those who do not follow Russian sources at all, think the opposite. It downplays things, has galactic gaps, and distorts in a specific direction. In fact, Russia is much more involved in the Global great reset.)
You have been warned; but think what you want, your business. 🙂
With this interview, Tucker Carlson rendered the United States government illegitimate.
There is no way around that conclusion.
Documents Reveal Joe Biden’s Great-Great-Grandfather Was Pardoned By Abraham Lincoln
Crime and cabal connections run in the family.
space weapon thread
Readers, writers, and commenters of this website are targets of war, but think they’re awake and on guard while their attention and (keyboard) efforts (if any) are still mostly on the wrong places and problems.
It’s like we’re endlessly mopping a floor without ever turning off the faucet and clearing the drain.
Do a search (on Substack directly if other SEs don’t help) for all, or consecutive parts of, this …
“Neurons consist of a head region called the cell body that contains dendrites that pick up an electric signal and then transmit that signal along a long tail-like region called the axon. Once this electric signal reaches the axonal terminals it stimulates the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters”
Keep reading and rereading the entire collection. Forgive the typos. Check the references, which lead to plenty of reliable direct-source material that, unfortunately for mankind, support what he says.
The author is extremely intelligent and has been researching the topic with a team of highly educated scientists for several years.
His messages are beyond urgent.
Read, and keep reading, and read again until the reality of what we’re confronted by sinks in. The kind of men who write and read on this website in particular need to wake up.
Find and turn off the faucet maybe?