News Briefs – 02/19/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The video:


Hunter Biden lobbied Obama admin for more Ukraine aid. That was laundered into Burisma accounts.

Barr has told those close to Trump that he may quit if president keeps tweeting about investigations. He is so independent and principled.

DOJ says it isn’t true. But the public thinks it is, and processed the information.

Three top Republicans issue statement defending Barr.

Judge will not delay Roger Stone’s sentencing.

Trump commutes sentence for ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Coming from Chicago, Rod will know a lot, and could probably tell interesting stories as the Storm kicks up.

Pardons former NYPD Commish Bernie Kerik. An interesting case. He was up for head of DHS, and seemed a shoe-in, when out of the blue they dumped an avalanche of dirt on him and sent him away, all shit I am sure guys like Kerry and Biden have orders of magnitude more of, but it never comes out. It would not surprise me if after his nomination, he was taken to a party with an Epstein-like figure there, who had a twelve year old girl approach him and try to get him in the sack. Cabal would figure he should know – he takes the girl in the  back, lets a statutory rape be videotaped by the hidden cameras, and its onward and upward. I would not be surprised to find out all his problems came from him saying no, and politely moving on.

NSC adviser ‘is to be reassigned’ amid DC rumors she is the infamous ‘Anonymous’ behind anti-Trump NY Times op-ed and book. Pictures of her here. What I would expect. I think people who run a lot of surveillance/intelligence operations develop a disconnect between what they feel inside, and what they express outside, which once you see, it becomes apparent. If you look at her eyes, the eyes just don’t match the face, as if they are focused and scheming, while her face looks like a smiling mask laid over focused, unemotional, scheming eyes. I think most normies never develop that skill/disconnect, and as a result it can’t fire off, and their interior and exterior just naturally sync all the time. She is descended from a Pennsylvania Governor from the Civil War period. No idea if it speaks to a bloodline element, or that maybe Secret Society membership is a family legacy, though it would not surprise me.

Corona virus stats –  75,289 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,010 fatalities. Yesterday was 73,335 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,874 fatalities. 2.6% increase in cases and a 7.2% increase in deaths. But they have bought in special incinerators as a tweet below will show, so there is no telling if the numbers are even close to reality.

Deadly coronavirus ‘kills 15 percent of patients over 80’ and the never-before-seen strain is ‘up to 20 times more infectious than SARS.’  And this is gen 1 of a virus which naturally has a wildly long incubation period and is contagious during the asymptomatic incubation. If it gets the right mutation, it could get really bad, and this is a fast mutator.

30 doctors quarantine themselves in Britain after crossing paths with an infected doctor. Article says 2 British cases already resolved themselves, meaning it is still possible it hits whites less aggressively than Asians. I wish we knew what was going on in Africa, as that might give us an idea if the heat of summer might save us.

Coronavirus is interrupting the supply chain for wedding dresses coming out of China.

Russia temporarily bans Chinese nationals from entering country amid Coronavirus outbreak.

Experts ponder why cruise ship quarantine failed in Japan. From the article: “The ship seemed to serve as an incubator for the new virus from China instead of an isolation facility” Disturbing because if it gets into a big city, and they tell people to stay in their apartments, it may not stop the spread, at which point people may flee. Clearly this is wildly contagious.

Oregon comedian quarantined amid cruise ship virus sneaks out and grabs 3 connecting flights to Seattle. So he was hopping 3 connecting flights filled with innocent passengers, so he can speak to an auditorium of people and get paid. Nice.

Officials debate what to tell Trump about coronavirus outbreak. Funniest fake news yet. The guy who did business meetings with people, and schooled them on their own specialties and then quoted numbers that were minutes old and made their whole presentation outdated, somehow is operating in the dark as President?

Chinese regime deploys 1,600 internet trolls to suppress information on Coronavirus.

Bloomberg and Sanders are neck-and-neck in Virginia.

Sanders takes the lead for Democratic nomination, Bloomberg on the rise.

Bloomberg overtakes Biden in Florida.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign to request recount of Iowa caucuses.

Chris Matthews says to Democrats – Tell Socialist Bernie he’s ‘full of it,’ and could lose 49 states!

Elizabeth Warren’s allies claim she’s being ignored by media as they seek to reignite her campaign. They’ve already tested how her campaign fares with full media support, and it didn’t appear productive, so she is out.

Michael Bloomberg was in Jeffrey Epstein’s little Black Book. It isn’t clear what being in Epstein’s book indicates, as Epstein might have just grabbed phone numbers wherever he found them, but Mini-Mike is on page six, so it may not be like Epstein was scavenging additional numbers to fill out his pages after he listed all his close friends.

Tom Steyer hits 10% debate threshold in four polls, but none of them counts. The Dems didn’t want an honest poll screwing up their ability to control who wins.

Ocasio-Cortez champions 6 Justice Dems in their bid to unseat establishment Dems.

After stonewalling for days, Sen. Chris Murphy finally admits he secretly met with the Iranian regime in Munichd without State Department knowledge or approval.

North Carolina court blocks voter ID law as discriminatory.

At least 43,000 immigrants have become Pennsylvania citizens since the 2016 presidential election, and they could affect 2020.

UK teen with Asperger’s fined, placed under house arrest for asking transgender police officer about his gender.

In Britain, sexist and racist patients could be barred from non-emergency care at NHS trusts, under new rules to be enforced from April.

Guy who slashed open a French Tourist’s throat in New York City is a known neighborhood “Neck slasher.” Cut loose without bail and set free to go slashing again. Only in New York. “Hey Dave, who’s that?” “Oh that’s our neighborhood neck slasher.”

U.S. cops are facing a recruitment crisis. Notice, they will have opened up Policing positions in Cabal-centric areas by hanging regular officers out to dry legally. Who do you think will fill those spots, and be entirely above the threat of petty legal bullshit that haunts every other officer?

New Marvel superhero film to feature ‘beautiful,’ ‘moving’ homosexual kiss. And the profits will crash because nobody wants to watch that. So if they aren’t making money the way you thought, from selling content people wanted, how are they making money?

Jeff Bezos commits $10 billion to fight climate change. Which will go to foundations that will route it around to Cabal. People don’t just give money away, especially $10 billion. And billionaires don’t just screw over their kids and give all their family earnings to silly fantasy-causes. If Bezos was legit, you would be hearing about billionaire Bezoses for generations to come. But you won’t. His name will disappear like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt, and in thirty years we will all be talking about some “whiz kid” who made more money than anyone else in the world, inside of one decade, through some magical quirk of fate.

Rosario Dawson, Corey Booker’s “girlfriend” comes out as LGBTQ.

Britain is to close its borders to unskilled workers and those who can’t speak English as part of a fundamental overhaul of immigration laws.

Under financial stress, Oberlin College seeks to end unionized custodial and dining hall services. Gibson Bakery case had its costs.

Vatican official raided over London property deal investigation.

Massachusetts Democrat Representative David Nangle was arrested by the FBI and IRS on a 28-count indictment that includes a wide variety of corruption charges.

George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren for $265 million.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic civil war is pitting energy sector labor leaders and environmental activists against each other.

Media not sure what Trump’s massive primary turnout means.

In the year of Impeachment, more guns were bought than any other time in US history. 

Johns Hopkins study shows no evidence that ‘assault weapon’ bans reduce mass shootings.

Arizona Assault Weapon ban bill is “DOA.”

The Trump administration said Tuesday that it will waive federal contracting laws to speed construction of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Spread r/K Theory, because Mini Mike is sensitive about his height

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I’m always surprised by how unattractive (to me, at least) the honeypots turn out to be. This Victoria woman, plus Lisa Page, Valerie Plame, even Heidi Fleiss, whose 6/10 looks (7/10 after the beer goggles are donned?) shocked me when we were told she was an “elite” call girl. Heck, even Virginia Giuffries (sp) at 17 needed to lose a few lbs, and she wasn’t even a honeypot, just a f**k doll.

It really makes me wonder about the kinds of men that allow themselves to stray when presented with such unimpressive bait. I suspect there are three kinds of men who fall for it:

(1) Men with extremely high libido (this is the cheapest explanation);
(2) Men with absolutely no morals (this fits some models); and
(3) Men who feel very small and unattractive inside, who feel a huge rush of dopamine when any woman a little higher on the socio-sexual hierarchy than they gives the man any affectionate attention (I honestly think this is a thing–notice how pretty much every sex scandal involves a weaselly little man, and rarely a “Chad” like Trump, who could have any woman).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Virginia Giuffries is fat??? No she was hot.

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The fact is most teen girls if they are normal look hot. Men are hard wired to think this way. They’re supposed to to entrap us Men into taking care of them and don’t give me any of this pedo stuff. Teenagers aren’t children it is different. Of course I’m not saying, in this day and age, you should touch them. You’re supposed to restrain yourself, but…they do look hot.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I agree she was very attractive, and a real temptation back in the day (by the way the word you are looking for is ephebephile, not pedophile). I just have pretty high standards and I noticed she had a little pudge showing in that famous photo of her. A harbinger of things to come (if you haven’t seen what she looks like today, don’t look it up–let’s just say that one of the reasons she’s crying so much about her ‘victimhood’ today is the validation she craves: “I used to be desirable!” Yeah, sure, Toots. And Napoleon Dynamite’s cousin used to be a great football player)

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Uh…yeah, it’s too bad they can’t find better looking girls to traffic to skeevers. I don’t know the process behind how they get them, but if cabal has everybody’s DNA on file, you’d think they’d be able to get more skinny chicks. I’d imagine that girl is old enough and past her trauma enough that she could start actually enjoying sex without being scared, but now she’s too fucken fat to get a man into her. Now she has to remember back to the glory days when she was desirable getting her ass sold into slavery against her will.

That perspective wouldn’t be the first thing to cross my mind when thinking of a sex trafficking victim, but this is why I visit these sites…to get a pov I normally wouldn’t experience. This is a lot of humorous sarcasm, for the incels and readers with severe Aspergers. I read these conspiracies where guys salivate over ‘this being the big one! It’s finally going to be apocalypse shtf!’ -But then nothing happens, as usual. Someday something will happen, for sure, but in the meantime, I tend to think there are a lot of bitter-ass people who want the reset button hit so they can be free to be as evil as Cabal. -Or if they are too cowardly, they’d want to see other men do the same. People who claim to fight for freedom can sound like as big of pieces of garbage as any, and we’re all under the grip of the devil…at least until the Second Coming.

As for fat, this is a contributing factor in wypipo going extinct. Apocalypse isn’t coming fast enough to let you have your pick of fourteen year old girls, so you are going to see your bloodlines fizzle out if you can’t tolerate a little chonk on a normal, fully developed woman. This reminds me of Mom telling me back in the day about Elvis Presley. He supposedly romanced his wife when she was thirteen, then wouldn’t screw her ever again after she gave birth. It’s like an adult female body became a turnoff.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Couple more possibilities? : (4) Theory that women that are less than stunning will work harder than those blessed with better looks. (5) Ginger or Mary Ann. This was my working theory on why Tiger Woods liked (likes?) to hang out with Denny’s waitresses more than with LA / LV / NY / Milan / Copenhagen worthy models.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  jamesbbkk
5 years ago

Great points James

5 years ago

> U.S. cops are facing a recruitment crisis.

Weeellll… kindasorta.

What has happened is that until fairly recently, all you needed to be a cop was a clean criminal record. Now most PDs, even my local hooterville PD, want a minimum of a BA in Criminal Studies, a degree in law, or some kind of social worker degree.

For some reason, their new police demographic seems to be able to find better jobs than riding around in a patrol car nights, weekends, and holidays, wrestling crazies, being spit on by AIDS carriers, and the other joys of entry-level police work.

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

That’s OK. The “new” new police demographic don’t need no stinkin’,BA:

5 years ago

“At least 43,000 immigrants have become Pennsylvania citizens since the 2016 presidential election, and they could affect 2020.”

That is very very dangerous. I have a feeling that Trump may not win re-election due to that! All the states he needed to win for the 2016 election were very narrow. For Michigan, it was only 10,000 votes!

We are being Disenfranchised in our own country!!!!

The 1965 Immigration Act was our demise. It was a law of Genocide and Treason. Why do you people say the Pledge of Allegiance to America—when the American government is busy genociding you? And Disenfranchising you??? Is it showing you allegiance?

And should people receive citizenship from the poisonous tree? For any law to be legitimate–it must be ordered to the common good. Was the 1965 Immigration Act directed toward the Common Good of the Anglo-Saxon? of the Northern European? NO. the 1965 Immigration Act is null and void—and all of its products are null and void.

You are screwed people. We are screwed. Us Europeans are being erased in our own country. The 1965 Immigration Act benefited only One people–it was solely the benefit of the Jews. They are conducting a race war by psychological and sociological methods. Multiculturalism is verbal terror.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Amazing how that works. Thanks ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩

Immigration to America is down. Wages are up | United States | The Economist

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 18, 2020″

Don. Jr. is looking better and better for being GEOTUS Don II.

5 years ago

Libya’s government suspends peace talks after Haftar port attack

5 years ago

Turkey Threatens “Imminent” Large Scale Invasion Of Idlib To Halt Syrian-Russian Advance

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

“In Britain, sexist and racist patients could be barred from non-emergency care at NHS trusts, under new rules to be enforced from April.”

Assymetric Demographic warfare

With so many of the staff being imports, they can just claim racist/Bigot/Homophobe…
And natives don’t get treatment!

5 years ago

CBS News:

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT – After watching Bloomberg’s dismal debate performance I began wondering what is going on. Obviously he’s cabal. Obviously he is serving cabal’s goals/interests. Yet the other candidates, obviously no strangers to cabal, felt free to savage him. Leading me to wonder why he’d hang around for that.

Here’s a possibility: he’s shelling out vast amounts of money that appears to be an absolutely waste. I think what it’s being used for is to keep cabal political strategists, operatives, and PR people afloat for the time being. I have to imagine that their cash flows have dried up from other sources. And with the sufficient loss of cash flows, that pool of skilled labor must either find another line of work or…. seek work with the Trump/Republican establishment. Bloomberg has made much of his money through cabal operations and now they are calling in a favor and he’s going to bleed out over a billion dollars just to keep their network of political hitmen at work with their mouths shut.

5 years ago

Is the LA Mayor making some kind of signal with his hands in that image?