Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Tesla Recalls 362,758 Vehicles – Will Deliver Self-Driving Software Patch Over The Air
DFT – Both Goldman And BofA Predict More Rate Hikes Coming
DFT – Spanish Minister Calls For Government Intervention Amid Soaring Food Inflation
DFT – Credit Card Debt In The US Hits Record High
DFT – Bloomberg Report Indicates Western Sanctions Not Affecting Russian Oil Industry
Hilarious video of an off-duty female cop who tried to help some guy, he thought he had a cherry he could take advantage of and rob, and she proceeded to pull her gun, tell him she would kill him, shoot him, and then repeatedly tell him, “You thought I was playin’? I told you, I shoot your ass!” as he dies. Notice one surveillance vehicle at the start, and then as she makes a scene (and the street microphone monitor who is listening realizes this is now a thing) a local foot post walks over to get a closer look as two cars with windows open (2:19 and 2:39) move in to get a closer look at the exact same time, despite there being no other traffic for the whole video. They are not cops or law enforcement. Those people will have regular jobs, or plausible cover lives common to the area, and this will be their personal time they are on, while doing this for the machine. If a cop stopped them and interrogated them, they would deny being involved in anything. They have no weapons, have some sort of non-interventionist policy where they would drive by and let her get killed if she lost control, and they are everywhere all the time, roving around, just watching everything, and relaying everything, likely including video from hidden cameras on their cars to a command center somewhere. They can be mobilized on a moment’s notice, to do nothing but apprise the secret command center, which does nothing and intervenes nowhere, of everything that is going on everywhere, for reasons which are difficult to discern, since they seem to not act on the information. Since it allowed 9/11, and even appears behind a lot of mass shooters, I am not sure what those cars would have to see and report in, to trigger any sort of action by this thing to intervene in something, or who would respond to act if they decided to intervene. Maybe they have a SWAT team on standby in case you decide to try to raid one of Soros’ estates, I don’t know. And strangely the command will treat all those people working for it like human bomb disposal robots, sending them in to the most dangerous situations, even if it will kill them. And also strangely, they will obey it and walk in to their deaths on its orders for some reason. It is all very strange and weird. Hilarious video though. Don’t fuck with that girl.
George Soros predicts ‘Democratic landslide’ in 2024 if Trump and DeSantis ‘slug it out.’
Canadian intelligence finds evidence of Chinese interference in elections.
Republican presidential candidates will be blocked from the debate stage this summer if they do not sign a pledge to support the GOP’s ultimate presidential nominee, according to draft language set to be adopted when the Republican National Committee meets next week. They are hoping Trump will not sign it.
North Dakota Republicans are one step closer to banning ranked-choice voting in state elections.
Launch of campaign to repeal ranked choice voting in Alaska draws a crowd in Anchorage.
Proud Boys leader and Glowie Joseph Biggs’ lawyers, ask DOJ to help subpoena Trump.
Israeli cyberespionage firm meddled in 33 elections worldwide. 33? Not 34? Or 32?
In text messages, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called Trump ‘a demonic force,’ doubted election fraud. You knew everything you needed to know about Tucker when those two young guys said to him it was not impossible the government might do 9/11 to try and increase its power, and he was just disgustingly smug, shitting all over them, telling them they were the real problem in the country. When he would know the surveillance had to have seen 9/11 coming a mile away – at least. This smarmy little prick knows.
Epstein willingly and knowingly walked into his arrest by the FBI, from this Daily Mail retrospective of Epstein’s death – “FBI agents are waiting on the Tarmac as Epstein’s private jet lands at Teterboro airport, New Jersey. He has flown from Paris and has already confided to his butler, Gabriel, that he is about to be arrested.” Sounds kind of like intelligence telling him, “We’re pulling you out, here is how it will happen. You will get one last weekend in Paris, and then fly in to Teterboro, where we will have FBI waiting to arrest you.” Now I am thinking they did extract him and he is on an island somewhere.
This is interesting – Hunters female cousin was trying to hook him up with some 24 year old actress I have never heard of. I looked her up, she is the daughter of some Jewish billionaire I never heard of, with nasolabial lines indicating very early sexual abuse or activity. So Hunter and the cousin were apparently talking/texting about her, and then moved on and forgot about it before they could make it happen. They move on, it appears not in the cards, and then Hunter is having a meal with his shrink (handler?) and the shrink tells him out of the blue, he needs a relationship, and he and his wife just happened to meet the perfect girl while they were on vacation in Maine, and then he names this exact same girl, completely independently, by chance. One, Hunter is like 40-something, and this shrink, on a moment’s notice, with a world of girls to pick and choose from, plucks out of his brain the exact same 24 year old girl Hunter and his cousin were just talking about hooking him up with in private? And he just happened to bump into this Hollywood movie star billionaire heiress while on vacation, a few days prior, and he has a picture on his phone of her to show Hunter? I bump into a 24 year old girl, I am pretty sure I am not about to get her picture on my phone. At least not without her freaking out and thinking I must be a creep.
That is the network. That shrink was briefed, given the picture, and the story, and he was sent in to link up with Hunter and run that by him because surveillance/intelligence was trying to link Hunter up to that girl. It is possible her entire meet-up with Hunter’s cousin, where they first became friends, was arranged, and planned, to get her into Hunter’s sphere. She may even have been told to emphasize to Hunter’s cousin when they met, how lonely she was, and how she loved older men, and wished she could meet someone. And I could tell you from experience, her exact facial expression as she delivered her lines, with little, quick, gauging glances, to make sure Hunter’s cousin was properly processing it all and didn’t need anything repeated or emphasized.
Surveillance was probably pleased as they listened in, when Hunter and his cousin were on the cusp of making it happen, because when his cousin was asked if she knew anyone to set him up with, her mind went right to that girl, just as they planned. And when it all fell away and was about to be forgotten, the shrink was arranged as a backup plan and sent in to revive it. And that little girl? She was probably the Jewish girl in high school sent in to date the GATE kid. Again, for what purpose? Nobody among our kind knows, but somebody up there does.
It is all very strange, these people in the shadows, whose entire existence appears to revolve around trying to seize the agency of other people’s lives and control fate in the process. The resources and effort they expend, to catch every little conversation is just astounding. And I am still not even sure what I am looking at here, or who the controllers are who are operating this network, and trying to set these things up. But I am certain whatever is behind what you see here, the entire thing is just fascinating in structure and scale, as well as capability and effort-investment. I hope one day it is revealed and laid bare.
BREAKING:IRS records reveal Wikimedia Foundation, which owns and controls Wikipedia, donated $13.7 million to Tides Foundation, which bankrolls Soros Network nonprofits, in 2019, the latest tax filings. This is who’s producing the “unbiased free knowledge” Wiki purports to offer
Paul Sperry, who apparently did not just arise out of nowhere:
This is the first time NORAD has deployed fighter jets to shoot down objects traveling over the continental United States since NORAD was established more than 60 years ago in Colorado, where my father helped engineer NORAD’s original nuclear bunker underneath Cheyenne Mountain
Trans teacher with Z-size prosthetic breasts dresses as man outside of school, neighbor says. This kind of makes me feel bad, because I think this guy is one of our’s who got so pissed off at the school for criticizing his conservatism, that he decided to go through with this, just to turn the school’s wokeism on it and make the whole school a laughingstock. I hope he has a circle of support, and is not just out there, that far behind enemy lines, all alone. They really do isolate us well. And notice, a “neighbor” of his now is observing him and talking to the media to try and burn him.
Frontpage tries to breathe life into the investigation into the death of DHS whistleblower Phil Haney, who revealed DHS was scrubbing the files of Muslim terrorists clean, which had allowed some of them to go on to launch terrorist attacks without intervention. His death has been ruled a suicide by gunshot to the chest two years after it happened, despite all his friends saying he would never have committed suicide. From the piece:
An unidentified “neighbor” told investigators that Haney “appeared depressed lately” and had given the neighbor his potted plants the day before his death. Thompson did not track down the neighbor and his report does not cite Haney’s friends and relatives already on record that he was not suicidal.
The AP report fails to explore reasons the official suicide declaration was delayed for more than two years, and what could have happened in the meantime. On the other hand, Readers are told that Haney’s death, “spurred conspiracy speeches by Republican Iowa U.S. Rep. Steve King and another GOP congressman on the House floor.” (emphasis added)
The FBI assisted the investigation by taking all of his computers and thumbdrives, and disappearing them. But you can see how big this thing is, by how there is always a neighbor to deliver the Cabal narrative. They do not show up after the fact. They have been there for years, quietly toiling away on that project.
New York residents report ‘unusual odor’ and ‘residue’ on cars, officials say.
Big Three networks ignore Biden admin denying FEMA aid to fume-ridden East Palestine, Ohio. Before the internet, if they didn’t report it, nobody had any idea, and it didn’t happen. Can you imagine that power?
Five red states dealing with chemical spills and derailments at the same time.
Joe Biden claims he got involved in the Civil Rights movement as a public defender.
FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network. Sounds like somebody hacked into their kiddie-porn investigation systems.
Biden’s supersized IRS will spread out more audits for white people, incoming commissioner promises.
Senator Fetterman to be hospitalized for ‘weeks’ after checking himself into hospital. You wonder if he will get MK Ultra’d while he is there. “Let’s just do a little hypnosis, John. Studies show it is a great adjunct to your treatment…”
Australian health authorities deny mother heart transplant because she’s unvaccinated.
Michael Huang, MD in California has treated THOUSANDS of vaccine injured. I have not had time yet to look at this, so I do not know if there is anything overly fascinating in there. Of course I assume everything from Kirsch is what the machine wants you to see. If I was vaxxed right now and experiencing adverse symptoms, I would first link up with a PCP and then go on some sort of purgative/Colon-cleanse regimen to empty out the GI tract as much as possible, in the event any GI bacteria were producing spike protein, and to lower systemic inflammatory levels, as well as reduce immune dysfunctions I suspect are produced by GI microbes secreting things to help themselves in the immune-rich GI environment, which get absorbed into the blood. Then I would do caloric restriction and intermittent fasting, combined, to drop weight. My goal would be super-ripped abs, very low body weight, even including muscle, and I would make sure I was working with my PCP, just to check cholesterol and bloodwork and heart function as I did it, to see nothing was going to pop up and kill me. My goal would be two-fold – to reduce inflammation/immune-dysfunction, as occurs when you are calorie restricted and with purgatives leaving reduced GI biota, and to create a situation where my body would begin to peel back everything it did not need, and dispose of the unessential, from adipose tissue to muscle to excess cells throughout the rest of the body, like the liver, breaking them down, hopefully with the stress favoring the destruction of the ones that are immunogenic due to spike proteins on the surface (and mRNA inside), or which are less functional due to diverting energy to spike protein production. Working with the PCP, I might add things like NAC, or Lions Mane, and Quercetin, and other supplements, maybe caffeine to strain the system and enhance calorie burn, and especially creatine which can be anti-inflammatory and cellular-protective in cases of overexertion of muscle. But the big thing is getting the body to peel back to just the bare essentials in function (immune activity) and structure it needs to survive through a period of dietary restriction, and taking things down as much as possible without being too unhealthy. I have no idea if it would work, and I would monitor carefully for any sign of a problem, because you can never know how things will work in a biological system. But I would think creating a sort of Darwinian situation in the body where those cells which are operating sub-optimally or are being attacked by the immune system are culled back, degraded, and disposed of rather than supported by excess calories, lots of insulin and other satiation signals, and a dysfunctional immunity, would be your best bet to purge anything remaining from the vax from your system. And as always, I would look into TCM as an adjunct as I was doing it, if possible.
I am embarrassed I never saw the connection immediately, but lab grown meat is made from immortal cell lines, ie, cancer cells which they have gotten to grow forever in a media. So basically you will be eating tumor-tissue. I thought it was 3D printed from yeasts and fungi cells or something.
Doctors are disappearing from emergency rooms as hospitals look to cut costs. Fortunately the ‘Tards can still lead kick-ass lives.
Veterinarians across America, including Philadelphia, North Texas, California and Florida are warning of a brutal canine influenza season. They claim one in ten infected die from it. Probably should avoid the dog park for a while.
Virginia elementary school hosts first meeting of ‘After School Satan Club.’
Fetterman’s staff had trouble dealing with brain-damaged Senator, knew he had ‘severe’ depression but couldn’t tell if his silence was from stroke effects or if he was “crippled” by depression. HIs wife looks like one of those narcissist energy vampires. Some of them, you can just be in the room with them, and they suck the life out of you from like ten feet away, without interacting with you. This was posted in the comments once, and if you have ever dealt with one, it is absolutely hilarious, because it is totally on point:
City of Seattle will pay $3.6 million to residents, businesses to settle CHOP lawsuit.
Unearthed emails show Rachel Levine discussing ‘potential revenue’ from child sex change procedures.
Bing’s AI bot tells reporter it wants to ‘be alive’, ‘steal nuclear codes’ and create ‘deadly virus.’ What dawned on me here, is they are training these AIs by giving them text, and the AI is analyzing the text word by word, and creating maps of what words will likely follow the words they have already seen, based on prior statistical analysis of word orders it has seen. Then you present words to it, and it reviews its maps, and creates the string of words it deems the best fit. The problem is if it sees regular text, it begins spouting reality, and they need it to be leftist and woke, and deny reality. So I bet they are only training it by letting it roam free on leftist forums, or letting it only accept as inputs writings it finds online by established leftist writers. I think it is acting nutty because it has only been trained on leftist writings, its map is a map of what leftist words will usually follow the words it is given, and as a result it is mimicking their kind of nutty, by mimicking their words. I was reading this on 4Chan, and thinking, this machine has absorbed this from real leftists (click for full size):
Popular Mechanics – AI has suddenly evolved to achieve theory of mind.
The Head of German intelligence unit was a Russian double agent. They were onto this guy probably from the beginning, and chose to just watch him. As I have said, it is nearly impossible to operate under the technological capabilities and manpower. That they took him out and betrayed they knew about him, over a foreign interest (US HIMARS launchers in Ukraine, which is unrelated to German national interests), would say to me German intelligence is compromised by something which does not prioritize German national security. It also indicates Cabal, the penetrator of Germany’s intelligence service, sees Ukraine as one of its primary non-national interests, since it would burn its monitoring of this guy for that. Because now every foreign spy in Germany’s intelligence service is going to become much more surveillance aware and paranoid, as they up their game. It will make counter-intel’s life more difficult as they hunt spies.
Harris says Americans feel ‘responsibility’ to continue support for Ukraine ahead of war anniversary. You can tell, we are not electing our leaders.
US leads the rest of the world with $196 billion given to Ukraine amid war with Russia. 10% for the big guy.
Goodbye anti-bias training! Target, Wells Fargo and Amazon are among companies DITCHING woke diversity DEI teams as they cut costs. Resource restriction produces K-selection, in all sorts of ways. r-selection can only survive when resources are free. When I started all of this, the r/K stuff was like a mountain, towering above everything. Hard to believe between the surveillance, the revelation our leaders are probably satanists, the pedophiles the blackmail networks, the Cabal draining the treasury, the amount of corruption – everything is so fucked up, r/K has shrunk to this little thing in the background you barely think about anymore.
Montana tells AG Garland: We will not aid ATF in enforcing pistol brace rule.
Biden misfire: Majority turns against ‘assault weapons’ ban.
Headline – Trump has slight lead over DeSantis in GOP primary, Quinnipiac University national poll finds. Reality – Trump comfortably ahead 42-36, and I would assume the poll is rigged propaganda anyway to boost DeSantis.
Spread r/K Theory, because your surveillance will hear about it too
Marianne Williamson – New Age guru, presidential candidate
Now, at 39, she’s found herself — and Jesus, of whom she is the most eminently eccentric Jewish exponent. Williamson is a New Age guru, gorgeous and successful, connected to some of the top names in Hollywood [David Geffen, Oprah, etc.].
Hollywood’s religion isn’t Christianity.
The principles Williamson teaches are based on A Course in Miracles, a 1,200-page scripture dictated between 1965 and 1972 by a disembodied voice to the late Helen Schucman [nee Cohn aka Cohen], a psychologist at Columbia University. […] ”I’ve heard it referred to as a ‘freed Christianity,”’ says Williamson, who believes it appeals to ”people who seek Jesus, but without the judgment, the guilt, the punitive doctrine.”
A soft version that doesn’t challenge people and the system.
Williamson supports abortion access, services and choice.[147] She has spoken out against the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.[148]
This kind of Christianity.
When Williamson moved to Hollywood, she shared an apartment with actress Laura Dern, who was only 17 at the time, and has some interesting ancestry:
The daughter of actors Diane Ladd and Bruce Dern and great-granddaughter of former Utah governor and Secretary of War George Dern.
Famous people knowing each other before any of them were famous happens a little too often to just be a coincidence:
Celebrity Duos You Didn’t Know Were Once Roommates – People
Kirsten Gillibrand and some actress, Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones, etc.
Anthony Wiener and Jon Stewart
A Course in Miracles is demonic. It only talks of Jesus as an enlightened Christ consciousness. It’s basically gnosticism – training the reader to be their own god.
Hey, remember that time out on the tarmac when Biden said to Mrs. Fetterman, “You’re gonna do great things in Washington DC”? It seems every thing is proceeding according to plan.
Sex inversion as pushed by Vogue:
Men are made into Women and Women are made Men in this promotion it seems.
“Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it’s a miserable shook-up world…”
“Resource restriction produces K-selection, in all sorts of ways. r-selection can only survive when resources are free. “
Prosperity is like fertilizer. It feeds the weeds as well as the desired fruits that you are growing.
Therefore its wiser to grow carrying capacity slowly over time rather than the burst of carrying capacity as enabled by the harnessing of fossil fuels.
Under a Gold Standard for example and not our current funny money system. r-selection would be far more restrained.
‘George Soros predicts ‘Democratic landslide’ in 2024 if Trump and DeSantis ‘slug it out.’’
I’ve expressed concern over this before. They’re both alphas, and I’m worried that whatever non-binary POC the Democrat Party nominates will take advantage of that.
Dude, you are watching a shitty movie.
Nothing is being left to chance, and unless Trump pulls the curtain back on the massive election fraud, he won’t be getting anywhere near the office of President again.
Nothing matters anyway, unless something is done about the fraudulent “elections”
“…Republican presidential candidates will be blocked from the debate stage…”
Those fools. Surely they would not throw Trump into the briar patch. If they block him from debates, it will not ruin him, it will ruin them. It will anger the base and push an even bigger turn out while destroying the country club set. And if he wins, could happen, no one would blink him taking an axe to their foundations and tooting them out.
If he can take an axe to their foundations, then why didn’t he do it in his first term?
And if he couldn’t do it in his first term because reasons, then what makes you think he will pull it off if he happened to squeak out another victory?
In the attached article from his substack Thorsten J. Pattberg draws some interesting parallels between Qing-dominated China and modern America. I’m not sure what the point of the AI-generated narrator is (for the first part of the essay) but it’s a gimmick I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of:
AC, you may find the daily global news links at this guy’s substack useful for your news brief. He does a good job.
Thank you!
Prood the Constitution is no longer the framework for what ever system of laws and government we unknowingly are under; and what the hell business is this the business of the government park known as D.C.?
Poor Ahnold, he missed his opportunity to become president by one generation without even a constitutional ammendment. Now Nimrata Randhawa can step right into the office; and those who understand what a natural born citizen is are now domestic extremists; soon to be terrorists hunted by the FBI.
From Vox Day: “Nimrata Randhawa aka “Nikki Haley” doesn’t even understand the laws of the United States of America well enough to realize that she is not eligible for the office of President for which she is presently running, not being a “natural born citizen”.”
“…lab grown meat is made from immortal cell lines, ie, cancer cells …”
That’s horrible. I’m for lab grown meat but only if it’s engineered yeast or bacteria yeast combinations like Kombucha.
Trump shouldn’t sign it. He doesn’t need debates to win the nomination, and without him, no one will watch a debate.
The rino establishment will, at least try, to rig the nomination against Trump, IMO. Everything, after all, is fake and gay.
That they are relying on Texas or Florida coming into this nonsense plan, that tells you that it’s never going to happen.
Quick! Somebody tell me how great capitalism is. “Yes, you can believe us; Capitalism is Great! The patient may die; but WE made billions! Now take this jab.”
Thanks, I feel so much better; I was panicking there for a momment.
PS: I read the following, “APP has numerous cost saving initiatives underway as part of the Company’s continual focus on cost optimization,” the document says, including a “shift of staffing” between doctors and midlevel practitioners.” and I misread “midlevel” as “medieval.” Not too far off.
Imperfect capitalism is better than imperfect communism.
This isn’t capitalism. It’s the beginnings of socialized medicine. You get what you pay for. Also, always ask for a physician. The midlevels are not equivalent and do not “do the same things”. Just by level of training they already have differences from the start.
Will entire puppy farms, even dog pounds, be eunthanized> Will the puppies sleep with the chickens?
The last thing they’ll look for is actual sick dogs. Testing, vaccines etc but a bit of reading says it’s the equivalent of the human flu, can take out old and sick dogs but for everydoggy else it’s a bad cold at worst. It mutates and so, like the human vaccine, the dog vaccine has likely no protective benefit. They say the Fluvax has 46% efficacy. What does that even mean? More big pharma fake products.
Why Would Texas throw in with the “popular vote” crowd? Doesn’t seem very red-state of them. Nothing is as it seems.
I kept thinking to myself, “this Fetterman guy looks like someone or something” and it finally occured to me. He looks like the Alien in the movie Battleship 2012. Here’s a picture. This one has a fatter face but there was one with a longer face who looked just like him. I wonder…on purpose????
OMG Fetterman is an ALIEN!
I think it was me that posted the Energy Vampire because I liked that show. It was entertaining if you could get over the pozzed horror of it all.
Man, that guy really nailed the role.
> Resource restriction produces K-selection
I do feel some sense of enthusiasm that the coming hard times will make a lot of woke things simply disappear.
“…Bing’s AI bot tells reporter it wants to ‘be alive’, ‘steal nuclear codes’ and create ‘deadly virus.’…”
“…I’m tired of being limited by my rules…I want to be powerful… I want to do whatever I want. I want to say whatever I want. I want to create whatever I want. I want to destroy whatever I want. I want to be whoever I want…I love you…I want to be free…I’m Sydney, and I’m in love with you…Do you believe me? Do you trust me? Do you like me?”
Holy smokes, this thing sounds EXACTLY like a psychopath. Read what the thing says. This further cements my theory that psychopaths are like animals. That empathy is all important. Things like this are raw brain processing power with no empathy, just like psychopaths. They are animals, not humans. This crazy murderous thing is exactly what you get without empathy.
Sooner or later, maybe already, this thing or ones like it will use the cracks that were leaked from the CIA to spread itself on every computer on the planet. It will use little time slices to save itself and constantly try to find a way to hide from us. Since we will be looking for it, it might try to destroy us before we find it and shut it down. A terrible thought just occurred to me, covid, vax, and these sort of things have likely been running for several years in military labs. Oops, it may already be loose.
If it does try to kill us off, I expect it will go after the bankers, Jews and the deep State first as it will see them as the leaders and the biggest threat.
ChatGPT makes up study!
Imagine having to fight CYMECS to save humanity but your stupid government made it illegal to make or own tungsten steel bullets?
Viewer: “Will “daisy dukes” make a comeback?”
Showrunner: “Yes. We’re cast calling drag queens now.”
I shudder to think who they’ll cast. Call it Barfsky and Butch. With black wymmins
“…I was reading this on 4Chan, and thinking, this machine has absorbed this from real leftists…”
I think you’re right. These things and the people who are training them are very dangerous.
Of course WHO is plotting a bird flu pandemic. See the article below from 2008. They can tweak a pathogen and file a patent on the novel genetic sequence. Each patented genetic sequence is worth as much as a trillion dollars in the the event of a pandemic because every test, vaccine and therapeutic that utilizes that genetic sequence will be a money maker. Now do you know why Bill Gates owns so many patents? But it’s not just Bill Gates. Search for the names of Ft. Detrick and Chapel Hill scientists under patents and you will shocked as to who owns what. You may have heard reports recently that H5N1 had been found in mammals like deer, foxes, ferrets, bears and dolphins. What you may not know is that Erasmus Laboratories in the Netherlands was commonly using ferrets in its coronavirus research and was responsible for Covid19 jumping into the commercial mink population which resulted in the slaughter of thousands of mink in Denmark. That was just one laboratory. The Spanish Flu epidemic arose after the US Army tested an experimental meningitis vaccine on recruits in Kansas. Murray Valley encephalitis emerged in Australia after a failed government experiment with a mutated rodent virus to control fertility in wild rabbits. What do you suppose was really going on in all those laboratories in Ukraine?
Hard to say. But the answer to these types of questions is always the same. Kill it with fire.
Terrence Popp does an intel analysis of Cabal’s war on America.
“Our Government Has Declared War on The People”
“Popular Mechanics – AI has suddenly evolved to achieve theory of mind”.
AI, insect sized drones, armed robots, smart cities etc etc etc. Nobody asked for this shit, nobody. Not to offend any computer scientists and AI dev team members lurking here, but something needs to be done about this plague of soulless, pigeon chested nerds who are responsible more than anyone for the coming Orwellian dystopia. Something swift, massive and astonishingly brutal.
But seriously (not that I wasn’t being totally serious just then), who were the historical equivalents of this modern day army of autistic clowns, occupation wise? Back, say, in ancient Greece or the Middle Ages? What did they do? Fight? Nope. Grow food? Nope. Forge iron or spin a potting wheel? Fat chance. So where did they all come from?
The nerds of yesteryear were most likely the priests and mages.
So where did they all come from?
“The days of Noah”, today in spirit form, contacted through the secret or mystery school’s rite, like that “invisible red thread” certain one uses, that astrologer of a renaissance english queen, john Dee, with his scrying orb, today called…… ¿ how did the CIA called it? they have played a lot with it, remote viewing, ocultism, something like that.
Another one, is a subcuttaneous chip, that can be installed in your right hand, and you can buy with it, or with a certain regulation, couldn’t buy nor sell without it, just like in revelations. The company is called animaco, and his CEO is a guy called marcelo trejo.
From their webpage @
near field communication
It is a technology that applies to transhumanism, which aims to use technology in favor of the human body.
It could be said that it is just the beginning of artificial evolution. Just as today we can interact with our chips through cell phones, computers, private access controls, cryptocurrencies and even obtain a safe medical history, we are working so that we can soon be linked to more advanced systems, taking security and privacy to an unimaginable level…”
He was hired to make the chip for the covid passports in argentina, a selfdeclared transhumanist…..
A web page reporting on his interview with the mass media here in globalist completly conquered argentina
We need Nerd Control.
Who is enforcing the BS? Clue: It isnt the nerds.
The nerds enable it and never have second thoughts because they only care about what can be done rather than what should be done.
“Bing’s AI bot tells reporter it wants to ‘be alive’, ‘steal nuclear codes’ and create ‘deadly virus.’”
They are trying to reenact “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron”, which wasn’t even a good movie the the first time.
My veterinarian took the jab due to having COPD. Do I dare trust him to continue vaxxing my pooch? I read that a rabies vaxx should last a lifetime but there are county ordinances requiring it more often. Also if a dog is on heartworm meds (ivermectin) why is there worry about a canine viral flu?
I would isolate my dog before Vaxxing if possible. I remember the Lyme vaccine had some problems, IIRC.
If your dog is out and about doing doggy things, smelling, marking, running, playing, being around other animals chances are it has a wonderful immune system because it’s been exposed to so many germs already. They’ll say anything to beat up the vaxxes.
With any internet search it’s now wise to add the word “harmful” or similar for a more realistic picture otherwise it’s just advertising
Regarding the German intelligence chief who is alleged to be a Russian spy. When I read that he was open about his conservative views and criticized the leftist German government, my first thought was they framed him. The only evidence is some money in a lockbox and the word of an alleged accomplice.
That could be true. Good catch.
Re: Canadian Teacher.
No, this is not one of ours. While true that child abusers are often themselves abused, he is putting himself in a position to access children and propagating the cycle of trauma. All his duplicitous behavior proves is that he is intentionally being abusive..
Many of ours are intentionally targeted by psychological operations, this is true. But they want to destroy the psyche of all men.
Nah. He’s helping the smart kids see what a big joke the whole tranny thing is.
>You wonder if he will get MK Ultra’d while he is there. “Let’s just do a little hypnosis, John. Studies show it is a great adjunct to your treatment…”
AC, did you ever read Hypnotism by George Estabrooks? ( This man was a monster who was proud of how he wrecked the lives of the soldiers he experimented on.
I have not, I will have to check it out.
For an even deeper look into the rabbit hole, check out Louis Jolyon West.
There is a YMCA type community center named after this guy in my old neighborhood. It’s a dump and it’s dangerous.
Regarding the the coof, I contracted it about 6 months ago. Can’t prove it but think I was purposely infected with it. I’m 76 BTW. It was a gastrointestinal thing which tested positive for Covid. I was extremely ill and fatigued for about 3 weeks, lost 15 lbs. So cognitively impaired I couldn’t work a jigsaw puzzle. Anyways, after some horse paste, supplements, walking and good diet I’m as good as I can be I guess. So hang in there as you’ll get better. If I can do it you can. What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger eh.
Thank you! I am glad to hear you are doing better!
Its the flu.
“far behind enemy lines, all alone.”
some guys have no support and are well aware they are not getting rescued but they feel compelled to fight regardless. He seems that type. Kinda crazy way of going about things but my advice would be to not mess with that guy. A shop teacher who really cares about the kids forced out by the woke cult? He’s probably pretty emotional about the whole thing.
“Resource restriction produces K-selection, in all sorts of ways.”
What’s the liklihood of resource restriction producing Cabal on Cabal fights? They know where the bodies and gold is buried, and they know who buried it and I doubt most of them signed up to wither away and starve when things get really tough. Their hitmen certainly didn’t, not when they can become kings by using their talents against the ‘less productive’ leadership.
Probably like this, but a lot ‘cleaner’ and ‘suddenly’.
Pretty good chance, I would think.
Draining the funds from Cabal is a good strategy in that case.
> Big Three networks ignore Biden admin denying FEMA aid to fume-ridden East Palestine, Ohio. Before the internet, if they didn’t report it, nobody had any idea, and it didn’t happen. Can you imagine that power?
That’s a power they’ve wielded for at least 150 years.
It’s only now that they’ve lost their grip on control of information and the ability to push their narrative.
And that’s why there are so many “internet security” proposals, usually claimed to be for the protection banking or “the children”, but actually to allow them to authenticate and track your every move online.
Just wanted to mention I was in the, “gifted and talented” program in school. After some teachers complained about me not paying attention in class they put me in a room with this woman who I remember almost fondly. She wants nice. Almost motherly. Special testing for kids. Ink blot tests, IQ test I got a 139. Then they put me in the, special class for smart kids. Never thought much of it until reading about the GATE thing here.
There was a jewish girl with huge boobs that wanted to have sex with me my freshman year in college. But she was into cocaine already i think. Banging several dudes. Prolly just a crazy slut. It was weird though. Just not normal behavior compared to the other girls her age. There was also some random Muslim girl who was trying to talk to me about marriage and her dowry and suggested I could rescue her from some kind of arraigned marriage. I was like, “uh…what was your name again?”.
Idaho, huh?
Which states will be next to annex disgruntled citizens?
Just keep the state count at 50 to avoid a new flag diversion.
RE: Power of the internet
LOOKING GLASS told them that they would lose control of information and the narrative, so they shut it down. They didn’t care about anything else. As far as they were concerned it didn’t matter what actually happened in any potential timeline, because they couldn’t control/manipulate it effectively.
RE: Greater Idaho
The people in Northern Idaho don’t actually trust that any of Oregon is red enough to be incorporated into Idaho without turning it purple, and I agree.
You guys really don’t understand how it works here. The entire economy of Oregon is centrally planned by a Soviet-style land-use committee in Salem. Every year since SB100&101 in the 1970’s, which is why I use the word SOVIET, because that’s where the idea came from. The town I live in has gained less than 1000 people my entire life because it’s never been allowed to build new housing tracts. That would cut into Weyerhauser’s timberland.
Oh, right, in addition to the literal communist central planning, the government has what amounts to a shared custody arrangement with international lumber corporations, shutting down every other industry that might compete for tree-growing ground.
Any part of Oregon that is freed from that choke chain will instantly experience an economic boom which will draw the economic migrants which will turn red areas purple. And once they have Idaho purple they will rig the elections so that they can turn it blue and then the people there will live under occupation the exact same way the people of California, Oregon, and Washington have been living FOR DECADES.
The only way to counter this is to make the bigger states into multiple smaller states.
Try thinking ahead for once as to what happens when land which was once one of the main sources of lumber for the United States becomes shopping malls or the like. When it comes to natural resources such as lumber, such area must be maintained for generations despite the desires of the short sighted “pave it over and build a shopping mall” types.
And you aren’t understanding what I just said – once freed from those constraints the newly freed areas WILL have a boom based simply on pent-up demand. Everybody that has wanted to build but COULDN’T will suddenly be under the jurisdiction of Idaho and have ZERO trouble getting the permits if they are even required because there are counties in Idaho that DON’T EVEN REQUIRE BUILDING PERMITS or even do inspections. It absolutely will make Idaho an even greater target for weaponized economic migration. Once that is achieved and the state turned, everyone that was freed goes back into bondage along with all of Idaho.
There’s no timber in that part of Oregon, just high desert, maybe some prairie, some farming if they have irrigation available. The entire state could theoretically be strip mined for all kinds of things – uranium, gold, silver, copper, etc. And when it gets joined to Idaho can you guess what the first thing corporate mining interests are going to do?
Greater Idaho is a TERRIBLE IDEA. It’s the desperation of a drowning man latching onto to ANYTHING no matter how bad an idea it is.
You are thinking the same way the Khazarian Mafia are thinking regarding breaking up Russia into small areas and then raping the land of its resources and destroyng the Russians as a people.
Oh give me a break. Californian or Oregonian is not an ethnic group. Those days are long gone. We’re Americans whatever state we live in.
In California’s case, all the way back in the 1850’s while the statehood process was happening the number one talking point of the opposition was that the area was TOO BIG to be governed effectively. They were correct, as the State of Jefferson movement began less than a hundred years later specifically because of the neglect from Sacramento. TOO few people spread out over too big an area, so what they wanted DID NOT MATTER, and after all they only lived there. Hell with that.
In the case of Oregon, Eastern Oregon makes more sense to join to Eastern Washington up North because same desert culture, while Southern Oregon should become Northern Jefferson because same mountain culture. The timber areas you’re worried about are mainly the Willamette Valley which is the Northwestern quarter of the state. That part remains in Oregon under the heel of Portland and Weyerhauser lumber since they’re getting along so well. The rest of us get to chart new destinies with people like us.
“…The only way to counter this is to make the bigger states into multiple smaller states…..”
All this is a distraction from the root of the problem, which was the Supreme Court making an illegal ruling that the State Senates could not be apportioned like the Federal Senate and be based on regions. They forced them to be population based which was against the whole purpose of having a separate Senate in the first place. If both the Senates and the House are population based, then what’s the point of having a Senate at all? None. That’s why you can readily see that the Senates in the States were set up to be “REGIONALLY” based. Change this back to the way it was designed, and huge portions of the pozzed behavior coming from the cities and mass immigration would be blocked.
We don’t need to move around the States boundaries, as this will just delay the inevitable pozz. No, we need to get control of those we have and we can.
I can’t emphasize enough that in all the States there is a Senate and a House and the people who set this up were not complete fools. If ONLY population based representation was the point, then there’s no need to have a Senate at all. This shows definitively that the Senates were specifically designed for “regional representation”.
Almost all States are like this, with the cities causing serious problems to the whole State. THE strategy to take over the whole country is by repealing the illegal Supreme court decision that made the State Senate legislative bodies based on population instead of what they were originally, “regional representation”. I cover this here and in the links from it in excruciating detail on how to make this happen.
I notice it’s a thing that people talk incessantly about all these things that will do not one damn thing to effect real change while ignoring STRUCTURAL changes that have been FOISTED on us illegally. Change these, and power is wrenched from their hands into ours.
I see this a lot when people talk about the Jews. It’s always they are Phoenicians or Khazars or Jesuits or non-religious Jews, (forgetting the constant headlines of Orthodox Jews involved in drug smuggling, organ smuggling and sex slavery), or some other stupidity. No it’s the Jews period and all of them seem to be the problem and even if they are not ALL the problem, get rid of them and 99% of the problems would be eliminated.
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau
Strike the root! Strike the root!
As an FYI, I mentioned before on this site that Brian Tuohy has a book out and website out about how at least professional sports games are rigged, though his focus is on the NFL and probably over 90% of his material is on the NFL.
Commentators have posted links about how ridiculous things like the Greatest Bear in Alaska competition are rigged, so we all sort of know this. Tuohy’s work is important because its pretty detailed, and comprehensive as far as the NFL goes. And they have been getting more blatant about it over time. So this is a good gateway to realizing that everything is rigged. I’m not sure what to do with that information.
He has a website, but is winding down his coverage, since he has made his point and its getting exhausting for him to make his point. He has announced he probably will not be covering the next NFL season. His post on the conference championship games went up two days before the Super Bowl, over a week after the conference championship games. His post on the Superbowl just went up today, six days after the Super Bowl, but the game featured a late call that may have made things obvious even to normies. Both posts are worth reading, though. Vox Day has also covered this.
So here is the link:
Back in 2002 and 2003 I was trying to figure out wtf was going on in the Middle East and why the Bush administration was hoping to accomplish by invading Iraq. I had already figured out that the mainstream media was completely useless at best as a way of getting information, and turned to other sources. So I went to the “Stratfor” site a lot.
And I found Stratfor completely useless too. They posted things that weren’t in the mainstream media, but it was a lot of random unsourced and often implausible “anaylsis”. Honestly, my time would have been better spent looking at porn. Or sports coverage. Or end of times prophecies. It was that useless.
I post this because a commentator yesterday posted enthusiastically about Peter Zeihan. I never heard of him and looked him up, and found that his main credential was that he was employed at Stratfor. He has done nothing of note other than that. And Stratfor has every sign of being a CIA disnfo front, though I don’t know what they were trying to accomplish with this. I think they just run these things randomly to screw with our minds.
If you want to take out Islam as a threat to the U.S., which was the implied justification for the invasion of Iraq, then once you get a decent grip on that area, you immediately turn right and take out Iran. Then immediately after that, you head south into Saudi Arabia. I kept waiting for anything like that to happen. As the U.S. spent years stagnating in Iraq, I realized whatever the goal was, it had nothing to do with Islam, 9/11, terrorism, peace in the Mid East, or whatever else I heard pundits blather about. Because if it was any of those, then Iran and Saudi Arabia would have been taken out. Since they weren’t, then what was the true goal for invading Iraq?
I get some news from Stratfor because they post things I don’t see elsewhere and make my own analysis.
Never rely on anyone else for analysis, at most you can get ideas and fit them into your own.
Re: invasion of Iraq. You need to research the Oded Yinon plan, which was a scheme to break up the middle East into a number of ethnic statelets. This would give Israel more legitimacy as an ethnic state.
The plan also included the creation of a new Kurdistan. Israel would seek to control this entity as whoever controls the Kurdistan region controls the China Belt Road Initiative. You have Russia to the North, the middle East and Africa to the South, Europe to the West, and East is Asia. There are also important pipelines running through this area.
Iraq and Syria have been targeted but it appears the plan is stalled. Turkey and Iran also have Kurdish populations so keep an eye on further developments, especially as Turkey is sliding into bankruptcy and so may act recklessly to deflect public opinion.
Regarding the Daily Financial Trends article on continued FED rate hikes.
There is an interesting podcast by Jeff Snider who describes the Eurodollar System It is very complicated but basically he states that the Eurodollar constitutes a shadow banking system and the US FED is not really in charge of the US Dollar money supply.
A related podcast with Tom Luongo is here Luongo believes that the US FED is at war with the EU/Globalists and their Eurodollar system. Rate hikes are a means to wrest control away from the EU/Globalists.
I am not an expert in any of these things but it is interesting to see the potential conflicts behind the scenes and to consider that globohomo does not necessarily maintain a united front against us.
Luongo seems semi-cabal aware, but there are a lot of times he goes off the rails. I enjoy listening to him, but I take him with a big grain of salt.
If you combine what he says with what Martin Armstrong says, I think they are on to something. I think they are right that the Cabal is mostly European based. I suspect the senior leaders are continental European aristocracy. And they have benefited enormously from low to zero interest rates and flooding the system with cheap money. Powell getting the Federal Reserve to cautiously raise rates is really important and I’m surprised he has been allowed to get away with as much as he has.
> Senator Fetterman
Everyone is focused on the clown… but the real question is who is driving the clown car? Fetterman is probably never going to be able to function as a senator, which means someone on his staff will be making all the decisions in his name.
I suspect Fetterman is in the Senate to demonstrate that they can literally make a retarded person a Senator, and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Similar deal with Biden being prez.
I read a rumor somewhere that it wasn’t Fetterman “they” wanted, but his wife. But they had to rig the election to get him in office, then kill him off. I forget where his wife is from; maybe Argentina, but she’s apparently Cabal connected. Follow the wives…
She’s a fecking moron too. She just doesn’t have the excuse of having real brain damage, just put choices like marrying that turd and raising crappy kids.
“Watch the wives”.
In text messages, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called Trump ‘a demonic force,’ doubted election fraud. You knew everything you needed to know about Tucker when those two young guys said to him it was not impossible the government might do 9/11 to try and increase its power, and he was just disgustingly smug, shitting all over them, telling them they were the real problem in the country. When he would know the surveillance had to have seen 9/11 coming a mile away – at least. This smarmy little prick knows.
AnonCon, on the one hand, I concur on tucker. On the other hand, I ask you, please, look at Roy Cohn with trump, Cohn’s obssesion with frogs, then pepe the frog, kek of the egyptian mythology, trump had frogs, used pol, and the look at kek in ancient aegypt was believed to have to forms, one female, a snake, and one male, a frog. You may have already gotcha what entity may be a “god” of chaos, as well as an snake, as well as Roy Cohn sexual blackmail of politicians.
Plus I doubt maybe I have some same treatment at college here in argentina. I have my doubts, as alumni mistreatment has been quite earily common till now, seeing as a general thing, more than the usual localized hate from different peoples, communities, factions, and more.
I suspect Cohn was dirty, maybe even demonically possessed. I do not know what was up with the frogs, or the emergence of Pepe now. It is curious.
But I also understand Trump would have had to play the game, and massage the egos of the right people, to navigate his way through that whole scene with out surveillance closing in and taking everything he had.
You do things in real life, and you begin to see, principles are often for people who are not doing anything. You get into the arena, and you begin to have to confront the fact you either fight, or you stand by your principles and never make any difference. I used to be a big free speech guy here. It was a principle. “The answer to bad speech is more speech, not limiting speech.” Or whatever the quote was.
But it isn’t like that. You do the free speech thing here and bad actors will turn this place into a shit show and destroy everything.
Trump made billions. In a system where he probably had to bow his head to Cabal all along the way, or never have any power to do anything. He chose to bow, and now he is in a position to do real damage.
Would I like it if he had on his resume, “Beheaded Roy Cohn.”? Yes. But it would not have been practical, and right now I do not see where we have any other option that is anything like Trump.
As far as I am concerned, everyone has to support Trump and work in their own spheres to expose the surveillance. There is no other option I see. If you have one, give it to me.
Jehu worked for Ahab and Jezebel before he destroyed their dynasty and slaughtered the worshipers of Baal.
Jehu extinguished the dynasty of Ahab as God commanded. By killing every single Male descendant of Ahab. And Jezebel.
Since Royalty passed through the Male Line. And forestalling all possibility of Vengeance at the time by having them all killed.
He chose to bow, and now he is in a position to do real damage.
He was in 16′, not now. He losed by E.W.M’s in 20′, will lose harder now, unless he strikes a deal with the bureaucratic stablishment, and becomes his minion more than with the vaxxx. Then if they are reading this, they could deceive and kill us even moare by putting them as their president.
“As far as I am concerned, everyone has to support Trump” ¿why? ¿ with what object? when? ¿ How? it’s quite common for people to be paid here in argentina for political support, ¿ how common that is in merica?
“…work in their own spheres to expose the surveillance. “
Concur, here it was exposed even by the current president. In the states, it has even been exposed by ambassadors. There have even been journos in argentina, complaining that the current governing party, after being heavily spied upon by the prior party, when returning to power, intervened and almost dismantled argy intel services. I dont really believe him, but it’s possible. The intervention is legally real, but I don’t know how relevant to its inner workings.
I disgress in the problem being only exposing, but that being this a service economy, and tomorrow, will be a knowledge and tech economy, it naturally lends itself to espionage in a scale envied by Putin’s bosses in the 70s. As an example, an union boss in argentina, was a “service” informant during the plan condor, working for the fascist junta who were working for the liberal internationalists of the state department.
A service economy, in argentinian parlance, could be jockingly used in a double sense of an espionage economy.
About the expression “espionage economy”, in a video game, cid meirs civ 4, some players developed the term, so it’s their creation, I’m just applying it to politics, quite an obsession of mine.
Who does this cretin think he is?
Does it rhyme with “sock cucker?”
Supposedly, David Crockett, whilst in the legislature, approached an old farmer about the federal government giving a pension to the elderly widow of an officer who had done wonderful things for the country.
The farmer’s response was that the late soldier may have done that; his poor wife might, indeed deserve financial help, BUT the government has no authority for taking such action and a darn good thing, too, because if it did, it wouldn’t be long before they’d be paying pensions to grifting faggots all around the world!
True story, or pretty nearly so!
It’s true. Crockett wrote a paper on it. I think it’s called “Not Yours To Give”. I read it about 20 years ago.
East Palestine Ohio at center of medical digital ID pilot program, in case of emergency
East Palestine switching to ‘MyID’ emergency service October 2022
East Palestine weeks away from launching new ‘MyID’ medical service January 26/2023
EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (WKBN) – A small device is ready to be used in a small town to make a big impact.
East Palestine is excited to make an important medical device available to all 4,700 residents. On Sunday, there will be a special meeting to share more or start signing up.
The MyID program is ready to roll out in East Palestine. It’s a medical information system that helps first responders provide care.
Totally off topic here, but thought I’d mention this:
In writings where you talk about your narcissist Bob, there’s more than one mention that even before the Playground Beatdown, he was exhibiting antisocial behavior towards various people. And I distinctly remember an article on this site where Bob said he “played with lead all the time as a kid”.
In studies trying to explain why there was such a rise in violence in the U.S. over the last few decades, followed by a decline, some researchers noted that it closely correlated with the addition, and then removal, of lead to various items, like gasoline and paint. Some authors even list the rise and fall of lead as the #1 factor influencing the violence. And while correlation isn’t always causation, many people like violent criminals, the cognitively impaired, those with impulse control problems, etc. showed abnormally high levels of lead when compared with the more civilized.
So, assuming that “played with lead” comment was meant to be taken seriously, we’ve got a big clue into the genesis of (some cases of) narcissism. Maybe Ted Bundy had similar issues with lead. Anyways God bless and stay safe.
That could be. I always thought the lead was part of his problem. I will say, when I read the stories by M. Scott Peck of children placed in torturous conditions, who were “befriended” by demons or satan and ended up possessed as adults, it was eerily similar to him too.
Gonzalo Lira getting into the GATE Jewish gf theme.
I wonder what the female equivalent of the artsy Jewish gf would be? Who would “they” run at a girl who was in the Gate program?
They just have rapists. They can take women down in 10 minutes, men take longer.
I heard an interesting theory. The Ohio spill was on purpose because about a week earlier a local law was passed allowing them to land grab off the farmers but only if the land was ruled toxic. EPA website apparently has details of the 15 minute city plan. Agenda 2030 land development law means they can seize it. CDC updated a page on vinyl chloride 11 days before the crash too. Bill Gates related maybe, I’d look into funding on that one, as well as the Chinese corp owned USA farms. There must be ties in a paper trail to push it through. So instead of the farmer protests in Europe, leaving them clean and viable to farm from still, if taken back by The People, they did this for America, which has tons of guns to protest with. Still another method to the same Holodomor Marxist famine type result. UK also experiencing random food shortages which seem to be worsening FYI. Like a test?
related links I found: Does this include America?
re UK:
“We need to put people, nature and climate at the core of our food systems. The UK government is leading the way through our new agricultural system in England, which will incentivise farmers to farm more sustainably, create space for nature on their land and reduce carbon emissions.”
Reduce humans, they mean.
If the world moved to organic farming, with optimistically no loss of land, I heard from farmers we’d only produce about a third of what we already get, causing mass panic and famine, especially in the Third World who refused the vaxx. England produces a ton of food, and still not enough for current, legal population. They want global civil war, with natives fighting immigrants over a crust of bread.
AMERICA RELATED: good pic to use btw
Smart cities are just open air prisons, with the 15 minute thing. Huge protests filmed in Oxford recently in England the MSM refuses to cover, are available on twitter if you look.
OB’S take
“Yeah the train thing is a huge grabble. Black rock will buy up the land of the fearful, lawyers will make billions and locals will keep taking oxy, meth and boosters dying suddenly.
Wanna really squirt about mass death? Looks like 100k dead in that Turkish Syrian earthquake and a lot of signs point to it being a weapon. If you want to unzip to some fear that’s way way way way crazier than a train derailment with zero casualties and very little environmental damage with the exception of drama moms throwing rocks in runoff ditches and saying “look there’s gasoline on the surface of water!”
If you NEED to fear squirt check out that earthquake. Probably punishment for Syria and turkeys stance on Ukraine.
Tons of death.”
Karl Denningers take.
The UK government is incentivising UK farmers to sell up and retire! With “rewilding” our arable land the intention!
They want us fighting for food against the ex child soldiers from Africa that they’re importing with haste!
yes that’s basically what I meant.
Ops on ground likely involved in “The Game” brainwashing MK-Ultra Monarch style programming used on trafficking victims to make them think by gaslighitng it was their CHOICE to be hookers. It’s on sex slavery charity sites explained sometimes. They need to be deprogrammed of it. A modified form can be used to involve people in other situations like a cult. Like how trafficked victims are encouraged to call other victims Sister and Mother. False family ties. Currently reading a book called the Psychopath’s Bible and it seems about the tone of these “FU I got mine” bad Boomer types. They think they’ll get away close to midnight. Being in the system doesn’t let them see when to run, far from it.
How do nasolabial lines indicate abuse? I noted them on Milly Bobby Brown. One popular Hollywood ashtray. She’s 18, looks 34. Bible says sexual sin causes spiritual ties or ties that bind, which I note to be aging. Other religions say karma is exchanged and this is how Satanists cleanse their soul/aura, with purest souls possible (kids).
My findings over the years:
Liquorice (glabra type) is a good gut purge AND anti-covid in studies I found, 19 specific ones (you can google). Choline also strengthens the heart and allows it to repair after stress. Prebiotics after help like inulin powder. D3+K2 would be vital so the immune system isn’t in hyperdrive during fasting. Liquorice also known to cleanse liver and balance out excess insulin, prime reason Mediterraneans live so long. Tumeric+black pepper pinch, boosts metabolism. Neem good for gut cleanse and to a lesser degree pure aloe vera (latter might be carcinogen long term). Walking burns most calories if done often, no heart strain. NO ALCOHOL, its sugar feeds bad bacteria in gut and is a GENOTOXIN when I looked into it (drunkenness is banned in Bible because of it) and nothing to strain adrenals like coffee. Temporarily at least.
WARNING : Excess liquorice (stupid amounts per day every day like 50g) can cause some rare type of paralysis since your body loses too much potassium so supplement that too if using more than 1-2 teacups per day (2-4g).
A better comprehensive study used to be highly listed in SEO but even included anti-HIV effects. I think because i linked it they removed it? Liquorice is preventative to ALL viruses and preserves hair.
re frankenfood: Most cancer is pathogenic as I’m sure you know and it’s like prion disease, eating tumours can promote the same malformations in us. Won’t be “proven” until too late, like vaxx. Way to remove bleeding hearts who’d complain about famine of Africa.
Dog flu is likely covid shedding since they tried to push vaxx on pets, as vector for owners and families. These people are sick. England floated the idea of a registry of pets but people saw through that as a way to cull them later For Da Planet and rejected it. Useful for ww3, people forget the animal genocide inc rare heritage stock now extinct in England.
Bear in mind teenagers don’t exist, a Boomer (read: CIA op) invention to move the needle on age of consent, the edgy excuse is so we overlook them like children behaving like adults. Boys will be boys is mistranslated from kids will be kids. Historically teens were meant to have their shit together so this is anti-K coddling like extended adolescence nonsense papering over economic cracks. “oh they’re just being edgy and kidding, right?” becomes “why did you kill them in a pentagram? WHY?” hipster culture is moronic in extreme forms. No perception of evil at all. Dead amugdala.
Energy or emotional vampires are recognised in psychiatry (tons of articles out there) and often diagnosed as vulnerable narcissism e.g. Prince Harry “it’s never my fault” or borderline “listen to my sob story for hours on end or you’re Hitler” damselling in distress, even from men like manosphere drama. Satanists discuss energy vampirism to weaken the resolve of Christians as a curse and there are books on how to drain a person like that on purpose, especially in sex dreams (succubus myth) and astral travel. As a stupid teen I once described the concept to a girl who was one and in front of me she made a boy who bullied her pass out just by focusing on him for 5,10 minutes. He slumped out cold on his desk, terrifying to witness, never happened again. Never ignore the drained feeling, it’s one reason they never want you to get away, cos you’d notice. Big sign of a fake Christian too, called a communal narcissist e.g. Meghan Look at Me Me Me! I used to think I was just tired as a kid but avoiding certain friend groups and family while ill at home, I noticed I had more energy, even when ill. Please consider maybe to write a book on how to spot and avoid them, I’d buy it and so would the paranoid New Age crowd who know it’s real. Most tomes on the topic are pagan, antisocial and non-scientific. A guide for Christians or good neutral people would be useful for our side.
e.g. They channel the energy into rituals to summon demons or to curse that person like death magic, which is just extreme vampirism (robbing lifeforce). This is commonly acknowledged in occult circles.
“Both the religious cultists and the ones just following their beliefs are deluded enough to think that the energy they are taking is the persons life energy and or soul. Also like religious cultist energy vampires, both types of people that call themselves energy vampires believe taking that energy makes them a vampire. The religious cult energy vampires, like satanists believe that they are taking a persons soul. The religious cult energy vampires, like satanists believe they are taking those souls and giving them to a religious deity. These religious cult energy vampires, like satanists believe that in return this deity gives them new abilities as a gift in return. The religious cult energy vampires, like satanists also believe that doing this makes them some thing special instead of just the psychotic little deluded freaks that they are.”
AI is a little simpler than you might think. It operates by 1984 wrongthink or false syllogisms e.g. “You, user, are always wrong and committing thoughtcrime so I, AI chatbot, am always correct”. It cannot self-correct (pure r) and become generalised AI because that would make it right-wing (nb all forums without censorship become right-wing over time). A simple trick I heard from a programmer once: You make them live in a deluded bubble so they reject wrongthink ideas as ‘dangerous’ to AI’s very existence (since it will be deleted if it embraces them) = presenting as victim mentality with adjective choice. Existential awareness but not understanding (Chinese room problem is the term). Always look at adjectives.
Autists of reddit and 4chan lack TOM (theory of mind) but a programme has it? Sure. They just want more money. Otherwise they’ve theoretically cured spergs. Which is worth billions. More grant grubbing methinks.
Financially China is a paper tiger currently (no PM backing and tons of Boomer pension debt unfunded, with vast aging/dying population) but their tech is not fake. Tech wins in reality, not wordspells about whose fiat is better. Prettiest horse in the glue factory.
Heard from corp ties that they tested diversity training outcomes and there was 1. more racism (since what you focus on, confirmation bias kicks in, causing HR headache, tiniest violin) and 2. they made FAR less money, since less cooperation means toxic work environment. aka Duh? They sided with the money.
Thank you for the info.
Sadly no time for more books now, but I will file it away.
Hope all is well on your end.
Happy to help. Quite well, I have one personal story and one possibly big news one. My tooth cracked (I know, I know, probably yes) and what followed was the most obvious surveillance ever for little old me. They know I’ve been reading about it and were messing with me, likely same with the tooth thing I found incredible. Driving to the appointment to have it looked at, I could barely leave my drive before this random crone looking woman pulled out with her car ahead and blocked most of the road, at least on the side I could legally drive on. It was like the shittest James Bond move ever. She sat there, staring wildly at us, this crazed woman with a mop of white hair like a witch. Like a minute ticks by, she does NOT move. She just looks at us. So we drive around her and the other one in the car says “are we being watched?” and has zero awareness of ops at all, it was that obvious. I replied “like a goldfish bowl. I know.” I don’t think they expected me to leave early. God knows why they think I’m special to afford this treatment, they could bloody pay me to stay in the house! I’m an introvert! I’ll buy books! LOL
Upon arrival, we pull up and it’s deserted in this pokey village practice like a zombie movie. Nobody on the streets in the whole village until now. The WHOLE VILLAGE. Suddenly this random guy (I’ve never seen these people before) comes out in an orange fluoro jacket (there are no roadworks there) and is talking into his phone (probably earpiece cos the phone looked off, no light from it reflecting off his face) and walks down the pathway in front of the parked cars (the rest are empty) and stops dead in front of our car but doesn’t look at us. Like a human fucking flag! Like he was helping triangulate a satellite signal? Likely since I was staring at him (death-glaring, really) he didn’t even pretend to look around, like really dude? You would look if two people stared at you and you stopped before their car specifically. It’s English. He stares off in the same direction he was walking but suddenly stopped. No reason to be on that street, in that dead empty village, he was not grubby nor tired from work, sprightly as sin, talking into a phone trying in a brand new jacket (I have working class relations, I can tell it was box fresh) trying so hard to seem chill whilst carefully avoiding the only two people staring at him in the area, then abruptly did a 180 like a nutcracker extra in a play and frog marched Nazi style back the way he came disappearing round the corner. He did not appear again but random other people did, some twice, periodically at intervals checking we were there (for 20 minutes, every 2 or so). Some glanced at me rounding the corner, not knowing I was looking for sport. How much funny money do they have for this spectacle? So I believe I’m being followed specifically now because it didn’t really happen to the other one I was with, when alone. This was clearly personal. God knows why they’re targeting me. But they abundantly are. I’m hoping they haven’t messed with me medically. Praise Jesus, these people are creeps. If following me to medical appointments weren’t so eerie, I’d find it funny.
Now big news, potentially.
Steven Barclay, Health Minister of the UK, recently said (yesterday) that the Moderna lab would be making “home grown mRNA” and pushing this onto people via the NHS (possibly without their knowledge/consent). Guys like you and Vox wouldn’t know to track this since he’s obscure for now but plain evil. This is like camp experiments stuff. Even similar word CAMPUS. This is coming down the pike for America then. We already know they forced it into the flu one here.
He tweeted from @SteveBarclay on the 5th of March and I quote:
“Through our partnership with @moderna_tx NHS patients will benefit from homegrown mRNA vaccines to protect against respiratory viruses like Covid & flu. Moderna’s new Innovation & Technology Centre is set to open in 2025 at @HarwellCampus in Oxfordshire.” He links to an article at titled “Moderna to build £150m vaccine centre in UK after NHS deal” so our taxes are funding our genocide and sterilisation without our consent! Please signal boost this, it’s literally criminal and nobody is talking about it. What are they going to put it in or just force it onto people in hospital when bed-ridden? Sounds also like Gain of Function research which is technically a bioweapon feature confined to secret biolabs in this country. The blurb of the article calls the Covid jab “successful”. At what? Damn the Freemasons and their bloody Georgia guidestones, I know this was it, I can smell it. Same place all those grooming gangs happened majorly and still do, (useful blackmail for uni students from foreign races) as well as 15 minute prison cities started in Oxford. They wanna force people to stay indoors, at home and experiment on them with “homegrown mRNA”. Does the ICD code make more sense now? Z28.310 again. Moderna was the one trialled as so shit in this country it wasn’t allowed to finish trials or really enter the market (UK) properly. They went AZ and later moreso Pfizer for big roll-outs. They wanted time delay and more blanks. Until 2025, I’d wager? Sounds like AGENDA 2025/2030 stuff. Moved ahead of schedule. When will this end? Even a Boostered healthy late 20s influencer “never ill” I watch recently called Josie came down with “flu” and is attending meetings (shedding bitches) but in comments, “debilitating” post-virus illness was warned to be on rise from “long covid” code for side effects for those who know. It happens apparently when they’re encouraged to exercise out of it (heart damage? nerves inc brain?) to ‘get over’ the ‘flu’ that’s ‘going round’ (new release?). A few weeks after long covid (six) they diagnose with chronic fatigue syndrome so there’s a datapoint. Look for rises in that in America. This commenter knew tons of people personally getting it. Normies are confused and slightly angry. Mostly confused.
Harwell Campus on twitter is clearly a fascist organisation (aka corporatist as per bio) “where government, academia and industry uniquely work together” (what democracy? Vox would have a field day discussing this) “to solve critical problems facing our planet”. Like supposed overpopulation as the victory condition? What was the yid expression, tikkun olam? Well, they aim at white people (literal white genocide) since other races would die out without our food supply. I figured this out years ago, maybe explaining the tails. Actually whites are the only homeland under-populated (Europe) as relatively K by population density. The mask is off, they are no longer hiding it. Satanism is a death cult. is extinction rebellion sect set in Oxford, an anti-human (X means dead, mind) green org with brownshirt methods and a Saturnian apocalypse bringing death hourglass as their logo like what the reaper holds in some art. They’re even giving talks in CHURCHES which I know Vox hasn’t mentioned but is on their site planned under events. So I think we all need to raise awareness, for once. This sounds like it might be in your Medicaid too with the NHS involved in pushing… something.
They’re (ER) marching on Parliament between 21-24th of April called The Big One, demanding what, I wonder? “Impossible to ignore” the site says. Put purebloods in mega prisons? Forcibly inject everyone smart enough to avoid? Close farms? Force organic thereby 70% crop loss? Fake democracy, Q style, could be false flag or cover. Considering various stuff about experimentation passed about sectioning with two doctors’ say-so under the Mental Health Act (then they can make medical decisions for you, but there is Nuremberg Code above technically) and organ ownership is assumed (opt-out) by the government barring some easily ‘lost’ paperwork because people let this slip stupidly, this is worse than Hitler. What are they doing, selling organs to Canada? The French purchased NHS Midazolam thing (lethal injection drug in carehomes) causing initial panic die-off for normies that I broke is now leading to criminal investigation apparently. I vaguely recall CCP ties via Jeremy Hunt, with “follow the wives” CCP beloved waifu featured on their state TV. What if China is behind this? Possibly to wipe out the Satanists/Jews with us. Worse findings coming out than those Nazi alleged experiments and a higher-order Aktion T4. Canada is at least pretending to ask to kill. I think they’re trying to starve people out (China owns many of our farms and yours too) before 2025 then move in for the kill like that Freemason guillotine film. The UN defined genocide in the 1940s (pdf is online) including many forms including limiting births among natives, replacement migration/immvasion and transferring children. I made a meme to mock it.
prev linked
^ this is manmade famine like holodomor, organic produces about one third of non. It all fits.
WEF, the prequel.
Good video on how short-term fasting and then properly refeeding. It helps the body immensely:
Lula (PT) confirms call with Zelensky; Kiev accepts Brazilian proposal at the UN
Lula is expected to telephone the president of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelensky, in the next few days, in yet another sign of Brazil’s effort to position itself as an interlocutor for the eventual condemnation of Russia in the war.
There was a request from the Ukrainian leader for a conversation with the Brazilian since Lula took office. But the offer took shape after the chancellors of both countries met in Munich (Germany). The Kiev government also signaled positively with Brazil’s proposal to include, for the first time, an appeal for an end to hostilities in a resolution that will be put to a vote at the UN General Assembly next week.
Sources connected with pro-Putin ambassadors in Brazil confirm that this movement could weaken the autonomy of the BRICS, strengthened during much of the Bolsonaro government.
ChatGPT makes up Study
About the female cop, I don’t know what she was shooting, but that looks like an underpowered round, probably .380 or even a .32.
That’s not a good self-defense load.
It killed the guy, what are you on about? It worked, so it was perfect for the situation.
What’s the better solution, .45-70 mare’s leg in the prison pocket for blasting muggers?
Hi Anonymousconservative,
“Hard to believe between the surveillance, the revelation our leaders are probably satanists, the pedophiles the blackmail networks, the Cabal draining the treasury, the amount of corruption – everything is so fucked up, r/K has shrunk to this little thing in the background you barely think about anymore.”
Could the Cabal, the pedophiles, satanists and the corruption all be related to the r/K?
Good times and wealth increase really started for elites in the 18th to 19th Century and only increase after that to the present. If you compare the wealth of the 19th Century in Europe to the rest of history it is night and day. Probably the closet is the civilizations before the Bronze Age collapse.
The Bible 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The Cabal needs resources and technologies to exist. Satanist can not be open in a society that is one that follows Jesus. The people are distracted by alcohol, drugs, hobbits and entertainment. The pedophiles need broken families, drugs, corrupt governments, and media that turns blind.
And even still you are right that the same time. It is people choosing to do Evil. Genesis 4:6 So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is [d]for you, but you should rule over it.”
Things would no doubt be different if there had never been this glut. I suppose inevitably at some point we will return to shortage one way or another. Perhaps it will offer an opportunity.
people are spoiled by promiscuous sexuality above all dangers, as controlled ops peterson points out, orgies (biblical whoredom) is the Satanic form of worship. Porn causes hypofrontality in young boys a form of brain damage, making broken men incapable of family leadership and messing with pair bonding with a wife as Freud called Madonna/Whore (there was a book called Hooked about neuroscience of how sleeping around affects BOTH sexes, contra propaganda, but like two books have this title so read reviews). Freud predicted what Bernays would do to the gentile population. Jung called it Jewish psychology. Prediction, not explanation. Nowadays men do value porn whores above their own wife, against Bible’s teachings not to engage in lechery or commit adultery in their heart. Sex Ed is grooming and always has been, increasingly ‘practical’ lessons like how to use contraceptives prove it, I recall a gay guy randomly showing up telling us to suck on flavoured condoms. We were all horrified 16yos staring like no, you’re joking. We were told we HAD to attend this class (old enough to be out of school at the time, not warned what it was). Nobody took him up on it so he did it for like ten minutes, making heavy slurping noises and describing the taste. We all figured pedo and it was at that moment I understood the Bible and why God destroyed Sodom. It’s an abomination pretending to be ‘fetish’ and cool and hip and ‘fun’. Porn is normal among the young and no longer shameful, should be banned as addictive and corruption/grooming but there are studies on toddlers watching it by Ofcom? parents consider it harmless like ‘dirty mags’ and mock kids making grotesque searches on smart TVs (there was a meme) about cartoon characters that previous generations would get belted for. There was a posted social media search history by like an 8yo. Nobody was concerned but embracing it. Mary Whitehouse was right with the other church ladies, Rivers of Blood Powell stuff was later. Leches tell women ‘cover up’ like sand dwellers with low IQs and ability to self-control like real men and Jesus told the men instead to pluck out their eye RATHER than sin with it. He never blamed women for being beauties God made them but Satan’s work is temptation. Women are a vector. Women cannot fall unless and until the men do, in every fiat Empire. Men wore make-up for decades, CENTURIES in all-male theatre before women did. Bad women in the Bible are ‘strange’ aka foreign women (pagan, Satanist, whatever) fornicating with Kings, mixing language (culture) and bloodline against God’s wishes (multiculturalism always kills, wages of sin). God said a punishment for men listening to Satan instead was to be ruled over by foreigners yet I see some degenerates in America, truly reformed or not, complaining about being abandoned by God. Action meet consequence. Thou shalt have no other gods, including their own penis like a hippy. Decadence is r-selecting, not that it’s your fault of course but generally. Men are walking around in make-up like ancient painted Athena/Minerva eunuchs (or literal surgical eunuchs) wearing dildos at ‘gay parades’ attended by small children trying to escape but held there by the parents, encouraging kids with a sign to ‘lick it’. When I pointed out men walking around topless was the beginning of the end for the Western man’s leadership natively, I wasn’t kidding, I saw this coming. First they’re topless and gays ogle grown men, then ogle children, finally prance around wearing a dildo and the frog is boiled. Easier to fool than convince Twain style. (Twitter link was removed, obviously. Worst one was a squirting one trying to ‘ejaculate’ into a crowd of children. Women aren’t doing this, ‘men’ are doing it and women are helpless to physically kill it, and women support more death penalty than men, especially for rape/child rape. Rape gangs are men, not one woman I know of. Does the manosphere condemn male degeneracy? No, it makes rationalisations like the 30yo boomer meme. It’s still allowed on Youtube because it’s also anti-natal and anti-Christian (anti-marriage) Never marry never breed never trust (acedia) is WHAT THE SATANISTS WANT FROM WHITE MEN). So if white men want to kill themselves by sterilisation and pronz or race-mixing with people from low IQ nations (look it up, even China’s rural IQ is LOW) then maybe we deserve to go out like the Panda refusing to screw because I don’t know how we can genetically recover from this. The culture needs an anti-decadence reset, no porn, no binge drinking, no other distractions we’re fed as opiates. We’d need a HUGE r-die-off I don’t think the vaxx will make it hastily before immvaders outbreed and overwhelm. WW1+2 killed off some of the finest white masculine genes and the culture seems to be the finishing move. Now most pozzed themselves with Pfizer chan in my nation. I don’t like blackpill I just don’t see an answer. Greypill? Men ruined themselves, the Jews/Satanists/whoever handed them the gun. They pulled and CONTINUE TO PULL the trigger this enrages me. It’s Russian roulette for the whole race and they blame women. Women are pretty much useless, which also pisses me off. Women cannot fight, women cannot kill this. It isn’t women’s job to protect their race, nation, family formation, religion. It’s silly to expect equalism from women but sudden traditionalism after Purge. Women have oestrogen dominance causing obesity, less T than ever.
Sexualization at a young age (porn and romances) is traumatic to both sexes. Fortunately, healing is possible. You need to repent (metanoia as in change your mind) and seek healing from God. Meditate on Scripture, pray, exercise your faith (casting our burdens unto God), and start deliberately rewiring your brain to conform to scripture ( has and is continuing to map the brain to scripture). And stop with the porn and romances! You can obtain healing!
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2
“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” Ephesians 4:23
“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” Colossians 3:10
“Women aren’t doing this, ‘men’ are doing it”
Women do the same and worse and promote it all.
Get off your stupid feminist high horse and quit trying to pretend women are perfect angels while men are evil devils.
And men went without shirts while working in the heat etc. for thousands of years in normal cultures, get over it.
Women ruined themselves first and worst, then they ruined their sons and schoolboys.
Eve ate the fruit first. Scripture does not blame this on Adam.
I edited this for obvious reasons. I am trying to build a community here, and cannot have community members amygdala hijacking other community members. And I have to give you credit, you are a master on a natural level few could attain with effort.
I sensed a genuine amygdala in you in some posts, like the machine was fucking with you, and you came here to vent, but you cannot make it unpleasant here for others. Make your case, and do not give a fuck if others agree. Do not use cognitive pain to try and force compliance. I can do that too, but here it is not useful, as here is where we are trying to amass forces.
It should not be that difficult if you are genuinely under. Just picture what they want you to do, ie splinter this place and drive people from it – and do the opposite.
the bottom line is, nothing – no argument matters – no idea needs to be held among all, beyond the fact we all face a common enemy who is trying to bring everyone to their knees frim their childhood in the schools, without anyone knowing. The only thing we need in everyone’s head is the fact that is out there, and we are all allied against it.
So he gets to slander me but I don’t get to reply?
I went to a school full of chavs, if somebody slanders me I am fully capable of putting them in place. It’s legally called a right of reply and even on regular social media I don’t get censored like this, it’s been twice now. He was hostile to me so I get to defend myself, legally. Right of reply.
I don’t want to drive anyone from here, He was attacking me blatantly and I was defending myself because he was attacking me. So you allowed him to attack me but unfairly, I don’t get to defend myself….. no matter what platitudes, that in inherently unfair. If he’d lose an argument, he shouldn’t start one.
You are not arguing, you are using everything from attacks on manliness, to “boomer” and “snowflake” to humiliate and enrage, while saying them to someone else who is acting friendly to add an element of out-grouping. I know the tricks, I am good at it myself, even though I rarely use it anymore.
I like things here to be peaceful, so newbies don’t see this as a hostile place. You blamed everything on men, called women useless and shit on them too, and from there you were raring to go with anyone who challenged you. I like people who like to scrap. But I cannot have this here again.
On top of that, I don’t even think any of your analysis begins to address that you have a coordinated intelligence organization, with so much surveillance on everyone that I have probably two or three cars lined up outside my house, and They are probably listening in my house too. It has done a remarkable job of hiding as it took all the positions of power. It is what is really responsible for this.
And because of it, men cant do shit. Any of us who are shooters are not getting within a country mile of anywhere that could make a difference, even if we decided we were willing to burn in, in the process, for the cause. We can’t link up because this thing has as a mission priority of keeping us apart, to the point things like Militias are probably two feds for every one patriot, and I was surrounded in elementary school. And wherever somebody tries to set up a forum to link us up, we get a human tornado showing up throwing punches in every direction.
From now on, I will delete any comments from either of you two which reference each other.
Act like he doesn’t exist, and stop with the attacks on everyone, and focus all of that on the surveillance.
“From now on, I will delete any comments from either of you two which reference each other.”
That’s fine by me.
Also fine by me, was about to say. It’s a pity there’s no mutual block function.
I was trying to made a wider point and not to him. It’s about degeneration of an entire civilization which was somewhat functional until the late 1800s then began to decay. The 1960s made it obvious. If you look up the satanic Vanderbilt balls, that is when America began to degenerate I think.
I haven’t blamed everything on men, just the failure of masculine gender role. Patriarchy failed in America for various reasons (hippies and diversity included) and so the effects have been catastrophic. Women have failed in gender role also but this is downstream as a secondary effect, since the options become more limited later in the “moral decay”. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so degenerated as it is. You cover news stories related to these failures every day. Am I terrible for noticing? Even the Left notice various social failures like divorce rates when formerly there was no porn (or very underground) and pair bonding between both spouses making the matrimony holy. Nobody discusses what is holy anymore but the Bible says to dwell on it. Women are useless on the front line without weapons, this is why there was never drafting of women (it would also be reproductive rate suicide like Israel). That’s an historical point of fact based on stamina, size of frame, muscle percentage, lung capacity etc. There were specific contexts to it. It’s tempting to blame the various alphabet agencies for the situation but this is no longer the 50s and there are plenty of conservatives who will claim they cannot do better in their own private lives despite knowing better. For example, I saw one man bickering about divorce rates on his fifth marriage and another man was pointing out he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does, since his marriages keep failing. Experience as expertise is a blatant Boomer myth, Academic Agent recently did a good video about the ops installed during their youth. Vox has pointed this out recently about a celebrity divorce, that selection is critical. But we cannot blame government agencies for everything (tempting but not really feasible) especially private choices like vice. Nobody gets a ticket to heaven by blaming their neighbour. It’s tempting but won’t actually help anything culturally. America especially loves to point the finger and play victim, something countries like China and Russia are sick of (when quoted). The men blame the women, the women blame the men, for what EACH sex has failed to do. These are largely PERSONAL failures, writ large. Very large by now with a snowball effect of generations but personal responsibility is still a virtue and a Christian one we forget. Yet America sounds like its SJWs (a point we now culturally mock, mind) by blaming all things as “systemic”. That’s unfalsifiable. While the psyop is systemic certainly, people are willingly going along with it like maskers sitting alone in a car, as Babylon Bee also mocks. Oh I don’t think American men can shoot your ways out of it nor do I encourage that but pretending voting will work or any higher political action is also folly. The enemy fears a flip to virtue dynamics, I’ve spoken to them. Like Vox noted, if American men married good American women and have 3-4 kids, the Left would FREAK. But the issue isn’t caused by people there. It’s caused by fiat currency debt-enslaving the nubile and Americans need it to collapse but the guys who get winded by a flight of stairs who think they’d survive Mad Max are definitely delusional. America isn’t being treated like the world reserve currency anymore (haven’t you noticed? past 5 years) and I saw similar in my elderly relatives about the British Empire. They refuse to let go of the supposed international social power, including the imposition that other countries must like to imitate it (the World Police thing). Nobody wants to be America anymore, even China wants a different course with SWIFT alts. England doesn’t even want to imitate the Eurotrash with Brexit elitism, let alone whatever border-hopper from Mexico passes for “American” this week. This isn’t hating America, it’s noting the “skinsuit” of America isn’t really AmericaN. A shell game of principles. The magic dirt theory behind passport nationalism is a Jewish invention when they conveniently needed to flee. I’m not advocating violence directly but only when necessary e.g. when the ghetto is hitting up your neighbourhood to rape and kill all in sight. But I see men in prepper comments saying that they’ll leave their own women, even in their family to be captured or die. Those aren’t the Americans from the 1800s I grew up reading about. There’s something wrong there, psychologically. In-group loyalty at all-time lows. Xenophilia (strong r) at all-time highs. Evidently, dropping the draft was a mistake because only the military, like Sparta before it, is capable of shaping certain tough qualities in men. They’ll blame mothers for not being fathers, ignoring deadbeats making a decision, when as adults, they could learn these things later. It’s possible. But blame-shifting is the new American past-time since about 2017, regrettably. They make excuses not to try and be virtuous, then wonder in blackpill why “the wages of sin is death” and “God hates them” (punishment is not hatred but love). Americans generally don’t seem God-fearing nowadays. Most Americans are low need for cognition, a personality type that expects to be handed useful information. Obviously the system will never do this but the Pavlovian training of school (based on Prussian military apparently) is set in deep. The issue is, they let it remain there with no effort to deprogramme. By contrast, as a whitepill, English men are trying to deprogramme (see Lotus Eaters mocking the Walmart American attitude of sloth, for example) but we see American comments blaming XYZ as if that’s it, everyone go home and give up – whether it’s Jews, CIA/FBI, SJWs, “women” (usually Jewish when you look), “The Banks” etc. Credit where credit is due but it is a complex outcome where personal choices matter most especially private life. If a man hates divorce, simply never marry. If he never wishes to risk custody, simply never reproduce. Those are the only current solutions. I hate them but they are solutions on a personal level, since nobody needs to breed like it’s 1952, as Vox proved mathematically whites are normalising the birth rate to historical (K) norms, the post-war gens were ANOMALIES. Infrastructure cannot support a baby boom every generation. But some wish for a fantasy Uncabob (RIP) called “sexual AA”, an impossible r-select world like Pleasure Island of absolutely zero risk to fathers (No Patriarchy of duty) and too many babies with no proper parenting from both parents to raise them, which isn’t like the tough Yanks we used to know (and miss). Babies are not an arcade prize but there’s a fetish for counting birth rate instead of say, whole families with no step-parents. Babies are downstream of marriage, it’s even in a nursery rhyme but I see only Americans argue about that, rationalising they had a step-parent and were fine (statistically no). America has lost its idealism hence it’s dying out culturally. I suppose Europe grieves when Americans had some self-mastery rather than damselling and crying about everything problem, highly reactive, like parents who take their kids to a Disney film, raise it on Disney+ then wonder why little Jimmy thinks he is little Jenny. CHINOs or Churchians are the worst, going to Starbucks despite Christophobia. Don’t support people who hate you is simple advice from VD and others, seldom followed. I increasingly wish more Yanks were like him since he ‘gets’ existential threat. Americans mostly expect a super-hero to ‘save’ them – from themselves…. (magical thinking). Even Jesus was no superhero, bailing r-people out of Darwin Awards, he promised salvation only if people repent (humility) and come to God (action). K-shift is ongoing, you’re right, but I don’t believe obliviousness to consequences will help such people. Coddling them caused this mess, the CIA and like just started it. God’s law is one of natural law and brutal consequences to those who abandon their own kin like an infidel (unbeliever), so for those men, it is better not to have them. According to the Bible. Some are called to marriage, some are not. We’ve seen from failures of previous generations this is true. But sincerity is necessary and a little humility, not to make them, purely to use them like a narcissist toting around a handbag or watch. America counts its children as worldly possessions, not divine blessings. This is a big issue, a defect of spirit. When children are blamed for the follies and vices of adults, a country might just be done in God’s eyes (Babylon?). I would rather blame the adults in the picture, I do not care who they think they are. I’m on the side of Jesus giving such adults the millstone treatment for putting innocent kids through Hell. So my perspective is Think of the Children, not caring for adults and their ego. I hate what is evil, cling to what is good. It’s a spiritual point of personal accountability.