News Briefs – 02/18//2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet:


The Tweet:

The Image:

The Tweet:



FBI used ‘briefing’ with Trump and Flynn to gather evidence for Crossfire Hurricane operation. Outrageous. A President can’t meet with the Law Enforcement agency he commanded because the last administration installed bad apples who intend to use the agency to overthrow the government we elected because they don’t like it.

Attorney General Bill Barr has tapped a growing number of federal prosecutors across the country to review high-profile Russia probes involving Trump associates and consider emerging allegations tied to Ukraine.

Federal judges’ association calls emergency meeting after DOJ intervenes in case of Trump ally Roger Stone. I told you they owned the judges. Wait until you find out your kid’s first grade class has 1st-grade-kid-CIA-agents running CIA-infiltration ops trying to wrangle all the unruly little kids to get them under Cabal’s thumb before they grow up and become dangerous. I’ll bet there were promising kids hooked on heroin by other Cabal-kids at the behest of Cabal adults who saw no other way to bring them to heel. Also, this is why we have had to wait so long on all those sealed indictments. You can’t have a Cabal trial overseen by actual Cabal agents. All of these need to be purged, and all at the same time.

Ex-DOJ official named in FISA abuse report signs the petition calling on Bill Barr to resign.

Barr accuses Soros of subverting the U.S. legal system and causing an “increase in violent crime.”

FBI Agents raided a James Biden-tied business.

Corona virus stats: 73,335 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,874 fatalities. Yesterday was 71,355 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,775 fatalities. Cases increased 2.8%, and fatalities increased 5.6%. It continues to decline, but one, China may be lying, and two, I am not sure cities in more Democratic nations, like the US, will be able to tell citizens to lock themselves in their houses with what they have for the next two weeks, and then weld their doors shut. So even if China controls it, will it get here, and will we be able to control it the way they might have? To say nothing of Africa, where the locals’ first response will be to burn down the local hospital and kill everyone in a Tyvek suit because of rumors they are spreading the disease.

A Chinese film director and his entire family have died from the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. Concerning, in that a best case scenario is either the virus specifically targets certain genetic makeups, or this was an isolated, highly lethal mutation that hits all ages. The worst case scenario would be the virus does this to everybody and all the press on it is fake and designed to avert a panic. I’m still worried about what happens when it hits Africa, and what mutation perhaps comes out of that.

‘US firms’ in China report staff shortages as Coronavirus hits global operations.

Four Hongkongers under home quarantine intercepted while trying to leave city.

Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan confirms 99 new coronavirus cases.

Coronavirus among medics more widespread than reported, research shows.

Daily Mail highlights a new Chinese paper which says the virus may have come from the Wuhan Biowarfare laboratory.

Looks like China is trying to hide the deaths of healthcare workers, probably because they fear what will happen if healthcare workers panic and refuse to go to work to save themselves:

On this next one, stories like this make it seem as if the Chinese numbers are either describing a different disease, or are not correct:

On this next one, it might help to create some sort of rules for foreign college student travel/quarantine, probably before spring break. I remember in one class, all the foreign students going back and forth over who flew the longest to get to school. The winner was some kid who just 36 hours before was in some backwoods Pakistani village, and who had to take like six connecting flights for 24 hours straight to get there. The point being a lot of STEM schools are loaded with Chinese students, Pakistani students, Indian students, and all of them will be flying in from hotzones, packed on planes for hours with other people coming from hotzones, and I am not sure how you self-quarantine them at a university setting, where their only access to a residence is a dorm room, which they probably share with another student, where they will be housed in close quarters with lots of other kids with crappy diets, poor sleep, high STEM-stress, and lowered immunity.

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week.

Brawl breaks out in the middle of a Bernie rally. At 20 seconds, you can see Bernie’s scrawny guy in the baseball cap with the long hair and beard key up and say something into the mic taped to his chest, meaning he has a sub-aural earpiece as well, and is wired into the same weird control room all of them are. Bernie hasn’t qualified for Secret Service yet, and those guys didn’t arrest anybody, being more concerned with maintaining Bernie’s crowd size than enforcing the law, so that isn’t Law Enforcement. That is the same weird, Secret Society as Ocasio Cortez and her “squad” friends (who all broke out laughing simultaneously while on stage when their controller made some joke into their ears that only they heard). What will really freak you out is when you see your neighbors all up on it too. They apparently are all wired up at all times, and in connection with somebody in a central control room who knows where they are and calls on them as needed. I am almost wondering if that is like some sort of stage director, running the show we are watching. It is tough to really believe just how weird this world has gotten.

Bloomberg once said, “If I had it my way I’d dump half of NYC’s teachers.”

Bloomberg launches a campaign ad attacking “Bernie Bros.”

Bribing Bloomberg has a long history of buying off whoever gets in his way. You couldn’t set off a class war in the Democrat Party any better than to have him jump in against Bernie and try to buy the election.

Al Sharpton’s 2004 campaign still owes $900K after failed Presidential bid. Why do I get the impression that Al coming out and actually talking about this himself now is a message to Bloomberg on how much it will cost him to put his racial issues with the Black Community to bed?

Fears mount of ‘another complete disaster’ in Nevada Dem caucus voting. Bernie probably does well in caucuses, so they have to rig them to rip him off.

Joe Biden again asserts that DACA students ‘are more American than most Americans are.’

Pete Buttigieg vows to open up Obamacare to illegal immigrants.

GOP lawmaker accuses California public pension fund of investing in blacklisted Chinese companies.

Boy Scouts bankruptcy filing expected within hours, victims’ lawyers say. Update – they filed, putting all sex abuse lawsuits on hold.

LA Mayor and Police Chief record a PSA assuring illegals that they can get away with breaking American laws.

Ilhan Omar’s campaign has been paying $250,000 to her ex, Ahmed Hirsi, for his silence on her affair with D.C. political consultant Tim Mynett, whose fundraising company was also paid $500,000 in the last year alone by Omar’s campaign. 

Stacey Abrams ‘absolutely’ wants to run for president one day, but says she’d accept a VP slot in 2020. So gracious of her. Who keeps promoting this obnoxious retard? Do they promote her so the rest of the Democrat lineup looks more competent by comparison? Joe Biden is a joke, but after seeing Stacy Abrams, suddenly he looks almost halfway electable.

Another NYPD Detective commits suicide.

I never heard this – The Pulse Nightclub shooter had previously provided a “man on the street” interview to an environmentalist documentary about the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. I’ve said before on these pages, the man-on-the-street interview is usually with a ground-level Cabal operator who has been given the script on what to say. You are watching a movie. Also, the “Security contractor” who hired him submitted a psychological evaluation by a psychologist who says she never met the shooter, and didn’t even live in Florida when they claimed she passed on his evaluation.

NY Times says Bernie Madoff and a host of other people should be released from prison on compassionate grounds. Might they be trying to get every last hand on deck for the coming Storm? Or are they trying to set the stage for their own early releases?

Sweden’s Interior Minister says migrant robbers urinate on their victims because they feel hopeless.

Sony looking to make Spider-Man ‘bisexual with boyfriend’ in upcoming movie.

Florida’s “Red Flag” law has been applied more than 3,500 times since it was enacted, and it is not being applied equally county to county.

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit near southern Iran’s Qeshm island in the Gulf on Sunday.

Why do I see pod people loitering everywhere these days? How many people in this brief video look like they have a mission, or are actively doing something themselves, and how many just seem to be loitering for no reason?:

What does this next tweet imply about witnesses targeting a major covert intelligence operation penetrating the US government and essentially running the CIA as an organized crime syndicate, including all its assassination machinery, local domestic spy/asset networks, and thru-wall directed energy weapons? Bail reform was a tool Cabal needed in its arsenal for when shit goes hot:

1000 migrants returned to Mexican ‘interior’ under new Trump program.

Actress-singer Cher said she thinks none of the current crop of Democratic candidates will be able to beat President Donald Trump.

Official White House Christmas ornament for 2020 unveiled and it features JFK. Very curious timing. And why would the Trump administration promote Democrat JFK, unless this was Storm-related?

Utah GOP is looking at a resolution to call for Mitt Romney to immediately resign.

Virginia Senate committee rejects the ‘Assault Weapons’ ban.

Trump administration appoints numerous Texas judges.

Trump continues to troll Democrats by holding Nevada rally a day before caucuses.

More Americans now identify as Republicans than they do as Democrats.


Spread r/K Theory, because JFK is smiling down on the God Emperor.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
5 years ago

Just a curious note not related to anything in today’s news.

I was watching Blade Runner last night when I noticed on the approach to the Tyrell corporation that the building looks like an Egyptian pyramid. Then immediately after landing when the scene cuts to the inside of the building there’s an owl flying around with Sean Young asking “Do you like our owl?”

The owl is shown again later in the movie.

I’ve watched this movie many times over the years and never picked up on any of the blatant symbolism. Since Q came into existence it’s amazing how much of this crap I’ve noticed when re-watching old favorites. Kind of depressing to be honest. Still love the movie. It’s just been tainted a bit.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
5 years ago

The reinfection ability by COVID-19 is enough by itself to triple the fatality rate (whatever the real one is) by summer. This thing is a slow kill bioweapon that will keep coming back around and mutating until every human in that area is dead or in a bunker. It is probably the HIV RNA segment inserted into it that allows this. Two Flu seasons in one area and that area is finished. Chinese data creation easily hides the true effects of this virus.

This was definitely designed by the Chinese government either as a “retirement plan” for all unguarded elderly or to handle renegade provinces rebelling against Beijing and the PRC communist party. Seeing as this is a bioweapon, do not be surprised if there are different variants targetting other receptors (other than ACE2) and/or with more HIV segments or even rabies virus RNA. And the Chinese Army has these ready for use if needed.

The release is probably on accident, seeing low Chinese standards on just about everything and that the Wuhan wet market was only 300 yards away from a Bioweapons facility (which is stupidity only a chinaman could conjure). If release is intentional it is either to hurt the global economy, and possibly Trump for the election, or to cover up for a far more lethal coronavirus that got out or even to cull dissidents, who may have been growing towards a critical mass in Wuhan.

Whatever the reason for creation and release there is definitely a lot more to come. Time to stock up on food, gas masks and moonsuits gentlemen.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Just to correct the record, the BSL-IV facility (likely bio-warfare research) a few kilometers outside of Wuhan is distinct from university hospital associated virus research lab a few hundred meters from the live animal market. If it was a bio-weapon, it would probably be from the BSL-IV facility outside of town. If it was an accidental release from an animal study it was probably from the (not BSL-IV) lab close to the market.

Patient zero had no contact with the live market, so the virus went into the market on a person before it came out of it.

English Tom
English Tom
5 years ago

AC re: central control roo./stage director.

Check out, Push by Derren Brown. VERY illuminating.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  English Tom
5 years ago

I believe Derren Brown’s stuff is real but…I do believe he sets things up with the most likely people and he may film multiple segments of the exact same thing so if it doesn’t work the first time. His role is to fool you after all.

Grande Igloo
Grande Igloo
5 years ago

“BREAKING: Durham and his team have not interviewed Comey, Brennan or Clapper, either (in addition to McCabe). After at least 1 year on the #Spygate case. Tick-tock.”

I thought we were supposed to trust Durham? Still no actual panic in DC because there are no real Investigations going on. No subpoenas, no interviews, no warrants, just like Huber. 97% of DOJ campaign contribution go to Demonscats. There’s no draining or prosecuting the swamp as long as the permanent bureaucracy remains 97% Demonscat and allowed to remain in power.

Q said game over on 2017, 2018, 2019, and now 2020. What he meant is that it’s game over for the republic.

Grande Igloo
Grande Igloo
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Mueller subpoenaed scores of people to testify before a grand jury. He served multiple warrants and obtained millions of pages of documents. Demonscat scumbag investigators get results, even if it’s only process crimes. Investigations of Demonscats are for the explicit purpose of covering up crimes.

“You only really need to interview the perp if you have no other evidence”

No, you interview multiple people and see how their stories differ. Then you get people to rat each other out and make deals. While investigations are supposed to be confidential, they inevitably leave fingerprints. For instance, if Durham were actually serving warrants and subpoenas, the targets of said warrants and subpoenas would go on MSNBC and whine about how they’re being targeted for political purposes.

Has a single member of the Deep State suffered a 4am raid on their home looking for evidence, just as Roger Stone?

I don’t see how it’s possible to convict any ropeworthy leftist scumbag with a jury pool from DC. Our system is completely FUBAR and the alleged president and his lawyer cannot wrestle control over it, which is why they are reduced to whining on Twitter and on Fox News. The DOJ is still a rogue agency-just ask Judicial Watch who is STILL being stonewalled and the DOJ is protecting Hillary-even under Barr. Same goes for the Department of State.

“I am not even sure there will be trials. Whether they suicide themselves, or get suicided, I really don’t see them being left alive after this. What they did was beyond the pale, and well worth death.”

Political opponents being assassinated rather than being put on trial-even when they completely deserve it, means our system is FUBAR and the USA we grew up with is dead. The left are the maggots and the right wingers are cheering for the corpse, hoping it pulls off a Lazarus.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Nobody remembers Mueller, in front of Congress, telling everyone that his job was about “exonerating” Trump? And Mueller said this perfectly matter-of-factly, to the point where Ratcliffe had to explain to him that Trump was innocent until proven guilty?

That is how the system works. You are guilty until proven innocent and the process is the punishment.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“When you can fix who gets called to be in the jury pool, it can seem like every jury is FUBAR, and Cabal must be 90+% of the population. My guess is they have 4-8% of the population, and of those maybe 3-4% actually know it is a criminal enterprise.”

That is one spy for every 25 people. I for every two blocks in a large city.

Flu Manchu
Flu Manchu
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Until Cabal is physically removed from power our society is just a form of Anarchy.

The United States of America may trust in God, but, We can’t expect God to do all the work.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Grande Igloo
5 years ago

What is with you black pill faggots? Take your defeatism and shove it up your ass, shill.

5 years ago

“I Am So Angry My Mind’s Gone Blank”: China Outrage Explodes After Beijing Propaganda Backfires

5 years ago

Ghani declared winner of Afghan election – but opponent rejects result

5 years ago

EU foreign ministers agree naval mission to stop Libya arms flow

5 years ago

Russian bombers have destroyed Turkish armored vehicles and weapons in Syria

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I detect a lot of post that are pushing the idea that the CIA/USA whatever are responsible for the Asian virus. What I’m noticed is their style of commenting is very much like Jew Hasbara. They have this manner of commenting. Some of it is a glitch from when they controlled all the media and they haven’t come to terms that that’s no longer true. I couldn’t exactly document what it is that they do that makes me see them instantly as Hasbara but I bet a lot of you can recognize them like me.

Have the rest of you been seeing this?

It makes me think even more the Jews are responsible for the corona virus. The US has no reason to do such a stupid thing but the Jews do.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I have not noticed the speech pattern that you talk about, but I think it is plausible for various reasons, one of which is the Jewish mindset of being willing to kill everyone if they don’t get their way. You can see this type of psychological trait in the Samson story and Israeli threats of using Samson Option. The stupid thing about this is that they are not using this mindset defensively, they are using it to make sure everyone submits to their rule and accepts being their cattle. Why do you think Jewish collective power hates Russia so much to the point they tried to start a war between it and the US? It is because they got to take control of Russia using the communist revolution, but they became pissed that they lost control of it. Same with Germany, Jewish collective power hates everything that does not worships it, and that includes entire Countries and races of people.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

LembradorDos6 writes, “Jewish collective power hates everything that does not worships it, and that includes entire Countries and races of people.”

I want to second that. I recognize that as well. But that is a Semitic trademark, not only Jewish. Islam, an Arabic religion and thus Semitic, also practices that, Convert or Die. That is how Islam spreads.

Yes, the Samson Option is very real and they will wipe out Europe at a drop of a pin.

5 years ago

Sorry if already posted:

The best example of why Jewish collective power needs to, and will, be terminated in the West, for all the right reasons, including the well being of the non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

5 years ago

Hey Anonymous, do you think the Coronavirus might actually have a positive effect on China?