Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Aetherczar’s based book sale is running again through Tuesday and he included American Stasi:
I have a question on reconciliation commissions, for anyone with legal knowledge. You have gangstalking, where a network of people join together in a criminal conspiracy to criminally harass specific people, suppressing and controlling their employment and income, personal associations, exercise of free speech, right to privacy, and position in society. They may even assault them with energetic weapons, in their homes. They create records and files documenting it all which get filed away, I assume.
Let’s say Trump declares a “reconciliation commission” for the “spying” as he has mentioned previously, where everybody reveals all, and is exempted from “consequences.” Supposedly that happened with the Stasi, however that was in communist East Germany, where the government was all powerful and could do just about anything. That bears no resemblance to our Constitutional republic in America.
How would that work here? Is that a pardon for the crimes? An agreement not to prosecute? Does he need the governors to offer state-level pardons or prosecutorial discretions too, for state-level crimes? Or does it require some kind of laws passed by Congress? If so, can Congress intrude federally, on state-level harassment laws to void them and let everyone off the hook? Or do they need all States to also pass their own laws voiding the various legal culpabilities, from assault, to harassment, to illegal surveillance?
And how does all that affect civil liability in private lawsuits? Can they wave away personal liability of each conspirator if they irradiated, say, Bill Binney’s house and his wife got cancer from it and died? What about Bill’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? What about his wife’s right to live? Can the government wave away Bill’s rights like that, as laid out in the founding documents of the nation, all “for the greater good?” That would seem a slippery slope, where in the future, lots of things in the Constitution suddenly can be waved away for a “greater good” in the eyes of some radical judge.
It seems if people’s fundamental rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” were violated, a reconciliation commission would require invalidating the Declaration of Independence for all the victims for that period, and holding that other Constitutional rights like Free Speech, Freedom of Association, Privacy, etc, can be made violable by government decree after the fact, once the conspirators are caught. Otherwise, if those are inviolable, as it would seem the Founders intended, a reconciliation commission would be a non-starter here, in America, due to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and even the Declaration of Independence. If people fucked around and got caught, they have to find out, no takebacks.
I am curious, when Trump talks about having a reconciliation commission for the surveillance, how do experts see that playing out mechanically? Specifically how does it play out, criminally, at the state and federal level, and civilly in terms of lawsuits? Is it even possible?
I am mainly looking at mechanics, and whether any potential mechanism which is obvious to legal eagles might point to the need for targets to take some sort of preemptory action, like filing timed “placeholder lawsuits” against parties unknown, just prior to some decree by the President, to lock in the right to sue, or if that would make a difference.
As far as I can see, I would think the “government” being involved in gangstalking, would preclude any reconciliation commission from working, as it would require temporarily lifting Constitutional rights, in a way which would allow governments in the future to do anything, and simply declare after the fact there can be no consequence, as the government is declaring a reconciliation commission. Is there a mechanism anyone sees, or is it inevitable everything owned by everyone in the surveillance will just get reallocated to the entire rest of the country, as victims/targets of the illegal surveillance, in civil lawsuits, at the least?
It is kind of an important question, as in America, where the Stasi has literally killed people like Aaron Alexis, Brian Mancini, and Miosotis Familia, if reconciliation commissions are feasible in some way, we should be wargaming a way to destroy them, pr at least bypass them, so everyone is held responsible for their evil. I do not know enough about the law however to do that myself, so any discussion of it would be immensely valuable.
Interesting –
Why is it always Jewish, from Elon Musk to the teenaged anons on 4Chan. Is that Mossad? And how was he so easily hooked? $400 billion – you would think Tesla would get a head of counterintelligence, and they would keep an eye out for trouble. It does go to show, if he was just a legit geek who was suddenly sitting, all alone, on $400 billion, spooks the world over would be cleaning him out every day until he had nothing, if this obvious plant could ensnare him. He is an asset of somebody who is protecting him, and whoever actually owns that money – nobody is stupid enough to try and take it.
A weaponized FBI: It’s real, whistleblowers testify, boasting scars to prove it.
The Trump administration wants the Supreme Court to permit the firing of the head of the federal agency dedicated to protecting whistleblowers. When you deal with an intelligence operation, everything gets inverted, and agencies where whistleblowers are spposed ot be protect will become places with Cabal agents preparing to ruin and discredit them.
Trump sends defense stocks crashing. The prospect of no fake foreverwars.
Federal Trade Commission cuts off far-left American Bar Association, “the lawyer’s wing of the Democratic party” — bans appointees from any involvement. And when JFK Jr failed the Bar exam twice, a test with a subjective essay component, everyone snickered, as if it indicated some inferior intellect. Anon, would the conspiracy really try to limit who could be a lawyer to only their people, so you could not find legal representation that was honest and not taking orders from the conspiracy? And they even got into a position where specific lawyers could be “dis-barred,” and forbidden to practice law. Amazing.
CBS News’ Margaret Brennan says free speech caused the Holocaust. Her case is nationalists should never have been allowed to speak.
Nearly 162K counterfeit US ‘forever’ stamps from China seized in Chicago
Royal Society urged to expel Elon Musk as fellows sign open letter. The Royal Society is filled with infiltrators. Amazing.
Israel’s calculated gamble: Why a 2025 strike on Iran looks more likely.
Macron convening emergency European summit just on Trump.
Germany’s AFD seeks ‘very good relations’ with Russia — co-leader. K-strategists love K-strategists. And they would get cheap gas.
Zelenskyy’s week from hell: shock in Ukraine as Trump abandons Kyiv.
This is some timeline, anon:
Focus group: Arizona swing voters to Trump and Musk: Keep it coming!
Cruz meets with Denmark about US purchase of Greenland.
Trump’s first month of shock and awe has delivered lightning quick results.
I getting the feeling we’re about to get the tweet “the storm is upon us…” from PDJT very soon. I can hardly wait.
I did a quick search with ‘the storm is upon us’ and Mike Rothschild has a book that dominated the results and the AI summary. I’m sure you are all aware of Neon Revolts research in to Mike Rothschild.
“I’m sure you are all aware of Neon Revolts research in to Mike Rothschild.”
I’m not.
Apologies. I couldn’t find the piece. I thought it was at his website here
If I can dig it out I’ll post it.
So I’ve found ChatGPT to be very useful in helping be with legal matters. I decided to ask it your opening question, just cutting and pasting what you wrote. I think you’ll find point 4 the most interesting. Might be time to get your own civil suit filed preemptively:
This is a very broad and complex question, but I’ll break it down into key legal and constitutional considerations regarding how a “Reconciliation Commission” might work in the U.S. and whether such a mechanism could shield individuals from criminal or civil liability.
### **1. What Is a Reconciliation Commission?**
Reconciliation commissions (like South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission or Germany’s Stasi Records Commission) typically involve immunity or reduced punishment in exchange for full disclosure of past wrongdoing. These commissions aim to establish truth and facilitate national healing rather than strict legal accountability.
Trump has mentioned a “Reconciliation Commission” in the context of intelligence and surveillance abuses. However, it’s unclear whether he means full pardons, limited amnesty, or simply public disclosure.
### **2. Can a U.S. President Grant Immunity from Crimes?**
– **Federal Crimes**: The President has broad pardon power under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. He can pardon or commute federal offenses, effectively shielding individuals from criminal liability at the federal level.
– **State Crimes**: Presidential pardons do not apply to state-level crimes. Each state’s governor (or in some cases, a state clemency board) would have to grant pardons for state offenses.
– **Prosecutorial Discretion**: The President can direct federal agencies (e.g., DOJ, FBI) to deprioritize investigations or prosecutions related to surveillance abuses, but this does not prevent states from prosecuting crimes.
For something as widespread as “gangstalking” or targeted harassment that may involve state-level offenses like **stalking, assault, harassment, or unauthorized surveillance**, federal pardons would not be sufficient. Each state would have to pass laws granting amnesty or forgo prosecution.
### **3. Can Congress Grant Blanket Amnesty?**
Congress can pass laws granting amnesty for **federal** crimes (as it did with Confederate officials after the Civil War), but it cannot grant immunity from state-level prosecutions.
If Trump wanted a national amnesty, Congress would have to pass a law providing immunity, but this would face significant constitutional challenges if it attempted to nullify **state laws or civil liabilities**.
### **4. Civil Liability – Can the Government Wipe Out Victim Lawsuits?**
Even if criminal charges were waived through pardons or amnesty, **civil lawsuits are a separate matter**. Victims of surveillance abuses, harassment, or physical harm could still sue under:
– **Bivens claims** (constitutional rights violations by federal agents)
– **Section 1983 claims** (civil rights violations by state actors)
– **State tort laws** (assault, harassment, privacy violations, wrongful death)
– **Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)** if a conspiracy to violate rights existed
Unlike criminal prosecution, the President or Congress **cannot** directly eliminate the right to sue for damages. However, Congress could pass legislation limiting liability or imposing procedural hurdles (e.g., requiring lawsuits to be filed within a short time frame).
One possible preemptive measure for victims would be filing “placeholder lawsuits” to lock in claims before any legal shield is enacted.
### **5. Could a “Reconciliation Commission” Work in the U.S.?**
– If it involves **full disclosure in exchange for no punishment**, it would likely need a **Congressional law** granting limited immunity (like witness protection statutes).
– If it involves **pardons**, it would work only at the federal level and not affect state prosecutions or civil suits.
– If it seeks to **block civil lawsuits**, it would likely face constitutional challenges as an unlawful deprivation of property rights.
This is very different from the Stasi commissions, where the **state controlled all aspects of law enforcement and had no constitutional limitations** on amnesty. In the U.S., state sovereignty, civil lawsuits, and the Bill of Rights complicate any effort to provide blanket legal protection.
### **6. What Are the Implications?**
– If a “Reconciliation Commission” were implemented, **victims should take legal action early** to establish their claims before any immunity laws could be passed.
– A blanket amnesty for crimes like assault, harassment, or surveillance could set a dangerous precedent, undermining constitutional protections.
– Any federal effort to override state laws on these issues would likely be challenged in court as violating **state sovereignty and due process rights**.
### **Conclusion**
A **true reconciliation commission** would likely only be viable in the U.S. if:
1. It offered **truth in exchange for limited amnesty** rather than full pardons.
2. It focused **only on federal actions** (state crimes would still be prosecutable).
3. It did not eliminate civil lawsuits, as that would violate constitutional rights.
If victims of government surveillance or harassment believe they may be affected, **preemptively filing lawsuits or publicly documenting claims** could ensure their legal standing before any commission is formed.
Ultimately, unless a constitutional crisis emerges where state and federal governments collude to nullify rights (which would likely be challenged in court), a reconciliation commission that outright **absolves all wrongdoing** without consequences is unlikely to work in the U.S. system.
Thank you!
We need to start thinking about this, and planning our moves. I am convinced it is coming.
And everyone here should understand, you have surveillance now intruding into your privacy, and you will have your own lawsuits if this plays out as I think. Don’t be shy about filing, because the next step after exposure, and elimination of agency protection must be draining resources from the conspiracy as much as possible. I am sure all the “resources” in terms of money, land, property, etc, which these people have is conspiracy wealth, which they are allowed to use, in return for papering it as belonging to something other than a national conspiracy. We need to drain all of that wealth and those resources from the conspiracy, before moving on to the next phase.
I have seen this coming day in my mind’s eye going back to the start of this thing. This is the path of God we are on, and all of us need to join in, if we are to rid our nation of this thing once and for all. You my also be able to get enough of a nest egg to have a decent retirement despite this thing as well, so there is that.
Following up on my “gang stalking compensation board”/IRS redistribution idea.
In my fantasy world you’d do both. It would look like this:
1. Have the feds pardon whoever they needed to get the highest level people they can convicted under RICO or court martial led and executed for treason or whatever.
2. Separately from that and the pardons, set up a no-fault compensation system for victims like the vaccine compensation system. House it in the IRS. Remove all cabal members, pardoned or not, from the compensation platform.
3. Give everyone their own file. And those of their deceased loved ones.back to a certain date.
4. File your “targeted individual reimbursement return.” Instead of tracking your receipts for business deductions, you have to copy and pasta items from your file into a “return” of all prosecutable crimes against you. Each crime has a $ amount set by statute. Primary source is data from your file which AI will automatically approve. Files with additional information beyond the file get a human reviewer and a “day in court” if they want to reject your additional info. For most people, the AI assisted compensation system (which has your file, but still makes you do the matching to psychologically walk people through what actually happened to them) spits out a compensation amount just like TurboTax spits out what you owe or get back. If you accept the payout, you waive the right to bring criminal or civil claims. You get money to get in your feet, closure, and get to move on with your life.
5. If you don’t like the number or have substantial evidence and want your day in court and/or want to see specific stalkers imprisoned. You can opt to not take the gang-stalking compensation TurboTax deal and you can pursue state charges and civil liability if you want to. This would be foolish for most people because the federal TurboTax system will have all of the seized assets and redirected funds at its disposal to distribute (and ideally the initial stalkers would be too destitute to collect from and/or have “slavery as punishment for a crime” imposed as part of their plea/pardon deal – so we get fruit pickers to replace the deported ones). In that case pursuing your claim individually would just be making a point- which might be worth it for some and this type of federal system it would leave them the option .
I have no intel, this is just my “legal system informed” fanfic.
I think Q team is posting here now, lol. This is good info and an excellent rundown of what might happen. Thank you and thank AC for raising the questions. When AC posted about this yesterday it seemed a bit overwhelming and I was blown away by him having the insight to even ask the questions. Then it all gets answered in detail in the comments. This website is firing on all cylinders, must be driving AC’s neighbors crazy!
Everybody, whether you were expressly harassed, or they just kept tabs on you for the government to make sure you cold never soar, needs to jump in and sue. Because the people in this thing are going to want to set it back up. We get one shot to take our hits to their budgets, we need to act. It will also offer our side an operational budget to resist when they try to reestablish operations. And the lawsuits may help us pry loose details of their technology, so we can discover ways to shield from it.
Plus I am tired of the scripted shit. Lets hop on stage and start throwing real blows ourselves, if we can.
“Reconciliation” without acknowledging crimes is known as “facilitating crime”
Forgiveness can only follow confession.
Confession and Restitution. Also known as repentance.
Can Americanos tell me how local State Judges override Federal Law?
State court judges, if the state constitution allows it, usually have concurrent jurisdiction over federal issues unless the specific federal state legislation explicitly disallows state court jurisdiction. One example of the feds having exclusive jurisdiction is bankruptcy. The reason for the concurrent jurisdiction is that something like a conditional free speech cases might have both a federal and state constitutional violation. The state constitutional provision has to be the same as or more right’s protective than the federal, so state court judges are equipped to judge the federal issue and it isn’t worth clogging up the federal courts with every case like this.
However, cases that have a federal issue central to the case are removable to federal court in the state if one of the parties asks for it. Key word “federal questions jurisdiction.”
Does Fort Knox hold Gold Bullion?
Senator Rand Paul is calling for an audit on Fort Knox to ensure the 4,580 tons US gold is still there
It’s not. Pretty sure this was common knowledge when I was there in 1993
CBS News’ Margaret Brennan says free speech caused the Holocaust. Her case is nationalists should never have been allowed to speak.
When nationalists aren’t allowed to speak they eventually start lopping off heads. Not the best idea Margaret.
Now, hold up. Tell me more of this lopping heads option.
See Vlad Tepes did nothing wrong. He simply was cleaning up someone else’s mess.
“Federal District Judge Tanya Chutkan poised to block nearly everyone in the Trump administration from accessing data…”
This is insurrection
> Sen. Rand Paul calls for first Fort Knox Gold audit in 50 years, taps Elon Musk’s DOGE for verification — FOIA requests show 7 out of 13 previous audits reportedly missing.
“I have a bad feeling about this, Yogi.”
The Fed never throws any information away. Particularly if it has to do with money. And not all of that gold they’re supposedly guarding belongs to the United States.
If nothing else, I would expect the foreign depositor nations would want an occasional audit, if not a direct personal inspection by one of their Treasury people, just pro forma.
“….and when you have completed your official inspection, Mr foreign treasurer, your limousine will deliver you to your waiting plane. Oh by the way, we have loaded several pallets of freshly printed Benjamins for you as a token of our appreciation.”
Federal District Judge Tanya Chutkan
This is insurrection; Chutkan needs to be sent to Gitmo to be tried and hung. Too be real mean, he need to be confined – for -life – in the same ‘jail’ the J6-ers were put in.
“Too (sic) be real mean, he need (sic) to be confined”
“She”, not “he”. Last I read, she is not a natural-born citizen, but from Jamaica. I could be wrong.
Thank you, Miss Krabappel.
That’s Mrs Krabappel. lol. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Resistance is futile.
I was thinking about the name of the the teacher from the old ‘Little Rascals” TV series which was popular into the 1950s; and I am thinking that Edna Krabappel’s name is a reference to that character.
Hey, stop picking on us nitpickers, you. Besides, for SARC, no comma after thank you. Say it out loud, see what I mean? Mkayyy.
My apologies. I didn’t know you like your facts scrambled.
Would you like a side of fake bakin with that?
Scrambled with slices of thick cut – real – bacon.
I love this place, har dee freakin’ har…
Fake bakin is better than bake fakin’—-zing!
> Trump sends defense stocks crashing. The prospect of no fake foreverwars.
22 years of throwing money at Afghanistan and Iraq. All through that time, even under Trump’s first term, people were publicly wondering where the money was going.
Someone’s got a whole lotta ‘splainin’ to do.
DOGE is in the Pentagon. I expect – no, I demand – that this be epic. I want arrests, and courts-martial, and prison at the very least.
Did you call, email your Senators and congressman today? No matter the party? Things don’t change, unless you contact your Government.
Are we really supposed to believe they give the slightest crap about the vocalized concerns of their constituents? Seems like a boomer pipe dream. No bags no tags
> median household income … Douglas County, Colorado
Douglas County has no industry to speak of. The population is only 175,000 for the whole county. It’s basically an outlying suburb of Denver.
Denver isn’t exactly a financial powerhouse, either.
Interestingly, the census data says Douglas County is 93% white, 1% black, and 6% everything else. And 74% of households were married couples living together. Supposedly, the county leans mostly Republican.
93% my white northern European ass.
You’ve never seen white Jews? How about William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy?
Aren’t they halfies? Plenty are only partial blood but claim the goodies, anyway.
Jews need their own category, instead of lumping them in with the rest of us.
This is why hitler made them wear those stars. Constantly switching between jew and “white” as convenient. Really sick of that shit.
Pope Innocent III ordered that jews and muslims had to wear clothing to distinguish them from the rest of us.
I had heard somewhere that that tall cone hat pinochio wore was something jews were made to wear, but can’t find a good source on it. Maybe that was just bullshit.
Yes Jews did have to wear a special hat in the Middle Ages.
> a test with a subjective essay component
Any test with such a requirement is fake. You could just leave it blank and still make a perfect score, as long as you were on the OK list.
> spooks the world over would be cleaning him out every day until he had nothing
That book “Spooks” that I mentioned a while back indicates that private individuals were sometimes tapped to provide funding for US intelligence operations.
Apparently, MI6 in Britain has always done that, Parliament being notoriously stingy about their funding.
So, yeah, any reasonably wealthy individuals would be on the intelligence lists. Besides money, they could offer transport, cover jobs, influence… all completely air-gapped from the agencies themselves.
They’d be crazy not to prioritize that.
> CBS News’ Margaret Brennan says free speech caused the Holocaust. Her case is nationalists should never have been allowed to speak.
Since mass media claim to be the curators and supporters of free speech, then CBS caused the Holocaust.
Looks like an “own goal” there, but nobody claimed the talking heads were very smart.
> Ebola exposure reported at a Manhattan walk-in clinic. Two patients from Madagascar showed symptoms, potentially exposing three others. Facility on lockdown amid investigation.
[Democrats dance in joy] “Yay! Lockdowns are coming back!”
> Macron convening emergency European summit just on Trump.
Good. Don’t invite Don. In fact, don’t invite America to anything. We’re done supporting you freeloaders.
> US. Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins says she plans to work with RFK Jr. to possibly ban food stamps from applying to junk food.
That’s how it worked in my state, back when food aid was a state matter, before the Fed horned in.
They can have fresh foods. Rice, Beans and Potatoes.
> Cruz meets with Denmark about US purchase of Greenland.
Swap some Bidenbux for it before US money is worth something again.
The next few comments from me will be pretty random because I kept getting the WordPress screen when I tried to comment.
“CBS News’ Margaret Brennan says free speech caused the Holocaust.”
So I did an internet search on Margaret Brennan and this came up:
But of course.
Black pill dispensed by Polistra:
“The two modern political cults are uniquely powerful. Both of them can vacuum the brains out of previously clear and rigorous thinkers on any subject.
“A few months ago I saluted historian Robert Sandel for debunking several myths. I liked his work so much that I bought and read his book. Most of it is equally good and rigorous, but in a preface written in 2024 he destroys his own reputation by adopting standard DNC crap. Climate, DEI, hating Trump for the wrong reasons.
“Noam Chomsky fell into the same D trap after a long career of careful modest objective science.
“The R cult has snatched the brains of nearly all the activists who had built reputations by defending real science in 2020. In 2024 they switched. After spending three years opposing everything Trump DID, they joined his cult.
= = = = =
“It’s normal for activists on one side of a moral or religious issue to switch. When you’re obsessed with one religion you can switch from loving this religion to hating this religion. Militant atheists become militant Christians and vice versa. Militant anti-aborts become militant pro-aborts and vice versa.
“Until recently political support was practical and businesslike. Pay for value. Most Americans had a lifetime loyalty to FDR and his party because FDR literally saved their lives. WPA gave them useful paid work and a productive skill when they were starving. In a less dramatic way people supported the party that had brought more defense contracts and Army bases to their state, or controlled crime in their city.
“Since 1970 neither party has improved the lives of anyone except billionaires. Both have been working equally hard to ship our economy to China. Both have systematically defunded police and ruined the court system. So there’s no practical reason to support or oppose either one. Trump turned them into religions centered on Trump himself. He’s God to one side and Satan to the other side.”
Bruce Charlton posted something similar today:
One of his commentators, Laeth, wrote that the opening actions of the Trump administration are an attempt to corral in the stubborn fifth which resisted the COVID theater and MNRA “vaccine”.
I’m blackpilled, but not to that degree. I think this is a legit operation from a dissident faction of the Cabal against outright insane plans of the central Cabal. Its just that I suspect the central Cabal will strike back, hard, just like in 2020.
FDR and government worship detected, opinion ignored.
FDR and Eleanor were exactly as scummy as today’s modern dems. Hell, they may even have been the template for what we see now. Eleanor was “hired to write guest columns” by pretty much every single women’s magazine – this when mags were a much bigger deal than today – for {today’s $$} $50 or 100K a pop. in 12+ years, it’s estimated – the USG doesn’t seem to want to know – that she and FDR pulled in more than $2MM. In Depression dollars, so figure maybe $100MM today. Nice work if you can get it. Meanwhile, FDR sonnyboy Elliot seems to have pioneered the Hunter Biden grift: relentlessly making the rounds of big companies with upcoming potential business with the USG, and asking if they’d “like to contribute to Dad’s vacation fund.”
At a guess, I’d put em somewhere between the Clintons and the Bidens on the corruption scale. Oh and fun fact: Harry Fucking Truman was immensely crooked; he just never kept anything in his own name. It was all trusts and interlocking anonymous corporate structures. Who you think LBJ learned that trick from?
“I have a question on reconciliation commissions,”
My thinking is that surveillance is make up of twelve person teams, compartmented and recruited and paid locally, and there is no centralized roster. At best you might get a roster of the team leaders and have to interrogate them. The only way to stop their operations is to go after the funding, which actually seems to be happening.
I would really like to know who is assigned to me, but I don’t think I’ll get that. Globally, it would be useful to get a roster and bar these people from any positions of influence, but I don’t think there is a roster.
I actually had the privilege to talk to Bill Binney for a bit.
He is, exactly as he seems, just salt of he earth and the nicest, most polite guy you could imagine. Pure gentleman. He said there is zero doubt, everyone is leaving multiple different types of footsteps, every last one is being captured and archived, and he said these people most of all are in there, because they have felt above it all, and felt there was no need to mask their activities, since it was “their” system, and could never be used against them. They even may have liked it all getting captured as it gave the upper levels more insight and control over the lower levels, and encouraged everyone to be on their best behavior, and not do anything command would not approve of, right up to the top watching the levels just below them.
According to Q, who has been quite accurate so far, one of the biggest changes they are going to make to the system will be, no using classification to hide illegal activity. If it is a crime, that data will be declassified, and made available in the spirit of transparency. I do not see how NSA makes such a change, asserts it has turned over a new leaf, and then says you cannot know anything about crimes committed against you, or what cell phones were involved, or what houses they normally resided at, etc.
We know the data is there, because that is not classified. So the only reason to classify is to hide a crime. I suspect they will even have copies of our files archived somewhere.
You will get it all.
It is illegal to classify information to conceal a crime or hide embarrassment. But, of course, laws are only as good as the will and the means to enforce them.
There is also a deluge of over classification. I heard a story about a French officer who submitted a paper. I believe it was unclassified at submission, but eventually it got over classified as SECRET/NOFORN, which means he couldn’t read the very paper he wrote. The entire system is completely fucked up. Hopefully they’re able to fix it.
I supposed given the anonymous nature of our exchanges here, asking how you got to talk to Binney is asking too much?
Not sure, but I imagine there is a lot of overlap between the surveillance and the satantic illuminati covens.
Money leaves a trail, no? That’s the roster.
I’m posting comments at 11:30 EST. The site is telling me there are fifteen comments, but I only see the three I just posted, nothing from other commentators.
About Musk and women:
“Why is it always Jewish, from Elon Musk to the teenaged anons on 4Chan. Is that Mossad? And how was he so easily hooked? $400 billion – you would think Tesla would get a head of counterintelligence, and they would keep an eye out for trouble.”
This is actually a sign that “Elon Musk” is fake, and an actor portraying a billionaire. Do a thought exercise where you are a male billionaire, and how you approach romantic relationships with women.
First, if I was a billionaire, I would try to be as anonymous as possible and keep my wealth and identity hidden. So you have to assume that anyone who is both rich and famous, and this includes both Musk and Trump, are fake. The real ultra-wealthy are out of sight.
Second, I would have to assume that any woman who got involved with me after I became rich was a gold digger. If I married, it would have to be a woman I met before I became rich, or if I inherited wealth any wife would have to be a heiress from another wealthy family.
Short term liaisons would be with prostitutes, who could counted on being professional and discreet, have an interest in not become pregnant, and the more expensive ones are more interesting to talk to than normal woman anyway.
An actual billionaire would hire someone, probably a woman, to both procure and vet other women. There is no way you are approaching random social media influencers.
But maybe I am just bitter that I was never deemed important enough to be assigned a hot Israeli girlfriend.
Interesting how the more expensive ones more closely simulate the ideal wife. A Good Marriage is the Gold Standard for sexual relationships.
I had a female friend, recently deceased, who was the secretary for a Florida Governor decades ago; in the early nineties, she said that women would call the governor’s office to offer themselves as one of the governor’s mistresses.
And when JFK Jr failed the Bar exam twice, a test with a subjective essay component………..
Since it’s a test, he probably didn’t get the same version that Kamala got. This is why credentialism is impossible in a surveillance state. They’ll hammer you with some unrealistic test and the surveillance state breezes through with the answer key or “special” version of the test.
Supposedly Chuck Schumer and all his friends got a copy of the SAT beforehand from one of their parents who had access somehow. The deal was, nobody could get a perfect score, they all had to get one question wrong, chosen by them at random, so nobody would see fifteen Jewish guys in the same school who all got perfect scores, and think they got the test. Of course Schumer ended up getting a perfect 1600. It held because his friends all missed one question, or so the story went, so it just looked like a group of very smart friends and one genius.
Possibly. Another possibility is the interaction of alien cultures with Christian culture. Let’s face it, the modern Babylonian “jew” does not have nearly as much moral common ground with a Christian as the “judeo-christian” myth would have you believe.
Jewish culture has always had promiscuous, extremely hypergamous women who actively pursue men for the values in their society (intelligence, upward mobility, obedience to the women) rather than the sort of values women in Christianity pursue (loyalty, dedication to cause, athletic prowess, kindness, honesty.) All of this was more pronounced when they came back from Babylon and then rejected Christianity (weeding out the moral ones like wheat from tares via conversion.)
You see it in how God formed his Law for them. Jewish descent is matrilineal because there is so much paternal uncertainty with their culture. Property and households were formed around the women, not the men. The men, especially in polygamous marriages, were visitors in the homes of the mothers.
Jewish women tend to be gold-digging, controlling sluts who are looking for a rich (or soon to be rich) compliant man, and are ready to cast a wide net and move on to the next one as soon as a better opportunity presents itself. Even if they are directed to us (if it isn’t just be natural attraction based on their desires) then they are certainly predisposed to accept it as a good outcome.
More readily conducive to the Eastern Harem than a Monogamous Husband and Wife more prevalent in the West.
Christianity also is when the Western model of Monogamy that has its expressions in Greco-Roman Society is more strongly emphasized by God in the NT over the previous OT which allowed for Polygamy but not so strongly leans against it by comparison.
Currently Christians have to deal with Africa’s much greater prevalence of Polygamy and I believe the most conducive practice is that a converted Polygamist isn’t to take any more wives but not to divorce their current wives. And that tradition needs to go the way of the Dodo ASAP.
And Polygamists are permanently banned from the Clergy.
GOD’s law did not give them matrilineal descent, he gave them patrilineal descent.
They ignored his laws because of how wicked they are.
True. All takes is reading the bible to realize that.
If there’s no gold in Ft Knox — and there probably isn’t — and there’s no gold in the Fed — and there probably isn’t — and other countries were storing their gold in Ft Knox and the NY Fed — where it isn’t…
Where the fuck did all the gold go? It has to be somewhere unless it was eaten by a dragon.
And you would not be able to use the gold as a store of wealth, either. Fuck over every major government, have all their gold missing, and suddenly you show up with quadrillions of dollars worth of gold i Zurich, wanting to sell it, and it will be tough to explain how it all came to you innocently.
Maybe they just destroy the wealth of others, to keep them dependent. Like Epstein really owned nothing, so he would always do what they said. Maybe if you make $100 million, and can retire, they don’t need the hundred million for themselves. It is enough for them for you to just not have it, so to pay next month’s bills, you have to get back out there in a nine to five. Like looking at a honey bee hive, and some bees have massive stashes of honey, so they stop working and spend all day enjoying their honey. You leave things like that, and soon the whole hive is useless, so you take all the honey while all the bees are blinded in a cloud of smoke, and now the hive is back to work.
I’m sure they wouldn’t destroy it.
They can keep it hidden and dribble it out as needed, or produce it in quantity during a crisis they create where people will be desperate and not ask questions.
For all his sexual evil. Epstein is surprisingly Sterile. Even his plans to seed the world isn’t by normal Unitive Means via sex with a woman but via IVF and other similar technologies.
“eaten by a dragon” There’s gotta be some weird reason why they OBSESS over gold. Some paranormal reason. It can’t just be that it’s useful or pretty. Gotta be something like the stoner theory I heard once that gold contains the ghostly remnants of distant parallel worlds which exploded and every bit of gold therefore somehow hosts access to that destroyed parallel world’s information or some shit, I forget, it was a really absurd theory, but it made sense to me when I heard it, because I was stoned, and I myself was also seriously speculating at the time about whether interdimensional Space Jews could be interacting with us on a microscopic level a la Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Honestly, if we find out instead that there is a literal giant extraterrestrial dragon nested under Israel that dishes out favors to Jews who feed it literal gold, that probably wouldn’t be the weirdest surprise in the future.
A Youtube not feminist female social media influencer made this video warning about not feminist female social media influencers:
I discovered her content from her Quora essays under “Loretta M.” I was unsuccessful googling her Youtube content, and she has only 15 subscribers, which I take to be a good sign.
Please do. This would be a perfect case for Trump to establish the practice of ignoring patently unlawful injunctions.
By the way, the order as written is so broad that the DOGE employees can’t read their email. The email may contain emails from OPM, OPM emails about employment as confidential, and if they open their email, they are both access and copying (by their email client making a local echo) confidential OPM data.
So this is the Wikipedia bio of Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs:
So understand that Andy Biggs, as Steve Bannon noted recently, is actually pretty awesome. He was President of the Arizona State Senate, so an experienced legislator before he arrived in Congress, and he consistently takes the correct position on issues. He is leading the fight against yet another massive budget bill that funds the government without tracking the money.
And how did he get into politics? The Wikipedia bio states:
Enabled by $10 million in sweepstakes winnings, which made him financially independent, Biggs decided to run for office.[11]
He was able to enter politics because he literally won a lottery, and we know lotteries are fixed.
The people fighting the Cabal in the public arena are themselves Cabal or formerly Cabal, and recruited by some sort of rebel faction. Actual dissidents like the commentators here are isolated and powerless.
We need to make house calls the norm again. Not only does it keep sick people at home and not spreading it as they go to the doctor, but it also allows the doctor to treat them better by actually witnessing their home environment. How much do you drink? “I have a beer or two every once in a while.” Well, I can see a 12 pack of empties in the wastebasket beside you. What’s your diet like? “Oh, I eat clean, lots of veggies, you know.” Yeah, I see three empty pizza boxes stacked up on your counter.
>Why is it always Jewish, from Elon Musk to the teenaged anons on 4Chan. Is that Mossad?
It is something older and darker than Mossad. These people worship Baal. And Baal has a wife named Asherah. Both were known as gods of lust and perverted sex. Too many people who know better, fall for Jewish women (and men). There are strong supernatural forces at work, very strong, they come in to derail people. I’ve seen it too many times. Even experienced it a couple times. I was strong enough to resist, but most people go with their feelz. It happens very suddenly and very powerfully, out of the blue.
Their Book is a handbook for screwing over US, the Other Peoples, the Goyim. It has all the ways. They’ve been doing it since the beginning of civilization. That’s a lot of experience.
If they obeyed God completely in the conquest of Canaan. History would have been completely different.
I’m just waiting for this moment for Israel. (With us in the battleship.) Ukraine too.
UK’s Kweir Stormer and the EU minows are talking tough.
UK / EU is irrelevant and the militaries have long been defanged and playing a game of dress up.
Russia does not want NATO in Ukraine and NATO nation soldiers in Ukraine would last days.
They have no military capacity, no industry and their much boasted share of global GDP is now somewhere in the low teens.
Yeah, but they have Serco, whatever that is really. A lot of very very covert mercs, consultants, tech, and materiel, all plugged into 5 Eyes ISR, I suspect.
“How would that work here? Is that a pardon for the crimes? An agreement not to prosecute? Does he need the governors to offer state-level pardons or prosecutorial discretions too, for state-level crimes? Or does it require some kind of laws passed by Congress? If so, can Congress intrude federally, on state-level harassment laws to void them and let everyone off the hook? Or do they need all States to also pass their own laws voiding the various legal culpabilities, from assault, to harassment, to illegal surveillance?“
Initial thoughts off the top of my head-
In theory the president only has the power to pardon federal crimes and court martial offenses, behavior that is specifically criminalized under federal or military law. It would not be a pardon of state crimes, or civil liability.
However, in practice, there are examples of the feds passing legislation to create a system that effectively- though not in letter- preempts both state claims and civil liability. The most well known example is the vaccine injury compensation system. It is in theory a no-fault compensation system that preempts only federal design defect l liability when people suffer a specifically listed vaccine reaction. It allows compensation for a LISTED vaccine reaction that occurs within X days after Y vaccine receive and you get Z compensation without having to prove causation by a specific vaccine/biological pathway.
It ostensibly is there to streamline things for victims, but in effects served as a limit on producer liability because vaccine manufacturers were going bankrupt from lawsuits in the 1980s.
While it doesn’t technically preempt state products liability claims, causation is so difficult (expensive) to prove (especial with science” failing to study vaccine effects against unvaccinated controls) that it is often the only realistic option for the severely (paralysis for 2 months = not severe, no compensation. Has to be 3+ months to qualify. For example) vaccine injured, and only if they have one of the listed conditions. One of the reason they won’t admit autism is caused by vaccines is that adding it to the list of conditions that can get compensation would break the system. Which the vaccine manufacturers allegedly pay for.
With that in mind I could see a federal “gang stalking compensation system” in that vein. Where they make a list of all of the tech used against people and if you’ve suffered XYZ effects or have XYZ admission in your file (arranged rape, say) then you get a fixed amount of compensation- paid for with the money from dismantling the funding network perhaps- without having to prove either causation (exactly how your cabal assisted rape was arranged) or specifically who did it.
Run well, this would be a more viable compensation pathway for victims because it may be hard to pin down exactly who caused your cancer of the 50 people who cycled through beaming you and/or those 50 people don’t collectively have enough assets to fairly compensate the 50,000 people they’ve participated in harassing over the years.
I also think keeping the IRS limping along until full cabal asset seizure is accomplished and then repurposing it as the (targeted) Individual Reimbursement System could be viable. Redistributing the seized assets to non/cabal citizens via the tax return system is probably quickest. If you accept the the layout you waive your state and civil liability claims. If the number is high enough to get on your feet and/or pay off your house all but the most severe cases would take it. It would be less personalized, but would bring closure more quickly then 300,000,000 million people who were subjected to surveillance trying to prove what they suffered in an individual basis. But it would leave room for someone like you who has extensive documentation to pursue more thorough state or civil recourse.
Let me know if you want a deeper dive on either idea.
My main interest is what members of the community (which includes most people here) should be doing to secure their rights, especially if there is some system envisioned which would curtail those rights. Obviously preparing a placeholder lawsuit now and being ready to file on a moment’s notice is one such thing. Gathering evidence now of being followed, or beamed, or otherwise harassed is probably another. You may not be able to just request a file, but rather may need to show “probable cause” like video of someone talking about following you or engaging in suspicious behaviors.
I was curious if legal eagles here had any other ideas for people here who are under this, as to how they should proceed now, to be ready to either take advantage of the changing circumstances, or even thwart coming measures which might blunt the consequences to the network.
On a more personal note, above all else, I want this network destroyed as harshly as possible, and to the extent destroying people in it would discourage others from joining such a thing in the future, I want that as well. My shot to tear it up in this life has mostly passed, but I am bent on seeing to it the next generation of my kind will not have to deal with this and can just go their way and soar in peace. Making sure people know that joining something like this could be a death sentence would be a great start.
To that end, any ideas are welcome regarding whatever it takes now, in this small window coming, to take actions which might thwart reconciliation commissions, and hog tie any efforts to put this behind us quietly before the lesson is created for Americans to never betray fellow Americans or victimize the weak among them just to pad their own nests.
I’d love a hot civil war with a few million casualties on the other side and mass graves, as well as a plethora of videos on 4Chan of the horrors, but we will not jinx that possibility by talking about it too much.
But any idea on how to thwart those reasonable souls who want to make the coming events more gentle and palatable to the reasonable among us are welcome.
Give me a choice – 1) take a $$$ or 2) one of >them<, in my pavement.. I will choose pool number 2 at every day of my life.
And absolutely no prison for them. It is too risky that they will corrupt prison guards.
Don’t forget the fog:

Looks like they still have too many resources. Can’t wait to see them completely defunded.
Someone has a metal wire laser printer. Prints 3D with wire. WOW! Starting price at $600 USD. Double wow! Of course thta’s the low end. I have no idea what you get for that but if it just prints metal that would be good. It can be set up with, maybe comes with, machine tooling to finish it.
Meltio’s M450
Apparently the US Navy has one on a ship to make ship parts in stainless steel.
This opens up real possibilities. If you don’t have the machine tool part with it, you could make it! Maybe need a drill press as a temp lathe, a few cutters and vise and you could make most anything. This is the stake in the heart of gun control. Even if add ons cost $1,000 or even $2,000 some handguns cost that now.
Amazon are changing the way you own your Kindle books – you have 10 days to react
Hmpfh, maybe 10 days ago this warning would be useful, but the download option he shows does not exist for reading amazon/kindle books on my pc.
The library genesis or can probably get people here around that. They seem to switch URLs often because the whole yo ho matey aspect.
Nancy Mace wants to enact legislation against people who do some of the things you mentioned. Voyeurs she calls them. Legislation that allows you to sue them.
So, the reconciliation will be ‘FU pay me’ firstly.
Like ten years ago, look back somewhere here and I predicted it using the phrase, “the largest organized transfer of wealth in history.” And it will be, and it should be, if you do not want them reassembling it.
Because I do not believe the conspiracy would let any of the lower levels be rich. It wants all of them dependent, and afraid of losing it all. I think it just let some manage the conspiracy’s funding, usually as a cover to make them seem important or belonging in a wealthy area. But it will all be Cabal funds and properties, which they are just owning to hide the conspiracy.
The best part of all will be no traffic. I predict many areas will see half the numbers of cars on the road. And far fewer animals being hit without these boobs rushing around to try and get to some box position fast. It will be awesome all around.
Is that what all the Nesara/Gesara noise was about?
I do not know…
-Suing a torturer for the entirety of his $4k life savings not gonna cut it for me.
I am, however, willing to be magnanimous and let them live in prison for life with no torture. But only if they explain in every detail what Cabal is. And if their stories don’t match, fire up The Beam.
I would love to see it, but that is 10% of the population. I do not know if there are that many jail cells. If we can great, but if not, lets get the tech and toys taken away, strip them of their agency protection and resources, and make sure domestic surveillance is down and gone.
Firing squads are on the menu.
There’s at least one scenario where you — even you — would no longer want to kill the Stasi cunts, I bet. Let’s say we find out that millions of Stasi Surveillance Traitor Cunts have had their minds, all this time, remotely controlled by a little clique of tech nerds in Tel Aviv. Or some similar dynamic. One little clique puppeteering millions and millions and millions of people around the world. How would it be possible? Who the fuck knows. But let’s say that is what’s been happening. And then that little clique of nerds is apprehended, and their mass mind control consoles are turned off, and whoosh, suddenly millions of people snap out of what feels to them like one long drunken bender, a la John Cheever’s The Swimmer or Adam Sandler’s Click. Mass amnesia. Or maybe they remember the details of what they’d been doing the last several decades of their lives, but they can’t recall any of the reasons why. Some weird shit like that. And it happens so suddenly and viscerally that you — even you — would have zero doubt it’s a legit occurrence, they really were mind-controlled. What then? How could you execute some rando dumb bitch who herself was basically soul-raped her entire conscious life? I dunno about civil compensation and whatnot, but as far as criminal penalties and physical payback, would that scenario not change your POV on the morals involved?
You are wrong Pal, it don’t change anything. If they were controlled – they have ability to being controlled. They are the weakest link of society. You have to cut it for everyone safety. Soul-raped stupid cunt huh? What about little child, physicly raped at every holes, just for being clever and moral huh? Justice have to be served. We want to clear our legs in their blood.
I agree. I got another predator recently, this time a really clean kill. I marveled at how good it felt, I felt ebullient, even though I have zero hatred for the predator itself, because in that moment looking at it dead, I just see twenty or thirty rabbits and umpteen shrews and voles and birds, and other innocent little animals spared from being torn apart by the monster in the horror movie their lives cold become if they crossed paths with this thing.
It feels kind of like God must feel with those who don’t fall explicitly under his wing. None of them will ever think of me, or even know I exist, but the good will carry through their lives in ways they cannot imagine.
I do not care if it is a grandma in a grocery store. Surveillance people are predators who put themselves in the food chain above the innocent. Every one of them wiped from the face of the earth is umpteen innocent people who will not get harassed and have their lives ruined by the army of misfits, and it is our kind who get to enjoy freedom. Sometimes the right path is just the one which protects the innocent, and no other path can come close to being as benevolent.
Whether the surveillance people know or not, they ruin the world for the innocent, just like foxes and coyotes. And the truth of the matter is, it is a safe bet they know.
Have you listened to LTC. Steven Murray’s One Team One Fight podcast from 2/13/25? He mentions that he believes Trump is ‘setting conditions’ for a big reveal that will require trusted alternative sources of news and some preparation of the public before it would be believed, but once it is that it would so horrify normal people of all nations that the people responsible would have no place to hide. He specifically said that what would be the universally horrifying aspect ‘would not be what they have done to kids, but what they have made kids do to other kids.’ Anyway, I thought you would find his alternative take on the shocking aspect of the reveal to be interesting.
Making their kids spy on other kids and try to fuck up their life-paths, or making their kids torture and murder other kids, to prove their abilities?
That kind of makes sense either way, as this thing does begin its molding of the terrain with children.
Thank you for the heads up.
He sounded like he meant the later. I don’t know if the torturing and murdering kids were ‘their kids’ genetically, but it did sound like he meant it as a mechanism by which amoral psychopaths could reproduce.
Interesting. Given the school surveillance, and the fact this thing clearly needs psychopaths, and the fact it seems to have some kind of selective breeding component, it is possible this conspiracy we see could be slightly genetically divergent as a population towards psychopathy. And it might be due to a mechanism designed to produce that.
If so, God, please give us the Civil War, right after the surveillance comes down.
We will see.
They think they are Beyond Good and Evil.
I’m (back) to thinking the baddies are the Phoenicians. A rootless tribe of cunning, child-sacrificing schemers, ever rising from the ashes of the societies they destroy. ‘Hannibal Directive’ is a clue?
chem trail example video, from the cockpit of the plane.
That’s not what the Chemtrail Concern is.
IMO chemtrails are contrails+disinfo=fear
When those “contrails” take forever to slowly spread sideways, never evaporate, line up in criss-cross patterns over the majority of sky patches, grid patterns and some almost looking like partial graph paper in the sky, that is not water vapor. Seeing some examples in movie shots from decades ago, plus me seeing in person for well past 20 years, even unto this present day is proof enough for me. Real contrails leave within a matter of seconds to under a minute, don’t expect any remnant seen after 5 minutes, or if so, certain to be an anomaly.
Analyzed samples show toxic stuff, metal powders and bacteria, all kinds of junk. The way they were poo-pooing the trails was the clue it was for real, not a fake hide-n-seek for only fear, OK?
Much appreciated seeing you around here, take care.
Environmental cleanup will be very necessary in the times ahead.
“toxic stuff”, “bacteria”, and “all kinds of junk”?
You can creep under any epistemic threshold with that sort of vagueness.
As for the grid pattern, can you imagine contrails being laid down by periodic planes then being translated sideways by this thing called wind, creating even parallel lines?
Do you know enough about the interaction of temperature, humidity, charge etc. to deny contrails can persist?
Do you have an intuitive sense of how much air traffic has increased since ‘the good old days before chemtrails’?
Do you know how the distribution of regional air hubs in your area has changed over time?
Do you believe the vaxxx has ‘self-assembling 5G graphene nano-bots’ inside?
Speaking of IVF babies that Elon did. It does seem to highlight that there is a good reason God made us Male and Female rather than asexual in reproduction.
And how the Unitive act of Man and Woman prior to the conception of the child must be so important to God.
If Husband and Wife is analogous to Christ and his Church. Then this must also mean that Male and Female exist for more than simply for the sake of Genetic Variation in a fallen world.
Since it is assumed in an unfallen state Adam and Eve will also reproduce sexually via this Unitive act. Although in paradise as Immortals they will take their time as would any long lived race of beings would do.
The Elves as Tolkien thought of them certainly took their time.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency seeks to ‘instantly terminate’ $20 billion in clean energy grants
It’s a shame that they steal so much of what could be valuable grants to push solar power. Now I know many people here consider the whole “solar” idea a boondoggle but not me. “If” solar is cost effective and it’s either there or extremely close then it detaches the average person from global energy controlled by who ever and makes them self sufficient. The self sufficient part is what attracts me and I deem to have a high worth, far over, just being green.
There’s really good news on this. Here’s an excellent break through,
Organic-inorganic perovskite cell relying on furan-based polymer achieves 21.39% efficiency
Perovskite materials, lead tin and organics can be super, super cheap and the furan polymers can be made of abundant organic materials.
And batteries are moving towards sodium which is also much cheaper. I’m not sure if people understand just how directly living standards are directly tied to energy cost. Trump does. He stated clearly in an interview when asked what he would do to make the economy better and said,”drill baby drill and pointed out it was all about energy cost. Now solar is not as cheap as oil but it’s moving there at a reasonably rapid rate.
I’ve read articles that compared total cost, if you had a coal seam on the surface three feet thick in Australia where there’s good sunlight, considering all costs, you would make more money covering the ground with present solar cells to make electricity than you would scooping up the coal and making electricity with it.
Egypt’s military mobilizes all reserve forces and restricts U.S. B-52s from its airspace