News Briefs – 02/17/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


AG Barr is starting new investigation into fired FBI officials Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. Everyone has assumed that when Q wrote “4 – 10 – 20,” he was using a numerical code for D. J. T., and he might have been. But it could have had dual meaning, now that we see that date is exactly 10 days after Barr will testify to Congress, and it has been implied a critical moment approaches.

More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William P. Barr on Sunday to step down. A sure sign something is coming.

Prince Andrew openly groped girls while staying at late pal Jeffrey Epstein’s so-called “Pedophile Island.”

Hollywood sex therapist thrown from a balcony and killed by her boyfriend. Curious. A cop car just happened to roll up as her roommate was running around to get help after she was thrown to her death, meaning it kept the story within just the cops assigned to it and the roommate, with nobody else involved. She was a former Playboy model who was a prolific writer for media outlets, and she worked with kids, child sex abuse victims, juvenile sex offenders, traumatized children, sex addicts, and pretty much anything you would find Cabal seeking out to get blackmail on, and then promote up the ladder. And now she is dead, so if she did pick up any intel, it has disappeared with her.

Corona virus presently has 71,355 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,775 fatalities. Yesterday’s numbers were 69,275 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,669 fatalities. Now an even 3% rise in confirmed cases, and 6% rise in fatalities.

A breakdown of predicted genetic susceptibility to Corona virus based on racial makeup using ACE2 receptor density. Asians worst, whites are best off, men have it worse than women, and smokers worse than non-smokers.

Half of China, or 750 million people are under lockdown.

Bill Gates warns of 10 million deaths as virus spreads to Africa. The big danger is the more it replicates, the more opportunities it has to pick up mutations which let it take over cells faster, bypass the immune system more effectively, and become more contagious and more deadly. There is a logarithmic aspect to the “spread vs danger” graph with these things.

Barron’s says, China’s Coronavirus numbers look like they were cooked up by computer, and may be fake. They say, “A near-perfect 99.99% of variance is explained by the equation, this person said, referring to a statistical measure known as r-squared. That’s a fancy way of saying that the data updating the number of deaths was almost perfectly predictable. This never happens with real data, which is always noisy.”

Delta contacting outbound Hawaii Airport passengers on same flight as couple later diagnosed with coronavirus.

The coronavirus could cripple China’s economy.

Coronavirus stats are worse than reported.

Tokyo Olympics have no plan B for Corona virus. I actually worry how this will affect MAGA rallies, and whether POTUS might end up at risk. Good intelligence on where this is will be paramount. I almost wonder if Secret Service could separate Trump’s “bubble” from the crowd with an invisible curtain of UV lasers pointing straight up, so that any virus floating through it toward POTUS would be fried. That would be a tall engineering feat, involving a lot of very expensive lasers and probably fans to blow clean air at any un-lasered areas people needed to walk over out of the bubble, and very costly, but Secret Service seems kind of crazy about Presidential safety, and it could separate the potentially infected air from a crowd from the air up on stage without any visible change to the rally experience if done correctly.

With China now on lockdown, our access to the drugs necessary to treat Corona virus is under threat.

The makers of the latest James Bond blockbuster have postponed a lucrative publicity tour in China as cinemas in the country remain shut in efforts to contain the coronavirus.

Armed robbers who stole hundreds of toilet rolls were being hunted by Hong Kong police on Monday, in a city wracked by shortages caused by coronavirus panic-buying.

RINO Mitt Romney is a top 20 recipient of money from Soros Fund Management.

Democrats weigh whether to pursue new investigations as the election looms.

Bloomberg surpasses $400M in ad spending for 2020 race.

In this next tweet, Bloomberg shows he has no idea how difficult it is to grow crops, or how disease rates skyrocket once you cram identical organisms side  by side, where just one getting infected will spread across the entire crop and kill everything. Of course, the very need to try and demean farmers is a sign he is subconsciously driven to assuage his own insecurity by demeaning others – an urge which if understood well can be used to get him to insult a lot of people:

Other fun with how hip Bloomberg is the memes, race relations, and the interweb:

I also love how even a little girl can just jump up and grab Bernie’s mic, and he cowers in the corner and lets her do what she wants. Right after this, topless protestors showed up to protest for the animals:

ICE says sanctuary state California is hiding details on accused illegal alien child abusers.

NYC subway thief thanks Democrats after his 139th arrest, release, saying, “Bail reform, it’s lit!”

Seattle criminals are ‘actively laughing’ in court expecting quick release due to leftist bail policies.

Bogus criminal-justice reforms are endangering police and civilians across the USA.

Mississippi Democrat introduces bill to force homeschoolers to use govt-approved courses.

Air Force to allow uniformed members to wear turbans, hijabs, beards in new dress code update, officials say.

Virginia gun ban bill altered to grandfather suppressors, but it may not pass anyway because the Democrat margin in the Senate is too slim and the bill is too toxic.

A source of unknown veracity claims the Tic Tacs are US black projects.

A moderate Democrat says she was shocked at the hatred in their circle, sought out Republicans to assure herself her side was right and Trump was worth hating, and now after going to a Trump rally out of curiosity about the other side, she thinks Democrats are loons trapped in an echo chamber, and Trump is going to destroy them because of it.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Myth is worth fighting for

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5 years ago

Good morning! Love these daily briefings. Thank you for doing them.

I saw your link about Bernie and the cow-haters. You said: “I also love how even a little girl can just jump up and grab Bernie’s mic, and he cowers in the corner and lets her do what she wants.”

I was thinking about this last night. What are the realistic practicalities in a situation like this?

The video shows he gets one mic from her, but she successfully grabbed the second mic that was attached to the podium. So, I give him a bit of credit for trying. (Unlike the last time this happened to him and he just gave up and walked away.) I have no issue with the walking away and hovering to the side after she got the mic. I did not interpret that as “cowering,” but just avoiding confrontation and — frankly — not getting splashed with milk and whatever that red liquid was. i say: “get the F away from crazy.”

Plus, politicos on campaign are told to let “security” handle these sorts of things and he did not have security or did not have competent security.

What SHOULD a politician do? What SHOULD a MAN do when a woman does this? (remember the globablists/cabal/whatever want Bernie to lose. So, this was a setup … ) All of his choices seemed bad.

Bernie’s options: Walks away totally? Shoves her away immediately? Fights mildly to keep both mics? Fights hard to keep both mics away?

Okay, let’s say option 2. He shoves her; she goes flying. Let’s assume she’s a plant and he only lightly pushes her away but she PRETENDS to go down hard (like a soccer player pretending to get injured).

So the propaganda message then becomes … “he’s VIOLENT! reeeeeee…. OPPRESSIVE PATRIARCHY!!” They also add the shove or the fight to the list of accusations “proving” he’s a woman hater. “He shoved an innocent woman trying to protect cows!! Sexist!! Oppressor!! Patriarchy!! BULLY!!” Klobuchar and Warren start nagging and Buttigieg starts tisk-tisking and Biden says “I would have taken them behind the gymnasium, by gum and by golly.” ….

More: Let’s say he DOES fight to keep the second mic, but she really fights back and he gets injured. He’s bleeding now, rally over, those are the propaganda images for the nightly “news.” Let’s say she scratches him and it takes a few days to heal. Not good for the campaign to have a daily visual reminder that he was bloodied by a woman. Heaven forbid he gets a black eye.

What if he really loses his temper and beats on her (assuming he can)? Let’s say he gives HER a black eye. Now’s she’s the “victim” and she’s on the View and …. oh, such sadness. “What a bully!!!”

What if her friends protect her and now Bernie’s fighting two or three young bimbos? What if they are armed?

What is the result if he fights but LOSES… he’s lying on the stage and then she starts her rant? Now, visually, we SEE he’s is a weakling having just been beat up by a girl.

He’s not a young man and he’s just off a heart attack. So, what happens if he fights and then gets seriously injured or breaks a bone or has another heart attack? His campaign is essentially over at that point if he can’t campaign.

Anyway, all this is a long way of saying: realistically and practically, what’s a politician to do when something like this happens?

Reply to  Uncompliant
5 years ago

Bernie should have learned from history or at least listened when Bush said, “There’s an old saying in Tennessee I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

In the last election when those BLM “women” jumped on stage that was it for the campaign. Here we are and his campaign ends the same way again.

If this elderly fool were to live to a thousand I suggest every campaign would end the same way. Why? Because he’s a socialist and socialism has a long track record of ending with lots of people dead but you know? That wasn’t real socialism. This time it’ll totes work.

A TRUE JEW (NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (for real fellow Jews))
A TRUE JEW (NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (for real fellow Jews))
Reply to  Peter
5 years ago

You are all nabis, who don’t vote for Burnie because you are jelly of Jews, and you can’t handle the fact that Jews have a minimum average IQ of 6 million.

FARCSHIM SHOULD NOT WIN IN 2020, VOTE BURNIE YOU FUGGING NABIS (the gulags will be comfy, you can trust this Jew):

Reply to  Uncompliant
5 years ago

“… realistically and practically, what’s a politician to do when something like this happens?”

Really good question/point.

The answer is Bernie should do absolutely NOTHING — his staffers and guards should not let anyone get close to him without vetting or careful watching. It’s their job to prevent this from happening, not Bernie’s job to deal with it once it happens.

I doubt his staff is incompetent, however. Just overwhelmed.

Bernie’s problem is he’s a leftist. The left can’t effectively vet their own audiences because so many of them look, and are, loony. Those soon-to-be topless women would have been noticed, observed and removed at a Republican forum, because at Republican events, most of the audience looks rather normie. At a leftist forum, in contrast, when a sizeable percentage of the audience looks deranged, security/staff can’t isolate, segregate and remove that many potential trouble makers. If the deranged and mentally ill are the majority, or a sizeable minority, of an audience, it’s impossible to protect the speaker.

So, enjoy Bernie’s angst. He earned it. His coalition of weirdos cannot be controlled.

Frankly, I hope and pray Bernie and all the other D candidates are accosted by hundreds of socially deranged women whose flaccid breasts belong in the photographic pages of Nat Geo, not on the national news …

5 years ago

Seems like globohomo still trying to salvage Juden Peterstein.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

I think it’s just the opposite. They are trying to get rid of Jordan Peterson. You mistake Peterson’s playing within the rules as an indication that he is under their control. He was simply avoiding the confrontation in order to concentrate on the more important work of recovering some of Western Civilization.

If cabal wanted Peterson recovered, he’d be recovered. If he was one of them, he’d be untouchable. He’s clearly under threat. Which means they regard him as a risk.

Anyone with that kind of influence who shows any independence, even if they are playing within the rules, is eventually eliminated.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I respectfully disagree with your take on Juden’s saga muh fren.
I think they are testing the waters and try to get manipulate people into supporting him via sympathy. If it doesn’t work, they will just let him rot and keep making moves using the rest of their rooster.
I am certain that Juden never cared about Western Civilization, and that he has never been independent (nobody rises that fast, and with that much financial support from “donors” (Juden was making obscene amounts of shekels) without the approval of the gaybal).

I say he never cared about Western Civ because he is a leftard, and too smart and intellectually curious to not know exactly what he was doing (and how leftism ends, no matter how gradual the implementation is), and how advancing leftism and Jewish collective power is complete poison for the West.

5 years ago

Paul Craig Roberts has finally began to seeing the light:

“Whites are being erased”

Our art work is being taken down. We are discriminated at in colleges and universities. White men are not allowed. We are being miscegenated out of existence. If the European doesn’t wake up soon—The European is going to disappear.

5 years ago

Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook.
Without the earnings of these five biggest US companies by market cap (they pay very little federal tax, btw) the US stock market would have been down about 7.5%

Fun comment: “Isn’t this like taking the lions, tigers, elephants, rhinos and giraffes out of the zoo and saying ‘look a petting farm'”

Seriously, though, when five companies in the same narrow slice of economy have that much effect on the economy as a whole … it seems a bit scary and dangerous. Even monopolistic. Lets hope the tech sector doesn’t collapse before the election.

5 years ago

“A breakdown of predicted genetic susceptibility to Corona virus based on racial makeup using ACE2 receptor density. Asians worst, whites are best off, men have it worse than women, and smokers worse than non-smokers.”

What? What about muh equality? Everyone is the same!


Wait for it


White privilege. KKKornavirus.

5 years ago

Fuck that Jew.

MB: “I can teach anyone how to be a farmer 1 dig a hole 2 put a seed in 3 put dirt on top 4 add water 5 up comes the corn”

Well, my family comes from farmers and I work at high levels within IT. It takes a hell of a lot more brains to be a farmer than it does to be some nepotistic jew grifter, by printing fake investing “advice”, after you’ve purchased all the stocks and sell after your retarded readers take the bait. Fucking scum.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

You can tell he’s never grown anything. It takes a good while to get the hang of even a little garden much less a large farming outfit.

5 years ago

Looks like AC might be blocking VPNs. Not a good thing, just saying. Privacy = good. Blocking people for just wanting to stay anonymouse … especially conservatives = bad.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

No problem for me using Opera VPN, although I have no clue as to how good it is.

5 years ago

After Mass Chicken Cull, China Approves Live Poultry From US

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“…China Approves Live Poultry From US…”

Think of the mass global stupidity of this. Shipping live chickens from the US to China. What hubris. Will anyone actually do such a thing? It sounds like one the dumbest things I have ever heard. I think shipping carcasses to China for processing and then back to the US is dumb but this is…I’m flabbergasted.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

They are trying to rebuild their flocks, you can’t rebuild flocks with carcasses.

5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago

Retired female Toronto cop, who once worked undercover vice squad in high heels and was proud of making her city safer, bemoans that today’s police force have their hands tied by special interests, don’t walk the beat, don’t respond to crash scenes (sparking mucho insurance fraud), and basically have surrendered the streets to the bad guys (whom they can no longer stop and request ID) basically run the show. Said she didn’t want to retire but that policing is not about serving and protecting anymore. She’s pissed off and disgusted. The Sun is one of the few media outlets that would ever print such a story.

5 years ago

Trump needs to use this at his rallies:

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Boy Scouts of America files for Bankruptcy.

It’s the cabal way. Infiltrate a bunch of deviants in the organization. Promise them protection if they rape a bunch of boys. Use it simultaneously blackmail the deviants for further crimes while demoralizing the hated institution. Occassionally rat out one of them to get bad media coverage and scare the rest inline.

We really have no idea of the scale of the genocidal war that has been waged against us and our institutions, our gene pool, etc. Everything.

5 years ago