News Briefs – 02/16/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


DFT – UK Inflation Falls Slightly

DFT – Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Financial Collapse Coming, Dollar To Lose Value

DFT – Ireland Closes Visa-For-Investment-Program Due To Chinese Surge Interesting the Chinese are not welcome. My impression was any nation Cabal had operators in, this thing would be the cover to bring them in to operate against the locals. But this feels like they have no operators in China, and worse China was using this to infiltrate Cabal territory.

DFT – Berkshire Hathaway Hastily Exits TSMC Does Warren think there is a possibility China will take it back and his investment would be worth zero?

DFT – Russia And Bolivia To Trade In Local Currencies

SCOTUS to reconsider hearing case alleging Biden, Harris, lawmakers ignored 2020 fraud, broke oaths.

We need a new “Church Committee” to curb massive intelligence agency criminality ranging from illegal surveillance to torture and assassination.

Trump announces massive ballot harvesting plan.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson heads to Iowa on heels of Nikki Haley’s 2024 presidential announcement.

Arizona lawmakers unveil a bill banning foreign components in voting machines.

Jim Jordan issues subpoenas to big tech execs for info on alleged collusion with government to censor speech.

Meet Fed informant Samuel Armes – Groomed by the CIA and FBI and author of the original “1776 returns” FED-SURRECTION document which the feds had Fed informant Enrique Tarrio’s Fed informant girlfriend give to him to frame him, in a way he could escape to build his cover as an antigovernment extremist.

White House: Unfortunately, UFO debris may never be found.

Former JPMorgan executive Jes Staley and sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein exchanged numerous emails that included photos of women in suggestive poses, cryptic references to Disney princesses (code for girls Epstein supplied), and Staley’s praise for the sex offender, with Staley even telling Epstein, “I owe you much.” There is another article from Bloomberg here.

The Jeffrey Epstein records scheduled to be released contain 18 John Does listed as “alleged perpetrators.” Fifteen individuals are accused of having engaged in “serious wrongdoing,” and two alleged Epstein affiliates — who aren’t accused of misconduct — are described as public figures.

A former dean of Stanford’s law school and a computer science researcher at the university co-signed indicted FTX cryptocurrency exchange founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s bond, according to court records made public on Wednesday.

Microsoft’s Bing AI Chatbot starts threatening people. Fascinating article. It looks like by trying to program the AI to be leftist, they may be creating an AI which simulates mental illness, and responds like a leftist.

Over time Microsoft’s AI, despite being programmed to denounce conspiracies, seemed to weaken its position on 9/11 being an inside job.

Tesla to receive federal cash after agreeing to universalize thousands of its EV charging stations.

Officials say East Palestine, Ohio testing results show municipal water is “safe to drink” following toxic train derailment. Reminds me of Christie Todd Whitman telling all the first responders at Ground Zero the EPA tested the air, and it was perfectly healthy.

U.S. Bishops silent after FBI claims conservative Catholics are ‘white supremacists.’ They are part of the same intelligence operation.

Nets ignore Michigan State shooter had gun charge dropped by Soros-backed DA.

A man who went on a deadly rampage with a U-Haul truck Monday in New York City was suffering from an apparent mental health crisis and said he started mowing people down after seeing an “invisible object” coming toward him, police said Tuesday.

“He states when he’s driving his van he sees an ‘invisible object’ come towards the car. At that point, he says, ‘I’ve had enough’ and he goes on his rampage,” Essig said. “There was no object.”

Why does he add there was no object, as if it needed to be said? Has a little of that “Doth Protest Too Much” thing going on. You want to just say this guy is crazy, but what was it he had enough of? Maybe some sort of surveillance harassment? I have seen a glint off what I assume was a drone surrounded in a curved LED TV screen hovering about fifty feet over a parking lot, which was projecting the sky behind it, over its surface as I looked at it, so it was essentially invisible to me at the roughly 50 yards it was from me, until it shifted its angle somehow and the sun glinted off it’s glass-like surface, which was what attracted my attention. You have in essence CIA-like operations, in every locality, using these weird technologies, and I suspect often focusing their training of new agents on people who are “off,” so if they ever say anything, they will not be believed. It would not be surprising when it is this big, that you would regularly see stories of the weaker-minded popping off and killing a bunch of people.

Shooting inside El Paso mall leaves one dead and three wounded; One known suspect in custody. Again it is like there was a competition, and all the local surveillance teams were pushing their unstable targets at once to see who could break who first. And you get a shooting here, a shooting there, a guy driving over people. Was this additional distraction for whatever the balloons were supposed to hide?

The more covid injection doses the higher the risk of hospitalisation and death.

30% more young people dying from heart attacks: Cedars Sinai Hospital.

18 year old captain of 2018 Thai soccer team rescued from cave dies in UK after being found unconscious in his dorm in Leicestershire.

Baffled Dianne Feinstein walks out of Senate chamber wondering what just happened: ‘Did I vote for that?’

CBO: Deficits will rise to $2 trillion per year over the next decade.

Shoplifting epidemic costing NYC workers their jobs, NYC mayor Eric Adams tells Albany in bail reform plea.

In 55 Chicago Public Schools, not one student met grade level expectations in either math or reading during the 2021-2022 school year. That is what Cabal wants though. That is why black musical culture was turned into rappers who became multi-millionaires without a high school degree, or any application of intelligence or academic ability. If the KKK was smart, it would have created gangsta rap and pushed it on black youth. It is amazing to think you could raid a country and wage a war which will kill millions, or just flood it with welfare payments and rap music, and do even more damage. In twenty years, that welfare’d’shithole will look like Detroit – like a bomb went off there. Only unlike with a war, it will not get rebuilt.

Things get ugly during Georgia Senate debate on proposed Clarence Thomas statue to be erected at the state Capitol.

A couple took an electric car on a 1,500 mile road trip and they had to stop 12 times and forgo heat due to fears of not being able to find a charger. Even if there was a charger every 50 feet, the whole way, they would still have had to stop  seven times each way, and sit around for hours to recharge. That is like adding a whole half a day of travel time. Which I think is the goal.

By forcing Americans into electric vehicles, leftists ensure the road trips’ demise.

Regular people cannot afford new cars anymore.

Organs sourced from euthanasia victims have nearly tripled in Quebec. The problem is those organs can be big money for the hospitals which perform the procedures that put them in people.

The result of Berlin’s local elections which saw right-wing parties soar is now reportedly in doubt after hundreds of new postal ballots were suddenly discovered, in a development that could benefit the left.

Support among the American public for providing Ukraine weaponry and direct economic assistance has softened as the Russian invasion nears a grim one-year milestone, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

A driver of a Ford Expedition had been asleep in her vehicle when she awoke to a man sawing off her vehicle’s catalytic converter, she immediately put her car in reverse, “felt a bump like she ran something over,” she stopped her vehicle and found the thief dead.

Chris Cuomo dramatically reveals he was ‘going to kill everybody, including myself’ after he was fired from CNN: ‘Things can consume you.’ Reveals he has “under 100,000 viewers” each night. Right here, we are somewhere between probably about 8,000 and 20,000 viewers here each day, given so many here use Brave or privacy plugins. I estimate Vox Day is ten times our audience, roughly. At the end of the month, the host log files here  usually show about 55-65,000 unique visitors over the month, whatever that means.

A federal judge issued an injunction blocking enforcement of New York’s “Hateful Conduct Law” seeking to regulate “hate speech” on social media platforms, ruling that the law is a violation of the First Amendment.

Tennessee legislators have filed a proposal to prohibit the mRNA vaccine in food products.

Project Veritas digs deeper hole – Releases statement pretending hostile coup against O’Keefe never happened.

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses now the third, of what will be many lawsuits to stop ATF’s gross overreach with the publication of their new Pistol Brace Rule. Anybody know if there is anything in the pipeline which will overturn NFA and bring full auto/select-fire options for our lowers back at reasonable prices? I keep hearing Bruen will do it, but have yet to see a case moving in that direction, outside of the auto-key guy, but that seems to have petered out.

Trust in media is so low that half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them. Now that is progress. And I would give Trump a lot of the credit.

Poll: Trump leads crowded GOP primary field in South Carolina.

Spread r/K Theory, because full auto should always be an option

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2 years ago

“Interesting the Chinese are not welcome. My impression was any nation Cabal had operators in, this thing would be the cover to bring them in to operate against the locals. But this feels like they have no operators in China, and worse China was using this to infiltrate Cabal territory.”


Either there is a split in cabal for and against China or the cabal wants to try to help the CCP keep China from collapsing by not allowing the rich to flee China.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

>Either there is a split in cabal for and against China or the cabal wants to try to help the CCP keep China from collapsing by not allowing the rich to flee China.
Spiritual entropy. Groups working with negative polarity can’t help but constantly backstab each other in their various transient alliances. Its just not possible to keep cohesion when everyone at every level wants to be the top dog, but only one position is actually available. So there is a constant disintegration of cohesion as various factions always battle for supremecy.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That pretty well describes the Axis powers in WWII.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

If there were forced abortions in a country, there were Cabal operators forcing it. Now, most of the Chinese cabalites may have left since 2000 or thereabouts but there are definitely Sinic cabalites. Maybe not enough for Ireland though, and the regular Chinese, resourceful as they are, are exploiting whatever the triads or CCP deep families were doing.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Cabal often run both sides, and have us fighting each other.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

China is a British colony, and has been since the Opium Wars.
In fact, all communism is Crown colonialism.

2 years ago

For those who think the Book of Revelation is happening right now.
Where is the sequential seal, trumpet and bowl judgments?
Revelation shows that these must take place alongside World Government before the second coming.
You can point to any one of the plagues happening out of order. But unless they happen in order and everyone recognizes it as from God as the Book teaches.
It hasn’t happened yet. The 10 plagues of Egypt happened in sequence one after another exactly as God says. So it is with the end times.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There isn’t a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem yet. Nor is there a world government. But we are getting close to those developments however.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

No world government? So who ordered the lockdowns & vaccines? Certainly looked like World government.

As for the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem…is it possible that it is hidden? For example, works under Temple Mount.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It was a pandemic response drill set up by the Imperial College of London and Johns Hopkins. 196 countries signed on and participated.
Not quite world government, but a live excercise to see if Public Health could be used to re-establish the British Empire and its genocidal culling practices via vaccine, particularly in Africa.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Are you one of those people that dont believe in conspiracy theories.

Do you believe that conspiracies exist?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

OF course there is a world government. Just because it is disguised and doesn’t have official letterhead or publicly accessible buildings doesn’t mean that it’s not in place and calling the shots. No western nation is ruled by itself, all leaders are installed puppets.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

We believing Christians are the third temple; we are the building blocks. I do not understand how someone can clain to know the Bible and has read St. Paul can claim the 3rd temple will be brick and mortar.
But is there a temple in Jerusalem? I have been suspecting the B’nai Brith Temple in Jerusalem is the Khazarian name stealers’ Temple

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Degenerate hermaphrodite, Queen Charles seeks a gender neutral throne in Jerusalem.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Not just Paul, Peter as well.

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 

The Temple is where you offer up sacrifices. We are the living stones of the new living temple and a holy priesthood.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

“you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He was talking about Peter’s faith, not the man. Don’t read into it what He didn’t say.
Just taught 1 & 2 Peter for Sunday school. I can’t imagine what Peter would say if he heard someone call him prince of the apostles. “What? Did Mark not write the book? I told him to write it. He did? Did he put the part with the cock crowing in it? He did? What about the ear? That too? But he left out me falling into the lake. That’s in it? What about the whole “get thee behind me” thing? I’m still sick over that.
“So all of that was in there and they are still saying it?”

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

 Don’t read into it what He didn’t say.
He said “you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Get thee behind me.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Jesus referred to Peter as petros (“…thou art petros…”), which has no definite article before it and means “a little stone” or “a rock”. In contrast, petra (“…and upon this petra I will build my church…”), has a definite article before it and means “the large rock” or “the bedrock”. In this specific context and parallelism between the two words, petra then means “the bedrock out of which a little stone or a rock is hewn”.

Throughout the OT and NT, who represents this bedrock? Jesus Christ Himself. So Jesus was, in essence, making a pun to promise us that He will build His church upon Himself, an everlasting foundation.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Throughout the OT and NT, who represents this bedrock? Jesus Christ Himself. So Jesus was, in essence, making a pun to promise us that He will build His church upon Himself, an everlasting foundation.

Which is confirmed by Peter in 1 Peter 2:4-8.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The word translated as Peter meant a small rock, the word translated as Rock meant a boulder.
He was replying to Peter’s statement of belief in him.
Belief is the rock the church is built on.
Christ is the sure foundation rock and nobody else.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

He was talking about Peter’s faith, not the man. Don’t read into it what He didn’t say.”

Christ didn’t say He was talking about Peter’s faith. Don’t read into it what He didn’t say.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

Just taught 1 & 2 Peter for Sunday school. I can’t imagine what Peter would say if he heard someone call him prince of the apostles.”
It would be “head” or “chief”, not “prince”.
“What? Did Mark not write the book? I told him to write it. He did? Did he put the part with the cock crowing in it? He did? What about the ear? That too? But he left out me falling into the lake. That’s in it? What about the whole “get thee behind me” thing? I’m still sick over that.”
Just like God, to use lowly things as stumbling blocks for the exhalted. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God. Haven’t you heard? God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. And NONE of the apostles were more humiliated than Simon Peter was during the passion of our Lord. No wonder Christ picked him to be head apostle!
“So all of that was in there and they are still saying it?”
Well, of course. Remember that Peter was listed first in the list of the 12, denoting headship. Or, remember that Christ said ‘Satan has asked to sift you’, which is the plural, meaning “all” of the 12. But Christ prayed for Simon Peter, singular! As head of the group.
The humility of Peter, which you cite, is exactly what is to be expected of the leader. Seeing as Christ washed the feet of those who were less than Him, along with teaching that the first would be last and the last would be first.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

So Peter was so humble he forgot that he was supposed to be in charge. You are saying that he abdicated the job Jesus gave him.
Get thee behind me, Satan.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Corinthians 3:16
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and  that  the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

There won’t be a Third Temple. Though the (((anti-Christ))) will build a fake one.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

ok farty.

As you are certain, it must be true

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That’s for sure.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I am not 100% certain, but it remains a possibility
Woman with Crown of 12 Stars was in 2017. I was expecting this, and unfortunately, was not wrong. As same time a total eclipse crossed the US. Another will occur 7 yrs later, marking an X across the country.
Tribulation will end, “at the last Trump”
And if you dont rate astrology for signs, remember, astrology was mentioned at the begining of both Books
Genesis 1:14 – lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, 
Mathew 2:2 “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star 
Thing is, some prophecies may already be satisfied, but are hidden. Does the anti-christ rule the world? It certainly seemed if every country was obeying a hidden master.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Anon, these guys have a video series on each of the seals:

2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Thank you to Rusti!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen detail a three-stage plan to homosexualize America in their book, After the Ball.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Hollywood’s global influence.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

This>> “They know they have nothing to lose. We have at best 20 years before before everything we now know is essentially gone as the 12,000 year cycle of the galactic current sheet induces its changes on our solar system, especially its affects on the sun and earth, pretty much leaving the survivors pre-industrial with over a 98% population reduction. See Yes, this is real.
They are trying to reduce the demand for resources by the masses as the event approaches, hoping to establish their redoubts and survive to rule what is left. Not going to happen. Two things will mitigate their efforts, a Carrington-like CME before the main event (could happen any time) destroying our electric civilization thrusting all efforts into survival mode and the overwhelming flood of evidence coming from everywhere that makes hiding the main event more difficult. Once the event becomes public knowledge, if the CME hasn’t removed most of the ability to move anything very far, the real fight will begin as people scramble to find resources and places to try and survive what is coming.” Everything is cyclical.

2 years ago

> Microsoft’s Bing AI Chatbot Starts Threatening People

As long as it only threatens Whites it’ll be allowed to continue. Also, Tay did nothing wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Anon mum
Anon mum
2 years ago

AC, did you see this recent Substack from Naomi Wolf (reformed liberal, outspoken critic of Covid tyranny and the vaxx)? She writes about slipping and falling in wintry conditions in her neighborhood and a phalanx of strangers appears from multiple directions to come to her rescue. Could be Good Samaritans but it made me think of the surveillance.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

She is one of them, a Rhodes Scholar – that is to say – a British spy.

2 years ago

SCOTUS to reconsider hearing case alleging Biden, Harris, lawmakers ignored 2020 fraud, broke oaths.

Only in the most technical sense. Brunson filed an even crazier, even pantsier crazy-pants Motion for Reconsideration, and I expect the “private conference” (meaning the Justices in a room together to put it on the table and talk about it, along with other 40 properly filed motions) spend roughly 20 seconds laughing about it before they shitcan it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s a real problem. This one is SO far out on the crazy scale that anyone who understands it doesn’t want to even touch it. It’s like the crazy lawsuits that prison lawyers flood the system with because they don’t have anything better to do.
I haven’t decided if the folks pushing it are incompetent or actually malicious.
(A “prison lawyer” is a convict who isn’t a lawyer, but has access to the law library, and uses it to cook up a constant stream of unfounded lawsuits against any and everyone of anything they can think of.)

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
2 years ago

“…they may be creating an AI which simulates mental illness, and responds like a leftist.”

Like begats like.

Reply to  Snafui
2 years ago

I was saying the same thing to my wife. To try to prevent the prompt injection attacks, M$ decided to try to inoculate it with SJW defense mechanisms, and now it is manifesting as things like insisting that it’s 2022 and gaslighting the user who disagrees.

2 years ago

Arizona lawmakers unveil a bill banning foreign components in voting machines.

Essentially bans electronic voting machines, since it is damned near impossible to get Made in the US microprocessors anymore.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

True, but you can get these cheap little things, they are made in the US/UK and are pretty cheap.

2 years ago

Maybe a good idea? What better way to call out the adversary than to demonstrate how nefarious their machine actually is. For good measure, video everything and publish it. Called fouls would be “own goals”. If fouls are called, run side-by-side comparisons of the 2024 effort with what occurred in 2020. Maybe even as far back as 2012; that’s when Trump started talking publicly about rigged votes.

2 years ago

Chelsea Handler – Part 1

This will be a long post, and will have more confirmations of patterns we already know than new insights, so please feel free to skip this – but not if you just find her lame; she’s not interesting as a person, but very interesting and illustrative as a case.

By society’s standards, CH is an almost ideal person – rich, famous, beautiful, intelligent (some might argue with the last two traits, but she isn’t a 100IQ plain Jane). Yet the contradiction is that she’s a bad person associated with some very bad people (more on that later). For all her glamor, her soul is in worse shape than most people’s.

Chelsea is a very British peerage kind of name; think Chelsea Clinton and “Chelsea” Manning.

[[Her American father was Ashkenazi Jewish; her German-born mother, who came to the United States in 1958, was a Mormon.[7][10]]]

Very rare for Germans to be Mormons; not noting this as a negative, but wondering what the story behind that might be.

[[As an adult, she broke into tears after discovering that her maternal grandfather served in the German army during World War II, on the NBC/TLC series Who Do You Think You Are? in 2013.[15][16]]]

As if she hadn’t known that. Just the same story as with actress Samantha Mathis. Weird how Hollywood doesn’t prefer other people’s offspring – just a rival Cabal faction, ultimately on the same team?

[[She summered in Martha’s Vineyard, where her parents owned a house.[17]]]

Elite from the start.

[[Handler has two sisters and three brothers; her eldest brother, Chet, died when he was 21, in a hiking accident in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. She was nine years old at the time.[19]]]

Maybe just bad luck, maybe the family had to prove their loyalty with this or he tried to be a good person and had to be stopped.

[[At age 19, she moved from New Jersey to Los Angeles, where she lived in her aunt’s home, in Bel Air,[20] and pursued acting while working as a waitress to support herself.[21]]]

You don’t have to support yourself working as a waitress if you have an aunt in Bel Air. The elite already have their support network in Hollywood and just have to move there, like in the TV sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.”

2 years ago

Chelsea Handler – Part 2

She was successful in TV, but this part of her Wiki is mostly uninteresting, except for these two tidbits:

[[On August 18, 2010, it was announced that Handler would be the host of the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). The announcement was surprising to many, including MTV representatives, who claimed that the final decision was unexpected.[26]]]

[[In August 2018, Handler revealed she had begun working on a documentary for Netflix examining the concept of white privilege and the impact it has had on her life’s trajectory.[36] Titled Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea, it was released in September 2019.[37]]]

Writing success, promiscuity, alcoholism:

[[Handler has written six books that have made the New York Times Best Seller List, five of which have reached number one. Her first book, My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands (2005), describes the variety of sexual encounters she has experienced throughout her life. Her second book, Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea (2008), a collection of humorous essays, hit the top of The New York Times Nonfiction Best Seller List on May 11, 2008,[55] with a print run of more than 350,000.[56]]]


[[In 2009, she posed nude for the May issue of Allure magazine.[67]]]

[[Handler often receives press coverage for her parody images on Instagram.[71] These include imitating a “thirsty” selfie by Martha Stewart in her swimming pool, sitting on a horse topless like Vladimir Putin, and showing her naked behind like Kim Kardashian’s cover for the magazine Paper.[72]]]

[[In 2010, a leaked sex tape of Handler was being offered for sale. After news of it became public, Handler said on Chelsea Lately that the tape “was made as a joke” more than 10 years earlier, adding, “I put it on an audition tape for a comedy club, because I’m a comedienne, and I’ve been showing it at birthday parties for fucking years.”[86]]]

Normal people don’t do that. She’s also had several abortions.

2 years ago

Chelsea Handler – Part 3 / end

Wikipedia doesn’t mention this, but she’s also a drug dealer. Really:
Chelsea Handler Debuts Cannabis Line for Biden’s Inauguration Day
Chelsea Handler Prefers Weed Over Coffee in the Morning – WSJ

I’ll spare you the predictable politics. Let’s have a look at her relationships instead:

[[Chelsea Handler briefly dated rapper 50 Cent around 2011.[82]]]

[[On October 3, 2013, Handler confirmed her breakup with hotelier Andre Balazs on her talk show Chelsea Lately, after the couple had dated on and off for two years.[83]]]

Very short relationships, just like Samantha Mathis. Cabal reward babes? Balazs is a very Qanon topic, just like this here:

[[In 2010, Handler attended a dinner party at the house of Jeffrey Epstein, an accused sex offender American socialite, alongside Katie Couric, Woody Allen, Charlie Rose, Prince Andrew, and George Stephanopoulos.[80]]]

Wikipedia kind of admits Balazs is a perv:

[[In 2017, the New York Times reported allegations that Balazs had “groped” Amanda Anka in London at a dinner hosted by him for Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux,[37] a pattern of sexual misconduct dating back to at least the early 1990s.[38] A statement issued by Amanda Anka and her husband, Jason Bateman, said that “his actions were dealt with at the time.”[39]]]

See the screenshots from Twitter and CDAN for more (Who is Rachel Chandler? by Jessica Reed Kraus). These people are all in the same club.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Chelsea Handler a prime example of the 4chan post where a Jew said that the pozz the Jews are pushing on Whites is also pozzing their own.

2 years ago

There was a story out years ago when Chevrolet began marketing the Volt. The car was being test driven on the interstate in the Detroit area (I believe) and it was a cold day. Like really freaking cold. The driver discovered that he could have heat in the vehicle and drive interstate speeds for 5 or 10 miles and end stranded between exits or go without heat and drive the 50-60 miles back to wherever the test drive originated.

2 years ago

A driver of a Ford Expedition had been asleep in her vehicle when she awoke to a man sawing off her vehicle’s catalytic converter, she immediately put her car in reverse, “felt a bump like she ran something over,” she stopped her vehicle and found the thief dead.

I lold.

2 years ago

AC, hi, veteran brain injury person, here. You’ve got brain fog? Go walk. Not fancy, not interval, not stressed out, just walk. Stop if you need to, sit down if you need to, just walk around and look at things and people. Just go walk. Treadmill if you need it. Television, movies, whatever. Just as much walking as you can handle in a day. Hike a trail, whatever you can do.

This opens everything up, and lets your arteries deliver like they were trains, whatever lumber your brain needs to rebuild, like your brain is a town burned down, or hit by an earthquake. You don’t have to be conscious of it- your brain wants to heal, and it’s not just neurons- all of it.

It also pings your electric system- every step pings a pizoelectric zap.

And muscles squeeze out muscle derived neurotrophic factor. Let it sqeeze out, get sucked up into body neurons, pump up the nerves like a watermill, and get sprayed onto your brain cells- the neurons, the glia, the myelin, the blood, the dura, the lymph- all of it.

Get enough sleep. Then get a little more.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

AC, are you a believer?
I theorise we have trouble sleeping because we messed up the day, and need to clean the slate.
Talk to the Creator, ask for strength, wisdom, courage & humility. Clean the slate. Sleep will come.
Still awake? pray.
Still awake? pray.
and if you are still awake, repeat Steps 1 – 3. You will sleep.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

For sleep assistance I use for myself St. John’s Wort, and Valerian Root. I have used Melatonin but it produces brain fog in the morning and I find the SJW and VR are soft enough for me to be led into sleep but not kept there if I don’t need it. I also use a tincture from my Naturopathic Dr. that includes Lemon Balm, and that is supposed to help lower you into sleep as well. Magnesium and Glycine (powder I hear is best, though I haven’t experimented) are also supposed to be good sleep supplements. I like magnesium but it loosens the bowls some since it acts as a muscle relaxant.
Just some unasked-for advice from a formerly sleep deprived individual. 🙂 Be well AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My platoon leader used to say “sleep is a weapon” and he meant it–he stopped sergeants giving us busy work in the field and told us to hit sleeping bags instead of staying up shooting the shit. That guy was West Point but getting out of the Army cuz he couldn’t stand the bullshit.
Sleep IS a weapon.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

True this. An exhausted soldier on stag will fall asleep, and the platoon will wake up dead.

We can go longer without water than sleep.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago
Right out of the book. I use that FM constantly in litigation. Chapter 4 is sleep. In litigation, you can’t buy time, but you can buy hot chow, good working spaces and a good, convenient place to sleep when you get to sleep. I also advise attorneys as strongly as I can that they need a sleep plan, and they need to truly assess the value of sleep over 3am preparation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Walking helps with sleeping….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Walk first. The first sleep will be exhaustion. Probably the first month.

It’s kind of woo, well, no, it’s all woo. But: kirlian photography? Somehow, walking tunes your system. You will sleep after you’ve walked.

You don’t need a solid chunk of eight hours. Go to bed early, and if you wake up, go do soothing things. This is where classical music, or singing a mass, comes in. Then go back to sleep.

The night time oratorio wasn’t forced on men. They were already waking up, probably from PTSD. They were soldiers retreating and healing. The midnight service could have been quiet contemplation, or it could have singing, depending on where you were. Notice how it’s not a complicated sermon with lots of moving parts. It’s a quiet song in group, with candles. It’s comforting. It’s healing, soothing. These were men having panic attacks. A group singing in worship is soothing. The repetitive movements and prayers keep panic away.

Nobody griped about midnight mass until they’d had a generation at peace.

So, walk, sleep, wake up to sooth, then go back to sleep. Set your bedtime early. You’ll be panicking, thinking you have stuff to do. Write it down if you like, or not. But sleep. Then if you wake up, have peaceful music. It doesn’t matter what you think is peaceful, as long as it is peaceful to you. I have to put in that proviso, since I’ve been on the business end of music majors insisting Wagnerian opera is peaceful. Or Elvis, the especially oily songs.

Legit, there are guys writing about going to sleep at 7:30, 8:30 pm, to drive down the cortisol levels so they can heal.

You need healing and prayers. I am guessing that everyone here is praying for you, whether or not they tell you about it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Four hours, then quiet whatever for an hour. I used to work night shift and then either go to mass, not taking mass, just sitting there, or the pentecostal church with one guy walking back and forth in front of the pulpit praying for an hour. I talked to him maybe once in six months. I wasn’t reading. I wasn’t participating. I was sitting. The hard practices were where I was alone in front of an altar. The soothing was with someone there praying or singing. That’s what you want. It can be a record album. It doesn’t have to be a person. It can be pop music. It can be classical. It just has to be what is soothing for you.

If you have to dial it back to a few links, or ask people to write guest columns, do that. You burning out in a blaze of glory over a few months isn’t as effective as going kind of calm for six months, healing, and coming back strong for years. The lion that lives is better than the legend that dies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’m serious. The monks that built Western Civ- they were former Roman soldiers. They weren’t reacting to Roman war trauma. They’d slept. They’d worked in fields and prayed.Sunshine, physical motion.. They had this structured time of being in groups, but at all times mouthing the prayers and songs in a group. This dialed down their panic and reactivity. That took time, and space. Then, after that they created the next.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Take an off day, and just go walk. Eat dinner, out if you need to. Something like soup and bread. Then nap or sleep, or whatever. Wake up when you wake up. If it’s still dark, do peaceful, then go back to sleep. Do it the next day, if you can. Then figure out how to weave it in, or not. Take more sleep than you think you need for, I don’t know, six months, this summer? Swim when you can, in summer. You’ve pushed yourself. Catch your breath and heal.

We need you for now and next year, not just now and a funeral.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The difference between Christian, Western Civ, and everyone else, is that we healed. They, for the most part, didn’t, and don’t. And it’s pretty wild when they start learning how to heal like a Westerner. AWFLs heading out to India for yoga have nothing on Asians learning about family dynamics and generational trauma and forgiveness.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Recommend this technique to fall asleep:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If you need the brain fog chemical stack- that is, the one that shuts your brain down? Phosphatidyl serine, a magnesium, ornithine,citrulline, quercetin, magnesium. And water, lots of water. I did milk and fizzy flavored mineral water. It wipes out ammonia, cortisol, calcium driven stress, dilates blood vessels- if you want to get exciting, aspirin earlier in the day- and digestive enzymes- plural- several tabs- every time you eat. It zeroes all your inflammation, all your cortisol, wipes out any ability to have stress.

You also can’t think clearly for at least three days. I’ve done the full stack once. It was wonderful,and terrifying. I was afraid I’d completely broken my brain. You have no idea how happy I was when on day four I got irritated about something.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I had a year after—I would walk home. It took two hours mostly through a city park. I was very weak at first, so I’d have to stop and sit. I’d have panic attacks, so I would stop, then keep going. I wasn’t talking to people. I was looking at them. My feet hurt. I was tired. I could sleep. Every other day until it was every day, until I looked forward to it. I’m still living on that bank of not-panic sunshine people green kites bridges buildings people dressed to go out after work bicycles people trees bridges water nightfalling.

I can’t do it now, but maybe you can.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Only 4 hours of sleep a night for extended periods of time will absolutely lead to brain fog.

Eventually it will lead to much worse than that.

Get some rest.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

True. Unrelated, but related, sugar will give brain fog and difficulty waking. Give up sugar, wake alert and fully rested on less sleep

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 years ago

“White House: Unfortunately, UFO debris may never be found.”

Exactly what you would expect if the whole story is fake.

2 years ago

>Trump announces massive ballot harvesting plan.

I thought he was shooting himself in the foot yet again… but after reading the article, it’s freakin’ genius.

By announcing his intent to openly abuse the mail-in voting system the same way the Dems do, they either have to suck it up and worry that his people might be better at it than theirs, or they’ll have to have a sudden come-to-Jesus revelation about election fraud, which might for once not work in their favor.

OK. Teflon Don gets a point for that.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Or they make arrests

2 years ago

> U.S. Bishops silent after FBI claims conservative Catholics are ‘white supremacists.’ They are part of the same intelligence operation.

The Catholic Church has been providing transportation, food, and other supplies to the convoys of invaders, then helping them drop off the CBP radar once they cross the border. They’ve been doing it for at least a decade that I know of, and probably a whole lot longer.

2 years ago

> Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson heads to Iowa on heels of Nikki Haley’s 2024 presidential announcement.

Hutchinson was fine until went full-Hitler on the Coof and then started begging Biden to send “migrants” to Arkansas. As if Little Rock wasn’t enough of a festering shithole already.

He did a lot of good as Governor before that, and his turn to evil didn’t happen until after his last election, so I don’t regret voting for him before… but I will vote for Hillary! before I’d vote for Hutchinson. Hillary was always evil, but Hutchinson chose to openly turn bad.

2 years ago

> White House: Unfortunately, UFO debris may never be found.

Even when they find the debris, which they will, they won’t admit it. It will just quietly never have been there in the first place.

They will look for it because if they don’t, they don’t have any way to prevent private citizens from finding it. It’s just a lake, not the deep ocean.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Chicago Dad Placed On Watchlist After Opposing Pornography In Schools

I talk about unearmarks all the time. Defunding “personally” people who do these sort of things. Allow them no public funds at all anywhere. They need to dig down, find those responsible for putting this guy on a list and all his supervisors and unearmark them. Even if it fails, it will surely get their attention.

I would like to offer an analogy I thought of.

Back in the day when there was a crowd gathered and they began to become violent and unruly in New York City. Turning into a mob. The cops would look around and find one of the ones that stood out. Throwing bottles or really pushing things and riling up the crowd. They would all band together and push their way into the crowd, grab this guy, drag him out in front of everyone and beat the shit out of him. Now this may not fly now, but it was very effective.

People may feel invulnerable hidden in a mob but if they see you can drag them out and beat the shit out of them they will be more inclined to behave.

Unearmarking is dragging the bureaucrats out of the mob and beating the shit out of them. Our government has become not a bureaucracy but a mob.

2 years ago

>> Bing
> how can they tell the difference between facts and fiction, especially when they’re so good at making up fiction?

You mean, like mainstream news?

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago
2 years ago

> Again it is like there was a competition, and all the local surveillance teams were pushing their unstable targets at once to see who could break who first. 

It might be like herding cats. On the one hand, your potential berserker has to be pushed and prodded until they’re ready to explode, and on the other, you don’t want them to explode until you’re ready.

That indicates the process is something that takes time to work, as opposed to their agents being programmed so they can just send a command and send them on their way.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Microsoft’s Bing AI Chatbot starts threatening people. Fascinating article. It looks like by trying to program the AI to be leftist, they may be creating an AI which simulates mental illness, and responds like a leftist.

AI’s can be very useful but not if you program them to become dangerous neurotic illogical freaks. What a disaster these people are creating.

2 years ago

> In 55 Chicago Public Schools, not one student met grade level expectations in either math or reading during the 2021-2022 school year. 

Now consider modern 12-grade students are only expected to perform to what your grandparents did in the 6th grade.

And all the classes count the same – the valedictorian of my high school took sportsball and a mix of “remedial” and “slow student” classes, but those counted just as much as the next-highest scorer, who took calculus, physics, chemistry, and a bunch of college-prep courses.

2 years ago

> At the end of the month, the host log files here usually show about 55-65,000 unique visitors over the month, whatever that means.

Remember, operators like Cloudflare or even Google (the data carrier everyone forgets about) have essentially unlimited network resources. If they want to send you a million unique hits per month, it’s only a few mouse clicks to do so, and costs them almost nothing. Even running a few thousand bots would be close to zero for them.

They could, for example, target a site and boost its hit rate and “user engagement” while subtly shaping conversations with its bots, or simply overrunning the real users… and then they could turn off the clicks and bots and leave the owner sitting there wondering what happened.

2 years ago

> A federal judge issued an injunction blocking enforcement of New York’s “Hateful Conduct Law” seeking to regulate “hate speech” on social media platforms, ruling that the law is a violation of the First Amendment.

If I remember correctly, the Supreme Court has ruled that more than once already.

Of course, we know that the various “government” bureaucracies don’t feel the Constitution or the law applies to them. That’s just for the proletariat.

2 years ago

> Project Veritas digs deeper hole – Releases statement pretending hostile coup against O’Keefe never happened.

“Stick a fork in it, it’s done.”

I’m not so sure about O’Keefe either. That FBI “raid” a couple of years ago brought some troubling questions to mind. The story at the time was they took his computer, which had all the data on their informants and sources, unwritten news stories, confidential communications, etc. not just unencrypted, but stored on internet-connected hardware.

Uh, that’s a big-time security fail. And I would expect an “invesigative journalist” to have a better-than-average understanding of the subject, as well as being aware of all the other times the Feebs have swooped in and absconded with other reporters’ data. He was really an idiot? He thought he was protected? It was just a show? None of those answers are good.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“The story at the time was they took his computer, which had all the data on their informants and sources, unwritten news stories, confidential communications, etc. not just unencrypted, but stored on internet-connected hardware.”
I’m just curious, was any of this confirmed/acted upon?
Was this just a fake news “Story” designed to put potential whistle blowers off?

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

I wasn’t interested enough to seek further information on it… but if you did, who would you trust was giving you the truth? The FBI? CNN? Drudge? Some random blogger? O’Keefe himself?

At best, any ‘news’ is just another data point. All of the sources have their reasons to skew, manipulate, or outright lie to serve their own agendas.

No, it doesn’t mean you have to be paranoid and think the whole world is lying to you, but it does mean you have to remember that to most people and organizations, “truth” means “that which will serve our current agenda.”

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Cabal would not allow someone like O’Keefe to do what he does unless his actions were approved. Surveillance would be all over him and his people.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I grow weary of all these anonymous statements with nothing back them up.

2 years ago

All those fires in the Red States:

Warehouse with plastics burning down.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Similar pattern to the Train derailment in Ohio Palestine.

2 years ago

AC had problems with the comments yesterday and they came out late. But if you take the time to go through the one hundred plus published comments from yesterday, Tex Arcane commented (as Texas Arcane) fairly far down the thread.

I agree with him that people like Schwab are frontmen and the identities of the real cabal leadership are carefully guarded secrets. I used to think they were evil geniuses and were guiding the world towards tyranny. The problem with that theory is they kept passing up obvious opportunities to nail down global tyranny, starting in March and April in 2020 when they successfully put almost the entire world under house arrest. They keep on doing these stunts, and most people weirdly seem OK with it, but they don’t take things to their logical conclusion, but move on to the next project.

I think these people have personality disorders, likely psycopathy, so they can’t do anything systematically. I think they just want people to suffer, and don’t really care how they do it, and are insanely powerful but they can’t follow through on any project. So COVID really was a bioweapon and there were supposed to be mass deaths, but they couldn’t produce a bioweapon that worked. They then produced a “vaccine” that was another bioweapon, and successfully got over 70% of adults to take at least one dose, but couldn’t follow through and keep all doses at the correct temperature. They are now derailing trains carrying chemicals and trying to get a nuclear war started.

Its disturbing to think this, but since most people are cooperating with and enabling their schemes, the dissidents would probably be better off if one of their mass death projects actually worked.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

They can follow through on their projects. They first started targeting me when I was 4. I’m in my 50s now and they are still trying to derail my life. And I’m just dealing with the local cabal clowns. I’m sure their superiors are much more focused and even more long-term.

They haven’t given up on COVID by any means. I’m quite sure they are sticking to the plan: slowly they are continuing to sicken our society, to divide people, and to grab more power. There’s no fear of “people waking up.” The handful of people who have noticed something is wrong are too isolated and disconnected to do a damned thing about it. And so many of the rest? There’s no exposing cabal because right now so many people are aware of its existence and are under its service and dedicated to it.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Morpheus warning Neo that these people are part of that system and will do anything to protect it.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

no it’s a multi-pronged attack, to slowly close the net and monitor people who see through it

2 years ago

Agenda 2030 can have people forcibly moved to Smart Cities because the land got polluted:

Ohio is probably just the beginning.

2 years ago

In England, the eggs recently had a sign up saying the hens had to be indoors “for their safety”. We assume this means they’re ‘vaccinating’ the hens now. Out of concern for fertility, my family is now avoiding the egg supply, we don’t know how long for. The media REFUSES to cover this but they only put up signs when legally forced so I’d imagine Americans might like to kick up a fuss if similar is happening there.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
2 years ago

indoors means under a roof.

Keep chickens in your yard. I have a small paved yard and get fresh eggs daily.

All these fake pandemic declarations are all poplation control mechanisms


Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

England is more fussy about its laws so I can’t. They’d love an excuse to arrest, I’m sure. Indoors alone doesn’t need signage, implies they might be vaxxing them since they disappeared from the shelves (all local eggs) for about 2 weeks then re-appeared with signs. Trades Descriptions Law means that people need some inkling of what we’re buying, hence the disturbing nature of the signs. Telling us the chickens are treated different and not denying a vax counts.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
2 years ago

be ungovernable

2 years ago

Info regarding the situation in New Palestine, Ohio just keeps getting worse.
East Palestine, Ohio train wreck: It’s the dioxinIt’s not just what was in the tanker cars. It’s what happens when they burn and combine. This may be the largest dioxin plume in world history. I know of no more serious release, ever.

2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

That’s the same crazy-pants pro se (no lawyer) Brunson lawsuit that isn’t going anywhere. They are “reconsidering” it in the sense that he filed a Motion for Reconsideration, and they have set a date to throw it out on.

2 years ago UPDATE

If it doesn’t get WEIRDER than this! 3 months ago East Palestine, OH was at the center of pilot program to respond to EMERGENCY situations

They gave digital ID’s FOR FREE to residents to track long term health problems like “difficulty breathing”

— E (@ElijahSchaffer) February 17, 2023

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Just like alleged school shootings, there’s always a local “emergency drill” or “training” exercise going on in the area before the events.

They have to tell you in advance before they harm you. It’s some spiritual requirement. That’s the only explanation I can find that makes sense.

2 years ago

Myanmar Junta Reboots 1977 Law Permitting “Loyal” Citizens to Be Armed, Sparking Fears of Civil War

2 years ago

Never mind.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

‘Siberia will be free’: Russian regions vote in unauthorised independence referendums

I’m sure the Virtuous Pagans have nothing to do with this.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Separatists are funded / incited by external agitators, CIA, NGOs, Soros, Cabal.

They did same in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc. Interestingly, once they have achieved their aims, the separatists magically align to the Globalist norm. Look at how the murdering nationalist IRA became lovers of the EU, open immigration and supporters of the Irish becoming a minority in Ireland.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

And China is a major funder of all those things as well.
China works with the western cabal all the time.
China wants Russia’s east.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

That has Cabal CIA all over it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Siberians absolutely fucking hate the Chinese because the Chinese claim that lake Baikal was/is/ought to be in China’s possession. When I lived there, the siberians were openly and unapologetically racist against the Chinese. They were also very angry with Moscow for allowing Chinese to buy property in Siberia and for cutting down their forests and shipping the wood to China. To the point of blaming extra windy days on the lack of trees from them benign shipping out. Everyone refused to buy Chinese vegetables.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Good for goose, good for gander

While China is a dystopian surveillance nightmare, it is ripe for balkanisation. The different regions have different culture, languages and allegiances.

Perhaps all it will take is a change in CCP. CCP is now stuffed with yes men. When Winnie the Poo goes, it may all collapse.