News Briefs – 02/16/2020


I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Just sayin:

Judge takes rare step to help serve elusive Ghislaine Maxwell with lawsuit. Basically she couldn’t be found for service by any means, so the judge OK’d serving her via email.

Roger Stone juror could serve jail time if it’s determined she lied about bias, Napolitano says.

Flynn and Stone’s cases are serving as a contrast with McCabe’s to highlight our two-tiered “Injustice” system. Hopefully right before the listing ship is righted.

Ex CIA Agent Kevin Schipp says we are about to see senior Deep State leaders indicted for launching a Coup against a sitting President, and you cannot overstate how serious this is, because this is a 60 year conspiracy, which has been using classification to cover up their crimes.

Anderson Cooper says, weaponizing the military is the ‘next step’ for Trump to turn the U.S. into a banana republic. Most of what they are deriding like this will be things they think Trump will be doing.

Current Corona virus numbers – 69,275 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,669 fatalities. As opposed to yesterday, with 67,182 confirmed cases worldwide, including 1,526 fatalities. Only a 3% increase in confirmed cases, and 9% increase in fatalities. If these numbers are good, then this would look possibly controllable. But it is not clear if this is measuring actual control of the spread through draconian lockdowns and self-isolation, or if it might just be a reflection of the fact there is no more medical-service-capacity available to diagnose and document, and so the new sick are just sent home to die, and never make it into the numbers. It does seem at odds with the study which said even with all the measures taken the R value is over 3, and there are almost a million infected just in Wuhan.

Chinese doctors say Wuhan coronavirus reinfection even deadlier. Second infections don’t have immunity in some, but rather hit twice as hard and cause heart attacks that are thought to be due to heart damage from the drugs they are treating it with, according to one anonymous doctor who didn’t want to be named for fear of retribution. This might be why they are dropping suddenly on the street. A good reason to delay exposure as long as possible, so they try out these drug combinations and figure these things out before they get to you. The alternate possibility is, it mutates so fast (six different strains in one family, originating with one exposure) that there are now several strains, and getting a second infection after the damage from the first is enough to push some over the edge.

Chinese Police are flying drones around vehicle checkpoints with a large QR code that people are supposed to scan to register their health information, so Police do not need to interact with the public. Government should have a plan to immediately limit those “node” type interactions in an emergency pandemic situation, where one government functionary or service person interacts with many, many people in such a way as they could spread the disease, such as cops, in-person surveillance frequenting different high-population-density locations all throughout the day, or even taxi-drivers. Banning things like cruise ship travel to infected areas would probably help too.

Chinese banks disinfect banknotes and quarantine them for 14 days to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

American from cruise ship docked in Cambodia tests positive in Malaysia for coronavirus.

France reports first coronavirus death outside Asia, but it was a Chinese man.

Corona virus is not affecting the markets at all thus far.

Japanese man who visited Hawaii confirmed with coronavirus.

Bernie Sanders used campaign funds to procure media-buying services from a consulting company founded and operated by his wife and her children and run out of their home.

Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea.

Bernie joined a political party in 1980 which took the side of the Iranians over the American hostages in the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Said all the hostages were CIA personnel so Iran was right to raid the embassy and grab them. And yet I do not see Bernie getting where he is, without being Cabal in some form.

Sanders doesn’t think Bloomberg should be in the next debates.

Former employee says he heard Bloomberg ask a female co-worker if she was going to ‘kill it’ after announcing her pregnancy.

Michael Bloomberg’s Achilles heel is going to be not women or racism or gun control, but his business ties to China. What you begin to grasp when you play this game is that Cabal does not just make billionaires here and there, while others blissfully amass their fortunes honestly. Cabal is weak, because it is operating against the entire legal system, and the vast, vast majority of the people. It needs to hide, and indeed, work hard to never leave any tangible evidence of its existence. It is not in a strong position, even as it dominates, because its only strength is an easily attacked secrecy, and its control over the outlets in this country which could quickly reveal its secrets. But there are other outlets elsewhere, and evidence of its existence, and criminality, is everywhere. So Cabal is vulnerable, and money is power. Every billionaire is an immense threat, should they decide to blow the whistle. For that reason, Cabal does not just make billionaires, but it also actively works to destroy and suppress those individuals with billionaire-potential that it does not control. So Bloomberg, supported by Cabal, with dealings in China, probably will look very close to the what the Bidens look like if people take a close look at the origins of his money. He is likely a Cabal-creation.

Bloomberg reportedly considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Probably just a ploy to steal Warren’s support after she attacked him as a racist. He has to know if he ever did it, his heartbeat would be the only thing between Hillary and the White House, and that is not a place where anybody with any common sense would ever want to be. But it sounds good for now, so he will use the rumor.

Amy Klobuchar says English should not be the official language of the U.S.

Early Iowa polls show a divided primary for the Democrats which will not narrow down the field, and will keep a violent fight for support going between all the candidates.

Global Warming hardliners John Legend and Chrissy Teigen use a private jet to grab Valentines day dinner.

San Francisco Mayor admits to homosexual affair with the disgraced Homelessness chief who is now under FBI investigation for corruption.

Brooklyn grand jury fails to indict woman accused of New Year’s anti-Semitic attack.  (((They))) control the courts. And they have already begun to seed in the public, the idea it is the Jews who are (((Them))), so that if/when the real resistance begins, all of the public rage will be expended on the Jews. (((They))) may be Jews, or (((They))) may not. But until (((They))) are found and dealt with, we will be repeating this play over and over again.

Locust armies are devouring entire farms in Kenya “in as little as 30 seconds.”  So essentially massive famines are just about to hit, leaving everyone malnourished with reduced immunity, just as the Corona virus hits. So Corona will have every opportunity to explode there in weakened humans, and find the mutant which has a 60% mortality and an R value of 27, and which doesn’t need high ACE2 expression.

Gallup poll shows American rejecting Bernie’s radical socialism.

65 percent of the French believe French civilisation will collapse. French civilization will not collapse – it will be collapsed, and as the meme says, the people collapsing it have names and addresses, and can be found.

Switzerland thwarted a cell of jihadists who plotted to bomb cisterns full of oil near the city’s airport in a major terror attack. 

Matt Gaetz says there is still ‘a little swamp left to be drained’ at the Justice Department.

A reminder that God didn’t make this world’s rules in a way that favors the rabbits –Republicans have more kids than Democrats – a lot more kids. Low rearing urge combined with contraception will be the rabbit’s undoing.

A UK High Court judge ruled today that it was “unlawful” for police to investigate a man for writing tweets critical of men who say they’re ‘women’ and to record it as a “hate incident.”

White House considering a tax incentive for more Americans to buy stocks.

Trump’s economy is so good that the Dems’ new talking point is that Obama built it.

Trump confirmed five more judges this week.

This next one is so funny. I may know more about narcissism than the expert they hired, and I would rate Trump as low on the scale of narcissism as you can go. This is a guy who I think secretly cheered when Impeachment went through, because he doesn’t care about his image, he is solely focused on the long term objective of winning. His amygdala has to be completely logical, and divested from his ego. But that Bloomberg move is a trait of narcissists – they love to diagnose other people. When they diagnose other people, they relieve their own amygdala by simultaneously telling it that other people are inferior, and they tell it that they are the gold standard of not-fucked-up (because they are the diagnoser, so they must be totally normal). Also I love how all the other narcissists latch onto the act, as if its mere existence validates their sanity as well. You can see the broad in the video is in ecstasy because that move means she is sane. Imagine if right before that, she was feeling like she might be defective and a loser because Trump was so popular and she was so wrong, and she was getting really freaked out about it. Then she heard that, and looked so pleased and almost visibly relieved. That is Narcissism. When she says all of that, she is not relating the story. She is saying, “See, we aren’t crazy, it is Trump who is crazy, and this is the proof!”  It is why all of them cut her off with cheering. This is the left – every decision is designed to assuage their own ever-present bad feelings, rather than to win. It is why the God Emperor is going to win:

Spread r/K Theory, because fighting the good fight in a reward all its own.

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5 years ago

A couple of days ago, you were talking about how they probably know r/k theory, and are probably suppressing it. Well, you mention that a lot, actually. It does remind me of how bloomberg had a lot of “racist” opinions that are being dug out recently. I also think a lot of these high level progs probably privately hold similar opinions on race, gender, etc as the far right but are just so power-hungry and of such mendacity that the have no problems whatsoever lying about it to get that additional power. r/k being only a part of a larger body of work of which they are aware. And of course, the policies they implement always seem to ultimately seem to hurt the people they are supposed to help. Regardless, “Dems are the real racists” is almost always a loosing argument in my mind. Maybe that will change when the MSM gets btfo once and for all. Trump, master persuader that he is, is the only politician I have seen who has utilized that argument toward any benefit. Although even then, how effective he has been with “dems are the real racists” will only be available in hindsight.

But anyway, to supplement your point on r/k (or closely related psychological research) being avoided/hidden. I myself have done extensive research on X linked intelligence and wrote a book about it (Smart and Sexy, roderick kaine, 2016). In short, sex-linked inheritance patterns nicely explain why men have more variable intelligence (and some other things) than women. When combined with the effect of sex hormones it also conveniently explains the stem gap.

Well, the first instance of this being published on is 1968 by Robert Lehrke in his Phd dissertation. Specialist literature by geneticists mention it sporadically throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s. With the completion of the human genome project, the volume of such papers increased noticeably in the aughts up to today. Lehrke himself published a book on the subject in 1997, although it was a limited run and getting a copy today is comparatively expensive for the lay-reader.

In short, the ability to pose a more realistic reason for sex differences in achievement (vs. discrimination BS) has actually been around for a long time, and many experts have provably been aware of it. Thanks to the media, and whoever else pushes the gender war, this information has been effectively hidden in plain sight (not just my book!). I did my best to really eviscerate the narrative with that book, which it does, but unfortunately it seems that almost no effective change has resulted from the work like I had intended. The people who have read it are primarily already won over, or else if any social scientists have read it they aren’t talking about it except in hushed whispers. Crime statistics, racial intelligence differences, census info (through bogus categories), and a whole host of other things in addition to r/k have been suppressed this way.

5 years ago

A feeling that more and more of us have…..that is getting stronger & stronger (yes, I am whining)

M in the 517
M in the 517
5 years ago

John Legend is vapid. He literally glossed himself “legend”. But Chrissy Teigen is somehow much worse. Every time I hear her talking I can feel my IQ literally dropping as it happens.

There was a photo going around after the 2019 Oscars with Teigen’s dress coming completely wide open in the front, up to about the lower abdomen area.

They don’t call them Jet Setters for nothing.

5 years ago

>”Locust armies are devouring entire farms in Kenya “in as little as 30 seconds.” ”

I would just catch metric tons of locusts and eat those. They are quite nutritious.

5 years ago

>”65 percent of the French believe French civilisation will collapse. French civilization will not collapse – it will be collapsed, and as the meme says, the people collapsing it have names and addresses, and can be found.”

Oy vey, very anti-Semitic Mr. AC. ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

5 years ago

That was what struck me the most about the, “They Are Laughing At You Behind Your Back” insult towards Trump. It was the most hurtful thing they could possibly say to themselves, and so they had to project it on their enemy.

5 years ago

“So Cabal is vulnerable, and money is power. Every billionaire is an immense threat, should they decide to blow the whistle. For that reason, Cabal does not just make billionaires, but it also actively works to destroy and suppress those individuals with billionaire-potential that it does not control. So Bloomberg, supported by Cabal, with dealings in China, probably will look very close to the what the Bidens look like if people take a close look at the origins of his money. He is likely a Cabal-creation.”

That’s why Trump pretended to be one of them for so long.

Somehow he kept his hands clean from any deadly sins and survived long enough to be in a position to stab them in the back.

5 years ago

“Early Iowa polls show a divided primary for the Democrats which will not narrow down the field, and will keep a violent fight for support going between all the candidates.”


5 years ago

“A reminder that God didn’t make this world’s rules in a way that favors the rabbits –Republicans have more kids than Democrats – a lot more kids. Low rearing urge combined with contraception will be the rabbit’s undoing.”

That’s why they put so much effort into stealing our kids and brainwashing them.

5 years ago

Bloomberg Takes Lead in New National Democratic Primary Poll

5 years ago

RE: Hillary as Bloomberg’s VP

There is another possibility, and that is that the witch’s health is now so bad that she cannot handle a campaign. You saw what the last one did to her.

5 years ago

Coronavirus risk for Asians, Africans, Caucasians revealed

5 years ago

Absolutely completely off topic, but I just stumbled onto someone else figuring out the seemingly weird alliance between feminism and Islam. Turns out we’ve been completely mislead about Islamic marriage, and why it seems like there is so much rabbitry coming from Islam :

Islam Is Right About Women

Reply to  Lowell
5 years ago

Good video.

I have long suspected that Islam was a crypto-matriarchy.