Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – US Debt To Exceed $54 Trillion In A Decade
DFT – German High Speed Train Service Hit By Metal Thefts
DFT – Musk Announces SpaceX Has Completed Its Move Of Incorporation To Texas
DFT – Japan Slips To Fourth Largest Economy As Economy Shrinks
DFT – Surge In US Crude Inventories Drives Oil Downward
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
The Castalia Art-Studio/Library is producing what looks like a museum quality leather-bound version of The Landmark Thucydides which can also be read as a book, if you are somewhat sacrilegious about your collectible art pieces. Or maybe just get two Castalia History Book Club subscriptions so you don’t need to wear white gloves to do your reading… Seriously, they don’t make an endless number of these books, and you know one day the collector value will be through the roof, given the historic period we are going through. It is like John Adams was printing off copies of the Federalist Papers bound in goatskin, and only selling a few hundred copies.
Early reports on the death of Mitch McConnell’s sister in law, Angela Chao, said she died when a careless driver blew through a red light. Now Kyle Bass has reportedly cast doubt on that account:
Kyle Bass, chief investment officer at the Texas-based asset management firm Hayman Capital Management, said on X that Ms. Chao died at a Texas ranch after backing her Tesla into a pond.
“Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious,” Mr. Bass wrote. “Chao, almost certainly a high-ranking member of the Communist Party of China, … sat on the board of state-owned Bank of China, one of the five largest banks in China,” Mr. Bass said.
A person familiar with the incident said there is a video of car incident and Texas state police are said to be investigating. Blanco County is near Austin.
Tucker Carlson shows how Moscow’s subways look more like museums:
Amazing. You enter the subway in Moscow, and you don’t have to immediately try to scope out who is going to rob you, who is going to stab you, and which crazy drugged up homeless guy is going to try to push you on the tracks.
The reason Moscow has such beautiful infrastructure and we do not is we are being robbed blind by Cabal, as it fosters a culture of degeneracy and crime. Meanwhile it is spending some of the money it is stealing on surveillance, some on Beaming™ tech to zap us in the head at night, and it is taking the rest for itself. And it is not just government, even we lose money. I am probably $4 grand in the hole so far this year, just trying to prevent myself from being Beamed™, some of it worthwhile, some of it undetermined in value as test equipment so far, and some of it just wasted on stuff which did nothing or maybe made things worse.
So the good news is, we are basically one bloody pogrom from living in a utopia like Russia. And I think at some point, everyone is going to know. And it is possible the people in government like Ron Johnson, who have been hit with The Beam™, or Donald Trump, who had a device installed in the walls of the White House to degrade him, are going to declare a temporary pause on civil life and law and order in the nation, until this is dealt with. I still say, people should be getting prepared. Big things are coming. It will not stay like this forever.
Putin sees theoretical possibility of Tucker Carlson’s arrest in US. It will not be surprising if they drum up some kind of charges on him.
78% of Democrats want Trump’s name off the ballot. Could be entirely made up.
Migrant teen accused in Times Square attack on cops is arrested again for Macy’s robbery.
After border bill failure, ICE considers mass releases to close budget gap.
Pro-illegal-immigration Boston city councilor thinks other places should house illegals.
Joe Biden shields Palestinians from deportation, vows to give them U.S. jobs.
Biden admin diverts Veterans Affairs resources to illegal immigrants.
Source from National Sheriffs’ Assoc. confirms an estimated 2 million terrorists have entered the US. These will be assets of the conspiracy, and they were known when they were let in, and surveillance can tell you where every one of them is this very moment and what they are up to. Whatever happens, will be an operation of the conspiracy.
Hunter Biden’s phone had apparent cocaine, drug paraphernalia photos at time of gun purchase.
Biden, not Special Counsel Hur, brought up son’s death in questioning: report. When asked why he could not remember when the death was, Biden said he was outraged the Special Counsel had raised it, and he thought, “What business is that of your’s?” Turns out Joe brought it up, then could not remember the date, and then he went on the attack over it being brought up.
Special Counsel ‘unable to locate’ top secret briefing lost by Biden.
Huma Abedin posts picture indicating she is dating Soros’s son Alex on Valentine’s Day in Paris.
Sudden deaths of vaxxed athletes, students, pilots, military, but why no politicians? Good question. Did the higher ranking pols get fake vax cards?
SecDef Llyod Austin appears to have a strange McCain-like swelling on the side of his head in the photo in this Sky News article. Medical problem? Another AI photograph?
Tax refunds are almost 29% smaller this year, early IRS data shows.
In covert interviews, Gazan civilians rail against Hamas for wrecking their lives. Both Hamas and the Israeli government are taking orders from the same command, and regular citizens are peons to all of them. It is the exact same thing as September 11th.
UK Govt to pay TikTokers to try to convince illegal migrants to stay away.
In the Spanish division of Globohomo, little girls are taking part in a parade dressed in lingerie. They said gay marriage would never lead to open pedophilia. But somehow I suspect if we told the gays we did not want homosexuality made into something celebrated in public, and we had kept it private, we would not be this far down this path.
Will Islam take over Europe? It looks likely, under every possible scenario, according to a Pew Research study. This was done to us.
According to French media, the Kiev regime tried to lure French President Emmanuel Macron to Ukraine in order to murder him and then blame his death on Russia in order to bring media attention back to Ukraine and increase financial and military aid from the west. I think because Cabal’s plans were to depopulate Ukraine, kill all its men, ship all its women to other countries, and pretty much utterly destroy it, Soros had to place genuinely deranged individuals in charge of the regime, as who else would so utterly destroy their own homeland?
Russia is developing a nuclear anti-satellite weapon it will deploy into space.
Voters ‘respect’ Trump 2-1 over Biden, Clinton dead last.
New York Times stunned after 11 out of 13 independent focus group voters choose Trump over Biden.
“Ms. Chao died at a Texas ranch after backing her Tesla into a pond.”
That’s a slippery slope
More of a grassy knoll.
Wet grass is slippery. 🙂
Isn’t it nice that McConnell’s sister in law is a high ranking member of the Chinese Commie Party?
She went the Wong Wei.
she was car pooling
Maybe she said to her GPS, “Dunkin!”
Hey, AC I’ve got some posts from this morning that aren’t showing up. You might find them interesting.
I am showing everything approved, and nothing in trash or spam yet.
Kyle Bass, chief investment officer at the Texas-based asset management firm Hayman Capital Management, said on X that Ms. Chao died at a Texas ranch after backing her Tesla into a pond.
Or did her Tesla back itself into the pond?
And locked her inside for her safety
Will Islam take over Europe? It looks likely, under every possible scenario, according to a Pew Research study. This was done to us.
They did not consider the scenario of throwing them out.
And for the record, mass expulsion of Muslims happened in Spain centuries ago, so there is precedent.
“I think because Cabal’s plans were to depopulate Ukraine, kill all its men, ship all its women to other countries, and pretty much utterly destroy it, Soros had to place genuinely deranged individuals in charge of the regime, as who else would so utterly destroy their own homeland?”
It’s the same all over the west.
That may actually cause them to fail.
Thye are like everywhere,
They have no off switch like normal people. It’s either everything or nothing. Many times they aggravate the people so much it’s nothing. Stop and think about this. Is it not enough that a Jew is President of Argentina, he has a billionaire buddy whose bought most of southern Argentina, providing a place for the Jews to go? No it’s not enough, this guy is calling for the mosque to be destroyed which about the very last thing Ar gentians have even the slightest opinion on. Serious narcissist and psychopaths.
Major step towards proving them up as a RICO enterprise, if a future USAG has the balls.
Where’s Chuck Rhodes when you need him?
> Trump is talking with Tulsi Gabbard about the future of the Defense Department, making it sound like he may want her for SecDef.
Fuck off moron, I’d rather follow a dog into battle than a woman. What, no men able and willing to do the role? Have to embrace the gender bender nonsense as well to be allowed back into the game?
Not exactly a slew of inspiring news re: Trump’s campaign so far.
Don’t take what Trump says too seriously, you have to look at what he does. This may be a PR thing just to make him look moderate or something to defuse the amygdala triggers of feminists. “But he almost chose Tulsi as his Sec Def!”
When push comes to shove, I think his second term will go much better than the first, as I think all the miscalculation of the first he was forced into by the script, which required him to play nice the first time so everyone could see it fail. If the script is what it appears, his second go will be much more ruthless, hopefully.
“Sudden deaths of vaxxed athletes, students, pilots, military, but why no politicians?”
The argument is that the pols got the saline solution. But my current theory is that everyone got the saline solution, the “died suddenly” is due to the beam, and the program was cover for beam testing being ramped up.
Anyway, Lloyd Austin is a contra-indicator. But he is probably raising objections to the cabal wars in private and getting beamed.
The only reason we know Ron Johnson got beamed is he mentioned it offhandedly in an interview with some small law review that was interviewing him for something else. I mean, that is a US Senator, who now cannot hear out of one ear and still has trouble just standing up and balancing, because somebody hit him with a directed energy weapon, and we almost did not hear about it. There could be fifty other Senators, 75 other Senators, and who knows, 300 or 400 Representatives, and thousands of others in vital positions in government, who have been hit now, and they just have not mentioned it.
They are publicly worried Russia may run some TikTok videos to “misinform” voters before the next election, and meanwhile somebody is electronically lobotomizing our elected leaders with directed energy weapons, as well as an entire FBI field office in Miami, and we are not hearing about it. This should be war. Clear and present danger to the Constitutional Republic. Marital law. House to house searches in the area of operations, constitution or not, until whoever it is, is found, and let the courts sort it all out after they are Jack Bauered in a warehouse somewhere and their leaders found and killed. But nobody is doing anything, and nobody will even talk about it happening.
I can say, 100 percent, I have something that is space-aged in its precision, and it perniciousness, and its technological sophistication, set up on my house. And we are not that big here. If I have it rolled out on me, and I still do, there will be at least thousands, maybe tens of thousands bigger than me getting hit, from Bill Binney up to the politicians you see on TV. And they are not telling us about it. That alone is ominous.
Right now, there may not be a bigger story in the world, than the fact the biggest superpower in the world has its leaders worried that every time they lay their heads on their pillows, it might be the last time they look at the world through open eyes, and they are afraid to even talk about it.
That sounds bizarre, but anyone can read the news articles and the interviews all over. Something is happening, and everybody is afraid to talk about it.
Z blog describes Operation Slow People Down, without realizing how much of this is organized:
“I was up before the sun today so I could head out to the new house and avoid sitting in a traffic jam for hours. In the Baltimore – Washington area, traffic starts around seven in certain areas and is a mess everywhere by eight. The same people who tell us they know why Gaia is angry with us also designed the road system that results in millions of cars idling for hours every day, making Gaia angry. Regardless, I avoided being one of those cars be getting outside the wire by six this morning.
“An hour into the drive, a sedan came up behind me so I moved over to the travel lane to let him pass. I was probably doing eighty but he wanted to go faster. The road is straight and wide so you can drive as fast as you like for the most part. The only real hazard is the dumb people who camp out in the hammer lane doing the posted speed limit, which is a well-known problem in these parts. These rolling roadblocks are the result of extensive use of lead paint in Baltimore.
“A few miles down the road I see that car pulled over by a state trooper, no doubt getting a ticket for speeding. The maps app on my phone warned of a speed trap, but presumably that guy does not use that app. That driver will now get a big fine and spend the next three years paying higher insurance premiums, because the duty officer assign Barny Fife to traffic duty today. He did this because they have quotas to meet every month, despite their claims to the contrary.”
That could actually have been his surveillance in the sedan, which did not want to have to run car after car by him as he was stuck on the side of the road and got a ticket, and then do a rolling pickup on the highway (harder than it seems), so they had one surveillance blow by him just before the trap to decoy the trooper away.
“Will Islam take over Europe? It looks likely, under every possible scenario, according to a Pew Research study. This was done to us.”
Oy Vey the muzzies will nuke Israel and kill 20 million Jews. Best self own ever Jews. Its stuff like that why GOD doesn’t talk to them anymore. All I can say is thank GOD there are scholars and gentlemen recording all of this and the Jewish people known for encouraging this will be remembered forever and not in a good way. And forever is a long time.
“Meanwhile it is spending some of the money it is stealing on surveillance, some on Beaming™ tech to zap us in the head at night, and it is taking the rest for itself.”
Here is an interesting article on Chinas foray into DEWs.
Powered by Stirling engines and truck mounted. Very powerful. I get the kind of vibe from the PRC that while they aren’t Cabal, some of them are fans and wish to use the same tactics. There is also likely alot of Cabal in China and they will re-emerge after Xi kicks the bucket.
“One in ten vacation rentals is fitted with hidden spy cameras as experts reveal how to spot the devices inside chargers, smoke alarms and TV sound bars.”
That’s 10%. So 10% of people are secretly spying on other people. Thanks for the data.
Yeah, that is something which people will tend to do only after acclimating to it from being ordered to do it by command.
The surveillance I have next door here is a big AirBnB rental couple, with a place right next to me “they” “rent” out to surveillance, as well as another place or two, I think. Probably all Cabal properties they just manage for the conspiracy. I have no doubt that place behind me is like a movie studio in there.
The surprise is, I think Cabal has focused on taking over hotels and motels too, for this reason, and every major hotel and motel has a Cabal-surveillance satellite office in it, and at best they have special rooms put up which they steer incoming targets to. Probably more likely is every room is put up, and in the place somewhere is a hidden room like at Epstein’s townhouse, filled with intelligence monitors who are flipping through every room like a TV channel, 24/7 looking for anything interesting to film. It really is exactly like the Stasi, the more you look into it.
See the film, Bad Times at the El Royale for motel surveillance.
10% of people who own vacation rentals.
Is it the same percentage in other demographics? more? less?
Cabal may own more rentals than most, by design, as the conspiracy may buy them up and have their people oversee them because of the intelligence value. On the other hand, for every Cabal operative with four rentals, there may be many more who do not own any. I still think 7-9% is a good round number for the conspiracy overall, including illegals. Enough to assert excellent monitoring and harassment of everyone else, enough to have somebody living close enough near everyone not in the conspiracy, but not so many everyone is in it, and there is nothing valuable to them and not enough people not in it to screw over. If everyone was in it, then they would have nobody to fuck over and profit off of. It needs to be a balance.
“Joe Biden shields Palestinians from deportation, vows to give them U.S. jobs.”
Consider three things. 1 – most US Jews voted for Biden. 2 – Biden is clearly senile and isn’t making the majority of these decisions, if any at all. 3 – Most of Bidens cabinet is Jewish.
I have to assume, based off this information, that American Jews want Palestinians to live amongst them in the most heavily armed society on the planet, where firearms, drones, lasers, knives, swords and even explosives are ubiquitous. I could be an asshole and put quotation marks around some of those identities but, you get the picture. Another great self own Jews.
It could be the Jews doing this are idiots and even after millennia did a total self-own, here, and in Europe, where the Muslims will, in 30-40 years, totally eradicate all Jews, probably complete with Cartel-tier videos of some being strung up by lamp posts after Khadafy-style mob-torture.
But it is also possible the people setting the course at the top, know exactly what they are doing, and are not Jews, and so all of this will have no effect on them in the grand scheme, and they are as happy to see Jews undergo that as they are to see the US destroyed. They have just found Jews willing to sell out all of the other Jews, just like they have found Americans who are happy to sell out every other American.
I mean, you meet my neighbors, you will not see an overt red flag that would tell you, they want to live under a full dictatorship, they hate all the freedom and citizen-controlled government of the idea of the United States, and they want to flood the US with criminal illegals, fresh from the jails of Central America, and beam anybody in the brain they have to, to destroy the US so they could make a solid dictatorship happen. That is like movie-caricature levels of evil and criminality, but they could pass for normal, albeit, still quasi-American-leftist-normal. They are operators, and I would believe there is even a knowing love of satan in there somewhere.
I still think, if the leaders at the top have been doing this, this long, this well, they are the professional’s professional. They know what they are doing. And that will mean we will not know who they are, and if we think we do know, we will probably be wrong.
And I am not saying there are not Jews at high levels, or even that it may be that Jewish culture inherently means they all have to follow the Cabal leaders, and the Cabal leaders are going to destroy your culture, so Jews themselves, by following the leaders so blindly, are not a culture-destroying force overall, whether they want to be or not.
My point is, as we go up the ladder, I think the leaders will do the Holocaust-death-camp option for the Jews in this script, and I think it will be like squid ink, designed to let those at the top get away one more time. And if we fail to get them this time, I am not sure we will ever be this close again.
If anyone is ever to be free again, you will need to eradicate this, from the lowest level of grassroots surveillance, up to the very top of the pyramid. Nobody can slip away, because it will be like the newly minted US government leaving the King’s spy network in place. It will not end well. Everyone in this thing is a culture-destroying, despot-craving psychopath by nature. If they remain when it is all set and done, they will begin rewriting this script all over again.
There is a strong possibility that the ruling families are throwing Israel under the bus whilst using it to bring down the US and UK by turning the entire world against us.
Israel will have served its purpose, and there’s always a quickly depopulating Ukraine to head to for many jews.
They just want you hating on Palestinians. ZOG plays head games with the goys.
“Chicago is getting rid of Shotspotter, after allegations the technology is racist, because it sent Police to minority neighborhoods for gunshots fired more often than it sent Police to white neighborhoods.”
By that logic are bullets racist since they tend to penetrate African bodies? Or are our numbers off since they are being fired from pistols pointed sideways so they usually miss. These are important questions here people, how do we root out the racist molecules in lead and copper.
Nah we should tell the homosexuals to repent. Because even private sexual sin doesn’t have private effects. It infects the community and also allows demons “pathways” to affect those around them.
Pregnant women don’t get syphilis except from bisexual or promiscuous straight men.
How many of these cases are invaders?
> Chicago is getting rid of Shotspotter, after allegations the technology is racist, because it sent Police to minority neighborhoods for gunshots fired more often than it sent Police to white neighborhoods.
Chicago is 65% “minority”, so getting rid of Shotspotter is going to change… nothing, basically.
> Sudden deaths of vaxxed athletes, students, pilots, military, but why no politicians? Good question. Did the higher ranking pols get fake vax cards?
Their vaxx cards are real. They got the saline. Often with elaborate photo ops and press releases.
> Russia is developing a nuclear anti-satellite weapon it will deploy into space.—The US has already built *and* deployed a nuclear anti-satellite weapon. A 1.4 megaton hydrogen bomb, back in 1962.
The anti-satellite part was by accident. “Oops.”
The weapon, called Starfish Prime, was detonated at an altitude of 250 miles, over a mostly-empty part of the Pacific Ocean. It was visible in Honolulu, over 900 miles away, where the electromagnetic pulse blew out street lights and telephone exchanges. It caused further damage to electronics as far away as New Zealand.
The EMP thing was another surprise. Then it lit up the Van Allen Belts like a Christmas tree ornament, and Earth was the only inner planet with a ring, at least for a while. It also fried most of the satellites in orbit at the time, including the widely-publicized but short-lived Telstar communications satellite.
Well, maybe 1.4 megatons would be overkill as an anti-satellite weapon, but 1.4 megatons is in the wimp class for nuclear weapons.
> Migrant teen accused in Times Square attack on cops is arrested again for Macy’s robbery.
“Doing the jobs Americans won’t do”?
> Soros had to place genuinely deranged individuals in charge of the regime, as who else would so utterly destroy their own homeland?
[considers the minions of the Feral Government]
Who, indeed?
> Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been sentenced to 6 months in prison and six months under house arrest for illegally financing the 2012 presidential election.
They went after Trump after he was out of office. The former Prime Minister of Pakistan was imprisoned. Former President Bolsonaro of Brazil is facing charges. Former President Anez of Bolivia was sent to prison. Former President… ah, it’s quite a long list.
“You really don’t want to run for President, do ya, punk? You *know* what’s going to happen after your term in office is up, right?”
A new video on the tech invasion of our bodies
Her site: Psinergy
Moscow subway is the way it is because these people would pound the daylights out of anyone screwing around and then the cops would likely add a few bruises, I’m sure the jails are much more hostile. Unlike here where heroes are prosecuted and cops are afraid of being called racist..
That said, I would say that 78% of Democrats are a threat to Democracy.
A friend of mine visited Stalingrad a few years ago. Well, it’s officially called Volgograd now, but nobody cares what the signs say.
He was standing in line at one of the museums when some Russian “yoof” started cutting up and trash-talking in line. A couple of security guards came over and told them to shut up. They kept running their mouths, so the guards reversed their rifles, tuned them up a bit, and butt-stroked them to the ground.
He said that the people in the line just seemed to approve, and stepped over the bodies until the yoof crawled out of the way.
Apparently FAFO is an integral part of Russian culture.
Alex Soros is a poofter, so he and Huma have a mutual beard thing going on.
Probability Analysis of Unlikely Historical Events
Richard Charnin 7/12/2017
Did you ever view a discussion, much less a probability analysis of these events in the mainstream media?
Conspiracy Theories and Mathematical probabilities
Unnatural Deaths of at least 78 JFK-related witnesses from 1963-1978.
Seth Rich and other DNC/Wikileaks-related suspicious deaths
Suspicious Deaths of 75 Bankers and 125 Scientists
Suspicious Deaths of 77 Holistic Doctors
Suspicious Deaths of 16 Microbiologists in 4 months
10 Terrorist Attacks and Concurrent Drills
Cancer Deaths of 7 Latin American Leaders
Such a great post, and I had to pull it out of the trash folder.
Let’s not forget the Arkancide List!
Related to DEWS
Me remembering my Dad talking about how a major transmission maker he worked for had let Japanese visitors with cameras in their factory floor showing off and boasting all of their innovations, while the Japanese ended up creating a full on replica of the US factory in Japan.
#Taiwan accuses #China of ‘cheating’ and ‘stealing’ chipmaking technologies
Taiwan’s diplomat in Washington, Alexander Yui, has leveled serious accusations against China for attempting to rival Taiwan’s semiconductor industry prowess through dishonest means, including intellectual property theft.
In an interview with Reuters, Yui dismissed the notion that China’s chip sector could soon rival Taiwan’s, especially in production of chips on leading-edge nodes.
China’s ambassador in the U.S. denies any wrongdoing by Chinese companies.
The de-facto ambassador of Taiwan in the U.S. accused Chinese chipmakers of circumventing standard practices of innovation and instead resorting to dishonest methods to advance their capabilities.
Despite significant investments, Yui remains skeptical of China’s ability to produce leading-edge processors that could compete on the global stage, especially in the face of concerted efforts by the U.S. to curb Beijing’s technological ambitions through export restrictions and other measures.
“They do not really follow the rules,” Yui told Reuters. “They cheat and they copy, etc. They steal technology.” Yui said
Truth to be told, China’s chip champion Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. stole TSMC’s process technologies in the early 2000s and was found guilty of this twice.
China has and is stealing a lot, but all those people who say China can not innovate, ever, are buffoons. They have a HUGE engineering force. They have to do something, so some of them will make something. All of them will ask themselves,”hey what if we did…this…”, it’s inevitable. If you’re a farmer and you have a lot of chickens, it’s not a surprise if you eventually end up with some eggs. If you have a pile of engineers they will sooner or later try to cook up something, new, cheaper, better….
The problem is all the fake inventions and other corruption.
They do have inventions to their credit throughout history, but their culture has always wasted them one way or another and communism only made things worse.
They are not Commies anymore. They are national socialist. NAZIS. That is the structure of their government now. Like the Japanese.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Archives building and galleries were evacuated Wednesday afternoon after two protesters dumped red powder on the protective case around the U.S. Constitution.
The incident occurred around 2:30 p.m., according to the National Archives. There was no damage to the Constitution itself.
Three Black Female security guards standing there doing nothing.
If that is them thar DEI guards natural behavior, then fire then; if they were ordered to let it happen, then find out who did so and fire them as well.
Now will these red-dusters get three years in the old DC jail in solitary before they are tried?
It’s great the vandals got time to be photographed by news cameras standing at the ready; and even got to give speeches.
“…Three Black Female security guards standing there doing nothing.”
HEY! that’s raysis. They waved their radios at them. That’s not nothing.
were they part of the display?
Was the USSR really preparing to attack NAZI Germany?
In my timeline the Soviets and Americans met at the Elbe River in Germany, then partitioned Germany onto four sectors of occupation. In 1949 the Soviet Sector was reorganized as the German Democratic Republic, and then in 1961 the Soviets built a giant wall to separate it from the other occupied sectors, which lasted until the Soviet Union started to break up in 1990.
“Your timeline may be different.”
This is about before Hitler invaded the USSR.
I watched the first of this video. I’ve read, I think, all of Suvorov’s books. Two were on the USSR invading Germany. I’m not going to watch all these videos. He seems to be leaning towards Suvorov is lying. I do not believe this. The reason is the really super detailed study Suvorov did on the mix of weapons systems and the mix of troop training the USSR did. He goes into this in minute detail, and all of it points towards Stalin preparing to invade. Remember Suvurov’s training was in planning invasions. That was his job, so the knew what to look for and how this was manned and equipped. He makes a very good case.
Suvorov says Stalin planned for Germany to get bogged down in Europe like WWI, then attack. This didn’t happen, but this was what was planned and the USSR’s weapons choices, training, etc. reflected this stance. Unless someone can prove Suvorov was lying about all this detailed info he gave, then I’m inclined to believe him.
I watched the whole playlist.
TIK goes into details and shows that the USSR was in no position to defend itself let alone attack, that’s why the ill-prepared NAZI invasion was so successful initially.
Both the Soviets and the Reich should have been fully aware of each others’ political and military capabilities. You have to remember, besides being officially Best Friends Forever, the Reich military had spent years in Ukraine, doing military training, some of it with Soviet assistance, and all of it under Soviet observation.
As far as I’m aware, Stalin’s intention to eventually attack the Reich has never been doubted. He talked about it extensively during his all-night drinking sessions. The plan, as far as it went, was to sit back while Germany overextended itself creating the Greater German Reich, then sweep in and take over, more or less a coup d’etat.
It’s also well known that despite an extensive espionage network in Germany, Stalin had no clue about Operation Barbarossa. He went into a deep funk over the “betrayal”; there are extensive accounts of it from people who were there, and some photographs.
Barbarossa was *huge*, and there was no way to hide or explain away the concentration of Reich troops in eastern Europe. But apparently the reports never made it to Stalin, who had a reputation for having the bearers of bad news killed. Though I’d make a small wager some of the Soviet generals and Party members had a hand in it; a small manageable invasion, some political chaos, and Stalin could be replaced by one of their own. At least, it’s an explanation of why Stalin began ordering the executions of so many of his officers just when he needed them the most.
Yeah, one or the other would invade the other eventually.
But Hitler didn’t need to do it when he did it and needed to make peace with the UK and end the blockade first.
TIK also makes a good case in another video that Hitler let the English escape at Dunkirk to keep a minor war going in the west so Stalin would not expect him to start a war in the East.
Hitler outsmarted himself.
He didn’t have the fuel to reach the oil in the Caucuses even with the spectacular collapse of the Soviet army, and the purges and the commissar shared command system prevented the collapse of the USSR that Hitler hoped for even though both also severely weakened its combat performance early in the war.
Hitler should have crushed the English at Dunkirk, made a quick peace deal with them and immediately invaded the USSR before it could react to the end of the war in the west.
He could have imported the food and fuel that he needed until he captured the Ukraine and the Caucuses.
“…TIK also makes a good case in another video that Hitler let the English escape at Dunkirk to keep a minor war going in the west so Stalin would not expect him to start a war in the East…”
That’s just silly. I can already see that this guy is one who speculates on far out stuff based on “secret intentions”. This is “Critical Theory” stuff like they teach in colleges now. A bunch of gobbledygook that they think up to demonize the people they hate. No, what impresses me is, number of tanks produced, number of paratroopers trained, stockpiles of ammunition, etc. not whatever fantasy this guy makes up that Hitler “could have” been thinking.
And in fact it ignores exactly what Hitler said, which is what he did. The same thing he actually wrote down and said in speeches is what he did. Yet somehow some made up “critical theory” is “THE” truth. Not what he actually said and did.
I noticed in one first video I saw he was all about saying this guy said,”this” but in actuality he probably meant “that”. He’s just making it up as he goes to fit whatever narrative he wants.
Hitler likely would have attacked sooner, and maybe been successful, if he hadn’t had to bail out Italy in Greece (I think it was Greece).
“…He didn’t have the fuel to reach the oil in the Caucuses…”
If Hitler didn’t have the oil to reach the Caucasus then how did he have a war there????
The collapse of Stalingrad is what made him retreat because it would have cut off his rear defense.
And I say again if he would have had thousands of those big ass Me323 transport planes they made towards the end of the war they would have not lost Stalingrad and would have been far more able to take the oil fields both.

He only took one oil field and wasn’t able to keep it.
Fall Blau was a failure because he didn’t have enough fuel and his logistics broke down with his armies not getting enough of anything.
Stalingrad failed because the Army assigned to take it was not getting enough supplies during the period they were attacking the city in the first place.
The Airplanes you suggest would have helped, but they also would have eaten even more more fuel that was the primary limiting factor on everything the Germans did.
I bet you could fly over the Caucuses and use less fuel than driving through it.
German soldiers in the Caucasus (1942)

German supplies were sent most of the way on coal burning trains that didn’t use up their oil supplies.
“…Hitler should have crushed the English at Dunkirk, made a quick peace deal with them…”
Hitler let the British go because he wanted them to see he dd not wish to harm them or their empire. They “won” the war, but lost everything.
He tried for peace. This is well documented. They refused to do so. The Jews were firmly in control.
The number two man in the Nazi party flew to England on his own to plea with the British not to start a war. They locked him up his whole life and allowed him no communication with anyone. Then he, cough, cough, committed suicide. If that’s not an extreme example of a plea for peace, then I don’t know what is.

Hess on the right
Hitler was upset when Hess flew to England.
He also wasn’t stupid and should have known that letting the UK keep it’s army at Dunkirk would just allow them to continue the war that they wanted in the first place.
The best way to get a peace deal would have been to crush the English at Dunkirk and then offer them generous terms that would allow them to keep their empire.
That way the blockade would end and he would be able to import the food and oil he needed after losing imports from the USSR until he could capture the Ukraine and the Caucuses.
It would have spoiled the surprise factor because Stalin would not think it impossible that he could attack while still engaged in a war with the British Empire, but if he ordered preparations to begin as soon as the British army was destroyed at Dunkirk he still would have been able to attack before the Soviets could prepare.
“…As far as I’m aware, Stalin’s intention to eventually attack the Reich has never been doubted….”
I believe this also and if that guy in the video says different he needs to muster something different from what I have seen in many places. Note that what was, the “official” line, is that the dastardly Hitler attacked unprovoked, but we have seen a vast amount of evidence and transcripts of speeches of Stalin that say different.
“…Both the Soviets and the Reich should have been fully aware of each others’ political and military capabilities…”
I don’t believe this to be true. Stalin moved the bulk of weapons production beyond the Urals. No one could go there. No one that did not have government permission. And we have the actual conversation of Hitler himself “The Hitler and Mannerheim Recording in Finland”
English Transcription of the Hitler-Mannerheim talk –
Hitler said(translation),”…
Hitler: “(unintelligible)…we ourselves were not completely sure of this, how monstrous this strong armament was.”
Mannerheim: “We had not suspected this, in the Winter-War, in the Winter-War we had not suspected this, of course we had a (one unintelligible word) that they were well armed, but so as they had been in fact, and now there is no doubt at all what they had planned (‘was sie hatten in ihrem Schild’)”
Hitler: “It is evident…evident. They have the most monstrous armament that is humanly conceivable (‘menschendenkbar’)…so…if anybody had told me that one state…(footsteps)…if anybody had told me that one state can line up with 35.000 tanks (Hitler uses the word ‘tank’), I had said ‘you have gone mad’…
Unidentified: “Thirty-five…”
Hitler: “35.000 Panzer (now he uses the word ‘Panzer’)…we have more than, we have at the time more than 34 Pan…thousand Panzer destroyed. If somebody had told me this to…had said: you…if one general of mine had declared, that a state here had 35.000 tanks, I had said, Mister (‘Mein Herr’), you are seeing everything double… or tenfold, this is crazy, you are seeing ghosts…I had not thought this possible…If somebody had told me that…I have told this just before, we have found industrial plants…one of this in (unintelligible: Kalanuskaja?) for example, that was under construction two years ago…and we had no idea…and today there is a tank production facility that…that…in the first shift a bit over 30.000 and in full development should have employed more than 60.000 workers…one single tank production facility…we have occupied it…a gargantuan facility…lots of workers who nevertheless live like animals and such…”
Unidentified: “An amazing region…”
Another Unidentified (Hitler?): “An amazing region…”
Mannerheim: “If one considers that they had for 20 years…more than 20 years…25 years nearly, the freedom to arm themselves…and expended all, all for armament…only armament…”
Hitler: “May I tell you…(couple of unintelligible words)…president of state, I have not suspected this, had I suspected this, my heart would have felt even heavier…but I had made the decision all the more…because there was no other possibility. It was obvious to me, already in winter 39/40 that the (Invasion of the Soviet Union?) had to come. But I had the nightmarish pressure (‘Alpdruck’) of the West on me, because a war on two fronts, that would have been the downfall…we, too, would have been crushed. We see that better today as we could realize it back then…we would have been crushed…our complete…originally I wanted in autumn 1939 to…I wanted to carry out the West Campaign, only that continuously bad weather we had, that has hindered us. Our whole armament was…it is a ‘Good Weather’ Armament (‘Schönwetterbewaffnung’), it is very capable, it is good, but it is unfortunately a Good Weather Armament. Indeed, we have seen it recently here in this war, naturally all of our weapons are styled (‘zugeschnitten’) for the west. And we all had the conviction…that was until now (mumbling)…it was just our opinion, since the oldest times…one cannot wage war in wintertime. And we have…the German tanks…the German tanks have not been put to the test to perhaps prepare them for winter-war, but test-runs were made to prove that one cannot wage war in winter. It has been a different starting point. In autumn 1939 we have been facing the question…and I wanted yet to attack under all circumstances…I had the conviction that we would finish France within six weeks…but there was the question wether one would be able to move…and it was this continuously rainy weather…and since I know this French region very well…and I, too, could not discount the opinion of many of my generals, that we, probably, would not achieve this verve (‘Elan’), that we would not be able to make full use of the tank force (‘Panzerwaffe’), that we would not be able to make full use of the Air Force, too, with the front air fields, because of the rain…I knew northern France myself, I have been soldier for four years during the Great War…and that was the reason for this delay. Had I finished France in the year 39, the world history would have went a different way, but this way I had to wait until the year 1940…and that was not possible until May…the 10th of May was the first fair day, and I have attacked on the 10th of May at once. I have given order on 8th of May to attack on the 10th and…then there had to be…had this giant transposition of our divisions from the west to the east to be made…(unintelligible: the first occupations in…?) then we had this task in Norway…during the same time came…came actually, I can say that today, this very great misfortune upon us, namely the weaknesses that had arisen for Italy, firstly the North-African situation, secondly with the situation in Albania and Greece, a very grave misfortune. We had to help now. That, at a blow, meant for us first of all again a rending of our Air Force, a rending of our tank units…while were preparing our tank units for the east, we had, at a blow, to commit two divisions…two complete divisions, it turned out to be three at the end…and had to replenish very great losses there…it were bloody fights that have been fought out in the desert…naturally all of this has been missing here in the east…and…it was not imaginable any other way that the decision, which has been inevitable. I had a talk back then with Molotov, and it was absolutely obvious…Molotov left with the decision to begin the war, and I dismissed him with the decision to beat him to it, if possible…because, the demands this man was making were obviously aiming at ultimately ruling Europe…(the next sentence is whispered and largely unintelligible, something like ‘I have […] to dispute this, is downright ridiculous […]’)…Already in…in…in autumn 1940 there was constantly this question for us: shall one …err…risk a sundering?…”
“…the USSR was in no position to defend itself let alone attack…”
With 30,000 tanks…ok. If his supposition is that the USSR had no way to defend themselves with the vast amount of armaments and ammunition they had stocked up, the training of many, many, many millions of Men in warfare, then as far as I’m concerned that’s a huge fail from the get go. Look at the numbers of tanks Germany built the whole war,
and then compare that to the 30,000, and more, the Russians built and then…
I’m beginning to truly understand that a large amount of humans are completely unable to quantify anything or are so sure of themselves that no matter what facts are put before them, they can only repeat the same shit they thought up before. Nothing will change their minds. I will argue voratiously if I believe the facts are on my side but will quickly change my mind if the facts prove that I missed something or was in error.
I think that a lot of people somehow believe their honor is at stake if they have ideas about things. I don’t believe that. I can only work with the facts I have and if it proves that I was wrong due to changing circumstances or me finding out things I thought were wrong, it doesn’t hurt me to change my mind or in any way make me feel as if I’ve been “dishonored”. In the first case I was only working with what I had. If things change, then they change and I will change with them.
That being said I have vastly misjudged the sanity of my fellow humans. I was wrong and it took a personal experience to do this.
I had a HUGE epiphany just a few days ago. I had a guy I knew for decades help me move some big ass heavy shit on a trailer. I, with an engineering background, a commercial drivers license who has driven millions of pounds of stuff, has operated a vast amount of construction heavy equipment. 18 wheelers over a lot of the country and loaded and unloaded millions of pounds, electrical contractor and unloaded vast amounts of stuff, owns a F350 and hauled all kinds of stuff with it for decades was lectured constantly(hectored perfectly describes it), you have no idea, by someone who has a degree in child development and saw his daddy pull a 28 foot travel trailer.
Constantly, until I absolutely blew up and he would say,”I’ll shut up” then not three minutes later would start in again instructing me, hectoring me constantly even after numerous times of me telling him we’re not going to do the stupid things he suggested, on how to get this huge load that was stuck out. I literally could not believe it. HE COULD NOT SEE WHAT WAS IN FRONT OF HIM.
And I could not teach, or he would not listen long enough, for me to teach him how to use simple hand signals to mate a hitch with a trailer. He seemed to think that the only thing that mattered was if HE saw the hitch. (This dawned on me after a great deal of confusion and much wasted effort. I “thought” that I could exlain this to him but…no, it was of no use) To him, I, driving the truck, was of no importance. I could not get him to stand where I could see what he signaled, and I could not get him to use standard hand signals that I could teach a twelve year old in 2 minutes. The only use he had was to say stop when I got too close. I had to get out, judge the distance, get back in the truck and pull up, then back again. It just overwhelmed me. The situation was already stressful and ran into the night late because he was three hours late and was no help. If anything he delayed me by many hours with my hairbrained idea that I could get him to understand…anything. I tried. All to no avail. If it had not been so far to take him back I would have and stopped much suffering on my part.
It blew me away but you know they say things happen for a reason. I have tried to be hopeful that we could work out the differences in the country but I no longer believe this as there are millions of people like him totally convinced that whatever imbecilic scheme they cook up is the only way and no one else has any sense at all. Facts mean nothing. Nothing at all. I can not stress how traumatic this was for me. I’ve know the guy for deacades and never suspected he was such a narcissistic dufus.
I’ve been slacking. I’ve got to get in gear to prepare for the coming disaster because now I’m convinved that there will be no reasoning with these people. It was real lesson for me because most of my life has been working around people building and doing things. Sometimes with very heavy stuff, dangerous stuff or with equipment that has to be done right or horrible things happen.
This belief that you can think up what to do and the world will accommodate you is not a strong belief in people who actually have to accomplish things. They don’t last. Steel beams don’t give a shit what you think, nor do microcontrollers or diesel motors or electrical switch gear.
It’s not about the war that would eventually come.
It’s about what was at the border at the time and what could have been supported logistically at the border and in an invasion of Germany.
Barbarosa was as successful as it was because the Soviets were so unprepared for war with Germany at the time.
War absolutely was coming, but Hitler chose the time, he didn’t have his hand forced, and he chose poorly even though he knew a 2 front war was a bad idea.
The vast majority of the Soviet tanks were very bad light tanks.
He goes into the numbers in detail.
I posted the link instead of just laying things out myself because it’s too much detail for me to go into in a post.
“…Barbarossa was *huge*, and there was no way to hide or explain away the concentration of Reich troops in eastern Europe. But apparently the reports never made it to Stalin…”
Here’s what I read. Stalin did get many reports that there was to be an invasion BUT (this is what I read, I don’t remember where) he had spies in the department of armaments in Germany. There was NO big order for winter clothes and more specifically gun oil that would work in the cold. He deemed that to be of great significance and decided to ignore all the other signs. And that Germany was massing troops on the border, that in itself would not be enough as Stalin was doing the same he could not expect Germany to igniore it for defense.
And Stalin didn’t believe Hitler would invade while still at war with the British Empire.
(Because he shouldn’t have)
The Soviets needed a year to finish preparations. Hitler attacked early in a surprise maneuver.
The sheer amount of equipment and fuel that was staged and, as a result, destroyed or captured by the German invasion lends proof that Stalin was going to invade.
It would have been the Soviets who destroyed themselves if they invaded at the time or in a year, especially if Hitler had made peace with the UK.
“I watched the first of this video.”
actually, I watched the “first video” of the series. All of it.
Vox had a post about this awhile ago. Stalin was stacking supplies up along the border to invade.
I suggest you watch the videos in the playlist.
If Stalin was stockpiling supplies it was most likely to prepare a defense.
The Soviets were in no position to attack and if they had attacked the NAZIs might have done even better defending against such a poorly prepared army than they did when they attacked it.
Stalin was stacking paratrooper gear.
I have no doubt an invasion was planned eventually, both sides were enemies in the ideological split in socialism/communism, but it was still far away.
I don’t think Farcesensitive has read Suvorov. The mass of data he compiled is hard to dispute and he is not the only one that says the same. We even have the testimony first hand of Hitler saying the same(above). Maybe Suvorov and all these others are lying, but the actual turn of events in WWII backs up what they were saying. Russia was trounced in the beginning, but had vast supplies that when brought to bear ruined the Germans. That’s what happened. If all the USSR was “never” competent or ready to fight, then how did they win? There’s no way they conjured up all this equipment “after” the war started. It had to have been made in large quantities before.
Map is right about paratroopers. The USSR trained a vast amount of them, which are not needed for defense. Some have said that the USSR was weeks away from attacking Hitler, and that their preemptive strike caught them in the middle of deployment. The secrecy and the risk of being whacked by Stalin for not exactly following orders also paralyzed them. They had no defensive orders, only orders to prepare to attack. So when attacked they had no orders or initiative to do anything and were defeated. Only after they regrouped were they able to go into defense mode and bring up all this huge amount of war material they had stockpiled.
Unless someone can prove Suvorov was lying about all this detailed info he gave, then I’m inclined to believe him.
I have not read Suvarov but I seem to be the only one here who has watched the videos in the playlist I posted.
The Soviets only were able to win because AFTER Hitler invaded they got MASSIVE help with their logistics from Lend Lease.
The Soviets had the fuel but they didn’t have the trucks because they converted all the truck factories to tank factories, they outmaneuvered the German army and drove to Berlin in American trucks they didn’t have at the start of the war. (which is why their performance changed so dramatically as they started to get the American trucks to move their troops and supplies)
I’m not saying Suvarov was lying, I’m saying the Soviets were nowhere near close to launching the attack they were planning for some time in the future and Hitler would have done better to finish off the English at Dunkirk, make peace to end the blockade and invade the USSR as quickly as possible after that, he should have begun preparations immediately after Dunkirk.
You really should watch the rest of that playlist.
“…I have not read Suvarov but I seem to be the only one here who has watched the videos in the playlist I posted…”
And I won’t watch them because the whole shift of his argument seems to be wrong. We have Stalin giving speeches about invading, Molotov making extreme demands of the Germans, before he was all sweetness and love to them, we have the training, the materials, and detailed counts of these. I suspect this is just another guy proclaiming Hitler the big meany and the Soviets loving gentile people. And your point about the trucks, correct, BUT the only reason this is so is the Germans took a lot of their industrial capacity. The US helped, a lot. The Russians didn’t plan on losing this because they planned on attack. I think that they were weeks away from attacking Germany, and the Germans beat them too it when they were still assembling. Orders were to attack so the whole thing went to hell because no one wanted to do something that might get them killed and Stalin had a mental break down for several days. Things went hell with no orders.
In contrast, from the first video we have a guy saying,”well they said this, but what they really meant was…”. Blah, blah, more “critical theory”
I’m not buying what he’s selling.
You’re completely wrong about TIK.
One of his main repeated points in most of his WWII videos is that Hitler was not a mad man and another is that the Soviets were as bad or worse than the NAZIs.
He also has discussed at length that a war between the Reich and the USSR was always in the cards.
By stopping after the first video you missed all the facts about the Soviet army and its shortages of artillery, anti-tank guns, ammunition, radios, fuel (especially aviation fuel), and tanks that were any better than glorified armored cars.
Russian logistics during an invasion would have been worse than German logistics in their invasion of Russia.
It’s possible that Suvarov is right and that they were only weeks from an attack.
But if that was true it would be a case of mad man Stalin being completely out of touch with the facts and ordering the destruction of his own army.
The Soviets would have had an even greater loss and would never have gotten beyond the old Polish border before being destroyed and then invaded with even greater ease than what happened in Barbarosa.
It would have taken at least one year and maybe a lot more for the USSR to prepare properly for an invasion.
“…By stopping after the first video you missed all the facts about the Soviet army and its shortages of artillery, anti-tank guns, ammunition, radios, fuel (especially aviation fuel), and tanks that were any better than glorified armored cars…”
Though I’m not expecting much, I’ll watch one more, maybe more. I do actually know something about the tanks he talks bad about. They were designed by an American. They had changeable wheels. I can’t remember all the details but they were very fast. Normal tanks have tracks and are slower, I can’t remember exactly but they had some sort of wheel-track conversion. That they are not as armored was because they were meant to be fast, further sealing the idea of invasion, fast moving attack equipment.
So I look up the details on this tank, here,
The tank he attributes to being useless, is not. It was specifically designed for speed. I’ve had arguments about this before. People saying that so and so tank or equipment does not have enough armor but I say that 100% of a fast tank or equipment is way better than 0% of a piece of equipment that is super armored but not there at all. And I repeat that ALL the most successful Generals in all history, look it up, had a reputation for speed. All of them.
As for lack of fuel and ammunition, didn’t the Germans capture a huge proportion of that that was prepositioned? Prepotitioned for attack? So that they ran out of forward supplies says nothing about whether they had them in the beginning.
The nuuumbers do not support that the USSR was a weak country. Look at the graph here,
Strength of the opposing forces on the
Soviet Western border. 22 June 1941
Germany Soviet Union Ratio Divisions 128 174 1 : 1.4 Personnel 3,459 3,289 1.1 : 1 Guns and mortars 35,928 59,787 1 : 1.7 Tanks (incl assault guns) 3,769 15,687 1 : 4.2 Aircraft 3,425 10,743 1 : 3.1
This is hardly weak.
Twenty years or so ago we were reading that the Soviets were building mass quantities armored vehicles with tyres suited to paved roads, which were nonexistant in Russia. A Canadian author wrote a book about that.
I’m watching video #2 and already he’s running into big problems. He says there were 37,500 guns on the western front and makes a big deal of that being a small proportion of the 117,600 total, but as you can see from the chart above from wikipedia the Germans had very much the same number. And how long does it take to put artillery on a train and move it?
And his talk about the deficit of working guns is deceptive. He shows this chart but then shows where he got it from with the numbers broken out at 3:49. Look at the chart. The guns they say they are “supposed” to have, wherever that came from, show a big deficit. But look carefully. The deficit is in the most useless smaller guns. Smaller very likely meaning older less effective. Look at the numbers for the larger 122mm guns and larger. They are far more up to date. Look at the 155mm that they are supposed to have zero but they have 213 of them with over half serviceable. Most of the larger calibers are over proscribed. Seeing as how they have more of the big guns and similar numbers, from his own data, as the Germans then…the whole idea that they were woefully undergunned is fake. The numbers, his own mind you, do not add up to what he says the reality is. Make note, a larger gun shoots farther.
Now let’s go to his next point, the Germans outnumbered the Russians on the first day of the war at 5:52 (note I can barely get through ANY section without seeing very serious problems with his conclusions. His own data ruins him. Look at the numbers he shows. It’s well known, I mean this is basic infantry 101 that you need 3 times the troops to attack. Now you can make an argument that this is not always the case and be correct but nonetheless it is a maxim that ALL armies believe and try to do. The numbers he shows. Not even close. He also carries on about anti-aircraft guns but how many planes do the Germans have…….would seem to make some sort of difference. SO he’s saying they are missing anti-aircraft guns BUT, in reference to what? How does he know they need “blank” number of aircraft guns???
Next he goes on to show a chart of the number of ammunition and what, he says, is needed. Might I inject some common sense here. If you are in a defensive position you have “pre-registed” areas to target. YOu know exactly how to hity someone copming at you because you have noted exactly where to fire to hit them. You need WAY less ammunition because you have them sited in already.
Pay attention…that he says that they did so bad because of lack of ammunition is a bit of a fake because “supposedly” you have this dialed in, right? You know exactly where your rounds will hit. So he is actually destroying his argument. What it shows is that they DID NOT have their firing positions dialed in. Remember, the Germans had to dial in as they attacked. This is actually a proof that they were in an attack mode. Moving up getting ready to attack because you don’t need to dial in an attack, do you? SO with, by his own numbers, the Germans and Soviets with roughly the same number of artillery. With the Germans on the move but the Soviets on their on supposedly dialed in territory, they couldn’t hit shit. Please…this is silly. Artillery is the big killer in wars by far, and they had plenty as we see from his own charts. They had many more of the larger caliber, far farther shooting guns. Though I don’t know for sure, I’d be willing to bet the Germans had smaller guns to move faster.
I give up on this and will watch no more. I’m just some dufus on the internet and in two videos, not even that, I can blow holes as wide as a train in his thesis.
I’m a glutton for punishment so I watched more of the second video. He says they didn’t have planes. WRONG. Look at the numbers I posted in a comment above. They had vast huge numbers of planes far, far higher than the Germans BUT the Germans destroyed them on the ground because they were very close deployed for…for what…well you know, attack that’s what. But the Germans caught them with their pants down and destroyed them.
He mentions Suvorov while completely ignoring what Suvorov actually said. He basically pretends that Suvorov has no answer for the things he is telling you, but he does. In large quantities and they don’t match what he says and any time he gives you figures, they don’t really match his thesis either.
And suddenly I’m rooting for Iran and Antarctic Nazi’s.