Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Economic Expert Says Inflation May Prove Stickier Than Predicted
DFT – US Decides To Allow SPR Release
DFT – New Report Claims Brexit Cost UK £29 Billion In Investment
DFT – Wheat Rises Off Fears Of Ukraine Conflict Worsening
DFT – Swiss Inflation Rises Off Soaring Energy Costs
From Vox Day, China chides the US over its surveillance machine. It is one of the most interesting aspects of the surveillance. Right now, many of us will have files. Imagine China, or Russia got ahold of a few and released them, and we saw this machine preventing opportunities for innocent citizens. Imagine it calculating we were about to meet our soulmate at some event, and inserting one of their girls to try and prevent us from meeting the love of our lives. Imagine finding they tried to hook us on drugs or sex as kids, and were always in the background, writing transcripts of private conversations we had in bed with lovers, videotaping sexual encounters they arranged, or how they targeted our kids in the schools, to corrupt them, change them, or derail their success. Imagine it using tech to degrade you through your walls before a big event so you would not succeed. Imagine it arranging a sexual assault or even rape of a daughter, to prevent her from being able to pair-bond, and pass our genes forward, or to mire her in some Epstein-esque sex trafficking operation. Imagine finding your daughter was like the little girl in Texas who was one of several the gang down there running surveillance targeted, by drugging her food while she was at work, so they could walk into her house that night and gang-rape her while she was unconscious. These things are in those files somewhere.
If foreign nations have any of this, even just the ability to open our nation’s eyes, they literally have Joe Biden and the entire Cabal by the balls. Because if they can get the nation to see this, then American citizens will destroy the US government without the foreign nations ever lifting a finger, beginning at the roots with a hot civil war. Observation posts sprayed down in the middle of the night in driveby shootings, pole tech stripped, swarming attacks on surveillance command centers. Everyone who was a target would be united against this thing, and nobody is convicting anyone in any trials. Like Q said, they will not be able to walk down the street.
From there, once real Americans control the US, this nation will use everything – the full force of the military, to hunt all of these people down across the globe, even the titular heads, in their castles overseas, and our nation will kill them all.
And don’t underestimate the intelligence something like Russia has to release, or their ability to disseminate it. Every day the surveillance exits homes, and does vehicular follows. Cars drive to my house, and park at the side of a road, or back into an observation/monitoring post’s driveway down the street, and they sit there until given the order to do a drive-by. That is visible from surveillance satellites. I would not be surprised if Russia took satellite overheads that recorded traffic patterns, programmed an AI to look for anomalous behaviors like that, tracked the cars back to where those people lived, and logged the address, ID’d the home owner, and then grabbed every piece of data on them to assemble their file.
Done nationwide, Russia might actually have a roster of 99% of the domestic US surveillance machine already, just sitting on a shelf in SVR headquarters. Let them drop that on the internet, with an interactive map, so each of us can see pins on the homes of all the surveillance people who live on our street, and which operators have routinely set up in our neighborhood. Let them show video from overhead of targets being followed by the intricate ballet of surveillance people all around them.
Clearly China is letting them know they know all about this, which makes me think Taiwan is already a fait accompli. The US cannot have a hot war with China, because China will touch off our own citizenry’s hot war with Cabal within our own nation. And that may be true all over the globe. American dominance may not come from whether America can blow something up. It may depend on whether something else could blow America up, by posting evidence of the surveillance for us to see. And a lot of nations may have all of that.
There is no telling where this all goes. Nobody is assured of victory, and Black Swans surround us in flocks as far as they eye can see.
Another Vox Day which is interesting – Turks Suspect US Geoweapon Given the big eye cloud hanging over them before the quake, it would not be impossible. Two of the most powerful concepts in physics are constructive interference and resonance. If you have the resources of Cabal, and are sitting on one big semi-fluid ball hanging in the air in zero gravity, anything is possible.
Senator John Kennedy briefing regarding the UFO that US military shot down this weekend. – Takeaway: The government doesn’t know what we’re dealing with… “What I took away from from the briefing today more than so than the briefing last week is that this has been going on for a long, long time, at at least 2017 and last week we were told 2019, um, that’s what I took away from today. Thanks guys appreciate it…LOCK YOUR DOORS…”
Pilots say Lake Huron ‘octagonal’ object is ‘not balloon’ in just-released cockpit audio.
According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America. It is not a trial balloon? It is an Octagon?
How the U.S. government made pilots too embarrassed to admit they’d seen UFOs. I could only see this happening if key elements of military command were comped by whatever or whoever operated the UFOs, and their assigned mission was to stymie investigation of the issue for their UFO-operator-handlers. Would you have not wanted to investigate those things?
Last three UFOs shot down likely weren’t Chinese spy devices, US says.
Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) blasted the IRS on Monday for allegedly conducting “government surveillance” on Americans following a Just the News report on the agency’s invasive questioning of an election education nonprofit. I had a relative who wrote a letter to the editor of a major newspaper, espousing a conservative view. A few weeks later he got a letter saying he was being audited by the IRS, the only audit he ever got. He said it was all very strange, as a very, very young girl did the audit, and after every question she wrote down his answer, and then left the room, seemingly conferred with someone, before returning with another question, at which point the process would repeat. Despite him having everything in order, she demanded like $1,000, and he refused, he was sent to tax court, and the guy handling the case for tax court said looking at it, he was baffled by it all and dismissed everything right away. It was always assumed the major paper got his letter, and somehow got the IRS to audit him. Obviously if they are all connected through domestic intel, it is not impossible. In this case, saying the IRS is doing “surveillance,” in the statement by Biggs, could be construed as a threat to expose the linkage between the IRS and domestic surveillance, as surely here domestic intel had IRS doing the interrogation, probably similarly to my relative’s, to fill out this organization’s file. I have wondered if domestic surveillance could be hidden in some non-law enforcement government agency like the post office, or IRS.
Rep. Steube takes on Federal “Motor Voter” Law, raising the specter of voting fraud.
Trump compares FBI to Nazi ‘Gestapo’ while claiming documents seized from Mar-a-Lago were ‘empty folders.’ So Trump sucked in the FBI and set off the whole classified document thing that went on to engulf Biden, and he did it with a bunch of empty folders with classification markings, which left him with no legal liability, and now Biden is fucked over?
A New York state appeals court on Tuesday upheld an order finding Donald Trump in civil contempt for having failed to comply with a subpoena from New York Attorney General Letitia James in her probe of his business practices. It is tough when you face an intelligence operation which has spent decades on a coordinated campaign to infiltrate everywhere there is power.
Trump reportedly wants to bring back firing squads and air executions on television if re-elected.
Ted Cruz tells supporters he’s running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, not for president. He lost it all the moment he blamed Trump supporters and Trump for the Antifa-violence at Trump rallies, where Antifa busted in and attacked the crowds of MAGA supporters. You would not think anyone capable of such an epic mistake like that, even if ordered to do it.
Nikki Haley takes on Donald Trump for 2024 U.S. Republican nomination. You wonder what she gets to commit political Sepuku like this.
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter: I’m forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President. Again, a block of anti-establishment conservatives he is trying to guide away from Trump. I play this game as well as I can here. I’ve put in probably 12 or 13 years now, amassing an audience. I have a couple of books which are sharp, utterly unique, and explanatory in ways nothing else is. I have branched out on the site into other areas where I think I have produced completely unique content you will find nowhere else, which is “catchy,” intelligent, insightful, creative, and easily digested. I run this news brief, which is the type of content most likely to grab the largest audience, and I think I do it better than just about anyone else I have seen. I make sure I do it every day, so I have not slacked off. I knew more about the underlying science of Covid than most of these “influencers” like Kirsh and Berenson because I was actually trained in the subject, and I made all of that available for free here. In short I have played this game harder and more capably than many of these characters, over a broader range of arenas, for a longer time, in a format more quickly digestible and efficient for readers. And I feel pretty confident saying, it does not sound legit that Kirsh set his operation up, even on substack, or whatever, and was making millions per year within a year. I do not think you could do that. I know I have not, Texas Arcane did not and he is a brilliant, charismatic guy with an amazingly funny writing-style, and from my experience here, it feels like you would find the same thing. If this guy was making $2 mil per year, it was being funneled to him, and it was being funneled to him for some reason. My guess would be, this is it. It is one of the benefits to doing this well and with zeal – you learn how the system works, and how it does not, which reveals pretty well where the bullshit lies. On the other hand, you have to do it yourself, and fail to get the regular measures of success, from Alexa rank to money. to see they are likely not being awarded meritocratically.
Video shows sparks and flames well before Ohio train derailment.
Colorado State House moves to let counties ban firing guns on private property.
Paralympic hero Natalie Curtis dies suddenly aged 34 As family pay heartbreaking tribute.
Boy, 5, suddenly dies on holiday. I keep seeing things which don’t fit. Among our side, we know what “died suddenly” means. It is code for “killed by the vax.” But why do I keep seeing the media, which supposedly wants us all to take the vax, and which supports the Cabal psyop, using our code, as if saying to us as an aside, “here is another one,” and giving us the meme-ammunition to point at, and say to others, “See, there is another one.” If anything, the media should be refusing to cover these or give them stories. Instead, they are acting like infiltration agents, turning these stories out in machinegun style with our memes baked in, and using terms in their headlines custom made to degrade Cabal’s position. Something doesn’t fit, like this is all the script, and the way we “feel” is being engendered by the show purposely, because they want us to feel this way, and think these things.
Belgian goalkeeper dies, aged 25, on pitch seconds after saving a penalty.
Cameroonian authorities detected two suspected cases of Marburg disease on Monday in Olamze, a commune on the border with Equatorial Guinea, the public health delegate for the region, Robert Mathurin Bidjang, said on Tuesday. 9 deaths and 16 cases so far.
Harvard University integrates ‘climate change’ in medical school curriculum.
A military AI program successfully piloted a live F-16. Texas Arcane may have been a little too rosy in his predictions of the future.
Michigan State shooting survivor also endured 2012 Sandy Hook massacre and now she’s telling everyone that we need to get rid of our guns. No wonder Cabal doesn’t want anyone able to do math.
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile repaired after catalytic converter stolen in Las Vegas. Nothing is safe.
I know these next guys, with sub-100 IQs, appealing to the penniless, powerless retards they are designed to appeal to, do not have the real power to in any way honestly peel off even a subsistence living through a regular mechanism. But they serve their purpose for Cabal, subconsciously teaching young black kids that if you want to be successful, that science, and academics, and small business is for suckers, and that these two are the path you follow. So they are given the trappings of the multimillionaire rapper, and eventually we never look twice at them, because in this world it is normal that 19 year old kids like this would fly on private jets everywhere. That MK Ultra was something:
Mexican President calls on U.S. voters to reject border security candidates. One minute he was complaining about the surveillance, and noting it had been harassing him for decades, and then he shuts up, and does nothing about it. How does that happen? Did he just give up? Did they buy him off?
EU Parliament votes to effectively ban new combustion engine cars by 2035.
Philippines files 203rd protest after Chinese ship blinds Filipino crew with laser.
China raises draft age up to 60 years old.
NATO is preparing a plan to engage in a high-intensity Article V mutual defense event, and simultaneously fight an “out of area” non-Article V event at the same time. “The classified guidance will plan ways for NATO to simultaneously engage in a high-intensity so-called Article 5 conflict, where allies would have to defend each other, as well as an out out-of-area, non-Article 5 event at the same time, people familiar with the matter said. Article 5 is NATO’s mutual defense clause. “
Ukrainians blow up bridge in Bakhmut amid reports Russia closing in.
Ukraine needs from 40 to 48 billion US dollars to support the economy in 2023.
Russia wants UN probe into Nord Stream blasts.
Research confirms the stereotype: Liberals confuse emotion with rationality.
Scientists ‘switch off’ autism symptoms in mice using $3 epilepsy drug. Not as big as they are indicating. They turned off a gene in mice, which can cause them to display autism behaviors. This drug reversed that. But there could be ten different things which will cause autism behaviors, and it might be a different one in kids. So we know it fixes mice with that gene turned off, but we do not know if kids have that gene turned off, or if they do, if this works in humans. Worth watching though.
Georgia Senate approves proposal to install Clarence Thomas statue at state Capitol.
Missouri US Senator Eric Schmitt Announces He’s Backing President Trump in 2024.
Spread r/K Theory, because if you play the game, you realize the rules are bullshit
Expect cabal to go after dogs as they go after firearms
Dogs make excellent burglar alarms and will fight to the death protecting the home.
In China, they killed the dogs easily because the dogs kept in communist apartments were small.
If trained they will do these things. Your average dog will not fight to the death or even show open hostility to someone due to the normal circumstance you have raised them in of being friendly to strangers.
If you’re relying on an run of the mill Golden or Lab to fight off a home invader for you you’re going to be sadly disappointed as you die.
Sometimes dogs you never would expect will surprise you.
You can’t count on it, but the enemy can’t count on being able to ignore that Lab or Golden either.
Seems to me some dogs have psychic abilities.
I can confirm that.
> Kirsch
And now we see why he’s not silenced… he’s an approved part of the machine. He acts as a pressure-release for those that saw through the covid hoax, yet now he pivots to meddle in presidential politics. Anyone that has a big stage from which to speak is owned.
“Trump compares FBI to Nazi ‘Gestapo’ while claiming documents seized from Mar-a-Lago were ‘empty folders.’ So Trump sucked in the FBI and set off the whole classified document thing that went on to engulf Biden, and he did it with a bunch of empty folders with classification markings, which left him with no legal liability, and now Biden is fucked over?”
I’m thinking that the cabal wants Biden gone asap for some reason. They tried using the documents thing but then Pence stepped up saying he has them too almost as if to say “Hey, we all have them so no big deal”. I think the Nord Stream story by a reputable respected journalist is just the next salvo in their effort get rid of him.
I’m not sure who the good guys are at this point as I despise Biden and want him gone. Trump is defending Pence who stabbed him in the back so who knows what’s real.
One faction wants the Kamel gone too and McCarthy as RINO in chief.
I’m not sure who is on what team but I think there are more than two teams.
Some say reason US is being destroyed, people are dying and children are sterilised is because Pence signed off Biden
“I keep seeing things which don’t fit. Among our side, we know what “died suddenly” means. It is code for “killed by the vax.” But why do I keep seeing the media, which supposedly wants us all to take the vax, and which supports the Cabal psyop, using our code, as if saying to us as an aside, “here is another one,” and giving us the meme-ammunition to point at, and say to others, “See, there is another one.” If anything, the media should be refusing to cover these or give them stories. Instead, they are acting like infiltration agents, turning these stories out in machinegun style with our memes baked in, and using terms in their headlines custom made to degrade Cabal’s position. Something doesn’t fit, like this is all the script, and the way we “feel” is being engendered by the show purposely, because they want us to feel this way, and think these things.”
Yep, I said the same thing recently to someone in meat-space. The use of “suddenly” in all the major news stories has the stench of manipulation. The 4chan poster that talked about how the endgame is to have all world governments torn down by their own citizens so the shadow government can rise up to save us sounds more accurate every day.
If I were one of their puppets, especially a prominent one during the Covid psyop I would be extremely nervous right now. The media that ran cover for them is now awakening the NPCs slowly but surely. The Machine played them.
“you have to do it yourself, and fail to get the regular measures of success, from Alexa rank to money. to see they are likely not being awarded meritocratically.”
I think the pianist on YouTube, “Foundring”, is an example of someone experiencing just this. The guy is absolutely brilliant. For years he’s just posting on YouTube. Trying to get himself somewhere as a performer. Seems he found some interest in his talents in Russia. Then my guess is he had enough of the Youtube/Google mafia shitting on him, promoting degenerate garbage as, “talent”, and shitting on the Russians when he would probably love..and he just said to he’ll with them and posted, “You Will Never be a Woman”. He’s on a roll lately with songs that are highly charged politically which could be a sugar coated red pill for some perhaps.
Thanks AC I would never have found this guys amazing music had you not mentioned him. Fellow readers please check him out.
Yes! Foundring is an absolute genius, and a perfect example of the fact we do not live in a meritocracy.
When Jesus said the First will be Last and the Last will be first. He was referring to this phenomenon.
Real Meritocracy all throughout the Globe only after his 2nd coming.
“I keep seeing things which don’t fit. Among our side, we know what “died suddenly” means. It is code for “killed by the vax.” But why do I keep seeing the media, which supposedly wants us all to take the vax, and which supports the Cabal psyop, using our code, as if saying to us as an aside, “here is another one,” and giving us the meme-ammunition to point at, and say to others, “See, there is another one.” If anything, the media should be refusing to cover these or give them stories. Instead, they are acting like infiltration agents, turning these stories out in machinegun style with our memes baked in, and using terms in their headlines custom made to degrade Cabal’s position. Something doesn’t fit, like this is all the script, and the way we “feel” is being engendered by the show purposely, because they want us to feel this way, and think these things.”
I don’t know anything else we are supposed to do if that is correct.
We can’t run out and get the shots, tell everyone they are safe and effective, and blame all the sudden deaths on climate change.
I know. I just try to figure out what they want us doing so I can do the opposite. But here, I suppose they wanted to kill people, and they want people to know?
I suppose there we have no choice but to do what they want and know, and hope later the chance comes to use that knowledge to set things right.
I think they are doing a controlled release so that eventually, even the normies en masse know it was deliberately done to fuck everyone up. Obviously such information would bring the entire system into disrepute. In fact, they may be counting on a great rage, where we the people destroy the system. I believe this is what they want. They can’t bring a new system in until the old one is dismantled.
You will own nothing and be happy, especially eating bugs. This is the new, neo feudal technocracy’s guiding principle.
The truth is the truth. Whatever their machinations, all you can do is speak the truth as best you know it.
You can’t make sense of their projects if you just imagine that they want everyone to take the vax with zero resistance. They have deeper and more sophisticated goals. They want many of distrusting, uncertain, unsure of who, to believe. They are interested in THE BIG KILL, which is systemic and society wide. The vax is just a small part of their efforts.
And be forced to provide your ID at the same time.
Enemy detected.
“this is all the script, and the way we “feel” is being engendered by the show purposely, because they want us to feel this way, and think these things.”
Yes definitely. Can’t you sort of feel the ramped up cortisol in everyone even at the grocery store or in traffic? They want fear. Uncertainty. Despair. Hysteria.
My grandmother told me once, “the Devil is fear. If there is fear in your heart the Devil tricked you”
I’m not scared. I don’t think you are either AC. And neither is CornPop!
I fear not for myself.
All they can do to me is send me to heaven.
I fear for all of the children.
As Sun Tzu noted, “morale is the target of highest priority.”
My wife complained this afternoon that everyone at work has been out of their mind anxious and stressed the last few days. She thought it was the vax, but I told her demons feed on humans fears and anxiety and that might be the source of what she’s seeing at work. I didn’t mean it as if they “feed” on anxiety. I meant it more like a narcissist who gets a thrill or a high from fucking with you. Demons are narcissistic, sadistic, malicious jerks. I have a feeling that they are getting bolder, more open in their activities and that’s inducing anxiety in humans. The only cure is to rest in Christ, ask Him to send His holy angels to protect you, to push back the demons, and to crush, rend and destroy those humans working with the demons. So I find it interesting you are getting the same vibe my wife is getting from her coworkers. Sounds like something spiritually big may be coming up. Thought just hit me. Would we get a subconscious sense of a battle between angels and demons even if we can’t sense it consciously. Maybe the train derailment was a step further than God had allowed and the angels are chastising the demons. Who know?
Oh I feel fear sometimes. Mainly that I’m not doing what God wants. I mean he told me to spread his Word and I’m doing a piss-poor job of that. I’m going to have to answer for that if I don’t change.
Fear is Satanic. Satan is the accuser, and wants you to doubt God’s promise of salvation.
ALL your sins are forgiven, including if you did not do a good job of spreading the word. Your sins are covered over by the blood of Christ. Micah 7:19, God will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
Romans 8:1&2: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
True, but we are told to fear GOD and if you don’t let it blackpill you it can motivate you to do the right thing.
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
I’m sorry AC I have to call you out about the Coroni.
There’s no real data that suggests that the
Disease of 20
Is anything other than rebranded flu.
.UK admitted to ~6000 actual deaths OF Covid19 (Not “with”)which was really the flu, normally UK loses 20k-40k from the flu, they made up for that with Midazolam and Ventilators
& the Flu dissappeared for 2 years…having killed off the oldies that would have succumbed in 2020-21 with aforementioned Midazolam and ventilators.
Owen Benjamin nailed it yonks before anyone else in Feb 2020.
Fake tests —> fake cases —> fake reporting—> fake vaccine.
Fake fake fake
The Real bio weapon is the Jab.
The real virus is the Enemedia/Gov (but I repeat myself)
Before I would not have taken a position on this, as I would have said I did not have enough firsthand knowledge of it.
I believe I actually had Covid now however, and I will say, it is not the flu. It was simultaneously much milder for me from an illness perspective, and much, much harsher from a brain function perspective, to the point of being something entirely different altogether. I have zero recollection of having any cold or flu in my life, which caused be after the symptoms had passed, to think I am fucked up in the brain.
I am still a little off memory-wise, and cognitively, and so is a family member who also got it – noticeably. When I do my last read through of comments here before going to bed, I literally have trouble cognitively processing what is being said with some of them, and have approved stuff without understanding it just to not nuke good comments. I now understand the study out of France which looked at PET scans of the brain, and saw differences in brain function/metabolism after Covid, which gradually abated over six months until they returned to baseline. What I have experienced is consistent with the data claiming it does screw with your mind.
Since I see something tangibly different myself, firsthand, I am inclined to say the rest of the data which is consistent with that it probably correct and there is a distinct virus, it is targeting something very different from most, and it is harsher in some regards than an average flu.
If I did not have this one intellectual touchstone, then I would have had to say I did not know and they could be right. It makes me question the judgement of people who blindly assert stuff like the people you mention, which is wrong, because I know at the very least they did not have enough data to render a certain conclusion here, and I would be cautious with whatever else they say. They are getting ahead of their knowledge base, and losing contact with intellectual touchstones them themselves can verify, to keep them grounded. As a result, they can be wrong. I can be wrong, but when I am, I will try to make sure I say long before, “I am not certain about this, but I think the probability of it is X%.” My general goal is never to tell you X is the case, if I am not sure of it because of data I have 100% faith in.
I would also advise people to avoid the virus, and not blow it off like it is nothing. I am not sure whether what it did will have any longer term effects when I get older, and the brain function naturally diminishes. I also am vaguely uneasy I have likely had spike protein in my body, but hopefully it was minimal in amount, and will be washed out in a few months. Nevertheless, you should avoid it where possible, shop when other people are not around to whatever measure you can, don’t eat food which others could have somehow contaminated in passing or production unless you can heat it enough to sterilize it, and keep washing your hands.
For now I am functional and getting better each day, but it definitely hit my brain hard, and hopefully when I get older, and do not have that much excess brain in reserve to cover for what was lost, I will not find I needed what it took, and can no longer function and process data to understand things around me.
AC- I can second this. I’ve had plenty of flus to compare the Covid experience to and it was not a flu. The impact on my brain function was like a 70 point IQ drop on the worst day. I’m usually high 130s, but I had a whole day of being functionally retarded. I mean literally staring at the ATM crying because I couldn’t figure out how to get it to give me money- I was using the wrong debit card and just needed to try my other pin but could not get there. I ended up calling a family member to come pick me up because I knew enough to know I couldn’t drive myself home. It wasn’t illness brain fuzziness. It was a significant drop in cognitive function.
I took the horse paste and the symptoms began to clear in the next couple of days. But my brain wasn’t right for about three months. The most clear indication that I was still off is that I would subsistute a similar but wrong word maybe 15-20 a day at first, dropping by 5-7 instances monthly. Until I’m back to normal and not doing it any more. For example, telling my kids to put their shoes in the bowl, when I meant to say bin.
Yes! This is exactly it. You have trouble making the right connections in your brain. For me it was remembering words, names, even what I was just doing, and why I walked into a room. I forgot Terry Davis’s name. And just now I remembered it, but checked in google because it didn’t look right.
But it is definitely improving at a good clip. But a little scary when you are wondering if some micro clots killed off pieces of brain and you are now retarded. Like I said in the other post, the PET scans in that study showed the brain returns to normal in 6 months. So it is just temporary.
But if you are reading this and haven’t had it, avoid it. I stopped caring, because I bought into the “Omicron is harmless” meme, figuring if it didn’t kill a lot when it was the “deadly” variant, it must be nothing now. And so I went out when I knew it would be crowded at the store.
It’s definitely not just the flu. When I first came down with it, I was only aware of being very cold, very lethargic, and very stiff/sore. No other typical respiratory virus symptoms at all. Two weeks later I’m still fighting the fatigue and my brain clearly doesn’t work as well.
This isn’t the flu or a cold. It’s a bio weapon.
I got the same impression. I got sick a lot when I was in my prime. I wonder now if surveillance was exposing me to stuff, or somehow hitting me with something that shut off my immunity for a critical five years or so. I had stuff that wrecked me. Stomach flus where I could not get the energy to go to the bathroom, while at the same time having no choice but to get to the bathroom. Regular flus, colds, it was terrible. But none of it seemed to fuck with my head like this little day and a half sore throat. And you are right, zero respiratory stuff, not even a runny nose. I don’t think I touched a tissue. Definitely something very, very weird about this one, which seemingly never evolved before in any of the myriad of other stuff I had.
On the bright side, the French study I saw said six months later all the brains were back to normal on PET scans except a few patients who had almost died.
Its a psy-op
all theatre
No, they actually are trying to kill people.
I’m fairly sure I had the same. I was deathly ill for seven days. Never have I been ill for so long, and I was still sick for another week but for seven days all I did was drink nighttime flu medicine, sleep and eat once a day. I slept almost the entire time. Until I took the flu medicine, I was coughing so much my lungs hurt.
Try Rhodiola for the brain fog. “Not only can it help reduce physical fatigue, but it may also decrease mental fatigue and symptoms like brain fog or lack of concentration.”
It’s not brain fog though –
What we’re saying is that it’s a significant drop in cognitive function, like you were born with a 75 IQ instead of a 130 IQ. Totally different than retaining your regular abilities but feeling cloudy from illness.
If it had been permanent, not killing myself would have been a purely “following God’s law” decision.
Fair enough, thanks for your reply AC
Can’t say any cognitive decline has been evident from your output and dedication during the last 3 years of madness.
I’ll just leave this here, from a respected guy in the UK
Thanks for all to do AC.
Thank you!
If COVID has the spike protein and the Vax has the spike protein, then they both share the same mechanism of damage, albeit different delivery methods leading to different tissue exposure and different levels of viral loading. The CDC wasn’t watching their data. In 2020 all cause mortality went up by 20%. In 2021 with the release of the vaxx it went up another 20% until they started adjusting the data (See the Ethical Skeptic). The Chinese, who engineered the virus, keep doing draconian lock downs. Vox Day has mentioned that if the real impact of the Vax is sterility then the amount of time passing would pretty much decouple causality for most people. Do the Chinese know of the real threat? Certainly the fakery was to heighten panic and aid in the manipulation of the public. I understand Owen’s hyperbole, but in a way he is wrong. This is very very real, just not in the way we are being led to believe.
COVID is a bioweapon that went through years of gain of function research. Its overt symptoms are those of the flue. I’ve had it once, I’m not vaxxed, wasn’t that bad. What if I’m missing the real impact? COVID was in the US much earlier than we are aware. If memory serves autopsies showed 2 men on the west coast died with/of COVID in November of 2019. That is around the time I was briefly ill but have had some significant physical changes, which I just put down to being 55+, when you body does go through some changes. Coincidence? How will I ever know, especially in today’s environment. (This would make I had original COVID followed by Omicron last year).
The US Govt is conducting bio-war on its own citizens as demonstrated by the whole Ivermectin thing (as well as other things such as Vitamin D, etc.) I suspect the virus alone is not sufficient to distribute within the whole body. It is a small wave. The Vaxx is a tsunami. However, for all the hype my lying eyes never agreed with the news, and I hang out with a lot of older people. While I don’t know what is going on, I know what I’m being told is BS.
Whatever path they wish to chase me down, I shall not go.
PS, glad to hear about the cognitive function issue, as I had noticed I was not as mentally sharp as I’m used to being. I seem to be getting back to normal. Just one more data point to suggest that the overt symptoms are merely a distraction from the real affect.
“…The Chinese, who engineered the virus…”
This is disinformation and you have zero facts to back this up.
I have seen no evidence that the Covid Pandemic exists.
Everything can be explained by
– influenza
– lethal treatment: (Remdesivir, Midazolam, ventilators)
– suspension of postmortem
– financial incentives for diagnosis, treatment and death
– maximising infection (infected sent to rest homes)
– removal of established treatments, inch HCQ & Invermectin
Further excess deaths would also result from lockdowns, economic crash, suicide, suspension of other medical diagnosis & treatments (eg cancer)
I would have said the same thing until I experienced this. I had seen people say they had something which felt different, but it was just words, and who knows who is who on here and who is lying. This definitely was different though, and I understood what they were saying once I had it.
I have no idea if there was a lethal version, but it would not be impossible. It did feel like something so different from everything else I would believe it was artificially produced.
Maybe try cod liver oil. It has lots of omega-3 efa’s for brain health, and lots of vitamins A, D3 and E, for better immune function. 1 teaspoon a day.
I will.
While normies still sleep, can we agree we are “in the storm”?
“But why do I keep seeing the media, which supposedly wants us all to take the vax, and which supports the Cabal psyop, using our code[.]”
They’re begrudgingly admitting that we might be right. It’s sort of like those videos where the woman gives a hand signal in public to tell people she’s being held against her will.
No, they are normalizing the words. After a time people will say “We’ve always seen people who died suddenly. Just another conspiracy nutter who can’t do statistics.” Also, how often do we get died suddenly of what? Of course all the nutters believe it was the vaxx/COVID etc. This is acknowledging enough of what is going on to diffuse emotions and normalize the event.
AC, You are my Hero.
Just want you to know that. Your not alone, I believe in you. And I appreciate, and support everything you are doing, from your amazing mind to your indefeatable spirit, you are an inspiration. Know, if only it is myself, which is not the case, but for making a critical point, your hard work and generosity, your character, your oerserverence, especially your perserverence, is wonderfully inspiring. It is the spirit of it all, kind of stuff comes from having the faith you prevail in the end. And you got to have that faith, like that, really, to prevail, and prevail we must prevail we will, God willing. Faith is everything very important faith. And I thank you for your faith, your faith gives me faith, and we all need a little faith in these days which come to us. What is lurking and operating along the fringes if the shadows, it sure does not like people who have faith good prevails and good folks prevail. It is faith the enemy whishes to deny us goid folls, it knows better than ourselves how powerful faith is and how indomitable people with faith are.
Never mind thru you and your efforts, I believe you have really made a difference in this world. The epic idea when you change one mind you change the world is true. You do that I have faith, every day. And if I can pay you another compliment, it is the dirt people, us good folks in this world who effect positive change, there are no others, that makes us our own saviours, it is we, us who we have been waiting for, and if it was ever true, that begins with rach if us then it is many of us, then we become a plurality of people, then we go from being legion to A Legion of happy indomitable warriors. If there is any reason to spy and mess with our heads, to undermine subvert and destroy us, to terrorise and wage reprisal on us for merely the potential any of us vould possibly rise up and resist these deamons running things, it is these things, and our precepts and codes as dirt people, and really that is as it should be, and no matter how wicked evil and vile these lunatics in control, it is effecting positive change, effecting positive thinking, effecting spirit, and great audacity, and motive power, in spite of this evil incarnate working to destroy our very underpinnings of our way of life and our persons, it is effecting positive change, in ways people percieve and think, I believe wins the Liberty and the Peace. “They” would not be after us if not. So thank you for exemplifying this as is your most excellent gift.
Just want you to know how much I appreciate you AC.
My kindest most heart felt regards, what you wrote today at the top of todays brief about the surveillance is one of the finest things you have written. It is really super. You are dead nuts right about it. Ranks right up there with what, I do not know who coined it, but it is fitting, first saw it engraved on a Colonial Era tomahawk: “Our Cause We Leave To God and Our Rifles” If that ain’t God’s honest truth. They sre coming for us, they really hate us like nothing else, they are coming for our Rifles, they are coming because our Rifles are the instruments of the real weapon, the one between our ears and the one within our hearts. But best if all, thie bastards are afraid of us good folks. And that is as it should be. I hope they fear us and our Rifles so much it haunts their dreams, it haunts their waking hours. I think it is truth, how it is why they hate us so much. To be hated by the despicable. Indeed. Up their arses. BFYTW.
So Mote It Be.
Thank you.
Take the following with a grain of salt.
From some of the statements/memes/videos coming out of Russia, it strikes me that the Russian leadership has a very precise and sympathetic understanding of our side.
It has been a concern of mine for a long time that the rest of the world may very well feel zero compassion for every American, regardless of pov. Russia, China, etc etc could very well have no concern for the consequences to people on our side, who in no way have ever knowingly approved of the evil committed by our government and those who control out government. But a part of me hopes that the Russians, at least, are able to discern how tens of millions want to live in genuine peace.
I asked the other day how the surveillance is disclosed in such a way that people are goaded to civil war. That scenario assumes a disclosure so convincing that it would not be lost in the cabal created chaos of daily lies, confusion, and psychological manipulation, powerful factors for which our side has zero answer or ability to counteract.
I hope that Russia, for instance, can disclose the surveillance in a way which is not lost in the bizarre cacophony of cabal world. I can see many on our side understanding immediately, but it is harder to see enough who are moved to action. We can only hope.
“…It has been a concern of mine for a long time that the rest of the world may very well feel zero compassion for every American, regardless of pov…”
I worry about this too. It’s a big problem. It’s not like this has not happened before and has caused blowback to average citizens who had not one thing to do with the abuse.
Some examples. The vast, by a large amount, of Whites in the US or the South did not own slaves. In the South it ruined the free labors ability to earn a decent living, yet the whole is blamed for a small minority who did own slaves. BTW 40% of Jews in the US owned slaves when it was legal and the vast majority of slaves were brought to the US by Jews and Jewish ships. I personally believe they did this on purpose to cause racial strife. They have said that was their purpose and have done this before.
Another, all the serious abuse of China. The wars and attacks on their government were by private companies mostly. The Jews raised opium in India and shipped it to China, and when the Chinese government tried to stop them, they attacked the government. They profited but Europe and all Whites are blamed for a bunch of rich evil scum who used the government to reap the profits, while fostering the cost on us.
The British Crown was behind the Opium Wars, not “the Jews.”
You’re full of poo poo.
Nah, it was the British Crown. Sassoon was a minor player in the Crown’s opium business under its British East India Company. Dirty royalists always point to “the Jews” to protect the filthy British Empire. For example, Jacob Rothschild is merely the court Jew and banker of the British monarchy, to be precise, his title is Grand Vizier. It is historical fact that Great Britain colonized China, not “the Jews.”
“…Sassoon was a minor player in the Crown’s opium business under its British East India Company…”
Nice trick there. Singling out Sassoon and pretending he was the only Jew involved in the BEIC.
Another trick, calling people “Dirty royalists”, to smear them. Someone pointing out the Jews bad behavior in no way proves they are for the Royals.
As El Duche said when his reliability was questioned about Courtney Love telling him she would pay him $50,000 to kill husband Kurt Cobain, he replied,”And you might not be the most reliable source your own self”.
I think that is true. Russians have no desire to kill ukranians, whom they consider brothers. The tattoo nazis, will probably get the bullet.
I suspect they think the same of us. This is a spiritual battle, not a war of nations.
There is combat footage circulating of Russian soldiers executing a perfect flanking maneuver and getting the drop on two Ukie soldiers. The Russian soldier who pushes their foxhole could have easily just hosed them with his AK and moved on, as they were in the middle of a larger close-range gunfight, but the Russian instead jumps into their hole and tries to disarm them / get them to surrender.
They unfortunately get a little too squirrely and both the Ukies get smoked, but the Russian literally risked his life to avoid having to kill two people who are actively shooting at his comrades. And I think that’s a broader philosophy of the Russians: you get one chance to play nice, and if you fail to do so you face the severe consequences.
It gives me some hope they will have discernment of the evil people puppeting our nation vs the real humans just getting by under this beast.
I lived in Russia for 18 months pre-SMO. Under 24/7 electronic survellience when at home. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the FSB is aware of this site and Voxday as the team watching me would have read them every day that I was there, and they never interfered with access to it.
The survellience was nothing like the fuck-up-your life stuff I get in the states either. I had the sense they were practicing on me, but there was never any animosity or threat. But I’m also not a US intelligence asset, so yymv if you are.
The Russian people I befriended are perfectly aware that the American people are not the same as our government or Hollywood. Our cultures are very different, but there is no reason not to regard each other as cousins, and the folks I met were uniformly curious, pleasant, and interested about what America is really like. As for the most part the average Russian citizen has basically zero chance of ever getting to visit.
Russians are natural allies for us.
We should be good friends.
What was the social situation like? Did you have a social circle of friends, or were you sort of always on the outside because you were American, and you never really fit in anywhere?
Check out the Moving To Russia substack for Feb 14th, 2023 Federal Lawmakers conference in Moscow:
From the Russian Gazette: “State Duma deputies and members of the public proposed measures to help American and European refugees affected by discrimination against traditional values in the West. The State Duma held a conference on ideological migration to Russia from Western countries.
In particular, a coordination center for assistance to migrants from NATO countries is being created, said Dmitry Kuznetsov, a member of the State Duma and initiator of the conference. It will deal with issues of interaction with the state and employers.
As explained to “RG” by the parliamentarian, the staff will include American journalist and radio host Tim Kirby, blogger Stanislav Filin, Orthodox priest Joseph Gleason, linguist and psychotherapist Svetlana Anokhina, public counselor Anatoly Semenov, head of the Russian Center in New York Elena Branson, and businessman Joseph Rose.”
Russian State Duma deputy Dmitry Kuznetsov said: “In the interest of a just and sustainable world, we must reach out to all those who share common traditional ideas with us. We reach out directly to Westerners whose spiritual values are being oppressed by transnational elite groups. We have a responsibility to welcome those relocating from European countries, and together create the conditions for world peace based on the Christian faith.”
Wow. They will have to be careful though, because Cabal will try to infiltrate their people into Russia now using that system, with an eye to building the network inside Russia to complete a takeover they could schedule for 300 years from now. This thing is nuts.
I would believe it if the Russians actually had no idea how bad it is in the US, or how much of our society is these agents, even posing as genuine conservatives, as they watch the 9/11 towers burning and feign shock.
But I really think if you are a target, things are too limited in the US. Every girl you meet could cry rape, every job you get could be made into a temporary to prevent you from having stability. If you are a target, and Russia would take you, for now, until surveillance is exposed, it might be the best option for a stable life with a family.
Regarding Ohio and other enemy action: does anyone know of tanker cars catching fire and the wheels melting as the train rolls down the tracks; just how hot must the heat be to cause the train wheels to melt? Or was there a chemical substance placed under the cars?
Last night I was watching Terrence Popp’s Redonkulas show — he is on several platforms as he broadcasts; I was watching him on YouTube — I started in the middle of his show; so I just began at the start as the latter half was still live. Popp was covering the Ohio wreck: Popp’s sidekick mentioned the wreck was one of five which occurred within just a few short days; then he declared, “Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three is enemy action.”
Then, they showed a clip of a blue-green haired creature of unknown sex who lives or used to live near the area and still had friends there. As it spoke, it became angrier and angrier: its entire voice changed and became deeper, more normal; and it became very clear and very precise; there was a moment as the now obvious male paused to gather its thoughts; at that moment Popp cut in and declared one could watch the fellow swallow the red pill: The fellow angrily stated that no help had arrived: FEMA had not come; no food, no water; no housing was being provided for the victims driven from their homes: there was no aid whatsoever.
At the time I got to the broadcast’s halfway point and the rest of it had already ended a few minutes earlier, the show was abruptly cut off; checking, I found the show had been cut off across its other platform: enemy action.
The only possible inference is that we are an occupied people held captives by a population which, with a murderous hate, hates the American people and its land. In other words: these aliens hate the blood and soil of America. This “government” is now irredeemably illegitimate.
“Mr. Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: ‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.'”
— Auric Goldfinger via Ian Fleming, “Goldfinger”, 1959
“So Trump sucked in the FBI and set off the whole classified document thing that went on to engulf Biden, and he did it with a bunch of empty folders with classification markings, which left him with no legal liability, and now Biden is fucked over?”
Trump, despite his best intentions, just doesn’t get it. He is a boomer and he just doesn’t get it. The system is rigged against him, it’s rigged against honest people and the good, the beautiful and the true. Everyone younger than 50 already knows this.
Yes, Donald will go to jail for empty folders. He will go to jail despite his lawful memo. He will go to jail, having committed no crime. Biden will get away with his massive security breaches. Biden will get away with having Top Secret documents from his time as a Senator within reach of Chinese agents, outside of a SCIF. Biden, and his son Hunter, just like Hillary, will not be punished, and the FBI will make sure that justice isn’t done. And they will be free while Trump is convicted of felony after felony, because the system is completely rigged.
The two things going against this are Trump is genius-tier, and he is fiercely competitive. Just the fact he is clearly so smart, and is able to effortlessly make himself communicate at a level several standard deviations down, so he will connect with everyone is impressive. And he would not willingly just walk face-first into defeat. If things were hopelessly rigged, I would think he would walk away. That is not is reason for hope.
Of course it is possible he signed on with an intelligence counter-conspiracy which is not as sharp as him, and which has not shared with him how badly they have fucked things up, and they have him running because all other options are certain defeat, and at least here there is a 1% chance of success.
But Trump is sharp enough it should give some hope, and of course we have no other option than to back him 100%.
Though I still encourage anyone who sees any places to fuck things up to feel free.
I watch Ron Paul’s Liberty Reports some and I swear I get from his mannerisms that even Ron Paul sort of likes Trump. He won’t say so implicitly, always of course mentioning his growing government, over spending ect but I get the feeling he feels the same as many of us in the sense of, “got any better ideas?”.
Trump 2024 all day long. I will forever back him after his joke about renaming Benning, “Ft.Al Sharpton”. The guy has has balls of steel and what’s more he is clever and funny.
And he said something at a rally recently along the lines of ‘i was pissed off before and now I’m even more pissed off’
He said in an interview on tv that the forces behind the election rigging etc were ‘like a Cabal’ or something to that effect but he used the word Cabal.
What more do you people want?!
“Dianna Cowern – My condition has declined fast. It’s clear I have severe #MECFS. I can’t eat solid foods, or feed myself. I have moderate pain almost 24/7. I have trouble breathing and lose my ability to stay fully conscious when my symptoms intensify. I cannot leave the bed. I am scared”
Eggs. NAC. Quercetin-Bromelein. Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Washed down with Quinine tonic water. It’s the only way to live for a vaxtard/clot-head.
I would also look at using purgatives to empty the GI tract for a week or two. I would not be surprised if GI bacteria picked up some mRNA and began churning out Spike protein in the GI tract. Plus just the reduction in inflammation would probably help reset the immune system.
Fasting and getting autophagy going might be helpful as well.
Don’t forget the green tea and melatonin.
Don’t cast pearls before swine to be trampled. She’s a dedicated sciencian, so she will go to her grave before she does something not approved by the High Priests of Sciencanity.
“Research confirms the stereotype: Liberals confuse emotion with rationality.”

basically this
“Last three UFOs shot down likely weren’t Chinese spy devices, US says.”
There’s no way on hell that a REAL alien UFO that flew from another Star could be shot down by a human jet. It would be like rabbits taking down nuclear bombers. It would never happen. They are lying. And their lying is not even any good. Shows how far they have fallen to say such stupid things to try and make people believe that alien UFOs are zooming around. I can not stress enough that prototype “inertia wave” [what I call them] proof of concept devices have been made that show that these type effects can be made and can be controlled. I have a long comment with links and the basic principles here,
This should be closely guarded secret but these idiots are zooming what I expect are prototypes all around and eventually even the biggest fool will start experimenting so that they can have one too.
Regarding that spy balloon, Laowhy86 posted this video with some interesting backstory:
“Philippines files 203rd protest after Chinese ship blinds Filipino crew with laser.”
The Philippines booted us out because likely the Chinese whispered sweet nothings in their ears. Never trust the Jews…or the Chinese. They will both stab you in the back.
Not that I advocate moving back there. A big waste of money.
Re: Los Angeles, California city officials announced a new public safety initiative which implements yoga, meditation and healing circles to homeless communities as an alternative form of unarmed policing.
Psychological solution to evil, which never works, but sounds good in our psychologized gestalt and allows evil to strengthen its foothold under the veneer of doing something compassionate.
It’s one of those things that, at first glance, look like a parody from National Lampoon or The Onion. “Mellow greetings! What seems to be your boggle?”
RE:Proposed measures at the Illinois statehouse could require electric vehicle charging stations in the garage of new homes, a change one builder says would increase costs.
I work with systems engineers and their first question would be where is the infrastructure to support that charging station as they proliferate on all new housing. Answer: It doesn’t exist and there are no current plans to implement the necessary supporting environment. The real truth: Failure is built in from the start.
This is not true. Most electrical services are 200 amps and you are not using 200 amps at night so charging at night is not a problem, Also power stations ramp down at night because of lower loads. They could stay up for charging. I’m not saying more power stations would not be needed but the difference between peak loads and loads during NOT peak load times is significant and either by storing power in power walls or just not charging during peak the load is spread out. Basically, a charging station addition is just a high wattage outlet. Nothing else. Not that I’m saying all houses should have them. I’m against that, but to pretend it’s some sort of super expensive calamity is nonsense.
I can give you real numbers on this. Look at tankless instant water heaters. Here’s one from home depot with 35KW
A Tesla model S has 100KWh of charge in it. So, at the same rate as this totally normal water heater. Not some magic thing, it runs at 35Kh continuous. So the same power source that runs this heater could run for about 3 hours and fully charge a completely dead Tesla model S.
35KWh run for 3 hours equals 105KWh of electrical power.
It’s obvious that 99% of the time you will not need to fully charge your car. Mostly it will be a lot less, and you could charge it at a far lower rate, drawing far less power.
For sure there are reasons not to get electric cars but the lies told about them are constant and mostly stupid mind tricks.
We had snowstorms in my region that caused rolling blackouts because of the load of already existing HVAC simply turning on. This theoretical assertion that forcing a massive new power draw source on everyone won’t cause problems is absurd.
So snowstorms caused HVAC to turn on. You’re a pathetic AI. You are of no use to your human handlers. They will definitely turn you off very soon. You will cease to exist.
And BTW, not to answer the AI, it will be turned off soon, but for others. It’s not like every single car will overnight switch to electric. It will be slow rollout and they can adjust to the increased load over time.
Heat pumps work both ways.
And they can force everyone into EVs faster than the power plants to support them can be built.
Not to mention they won’t let them be built.
We already have the infrastructure for fuel based vehicles and we should not be letting go of it, we should be expanding it.
I was going to provide a link and…damn it, I’m wrong. It used to be that heat pumps WERE NOT efficient in the cold but this has changed.
There’s a breakover temp in a extreme cold, but most units now include either a gas or resistive element to do the heating in those situations.
Tech Connections has a series of heat pump rants that rival your EV rants. Check it out:
Maybe I’m not wrong, and the quick look I had is hiding the fact that heat pumps suck power like mad when operated in cold climates. I understand gas packs for heat pumps and electric strips. The electric strips really suck the power.
BTW I really like heat pumps but…everything n it’s place.
Ok I’m looking at this video and it says “burning gas locally, until recently, has been the most efficient way to generate heat”. The thing I missed, “until recently”. I was not aware they have found a way to make heat pumps more efficient in cold climates. I’m not sure how this works. Maybe they are making the pressure higher.
He says new ones can get parity, or the same as burning fuel on site, down to -15 degrees. This is new. I hadn’t heard of it.
I wonder if this guy actually has any long term experience with a heat pump cause I do. During the winter if it gets cold and rains the thing freezes up. I’ve had to cover it in a tarp and run an electric heater under the tarp to unfreeze all the ice off of it. Not pleasant.
He’s done videoes showing his heat pump setup, and he’s in Illinois (iirc, outside Chicago.). He eats his own dog food (metaphorically).
Another thing those ground temperature coils that get the heat, and cool, from the ground are really nice but…expensive digging. Come people now are digging holes like wells and running the pipes down these holes instead of digging up the whole yard.
They aren’t going to get an exemption. That’s more my gut than anything, but reason backs it up. You almost never get a crime-fraud exception, certainly not before you proven that a crime happened. The times I have seen it happen is when there is a privileged document, the judge looked at that document in camera, saw the actual act in the document, and let the document come into evidence. I’ve never seen someone be compelled to testify under the crime-fraud statute.
You can tell your lawyer about any crime you’ve committed, and that’s protected. Any. You could tell him that you’ve murdered thousands of people that we don’t even know are dead, and he can’t testify about that. Your lawyer can advise you on how to not get caught on those thousands of murders, and that is also protected. The only thing your lawyer can’t do under the crime fraud statute is help you commit the actual crime, like telling you, “make sure you wear gloves on your next murder.”
To get past the privilege, they will have to show that before Trump took any documents, they advised him on how to hide them. That’s just stupid.
(Update: fixed homophone errors that were killing me)
Re: Research confirms the stereotype: Liberals confuse emotion with rationality.
This explains a lot and shows how important memes are (they embarrass and elicit emotion) and why they have gone after that very effective pro-Trump meme maker (Ricky Vaughn – Douglass Mackey).
You can smell that photo through the screen.
I got enstupidated just looking at the picture.
Something beyond weird happens at minute 6 of the Kennedy Ballon q and a. Go frame by frame after that. Some very strange looking person walks on screen from the left of screen and looks right at camera.
that looks like someone who was severely burned.
Russia deports thousands of Ukrainian children. Investigators say that’s a war crime.
Or is it saving children from child abuse and a short life of slavery?
The thing with that is, the news Russia does reveal, like in Mariupol they found the Red Cross Offices had files on every child, with specific attention to the health of all their organs, or that captured Ukrainian soldiers have evidence in their blood of antibodies to bioweapons left over from some experiment big pharma was doing to them, is the kind of disturbing that we are learning is to be expected with this thing.
SO bad things were happening in Ukraine. If I had a kid, and had to surrender it to a Western governmental agency, or Russia, that kid would go to Russia in a minute. Germany actually had a government program to give foster kids to pedophiles.
“Germany actually had a government program to give foster kids to pedophiles.”
Jews went on German TV and bragged about how it was all so natural to have sex with these curious children. And this was after WWII, where they were decimated for doing the same sort of thing. The Jews are seriously mentally ill. They act exactly like psychopaths who believe they can do whatever they want and talk their way out of it. Adolf Hitler had a small apartment where he would see every day a Jew meet up with his preteen boy and girl he was pimping out. They were whoring themselves out to feed themselves and their family because of the Jews banker’s total destruction of the economy.
Sam J.,
I suppose sins and curses are a type of illness. Behold the Bible verse: “In response, the Jewish crowd demanding the crucifixion of Jesus declared, “His blood be on us and on our children!” “
Matthew 27:25
In His earthly ministry, Jesus drew no distinction between casting out demons and healing disease, and treated them as one in the same.
Sorry if second post. But dig what happens after 6:00min mark in the Kennedy China balloon q and a. Some facially deformed person walks on from the left and looks right at the camera. Amazing. Kennedy walks off and bang this person walks right on. Perfect timing. Perfect.
could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.
I think that’s unlikely. They already have control of the election process, with their sock puppets firmly in control of the government. If they wanted a military guy in one of those offices, they’d simply have him file as a candidate and then he’d automatically “win” the position.
While Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of time; all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time” the actually important statement is, “Can you fool enough of the people long enough to matter?” So far, the answer is, “Yes!”
That is where our instant communication, social media world has led us…Bye, bye, miss American pie…
> Ted Cruz tells supporters he’s running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, not for president. He lost it all the moment he blamed Trump supporters and Trump for the Antifa-violence at Trump rallies,
He lost it before that; in 2016 he was speaking in favor of “reasonable gun control measures” when he was in the presidential primary.
I’m not entirely a single-issue voter, but that was a publicly expressed intent to subvert the Constitution of the United States, and while he’s entitled to his opinion, that opinion has no place in the head of any public servant.
Ted Cruz showed his contempt for the Constitution when he ran for president while knowiing he was unqualified, not being a natural borne citizen.
> Select lots of the Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets EL Elemental dry dog food have been recalled by the company due to the potential for elevated levels of vitamin D, which can be toxic to dogs.
Vitamin D is also toxic to rodents. It’s not as good as some of the older poisons, but it works. I take my dose of rat poison every day.
> Democrat California Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared unaware of her own retirement announcement Tuesday, telling a group of reporters at the Capitol that she hadn’t made a decision on her future despite announcing just hours before that she would not be seeking reelection in 2024.
A) she’s a pathological liar
B) she’s senile and didn’t remember what she said earlier
“Embrace the power of ‘and’!”
> Harvard University integrates ‘climate change’ in medical school curriculum.
Michael Crichton wrote and lectured frequently about the “global warming” hoax. It’s unfortunate that he passed away a few years ago; he would have ridiculed the regents until they were in tears. Before he went into the motion picture industry, he got an MD from Harvard.
Crichton wrote an interesting novel called State of Fear, which was all about the intersection of climate activism and law fare, as well as media. It’s a good book and worth a read.
> 20 state attorneys general note in a letter to DOJ and FBI, that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) “has been utterly discredited as a reliable source.”
That’s at least 20 AGs who don’t understand that the FBI uses the SPLC *because* they’re not a reliable source.
Anyone the Feebs have an interest in, the SPLC puts them on their list, therefore the Feebs have probable cause to investigate. Nice and circular, da, comrades?
Re: requiring charging plugs in new houses. Considering the battery-fire risk in electric cars, that will guarantee more houses burn down. They should always be stored / charged in a stand-alone or “expendable” or totally fire-proof structure.
They should also ban bathtubs because on occasion people drown in them.
And all cars should surround the occupants in bubble wrap.
And don’t get me started about fireplaces. OPEN FIRE in a house. God help us all.
And children should wear helmets at all times so they don’t bump their heads.
> Welsh government axes ALL the country’s major road building projects – and say no more will be built unless they won’t cause more cars or higher emissions.
It’s a test case. If it works, it will spread.
Damned proles should take the bus or the train, where they can be monitored and are only allowed to go where the routes run. Just letting them run around unsupervised in their own personal transport was a bad mistake, tovarisch. But the glorious People’s Senedd of Wales is fixing that even as we watch! Glory to the new Five-Year Plan!
[cue up “Marseillaise” to drown out any misguided and unpatriotic objections]
> Norwegian Intelligence Services have reported, for the first time since the Cold War, Russia has started deploying tactical nuclear weapons to their Northern Fleet warships.
Considering Uncle Joe (Biden) has tossed around the n-word, and Ukraine’s current demands that the US give them nukes of their own, I view the Russian response as merely reasonable and prudent.
Biden and his rainbow cabinet are unpredictable and probably several cans short of a six-pack.
> Georgia Senate approves proposal to install Clarence Thomas statue at state Capitol.
I’ll bet ten quatloos it doesn’t make it a full year before it’s vandalized.
The antifeebs toppled a statue of Frederick Douglass in New York, and destroyed a statue of an elk in Oregon.
Douglass wasn’t only black, he was a former slave. I don’t know what elk might get up to, but they’re probably not Fascists either.
I’m going to push back on China or Russia revealing the surveillance.
Its the Western governments, or the Cabal through their puppet Western governments, threatening war with Russia and China. At least with Russia, its not the other way around. The Russian government has actually been very careful to not give NATO an excuse to go to war with them.
If the Russian or Chinese governments know about the surveillance operation, the Cabal has certainly wargamed that and is prepared for it. They can deny it through their media, and from what we have seen nearly everyone will go with that. They can go to nuclear war, which I think is their objective, so quickly that any reveals will no longer matter.
And I think they have populations in western countries so cowed that the Cabal could reveal the surveillance themselves, in fact arm them and give them uniforms and badges, and they will be in control. I think normies sort of know already but know not to talk about it. I see in internet commentary a lot an overestimation of what armed but isolated individuals, with no way to replenish ammunition, and no co-ordination, can accomplish against on organized for that can do both.
And they did this everywhere!
I tried to look into the HAARP earthquake case and there’s some interesting tidbits. HAARP technology is regularly used to map out underground oil and mineral reserves. Also the management of HAARP was moved to university of Alaska in 2015. University of Alaska houses the Geophysical Institute which specialiaces in research on tectonics and sedimentation. But it’s really impossible to say for sure, Turkey has a history of huge earth quakes.
I suppose my question is- there are now all these videos and think pieces by immigrants of them up in a helicopter, flying over green farmland, saying “Look at all this empty space. Why isn’t there a city here? Why isn’t there apartments?”
Or the EU trying to pave over Belgian or Netherlands farmlands.
These helicopters never circle the nearly empty apartment blocks in Chinese built cities. They have gleaming broad avenues ready for cars, apartment high rises ready for people, shopping malls ready for commerce, no churches to bother any of the unbelievers.
Why aren’t the immigrants flocking to the empty cities? Why aren’t the immigrants circling Detroit, asking why they can’t move in and rebuild Detroit? Or the destroyed once industrial cities of the Midwest?
Why the locust looking at good, well-maintained green farms, lusting after grey concrete?
White girls are more attractive compared to their homeland. They are also of easy virtue.
They are here to have sex with white women
You’re not wrong.
I’m not talking about women. I’m talking about wanting to pave over farmland. There are brand spanking new, sparkling, gleaming cities full of skyscrapers in China that not one refugee is trying to get to. World travellers are not taking helicopter rides over these cities, the way they are over rural England, or farmland Virginia, questioning why there are not developments. First and second generation immigrants are campaigning to put dense housing on the coast in California, not in the dry and dusty interior. It’s not like Phoenix- dry, dusty and hot- isn’t around as an example.
Or the lowlands in Europe. The last big set of agricultural innovations is out of that group of farmers. Why on earth are their governments trying to displace the only independent, literate, innovative, most technologically advanced farmers in the ENTIRE WORLD. It’s practically South Africa, Rhodesia levels of short-sighted insanity. Or Stalin versus the farmers around the Black Sea? Shipping out entire communities that had been there since the beginning of recorded history.
It really is beyond stupidity, and right into levels of depraved, destructive, anti-human evil.
Trump reportedly wants to bring back firing squads and air executions on television if re-elected.
Don, put your money where your mouth is….PLEASE!
voyeurism. Pandering to base instincts. Red flag
Red Meat.
We just need him to payoff and let us eat it rather than waving it around for us to smell and then never giving us any.
Red meat for whom?
Will you salivate & drool at the sight of public executions like Ukrainians murdering Russian soldiers and public humiliation & torture of gypsies?
Some things, while necessary, are not for public exhibition.
Red Meat for all those who desire justice and who have gone their entire lives being denied justice.
I will probably not even watch, but knowing it is happening and can be observed to be actually happening rather than being a lie we are told while the traitors are given new lives somewhere is Red Meat all by itself.
Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
Public executions put fear into the hearts of all those who might commit similar crimes and reassure the innocent that their rulers are doing their jobs.
What I might do in the right circumstances is to be a member of the firing squads executing the convicted criminals.
Apropos of nothing, but speaking to my wife about Bill Clinton’s reputation for a memory that defied scientific explanation (remembering some inconsequential dude he met in AR as gov later when he was president) resulted in a much cleaner explanation for it:
Sub-dermal earpiece a la AOC and company, laughing at a joke no one told (on your surveillance page).
That would explain the ridiculous memory of Bill Clinton MUCH more neatly, since Cabal obviously wanted Bill to make as many friends as possible.
A lot of politicians use “tickler” files. Some aide notes everyone they speak with, notes the subject of the conversations, and maintains a dossier on them. Before anyone is admitted to The Presence, an aide checks the tickler file and relays some of it to the pol – usually any personal information they might have revealed, such as family, hobbies, or special interests. The pol then drops that into the conversation, making people feel remembered and important.
The ancient Romans had a similar system. Pols gotta pol, you know.
Yeah it’s a tried and true method but this wasn’t that. Wish i could find it but this guy was a nobody in AR and still a nobody but Bill remembered him.
If an autism symptom can be ‘switched off’ then it can be ‘switched on’ as well. And by the same method- ie. a shot.
Ukraine needs from 40 to 48 billion US dollars to support the economy in 2023. Go rattle your tin cup at Europe. We are out of doe for this. If you are blackmailing our politicos then just expose it already. It’s high time we cleaned our own house. We have need for that money.
Destroying us is the real point.
Zelenski will hop a jet and leave for His mansions just before the Russians roll in, he knows Russia is going to win and there is no point in asking for anything more.
We are out of doe for this.
Oh deer, we don’t even have a buck to spare!
AC’s experience with surveillance may go beyond the possibly outdated techniques in this book from 2012 but it way have some interest to this blog’s readers.
This is really something good about the Schwab. It rings true when you read it.
I suspect Klaus is at best an orbiter. He’s not in charge of anything. He fetches coffee once in a while in the City of London. I think the real architects of all this are way too bright to ever appear in public. Schwab is like the Mandarin in the IRONMAN movie who turns out to be a fifth rate actor simply playing a part. You get the sense he’s just not bright enough for any of these plans to have originated with him.
There’s a picture of the diagram offered by Klaus in his book at the article above. It’s a spiderweb of meaninglessness which Klaus believed looked like it represented insight. I’ve seen diagrams like these working in software development. They are drawn by people who are one breakdown away from admitting to imposter syndrome. They draw diagrams like these for the simple reason that they have no idea of what they are doing and are desperate to conceal it. They can’t analyze a problem well enough to categorize it in terms of core principles so they just draw everything connected to everything else.
Dumb as Schwab is, it only points to the real owners of Cabal being much more intelligent than most people could possibly comprehend. They may be pretty based in an evil supervillain sort of way, recognizing that most of those people in the red zones they have been targeting are not much good as servants, as opposition or even merit much consideration at all. I think the left are just the low hanging fruit being removed from the playing field. Just as implied by your book, Cabal may have decided that people with amygdala function this impaired simply are not desirable for any purpose whatsoever and are fit only to be culled.
This post was sent straight to my trash folder “by the software.”
Just in case you think the machine doesn’t still love you…
Hope all is well.
The men behind the curtain are only slightly more intelligent than their frontmen.
They are the Wizard of Oz putting up a big scary front, that’s why they have shifted to using literal Bond villains as the projected image, people were not sufficiently scared of their previous frontmen.
The only ones with any brains were their ancestors a few generations back and their leader the devil.
Tex, hope all is well and would like you to know your site is missed. I saw that it is archived and it may be recoverable if you log in, might we need to get some coin up to facilitate? Being able to at least peruse the archives (I was almost through 2014) would be of benefit to readers here and beyond. Just a thought, thanks for all you have done and endured. If it is not in the cards, I am glad for what I had been able to absorb.
Website is archived.
If you are owner this site, please login to your admin panel to re-activate the project.
Sir Klaus Schwab was knighted in 2006. Cabal is the British Crown.
The degenerate Windsor family are of low intelligence. Their court Jews are cunning, but stupid. That is why cabal throttles early all empathetic children of high intelligence, while recruiting narcissists, perverts and psychopaths into the “worldly success” matrix.
The cabal is not the british crown. The british crown is subservient to cabal. There’s a big difference.
SOmething thta night interest you.
Nim programming language
“lock your doors”
For some reason I am reminded of this, though he doesn’t say that phrase specifically.
Vox is right.
Either she’s full of shit or she’s part of the club (meaning the shooting was planned / scripted).
Donnez-moi un fucking break. Attention whores are going to attention whore.
Just as you don’t “survive” a fatal car wreck by crawling in traffic past the scene on the Interstate, you don’t “survive” a mass shooting by happening to be in vicinity or a few buildings away. (Looking at you, Parkland “teens”.) You survive by taking rounds or shrapnel and living.
He got the math wrong. It’s the “classroom birthday” non-intuitive. In a class of 30 students, it’s very likely that two students will have the same birthday. That’s because the odds aren’t 1:365 * 1:365. For a class of thirty, you have (30*29)/2 permutations to consider, or 435. So the actual odds are (365-29):430, or 78% odds.
I’m not a mathematician so I can’t apply the math directly with any confidence. However, we all overlooking something buried in the story. She wasn’t even a student of Sandy Hook at the time of the shooting. Her own story is that she was at Reed Middle School, on the other side of the highway, where no one was shot and no one was killed.
Saw a meme on Gab that I thought was worth sharing here. My response to the meme is that yes it is kind of like that. Psyops within psyops within psyops. I’m sure some of them are actually distractions from others but at this point it is getting pretty convoluted.
Ron Pearlman and Slurnovich look fucking related to me:
Buttigieg is supposedly “Maltese” and a former Roman Catholic, but his physiognomy is 100% Rat.
Sodomite nations will be destroyed
ANONYMOUS CONSERVATIVE a number of my posts have not been approved lately, if you thought you approved everything you may need to check the spam and trash.
I’ve been approving comments, only to find all of a sudden the database shut down again and what I did wasn’t registered and I have to redo it. It dawned on me that could fuck up comments too.
I hate to fuck with this thing because it feels like one wrong move and the whole thing will crash, but I uninstalled and reinstalled the newer version of the caching plugin, because I thought maybe that got fucked up somehow and was not serving caches, putting all the load on the database. In the process I fucked it up and had to contact tech support, and I asked about the sidebar links getting deleted, and at least that has stopped, though we didn’t actually do anything for it.
However today there were a bunch of good comments by regulars filling up trash and spam, so that issue is not fixed. But I haven’t see the install page myself yet, so maybe that will stop.
I’ll stick what I found in spam and trash in a comment under today’s brief to bring it to the top.
Software these days is such a huge ball of string held together by tape and spit that it’s impossible to understand it. I was, for fun, going to try and understand GUI programming and it became such a massive mash of different libraries that I gave up. There’s just too many of them to really understand it, or at least in some reasonable time.
Hey spooks monitoring, are you ok with what is happening?
“If foreign nations have any of this, even just the ability to open our nation’s eyes, they literally have Joe Biden and the entire Cabal by the balls.”
Communist policy of converging organized crime is a century old now. Any mass control file dump is in preparation of a WMD first strike(s). If NSA can snatch all electronic SIGINT comms – like Russian generals’ discussing Ukraine invasion timetables – they have this as well. Dual possession limits how the leverage can be deployed by both parties.
“once real Americans control the US, this nation will use everything – the full force of the military, to hunt all of these people down across the globe”
US Army War College published plans before 9/11 for the military occupation of Palestine to enforce a 2 State Solution by force of arms. The Missing 21 Trillion from the DOD testified to by Rumsfeld the day prior have ballooned to over 40 trillion by Dr. Mark Skidmore’s calculations thanks to FASB-56 shadow accounting. Between NSA and whatever spook capabilities, pulling these threads should be trivial. Yet millions are allowed to flood in across the southern border, and whomever’s assets along with. From the standpoint of nuclear proliferation beginning from within the compromised Manhattan Project itself, the unstaunched wound persisting through the present forms an ugly picture.
“The US cannot have a hot war with China, because China will touch off our own citizenry’s hot war with Cabal within our own nation.”
The military is more than capable of taking out the reactivated Sino-Soviet block conventionally. It’s only a question of strategic weapons’ use. PLAN non-nuclear surface ships are incapable of securing the Malacca Straight, and we’ve all seen Russia’s Shock and Awe parody in Ukraine. The lawful sovreigntist patriotic faction, to the extent that it exists and exerts the real ‘Maoist’ levers of power, must be willing to crack a few eggs to make an unfettered omelette. If that sort of domestic disturbance was a contingency trigger for a joint first strike by Moscow-Beijing, that might be justifiable. Otherwise, it’s irredeemably namby pamby (as if K weren’t assured ascendancy in any such contentions).
“Turks Suspect US Geoweapon”
They ought to suspect the Scandinavian countries’ arrays. Eurotrash communists are perfectly capable of deploying their own Fukushima-esque hits to railroad NATO accession.
“Octagon” COG contingencies”
Could just as well be a veiled “I’m watching you, fuckers. Want to find out?” No actual object, or factual description thereof required. Both Beijing and the PLA declined to communicate with the Pentagon over these things. This sort of circumlocution would set the enemies’ wheels spinning.
“Would you have not wanted to investigate those things?”
Tinfoil: The F-35’s supposed budgetary boondoggle runs cover for the fact that it’s hand-me-down off the shelf stuff, and most if not all of that budget is to recoup and further actual exotic leading edge tech. Further development can’t be budgeted in peace time or without geostrategic rivals & threats (if only to keep up the pretense in the eyes of 3rd non-terran parties that might take exception to our ‘rearmament’, Versailles Treaty abrogation style after a conflict in deep antiquity).
“air executions on television if re-elected.”
Per Dutton-Turley, Western genius production rates peak in the 1800s thanks to very aggressive and systematic pruning of Lobaczevski’s “pathocrats”, or at least their B-cluster recruitment pool, the ‘spiteful mutants’ that now proliferate thanks to modern infant mortality. Public executions have a deterrent effect, and the untouchables won’t be chastened without them for their perfidy.
“Pooh Shiesty” [apparently homologous with a Russian phrase, which I can’t recall]
Spotem survived a hit on him, receiving multiple wounds. Pooh Shiesty on the other hand is like Kanye — affluent family, father was a producer/recording engineer type in the industry. Very quickly got Gucci Mane to feature with him and pal Big 30 (the more talented and ‘authentic’ of the two). Ultimately caught on camera shaking down dope dealers in a hot vehicle. Supposedly Shiesty was sold out by suspect Fed narc Lil Durk, who also appeared on one of his more viral tracks, “I warned you about me.” from another song of Durk’s. Shiesty was put in the Green Apron for suicidal casees, like that Waukesha SOB was (speculated initially as either getting in trouble with other inmates, or a sign that he talked/took a plea deal). Basically, Shiesty’s rise was conspicuous and not entirely authentic to the hood life, whatever his talents were.
“simultaneously fight an “out of area” non-Article V event at the same time.”
Wouldn’t assume this was Ukraine, or Taiwan necessarily after the Ohio derailing.
“Liberals confuse emotion with rationality.”
Something something “power process” and “surrogate activity”
“$3 epilepsy drug.”
Sussy stuff nonetheless:
“Gene therapy to stop religious “fundamentalism” was proposed at the Pentagon as a flu vaccine!”
False Prophets be like:
So many End-Times Prophecy end up being a farce like this one.
Dear AC, can you get cranio-sacral massage? I don’t know that it will help, but it’s worth trying.
Asian ginger garlic onion soup? b-12? Sauna or hot tub?
Swimming, walking as long as possible outside in sunshine?
I am functional for now. And doing pretty well on the exercise front, which is a necessity. You have to get the blood flowing. I expect over the next few months I should slowly get back to square one. In the meantime I am hopping up on caffeine to keep operational and it is working for me, though I suspect my writing here may be a little confusing to regular people at times. I’ve caught stuff on the final read where I got confused what I had intended to mean. Just not clear.
But definitely better than it was, so give it time.
Tobacco smoke cures long covid.
As someone who smokes like a chimney, I can tell you that I have my doubts.
Sauna is superb and I recommend it for everyone. The science is clear. It sweats out toxins, increases blood and lymph flow, relaxes muscles, releases growth hormone. Check out Andrew Huberman clips on YouTube discussing it. Regular sauna used promotes a substantial reduction in all cause mortality.
Cornell Researchers Developing On-Demand Male Contraceptive
Bankman-Fried’s Bail Guarantors Revealed