News Briefs – 02/15/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


To the anonymous commenter having trouble loading the comments – I saw your comment, so it should show for everyone and you are posting it right. With regard to your seeing the comments, what browser are you using? Can you download the Brave browser and try it with that? It sounds like some security box checked in your browser’s set up menu is blocking something the site uses to display comments. That or it’s a seriously outdated browser.

The SCOTUS is now scheduled to consider the voter fraud cases for Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia on February 19, 2021. It will be the Pennsylvania case about them instituting new rules without consulting the legislature, pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell’s Michigan election case, and Lin Wood’s Georgia election case.

Just in time for the Supreme Court case, Patrick Byrne’s computer techs have made enormous progress analyzing the data hacks, and so far have identified over 2 million votes that were flipped via computer hacking alone. I would assume that means a 4 million vote swing in crucial swing states that Biden one by ten or twenty thousand votes. I would imagine this data is pretty solid, and will be presented the the court by Powell, who Byrne is working with, and who seems to grasp the importance of technology. It will leave the Supreme Court in a very bad place. Either they will over-turn the election, or they will rubber stamp a clearly fraudulent election and be cursed throughout history.

From the comments – in northern New Jersey a woman says she saw a “glimmer man” in invisibility camouflage which appeared to be trying to abduct her son. What is fascinating is it is exactly like the story told in Missing 411, rehashed here. Silence in the woods, the blob being up in the trees, some sort of weird mental fog descending on people. It makes me wonder if the movie Predator wasn’t just a figment of some writer’s imagination. And of course, the book Chameleo and Tom Bauerle’s situation are brought to mind.

Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki is confronted for considering domestic travel restrictions while having migrants being freely released after crossing our open borders.

Former Gov. Pataki thinks New Yorkers should take a hard look at recalling Gov. Cuomo over the “reprehensible” cover-up of nursing home deaths. My impression is Cuomo is a highly valued Cabal asset who was needed badly to issue the secret pardons for state crimes that were purposely commuted in New York during the Obama administration, while Obama issued the Federal pardons. Before Cuomo there was Patterson, who Cabal tried to wrangle with surveillance blackmail, and when that didn’t work out, they had Cuomo first open investigations of him as AG, before Cabal somehow muscled Patterson into submission and withdrawing, and then put Cuomo in the position. If Cabal was still in power, I would think you would see Pataki (most likely a Cabal asset himself) keep his mouth shut, so this may mean something.

What did Romney do while he was at Bain Capital? From the article: Rolling Stone does an honest take-down on Romney? That doesn’t fit if Cabal has regained control. From the article: “Take a typical Bain transaction involving an Indiana-based company called American Pad and Paper. Bain bought Ampad in 1992 for just $5 million, financing the rest of the deal with borrowed cash. Within three years, Ampad was paying $60 million in annual debt payments, plus an additional $7 million in management fees. A year later, Bain led Ampad to go public, cashed out about $50 million in stock for itself and its investors, charged the firm $2 million for arranging the IPO and pocketed another $5 million in “management” fees. Ampad wound up going bankrupt, and hundreds of workers lost their jobs, but Bain and Romney weren’t crying: They’d made more than $100 million on a $5 million investment.”

Michigan State Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey was caught on camera telling officials from the Hillsdale County Republican Party that the Capitol takeover was a “staged” “hoax,” and Mitch McConnell “was part of it… They wanted to have a mess” so that they could impeach Donald Trump.

Biden will take up failed Obama project to shutter Guantanamo Bay.

Right wing America First groups are splintering due to suspicions over informants. Fuentes is organizing a meet up, which in these times is extremely unwise. As you know there will be surveillance all around the meet up and as much as 15-20% of the group meeting up may be informants. And he wants your real name and data, which makes everyone suspicious he is some sort of Cabal-agent burning those uninitiated to the intel game and the reality of a world under Cabal. And of course the rumor is he has to drive there because he is on a no-fly list. Once you are on the official list, you will become a target.

Antifa blocked the exit of Seattle’s East Precinct with a pile of snow tonight, in an effort to stop vehicles from responding to emergency calls.

Vox Day on how the vaccines could potentiate a new Coronavirus infection in the future.

Big Pharma’s attack on Ivermectin has begun.

Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vaccine test positive for coronavirus.

The Oregon Department of Education is promoting a program for teachers that seeks to “disman[tle] racism in mathematics,” alleging that focusing on finding the right answer is a symbol of white supremacy.

It is possible China is using CRISPR gene editing technology to experiment on its soldiers to try and improve their capabilities.

Rand Paul says senators who wear masks are ‘science deniers.’

Children of QAnon believers are desperately trying to deradicalize their own parents. You can argue whether Q is real of not, but if you claim he is fake, you have to explain why the Cabal-media is in such a panic about it.

Domestic travelers won’t need a negative Chinavirus test before flying, CDC says. Interesting, as it appeared Cabal wanted to turn that into a trackable ID, but apparently they won’t be getting it. If gun control goes the same way, the leftists behind the Democrats and RINOs will be shown to not be in control.

Michigan ammo maker says no bullets for Biden voters.

Spread r/K Theory, because the signs don’t look bad.

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4 years ago

I just come to a realization—when I was kid, I watched the Vietnam War on TV. I wanted so much to go over there and fight. And I was sad, the war ended before I got there. Mad that we stabbed the South Vietnamese in the back and we DID win the war but was sabotaged by our media, our communist universities, and leaders like Kissinger. What was my dream as a kid—dying while charging a machine gun nest. Crazy huh. Entered the Corps as soon as I turned 18.

Well—-never in my wildest dreams, I’M IN A VIETNAM WAR NOW in my own home country! Instead of “going over there”—it’s a-happening down-the-street! We’ve got a victorious Communist insurgency going on in this country—Who’d have thunk that??? I missed out on the real Vietnam War—only to find myself, in my sixties, IN a Vietnam War IN my country.

The Moral of the Story—Be very careful…be very, very careful, what one wishes for. Even getting my brains splattered by an FBI sniper is a good possibility. Who’d have thunk all of this?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Even getting my brains splattered by an FBI sniper is a good possibility. Who’d have thunk all of this?

Randy Weaver, speaking on behalf of his dead wife, concurs.

4 years ago

I don’t imagine that glimmer is bullet-proof.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
4 years ago

Regarding the “glimmer man”: That this is similar to an incident previously reported only makes me suspect Munchausen syndrome.

Women be cray cray n sheit.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
4 years ago

Regarding the woman who saved her kid from the Blob in the Tree: Could simply be a crazy lady.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Me too. I don’t know what these incidents mean, but my gut tells me they mean SOMETHING.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

They could also be angels. I had an odd experience, one of a sudden series when I was first finding faith, in which the world seemed to shimmer and distort. When it cleared and I looked around to see if anything was different, I noticed a guy sitting opposite me. Hadn’t noticed him before. Sitting on his table was a book, spine facing me, right side up, title HOLY BIBLE. I approached him and chatted briefly, and he was an absurdly lucid and articulate homeless man. Draw of it what you will.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Anything is possible. One question would be why they would be messing around with the tech in the vicinity of civilians.

Be wary of things women report. Some will do anything for attention.

P.S. Sorry for the double post. I wasn’t seeing it posted and was wondering if I was getting blocked because reasons.

P.P.S. Thank you for your tireless efforts keeping us informed. A healthy portion of my Gab fame comes from simply reposting what you report. With credit, always, of course.

4 years ago

>Children of QAnon believers are desperately trying to deradicalize their own parents.

Sounds like bullshit to me. Most boomers aren’t very internet savy and wouldn’t know about Q anyway.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

the last sentence is an assumption. but yes its a bs article.

4 years ago

Could be that Romney is such an insufferable ass that even the Cabal wants him gone.

Reply to  Nels
4 years ago


4 years ago

The interesting thing people don’t know about Bain is that it was capitalized using money from Hughes medical.

If you recall, Howard Hughes liked Mormons. In the last years of his life, Hughes’ inner circle was made up almost exclusively of Mormons. Bill Gay was trustee of Hughes medical when Howard Hughes died.

Mysteriously, millions of dollars from Hughes medical ended up being funneled into Bain Capital who was being managed by Bill Gay’s son. His son is Robert C. Gay, the co-founder and CEO of Huntsman Gay Global Capital, and before that managing director of Bain Capital for sixteen years.

The connection to Howard Hughes is how Mormonism became an asset of the CIA. Prominent Mormons were heavily involved in the John Birch society and helped fund the Bay of Pigs invasion. E. Howard Hunt, after Kennedy was shot, was hired by a Mormon-owned PR firm,

4 years ago

Regarding Missing 411: Dave Paulides recently lost his adult son to “mental illness”, which is a nice way of saying he committed suicide. Dave himself has been very vocal recently about the trouble he’s had with Park Authorities, especially with Yosemite National Park. He’s even named the agents who have given him serious trouble in his YouTube videos.

While I don’t know the circumstances surrounding his son’s death, other than possible suicide, it makes me wonder if Dave was targeted by a group working with the Cabal to try and get him to back off the National Park Service. I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Cabal is using some of our National Parks to hide their activities.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

certain NW national parks are like Rockefeller enclaves. so, yes. / and maybe all of them.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
4 years ago

Regarding David Paulides and Missing 411. He and AC are approaching the same question from different angles.

David Paulides asked for a list of missing persons in National Parks and the National Park Service asked for a million dollars to release the information. Obviously, the National Parks are desperate to hide the number of people who go missing or die on the lands under their jurisdiction. His YT channel is under constant interference with all the usual cabal tricks, awry algorithms, people being involuntarily unsubscribed, channel numbers being suppressed. He was prevented from filming in Yosemite by park officials. Officials definitely don’t want the public to know there is something that is killing people in the parks.

I have the deepest respect for David Paulides and the work he is doing on our behalf.

One group of killings David has spoken about are not inside the parks. Called the Smiley Face Killers, it is the name given to a cluster of killings of young, male, high achieving college aged men. ‘Between 1997 and 2008, authorities pulled the bodies of 40 young, white men out of rivers and lakes in 25 cities across 11 states. They were mostly all college aged, popular and athletic. Most had been last seen leaving bars or parties.’

On January 26th AC made this comment.

‘So if we talk about the Secret Society, or gang stalking, or especially the real sore spot –
Secret society kids reporting back to their parents on the surveillance they run in schools, so the parents can amass files on all the kids in the school, the shills are not allowed to amplify that.’

There are all kind of reasons the secret society amass files on kids. One is taking out our best and brightest and permanently causing damage to their family, friends and community. The cabal live to defile hope, innocence and beauty and get away with it.

It’s the newest iteration of the Spartan Krypteia.

I’ll just leave you with these words of mtnforge on Feb 7. So many of the commenters here say it better than I can.

‘This is America, and some thing, some it, some machine, a global network, an international criminal blackmail syndicate totally infiltrating every position and branch and seat of all types of power and influence, a cabal of the scale and scope is incomprehensible to people. A system which the victims fund with their stolen wealth creation. One ruthless dictum of Marxist/Leninism is to “make war pay for war”.

In no uncertain terms almost to a man and a woman, no American outside the ingroup has any knowledge something like IT is even possible, never mind it exists and is your co-worker…
But…some people are starting to figure out its even possible to begin with, a few are starting to suspect their suspicions their gut instincts, their strange flashes of shared tiny insights, may be barely the top of the iceberg of something crouching in the shadows, that too many coincidences and occurrences which always happen to them, but never to certain others, is not coincidence or natural consequences.

Their amygdala’s are saying something, getting through, like in so many people having similar dreams, similar sense of something not right, of truths dark and long disguised, of things and actions and certain actors which evince patterns no matter the circumstance they always get off, are rewarded instead of justice, why these patterns of repeated strange behavior, quotes, claims, which do not compute with any reasonable expected pattern. Something shadowy, malicious, lurking…’

We are almost at the stage where we will have to act or we will be complicit with evil, accessories after the fact.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks AC. Like you and others, David has been dealing with pushback for some time now. As swiftfoxmark2 commented, you have to wonder how far the pushback goes in the light of recent events.

They hurt our loved ones and gloat about it. Not publicly of course, the cowardice runs deep in these things.

Some Krypteia. Only worthy of contempt.

Your story about the possible victim of a Smiley Face Crew rings true. He fits the profile. He is fortunate that he is still alive.

Many victims of rape keep it to themselves and don’t seek justice through the legal system. I have had some involvement with the system in these matters and I understand why. Even with support, the brutality of the system on the victim can be like a further violation.

Also, I think many people sense the system is stacked against them if they are not Cabal or they cannot further the Cabal’s interests. So they let it go even though the crimes are serious.

And many people don’t want the stigma of the identity as a victim of rape because of the shame attached to it and the memories it brings up. Better to bury it. Fair enough, it’s the one thing they still have control over.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  fren
4 years ago

This realisation is part one of the Hegelian dialectic.
They will get you with their ‘fake’ solution, fake move back to ‘reason, faith, family, values’. You will ALL love it.

But they won’t speak about remembering the Sabbath or eating only clean meats, or celebrating my Father’s commanded holy feast days. They will keep you occupied and entertained, and keep your eyes off the fact there is a God and He demands your faithful obedience to His laws.

And so, God will spew you all out, and you’ll spend 1,000 years in the pits with Satan and his minions, then all of you will burn together in a fiery lake.

Sad eh, many such cases. To think a prancing fat old female called Donald fooled you all.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  fren
4 years ago

David Paulides is a stand up guy, and has spent years traveling around the country collecting info on a very disturbing pattern of what appears to be culling of humans inside our national parks.

These stories, hundreds of them, are well researched and known to local and federal law enforcement, but it took David collating all of it to bring the ugly patterns to the light of day.

Make no mistake, something is stalking and killing humans, many of them never to be seen again, and many of these reports defy human capabilities. It’s been going on for many decades.

Don’t listen to David’s work or presentations just before bed because it will haunt you.

4 years ago

Community Service time – just came across this rich /pol/ database worth sharing:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

Nice. Thanks.

4 years ago

It’s also worth noting that Trump initiated operation warp speed and constantly tweeted about the precisely the glorious new vaccines that Vox is suggesting could be a kind of biological tag for future targeted weapons.

AC, have you considered setting some sort of personal deadline where you admit that Q & Trump were a psychological operation? I’m not saying this is easy. I was a Q believer for a solid year because there is so much truth in what he says, and it took me another full year to unplug as Trump’s stock market pumping, money printing, and vaccine evangelism finally became too much cognitive dissonance to ignore.

Also, since LittleBook’s website requires a login, and I know he reads here, I’m going to throw this out for him: If you look up mask mandates and lockdowns vs corona virus cases across the world, you will find that they do simply do not matter. In fact, mask use is correlated with higher covid rates, not lower, because the causality runs in the other direction.

The intellectual problem with all of this is that masks and lockdowns should work, as the experiment with aerosols and masks shows. In other words, something else in your worldview is broken. To quote Sherlock Holmes, when the impossible has been eliminated, what remains, no matter how implausible, must be the truth . . .

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

suggest there’s multiple vaxes. and some are placebos. and I don’t need any of them.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Hey guy, I’ve found some serious evidence of Cabal blackmail of Trump. It’s been on youtube for awhile too.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Trump’s vaccine evangelism is what also raised red flags for me. This stuff is horrible, not really a vaccine but gene therapy, and Trump fast tracked the whole thing.

Not good.

That, and Trump giving Fauci de facto control over public health policy.

Fauci is openly compromised and has been for decades. It’s not even a secret. There is no way Trump didn’t know that.

As another commenter stated yesterday, Trump was ushered in by a faction of the DS. Once he had served his purpose, they withdrew support.

That makes more sense than anything right now.

The faction that initially supported Trump may be searching for a less volatile, or more easily controllable, candidate to further activate the plan.

Trump has concrete evidence of fraud, but chose to walk away.

Either the people backing him withdrew support, or the story of Melania begging him to walk away due to credible threats against Trump’s kids, those are the only two options that make sense based on current evidence… which may change, of course.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

If she did beg him to walk away, I would totally understand. I have kids. But it still won’t go over well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

dates aren’t for the faithful. be prepared. they are to get cabal/ds to panic moar. then they send people out to make posts like the one you quoted above.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I am starting to believe that “datefags” are just part of the cabal strategy to demoralize us at this point. They set up some arbitrary date, hype it up, and of course nothing happens but it is devastating to any anons who buy into it. It is done over and over again until they become numb and believe “nothing ever happens”, or as the OP wants you to believe, “Q is a psyop”. There is just so much we don’t know, so many variables and conditions that delay or advance operations. There are cabal and military communications hidden inside disinformation (which even Q admits to posting himself), half-truths, and complete fabrications everywhere in the online sea of overinformation, a gargantuan heap of digital garbage that swells larger by the day in an effort to cover any specks of truth. This is the digital battlefield we are fighting on. Anyone claiming something is going to happen on a specific date is either ignorant of this or a shill.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…we have a Supreme Court case, which has consolidated EVERY facet of the fraud into one big show and tell…”

I don’t place much faith in that because…the idiot Congressmen verified the electoral college. It’s done. They followed the law. Even if the results were crooked they certified anyways knowing this.

Now I will say something that might annoy people but I don’t want the Supreme court deciding elections. The courts are a bunch of crooked pawns.

I would have been fully on board with Trump arresting all the people involved with the crooked election and declaring Marshal law then redoing the disputed elections. I see nothing in that not legal but having the military or the courts decide AFTER the thing is done long term would be a mistake.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago


“It’s also worth noting that Trump initiated operation warp speed and constantly tweeted about the precisely the glorious new vaccines that Vox is suggesting could be a kind of biological tag for future targeted weapons.”

This matter of Trump and the vaccines keeps getting brought up.

When Trump was debating during the run-up to the 2016 elections, he was asked his position on vaccines. All he stated was he believed the vaccine schedule was too aggressive, with too many vaccines being given at to young an age. He said something like “you get this tiny little beautiful baby and these big, giant pills” or something to that effect.

Just because Trump deftly avoids being accused of being an ant-vaxxer, does not mean he is part of some nefarious plot.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  map
4 years ago

Trump greenlit, and fast tracked, the massive roll out of gene therapy for a virus with a survival rate of 99.98%.

That is not someone’s opinion.

He did it, and he owns that.

He also owns giving a compromised sociopath like Fauci a platform to institute a medical tyranny.

Trump could have pulled the plug on Fauci at any time, but never did.

Trump had the power to fast track Ivermectin for general prophylactic use and could have brought this pandemic to a complete halt in less than a month.

Instead, we have the roll out of wildly experimental “vaccines” that have already killed thousands of elderly patients that had weathered the first wave of the virus.

It is not blackpilling or shilling to point out what Trump actually did.

He owns those actions. They were not good choices, and that’s putting it mildly.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

Trump could not have done what you wanted without being impeached and removed.

Reply to  Dave, again.
4 years ago

Trump got attacked for mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a potential therapeutic and got whacked all over the world for it, along with bogus studies about how dangerous it is.

Given that, you expected Trump to promote Ivermectin? How would that look? Yes, Trump wants you to take apple-flavored horse medication.

Trump still has to operate within the world of normies who believe all kinds of lies without question. He is not going to come out being an anti-vaxxer.

4 years ago

I have a good deal of respect for the view, espoused by Russ Winter and others, that Donald Trump was essentially playing the role of Count Dooku or Emmanuel Goldstein to the Cabal. While it woudn’t surprise me if this turned out to be true, my problem with the theory is that the Cabal or globalists were always powerful enough that they didn’t need controlled opposition. They could have just put Hillary Clinton in and kept rolling. The Trump administration cost them at least a couple of years.

Take the COVID lockdowns, for example. These were done in almost every country in the world, and transitioned to the “new normal” in nearly every developed, western country (the developing world is starting to back away). This was done regardless of the ideology of the ruling party or the form of government. You didn’t need some German version of Trump to lock down Germany, for example.

If the controlled opposition theory was valid, you would have expected Marine Le Pen to get elected to the French presidency and then to be completely ineffective due to bureaucratic sabotage (in fact the French bureaucracy after the election leaked a plan to do exactly that, if she had one). Instead they put in Rothschild banker Macron and implemented their policies directly. I do suspect the 2016 election in the USA was some sort of Cabal project that got out of hand.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

the sheer level of panicky language and body language from pols, msm, and shills, militates against the idea trump is controlled. 8kun is loaded with shillitude tonight…

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It definitely makes no logical sense that Trump was controlled opposition.

That’s too messy.

Various gray hat factions backed him, then retracted their support once they had made the moves they felt they needed to make.

I will amend that opinion when and if new evidence arises.

4 years ago
4 years ago

> It will leave the Supreme Court in a very bad place. Either they will over-turn the election, or they will rubber stamp a clearly fraudulent election and be cursed throughout history.

or they just punt the case again

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Punting would be rubber stamping it.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

Sure are alot of new name concern fags in here.