Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – George Soros Picks Beaten-Down Stocks For His Fund
DFT – Saudi Arabia Looks To Join BRICS and SCO
DFT – Bruegel – Europe Must Target Energy Subsidies As Bloc Approaches One Trillion Spent
DFT – Walmart To Close Three US Technology Hubs
DFT – Oil Falls Off More Strategic Reserve Releases
Archival Material of Cabal – Mass. Mom strangled her 3 children to death after she heard a ‘man’s voice telling her to.’ From the article:
In the weeks leading up to the suspected murders, Lindsay had “suicidal ideations” and thoughts of harming her children, which prompted her to commit herself to a psychiatric hospital in Boston on January 1. However, she was discharged on January 5, with no paperwork filed to have her committed as a danger to herself or others.
It sounds nuts to think somebody might have done this to her purposely, and yet we know, CIA took over a small depression clinic in Canada, where a wife might go to get away from an abusive home life and get some therapy for a weekend. They took the patients, represented their MK Ultra experiments as legitimate therapies to them, and when they got done with the patients we know one could no longer control their bowels, one could not speak, one was certain the CIA researchers were their parents, and one had no idea who they were. They did it all, destroyed those innocent people’s lives and very brains, just as experiments to see if they could do it.
And those were just the handful of cases which escaped the CIA Director’s orders to burn all MK Ultra records, because they happened to have happened outside the USA, and CIA forgot to track down the records and destroy them. Most MK Ultra experiments were done in the USA, on vulnerable populations of American citizens, and all of those records were permanently destroyed on orders of the CIA Director, once Congress began sounding as if they were going to investigate them.
So she was committed to a psychiatric clinic for almost a week, released under “curious” conditions considering the facts of her case, came out, and said she heard a voice in her head (which is a technology we know exists, as it is being used in advertisements, with further rumors of a more potent version the military calls the “Voice of God.”), with the voice telling her to kill her children. And we know MK Ultra made extensive use of hypnosis, which could merge very effectively with the ability to speak into a person’s head at a distance to deliver commands.
These are troubling times, because it really appears whoever is in control now, is not just selfish and self-absorbed as might have been arguable before, but rather now is maliciously sadistic, in a way which could almost only be described as outright evil, and desirous of the suffering of others. From the outright destruction of America, the Covid Plandemic, the Vaxx psyop, the destruction of the economy, the advancement of crime and criminals, the grooming of children, the gender transitioning with permanent surgery of children – it is all malicious. Nothing is beyond these people.
Republican Sen. Tim Scott prepares for Presidential run – South Carolinian would join a 2024 primary field looking to wrest party mantle from Donald Trump. On the bright side, Cabal is permanently burning all of its agents. If they try to stop Trump, they will all go the way of Ted Cruz. It certainly clarifies in my mind, that people I did not feel revulsion when looking at before, are somehow, in some small way responsible for the surveillance, and the related destruction of our country. And they thought they could fool us.
Another Republican is eyeing the 2024 presidential nomination as entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy plans to try and use his ‘anti-wokeism’ to pull off what Donald Trump did in 2016. Who even knew who this was? But they are hoping the Indian Trump supporters will support this guy instead. Way to destroy your brand before it even gets off the ground. It is interesting to see these people, with their pretty glamor headshots, who previously were presented to us as successful examples of the American dream, and realize they are just actors put in that position, so they can be mobilized like this later on.
Damar Hamlin is asked what reason doctors gave him for his heart stopping – “Umm, that’s something I want to stay away from”
34-year-old Border Patrol intel agent dies suddenly due to unexpected and sudden heart attack.
Sharon Stone’s brother Patrick dies suddenly over the weekend, in a death ruled as sudden cardiac death due to heart disease aged 57, two years after her 11-month-old nephew died suddenly. The only thing saving most of the people who got the shot, IMO, is that the technology was too hot, and would have hurt too many people and been too obvious, so they substituted saline for a lot of the shots to make it less obvious and reduce liability.
Equatorial Guinea, the small Central African country, quarantined more than 200 people and restricted movement last week in its Kie-Ntem province after detecting an unknown Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever. UPDATE – appears to be Marburg.
RFK, Jr: We are all under the grip of a huge CIA ‘Milgram’ experiment.
Virginia and Maryland, vie for new FBI headquarters.
White House blasts “false” China accusation of US balloons repeatedly breaching airspace.
Proud Boys Set Up! Love Interest Sent Enrique Tarrio Incriminating “1776 Returns” Document at the Behest of FBI-DOJ Before January 6! – NEW INFORMATION REVEALS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORED BY US GOVERNMENT ITSELF! The caps stuff is Gateway Pundit. But notice, Tarrio is a known Fed informant, running Proud Boys. Now, he will beat the rap, reassume his position leading the group, and gain cred from the fact he busted the government for “trying to wrongly set him up,” because he is such an antigovernmental patriot. It is psyops on psyops on psyops.
Details are sketchy, but five shot, three dead on Michigan State campus. Shooter killed himself after leaving the location.
Biden fired Architect of the Capitol Brett Blanton on Monday, a White House official told The Hill, following outrage over an inspector general report that found Blanton misused a government vehicle and allegedly impersonated a law enforcement officer. From a search: The Architect of the Capitol is the federal agency responsible for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex. It is an agency of the legislative branch of the federal government and is accountable to the United States Congress and the Supreme Court.
Rhode Island bill would open elections to illegal aliens, in Democrats’ latest push for noncitizen voting. Mostly the fact the leadership is corrupt and just wants to get Cabal’s foreign brigade able to vote legally to make the elections easier to rig. But at the grassroots you also get some of that r-selected short-time preference thing. The grassroots leftist sees non-citizen voters defeating the conservatives opposite them in the next election, but but is incapable of thinking about whether having foreigners diluting their own vote could be a problem later on, like when everyone in every third world nation comes here and votes to have the citizens given them all their money.
Company responsible for Ohio train derailment issues list of cancer-causing substances released.
An unearthed 1997 DNA test that shows DNA evidence recovered under JonBenet Ramsey’s fingernails and from her clothes was not a match for members of the family and others close to the household just weeks after the crime. Whatever the ground-surveillance/ground-intelligence thing is, I can tell you 100% it can roll into a local Police Department, and take total control of it, and it will do it to protect the perpetrators of crimes. And if the Police Chief tries to fight back, it will go badly for him. When I see something like this, you have to wonder if what happened to her was a Cabal op, especially with Ghislaine in the background of one of the pageant photos of JonBenet, and right there next to her.
A year into Eric Adams mayoralty, NYC is still losing ground on crime.
California bill would do away with all Police dogs.
Portugal church sex abuse study: victims may number 4,800.
UK will be the first to trial BioNTech’s mRNA cancer “vaccines.”
US providing training to terrorists to carry out attacks in Russia, claims Russian intel.
U.S. tells Ukraine it won’t send long-range missiles because it has few to spare. And you are about to get overrun by Russia, and we don’t want Russia to have our missiles, so there is that.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Monday that Ukraine is using up ammunition far faster than its allies can provide it and putting pressure on Western defense industries, just as Russia ramps up its military offensive. It dawns on me, if they are planning a broader world war, such as with China, they might use this as an opportunity to build the ammunition manufacturing infrastructure before the war starts. Such as here. Where before it would have been difficult to justify increasing the manufacturing capacity for weapons ammunition, especially artillery, missiles, and anti-tank munitions, absent the type of demand created by a war, now the manufacturing infrastructure will grow and expand, and if war were to break out with China, we would be that much closer to maximum manufacturing capacity right at the start. Of course Russia will have a superior production capacity as well, whatever significance that has. Maybe it means we do not intend the next war to be against Russia, and all of this could be preparation for Taiwan.
New Russian offensive appears underway in Ukraine.
Declining student enrollment may force some Washington schools to close, lay off staff.
Republicans in the Florida legislature have approved $10 million to fly border crossers and illegal aliens to sanctuary jurisdictions. I do not know what to think of this. If he shipped them out of the country, they will just come right back/And we are breaking New York City lately. On the other hand, it really does nothing about the collapse of the nation, And Desanctimonious is obviously comped.
Kansas GOP picks election conspiracy promoter as new leader.
Spread r/K Theory, because one should pity the warrior born into a world without dragons
“These are troubling times, because it really appears whoever is in control now, is not just selfish and self-absorbed as might have been arguable before, but rather now is maliciously sadistic, in a way which could almost only be described as outright evil, and desirous of the suffering of others. From the outright destruction of America, the Covid Plandemic, the Vaxx psyop, the destruction of the economy, the advancement of crime and criminals, the grooming of children, the gender transitioning with permanent surgery of children – it is all malicious. Nothing is beyond these people.”
Yes, I’m getting this vibe too lately. I thought it was produced by anxiety and depression, but I’m now realizing the axiety was produced by the switch from control to outright sadism with this group.
They know they have nothing to lose. We have at best 20 years before before everything we now know is essentially gone as the 12,000 year cycle of the galactic current sheet induces its changes on our solar system, especially its affects on the sun and earth, pretty much leaving the survivors pre-industrial with over a 98% population reduction. See Yes, this is real.
They are trying to reduce the demand for resources by the masses as the event approaches, hoping to establish their redoubts and survive to rule what is left. Not going to happen. Two things will mitigate their efforts, a Carrington-like CME before the main event (could happen any time) destroying our electric civilization thrusting all efforts into survival mode and the overwhelming flood of evidence coming from everywhere that makes hiding the main event more difficult. Once the event becomes public knowledge, if the CME hasn’t removed most of the ability to move anything very far, the real fight will begin as people scramble to find resources and places to try and survive what is coming.
It’s been that way for a generation.
But they have become emboldened.
Their ancestors cared about maintaining the power of the herd they controlled for their own benefit but the current generation hate the people they control for irrational reasons and consider the herd to be their primary enemy and target in spite of the fact that they do still have rivals in Russia and China among other possible places.
We have reached the point in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream where the iron (strongest but least glorious of the metals) has been corrupted with mirey clay (neither strong nor glorious).
FYI, Brandon Smith wrote a nice retrospective of the COVID psyop that put most of the lies in a single blog post.
I am a big Kris Kobach supporter. He seems non-comped and is very smart and has a great physiognomy for a leader. Search up his recent actions as AG of Kansas going against Walgreens and ESG. He has been a primary target of GOPe hijinks.
Kansas seems like it may become important. Esp in the battle against the GOPe.
I had a thought that the train derailments could be crumbling infrastructure. It’s like we’re living in a crossover between Revelation and Atlas Shrugged.
The railroads charge a lot of money for their services; that’s why for anything other than bulk transport they’re uncompetive with trucking or buses. They have also been getting Federal subsidies for a century.
If their particular part of the infrastructure is crumbling, it isn’t from lack of money.
“They have also been getting Federal subsidies for a century.”
Railroads have been subsidized from their very conception: over two centuries.
Government subsidizes all major industries. This is how BIG BANKS which own all Western governments maintain power and control.
The purpose, the only purpose of the US Constitution is taxation. The Bill of “Rights” is a red herring.
Capitalism – corporations own the gov’t.
Socialism – gov’t owns the corporations.
Corporatism – whichever is beneficial to the Central Banks and by extension the White Jews.
Vox Day has a posting regarding the Turkish naan-made earthquake and the poisoning of the Ohio valley: Turks Suspect US Geoweapon
From Gateway Pundit:
Romanian Senator Slams Globalists for Mass Genocide Using “Alleged Pandemic” and Covid Death Jabs — Claims Turkey’s Earthquake is a Man-Made Attack
The stench of this psychopath run government comes straight out of the lowest pit of Hell.
Turkey will leave NATO and join BRICS.
I expect Hungary will go next.
NATO has already lost against Russia, without event trying. Next US trying to get NATO to fight China.
Do Sweden & Finland want war with China?
Expect to see NATO fall apart.
‘Africans weathered the COVID-19 pandemic far better than those nations that followed masks, lockdowns, and mass vaccinations.’
It’s been said that some of the anti-malaria drugs that many of them take on a daily basis have been effective at preventing infection.
As have the extensive use of Ivermectin as an anti-parasitic.
They didn’t take the jabs either. Afro-planet here we come. Global Nigeria.
Imagine that huh? Remember the panic that the homeless population would be decimated? Both issues went bust..Doctors are baffled. More like one worlders are severely disappointed. Oh well, let’s poison the air and water in heavily populated areas and see what happens.
“Spread r/K Theory, because one should pity the warrior born into a world without dragons”
Too many Warriors just are unequipped in having to deal with cloak and dagger nonsense in their daily lives outside of open battle.
So many of them fall that way before battle is even joined.
One commentator here made the astute observation that the Cabal leadership seems to have a pattern of agreeing on their plans for the coming year in November and December, and then going on vacation in January. So nothing ever happens in January. They unveil their big project between February and March.
So its literally the middle of February and we should be getting an indication of what this pattern holds and what the big event for the Spring will be. And its starting to look like world war this time.
january is the summer here in south america. Everyone goes on holidays here. Its inverted in relation to the northern hemisphere, so maybe they have spent january enjoying the australian, brazilian, argentinia, kiwi, or other summer?
Then they went back to torturing kitties, and made the earthquake habben?
Im wondering Im wondering
Seriously if there is real UFO Saucer technology. How are the foreign powers going to deal with that?
How are they going to contend with the Greys?
Don’t be naive.
Major governments have known about UFO’s since at least WWII. In many cases, evidence suggests major governments have cooperated behind the scenes about their experiences with anomalous phenomena.
The deep state is running several scripts right now that are focused on distracting and emotionally manipulating the general population, which is par for the course, but right now one of those scripts is UFO’s, and how our airspace is being penetrated.
Just realize, whatever the U.S. gov has to say in public about UFO’s is BS.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t strange vehicles that obliterate our understanding of the laws of physics, but whatever/whoever is controlling them has been here for a very long time, and the U.S. gov is not interested in being honest about what it is.
U.S. gov would rather terrorize us with yet another charade.
The way it’s going, the Greys would be the ones behind the current shit show.
If there really are alien saucer encounters, why are the aliens allowing them to be shot down when they have never let human aircraft or weapons get close enough in the past? Balloons, confusing the government drones. Another opportunity to avoid transparency and bs the people.
Sometimes low-tech sneaks through and defeats high-tech. One of our helicopters in Nam was shot down by a crossbow, IIRC.
Re the last few days in talking about the FBI academy programs. They have had a short academy for nominated officers from local departments. I know this has been going on at least since the 70’s.
I think it originally brought some investigative skills and new ideas
Now they have a large focus on”leadership”. Local officers would come back to their agency and always would add FBI to their resume
Thank you for the additional data point. Every one helps.
Much of what we normies see is merely a cover to put us at ease, and prevent us from understanding how things really work.
I would guess either the officers are already assets of the machine, or maybe more likely, surveillance judges they might be compromisable, and while they are away from their wife, they suddenly find women at the bars they go out to with their new FBI friends treat them as if they look like Brad Pitt.
We know how the enemy works to infiltrate leadership positions and use them to recruit subservient lackeys to parasitically leech off of the host body while replacing legitimate people. It makes sense they would bring in their “chosen people”, give them a fake air of authority and legitimacy via the “special training” and then cut them loose back to the home agency to begin full scale overtaking ops.
Another useful identifier for enemy operatives identified, good post.
The part I find interesting is, I watch a LOT of cop shows. None of them have ever mentioned this; even the ones that are likely to use conspiracies we all know about as plots.
President Trump provided the US Defense intelligence Agency with complete bio-metric data on every employee of the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies and contractor corporations. War theater facial recognition AI will be used to take down the civilian intelligence community of the United States, which is ultimately a British controlled “cabal.” The coming military operation will especially focus on closing down the numerous rat lines into Canada, which is the first place to which Britain’s American assets will attempt to exfiltrate.
We must liberate and cleanse Canada as well.
But if Trump & Co. wait much longer we will not have anything left to cleanse even ourselves.
War Plan Red
It would be nice to see someone properly enable the oil and timber resources in Canada.
The US is already broken. Shipping the invaders to NYC and various libtard hotspots will break them first, and is perhaps the only way to get the flow stopped altogether by hitting the limo libtards where it hurts them the most.
Don’t fall for the myth that any real human wants this army of foreign invaders, even at a theoretical level. The entire concept is astroturfed and spread solely by agents of the cabal. The craziest lefty meme does not exist in reality, rather being a fake image created by the enemy to manufacture public opinion and consent.
There’s a reason why the news always reports people getting upset at the arrival of the foreign invaders no matter where they get dropped off; real humans do not want that regardless of politics, but the enemy makes it happen anyway.
Here is something to consider.
The Democrats got 50 million votes nationwide in the 2022 House of Representatives elections, by the official account. We have estimated that the surveillance headcount is probably about 30 million. And we can estimate that 20 million of these votes are fake, by comparing the turnout for 2020 with that of 2016 and other methods.
I think at this point, all the actual votes the Democrats are getting are surveillance votes. In 2020 they got some low information voters because of Orange Man bad media, but these don’t vote in non-presidential elections, and anyway the country had a good look over four years at what the Democrats had to offer. I think its just their fake votes and the surveillance at this point.
I’ve lived in cities all my life, and from what I can tell the surveillance is heavier in these places than elsewhere, and everyone else is sort of cowed in submission. But I doubt there is much affirmative support for this stuff, even in central cities.
They don’t want it in their backyard.
But many of them want it in yours.
You are their enemy and they wish all bad things for you.
There is that number again…
The Ohio train sabotage was carried out by the US Intelligence community as a threat to Jim Jordan to stop investigating and holding hearings on the multiple acts of high treason at the FBI.
Note that they continue to use AIM-9 Sidewinders, a literal 70 year old missile that uses passive IR guidance. These balloons aren’t especially thermally active (are balloons, no jet engines) but it doesn’t emit anything for the balloon’s sensors to record and get EW intelligence on.
Some AIM-9s are optical. Others can pick up temperature fluctuations from the sun glinting off of an object. Others might even have magnetic anomaly detectors. And of course they can also be programmed to fly in a straight line and detonate on the first thing they contact with.
Agreed, but that’s the point. All of the sensors are passive. The system does not radiate, and therefore gives no EW intel to the target.
Hello, again. First, I would like to apologize if it seems to anyone here that I led people astray with my public agreement with those who foretold Donald’s return to official role last year, especially the couple who followed me on Gab and TruthSocial from here.
I did truly believe what they said, since it seemed to line up with what I heard from the Lord. However, I have come to realize that “Passover,” actually could have always referred the time of the 7 Feasts of the Lord and thus, would render a return of Donald some time before this coming Passover unnecessary, and perhaps Manuel Johnson and Manuel Johnson heard the wrong year, or something changed that we are unaware of, as Julie claimed.
I did receive what I see to be a confirming dream on the 1st day of this year of Jerusalem, the 1st dream I had of it in my life and with recent news, such as the possibility of the Rothschilds trying to gather money in order to flee, as I’ve said before must happen before the end of all this, it seems the chosen time, unless I am still mistaken is this year, duding the time of the 7 Feasts, from April-October. Prophecy is imperfect in the Church and I am trying my best to do so faithfully, accurately, and eagerly as I can (1 Thessalonians. 5:20-21; 1 Corinthians 14:29, 39). The Brunson case is set to be heard again on the 17th, so perhaps a prophetic dream that I discussed before may about an apparent return of Donald that “they” will attempt to counteract, and that counteraction overcome will also see soon fulfillment.
“Feb 01 2023 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/17/2023.”
I still hold to everything else I prophesied/taught, however. In particular, I said before that I had a dream that Donald Jr would be the one to openly reveal the Q Plan when it is time. I learned the reason for this is because the Father told the Son the Plan of Salvation, then the Son revealed it, and even more specific, was the one to prophesy the false Jews’ fall (Rev. 3:7-13), and a prophetic parallel must be made for God’s will to be manifest on Earth in this way. After Donald’s restoration, which I still believe will happen, this would be the next thing to look to, which would prove I do indeed hear from the Lord.
Blessings to all in the Lord.
Deuteronomy 18:21–22
Jeremiah 23:16
Jeremiah 14:14
Matthew 7:15–23
God’s prophecy is always sent to us to tell us to repent. He doesn’t give us shrewdly crafted fables about salvation coming to us in the form of a man other than the Son, and certainly not absent penitence.
If even a Prophet gets it wrong once. He is discredited as a Prophet. Doubly so when they get it wrong twice:
God didn’t send him.
Yup. If you’re going to get into the Prophecy game, the rules are pretty straightforward: you have to be right every time. Since this never happens, (see above) I tend to believe God isn’t interested in having any prophets spreading the word at this time.
But while ‘Being right 100% of the time’ is beyond us mere humans, there IS a group of folks out there who have demonstrated a very very good batting average on their predictions, *much* better than anyone else. Especially lately. Especially when the topic is the COVID hustle. They’re called Conspiracy Theorists.
Prophecy is imperfect
No, it isn’t. False teaching is imperfect — it’s false, in fact.
Perhaps sometimes, prophecy is sometimes hidden in metaphor. If you expose the future, it will change
Biblical Prophecies happen no matter what. Otherwise you might as well argue that all the Bible will undergo Quantum editing with the exposure of the future.
And its predicated on whether a Nation repents or take action or fails to take action.
God presents very often an If-Then. For example here:
2 Kings 13:18-19
18Then Elisha said, “Take the arrows!” So he took them, and Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground!” So he struck the ground three times and stopped. 19But the man of God was angry with him and said, “You should have struck the ground five or six times. Then you would have struck down Aram until you had put an end to it. But now you will strike down Aram only three times.”
But otherwise Biblical Prophecy happens no matter what.
Either prophecy is perfect and came from God. Or it never came from God.
In regards to hearing the two words, “This is real. Follow” and “Passover,” I heard that both at the time of the Fall Feasts in 2018 and 2021, respectively. Perhaps that in itself should have been a clue to me that the events that we are to look to (1st fall of the Beast, etc.) are meant to reflect the future (the Lord’s return, etc.), not the past (the Sacrifice, etc.), and thus, will take place in the Autumn, rather than the Spring, as I first supposed. I still clearly have learning to do.
The feast of Tabernacles is when Jesus would actually return. It probably is also his real birthday rather than Christmas.
If China is successful in publicizing surveillance (see, Cabal will finish building fences on the borders to try and keep people in.
It really looks like God is concentrating the wicked in mega-cities to be destroyed. That said, God’s ways are mysterious and not the ways of men. We also serve who only stand and wait.
Couple days ago there was discussion about how the surveillance might be revealed. Vox is probably right, it will happen via Russia and China. Their officials have already made several comments about surveillance and mind control. You might argue that Russia and China are authoritarian and oppressive and thats probably true. Russia and China probably have extensive informant networks to control political opponents and other enemies but they dont have anything like the sick and twisted MKUltra shit that is apparently going on everywhere in the West. Even hardcore guys like Nikolai Patrushev and Ramzam Kadyrov have made comments about western mind control like they are unsettled at how monstrous our intelligence community is.
Russia doesn’t, China does.
As someone actively targeted I can assure you what’s happening in America is far worse than anything happening in Russia or China. Americans have NO rights and their police and teachers are actively participating in the destruction of the lives of children, in horrific ways. There’s no dystopia in fiction as gruesome and twisted as what’s happening in this country.
They have not harvested your organs while you are still alive like they do to people in China.
Maybe they do that to some people here, but that would make it equal in both places.
Earth to Vox Day: The stalking doesn’t stop in China.
If the chemicals from the train derailment will cause cancers of all sorts over a wide swath of that the land due fallout over time, the transportation companies will take the blame. Meanwhile, cancers and heart issues continue to ravage people since the bioweapon and it’s mRNA “miracle cure” were introduced. Have several derailments all over the nation, and you have a nice cover story for health issues for generations to come. But perhaps this was an accident and there’s nothing to see here.
Yikes. I never thought how it would be in their interest to do things which could be blamed for the vax’s effects.
Are Patriots really in control?
That is the big question. I would think if they were in control, land would not be getting poisoned for decades, children would not be be having their genitalia permanently removed surgically, and the innocent people getting killed by the vax would not be dying.
I am of the opinion something happened on election day, 2022, which was not foreseen, and now our side is scrambling.
I am still puzzled why Q or whoever would not just release a raft of people’s surveillance files.
I mean if they show cases like mine, (and I do not think I am unusual, I think a lot of you would have similar files), and those files show kids in second grade being sent in to do psyops on in innocent kid, and transcripts of private conversations in interiors of private homes, and records of everything bought at a supermarket, and how kids who were set to become valedictorians were derailed, or put on drugs, or even physically injured somehow, and how it then tracked them through life, controlling outcomes, and how this thing was in every neighborhood of any size, overseeing everyone’s lives, spying on everyone, intruding into private moments, our battle would then begin in earnest, and I am convinced none of this would be left standing.
Why we are still riddling our way through tragedy after tragedy is a puzzle, when that would offer such a glorious and immediate advancement of our position.
Anyone not awake yet will require something like that to wake up.
They also may not be worth waking up.
I don’t care if the sheeple won’t wake up until they are starving, if the sheeple are starving there will be nothing left to fight back with.
This is the stupidest plan ever that seems to have a reach that far exceeds its grasp and will leave us all in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where we are ripe for conquest and destruction by forces just as evil as cabal.
I think you meant to say election 2020, although election 2022 was screwed as well.
I completely agree that some well laid game plan by Trump’s handlers was scuttled after election 2020, and we have been in free fall since then.
I find it hard to believe that white hats, if there are any in America, and that’s doubtful at this point, would sit by passively and allow millions, including millions of children, to get poisoned by the jab, as well as allow the medical mutilation of many thousands of kids under the fiction of trans, as well as allowing the cabal to initiate WWIII with Russia without going into direct action.
If the military was the only option, as per Q, then it ain’t our military, because they are up to their eyeballs in this demonic shit, from the jabs to blowing up the pipelines.
It doesn’t leave a lot of options on the table in terms of saving this country.
All true.
@Anonymous @Anonymous Conservative @Farcesensitive @Another Dave
I do not think it is for the best for all the surveillance agents to be exposed at this time, precisely because chaos and civil war would erupt and that is exactly what the Q Plan was made to avoid. It would just breed widespread hatred and violence. What needs to actually happen is for everyone to hold the line, until the President can be returned to his position rightfully, and the true top wicked ones to be exposed and then taken down by the Lord, as He promised (Revelation 3:7-13; 13:3, 12). Then, we await Holy Spirit’s fullness of presence among us (Joel 2:28-32). Then, we can operate in justice, in accordance with Lord God Yah’s will, without evil hatred and vengeance, which are forbidden to us by the Lord (Matthew 5:44; Romans 12:19-21).
I hate to say it, but I think the surveillance is kind of like a cancer. You are going to need chemotherapy, and for it to work, it is going to need to be nasty. We need some sort of outcome, where people look back and say they will never spy on another citizen because of what happened to the people who did it in our time.
They do this bullshit about forgiveness, and amnesty, and reconciliation, and how you need to move forward. But all that does, is in ten years when the next group of asshole intel people are trying to reassemble their little gangstalking networks to control everyone, is all those people they try to recruit look, and say, “Hey, even if we get caught, they just do an amnesty, and nothing happens to anyone!” And they are right, there is no cost to it.
As far as I am concerned, win, lose, or draw, however it turns out, for me, and the nation, bring this thing in the open, and let it end violently for one side or the other. Let there be chaos, and let it be a nightmare. Make it so when the next asshole is trying to assemble a machine to seek out the smart kids and fuck them over behind their backs, they have to do it in utter terror, because if and when it comes out, they will end up like what happened in our time.
I do not have faith in Q at this point. I think there was an intel counter conspiracy, but I think they are struggling and taking lumps, and may fail. And even if they did not, there is no way to resolve this peacefully. The question is will the war continue to be waged from the shadows, and won by the people who did 9/11, and the mass shootings, and the Covid depopulation event, or does it come out into the open, and maybe we can actually win this thing.
This thing is evil enough we should all be willing to lose everything facing it, and even more, we should want what we face to lose everything even more than us. It cannot remain.
@Anonyomous Conservative
I do see what you are saying, Anon, but I cannot agree. I don’t know if you directly addressed it before I regularly started reading your work, since the only thing I can remember from you on the topic is ambiguous, but I am of Christ and will remain so. You apparently read through my comments and putting aside claims of “imperfect” prophecy from other commenters here and the fact that I do claim to hear from the Lord personally, I am a Christian. I am truly among the Redeemed for the Lord, and I operate based on this fact to the best I can, in accordance with the Divine Will.
I cite the Scriptures above because I do believe we are at the chosen time to see the false Jews and Beast system’s 1st fall (Revelation 3:7-13; 13:3, 12) and that we should anticipate/celebrate this wonderful fact, particularly because, like all the main things of history, it is primarily for God to secure the future, not us. We are His instruments to work out His perfectly good will. It does NOT require us to act like vicious beasts and against the commandments of our true God, whether He is acknowledged as such or not by humans, though I certainly see a change in allegiance in the near future, due to the above events. These commands plainly include not hating nor seeking vengeance, whether against the Roths/Soros/whomever. Our God loves justice, despite all the evil/wickedness that occurs in the world, and He will bring it to the world in due course.
Due to certain news items, such as Donald taking note of the Brunson case being brought forward again (and I already talked about a possibly related prophetic dream about where this is going), and the Rothschilds trying to secure their money, possibly to flee, as the Q team prophesied (, we need to ultimately realize all is in God’s hands. When we have a part to play, He will tell us. Let’s not forget the wickedness done, that is not what I am saying, but I do say, in accordance with His express will, say truthfully we have no cause to hate or seek vengeance against the wicked, ONLY justice, and they are NOT the same thing.
Let’s hope that Donald’s soon return to official power and his son’s proclamation of the Q Plan, as I dreamed, which will require a steadfast statement against the Roths, Satan’s strongmen of the human race. The Europeans will rise in courage/fearlessness and drive them away from the continent forever. Then, in Israel, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will overthrow them before our race’s eyes and open the way for all to be saved by the Blood and filled with Holy Spirit besides (Joel 2:28-32). Then, we will be able to, as the cliché goes “make the world a better place,” that is, that more reflects the Divine Will, at least to some extent for the next 500 years or so, and both us and our descendants will be at peace without this systemic evil upon the world, until the Beast returns for it’s ultimate defeat with AntiChrist and False Prophet and our Lord’s long-awaited physical return to usher in the blessed Millennial Reign (Rev. 19-20).
These commands plainly include not hating nor seeking vengeance, whether against the Roths/Soros/whomever. Our God loves justice, despite all the evil/wickedness that occurs in the world, and He will bring it to the world in due course.
I am not vengeful. Some of these people even seem very nice. I just recognize the evil of the system, and that it needs to be wiped clean in a way which will terrorize the weak like them, who will rationalize fucking everyone else over for their own benefit. That will, by nature appear unpleasant, and might look like vengeance, but it is not. It is just what must be done if you are to protect the innocent we hand this world to.
In my youth I hated predators, and killed them with extreme satisfaction, and did not really care how their ends happened. But as you get older, you begin seeing all sides, and understand not everyone can be blamed for what happens, and all have their own perspectives. But you still do not want to see the animals you are friends with die horribly. I will still kill predators wantonly and without hesitation, but in my old age I will make sure they never experience any discomfort in the process, because I understand it is not their fault.
Of course with surveillance, I am probably not the one they will really have issues with. I expect in the shock of the reveal, there will be a lot of people, especially parents who saw their children ruined, who will not see all sides, and who will not care how their enemies come to their ends. In that conflict, I will not have a dog in that fight, though I will understand and support those opposed to surveillance more than the surveillance. And I suspect most others will as well. My guess is you have not even begun to see what jury nullification is yet.
Surveillance is not like predators.
Surveillance are human parasites, the lowest form of life.
If we wait any longer the consequences will be much worse.
Anyone who has the power to reveal what is going on and does not do it is no better than a lesser evil.
The truth shall set us free as Christ said.
@Anonymous Conservative @Farcesensitive
“I expect in the shock of the reveal, there will be a lot of people, especially parents who saw their children ruined, who will not see all sides, and who will not care how their enemies come to their ends.”
That is not for them, indeed, any human on this earth to decide, ultimately. All humans must turn to God’s commands, or perish in sin. I do think the shock that is needed is coming, but God will not let things get out of hand. He will help humans to do things in accordance with His will, as is necessary for things to truly have the positive lasting impact we all need.
“If we wait any longer the consequences will be much worse.
Anyone who has the power to reveal what is going on and does not do it is no better than a lesser evil.
The truth shall set us free as Christ said.”
Who told us that the Roths/Soros/Saudis/etc. are the enemy in the first place? The team have already done the revealing, it is simply the duty of certain people at the right time to officially declare it to be so, when the people will need to hear it the most, then things will change. The first thing, as I said, is for Donald Sr to be restored to his position, then his son will do the revealing of the Roth’s true nature, then the rest will follow, in accordance with God’s plan.
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) – $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) – $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Chapter 13
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Any legitimate power holder (and that may include anyone who steps up in a collapse) is duty bound to execute wrath and avenge the victims.
It’s a good thing that you separate “legitimate” power holders from the illegitimate! People often forget that in the previous chapter, which is VERY important for context, Paul said, in Romans 12:18: “ If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” This presupposes that there are times where we CANNOT abide with the holders of authority/power, particularly if there are directly of Satan and causes harms to humanity as a whole, which we are witnessing through shutdowns, the jab, and unspeakable things! Paul said right there in that passage you cite that TRUE government agents do God’s will, no matter how imperfectly.
I stand by that no one on their own authority has a right to exact vengeance, only on God’s, as Paul said there, also. You have to stand, wait, and not be overcome by hatred in your desire to be zealous and do right. I do think the time is near for full exposure, for those who still don’t get it. The wicked will get what’s coming to them, as the Word prophesies. This is a special time where mass justice will happen in THIS lifetime, otherwise, what else would you call the 500+ -year forced hibernation of the Beast (Revelation 13:3, 12)? This system will be broken, as God has desired for at least 4 1/2 millennia (2500+ BC), and we, God’s children, will reap the benefits. However, ALL must be done His way, nor ours alone, for there lies slippery slopes and false justifications. The time is at hand, just pray for the Beast’s fall/justice and the great Spirit outpouring on us that will truly secure our future.
I don’t think anybody is saying vengeance. These are all measures people will need to take to protect the next generation. Even making an example of someone can be done without wanting to, but because you know it needs to be done to dissuade the behavior in the future.
@Anonymous Conservative
“I don’t think anybody is saying vengeance. These are all measures people will need to take to protect the next generation. Even making an example of someone can be done without wanting to, but because you know it needs to be done to dissuade the behavior in the future.”
As long as we love the Lord and His commands are followed, we will do well. I do agree with you and others here that strong measures against evildoers should be done as needed. Just as this time has been about us getting a taste of the Tribulation that will come someday, the next era of human history that we are entering is about getting a taste of the Millennium, when the Lord, even through us, “will rule with an iron scepter” (Revelation 2:26-27). As you say, someone has to lay down the lay to keep things from returning to how they have been in exactly this way, though we see that things will get bad again over the centuries, leading to the necessity of His return.
Let’s just be ready for whatever we are meant to do and accept the calling when it comes. It seems revival is beginning in Asbury and if the timeline I have proposed is correct, things will get wild from Passover (April) onwards through the Feast of Tabernacles (September-October). Notwithstanding the incorrectness of the current “fixed” Hebrew calendar, these “official” dates should not be TOO far off from the correct dates for the 7 Feasts and the Lord’s visiting us.
My election compels me to forgive those who sin against me and repent of it.
The same election prevents me from showing any mercy to those who have sinned against those I have sworn to protect.
“…That is not for them, indeed, any human on this earth to decide, ultimately. All humans must turn to God’s commands, or perish in sin….”
If this is so, then how did the Jews get away with killing tens of millions of people and still run most everything in the West? Tangentially, they are responsible for way more in the hundreds of millions. The Jews imported slaves from Africa and used them to cut sugar cane in the Caribbean for over a hundred years and used them up like machinery.
“…He will help humans to do things in accordance with His will…”
Were these things God’s will?
@Sam J
Certainly I don’t believe they will ultimately get away with all this! However, remember that all humanity suffered at the Beast’s feet for at least 4,500 years, since the Tower of Babel (2500+ BC). These false Jews/Roths, are whom the Lord Himself spoke of long ago (Revelation 3:7-13) and are the current leaders of the Beast, which will soon suffer a great wound to Rome/the last head, for which it will need 500+years to recover (Rev. 13:3, 12).
The Lord said plainly that though we would have “little strength” against all these, He ALSO said that He will “make them fall at your feet and acknowledge that I love you.” Their number is up and we will see justice, as the Lord promises! Then, Holy Spirit will fill the void on Earth, and we will all benefit from an era of time without the Beast system in place (Joel 2:28-32). We are very close and have to hold on!
Vinyl Chloride primarily attacks the liver causing tumors, etc. The bioweapon has been primarily circulatory and heart problems. Not a good bait and switch.
Both are weapons, one medical and one environmental, and both will do incredible, wide scale damage for years to come.
I don’t think they really need to think in terms of cover stories. They control the media and, let’s face it, most Americans are far too stupefied to put 2 and 2 together.
No, it’s not a cover story. It’s just an additional way to kill people and the United States.
I believe Joe Biden misspoke during his campaign when he said “we’re gonna cure cancer.” I think he meant to say “we’re gonna cause cancer.”
Radio is a Baofeng UV-5R, ubiquitous. Not government issue (but can be.) Used by everyone at Bundy Ranch, Bundy 2.0, both sides in Ukraine, etc.
Nice link. Thanks.
“Most MK Ultra experiments were done in the USA, on vulnerable populations of American citizens…”
I have been wondering if NPD is actually a manifestation of MK Ultra. One of the NPD characteristics is gaslighting. But maybe the N really isn’t gaslighting at all. Maybe he/she truly does not remember saying or doing abusive things, because they were not in control of their faculties at the time of the abuse?
Another thought hit me just yesterday – I wonder if my stepmother was a “honey pot” for my father. She was terribly cruel and abusive towards me, and after a few years he also turned negative towards me, which he’d never done before they were married.
This is a woman who did almost nothing, career-wise. She had some part-time office work for a couple of years, but mostly just kept house for my father, who earned the vast majority of their income. Early in their marriage, she got a one-off, small-time modeling job for a local clothing store.
At my father’s funeral, she gave an incredibly polished and calm eulogy in front of over 100 parishioners, with no stage fright whatsoever. It was like something you would expect from a person who does public speaking professionally. This, despite never having done any public speaking in her life. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but then, I was still a naive civnat back then.
I have a wife with BPD and its genuinely hard to tell if I am dealing with super-clever gangstalking, or if she is actually mentally ill.
I was reading on another discussion board this morning about someone’s mother in law who would show up at their house with four frozen turkeys, when the couple did not have a freezer large enough to store four frozen turkeys, so they had to figure out to dispose of them, and the mother in law just left and didn’t offer to stay and help cook them. And the poster said this sort of thing was normal for her. This is really typical of BPD behavior, where they just create a mess and its impossible to tell if they are really that crazy or if its just gangstalking.
I have BPD. So much so that a lot of people say that I have no personality at all.
Except Taiwan isn’t physically big enough to handle this much ammunition. This would only make sense if they expect China to keep going and roll north into Japan.
It’s not going to tip over like Guam if we put too many pallets of artillery shells on one side! Taiwan is bigger than the state of Hawaii. Taiwan also can make very high tech equipment to very exacting standards in mass quantities itself. It would not surprise me if they were even a few tightened screws short of having multiple nuclear weapons.
Points for the reference, but the reality is that unless it’s going to be arty tubes elbow to elbow on every flat spot on the island (and there aren’t that many flat spots, pretty much just the first 50 clicks east off the west coast) there’s no way to use that much ammo. You just can’t feed that logistical stream.
I believe China has factored in that Japan will get involved if/when they try for Japan. There is also the US facilities on Okinawa. When it starts, I believe China will launch many missile valves against Okinawa, thus drawing in Japan and the USA.
Don’t forget, Japan has recently created a marine corps, as well as announcing the biggest defence spend since the second world war.
Big things are coming peeps.
Sometimes I think Japan would be smarter to ally with the Chinese but then I remembered my reading about the behavior of Japan in China when they invaded. It was seriously brutal. Horrible. Inhuman.
>It dawns on me, if they are planning a broader world war, such as with China, they might use this as an opportunity to build the ammunition manufacturing infrastructure before the war starts.
I personally don’t see the arms manufacturing ramping up anywhere. Lots of articles of running low, very very few announcements of rebuilding stock or even planning to do so.
I still stand by my original stance that this mass military disarmament in conjunction with gun grabbing legislation is hedging against the bet that a civil war pops off soon-ish and getting as much military hardware shipped outside our borders as possible. They are collecting it into “safe” zones where the enemy has consolidated military control (Poland, Ukraine, Germany, etc.) so the populace can’t seize more efficient means of resistance.
They don’t care as much about Russia possibly capturing these assets because they know Russia has the tooling and tech to make their own equivalent or better weapons as needed, but the average citizen does not have that capability.
We know the reality, that a rebel force does not need F-16s and tanks to win a resistance war, but the enemy DOES think that; they say it out loud all the time. Them shipping off armor, anti-armor weapons, etc. makes complete sense in the context of denying rebels the ability to capture and turn the tools against the tyrant army.
Amateurs think tactics. But experts consider Logistics.
I think you need a bit of both and logistics is easily forgotten.
Russia entered the SMO without regard to logistics.
Now West learning same lesson as Hitler. Best technology, tactics & kit means nothing without resources.
Speaking of logistics, one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things that broke Hitler and the Germans was logistics, as you stated. I read most of David Irving’s books and his work is excellent. In the book on Hermann Göring I read a passage that immediately raised a big flashing red light.
When Hitler was slowed down at Stalingrad Hitler called in Göring and asked him if he could deliver so many tons of supplies to Stalingrad and he said he could. In Irvings book he says that Göring and his aid KNEW this was not true. That there was no way possible they could deliver this amount of supplies and Göring lied because he was afraid of Hitler. This is why Hitler insisted they stay. He was told supplies were getting there that never made it. THAT is why Stalingrad was lost. Not because the General sucked, not because Hitler was an idiot, it was because less than 25% (I think this number is correct it’s probably close) of the amount of supplies guaranteed were actually delivered. At the end they couldn’t even defend the airfields to get more in because they didn’t have the material to do so. They ran out of food, fuel and bullets. So Goring lying to Hitler is one of the major reasons that the Germans lost WWII.
If you read about Göring you realize he was a huge f__k up. Hitler let him get away with so much because Göring was a hero and Hitler looked up to him. I think he assumed a Man like this would do all he could properly but he didn’t. He really messed up a lot of things and did not get the right supply of planes needed in time. He spent a lot of time stealing paintings and art from the places the Germans conquered and in his hunting lodge.
Later in the war when Speer and others took over logistics they made a massive push and greatly increased weapons supplies and development very rapidly but…not fast enough, it was too late.
Look at this excellent plane they put together in record time. It was a transport plane they cobbled together from a massive glider project. It had wheels all along it’s lower body so it could land on fields even when they had ditches across them. Think if they had a couple thousand of these earlier in the war. Supplies would not have been a problem. These were super cheap. Made of wood, cloth and some steel bracing.
Göring was an enemy agent working against Germany.
He also lied to Hitler that the Luftwaffe could finish off the British at Dunkirk which allowed them to escape because Hitler halted the Wehrmacht.
Then he lied about the ability to bomb England and kept shifting strategies to ever less effective ones like deliberately bombing London which did nothing to enable an invasion or destroy the RAF.
Goring indirectly contributed to the bombing of Dresden. Bombing London did nothing but galvanize the population who would otherwise be sympathetic.
The thing is that tactics aren’t that hard. Dick Winters’ assault on the guns in Normandy is still taught as the pinnacle of an assault on a fixed position, but even it’s not hard to follow. That’s why America can rely on mission-type orders. A few weeks of instruction can teach an officer candidate everything there is to be taught (rather than experienced) about tactics.
Strategy is much harder than tactics, and strategy relies largely on logistics.
In that view, they’d be assuming that they can bring everything back efficiently when cub war does come, I suppose. Have any thoughts on the plausibility of that? I had been thinking that every bullet/tank/plane shipped to Ukraine was one that won’t be here to be used against the US citizenry. Basically the only reason to support continuing to send arms over there.
They’re not totally depleting everything, just sending lots away. I think they think a depleted stock is still enough to run the totalitarian script while minimizing risk of capture and desertion to the rebel forces. They can also make more and call it back as needed once the real trouble starts, we cannot. It is more valuable to deny us material than to keep spares for themselves I think given their state-level control over imports, manufacturing, etc.
Re: the Canadian clinic and MK Ultra. The doctor in charge was called Ewen Cameron. He was a highly respected doctor. He was publishing, in psychology/psychiatry journals everything he was doing and no other doctors attacked him for it.
He was doing, depatterning of the human brain (which is why those symptoms you talked about were created). He also engaged in what is called, psychic driving. The subjects would make a tape and they would be knocked out for hours at a time while wearing a footballer’s type of helmet that continually played a loop of their own tape. These experiments took place in what were known as the Sleep Rooms. Cameron was a monster. The evil of what he did was beyond words.
See: Secret don’t Tell: the encyclopedia of unethical hypnosis by Carla Emery, and, the Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Mark’s.
From the high variability of how “hot” the vaxx lots are both in terms of deaths and side-effect rates, and various reports from claimed independent analysis of vials, I’d suspect that rather than simply a high percentage of saline replacement they have a highly variable dose concentration, and a variety of additives added in variable dosage, too. Yes, some are likely just saline, but not a majority. I’d expect a 10% mRNA dose to take longer to clot or cause a class-switch from IgG1 and IgG3 to IgG4 tolerance antibodies than a 100% mRNA dose.
The train derailment occurred in one of the whitest areas east of the Mississippi.
It does look like a Chemical attack.
Sabotage or Ethnic Cleaning by Cabal
“Maybe it means we do not intend the next war to be against Russia, and all of this could be preparation for Taiwan.”
“Now, it seems like we are in the same critical period as the “horses were drinking water” in the Yangtze River days in the revolutionary era, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.”
(earthquake guy, solid prediction track record, notes that NATO applicants Sweden & Finland have HAARP type arrays, perhaps an inducement to expedite approval for accession …)
Hey, AC, are you watching the “Utopia” series on Amazon? it is chock full of the surveillance state, MKUltra, big-pharma stuff. Not sure of the motives behind showing that, but it definitely dovetails in with all you’ve been saying.
I have not. I do not actually have time for TV now with all I am doing here, but if I can find a DVD, I will check it out.
Not to mention the whole depopulation theme.
What have you done to earn your place in a crowded world today?
Released just before first vaccine, and cancelled shortly after.
> Africans weathered the COVID-19 pandemic far better than those nations that followed masks, lockdowns, and mass vaccinations.
Pure-blood Africans are genetically different from the other races. Africans are 100% homo sapiens sapiens; all other races have varying amounts of Neanderthal (mostly European) or Denisovan (mostly Asian) genes.
Doesnt Biblical story suggest Ham went to Africa? Would implies Noah was african
“…all other races have varying amounts of Neanderthal (mostly European) or Denisovan (mostly Asian) genes….”
Be careful. I think the amount of Neanderthal in Whites is VERY HIGHLY overblown. The Jew that supposedly studied this, and will not release his raw data, says that we average 5% Neanderthal. But what if the Jews are super, super high Neanderthal and Whites next to nothing. The average is 5%…so he’s really gas-lighting people. The guy who wrote, “The iceman inheritance: Prehistoric sources of western man‘s racism, sexism and aggression”, Michael Bradley, said he tried to get the data and was not allowed. He also talked to one of his assistants and while he could not confirm that lying was going on he got the impression from his assistant that there was.
Michael Bradley – Neanderthal Roots of the Jews
Michael Bradley with Michael Collins Piper, May 25 and May 26, 2010
But we know Neanderthals embraced violence and danger, they were the rodeo-clowns of the primate world. And we know they nursed their weak and sick, because they survived and healed from their dangerous mammoth hunts.
No offense to Jews overall, there are warrior Jews, mostly who are probably not even aware of the existence of Cabal, but the Cabal Jews in the cliques you are focused on as fucking up society are highly averse to any danger. I just saw a video of some chubby, baby-faced clown who dressed in short shorts with a Hitler moustache, and simply goose-stepped through a Jewish area, and you should have seen the Jews all flee the instant they saw him. He looked ridiculous, and harmless, but one glance and their eyes went wide and they could not run in the opposite direction fast enough.
Those Chuck Schumer types are not a model of human which in nature dies with tons of healed broken bones from a life spent going out like a maniac and spearing a mammoth from five feet away, getting broken up, and then after healing up, going out and doing it again.
The Jewish Gene pool has high mutation load. Loads of diseases. Low Visual Spatial IQ.
I think it depends. Jews have the same thing I see in non-Jews – there is a sort of mix of distinct “phenotypes” which makes me think we all evolved with physically distinct tribal “appearances,” in isolated tribes that did not mix, each with a unique look so our tribes would be recognizable to us, thereby preventing infiltration. And at some point we got mixed up, and I mean across the globe, to the point a Brazilian will find a doppelganger in Ireland or something.
There are Jews who look like athletic Italians, then there are the Chuck Schumer Jews who look like human slugs, and are just all fat hanging off their frames. They did not come from the same place, or the same gene pool, and I really think there is a big, vitally important chunk of our history missing, which would detail some major event which took isolated tribes, and scattered them on a global scale. I do not think it was just conquering.
It bothers me, because if I was a farmer growing humans as livestock, as part of an evolutionary experiment, and I wanted maximum variability, to see if I could get any real standouts, in preparation to really cull back the herd and begin a new generation with just the best, that was more “advanced” than the last, that is exactly what I would do. Mix up all these isolated clone-like tribes globally, see what it produced, and then cull the whole herd for what I was looking for.
That you can still pop up these clone-like doppelgangers all over makes me think it did not happen that long ago either.
At my small college many moons ago, we had a few Israeli athletes; a couple of soccer players (both combat vets) and a couple of swimmers. They all viewed American male jews with disdain, and to tell the truth, they looked like two different species — Alphas vs sub-Betas.
“…But we know Neanderthals embraced violence and danger…”
So do Negros, but that doesn’t make them a threat. If it were not for the police the Negros attacking everyone would get the shit beat out of them. Remember the guy who merely questioned a Negro that was obviously casing a suburb? He was arrested.
“…there are warrior Jews…”
So…I don’t get that this is all that important that you JUST be violent and attack people out in the streets.
“…I just saw a video of some chubby, baby-faced clown who dressed in short shorts with a Hitler moustache, and simply goose-stepped through a Jewish area, and you should have seen the Jews all flee the instant they saw him…”
How much you want to bet someone found out who he was, and I expect things will not go so well for him. There’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and it’s not always easy to stay on the right side of it.
I do yield that the Jews will openly assassinate people that they think will be deleterious to the Jews. If we did that they would soon be ruined. I respect that.
I differentiate between warrior and violence, especially that which is opportunistically based. Carefully picking an old lady to attack, or finding a lone guy when your gang is 20 strong is different from assailing a mammoth to feed your tribe.
What I am saying is the anti-civilization Jews, who are definitely a thing, and I assume have sold their souls to Cabal, and maybe even satan, are not fearless, and would never attack a mammoth to save their tribe. They would rather let their tribe die, and save themselves, than face any danger. It is probably why Cabal chose them.
Those guys are 100% different from Neanderthals, as I see it.
That said I am not even sure why I am arguing this, because I don’t know nearly enough about it. It is just one of those little things which feels off to me. Maybe I feel like I could be holed up just with my family somewhere, and be doing shit like that with the kids and enjoying it. Subconsciously you are insulting my family or something.
“…I differentiate between warrior and violence…”
While I didn’t word it such that it was understandable, my criticism is that I do not think all Alphas are of much or any use at all. I get the impression that you think all Alphas are somehow some wonderful thing. I don’t think that. Many Alphas are pieces of shit. In fact, most Betas are far better for civilization, as they do what needs to be done to keep civilization rolling along. Sure there are plenty of Alphas that are good people but many who are not.
Of course, maybe I misunderstand and Alpha might be constrained to those of useful leadership qualities.
Social Sexual hierarchy is entirely different in my mind from warrior/appeaser-coward, to the point I was confused by all this and thought my mind must really be going and I didn’t remember what we were talking about..
I don’t tend to view Alphas as necessarily warriors. There are some which are because they jump into anything with zeal and as a result will fight to the death if need be, and just some who larp their way as amused/detached, but lack the zeal or backbone. I think Deltas are warriors. They show up and do what needs to be done quietly, and do not seek attention. Aldo I think psychopaths may or may not be warriors in practice, as some will die for a cause just because they latched onto it, while others may flee to save themselves, and would not be, though in their case the act of being a warrior is more just what they do, since I think they lack the key element of the true warrior which is the line which cannot be crossed for moral reasons, and which is worth sacrifice for.
I think I may be the one being unclear as the people I think of as warriors which I have known were not violent, or even aggressive, but rather just had the backbone that if you transgressed enough and corssed their moral line, back there at the end of the decision tree, the last option was always “completely destroy no matter the cost” and not “run way and save myself.”
The warriors I have known have been uniformly funny, personable, even easy-going and pleasant to a fault. Just deep down in there was backbone, and you didn’t want to take them through to the end of their decision tree because they were not going to run.
I think there are a lot of warriors who my never have had any sort of conflict, simply because the people around them were decent, and they were never forced to shut something down for principle.
There is a distinction between a warrior and a soldier. I think that all Deltas are soldiers. I think that some alphas are warriors, and I don’t necessarily see warrior as a desirable trait (in that it is all wrapped up in glory more than success.)
Alphas lead or fail to lead, but the hunting party is composed of all ranks.
Alpha doesn’t mean warrior.
Leadership is a quality that applies to any endeavor and a good leader for farming may be the worst possible warrior.
Followers are often warriors to a greater degree than the leaders.
> UPDATE – appears to be Marburg.
Well, why not? The Coof has pretty much worn out its usefulness. Ebola was going to kill us all, then it never went anywhere. Legionnaire’s Disease was a non-starter. Most people never even heard of Marburg, so it’s a better choice to recycle than Ebola.
Why recycle something instead of some all-new, fresh superbug? Probably because the minions aren’t particularly creative.
> Green Bay City Hall officials install secret video and microphone recording devices in city hall to spy on political foes and citizens.
Some years ago, someone found some bugs in meeting rooms used by the Los Angeled City Council and LAPD. The pols lost their minds over that. And then they found out that there were two different kinds of bugs, which suggested at least two different groups were listening in.
Even though California’s “Sunshine Law” meant that those meetings were all legally public, apparently the pols had been discussing things they shouldn’t.
Nothing happened to anyone, of course. But their reaction was interesting.
> A Georgia judge has said he will reveal portions of a grand jury report later this week detailing the investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged election interference in the Peach State.
The report should be public information. There are only a few reasons a report might be withheld; “to protect a minor”, “national security”, some person’s life would be put in danger, etc. Hard to see how any of those would cover “election interference.”
Unless the report might embarrass Democrats, of course.
> California bill would do away with all Police dogs.
I’m good with that.
Police dogs are either used for “probable cause” or as a weapon. In either case, since it’s a dog and not a human, they’re exempt from the rules policemen supposedly have to obey.
Any drug dog will alert to command, not just if it smells anything. And if the dog is used as a weapon, the handler is generally not blamed.
Police dogs could be a valuable tool, but they’ve been misused to the point where they’re more of a menace to the citizenry than a benefit.
I agree.
> NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Monday that Ukraine is using up ammunition far faster than its allies can provide it and putting pressure on Western defense industries,
Meanwhile, after 22 years, the American ammunition industry still claims it can’t keep up with demand, and there are still shortages of ammunition and reloading components. And what’s available is still at 2002 “all our production is going to ‘the Global War on Terror’ prices.
Just as a historical note, that same industry ramped up in early 1942 for wartime production, then shut down in late 1943 after it overran storage facilities. We fought the rest of WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam out of that stockpile before most of it was surplused off as “expired.”
I think the industry likes those big Federal contracts, and aren’t much concerned with their old customer base any more. What dribs and drabs they put on the commercial market had the prices jacked up 400 or 500% for some things, and they pretty much stayed there. MBA thinking is that it’s better to sell 10 widgets at $1 each than 100 widgets at $0.50 each.
Lately, most of my components have come from Finland, Serbia, Korea, and the Philippines. They stepped up to serve the market when the American ones would not. Even if the American companies change their tactics, I will remember who was there when I needed them, and who wasn’t. “Buy American” fell on its face there, and I keep grudges.
Profit implies maximum return for least effort.
Too much profit in the IMC
> Republicans in the Florida legislature have approved $10 million to fly border crossers and illegal aliens to sanctuary jurisdictions.
First class, no doubt.
This looks like a gimme to the airline industry, which is still suffering from fuel prices and the Coof. If the legislature was serious, they’d charter a fleet of buses.
I bet it’s cheaper to fly them than drive them on buses, and the rapidity of progress is not to be denied.
Cannibalism with Chinese characteristics:
Wonder how much evil like this is hidden in the world. And those who are in the Cabal who do something similar.
Chinese medicine is rife with quackery.
Combine that with Chinese indifference to the suffering of their food animals. If you have seen how they torture cats & dogs during “preparation”, eat animals alive, slice animals alive… no surprise
In the Ruthless Politics of Chinese history. People with Empathy were killed off.
When you look back to the Zhou Dynasty the Empathic people are still running around. But by the Qin Dynasty and its ruthless Totalitarian tyranny as well as subsequent generations. They were slaughtered.
Or failed to reproduce in other way.
Only the Spirit of God can change them.
Democrats’ unconstitutional crusade to disbar Texas AG Ken Paxton for filing an election integrity lawsuit, shows how far they’ll go to win elections.”
from link,”…Yet unelected bureaucrats — many of whom are political enemies of Paxton — have put the attorney general literally on trial for exercising the executive function with which he was constitutionally charged…”
This is a definite case where they need to unearmark all these funds to these “unelected bureaucrats” and refuse to allocate any funds in any manner to any of the people involved in this nor to any firm or business which they are a part of. As you can see, this is just another case where people paid by the taxpayers are using their positions to destroy the country. They can not survive without public funds and if our people had any sense at all every time they act in the typical pozzed manner that they do, the legislators should dig down and find who and what is funding them, then cut them off and disband what ever organization they have created with our taxpayers dollars.
“The State Department helped defund conservative websites by telling their advertisers their material was misinformation.”
Yes, yes, yes I’m repeating myself but look at what this says,”The State Department”. Hell no it’s not the “The State Department” it’s scum bags “IN” the State Department. The only way to stop them is to take away all the public funds that they use against us. They do not have the money to do this on their own, so they siphon off money from public finds to do this. Find them. Find who gave the order to do this and who carried it out, and one by one cut them off. Stop paying them. Unearmark them. Cut off their cash flow.
It may well be that this is where all the missing public money is going. Paying people to surveil others, lining the pockets of various left organizations and stealing it from money voted for other uses.
“Portugal church sex abuse study: victims may number 4,800”
Another serious case of their asses hanging out and making it easy to catch them. This is all over and a little old fashioned detective work and a mass of them could be nailed. It is possible. While it may seem contrary, the more control they have, the more they stick out because to keep control they must break the law. Just like it pays to vote because every vote they steal provides evidence, in this case every evil child rape provides more evidence and a few diligent researchers could nail them.
“United States and the Philippines have reached a deal that will see Washington substantially increase its military footprint in the Southeast Asian country as China tensions rise.”
Those guys kicked us out in favor of China. I don’t think it worked out so well for them, as the Chinese ignored them and did whatever they wished. I wouldn’t spend a dime saving them.
US going to get kicked out of a lot of countries, including European countries
We never were there to save them. Nor are we in any place to save anyone. For example, we aren’t “defending” Germany. We’ve been holding a boot to Germany’s neck since WW2. For the sake of Cabal.
Republicans in the Florida legislature have approved $10 million to fly border crossers and illegal aliens to sanctuary jurisdictions
The enemy of the perfect is the good enough. No, we can’t keep them out, but we can push the cost back on those who would push it on us. Remember my constant harping on them using our money for their means? Make them pay. Make them responsible. This also removes them from areas where they could commit election fraud.
Until we are able to just toss them back out (and far enough away that they don’t just walk back the next day) this is what every red state should do to every deep blue city in every deep blue state.
I was watching a replay of Terence Popp’s show which aired tonight; I started watching it from the beginning in the middle of the show; but it was over while I was halfway through; YouTube cut the feed. Nothing says enemy action like cutting a news broadcast.
It is a brilliant move y him too, because it offers all of us a sort of subconscious release, because we picture everything which needs to be dealt with being dealt with when we hear it, which instantly shifts us into a slightly more subconsciously jovial mood. It is why that meme works.
I agree that it moves the Overton window massively to our side of the field.
Let’s just pray that it isn’t mere blustery campaign rhetoric, because we actually need this on a large scale to clean house and reestablish order in this wicked wasteland of a country.
Without public executions, I don’t think we come back from the abyss.
Definitely. They pull this reconciliation hearings with amnesty bullshit, and this thing will be rebuilt in like a second, because everyone will see there is no consequence to it. Everyone who knew 9/11 was allowed by the surveillance, and maybe done by the surveillance, and they kept serving this thing, has to go.
I am not sure they are not secretly some foreign force anyway. Some secretly British cult, still serving the crown after the insult of the revolution or something. I would think you would have to have a pretty big hard-on for America to serve what probably did 9/11, and let all those noble, innocent young guys get shipped into meat grinders in multiple countries over the lie of 9/11. It might make sense if they see themselves as foreigners, from a land wronged by the US. Might also explain how they keep the secret.
I mean I just saw a video of some wounded vet whose face was so burned up his lips were actually burned away, leaving his teeth constantly exposed, explaining how he is able to drink just fine using a straw, and it is no big deal.
Meanwhile the surveillance is protecting Ed Buck, who would still be living his best life, drugging up and raping homeless guys with his big mechanics tool cart of sex toys and drug paraphernalia, if only he could have not killed that second homeless kid with an OD while sexually assaulting him.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to like Donald Trump any better…