News Briefs – 02/14/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Superbowl announcer refers to the “Military District of Washington.” Fenced in, occupied by the National Guard, with checkpoints in and out for a while. Could be an interesting detail.

More outlets are covering how CISA is trying to prevent the release of a report that, “identified multiple severe security flaws that would allow bad actors to install malicious software,” on Dominion  machines.

GA Sec of State Raffensperger promised President Trump in a phone call that his office would address auditor Bryan Geels’s 97,000 ballot issues, but they never did, and instead they gave pieces of the call to the media to claim Trump was stealing the election.

RNC sues key Pennsylvania county for absentee ballot transparency after they refuse to reveal procedures for counting absentee ballots.

Conservative Treehouse writes – “In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats.” His case is, “and then after 9/11, they began targeting us.” It is dangerous to say this, because then what is out there looks like an aberration, that perhaps would never have arisen without the massive trauma which was 9/11. I have no idea if Sundance is in the network, and running cover, or if he genuinely doesn’t know. But this did not start with 9/11. 9/11 started with this. I was under this coverage long before 9/11. I was looking at the strange play-acting of junior child-spies in my school as they ran skits to try and manipulate me, long before 9/11. And I am not alone. Every school has them, and every kid gets looked at, though I suspect only a few get the treatment I saw, probably the GATE kids primarily. My mom was under decades before I was born, when she was just a young teenager, and it may even have killed her mother in her 30’s, and then taken a measure to splinter the family, tear out its roots, and prevent everyone from understanding whatever it is in that family line which has marked it. It is important, nay, VITAL, that everyone understand that what they are seeing is not an aberration, but rather the steady state which the system will always revert toward, if the entirety of the populace is unaware of it. The populace must be made aware the system will trend to this state, made supremely paranoid by that reality, and placed in a constant state of complete and utter warfare against the arising of all such organizations. Intelligence operations, surveillance, and conspiracy convey such massive advantages to the conspirators, they will always arise and grow in secret, unless a supremely paranoid populace understands that it must confer a violently brutal disadvantage to rival the advantages, so that one day its children may grow up free of this. I have seen it, and it is truly the greatest pox on this land. No American should rest until it is eradicated.

New York Post – A surprisingly large share of Democrats wants to see Hillary Clinton investigated over her possible role in manufacturing dirt to try to tie Donald Trump to the Kremlin, a new poll shows. 

Former President Donald Trump Sunday called Special Counsel John Durham’s filings that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had paid a technology company to infiltrate Trump Tower’s servers and the White House a “spying operation” that in older days “would have been punishable by death.” There is no doubt Hillary has engaged in death penalty-level treason offenses. I wonder if Trump is trolling her over the fact that when this is all done she may end up getting a death penalty.

Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News that he AGREES with a Donald Trump statement that suggests Democrat operatives tied to the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign should have been EXECUTED.

Clinton 2016 official at the heart of Server Scandal is now Biden’s National Security Advisor in charge of Ukraine.

Liz Cheney’s husband is a partner at Latham & Watkins, that works on behalf of companies linked to China’s military – and individuals connected to spying on President Trump.

Tech Executive that Durham is closing in one bought his house from Evergreene LLC (Q indicated the word Evergreen was some sort of symbol in Cabal), and just weeks back put it into a Trust as Durham was closing in.

Flashback: Top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett refuses to answer if Obama directed the criminal spying on Trump.

Even Fox News has to cover Durham and admit Hillary was paying to have White House servers used by the President basically illegally tapped.

Parallels emerge between the ‘Deep State’ spying on Trump and Netanyahu.

Mitch McConnell is working a behind-the-scenes campaign to make sure Trump-backed ‘goofballs’ don’t win their primaries.

The heavy electronically magnetic security doors in the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 were opened from the inside by someone inside the security booth.

It seems that the extent of the head trauma to Bob Saget is more extensive than was originally suggested. The neurosurgery chair at Houston Methodist said, “This is significant trauma. This is something I find with someone with a baseball bat to the head, or who has fallen from 20 or 30 feet.” The injuries stretched from the back to the front of his skull, with additional fractures above his eye sockets. And then he tucked himself into bed. He knew something about pedowood. And notice how this would have been entirely glossed over by the regular media.

GiveSendGo HACKED… Demon Hackers Take Over GiveSendGo Website — Then Post the Personal Information of Freedom Convoy Donors Online. It is tough when you are facing hackers which operate above the state-sponsored level. Just today somebody was saying we should have been creating our own infrastructure, and I was saying, “You don’t understand, you were never going to create an alternative to facebook, or twitter, or google, and be successful ten years ago. They had to win those battles at all cost, and they control every intelligence agency – and private contractors that are even more powerful.” They were never going to let you win those battles. We just have to accept we will need to take our lumps alongside the companies that fight, like GiveSendGo, and keep on keeping on.

Liberals considering bringing in the War Measures Act to remove Ottawa Freedom Truckers.

It now appears that banks are also acting to cut off donations to the Canadians truckers.

3,573 fetal deaths in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines – a 1,867% increase over non-COVID vaccines.

From here at the Daily Expose – The Covid-19 vaccines have been forensically examined in the United Kingdom and a laboratory report confirms they contain graphene nanomaterials that can penetrate the body’s natural barriers and damage the central nervous system, and Graphene Oxide which can damage internal organs, destroy blood health, trigger cancer, and cause changes in gene function among a host of other ill effects. And that is not even what Japan confirmed as being “magnetically reactive” precipitate particles in their doses which the manufacturer essentially confirmed by recalling all the shots. And I still have yet to see somebody sequence the mRNA and confirm it is even Spike protein mRNA.

From here: “On Grace Schara’s last day, she had been given a combination of a sedative, an anxiety medication, and morphine leading up to her time of death at 7:27 p.m. on Oct. 13, 2021. With an armed guard standing near the doorway of her room at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin, Jessica, Grace’s sister and patient advocate, screamed at nurses she saw standing in the hallway begging them to help Grace… Grace felt cold after the 6:15 p.m. morphine injection… Jessica Facetimed her parents, Scott and Cindy, at 7:20 p.m. They both joined Jessica in her pleas. There was nothing to be done, a nurse responded from the hallway, because Grace had been coded as Do Not Resuscitate (DNR). Scott and Cindy yelled that she wasn’t DNR.”

Today’s pandemic response is eerily similar to the smallpox pandemic response.

Creepy Dr. Zeke Emanuel, the God-father of death panels, was Dr. Fauci’s Director of Dept. of Bioethics, the “ethical” oversight board at NIH. 

A battle over the distribution of ivermectin by the Mexican government continues as a paper describing the apparent benefits of the program has been removed from a popular online science database.

Celebrities defy Covid restrictions, and go maskless at Super Bowl LVI.

Walmart drops mask mandate for 1.6M U.S. employees.

Republican John Curtis (R-UT) says a Democrat plan that gives amnesty to illegal aliens and expands pipelines for foreign visa workers will be a boost for business.

Morgan Stanley says the amount of hiking needed to contain inflation will soon stall the economy.

In New York, a gang member who shot two people, including an 81-year-old apparent innocent bystander, is released after “sympathetic prosecutors” lowered his bail because they feared his being a gang member endangered him in Rikers. Gang members are Cabal assets. This guy may have been involved in something like Seth Rich, only it didn’t go sideways and make the news. But now he has protection.

University of Virginia paid CRT proponent Ibram Kendi more than $500 per minute for lecture. They don’t look for bids, and choose somebody with a reasonable rate? Obviously a payoff for something else. In the real world where we live, money does not float around that much, and you can’t waste it when you happen into it. It is surprising they have managed to brainwash so many to the point that we live paycheck to paycheck, and even forgo things because of monetary constraints at times, and yet we simultaneously have this picture in our mind of all these places (only different because they belong to Cabal), where money has no worth, and people pay ridiculously large lump sums they don’t have to, for stuff they don’t need, and give hundreds of millions away to elect politicians they don’t know, and pay millions to news anchors when others would gladly do the same job just as well for a fraction of that, and contribute to charities we all know waste money, and none of them pass on their wealth to their children, and people just assume it all makes sense. Even I assumed this, even after working with my friend in a service job for these people, and seeing up close how all of them are super-cheap tightwads, and unwilling to part with any money in their personal lives.

As a congressional stock trading ban is likely to pass some Congressmen are pushing competing bills with a spousal loophole.

USDA suspends Mexican avocado imports, stoking yet more food inflation. An inspector in Mexico got a threatening message on his phone supposedly, triggering this.

I would not rule out a vehicular surveillance team taking out a target on this next one (graphic vid of a guy getting driven over):

Nearly 24 million taxpayers are still waiting for their tax refunds from LAST year – more than DOUBLE the backlog the IRS previously admitted – putting huge strain on this year’s filing season.

The Biden administration is planning to throw Americans’ tax dollars at the Taliban without knowing how the money will be used, according to a watchdog group.

In Italy, the supervolcano known as Campi Flegrei to the west of Naples is at a yellow alert level as it is undergoing heightened levels of unrest. “If ground uplift continues at its present rate, it will surpass the level reached in 1984 which led to the evacuation of 40,000 residents.”

Mount Etna volcano eruption update; 1 kilometer high lava fountains, pyroclastic flows have traveled several kilometers.

Ukraine’s ambassador to Britain has told BBC5 Live’s Nolan show that his country might contemplate withdrawing its objective of joining NATO. Putin wins again.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy during phone call on Sunday invited U.S. President Joe Biden to visit Ukraine, “in the coming days.” LOL. Wasn’t everyone saying they were going to be attacked “in the coming days?” By all means, send him over.

Putin ‘doesn’t give a shit about sanctions’ and ‘the more the West pushes him, the stronger his response will be’, Russian ambassador to Sweden says.

Most US voters support removing soft-on-crime prosecutors according to a new poll.

Support for Biden among black Protestants is plunging, down almost thirty percent.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are going to take lumps, you just never quit because of them.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Republican John Curtis (R-UT) says a Democrat plan that gives amnesty to illegal aliens and expands pipelines for foreign visa workers will be a boost for business.”

Yes. The child sex trafficking business and drug trade will both be greatly expanded. The business of stealing the last of America’s technological edge will also continue apace.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Curtis has dreams of being the next Mitt Romney.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

>Italian volcanoes

🤌 Thatta a spicy meat-a-balla 🤌

3 years ago

Re: 9/11 and spy-state

I would agree that it was always around, but 9/11 was used an excuse to formalize a fair amount of its structure as well as implement newly released tech. By this I mean a lot of spying was made official and “legal”, where it probably wasn’t before even though it was always going on. And 9/11 was in theory what allowed the populace to swallow it without too much fuss.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

“I would agree that it was always around, but 9/11 was used an excuse to formalize a fair amount of its structure as well as implement newly released tech. By this I mean a lot of spying was made official and “legal”, where it probably wasn’t before even though it was always going on. And 9/11 was in theory what allowed the populace to swallow it without too much fuss.”

COVID tyranny did something of the same thing on a larger scale.

If you were unfortunate enough to be in higher education, or work at a large institution (it didn’t matter if it was public, private, or non-profit), you had to put up with an increasing amount of PC or woke stuff, lots of strange bureaucratic rules, and surveillance. This already started increasing in the early 1990s, and just got worse. And people in formerly fun cities because increasingly puritanical.

The COVID hygene theater and restrictions just brought this all in the open, legitimized it in people’s minds, and increased it. But it was really a more extreme version of what had already been happening since at least the 1900s.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Ya, They seem to get everything set up and the procedures/tyranny in place informally first, then use some event as an excuse to make it the “official” way things are done now after its already partially implemented and ready to be fully implemented.

There are no leaders, only self-appointed dickheads who think they have a right to control everyone else.

3 years ago

Hillary’s codename was evergreen right? I thought that ship that blocked the suez was call evergreen, but a quick search says it was the evergiven.

As far as evergreen goes, its most obvious meaning would probably be some sort of anti-aging or longevity related goal. Just speculation though. If it was hillary’s codename it probably has to do with killing babies. Hard to understand what mechanism would actually cause this, so I am a bit skeptical, but some conspiradudes were saying adrenochrome has that effect. Or is believed to anyway. So anti-aging and killing babies and hillary might all be the same thing.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

The Suez blocking ship the EVERGIVEN is operated by EVERGREEN MARINE.

3 years ago

If you want to understand the modern world today, there is no better talk about than this from a former British Intelligence officer talking about the Council of London–which controls Britain. This Council is about controlling “Mind Space”. Dictate the Mind Space–you control the people. We see this when Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh both chanted the Marxist propaganda that “We, us conservatives, are NOT racist, sexist, homophobes”. But saying that makes one exactly Marxist, NOT conservative. (Those were my observations.)

Arthur Thompson is speaking at what is called a grand jury for the second Nuremberg Trials. He lays out pretty good how the Council of London controls even the British Crown. He goes on as well how MI-5 before WWII, promoted or demoted journalists at the BBC according to its will.

This is also corroborated by sorts by Archibald Ramsay, once a British military officer b. 1894, in his little book The Nameless War, The Jewish Power Against the Nations (1952).

What I found fascinating was his concentration about the press in the English Civil Wars and the French Revolution and their constant diatribes against the monarchies there and the creation of numerous hoaxes! —And where have we heard that? —Same stuff yesterday is now going on against President Trump.

There is a Jewish Comintern here in America —and is the Council of London–where Thompson mentions “Lord” Rothschild.

There is Jewish Power. Arthur Thompson doesn’t name the name—but with the help of Ramsay and others you can!

An Orthodox writer, Vladimir Moss, quotes a much more precise statement by the Jew, Crémieux on the agenda:

>>>”The Messianism of the new era must arise and develop; the Jerusalem of the New World Order, which is established in holiness between the East and Asia, must occupy the place of two forces: the kings and the popes… Nationality must disappear. Religion must cease to exist. Only Israel will not cease to exist, since this little people is chosen by God.”

(ref: #321 Crémieux, Archives Israelites (Israelite Archives), 1861, N 25. as quoted by Moss, Vladimir (2014) The Mystery of Jewish History. PDF. pg 212. )

“Nationality must disappear”. That is the Jewish goal. Moreover, “Religion must cease to exist”—and this “religion” is an allusion to Christianity! That is the goal of Communism for Communism, at its heart, is Jewish Messianism! To do away with Europe and The Faith.

Hillaire Belloc said, “The Faith is Europe and Europe is the Faith”. That is True. Christendom was based on Throne and Altar. Notice that the Jew says “kings and popes” shall disappear. That is Throne and Altar!

This is the Conspiracy—Jewish Messianism.

Archibald Ramsay defines the Jews thusly: “Judaism is a political program (for World Domination) wrapped in the cloak of religion”. I totally agree. But it is not just World Domination–it is about their Messiah—World Unity, World Peace, and the Destruction of Edom. Europeans and Christianity are Edom; Edom must be destroyed. That is why you now see the frenzied activity of DHS to drown America in Browns and blacks so the white man is destroyed here in America.

That’s the conspiracy! It has been going on for over 500 years. That was what Modern Republicanism was!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

I’m listening to this now, at the one and a half hour mark of a five and a half hour presentation.

This is pretty much a description of the cabal, or how it operates. However, I disagree one one important point. The main Western cabal seems to be based on the European continent, likely in the aristocratic houses. The British dynasty is a cadet branch of the Welfs, but as the video describes, the British elite keep them from real influence. The British branch of the cabal is powerful, and not to be trusted, but seems alternate with cooperating with the main continental European and doing their own thing.

3 years ago

I wish that you put a warning on that vid. Okay, so a driver turning left knocked down a person in the crosswalk, so what —I WAS NOT PREPARED TO SEE A SUV drive over his head. …that is gross, disgusting, sick. And yes, they don’t care. That was a total surprise. Didn’t see that coming. I wish that I did not see that. Oh man.

I’ve linked before to Ann Barnhardt’s video on Diabolical Narcissism. Narcissism is the basis of sociopathy and psychopathy. And the basis of Narcissism is the ideology of Individualism! yep. Modern Republicanism is the political manifestation of Gnosticism which is the movement of sociopaths. America is fast descending into sociopathy amongst all of its members!

America is very, very dangerous place now.

The German Classicist Werner Jaeger is absolutely right when in his work Paideia, he writes that it is the Aristocracy that creates the culture of their particular nation. The Catholic writer Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and many other Catholics noticed that when Napoleon freed the Jews, the Jews quickly became the New Aristocracy of Europe. It didn’t help either that Polish and Lithuanian Catholics in order to entice Jewish conversion to The Faith, handed out titles of Nobility to Jewish converts! How dumb is that?!

Jews are a race of sociopaths. They control the culture of the West by controlling the Mind Space. Their Marxist propaganda is turning everyone into a raging sociopath.

Yes, Werner Jaeger is right—it is the Aristocracy, Good, Bad, Evil, Pseudo–that define the culture of a society. And it was the European atheists and heretics that gave the Jews this power in the West.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The real point is stay out of cities. They all live up to the Obi Wan quote about hives of scum and villainy. I live in SoCal, and no one I know ever goes anywhere near Los Angeles.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, you’ve been popping off lately. Keep up the good work.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> trying to drive home to readers to never assume each subsequent event will be like the last, and make sure you have cover and a place to squirt if things close in on you

Middle Eastern terrorist cells make prisoners go through mock executions dozens, even hundreds of times during their captivity. This makes them complacent and lazy on the day they actually die, and ensures minimal violent resistance from the prisoners on any given day, assuming it will just be another false alarm.

False security is the least secure place to be.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“…When the surveillance comes out, you will see the biggest redistribution of wealth the entire planet has ever seen…”

They should be deported. The ancient Greeks when someone became such a disruptive ass that he was more trouble than he was worth they would just tell them to go and not come back.

We should load them and all their family members up in military planes, strap a parachute, a case of MRE’s and a gallon of water on them and dump them out over the Congo.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Funny thing is, if they did that to us, we would end up building Rome.

They’ll end up cannibals in a week. You know, the ones that aren’t already, at least.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

>Ann Barnhardt’s video on Diabolical Narcissism

Just want to say that AC’s book (and many posts) and this video on narcissism were extremely useful to my recovery post-narcissist. Though I was a very independent child, it also turned out that the first person I’d ever trusted as a young adult ended up becoming/maturing/transforming into a full-flown narcissist as we became adults. And he did his best to take advantage of me.

I had a textbook understanding of sociopathy and psychopathy prior to uncovering the narcissist, but AC’s book and posts, then Ann’s video and posts, really helped me grok the narcissist’s mentality. Understanding this mentality was a huge part for me to become free of my narcissist’s tricks and lies.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thank God!, I profer Arete, (virtue) which is the antidote to Narcissism.

The Virtue of Righteousness—Duty. Duty cures Narcissism. Duty is outward looking. Duty is responsibility and obligation. Duty is Self-Sacrifice. Duty is Western Culture.

2nd The Virtue of Manliness—creating a Hard character. Strength training. Hard Manual Labor

Drop ALL ideologies of individualism. We are NOT “individuals” but herd animals. God created us that way on purpose.

II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete” The Virtue of Righteousness
II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete.”

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

“Drop ALL ideologies of individualism. We are NOT “individuals” but herd animals. God created us that way on purpose. ”

We are both, GOD created us that way.
Balance must be sought.
The way of the herd alone is the way of communism and sheep.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Another sudden celebrity death.

“Our family is grieving the unexpected loss of a husband, father, and grandfather who taught us to always seek the magic in life,” children Jason Reitman, Catherine Reitman and Caroline Reitman said in a joint statement.”

No idea if he was boosted but he was at last summer’s New York Comic Con which you had to be vaxxed to enter.

He was 75 so it might not have been the vax but it was the vax.

3 years ago

“I have no idea if Sundance is in the network, and running cover, or if he genuinely doesn’t know.”

I read The Conservative Treehouse consistently for a couple of years during Trump’s presidency. I was struck by Sundance’s obvious intellect and his ability to get down into the weeds of the Washington bureaucratic fuckery. The guy is so smart but what he refused to countenance was Q. Sundance began to discuss the “Deep State” more and more often – when it was no longer viable to ignore it – and the “Globalists”, but he cannot acknowledge the Cabal. Further, the comments are vapid. Gung-ho “patriots” and “You go get em’, Sundance!” fakes.

Sundance, like Steve Sailer, is one of “our guys” who inevitably lets you down when you need them. There’s a pattern here. Aggregate, distract, misdirect and demoralize.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Sundance not knowing Cabal and assuming the deep state stops with Hillary Clinton is a real blind spot.

He does excellent analysis with the material given, but his predictions are usually wrong. He predicted that Bob Mueller would checkmate Trump on several occasions and he could not see that complete clown Mueller turned out to be. A Q reader would have a better understanding of what is going on.

Miles Mathis has a similar blindspot because he is an atheist and a progressive. He thinks it is all big corporations and the very rich.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Sundance is a she.

3 years ago

The “Military District of Washington” is apparently just the name of an Army command district. The current district started in 1921.

3 years ago

You got that tight AC, you fucking now it, you never give up. I’ll tell you another reason why you never fucking quit, its right there to see, see all the things they are trying to di to stop tge truckers and who is supporting them? Well the assholes would not be doung that if they where not terrified, i mean existentionally shit their pants worried, because maybe they dont fully understand it, but they sure are afraid of how fucking mean us good folks get when we had enough of them and their bullshit. The fuckers can’t stop it, they can do lots of nasty dirty things, kil a lit of us, but in the end us good folks can not be stopped. Those too are the lumps. Its part of why we can not be stopped, we take our lumps like nobody and keep on the mission till its done. Its a cold anger thing. Even those fuckers with everything they got to fuck with us can’t control or fuck with that. People saying and talking and writing about that makes the fuckers blood run cold. But win we will, winning is what we are about, and you can not stop good foljs like that. And every day more and more of us see what the fuckers are doing to us, and it hits them why not, why not join the honorable resistance, why not resist, why not make a stand. You see it in the truckers and tgeir friends. Thats what is so incredibly dangerous to the fuckers, they have no choice they got to try and stop it, but realky its too late, that cat’s loose, its gone past nice people prudence and tolerance, whats left is good foljs getting right with it, themselves and what it takes. If that machine had the power to stop good people it would already given us the dirt nap. Nope, they are gonna have to drop nukes on us and let loose black plagues and other genocidal shit, but really its too late, doing that shit now is just poking a stick in a wasp nest. The whole fucking thing is going to crash in on them and its good simple folks who are gonna make it happen.
Thats coming. Even the sun rising has nothing on us good folks and what is inevitable when we are done and get mean like nobody who ain’t seen it first hand knows.

3 years ago

Re: Trump and Death Penalty.

A few years ago, I was eagerly awaiting some sign of elite on elite violence. That seemed like the best way to gauge if there was an actual meaningful struggle and a necessary condition to removing Cabal.

Then I began worrying that elite on elite violence was the precursor to Institutional collapse.

Now we have Trump faction pols threatening vengence when GOP takes the House and this from Trump. Admittedly, the threats are to use legal process and the Institutions and not right wing death squads.

Worrying to me.

But it is probably provocation, trying to make Cabal/Clinton do even dumber things.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

It has to happen.
Embrace it.

5 Lac Dolla
5 Lac Dolla
Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Think of it as cleansing fire.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Urban living blackpill content:

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

James LaFond should be regular reading for K types. He provides behind-the-lines intel from the urban jungle and valuable tips on violence management — both avoidance and kinetic engagement.

3 years ago

Re Saget. I never saw that aristocrats movie, but allegedly sages bit was particularly vicious. If it’s really the joke that isn’t actually a joke then he probably did know something. Was he giving testimony?

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

I thought maybe his Grindr date killed him. Could be cabal too one supposes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

I saw Saget’s aristocrat sketch. I didn’t think it was funny but now that I know about the Jews I realize it wasn’t for me but for them. They wanted to degrade aristocrats, so they did all these scathing derogatory jokes about them.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Parallels emerge between the ‘Deep State’ spying on Trump and (((Netanyahu))).

If you strike at a king, you must kill him.

This is two whacks that (((they))) took and didn’t take them down with. (((They))) are not all powerful. (((They))) bleed.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I just wish someone could come up with a working psyop to expose (((them))) to the average normie. I find the whole rolling out the cork board with evidence connected by red yard doesn’t go over well.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

It’s all about stair casing people. If you jump to floor 50 and start ranting about the Jews you’re going to have a hard time convincing anyone, but if you lead them up a stair at a time it’s all easier to grasp.

Start with simple, obvious hoaxes with ZERO emotional baggage that modern people won’t froth over, and work up once you get them into a questioning mindset.

By the time you get to even normie conspiracies like JFK they’ll be showing you theories you’ve never seen before lol. Done this process twice in the last two years with success.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

For those two- what did you start with?

My trip down the rabbit hole started with being shown Building 7 footage. But that seems to be too many floors up for some people.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It’s hard getting anyone to the first step. I see a sort of nihilism that has set in with a lot of people. I could convince them of everything, yet they’d still toss up their hands and declare nothing can be done. The rest are too focused on their on their own lives to even care.

The Canada truckers were the biggest story in the world when it started, but I can find plenty of people who didn’t even know about it. They don’t watch *any* news, much less MSM. Getting them to step one would involve a complete primer of how the world works even at a simple level.

And with two young children now and a third in my oven, I have no time for that. :-\

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

“…I just wish someone could come up with a working psyop to expose (((them))) to the average normie….”

I think the single most damning thing to point out possible is the fall of building 7 on 911. Not hit by a plane and only having fire on 3 or 4 floors as shown by a news reporter’s video about one hour before it fell. It fell the same speed as if it had NO support but air for roughly 108 feet. There’s no way that this could happen unless, the whole entire lower section of the build over ten floors worth was boiled away to where it was the same density as air, and we know that didn’t happen, or it was demoed in some manner. People may ignore this evidence after you tell them for a long time but it will always be in their minds because it can not be logically explained in a way that conforms to the belief that we have an actually working political and judicial system. We do not. Nor is the military looking after our welfare.

I have friends that think I’m a nut but…they can’t explain building 7 and over time after I have shown them this, they start noticing. They start telling me stuff that doesn’t fit. It takes a while and the reason is it is so frightening that we are controlled by people who would do things like this that the mind does not want to see it.

I have the same problem. I’ve recently been talking about how it finally sunk in that the future of this country is completely bleak. There is no future because all the vaxing is done. It’s cooked into the program. Our whole military is vaxed and it may well be that all of them will die. How will we be able to train new people to do what is needed to defend ourselves? It’s almost impossible. Who will take care of all these children when 50% of the population dies off? All these aliens that have been ushered in. What are they doing here? What will happen when large, possibly as high as 50% of the White population dies off? We are fucked and I kept thinking that maybe there was some way out but there is not. Within two, three years at the most the whole entire country will implode.

As for building 7 the easiest most concise statement that can be made about it that covers the most ground is,”Building 7, was not hit by a plane, only had fire on three or four floors an hour before it fell and it fell over 100 feet at the same speed as if only air held it up.”

That can be easily verified and has NO logical explanation in a just country.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Oh BTW in case they ask how someone could get away with 911 make sure and tell them a Jew shortly before 911 bought all the buildings that fell down, fired all the security and hired their own, the security at the airports where the planes took off were all controlled by Jews and after the buildings fell Jew run companies took all the steel before it was investigated, hauled it off, shipped it to China and had it melted down. That should get them thinking.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Well…there is that…

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam, is that true–all the security was fired and replaced? The security at the airports were compromised?


9/11 is what pushed the creation of DHS! The whole thing is Jewish! They literally killed thousands, just to get DHS created so they could sit on WASP patriots and steal this country!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago


Check out Christopher Bolleyn does a complete breakdown of all the steps in 9/11 and identifies the Zionist gatekeepers/controllers in each step.

Zioncrimefactory did a similar analysis.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Thanks, English!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Bolleyn is Excellent. After he started writing on 911 he was harassed and the police broke his arm and at that point he left the country.

He stopped a false flag for sure. Remember the Malaysian plane that just disappeared? Right after that the Jews in Israel said that it landed in Pakistan. Yeah sure…right. Well Bolyln found someone who had found a plane exactly the same as the one disappeared that the Jews bought to “dismantle for parts”. Like Boeing doesn’t make parts for it’s airplanes.

Bolyln, an old school reporter tracked this stuff down and pieced together what happened.

It was bought by a company run by a former IDF officer in Florida. Sent to France, then to Israel where it was in hanger. Now we all know you can’t buy functioning airplanes and let them sit around doing nothing in hangers. They obviously were going to use it in a false flag and claim the Pakistanis were responsible but were foiled by plane watchers who track planes.

So Bolleyn definitely stopped a false flag by making all this public.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

“…Sam, is that true–all the security was fired and replaced? The security at the airports were compromised?…”

Yes true.

“…Marvin Bush, George W.’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom (now Stratesec), the very company in charge of security at the WTC in 2001…”

I couldn’t get to this site directly.

Jews owned the security company at the airport.

Evidence Destroyed

Jews, Jews, Jews it’s all Jews.

Johannes Q
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

If it bleeds we can kill it.

3 years ago

On the Durham Motion (Feb 11) — I finally read it. First glance implications: this is a motion to make Sussman explicitly waive the conflict of interest his lawyers have. Durham’s motion holds that Sussman’s interests and the interests of other clients who are witnesses or other parts of the investigation are not aligned.

This is a constitutional issue for Sussman. Everyone has the right to their OWN attorney. If your attorney is representing someone else in the same investigation then the question is, who are the representing more? Durham is doing this as a “last chance, no appeals” thing for Sussman. If Sussman sticks with Latham, he does it at his own peril.

The most obvious conflict of interest is that Sussman should take a deal, and his attorneys are telling him not to in order to protect another client of theirs — like Hillary.

Para 5 explicitly says that they were mining the DNS requests of the Executive Office of the President. That means that this went on after Trump was in office (as has been reported) and is pretty clearly to me under the definition of wiretapping, and, depending on how you define the interests of the United States, may be espionage.

Para 14 talks about the Clinton campaign and the related Political Organization-1. Not clear who that is, but likely the DNC.

Those are the things that jumped out at me. About half the motion is recounting the indictment, which, since we’ve already seen it, can’t be new info.

3 years ago

This is of interest to anyone following Russiagate. Garland is a lolcow but he does try to work from facts. So this is the state of non-Cabal hard core DEMs. Clinton is f*cked. I’m thinking people like Garland have one real option now: expose the GOPe as Bushites and complicit too, revealing the “swamp”. Note: they’re still at Orange Man Bad mindset and Hillary’s criminal insane bumbling saved the Bad Orange Man and I suppose a “yes she’s a psychopathic greedy monster but she’s competent and better than Orange Man” stage…

3 years ago

> It now appears that banks are also acting to cut off donations to the Canadians truckers.

Operation Choke Point was supposed to have ended in 2017, but apparently they just moved it out of public view.

3 years ago

> Liberals considering bringing in the War Measures Act to remove Ottawa Freedom Truckers.

The retards still don’t seem to have grasped the situation.

Issue orders and threats? Didn’t work.

Order police to arrest everyone? Didn’t work.

Order towing companies to remove the nuisance? Didn’t work.

Go after their funding? Didn’t work.

Call in the Army? What are they going to do, shoot everyone? Bomb the trucks? The roads will then be full of defunct trucks that will be even harder to get rid of.

Pretty soon some Canadians are doing to wonder how secure Ottawa’s communications, water, electric, and sewer systems are… if a mere traffic jam and some honking can drive Parliament crazy, what happens when their toilets stop working? Or (merde alors!) their internet goes down?

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

The unspoken and worrying issue here is that, by going military, the government only guarantees revolution. There is no non-violent recourse left after this, except for maybe a run on the banks or crashing the economy with a general strike, which will also be stopped by force from the government.

If the demons in power don’t let off the gas it will go kinetic from here. There’s no more pressure release valves.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

China managed to pull off a Tiananmen square and memory holed that incident.

What’s the difference?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


Maybe it’s designed to go kinetic. Maybe the plan is to cause such chaos in Canada that Turdeau has no alternative but to then call in the UN peacekeepers, who will no doubt be Chinese soldiers.

Imagine, a massive Chinese military build up just over the border from the USA.

Doesn’t sound good does it?

3 years ago

“Liberals considering bringing in the War Measures Act to remove Ottawa Freedom Truckers.”

According to Bannon at 11:35 EST today, citing a CBC story, they are going to go for it.

3 years ago

Cabal is breaking up. Not enough economic activity to support all the grifters. A tell will be if interest rates get raised.

3 years ago

>3,573 fetal deaths in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines – a 1,867% increase over non-COVID vaccines.

“Well, a layperson might assume some kind of link between those deaths and the vaccinations, but without a thorough knowledge of statistics and medicine, they’re simply not qualified to interpret that kind of information. There’s absolutely no connection between those two facts. The $cience has spoken!”

3 years ago

As our enemies become more bold, it’s worth learning their strategies, and for many, who the enemy actually is. It’s not globohomo, that’s one of the attack vectors of the enemy. As was removal of adultery/divorce laws, and the promoting of socialism in schools. Who sends all the fentanyl?

Truth, a bitter pill to swallow, and be very very suspicious of anyone calling our enemies the brave nations who will never accept globohomo. Our enemies don’t poison their own wells, obviously. Read this slowly:

Reply to  trevor
3 years ago

China and Russia could not manage the totality of the warfare we’ve seen against the United States. They are not our enemies, in my view.

Yes, China wants to steal our tech. Yes, they’d like to surpass us. But that does not mean that they are our “enemy.” People to be wary of, but not an enemy. Same goes with Russia. I’m sure Russia would be thrilled to do more trade with us.

The Bolshevik and Cultural Revolution were brought about by Cabal, following a Cabal script, for the purposes of softening up those populations for Cabal to enslave.

That same force has been running the same plan on us. To the extent that Russia is a threat to us it’s because that same force wants to use the US to weaken Russia. And that same force wants to deplete us and build up China, but also use us to keep China in line.

It’s Cabal that creates our enemies and forces us to behave in ways that menace and threaten other countries. None of this shit is in our interest.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Russia is not our enemy, China IS.

China wants to destroy our nation, kill us all, and steal our land.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“The Bolshevik and Cultural Revolution were brought about by Cabal, following a Cabal script, for the purposes of softening up those populations for Cabal to enslave.”

It sounds really weird, but there is a chance the Cultural Revolution was an an attempt to keep the eastern cabal from infiltrating and converging the CCP. Its hard to tell what was going on, but that is as valid an interpretation as any. The Stalinist purges may also have been anti-cabal.

Reply to  Ed
3 years ago

Stalin is a very evil Man. But he understood real power and the nature of his political rivals.

Reply to  trevor
3 years ago

No one here believes Russia is liberal. The only people that Russia fooled into thinking that they’ve liberalized is Democrats and corporate capitalists.

People on this blog know that Russia is a national-socialist country, as is China. People here know that both of those countries have systematically removed any and all problems plaguing the West and have now hardened themselves against Western retaliation.

What there is is only the bare, observable facts on the ground: A Chinaman wakes up in the morning and sees that his leaders are Chinese. A Russian wakes up in the morning and see that his leaders are Russian. Americans wake up to a demented pedophile led by Jews dressed as women. Russians and Chinese are far more confident that their leaders hold their best interests at heart compared to Americans.

Tell me, has the American government attempted to counter any of the Russia/China conspiracies against it? Did the US government end air travel from China at the beginning of the outbreak? Did it end immigration? Offshore outsourcing? Free trade? No. It expanded all of that, even tacking on CRT and physical riots and threatening parents.

Sure, Moscow and Beijing are no friends of America. Neither is Washington, DC. And DC is a lot closer to us than either Moscow or Beijing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  trevor
3 years ago

That appears to nothing but a huge load of horse pucky.

3 years ago

> And I still have yet to see somebody sequence the mRNA and confirm it is even Spike protein mRNA.

I’ve been wondering the same thing. There are lots of private DNA labs out there now, and it can’t be *that* hard to get hold of a sample; the CDC has claimed “millions” of doses are available.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

You assume anyone given the tech to perform the analysis isn’t comped by the Beast. 10 or so percent of the population, as AC has estimated at the upper end, could easily control all of biotech and such.

3 years ago

Amanda Milius seems pretty juiced in to things and she is going hard against Pompeo. And Pompeo wraps himself in ISR. And q was pro-pompeo. Confusing. Anyway, she is 100% right about Russiagate being Londongate. All roads lead there eventually.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that the entire Trust X list was disinformation.
Including Trust Kansas (Thought to be Pompeo).

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I’ve always hoped that meant Kobach. I’ve always expected big things from him. And he worked closely with DJT on key issues.

And I have always disliked Pompeo intensely.

Reply to  Thesokorus
3 years ago

Don’t worry about who Q seemed to support or not support. It’s completely irrelevant. None of those names changes the overall model of what is happening. And besides, the first thing they’d want to do is make cabal think that they fully trusted any cabal plant. That being said, I still trust Kansas.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

They (Trump faction) would also want to discredit Pompeo if he were really working against Cabal as cover. So I get what you’re saying. And my dislike of his persona is irrelevant to the issue too.

It was a poorly written post. I was trying to imply the jewish internecine conflict behind so much of this is another level of complication.

Personally, I think the “accuracy” of Q is the least important/interesting thing about it.

3 years ago

> Morgan Stanley says the amount of hiking needed to contain inflation will soon stall the economy.

Morgan Stanley is part of the problem. Even the Democratic proletariat are starting to get spooked about the economy; this is just Morgan Stanley’s PR department being proactive to try to deflect some of the eventual backlash.

We’ll probably see similar statements or press releases from the other mega-banks; they’re all interconnected, and none is going to go off the reservation. And, as much as anyone, they know it is alread far too late for any kind of legislative correction.

3 years ago

> Nearly 24 million taxpayers are still waiting for their tax refunds from LAST year – more than DOUBLE the backlog the IRS previously admitted – putting huge strain on this year’s filing season.

We just got our returns from the year *before* last a few weeks ago. We’re not expecting to see 2021’s refund until next year.

“Withholding” is already an interest-free loan of your money to the Feds. They’re really grinding our faces in it now.

The IRS’s excuse is, as everyone else’s “COVID”, though as far as I can tell no employees were furloughed and work continued as usual.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I’m not sure what’s going on with the IRS being behind. It seems like it might be selective. I don’t remember how long my refund took last year, but this year I got it deposited in my account a week after filing.

Now, my state refund is another story entirely.

At least they haven’t managed to change the tax cut passed under Trump. I had to pay $1500 a year under Barry.

3 years ago

> Putin ‘doesn’t give a shit about sanctions’ and ‘the more the West pushes him, the stronger his response will be’, Russian ambassador to Sweden says.

The USSR coped with various trade sanctions for its entire life. The Russian Federation inherited a lot of those, for no fault of its own. So Russia found alternative sources or began making its own stuff generations ago.

The “West” doesn’t have anything that Russia *needs*. And for casual needs, they’re share a common border with China, the source of all the stuffs, and they’re BFFs again, even if Russia isn’t Communist any more.

The Fed can sanction its ass off; the Russians won’t even be inconvenienced, much less discommoded. And Putin will look even stronger, and Biden will look even more like a fool. (well, it’s *possible* he hasn’t sunk all the way to the bottom yet; work with me here)

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

For the average Russia this shows up as there being just one type of tomato/potato/carrot etc at the market abd having to look for Russian or former USSR grown food to avoid the Chinese imports that many believe have too many pesticides. It only mildly annoys people who have travelled in the west and got accustomed to many varieties at a store or market.

3 years ago

Went to Disneyworld last week and had an interesting/weird talk with an nice old guy while in line for a ride. Hey tells me he had a career as a successful professional fisherman. Many prizes over 20 years with $80,000 being the largest. He was president of his fishing league and went fishing all over for free. Then he had a successful career in drag racing for another 15 years (owned five different cars). He was a high school athlete (two sports every year) but somehow got rejected by the army when he volunteered for Vietnam. His uncle, a kernel, had planned to have him as his driver for his tour. He said he owned five homes and had a hard time remembering where the bathroom was at night. He had lost his wife around 2 years ago and then met his current wife, who he knew since childhood (she had lost her husband at the same time). He said she just popped up into his life. She was not friendly or talkative. His daughter went to college and married the football quarterback, who then went on to a successful NFL career. His son works for Oracle for a half million a year all while working from his beach home on the water in North Carolina. He had other relatives that had pro sports careers. Basically he made it all sound like everyone in his family was super successful and well connected. There was a lot of other success stuff he said that I can’t remember. He might have been bullshitting me but it didn’t have that feeling. After reading this site for a while I wonder about all that success was due to merit or being propped up by the system.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Nashhorn
3 years ago

“His uncle, a kernel”

My brother from another mother. Sup cuz?

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Crap, sorry I meant colonel. I should’ve known better.

Reply to  Nashhorn
3 years ago

Hadn’t heard this before. Rfk Jr knows Sirhan didn’t kill his father.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

He’s been outspoken about that for years. Also Martin Luther King’s family doesn’t believe the guy in jail is the one who killed him.

Very high-profile political assassinations, yet their families think the police and courts got the wrong guy.

“Nothing to see here, move along.”

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Yeah, even testified at Sirhan’s parole hearings on his behalf.

Reply to  Nashhorn
3 years ago

That guy glows.
If he isn’t consciously in on it (VERY unlikely) he is so buried in it and controlled by it that he might as well be.

3 years ago

You have any good reads on the GATE program? I was in this program and have vague memories of several odd things related to it. To say my curiosity is piqued is an understatement.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I believe I was in during either the late 80s or very early 90s. I also remember it being mostly “hanging out” and not being pushed much at all. To this day, I thought that was odd, but I assumed it was hippie dippie “self guided learning” bullshit.

I don’t remember the covered windows, but I vaguely remember being in a very unusual classroom (it seemed cooler than a normal classroom). I think it was in a basement, so coverings might not have been needed (I can’t remember windows in general).

One thing I do clearly remember was watching the original cartoon Hobbit movie. I haven’t watched it since, so I have a feeling a rewatch might jog some old memories.

The only other thing I vividly remember is a very strange kid walking up to me and very excitedly and passionately explaining what a googleplex was. That memory, for whatever reason, has stayed sharp for decades. It’s the only personal interaction with another kid that I clearly remember. I also can’t help but wonder if it was a coincidence that we were within short walking distance of the Stanford campus, where google was founded.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

When I was a kid, a math website(probably murderous maths?) or the internet mathsphere was talking about numbers in general. Googolplex was the interesting one to me because it was just that big(I think Pascal’s number was bigger, but it was too complex/inelegant to think about).

It probably is a gamma interest, that a number is just so big that if you were to write googolplex out by hand(without scientific notation), writing 1 digit on every atom, there wouldn’t be enough atoms in the observable universe(another way to say there are less than a googol atoms in the observable universe).

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I recall seeing at least one performance of a similar googleplex script, perhaps several, around age 10-12. I was likewise unimpressed by “just another really big number.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Make it four- but I was older. Ugh, this is giving me a gross feeling and I’m probably writing more than I should. But whatever. There’s no one IRL to compare notes with.

Googleplex dude was during my 20s. The only person I’ve ever heard say this word, and give an excited explanation, was my suspected glowie handler/(now-ex)spouse who picked me up before even graduating from his glowie feeder program at Glowie-University and immediately landing a job at the actual Google main campus. Creepiest cult I’ve ever visited. Maybe Googleplex is some sort of password, could see the test theory too – I was also disinterested but polite and then went back to my own studies.

I was never in a GATE program but that’s presumably because I was at a Catholic school that didn’t have separate tracks.

I have been thinking back through my early school days re: the convos here about bullying.

I had one girl send me home so bruised from wallball everyday for the first semester of third grade that my mother ended up volunteering to supervise the school yard and took her aside one day, threatening to rip all of her hair out, and saying that no one would believe her if she tried to tell. That put an end to the bullying real quick.

I also had a weird experience of being forced to remove my shirt instead of just lifting it in the back for a sciatica test around age 12, over my protests, and then the nurse (maybe, but I think it was allegedly a parent helping) making some big deal of how I didn’t have a bra and how embarrassed she was about it. I was totally flat chested and didn’t need one and just remember thinking “who is this weirdo pervert lady.” They had set up the school library for that and auditory testing.

I’m also the anon who posted a ways back about the principal assuring me of a win in a rigged election if I followed through on giving my speech. I didn’t.

Other weirdness since we’re comparing notes-

Half Jewish college boyfriend went nuts, hallucinating that there were snakes on his floor and talking about wanting to jump off buildings. The right age for mental illness to pop up, but he was also in the same glowie feeder program as my glowie ex-spouse.(I was at the same school but not in the glowie program. Easily a coincide except for the third one below…)

Ex-spouse-glowie was blandly handsome and emotionally robotic. But would literally bang his head on the wall if he disappointed himself. After a long distance stint, conveniently his roommate was moving out right as I was moving back home. Weirdest part is when we were long distance it would take him like two days to get back into character and regain any recognition of or affection toward me. Possibly tied for weirdest- he has no existence whatsoever on the internet for the past 12 years or so.

Last bit- moved away from ex-spouse glowie for a job in a small, remote town far from home while we were still married. Filed the divorce papers from afar. Later, met and worked closely with yet another handsome man from the same glowie-feeder school who just happened to be working in my field and I quickly “clicked” with. Did not bite. He later lost his goddamn mind too and ended up committing very serious wind-up toy style felonies that made statewide but not national news.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Make it four.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Actually, I can’t remember whether I looked up googolplex myself or a smart guy in class brought it up to me first. Instinctively I felt I did it myself.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I wonder if it was a pre-suasion effort to build up Google in the public consciousness, or if it was an unrelated reaction test as you suggest. I certainly failed (or passed depending on the perspective) because I was also unimpressed with a large number having a funny name. I just thought the kid was a little weirdo and don’t remember any other interactions with him.

Interesting enough the googol number was supposedly coined by a child of roughly the same age:

“As mathematician Edward Kasner recounts in his book Mathematics and the Imagination, he asked his 9-year-old nephew Milton to coin a word for a huge number, specifically 10 to the 100th power, and that’s what the youngster came up with.”

I intuitively doubted this story, prompting me to check the man’s background:

“[Edward] Kasner was the first Jew appointed to a faculty position in the sciences at Columbia University.”

I definitely smell the cabal stink here.

Reply to  jeroth
3 years ago

I remember the googleplex kid. (I’m a little older, so it was middle school for me.) I think it was an article in the NYT or USA Today, not sure which. My intuition is that it was designed to catch a certain personality type, a particular archetype. I think that is what the deal is with A Catcher in the Rye and gammas. They had identified another type, and this was testing to see if we were in that group.

Reply to  jeroth
3 years ago

FWIW, doing some research, googol has no etymology and was allegedly made up by the son of a mathematician in the 1920. I suspect that there is some kind of auditory engineering hypnosis in the word, and that is why certain types latch onto it viscerally.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Your frequent references to your childhood experiences triggered an interesting memory for me that I had filed away long ago and only now look back on it and wonder WTF was happening.

I was in 5th grade at a small, underfunded Catholic school in a working class, ethnic neighborhood. Very tight knit community with a lot of hard working, wonderful people. This would have been [Edited, decades back].

One day, at the beginning of the spring semester after Christmas break, our homeroom teacher announces our social studies class has a new teacher.

We go to social studies at the required time, and the new teacher is an attractive woman in her early 40’s, very professional and put together, wearing a ladies suit and carrying herself very differently than the other teachers, all of who we had known since we were little.

This new teacher was quite nice, and treated us well. The only thing is that she began the first day by telling us her father worked for the FBI. She would refer to this fact regularly.

About a week in to the new semester, she starts having all of us in this class engage in role playing games while she took copious notes. The class would always be split into some 50/50 formation and given specific roles.

One of the first games we were spilt into slaves and slave owners, and the kids designated as slaves were to try and convince the slave owners, and I had been designated a slave owner, that the slaves should be freed.

These games would last the entire class, and as I said, she had a clip board and wrote continuously while the role playing went on, occasionally adding context or directions in case things got out of hand.

Again, the woman’s demeanor and professionalism stood out to me at the time, as she was very different than the other teachers, as well as her frequently mentioning of her father working for the FBI, which all of the kids thought was funny.

This routine lasted a few months, and then one day she was gone, and we went back to regular classroom instruction with one of the regular teachers.

To this day I have no idea what all of that was about, but in light of your experiences, it’s possible some agency inserted itself into the school for a period of time and ran some sort of operation, the goal of which is unclear to me.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


That school role playing exercise sounds like a version of the (infamous) Stanford Prison Experiment.

The Stanford experiment was funded by ONI (Naval Intelligence). Given that the navy had it’s own brigs/prisons, why would the ONI fund such an experiment. I remember thinking to myself, imagine the Stanford Experiment applied to an entire society.

The covid crisis of the last two years, especially the growing disconnect/antipathy between vaxxed and unvaxxed, tells me this is why they did the experiment.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I think I got switched back and forth:

1)Was rejected for GATE.

2)best guess is 140 IQ plus or minus ten. Assume minus. Maybe I’m just not smart enough?

3) I have multiple facial scars, the one above my right eye being the only one back then.

4) Pretty sure that I was “enrolled” for coverage because my high IQ trouble maker father pissed off the wrong people, and they reasoned a high IQ trouble maker will produce a high IQ trouble maker.

5) However, I believe my case manager maybe tried to switch me over from derail to cushy life when I was 19. I was cold called from the local Marine Corps recruiter. I was handed a contract to be an electronics tech, reservist, and stationed within Silicon Valley. Essentially this would have been my ticket to joining the dot-coms on the hardware side of things. With an interest in Linux I would have become a sysadmin in no time back in the early 2000’s. Instead I went infantry and came home to work the family business.

6) I’m nowhere as gifted as VD, so when I unknowingly turned all that down they just perma-flagged me.

7) Also despite their perma-flagging my Dad, he responded by starting a successful small business, so that probably factored in.

8) I’m turning out to not be anywhere near the self-starter I wish that I was. Without you guys and family& friends coming in at just the right time, I would already be toast. Maybe living out of a van, and not in the instagram van-life sense.

9)Or working myself to death 6-7 days a week at a dead end job like I was doing in Raleigh. I set a record at the company, 183 days consecutive without a day off.

This is all best guess. Not sure if they expected me to self-destruct or just spin around in circles my whole life. But now for some reason when I get a new job I bump into the UPS guy there who also delivers to my house and he comes right out and asks “new project or new job?”

One of these days I really would like to see my file. Would be interesting to find out just what I screwed up zigging when I was supposed to zag.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

With regards to Vox, I wonder if they did the same with Roosh and Krauser.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

I don’t know what you mean by stargate, and also couldn’t find this song: “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you…/Bitch, I’ll bet your fat…”

In any case, Roosh and Krauser have wrote content which was superior to basically anyone else. Maybe I’ve found others on par but I forgot them. And this was when I thought numbers/metrics/popularity mattered, and would always search for whoever was most popular(and liked reddit for that reason). But I was drawn to them despite their relative lack of popularity.

I wonder how popular they would really be if they were not suppressed, or if the current popular people weren’t artificially promoted so much. Basically all the mainstream content is worse than theirs.

With regards to Vox, I like some of his videos and voxiversity and some blog posts, but he has too many posts so I guess I never really was a fan of his blog(signal/noise). Also he talks too slowly on his streams. Never could get into it.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

AC’s post was deep enough I can’t reply directly to it.

Regarding the Stargate thing, that might have been me. There was an episode of Stargate SG-1 that took place in the show’s future. They made contact with some advanced race that promised them protection from the Goa’uld (their enemy at that point in the show) and all kinds of advanced medical technologies. Then the main female character discovers she is infertile, and her and the doctor learn that since that alien race began a vaccination program, human fertility has dropped worldwide.

That pisses them off, so they launch a project to send a note back in time to themselves. They debate how much to tell themselves, and settle on something like “Under no circumstances go to “. The entire team dies in the operation, but the note is delivered.

When the #clotshot got started, it made me think of that episode. We obviously can’t send a note back in time to ourselves, but there is a screen cap going around of a post on /pol from 2019 saying under no circumstances take a vaccine for a disease that gets started in 2020.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

> but there is a screen cap going around of a post on /pol from 2019 saying under no circumstances take a vaccine for a disease that gets started in 2020.

I saw this screenshot before, but didn’t save it and can’t find it again.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I may have a few details people might be interested in I haven’t shared before, nor have I seen in the comments here or the Chan threads yet.

We were poor and I moved a lot as a kid. But after taking some placement tests I did do a stint in what they called a “gifted program”. I remember going into a classroom with drapes or posters over the windows. Vision tests, hearing tests, all those weird test, and I’m pretty sure Zenner cards but that I’m not 100% positive because it was so boring. As with most, very hazy for me as well. Multiple near-death drownings, but no face scar.

The first detail: They kicked me out because at that time I thought homework was pointless because I was getting perfect scores on tests (I’d wake up early in the morning to have my parents sign those forms that inform them I haven’t been doing homework while they were still sleeping). Also, I didn’t pay attention in class, instead always reading books because I’d already read the textbooks and learned everything relevant anyway. They told me I would be placed back into the gifted program with the smart kids if I started doing homework again. Being the independent kid I was (also my mom telling me at a young age and the young me easily accepting that I was destined to be a loner), I chose books and freedom instead. This was also around when I first saw The Truman Show, thereby cementing my innate suspicion against “authority”.

Second detail: There were still a couple kids I knew that continued to go on gifted. Those kids would get “leveled up” on various subjects like math and science over the summer and get placed into increasingly advanced classes. I knew for a fact that these kids weren’t as smart as me so I felt a bit miffed about that but not enough to start doing homework when I didn’t have to. So the kids that remain in these gifted programs actually get help from the system to supercharge their education to be heads and shoulders above the rest from a very young age (beginning around 5th grade). Also looks like this is proof that they select for kids that are easily flattered/incentivized by leveling up and getting rewarded with status or feeling special.

The third bit is my school district actually sent a young Jewish lady who was supposedly a teacher at my school to “tutor” me presumably to get me back into the gifted program. I remember her being particularly attractive (my friends wouldn’t stop talking about how hot she was, which is why I remember), not that my prepubescent younger self cared. It was fun because I kept learning new things and she kept telling me she was amazed at my intelligence. But it also kept me from my friends and my reading. She confronted my mom multiple times that I should be sent to special schools to get trained to my full potential. Note that my mom is at least 3 STD IQ herself, extremely well read, and a bible-believing Christian to boot. She refused multiple times. The tutor eventually left in anger and never came back.

The fourth bit is that the whole time (without my knowledge at the time) I was getting offers of full scholarship to the best prep schools directly affiliated with the Ivy Leagues. Again, my mom refused and wisely never told me.

A few years after that, we moved to a different state. The district I ended up in was new and either didn’t have any interest in me (no rigorous placement tests, perhaps) or didn’t have as plugged in of a network as the district with that supercharged gifted program. I remember thinking how weaksauce this GATE thing that I’d never heard of was compared to the gifted program they were trying to recruit me into.

Also, definitely God’s hand of protection in my life. And that move coincided in me finally believing the Gospel.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“A lot of people’s thought patterns and logical processing is weird… No idea, but it will be fascinating to find out just what any of them cared so much.”

AC, for me it’s the glitches in the skits or performances I remembered that really revealed the farce as I first got hooked on your posts years ago. Sometimes those memories were pretty hilarious in retrospect. If anything, it’s this human element that I think people forget when we refer to the faceless Cabal.

In this same district, after a year or so of rejecting gifted, I suddenly got an older bully on me when I was about 11. Classic bully act on the bus, but the kid looked harmless to me, like a normal nice kid. His main insults were about my fat (I was fat) nothing else, and his verbal attacks seemed inordinately vicious for middle school kid, especially considering his weak physical bullying and the fact that he was shorter/skinnier than me. He even had a tall goofy-looking lackey in my grade who did everything he told him to do, just like a classic novel or TV show at the time.

Even as a child it seemed so strange to me, like suddenly I was transported into one of the stories I was reading about. I don’t know what they were thinking, but I had no real emotional response even as a child, maybe because I took my mom’s sage advice to heart. Normies are just going to be normies and I’m different.

So internally, my response was: “Oh, finally something interesting in my life besides my books, shows, and games. I know the answer, I have to physically defend myself aggressively to stop the bullying the next time.” Even as a child, the script was that predictable. So the next time they touched me I physically exploded and fought back. Wasn’t that serious, just some grappling and no striking or permanently damaging throws. But I overwhelmed them. I just remember the bus driver lady yelling at us to quiet down (Low-level cabal lady? Who knows?). So I stopped strangling them and found a seat. To me it was like beating a level at a video game. And it wasn’t nearly as fun as I thought it would be.

The funny thing was, our bus had a massive 6ft+ kid who was already growing facial hair and at least a couple years older than me. And he was a pro wrestling fanatic would would loudly slam his head (using his hands to actually make the sound) into the bus to punctuate random stuff he’d say. From months before my retaliation, he always sat alone. He saw the whole thing, told me I was like some pro wrestler, and we hit it off. The two bullies could barely throw insults at me after that becase the big kid was so intimidating to them.

“And we are going to find there are a lot of us.”

To whoever might be reading this, my point isn’t just to share a personal anecdote. The point is to demonstrate that with a certain mindset and understanding–which is on full display here on AC’s site as well as on VD’s–Cabal’s supposed power takes on a decidedly lukewarm, bizarre, and backwards light. Compared to the good, beautiful, and true, Cabal’s machinations are stilted, trivial, and artificial. It’s also no coincidence that somehow many/most of us are Christian, believe in Jesus Christ, and acknowledge a spiritual reality.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In my country, when I was growing up, the consensus/groupthink seemed vastly inferior to my own analysis. It was too clear/obvious that my own way of thinking was superior so sigma/individualised thinking was burned into me from the start, although it made me a total loner/uncalibrated socially. And if I was stuck on a decision working it out/thinking it through manually was much more logically sound and more correct than listening to other people uncritically.

I wonder what would’ve happened to me if this wasn’t true. If the groupthink seemed similar to or even only slightly worse to my analysis, perhaps I would not have been anywhere near as sigma, since I would rely on wisdom of the crowds, or even defaulted to them out of intellectual laziness/ease.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The funny thing is although I am very sigma now, I don’t believe I always was, especially before I came to that country. Even while in that country, I would always be curious what others thought to the extent that I thought they probably had superior analysis/reasoning than me. It was only when I realised it was blatantly inferior that I went my own way.

When I was growing up I kind of cared what others thought, but it’s hard to remember because it was so long ago. There was probably always a seed of sigma but there was also a seed of conformity too. If they had made the orthodoxy/narrative make much more sense I might have accepted it. To this day I can’t understand why people believe orthodoxy/narratives as they are blatantly inferior to individual thought processes/intuition(ie conspiracy theories).

Like I was so punished for believing in orthodoxy I don’t see any other way than to think for yourself. Perhaps as you said AC America is such a zoo/managed disneyland that the controllers make sure the tame animals are not punished for believing wrong beliefs/orthodoxy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> And I kept saying to myself I should be ignoring them and just doing my own thing, but I still felt like the past had to be aberrant and I shouldn’t use it, because I was too young, and adults had to know more. I could not grasp the level of stupidity it would take for a kid to know more than an adult who was supposedly trained in some area, or be right hen they were wrong.

Related, I think believing in Darwinian evolution hurt me, and Vox and Roosh among others are right in that it is not a thing, it’s both untrue/unlikely, and even if it was true certainly doesn’t apply in any significant way now.

The idea is, if people/adults/society/orthodoxy was dumb, evolution would have weeded it out. But if you don’t take Darwinian evolution as gospel, then anything is possible. That is, there is almost no lower bound to how dumb society is or how NPC people can be.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Homework thing. Same.

You wanna know how useless the California public school system was already by the 1990’s? I graduated on a technicality. I passed the first half of a math class that I wasn’t even supposed to get into because I didn’t pass the second half of the prereq class, but since I passed I still got the credits. I also had a 1.9 GPA and I was still around the top of the lower third of my graduating class. Oh, and just about scored enough unexcused absences for mandatory summer school. I think I had one left.

When I took the ASVAB I was seeing forms of math for the first time(which I haven’t seem since) and managed to eek out an 81. Nothing spectacular, and that’s the point. How pathetic do they have to be if they view a slacker/loser like I’ve just described as a threat that must be monitored?

The whole thing is ridiculous.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Ditto on the homework. Never did it. Our program was called TAG (Talented and Gifted) but didn’t have the weird shit in it. It was just English classes and 4-6th grade. I read ahead, and then just read what I wanted the rest of the time (often encyclopedias, which that classroom had a set of.) The class also had a C64 (an uncommon luxury at the time) and I was offered time on it if I would just do the homework. Didn’t stick.

I went off the TAG course at middle school. There was a TAG magnet that you could go to… or there was this other one that was science oriented that did lots of field trips. Holy shit, that’s like offering to send Tyrome Biggums to Crack University. I think in retrospect that it might have even been set up as a containment school. We didn’t get jack shit done schoolwork wise in that school — maybe 50% of the school even did the homework, and that was mostly the girls.

There was a vocational magnet, and I went there for HS. Wanted technical drafting, ended up in TV production. Skipped most of it other than the vocational stuff, graduated around 500 of 700. Didn’t bother to take the SAT because I had no interest in college.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Oh, and I forgot. Elementary school offered to promote me straight from 1st grade to 4th grade, and my mother refused. Didn’t know it at the time, but it was absolutely the right move. Also, my brother is 2 years younger than me, and although she has never mentioned considering it, it would have meant that I wasn’t there to look after him when he was in elementary school.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Daughter went thru a similar program with a different acronym in junior high in the Pacific Northwest. One day my wife took their summer reading list to the library. It was all fiction and nonfiction books about depression, teen suicide, family problems, etc, No classics, nothing inspirational or uplifting, just black despair. (We pulled out of the program after that.)

Years later, several of the “gifted” girls in the program tested poorly on the SATs and could not get into anything more prestigious than local “directional” colleges.

I can’t
I can’t
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

What type of facial scars in particular please?

I can’t
I can’t
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thank you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Pulled an old 70s clock radio onto my head when I was 3. Took a couple of stiches, left a tiny faint scar over my left brow.

3 years ago

Maybe Canada is Cabal’s last redoubt?

Or maybe China is just making Justin dance for kicks?

3 years ago

Some more thoughts for those eager for very quick action regarding cabal/deep state:

Even if everything went perfect, even if Trump gets returned to the white house and he has a decent congress to work with, it’s going to take many, many years to really eliminate cabal.

The entire italian mafia will need to be eliminated: all capos, dons, soldiers. They might be able to do this under enemy combatant designation if it can be shown that they worked in concert with China or whomever. Either way, they have to go. Cabal without threat of violence is not cabal.

The next layer will be cleaning out education, law enforcement. And then targeting the big property owners in every community that have served as the bosses of all of this.

Unless the clean up is thorough, it’s going to all grow back within a decade or so.

Think of all the crackdowns on organized crime back in the 20s and 30s. Remember that Alcatraz was made into a prison to deal with all of those people. The ones they didn’t get ended up forming the main bulk of cabal in the US.

This population is absolutely infested. And they are in positions of power everywhere, and as long as they are in place they will continue to try to help their people.

We’re talking about 5-10% of the population that is not only going to take a hit in income and perks, but they are also going to be greatly reduced in status as it becomes clear to this nation what they’ve been up to.

These people will fight and fight. Pulling them from power is going to be very labor intensive.

The thing is, once the White Hats really move on this, there is no going back until absolute victory. It’s going to get rough and violent. These people will not go down gently and behave like decent citizens.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

If open war is declared, the beast system is exposed, and a leader commits to exterminating every vestige of it, there will not be a rule of law as to who gets the rope. You won’t have to worry about framing the battle or justifying why you have to hang all the Mafia guys because the good guys will not be launching the first strike, the good guys will be responding to an assault.

When the beast system knows beyond a shadow of a doubt their cover is blown and people are coming for their heads, it will not be a pretty time in history. They’ve shown their commitment to screwing over the entire world so far, I’ll bet dying for the cause and taking good people with them is the only option given by their masters.

3 years ago

I’m betting almost no one knows this (below – power of the judge) is even a thing.

My question – is Cabal on the defensive, and thus forced to outrageously break cover to step in and protect their interests OR are they so far on ascendancy that they feel safe to rub our faces in it with impunity?

I’m hoping/praying the former as more and more articles like this make it to the light of day:

This article explicitly confirms all that AC says – Cabal, bloodlines, targeting kids, kiddy sex, covert filming, conspiracy (psychologist deliberately refusing to report, prosecutors/judge sealing), etc.

Again with ticking off all the relevant boxes regularly discussed on this blog. Is everyone else seeing an increasing number articles like this?

It’s so obvious and over the top I question whether I’m being played with, and shown personally curated news.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In the Palin link, there is this very tasty bullet point:

Palin had said that if she lost at trial, her appeal might challenge New York Times v. Sullivan’s decision that established the ‘actual malice’ for public figures

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Absolutely. Briar Patch time. She may have Barret and Kav on her side and Thomas and Alito abd Gorsuch are already there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Here is another link for you:

A man by the name of Ramzi Musallam is acting as bishop for diocese ‘Palestinian Orthodox Church’, which does not exist nor is recongized by the Orthodox Chruch. Its seem that Musallam for years has been trying to get into some type of position of power in numerous Christian community and churches. It seem to be standard grifter until a key passage of the article put a new lens to his actions:

“The man who is currently calling himself “Archbishop Metropolitan Melchisdeck,” is trying to implant himself as a supposed bishop in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Birzeit, the Patriarchate warns.”

It seem to me that Cabal is trying to subverted the Orthodox Church in the US by creating a charlatan sect. In recent years, many on the right have been disillusion by Catholic and Protestant Churches have turn to the Orthodox Church in the US.

The Orthodox church is very fractured by nature and loose associated with each other. This lack of centralization has protected from Cabal subverting or destroying the faith. The Cabal have realized they had neglected an insignificant target has become dangerous to them.

Reply to  Thersites
3 years ago

I hate to burst your bubble, Thersites. I too converted to the Orthodox Church to escape the Gnostic character in The Church.

But the clergy of the Orthodox is THOROUGHLY Cultural Marxist! The Greek Orthodox Church website here in America has a webpage called “Bridge on Selma”. The current archbishop of America is thoroughly on the side of MLK and his communist race-mixing agenda.

I refer you to my comments at the bottom of this page

The Orthodox Church is JUST as gone as the Catholic Church—they BOTH promote Jewish Messianism!

Reply to  Thersites
3 years ago

The Orthodox Church in America has been subverted. I do not know to what degree, but I know a few orthodox priests who participate in the surveillance apparatus.

Reply to  mel
3 years ago

I see more and more crazy information daily, so you’re not alone.

My question is always how much of it is legit and how much is made up to manage people’s morale or emotions.

It feels like we’re gaining small victories all over, but it’s hard to believe that given the scale and supernaturally evil nature of everything that’s going on.

3 years ago

This game came out in 2013, it is set in 2020.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Interesting Political programming.

3 years ago

Canada is now regulating crowdfunding platforms and crypto currency under the Terrorist Financing Act.

3 years ago

Interesting this remains in the Public Domain:

Explains power quite realistically. And Cabal is just an advanced version of this.

3 years ago

Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg targeted in shooting, police say

Local activist arrested for attempted shooting of Louisville mayoral candidate

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Looks like a staged shooting to build sympathy for Greenberg.

It’s like the mass shooting with the small death toll.