News Briefs – 02/14/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


President Trump is acquitted, and the second Impeachment is over. Previously Q implied that Cabal used Impeachment to prevent forward movement of Trump against them. I have no idea how the procedure of Impeaching would stop something, but if it did, then presumably a roadblock to forward movement was just removed.

One of the Impeachment Managers was left in tears by the loss as he talked about it afterward. Seems like he would have lost a lot more than just an impeachment. Nancy Pelosi also crashed the press conference in a rage, calling it a “Slap in the face for the Constitution.”

President Trump’s statement is here.

National Review’s Cucks are quick to add, “Acquittal, but not vindication.”

7 Senate Republicans vote to convict Trump – Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Romney, Sasse, Murkowski, and Toomey.

Two Republican senators — Trump-supporter Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Mitt Romney of Utah — got into a confrontation on the Senate floor Saturday after Romney voted with Democrats to allow witnesses in the impeachment trial of former President Trump.

McConnell uses the floor to brutally attack Donald Trump following the second failed Impeachment effort. He even calls for a criminal investigation? Don Jr. lets McConnell have it. Could be setting himself up as some “honest arbiter” who isn’t beholden to Trump so when he sees evidence of Cabal and supports destroying it, the lemmings will think it non-partisan. But his wife’s China ties are a huge red flag.

When Democrats tried to call witnesses to drag out the Impeachment, the Trump legal team asked to call Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser to testify on inside info they may have had on the Capitol breach. That was it for witnesses.

Democrats will now try to use the 14th Amendment’s provision to banish any politician deemed to have engaged in Insurrection to banish Trump from running for office after Impeachment failed. Will probably fail as well.

Trump attorney says every aspect of his life is under siege right now. There are threats, vandalism, and public attacks by Cabal’s cancel mob.

After winning, Trump attorney says, “We’re going to Disney World.” Could be just a quip, but Disney is a Cabal power center. Could mean some exposure starts soon.

Peter Navaro says, “What Mike Pence did to Donald J. Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest betrayals imaginable.”

The Biden National Security Council is planning on having National Guard troops continue to occupy the nation’s capital through the end of the year. We know Trump began this deployment without any visible reason for it, and he left it to Biden. Biden appears to be continuing it, again without any visible reason for it, if he is really issuing the orders. The possibilities are that the invisible reasons are the same and Biden is controlled by the same forces with Trump. Or they are different, and Biden is controlled by the enemy. If they are different, then Trump would have to have committed the biggest strategic mistake possible on his way out the door, giving his arch enemies and Biden, who had just stolen an election, a deployed military force that Biden probably could never have deployed himself without freaking out the nation over a stolen election by CCP/commie forces and a sudden quasi-military-coup-takeover. That feels unlikely. If Trump survived for four years, the forces behind him had control of the blackmail files. And if they did, then there is no reason they would not still be in control of them, and with them everyone on the left and right. The idea that from the start, and Trump’s first win, there would be any resistance that wasn’t entirely based on having stolen those files is impossible. Without the blackmail, nothing happens. It is everything – the only game in town. I keep coming back to Q saying it has to get worse, so bad none of us will have any choice but to act. And I think whether Q was real or disinfo, whether the good guys are winning or not, that is what we are going to see. Sadly this might mean we will be watching the front-facing faces of Cabal enjoying at least a reprieve for several months more, before everyone is driven to act.

Three 300,000 Biden vote dumps late on election night in Virginia cannot be adequately explained or tied to final results.

One of the first rioters arrested on 1/6 was indeed a member of Antifa/BLM.

Tim Kaine defends his Antifa son in a heated confrontation. It implies Antifa ground force is as high ranking as politico in the Cabal hierarchy – or politico is as low ranking as Antifa ground force.

They are claiming Nielsen data shows Biden’s inauguration had more viewers than Donald Trump’s. One aspect of this society was they guided the public like lemmings, by taking control of all the metrics of popularity, and simply having them say something was popular. I have had a link from National Review here once, and many links from Vox Day. Alexa will tell you NR blows Vox away traffic wise, but I was stunned to find NR only sent me a handful of clicks, while Vox will bury you under thousands of clicks which register on the stats counter, and many more which do not for various reasons. I now assume all of these metric organizations are as fake as everything else.

Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes & findings may ‘change our lives forever,’ expert says. The docs are not explicit it was from a UFO, but that it was salvage material with unusual properties. From another article here: “Based on the documentation received, it appears that the retrieved debris exhibits other extraordinary capabilities. In addition to “remembering” their original form when bent or crushed, some of these futuristic materials have the potential to make things invisible, “compress” electromagnetic energy, and even slow down the speed of light.’ ” It is curious after Q asserts we would not believe who he is, and the world is more ruled by shadowy quasi-supernatural forces than we would believe, we begin what appears a process of soft disclosure about this stuff. When you see the degree to which everything else you have been taught is a lie, this doesn’t seem so weird.

Look out Tesla, SAIC’s $4,500 electric car takes China by storm. Interesting, in that this is a joint venture between a Chinese company and SAIC. In the book Chameleo, about the druggie who fell under gangstalking by forces that fielded the invisibility suit among other alien-like tech, they eventually found evidence possibly indicating it was some sort of experimentation program by SAIC, a science/research company out of Reston Virginia with lots of Glowie linkages. Interestingly, they found many alien abductee events occur around SAIC research facilities, and many researchers into that phenomenon think a large hunk of the alien abductions they see, which appear genuine, are actually abductions by SAIC research teams, of humans they want to experiment on. They set up the abduction to look like an alien abduction, possibly drugging the victim in their home, so their human lab rat will either never be believed, or even if they are, their accusations will never point at SAIC, but rather at aliens. Then they inject a tracking implant they are testing, or do some procedure, or draw blood, or take tissue samples, and then put them back in bed, just like an alien would. (Which makes the stories of “alien hybrids” and disappearing pregnancies interesting). Just interesting in that we have another deeply entrenched Cabal operation linked at the hip with China.

New wave of Q-anon bans targets minor platforms Q-fans were flocking to for information.

New York prosecutors are investigating loans Trump took out for his Manhattan properties.

Georgia is now looking into Lindsey Graham’s phone call with Brad Raffensperger as part of criminal investigation into Trump’s bid to overturn the election.

President Joe Biden is the first American leader in 40 years not to contact Israel’s leaders as one of his first actions in the White House. Possibly another data-point indicating Netanyahu chose to side with Trump against Cabal.

Biden Administration is reviewing whether Israel and Saudi Arabia are ‘important allies.’

Megan McCain says, of the Lincoln Project co-founders, “John Weaver and Steve Schmidt were so despised by my Dad he made it a point to ban them from his funeral.”

We’re supposed to believe that only 11 million illegal immigrants are in the USA and that the number has been the same since 2003.

Illegal migrants are getting vaccines before at-risk Brits at a 4-star hotel.

Star Wars is going to have a trans Jedi.

Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer.

UK cold weather: River Thames freezes over for first time in 60 years.

India bans cryptocurrencies, gives investors six months to liquidate their assets.

State lawmakers across the country are exploring a range of new taxes targeting Amazon, Facebook, Google and other Internet giants, seeking to capture some of Silicon Valley’s eye-popping profits and soaring share prices in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Tough to tell who to root for on this because that money will just be used to enforce more regulations on citizens, and send more laundered Cabal bucks to Management to further fuck our country.

Georgia state legislature considers a bill to ban Zuckerberg-funded private election administration donations.

Spread r/K Theory, because time is precious, but not as important as freedom.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

>”Without the blackmail, nothing happens. It is everything – the only game in town.”

Yep. Some years ago I started to write a mini-essay (for the fun of it) called “Blackmail economy” (but I never got to far into it as my focus shifted to other stuff) and the basis of it was that true real main form of currency affecting the destiny of governments and individuals is not money but blackmail. Now a days I think about it a little differently, the currencies IMHO are: money, military power, blackmail, ideological alignment.

Each of the currencies can be used under certain circumstances to aquire more of any type of the 4 real currencies (ex: money can buy influence in public education system which brainwashes children into becoming ideological puppets (Marxism in schools anyone?) which are then ideologically aligned assets which can be used to make violence (antifa anyone?) or create blackmail (honeypot operations anyone?) against the perceived enemies (which are defined by psychological warfare/indoctrination/brainwashing operations, such as seen with the MSM vilification of Trump).

An oldfag /pol/ autist with a 6 billion IQ made this video presentation which articulates this and much more in ways I could only dream of being capable of here (he starts with Roman Law and historical examples, and you just have to listen to this guy, you’ll feel your IQ raising just by listening to his brilliance):

“Blackmail Inflation w/ Patrick Ryan”

A basic gestalt of the video here:

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes & findings may ‘change our lives forever,’ expert says.”

It’s probably all bs. Nitinol? Really, that seems like it’s cooked for the public as a shiny thing to oogle. And really, do you think Aliens crossing the stars would not know about r and K bio strategies and that these same brilliant Aliens would think that a bunch of degenerate gender bending, child sacrificing freaks on Earth would make reliable partners to suppress Human development? No, the Aliens would probably burn out Cabal on the spot Indiana Jones Nazi’s opening the Ark style.

It also doesn’t make sense from any angle when you look at it. Aliens watch Human development, maybe guide it, probably starting it all by altering the DNA of great apes (fusing Chromosome 2 with vitamin B12 genes in an un-natural way that would never evolve on it’s own). Then they watch Human civilization grow, watch us consume a significant fraction of the planets resources, all to what? Encourage r selection? Extract some resource from us? (There is nothing we can offer them that is useful to them). If there was something useful on Earth that they want, why let Human civilization grow at all? Human civilization from their view would be like infant rats gestating and nesting in your house. You would use rat poison on them asap. They would have wiped out humanity when we started to farm or domesticate animals.

The only thing that might make sense is some kind of cosmic stress test of the genes they’ve engineered. Then we start reaching Abrahamic religion territory. But still, they already know what those genes can do. They know what kind of societal trajectory Human civilization is on. They know that human civilization, one way or another, will become more K as we fill up the planet and that we’re 50 years away from completely colonizing our solar system. They also know that we know about genetic engineering and could soon engineer every human to be an IQ 200 super genius. They know about our automation and AI and it’s potential as well. So, if they’re there, they want us to do that for some reason. They would want us to reach this point. They would be like a cosmic Father. That still doesn’t really explain Cabal and it’s history though, unless any of you can explain that.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

>”It’s probably all bs.”

Oy vey, are you admitting to the crime of distrusting the government? Good luck when the ADL trained feds arrest you for spreading desinformation (aka: thinking for yourself and vocally disagreeing with the government official narratives) and inciting public critical thinking (the worst crime possible in the world except saying bad things about Jews).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

>”There is nothing we can offer them that is useful to them”

Perhaps they have their own brand of alien stupidity or misguided belief, and think dried up grinded human benis makes their fur shinier and sexier or some nonsense like human do (don’t Chinese dudes eat grounded rhino horn for benis power, or something like that?).

Or perhaps they like the way we smell and harvest our glands to make home refreshers. Or having some human pets in their alien house is a status symbol which the alien chicks get all hot and bothered about (“oh ayyy lmao anon, you are such an adventurer, so brave of you to go travel 6 trillion light years to capture these exotic although retarded life forms. Come here, now, let’s make little ayyy lmao now”), or perhaps some entrepreneur ayyyys decided to create a zoo with humans and other types of aliens (for them).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

By the way, I’m just having some light hearted retarded fun with my replies, don’t take those seriously.

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes & findings may ‘change our lives forever,’ expert says.”

Yes there is something seriously wrong with the idea that aliens so sophisticated they can move about the galaxy but crash land in corn fields in New Mexico. Forget all the supposed “facts” they drag up. What about the foundation of “is this probable or logical” at all. Why is this not likely? ALL societies as they gain complication and power over their environment move to make things more safe. I would suspect a UFO would be damn near fail safe. Almost impossible to malfunction with multiple interlocking systems to keep the thing going. Anything else does not make any sense at all from a societal view. Even if the UFO occupants are not the race that sent them. Maybe robots or other races used for such task. But allowing humans to KNOW that other being can fly around in space is a huge tell that they would not want to let us know. Hiding capabilities is very powerful. If hiding capabilities were not a useful and we had UFO’s then why not release all the info? The same reason the aliens would want to hide their presence from us.

I can thing of a VERY good reason the aliens, if there are such, would want to keep us around. Entertainment. Think about it you live basically forever and have anything you want in terms of resources. After a time trinkets like space ships and luxuries would mean nothing to you. I suspect it would be see as lower class to want a bunch of stuff but “experiences”. Why think of the trillions of stories of humans. Dying, breeding, suffering, triumphing in adversity, why it’s a huge story. People live for this stuff and I bet the aliens are amused too. Suitable for trillions of aliens to watch their favorite shows. Maybe the aliens have a trump show and they are rooting for him.

I’m not in any way saying that there is no such ting as aliens. I’m not saying they are not watching us. I’m even saying there’s some better than non-zero odds that the Moon is a spaceship. I’m saying they’re not going to whisk around where they are easily seen or that they will be constantly crashing. That’s not going to happen. Even if the aliens are not so smart and just have built up a vast amount of science that can be used they still would favor safe systems.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Nitinol. You know Nitinol really is a big whopping ????. Nitinol is a shape memory alloy. If you shape it while heated very hot and then cool when you bend it it will stay bent but if you heat it up near it shaping temperature it will automatically bend itself back to it’s original manufactured shape. Now that’s a hell of a thing because how “exactly” does it remember what it was? People don’t like to think about such things because as far as I can see there’s no easy answer to this problem. Where is the information “stored” of it’s exact shape when it was created to go back to when it was heated. Where in the atomic arrangement is this “shape” stored??? I’m reminded of Rupert Sheldrake’s “Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields” that are fields that related to a persons state.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

My glasses frames are Ninitol.

Here’s a history of Ninitol by the company that invented it:

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

Unless Cabal is allowed as a final boss before we truly get to the stars. A test of human worthiness perhaps.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

On Feb 7th, Mtnforge wrote,

‘And you only know you don’t know, but you know it’s there, that somehow you are not imagining or you’re crazy. And even those you would think of never saying those thoughts to, one day very subtly mention similar. And the lightbulb goes on over your head. I’m going to figure this out, get to the bottom of it if its the last thing I do.’

And here we are.

Rex regum reniet:

‘The only thing that might make sense is some kind of cosmic stress test of the genes they’ve engineered.’


‘Perhaps they like the way we smell and harvest our glands…or perhaps some entrepreneur ayyys decided to create a zoo with humans…’

Sam J:

I can thing of a VERY good reason the aliens, if there are such, would want to keep us around. Entertainment. Think about it you live basically forever and have anything you want in terms of resources. After a time trinkets like space ships and luxuries would mean nothing to you.

I suspect it would be see as lower class to want a bunch of stuff but “experiences”. Why think of the trillions of stories of humans. Dying, breeding, suffering, triumphing in adversity, why it’s a huge story. People live for this stuff and I bet the aliens are amused too. Suitable for trillions of aliens to watch their favorite shows. Maybe the aliens have a trump show and they are rooting for him.


Unless Cabal is allowed as a final boss before we truly get to the stars. A test of human worthiness perhaps.

I believe we and earth are Harvest for all the different reasons mentioned above.

Then there is the theory of the Great Game.

Philip K Dick Exegesis p 433

‘We wanted to see if we could create a convincing world but we had to be sure we could back out if it seemed convincing…the irony is that if we were successful we would be trapped by it.

We were playing with foreseeing if we could constructor’s an irreal world (counterfeit) which would fool even its fabricators: the supreme test.

Our nemesis was to be successful and fall victim to it.’

Even brilliant aliens get bored and want to test themselves. Maybe earth is the great game, a more advanced simulation of Dungeons and Dragons. Imagine the money or assets to be gained on gambling on outcomes. Planets are most probably at stake. Philip K Dick wrote ‘The Game Players of Titan’ on this idea.

Anamnesis. Re-remembering. Our ancestors knew the concept and believed it.Maybe thats the purpose and the goal.

Then there is the harvesting of humans and earth for all kinds of purposes in ways we don’t yet know about.

Maybe earth is also a prison.

It is clear the earth we live in has a hidden Commorragh underpinning it.

We are finding our answers as we converse here, thanks to everyone.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  fren
4 years ago

>Earth is a prison.

Oy vey, I dindu nufin.


Your toaster reported a micro-aggression. Then you misgendered the judge. smh. Six gorillion galactic years in the slammer for you, ayy lmao anon.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

There are no aliens, there is no other life than that created here by God.

As we head toward the beast system in 2027-2029, Satan and the fallen angels will show the world a massive alien deception, it will be utterly convincing, even the elect would be deceived. The whole world (except those written in the book of life) will fall for it.

Why would they do this? Because the fake aliens will be coming in peace, helping to push the world towards a global community, much more enlightened at last, with no need for a God, a saviour, or the idea of a Creator and His son. That will be ridiculed as cave-man level belief. They will tell the sheeple that love and tolerance for all is the way forward, and those who stick to laws given by God will be killed. Tolerance eh.

So, look out for it when it comes, and just like the big Enlightenment push in Europe a long time ago, the saints (the real men and women of faith, not the papal fakes) will hold on to their faith and all be martyred for it. This time

Those of you dreaming of getting to other planets and stars, don’t be silly, nothing has ever got past the firmament, go and search for ‘rockets hitting the firmament’ on yt, lots of examples. There are no satellites.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
4 years ago

“Spread r/K Theory, because time is precious, but not as important as freedom.”

Very true. Freedom is K compared to the resource of time, too much of which encourages complacency and r.

4 years ago

For a guy who allegedly isn’t president any more, and wouldn’t be able to run for another four years, these congress critters are awfully salty about the failure of the impeachment. It doesn’t add up unless there is something they know that we don’t.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Interesting, just as America seems to be going all-in on crypto-currencies, India is banning them. China tried to ban crypto a couple years ago. The attempt didn’t last long. Too entrenched. Let’s see if the same thing happens with India. Many Indians are major holders of crypto.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Bobandvagenecoin when?

4 years ago

Mitch McConnell as an honest arbiter?

Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

4 years ago

One of the Impeachment Managers was left in tears by the loss as he talked about it afterward. Seems like he would have lost a lot more than just an impeachment. Nancy Pelosi also crashed the press conference in a rage, calling it a “Slap in the face for the Constitution.”

Something went wrong for them. Those weren’t practiced remarks that had been focus grouped. They really thought they had some kind of trick-fuck in store that would get the votes.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

bitch bcconnell, double or triple agent? or all just playing the same old cabal game with ample media air cover…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

“…Something went wrong for them…”

Very interesting. I agree but have no idea what this means.

4 years ago

I have not yet seen evidence that GAB is removing Q related accounts or groups. Currently there are about two dozen such groups, the largest with several hundred thousand members. I would be skeptical of this claim until and unless there is evidence to support it.

Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

haven’t been able to post vox day links there for days, however…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

I regularly post voxday links to gab.

4 years ago

Well, I am not sure about this:
> If Trump survived for four years, the forces behind him had control of the blackmail files

He was there 4 years and we haven’t seen any real progress. No arrests no revelations, media as bad as ever, etc. Then he was removed in the worst way possible (almost without a fight) and we are no better than in 2016. Actually we are much worse at this moment.
I am losing any faith that there is anything more to the story. DS failed to dominion him first time, but they prepared better this time. And that’s it.

> I keep coming back to Q saying it has to get worse, so bad none of us will have any choice but to act.
So why did those mysterious white hats need Trump in 2016 in the first place? They could have shown us Cabal four years ago, without kind of useless Trump intermezzo.
(Actually, I know a possible answer for that, now there is a political movement, Q, and maybe even the right people in the right places. But – all this can be gone/weakened very fast under new administration. Movement is useless, if they have dominion. Q can help to unify military if Storm comes, but military is going to experience an ideological purge soon. Right people can be removed in no time. So each passing day is a risk and I doubt that any viable Plan could calculate such risk properly. Therefore there should be a better answer, do we have one?)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Fair points.
However, as someone who lived in a totalitarian regime I know first hand that the percentage of redpilled population is irrelevant. If government (DS) has the hard power (men with guns) completely under its control, population opinion does not matter anymore. Reality or truth (including “majority” opinion) is what MSM say, law is what government wants and there is almost nothing you can do about it as free speech is not existent. And it seems like US is almost there. At least from where I am (Central Europe). So basically, there is a very little time to turn the tide, if any.


P.S. For some reason, even if I am logged in, it does not show my username under (or above 🙂 ) my comments. And sometimes I am not even able to see a comment at all….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Maybe its time to update the theme.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

> government (DS) has the hard power (men with guns)

There are 2 million Federal employees. Let’s say they all have guns, even though only a fraction are “agents” or “LEO.”

There are 1.3 million active duty military and 1.1 million “reserves.”

There are 700,000ish full-time police officers. I’ll throw in another 300,000 armed “LEO” (dog catchers, bailiffs, etc.) top bring it up to an even million.

So, 4.4 million Feds, military, and cops. Spin your own numbers if you want.

Vs: 70 to 80 million Deplorables, by the various leftist media assertions. Many of them former military or police themselves. And at least as heavily armed. And they live adjacent to the homes and families of those same “men with guns,” easily found with minor web searching skills.

“This doesn’t look like a good idea, Yogi.”

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Playing The Numbers Game

Although there may be 80million Deplorables give or take. The Deplorables have no B-52s, F-15s, M1A1-2s, etc.

Rulers of empires have never used simple numbers to rule. It has always been superior: organization, technology, firepower, use of deception, and basic warfare tactics.

Empire rules China (1.4billion last count) and India (1.2billion last I heard). Thus, before you start playing the numbers game know that victory is not about numbers.

Victory is about who can get a critical mass of people trained and organized. The masses are, have always been, and will always be stupid.

45 got the most votes and the most people and yet … We are still looking at a President Biden everyday. You can keep claiming something is going to change next week, next month, next year, in 2024, and on and on and on.

It’s the losers who always have to come up with explanations:

They cheated
The refs missed the call
We’ll get it next time
If they would have only did one more recount
Or the one the Trumpers are holding hope for now:
The Supreme Court won’t let them get away with it.

If the Supremes were compromised in November 2020, December 2020, January 2021, up this very moment, WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING TO CHANGE ON FEBRUARY 19, 2O21?

Like playing Powerball or MegaMillions and believing the next ticket is the winner. Possible! But super ultra unlikely, fools gold!

Name (required)
Name (required)
4 years ago

“If Trump survived for four years, the forces behind him had control of the blackmail files. And if they did, then there is no reason they would not still be in control of them, and with them everyone on the left and right. ”

The forces behind Trump are still in control, as much as they ever were, but they have dropped the Trump gambit. The Trump phenomenon was a visible manifestation of a power struggle between Cabal factions, and the faction which backed Trump used populism as a hand grenade, or as a scorched earth tactic. They got enough concessions from the other factions to drop their support for Trump, and for us. Now Trump is out, and the Cabal factions are closing ranks and doing damage control, trying to shut down the populist movement before it actually damages them.

The idea that Cabal made men would be patriots who would work to actually destroy the Cabal from within is pretty ridiculous. The events of the last five years point every direction but that one.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

Your second paragraph is the most likely scenario based on the evidence.

Some DS faction backed Trump in order to move some major pieces on the chessboard.

They have now withdrawn their support as he no longer serves their purposes.

Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

We’ll the DS faction backing Trump miscalculated by a teensie weensie bit, eh? You can’t put the genie Trump released back in the bottle. His supporters want the Trump mythos he characterized so plainly, more than ever. He red pulled first and then inspired. That DS faction that supported him is gonna regret ever choosing Trump.

Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  Leverage
4 years ago

They’re definitely trying to re-bottle the genie. There have been populist movements before that went nowhere, so the ruling class are probably pretty confident that they can contain the damage this time.

Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

And that is their mistake.

Name (required)
Name (required)
4 years ago

“It implies Antifa ground force is as high ranking as politico in the Cabal hierarchy – or politico is as low ranking as Antifa ground force.”

Cabal isn’t monolithic, and there are factions and infighting. Reread The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich; you will see that the Brownshirts got slaughtered once the socialists took power. Antifa and BLM are the modern Brownshirts, and as the socialist coup consolidates their control, Antifa and BLM are going to get slaughtered.

Reply to  Name (required)
4 years ago

trumpco/fema have gotten some of them too. it’s basically a race to get to the loose cannons first, if they don’t off themselves beforehand. cabal wants them to stfu dead asap when they become known/expendable. trumpco/fema/usmil want info first. then expend them.

4 years ago

Why am I not able to see comments? Whatever I do, it looks empty here. However, when I try to re-upload my post, it tells me that I have already uploaded this post (which is true).
Am I doing something wrong?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I hope he can see that comment.

You may need to email him or post a response in the main blog for him to see.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks a lot, I’ll play with my (Brave) browser.
Just wondering, whether it omits my name again. 🙂


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yep, I am using only Brave. And for some time I cannot see any updates here. Maybe refresh is not really refresh and it´s still using local cache. I will play around with it a bit here.

4 years ago

AC> Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer.

Not what the study says. Junk article.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

You’re supposed to be the biologist here.

No reason to dispute the link between mouth bacteria and lung cancer.

Problem is the article you linked. Link between mask and increased mouth bacteria in lungs was tenuous journalist speculation, not part of the study.

And also irrelevant:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Nobody thinks breathing through a nasty mask is a good idea. Wash it. If using it heavily, change at midday. It’s like any other undergarment except worse.

A neck gaiter breathes through the fabric far less than around it, venting mostly downwards.

I don’t know what else you’re rebutting, if anything.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

What’s the matter Leo, you got your ass handed to you on Vox’s blog so you come here to spread your CCP bullshit? Pathetic.

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

> What’s the matter Leo, you got your ass handed to you on Vox’s blog so you come here to spread your CCP bullshit? Pathetic.

When the VP mods publish a comment from someone whom they used to censor regularly, and that comment accuses one of them of an “epic falsehood,” an ass-kicking has certainly occurred, but not the one you imagine.

Learn to read, conservatard.

While we’re keeping score, Vox has stopped doing his shoddy Q analyses. The ones I kept rebutting, remember?

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

You’re a waste of time. Damn you got me wasting my time now.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

You’re pathetic, Leo. You’re not rebutting anything, no one buys your BS. You don’t even know who you’re attempt to shill (poorly) to, no one here or at VDks place is a conservative. If you had any brains at all you’d have figured that out. Clearly the CCP is not sending their best, but do keep trying little Leo, your flailing about is quite amusing.

Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

You can certainly win in your own mind if you don’t read my rebuttal, at the cost of remaining a fool. However, I’m always happy to link my blog. Here’s the specific section at which I answer your stupid point:

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Leo’s scorecard:

Everyone else….zero

Winning, gamma style.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Your entire page is you “ rebutting” everything everyone ever said to you and calling people names. Your poasts are pretty unremarkable. I’ll stick with AC.
Wow, I just looked, & Gary Morgan is even ridiculing you! Lol

Reply to  Ajah
4 years ago

I certainly do not want a reader who is surprised that a rebuttal post contains rebuttals.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Worth the read:

Notable quote:

Many people feel like this speech police apparatus has been implemented overnight. They feel that we went from being a relatively free society, to a society where people are jailed for memes and hunted down by journalists in private chat rooms for saying banned words. We know that it didn’t happen overnight – it started right here at the Daily Stormer, when journalists and the entire tech industry colluded to remove me from the internet in 2017. Ostensibly, this attempt to unperson me was a response to jokes I made about a morbidly obese woman who died of a heart attack during the Antifa attack on the peaceful Charlottesville rally of August 11th of that year.

At that time, I was targeted by the entire media, which conspired against me. Also at that time, the Daily Stormer was among the most visited alternative news websites. We were competing with Breitbart and Infowars, and if it wouldn’t have been for the unprecedented censorship, I would now be competing with the New York Times and CNN. They knew that, and that is why they released the hounds. Furthermore, if I wouldn’t have been banned, the coronavirus hoax wouldn’t have happened, and Donald Trump would have won the election.

They’re going big time now. This is no longer just political censorship. Now, you can be censored for “disinformation,” which means “disagreeing with the media at all.”

The agenda is to somehow silence half of the population of the United States. They obviously can’t single them all out for humiliation, professional destruction and prison, so they are going to freeze targets, personalize them, and make examples of them. This is called “a chilling effect,” and it is the current core plan of the ruling class to maintain control over a population that views them as illegitimate masters.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Also worth the read:

Notable quote:

This new party’s base would have plenty of common interests: keeping the borders open to illegal immigration; starting regime-change wars across the globe; sneaking more GMO corn back into the food supply; and finding or creating pretexts to whittle away Americans’ civil liberties. But how large a room could those supporters fill?

It used to be that Republicans could get elected promising to do what their voters wanted – pretty much the opposite of the Skull & Bones platform – while doing what their big-money donors demanded. Keep the boot of illegal-alien labor on the throats of wage earners, support bogus wars, move blue-collar jobs overseas, and keep the masses distracted by playing left-right theater with Democrats on manufactured social issues.

But Trump changed all that. He vowed to actually represent the interests of Americans at large. For all his faults, he exposed the neocons in both major parties like never before. The big-money donors moved on. The Democrats and President Joe Biden now have that market cornered, too.

4 years ago

Remember that in the Genesis 6. The “Sons of God” or the Bene Elohim. The same type of beings who was shown to be present at God’s Divine Council in the introduction of the Book of Job.

Was able to materialise and mate with human women. Likewise God’s Angels too when they met with Abraham and Lot took on Humanoid bodies and eat food with them.

I think it’s not so different with those demonic entities who are responsible for the UFO’s

Now this also could explain the physical objects they left behind.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

not that hard. SAIC is EVERYWHERE.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Speaking of Chameleo…

Witness describes “glimmer man” with an “Invisibility cloak” attempting to abduct a child (starts at 40:30.):

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

While the world wide economy crashes and people lose their jobs left and right, the Jewish mafia opens a 100 million Holobunga museum in Ukraine (their pres is a Jew BTW (bad move)):

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Globohomo gaybalites keep pushing for a global covyid vaccine passport:

4 years ago

Re: India banning Bitcoin….
I noticed yesterday both Gab and the X22 report touting Bitcoin. This unnerves me (esp. after its recent run-up) since I’ve always been suspicious of digital currencies.

I know the Great Reset people (Party of Davos) want digital currency, but probably their own brew rather than Bitcoin..

If “Trump and the Patriots” want to “take down the Western Central Bank” with a competing currency, wouldn’t they want to replace it with a version that’s more universally appealing, possibly gold-backed? Also, Bitcoin is a massive energy suck.

Reply to  Lidia
4 years ago

I mean the wordpress theme, I think you said you are using generic wordpress 2010 theme right? It might be why you are having technical issues with the look of your site if that theme isn’t worked on much or very well, and it probably isn’t since it is 10 years old.

You can keep the banner in many themes. I have had pretty good luck with one called “wisteria” but you would probably want to change the color scheme a bit. That doesn’t take all that long to do (find and replace color code, I could help with that if you need some quick instructions). Its layout is fairly similar to your current one by default (although i made some extra changes to my site).

Most of the themes are free, and updating to a new one will automatically reformat all of the old posts. You can preview different themes without actually changing anything in your dashboard under appearance–>themes to make sure it looks right before making the change. You can even change it back to 2010 if it doesn’t work out for some reason.
I really think you should change it, because even posting this comment as a reply in the proper spot proved impossible because the “post comment” button got pushed down where it was inaccessible, and the site loads in two different formats randomly for some reason. In short, this theme isn’t very good anymore because of a bad update or because changes in protocols or something.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Lidia
4 years ago

Bitcoin is a store of value like gold. Dogecoin is like silver. XRP is like copper pennies. Elon Musk pumped all three. Rumors have been flying for a while now that XRP will eventually be gold-backed. Not sure how that is even possible; physical backing (by physical goods) seems to fly in the face of the very nature of crypto.

4 years ago

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Election Do-Over? Latinos For Trump Sue to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

4 years ago

‘Jeopardy’ Champ Brayden Smith Dead at 24

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago
4 years ago

It’s All Fake

by Mike Stone

Fake ballots. Fake votes. Fake election. Anyone who tells you different is a fake.

Fake virus. Fake pandemic. Fake health officials and doctors peddling a fake vaccine.

Fake news. Fake experts. Fake people pretending to be journalists.

Fake research. Fake science. Fake global warming.

Fake shootings. Fake victims. Fake calls for new laws.

Fake racism. Fake hate crimes. Fake solutions to every fake problem.

Fake terrorists. Fake hijackers. Fake weapons of mass destruction.

Fake politicians. Fake laws. Fake leaders in every area of life.

Fake Pope. Fake clergy. Fake Christians fooled by a fake church pretending to be Catholic.

Fake conservatives. Fake patriots. Fake friends who will sell you out for 30 pieces of fake silver.

Fake free markets. Fake capitalism. Fake corporate welfare.

Fake lawyers. Fake judges. Fake laws.

Fake movies. Fake books. Fake celebrities.

Fake food. Fake vitamins. Fake water filled with fluoride.

Fake diseases. Fake health. Take this fake drug instead.

Fake economy. Fake money. Fake gold no longer in Fort Knox.

Fake history. Fake excuses for war. Fake moon landings.

Fake schools. Fake text books. Fake teachers peddling fake educations to the children of faked-out parents.

Fake sports. Fake athletes. Fake entertainment on every level.

Fake human rights. Fake consent. Fake choices.

Fake breasts. Fake tattoos. Fake women.

Fake muscles. Fake masculinity. Fake men.

Fake advertising. Fake products. Fake everything.

Are you real or are you fake too?