News Briefs – 02/14/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet:


Justice Dept. is investigating C.I.A. resistance to sharing information about Brennan’s illegal spying operations on the Trump campaign. 

Ukraine is shaking up government staff, bringing in people associated with Rudy Giuliani.

Roger Stone had several jurors he filed complaints over, who were Hillary-voting, Trump-hating leftists, but the judge would not remove them from the jury. They were not there by chance. They whole pool was filled with them, because whoever sends out the summons and assigns them to courts was in the club, and under orders, and knew who to send them out to. It is impossible to grasp how far intel will go to control everything, unless you run into them. From the article: “Several potential jurors in Stone’s case ended up being Trump-hating, Obama-era officials who admittedly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 so Stone’s lawyer’s tried to strike them as potential jurors. But Amy Berman Jackson wouldn’t let that happen. One of the potential jurors actually had a husband who worked in the DOJ and played a role in the Russian collusion hoax that ultimately took down Roger Stone — and Judge Jackson allowed her to remain as a potential juror!”

Trump seemingly facilitated his own surveillance, by signing an executive order which allowed the Swamp Creature which handled all things Russia once Sessions recused himself, to take that authority. It looks like Sessions recused because they needed Comey to continue the illegal surveillance which would take the Cabal down. For that they needed approval from inside the Justice Department, and if Sessions was there, he could not credibly allow it to continue without Comey et al. realizing it was a trap. So Sessions recused, Trump had previously signed an EO which allowed a Swamp Creature to handle his duties, and Comey et al got their approvals, continued their illegal surveillance, and thought they had pulled a fast one on the God Emperor – and they probably also thought, if Trump was that dumb, taking him out should be easy. Trust Sessions, indeed.

(Warning ahead of time – NSFW) I saw this site on /pol. It is in Danish, so I do not understand it. But they said it was Danish State TV for kids, where they get little kids together, and have adults strip naked in front of them so they can examine what genitals look like and talk about it. Pretty much peak rabbitry, grooming kids to move up the age of first intercourse, and maybe prepare them for molestation. What is interesting is, if I ran into any of these adults on the street, I would instantly recognize them as leftists. Also interesting is, they do not bring the migrant Muslim kids in for this. The audience is all white kids with blonde hair. I am beginning to wonder if r/K Theory is much more familiar to (((Them))), and if they are structuring their strategy to destroy what is great much more closely around it, and that is why they want to keep it quiet. I have thought several times, I could not be the first person to see it. Notice also how they pass around candy and sweets to the kids as they are looking at the naked people, to trigger the dopamine release as they are exposed to all of this, so they will see it as similar to eating candy. Bear in mind r/K is a spectrum, so this is just the first phase. Left longer, you will see them having sex right on stage, and eventually trying to involve the children in the sex, “for educational purposes.”

Sesame Street invites drag queen Billy Porter on to wear a dress and teach kids the virtues of gender confusion. I think this is more about pushing the Overton window in kids, so having sex with other kids, or adults is normal by comparison. They are very much like satan, in that they are trolling the world to tempt people and corrupt the weaker minds, wherever they find them vulnerable. The only difference is, in our plane they are luring them into self-sterilizing and destroying our civilization, whereas satan takes their soul on the other. But you could easily see them being some sort of servant of lucifer, given how they are fulfilling his purpose. Some special kind of hell must await those who victimize children.

64,450 confirmed Corona virus cases worldwide, including 1,384 fatalities. First day comparing the new numbers based off clinically confirmed cases in Hubei, instead of test-confirmed cases. About a 6.8% increase in cases, so still lower than 20%, though not good. Death toll yesterday was screwed up by double counting in Hubei that was undone today, so no comparison there.

Men appear to be more vulnerable to the Corona virus. I had posted a little bit back that men have more ACE2 receptor-containing cells than women, by about 5-6 for men, to 2-4 for women. So men should get it worse.

Coronavirus can be spread by people who don’t show symptoms, CDC warns.

Corona virus R0 is upped from 2.2-2.7 to 4.7-6.6.  I wish we had better data out of China. As some have pointed out, the 1918 flu wasn’t bad the first year. It was in year 2 that it mutated and really started killing people.

The Military is preparing sites to use for forcible quarantine of Corona virus patients. 11 military bases by airports are being set up for use, possibly indicating the intent is to contain travelers at risk.

White House continues the National Emergency on the Southern Border. Now, as we face a potential global pandemic, and need control of our Southern Border to keep the disease out, thank God for President Trump was doing what needed to be done three years ago to at least give us a little control now.

CDC confirms 15th US case of coronavirus among Wuhan evacuees under quarantine at Texas military base.

Coronavirus patient took an Uber to London hospital.

In Singapore, senior pastor of Grace Assembly of God church tests positive for Corona virus.

North Korea ‘shoots dead a coronavirus patient’ after he’s ‘seen at public baths.’

Iranian woman dies of suspected Corona virus.

There might be a serviceable vaccine by the fall.

This next one does not look healthy…

Now they are welding metal bars over tractor-trailer doors so the occupants can’t get out?

SEAL who killed Bin Ladin tells Buttigieg to stop playing a war hero.

Buttigieg says he and same-sex husband hope to start a family and may have children in the White House. CIA is smarter than this. He has to be a placeholder for either Bloomberg or a brokered convention. Either that or Trump and Q have full control, and are steering the Democrat Party right into the ground. No way he advertises this and thinks he is going to win.

Bernie Sanders and his “paranoid” supporters fear a ‘divisive’ hijacked convention. The Washington times headline. Obviously they are going to try to screw Bernie. The only question is if their plan is a brokered convention that coronates some dark horse, like Michelle.

Pair of Russian Youtubers trick Bernie into thinking they are Greta Thunberg, before telling him they are going to say the codeword to activate his Russian Manchurian brain programming in preparation for him taking over the Presidency. He hung up.

In a private meeting, Joe Biden said part of the education problem in black communities is that ‘parents can’t read or write themselves.’

James Carville fires back at Bernie Sanders for calling him a hack, saying, ‘At least I’m not a communist!’ We are approaching levels of entertainment you can only attain with the help of the God Emperor. Seriously, do you think we would be seeing this if Jeb Bush were the Republican incumbent? Mitt Romney? Marco Rubio?

Along those lines, both Warren and Ocasio Cortez accuse Bloomberg of being a racist.

Michael Bloomberg is now paying meme-makers to post sponsored content on Instagram. Sad!

Bloomberg complained that stopping discriminatory lending practices that discriminated against minorities was what produced the 2008 housing crisis, and banks should have been able to deny loans to entire [Black] neighborhoods just because they were poor. I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten that KKK endorsement yet.

Amy Klobuchar vows to resettle 500 percent more refugees, but none would go to her neighborhood.

Virginia lawmakers vote to allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. Still think it isn’t a conspiracy by the dominant intel force in the nation to seize control from you, by using foreign proxy soldiers against us in our own elections?

Sports Illustrated is purposely picking unattractive women for its Swimsuit edition. Notice, if things worked the way you thought, ie they make a good magazine with beautiful women, which guys buy to look at the pretty girls, and that is how they pay the bills, this would not happen. They couldn’t do it. Do you know anyone who subscribes to Sports Illustrated? Things do not work the way you thought, and they aren’t making money from selling magazines. They are a small piece of the massive intel op that ran everything – one mechanism of control, paid for by a machine which makes its money elsewhere by manipulating masses using the control offered by these outlets. But that means they can’t hire writers and content creators they way you thought, and you never stood a chance of working for them. These are Cabal-only jobs, filled by people who know how the game works, and who know they need to do what Cabal wants them to do in these positions. I think this shift in behavior is part of  a demoralization strategy to make the natural alphas feel disoriented and demoralized, so they don’t decide, going into the coming unrest, to let Darwin sort things as he would. Pretty nice girls shouldn’t think they have anything better than the obnoxious fatties and uggos, just like the smart shouldn’t think they have anything over the “unprivileged”, and nobody should just decide to start taking what they want, according to their ability, intellect, and determination, even if it is legal. The answer is to create our own subculture which would portray these Cabal memes of privilege and inclusivity as the province of losers and defectives who only other losers and defectives would listen to, and promote the meme of splitting off from them in preparation for what is coming, and to preserve what is good about what was. Then prepare to fend off the infiltrators, because intel will fight back.

A former congressional intern for Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham arrested for vandalizing Republican Party headquarters in Albuquerque.

San Francisco car break-ins are so common that the city’s district attorney is proposing just reimbursing residents whose windows are smashed. Oddly enough this could be a major expense for any Cabal vehicular surveillance operations in the area, given how many cars they will run, and car swaps they probably keep parked around the city so operators can change covers on the go. He may be trying to lighten their load. I seriously doubt he gives a fuck about the citizenry.

White House claims Huawei equipment has a backdoor for spying.

Public school district in Arizona is requiring parents to sign “safe gun storage” form.

A male marathon runner who identifies as a transgender woman is set to compete in the USA Olympic trials in February.

Some think McAffee is re-enacting a transcript from a CIA wiretap in a confessional booth in this tweet (he claims it in a subsequent tweet), and they are wondering who it was who he was playing the role of. Oddly enough, Michael Rockefeller was kidnapped by a cannibalistic tribe, but supposedly he was never seen again, and it is claimed he likely met his end on their dinner table. But apparently the elites do send their kids into those environments, perhaps as a coming of age thing. Could even have been a CIA guy stationed down there, as McAfee has a thing going with them. There is no guarantee this person was famous when they made this confession either. This might have even been the confession which led CIA/Cabal to pluck this person out of obscurity and install them as some respected politician somewhere. Go back in the archives and I believe you will find a few years back I said there is no way people are confessing their sins every week, and intelligence does not have every single confessional booth wiretapped and monitored. I’d bet the ones powerful people frequented had cameras as well. You cannot imagine how bad it is. Anywhere anyone might put some information with power, the confessional booth, encryption companies, sensitive data destruction companies, medical data-processing companies, banks, porn-subscription services, escort companies, encrypted text-messaging apps, and on and on will all be infiltrated, put up, and all of that data will be stored in the permanent record :

Police Officer who was caught up in a Civil Rights probe under Obama for using her K9 to capture a fleeing suspect is asking President Trump for a pardon. The media can always be wrong, but the details of the case as written sound as if she was really railroaded.

McClatchy files bankruptcy to shed costs of print legacy and speed shift to digital. All of them were being funded by the machine, because the control they afforded was generating profits elsewhere.

Huawei Technologies Co. and two of its U.S. subsidiaries were charged with racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets in a new federal indictment unsealed Thursday.

Pastor who predicted Kanye coming to Jesus and becoming a spiritual leader predicts of Trump, “I felt like Trump was going to be president twice and that he would have an encounter in his second term, more of an encounter for God and who he is and for his family. There’s going to be more boldness in the second term and it’s going to be disruptive, but I think it’s helpful because there’s so many systems in place that are old and tired, and need to be knocked down.”

Putin rules out Russia legalizing gay marriage. 

Judge Andrew Napolitano says of revelations of biased juror against Roger Stone, it should be an ‘automatic trigger for a new trial.’ On Flopping Aces, they agree. Roger Stone lead juror’s social media reports belie her claims in juror selection questioning that she was not paying attention to the Russia case.

Trump may pick up some of Andrew Yang’s supporters according to a new poll. I don’t doubt this. Of all the other candidates, Yang is the only one whose company would not have me climbing the walls, and feeling utter hatred and contempt. He’s a boob, but I do not get the feel he is evil.

Majority of voters say Hunter Biden’s job at Burisma was ‘inappropriate.’

Sudan agrees to compensate families of USS Cole victims. The God Emperor strikes again.

Pro-Family Hungarian leader Orbán praises ‘Catholic approach’ for helping country flourish. Argue all you want about God, but there is no arguing whether the Bible is the ultimate owner’s manual for mankind.

Viral petition to ‘impeach Nancy Pelosi for treason’ hits 330,000 signatures.

Cuomo caves to Trump, and will give Feds access to DMV records. Seems strangely easy. I almost wonder if the meeting was cover for discussing something else.

Eleven more Judicial nominations sent to the Senate.

Pentagon transferring another $3.8 billion to the border wall.


Spread r/K Theory, because the God Emperor makes it all fun

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Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco
5 years ago

Trust the plan!!! Trust Sessions! Trust Huber! Trust Durham!

The fix is in. Covering up the DOJ and FBI’s crimes is the bottom line. Hope in Bill Barr was a masturbatory fantasy, just as believing that Sessions and Huber were going to bring justice-despite the lack of anyone lawyering up, a grand jury being empaneled, or any warrants/subpoenas being served on the swamp.

Meanwhile, Stone is being railroaded for “lying” about something that wasn’t even illegal. It bothers Bill Barr more that Trump made a tweet than the fact that there was a partisan lawyer jury foreman acting as a prosecutor inside the jury box.

Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

You are not allowed to think like that, folk like us are not ‘aware’ enough to know or understand the plan….. I am sure it is just another part of The Storm.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  BSHJ
5 years ago

Oh look, another whiny little bitch.

Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

They’ve only dropped the investigation arising from Horowitz’s 2018 referral.

This has nothing to do with Durham’s investigation which is still ongoing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“They’ve only dropped the investigation arising from Horowitz’s 2018 referral.

This has nothing to do with Durham’s investigation which is still ongoing.”

Why would they drop ANY charges. The first rule of “getting” someone is to tie them up with as many charges as possible hoping to get at least one to stick. Is there some sort of time lime to make charges??? Not that I know of so why publicly drop them. It’s not like they are going to fool him into believing he is no longer a suspect by doing so.

It’s perfectly reasonable to question what appears to be questionable tactics.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

I think they want to get rid of the petty process crimes that people like Flynn were charged with so they don’t want to legitimize them by charging the enemy with them.

They also want to avoid being accused of “persecuting Trump’s political enemies” with petty stuff so that can’t be said when they bring the treason charges etc.

Gone Fishin'
Gone Fishin'
Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

Governments. Chief-ed by the double tongues.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

Lighten up, Francisco. Take your black pill whining somewhere else.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Chad Bigly
5 years ago

Who made you King? Who are you to tell anyone to go or stay or do anything? That you can find no reason to question unreasonable behavior shows you to be fairly thick and easy to lead about like a dog on a rope. Are you a dog on a rope? Or a sheep lead about by a goat going to…

I suppose on 9-11 when they immediately announced that some guy in cave blew up those, excuse me, crashed planes into those buildings it gave you a great sigh of relief. I bet you set back in your chair and repeated over and over, guy in cave, guy in cave, with great relief to your sputtering conflicted mind.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Wow, you got all of that from one little sentence? Truly amazing! Why are you wasting your prodigious talent on this little old blog when there are so many problems you could be solving at this very moment. Go! I beg you for the good of the city!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Chad Bigly
5 years ago

“…Wow, you got all of that from one little sentence?…”

Yes I did get that from one of your sentences. Why did you write it? What is your agenda for stifling any questioning of the government? Why does it affect you if people are suspicious? Why would you go out of your way to attack people for being suspicious of the US government? Why does it bother you so much you attack others? What problems did YOU SOLVE by attacking him for questioning blind obedience to the political system??????

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

Complaining about double standards for prosecution and a willingness to drop the ball is hardly being a,”whiny little bitch”. It’s merely stating the facts. It’s difficult to reconcile the people supposedly saving us as being the same who do such things. Maybe there is some sugar coated, cream filled plan but it’s damn hard to disconcern with facts on the ground.

Every day I become more convinced that the Jews did the corona virus to China. No I can’t prove this. I bet in the upper reaches of the intelligence system I’m not the only one that thinks this. They were involved heavily in the lab and knew what viruses were being worked on. That this virus has an affinity for Asian genotype makes it even more so. It’s very difficult to reconcile this affinity for attacking Asians by type with the Asians being the ones accidentally releasing the virus. Someone knows something about this. Likely they know more than they are letting on. The quick arrest of the Harvard scientist involved with the Chinese lab is telling. There was a tweet that asked why Japan would allow US citizens to be evacuated from the cruise ship but not Jews. Hmmm…maybe they know something.

The people that stand to gain the most from the complete destruction of China are the Jews. They, according to their own documents, appeared to be planning to move to China after they destroyed the US but…the Chinese are not having it. They are a foe that has stopped the Jews in their tracks. The Jews parasitical niche is really confined to amiable Whites countries where we care about all peoples rights no matter their lineage. The Chinese could care less and see the Jews as just another grasping force they could do without.

5 years ago

>”Pro-Family Hungarian leader Orbán praises ‘Catholic approach’ for helping country flourish. Argue all you want about God, but there is no arguing whether the Bible is the ultimate owner’s manual for mankind.”

Preach it brother.
Speaking of which, as of my latest self-improvement decision, I am putting the perma-nofap Biblical advice into practice, and it’s breddy gud. Curiously, Krausers posts about it make it much easier to deal with the initial difficulty in staying, he goes into the cortisol -> dopamine cycle thingy in a quite well explained manner (as always, that lad has quite the analytical mind (and approved with loicense)).

5 years ago

“Some special kind of hell must await those who victimize children.”

They would be better off having millstones tied to their necks and then being drowned in the sea.

5 years ago

I have a request frens, please read this 600 word document, and please pitch in things I might be missing (for example: more motivators/factors, suggestions for more case studies, etc):

This is a document which focuses on the psychological analysis of the local level Cabal operators (the main manpower behind the Cabal surveillance/gangstalking network), and the purpose of it is to serve as the basis for the design for tools to turn those Cabal assets against the cabal using Truth and Reason (not all Cabal operators will be susceptible to those, but a certain percentage most certainly will).

Thanks in advance frens.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

It looks pretty good as far as it goes.

The only way to counter the cabal is exposure, we generally can’t compete with their resources from any other angle.
And even then a large amount of their minions will either refuse to believe because they can’t accept what they were helping or choose to embrace it.

Q seems to be focused on exposure.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It does not concern me if the percentage of people who choose to see the verifiable proof is small, I found out that the best way to fuck over intel operations is to dissect them in a as detailed way as possible (AC’s comment on how when something secret gets exposed transforms from an intel operation to a political operation was what made the importance of the dissection really cement in my mind).

Because that gets the gears turning in other people’s heads in ways they might not turn if they don’t get exposed to a way of thinking as detailed as that, it’s kind of like the butterfly effect in a way, a small almost meaningless idea you plant on someone’s mind today may have HUGE implications in the future, you never know when the ideas that expose a particular aspect of the Cabal are going to reach an influencer who can make it viral at a moments notice.

I have been fighting the good fight of information warfare for some years now, in a very high intensity way, always with the eyes on the prize of mainstreaming the information (it started with pizzagate and antifa/communism being a modern threat, but since I started I learned about so much more) I deemed important, and I saw the awareness about the issue of the JQ take off into numbers almost nobody though possible, almost nobody believed it would be possible for the reach and destruction of the conditioning to have reached the levels it has reached today, as fast as it did (I always did, and in a way, I didn’t care about the end result, I focused on the process, something I learned to do when learning game). And now that trend will only accelerate. Now I think that it’s time to use the same approach and all the lessons from that particular battle and apply that to the mainstreaming of the local level surveillance networks of the Cabal, because like Jewish collective power, it’s one of the main tools in the Cabal toolbox, and as such it must be exposed VERY aggressively and methodically (and most importantly, effectively).

This was one of the most important things I learned from a marketing anon on 4chan regarding the mainstreaming of hard to swallow truths:

Read any marketing book

-> Early Adopter fags > Connector fags -> Normie fags

Word of mouth is still the fastest way to spread any idea.

Now you’re going to have to repeat yourself so often and so loudly that a connector will eventually hear it and spread it.

What you are looking to do is create an ingroup of early adopters that a connector can visit and verify the qualities therein.”

So, we are the ingroup of early adopters. We have to repeat ourselves continuously, loudly and smartly (optics matter) using high quality fully sourced information so that when a connector comes across our message, he floods normie land with it after verifying it.

This is the foundation for what will happen, the next step is to make psychological profiles on all the potential types of audience so one can hit them with the information related to the issue they will respond to (basic example: when redpilling on the JQ, I would talk about the Jewish war against the 2A with Conservatives, and about Israeli anti-Black racism with the Liberals, it’s not just about presenting verifiable and sourced facts regarding the issue, the sequence one uses, and the specific information you use can be optimized, if you know your audience, and what each type of audience will respond too, and from there, you can evaluate the best generic play/script to present to an audience of which you don’t the exact composition of (you don’t know if it is made up of people who respond more to A or B)).

I have chosen to start analyzing the audience which collaborates with the Cabal networks (some knowingly, others unknowingly), but eventually, all types of possible audience that can be categorized will be so. The reason for this is because the Cabal uses SO MANY low level operatives, even if you can get 2% (a nice closing rate in sales) to see the truth for what it is and turn on the Cabal, the chain reactions from the sabotage can have a BIG IMPACT (and the sabotage doesn’t need some big thing, it might just be someone refusing to do bad shit and making an excuse to the network). At the end of the day, this is about removing as much power from the top of the pyramid as possible (the elite pedophile bankers), but fucking up their human resources networks (if cabal is a company, we’re going to go after their talent to get as many of them to quit working for them, not by force or coercion, but by using Truth and Reason, and appealing to their Humanity).


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“…The only way to counter the cabal is exposure…”

Very much agreed. The Jews have a huge weakness in that their loyalty, aside form Jews, is blackmail Well anyone blackmailed can be double blackmailed.

What you said later down about black pilling normal’ is why I incessantly go on about building 7 on 9-11 falling as if only air held it up, true, and I also find that the bank bail out where the banks got, we know for sure, $16 trillion dollars of low to no interest loans plus $800 billion in cash riles people up to no end. Later study of public documents put this at above $29 trillion dollars. Fuck a housing problem for that kind of money we could have given every family a house, a coupe of cars and free health care all with zero interest loans. No more housing problem, at all. Then to top it off tell them about the FED and how we give them a debt payment for every single damn penny we have and they give us…nothing. Holy fuck this drives people nuts. It sure does me.

5 years ago

Regarding the document I asked you to read and comment on, here are some notes that might spark some useful contributions to the discussion:


Cartels have witchcraft altars in the tunnels and houses (sources: ).

There is more than one ideology the Cabal uses to recruit ideological useful idiots and puppet masters: communism, and satanism are the most obvious.

Useful idiot satanist believes he is embodying the value of freedom, but the true ideological force behind satanism is inversion (perversion), and the cultural victory of satanism over a society results not in a world of freedom to pursue innocent harmless hedonism, but in a perverse society in which children are groomed to become sex toys and/or mutilate their own bodies via transgenderism (use the sources about all the demon fashion that transgenders use, including in the program for telling children stories).

Useful idiot communist believes he is embodying the value of equality, but the true ideological force behind communism is statism (total centralization of power in the governmental apparatus), and cultural victory of communism over a society results not in a world of equality.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
5 years ago

Satanist are losers. They believe that there is no way they can get what they want out of life unless…SATAN. What idiots. Satan lies.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

From what I have seen, Satan is quite the bastard (or the Jew) at the negotiation table, people who go along with it get something, but always end up paying tremendously for the “bargain”. Self-restrain, Christ, the narrow path, self-discipline, the pursuit of Virtue results truly in the greatest pleasure of all (and I am not talking about end results here, although that’s part of the reward too (if said rewards end up coming to fruition)).

I am in no way shape or form as self-disciplined, or as free from sin as I would like, but working towards it brings me the most joy I have ever experienced. And there is also a component of Stoicism that is liberating, which is the fact that nothing is guaranteed, a person might make all the right decisions and still get fucked over by bad luck, or just the highly Darwinistic nature of our World (as we see in the type of shit Cabal does to people, fucking up the life of random people for their own selfish reasons from a position of “might is right”). But at the same time, that’s what makes the whole thing (the experience of being alive) so spiritual in nature too, because if you’re never guaranteed any type of result (all you can do is adjust behavior in an effort to increase the odds of achieving whatever it is you’ve proposed yourself to achieve), then you need to develop a love for the process, you have to do it just to do it, and see the time you’re allowed to put into it as the reward itself, no matter what is it you’re trying to accomplish.

Hedonism is truly a trap, and the pursuit of pleasure for itself ends up carrying the risk of becoming a spiral towards self-numbing over-stimulation, which is self-sabotaging regarding the objective of hedonism itself, and destructive not only for the individual, but society as a whole. There is not better way to improve the taste of a meal than hunger.


5 years ago

“Death toll yesterday was screwed up by double counting in Hubei that was undone today, so no comparison there.”

Or so the CCP claims.

The real numbers are much worse according to what I have read.

5 years ago

“Buttigieg says he and same-sex husband hope to start a family and may have children in the White House. CIA is smarter than this. He has to be a placeholder for either Bloomberg or a brokered convention. Either that or Trump and Q have full control, and are steering the Democrat Party right into the ground. No way he advertises this and thinks he is going to win.”

A brokered convention which will nominate Hitlery and Klobuchar for VP.

Trump may want that outcome or he may just be prepared for it.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Prince Andrew’s on Bahamas visit to SECOND tycoon facing child sex claims – Duke and family stayed with Peter Nygard who is accused of raping teenagers and plying them with wine and drugs

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Look how good Peter Nygard looks for his age. What are these people taking???

5 years ago

Novel Coronavirus and Infertility [???]

5 years ago

I discovered that if you open the comment thread on a page, all of the tweets appear in good order as full images and the fonts change.

Re Bloomberg, it depends on how it’s stated of course, but he was / is correct to identify that the government push to have banks lend to the marginal and non-creditworthy and subsequent efforts to mix the crap with the good via securitization bundles thereby spreading toxic waste throughout all debt asset classes was a leading if not sole precipitating cause of the 2007-2008 financial crises or as the Aussies call it, the “GFC.” Any Klansman Kould Konfirm as could other unbiased observers.

5 years ago

Switzerland Stops 5g Rollout Over Health Concerns

5 years ago
5 years ago

Supreme Court overturns Michigan partisan gerrymandering ruling

5 years ago

Re: the link to the media showing kids adult genitalia. Firstly thanks for linking to the one with lady bits. But what I wanted to point out is the one showing male bits, on of the guys there has a tattoo that looks quite similar to one that was on the Pedo symbols list the FBI put out (pointed out on another social media platform)